
My favourite block in my code

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1.         #region For anyone willing to read this block, if you make it down here without autoscrolling, or scrolling with that faggot-ass scroll bar to the right...
  3.         /*
  4.             I love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed,
  5.             I love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head,
  6.             I wish I could keep you in a precious chinese box,
  7.             On Sunday's I would pray for you, so it would never stop.
  8.             I love to hear you laugh tonight, I love to hear you weep,
  9.             I love to listen to you, while you're screaming in your sleep,
  10.             I love to soothe you with my voice, and take your hand in mine,
  11.             I love to take you past the stars and out of reach of time.
  12.             I love to see inside your mind and tear it all apart,
  13.             To cut you open with a knife, and find your sacred heart,
  14.             I love to take your satin dolls and tear them all to shreds,
  15.             I love to mess your pretty hair, I love to see you dead.
  16.         */
  18.         #endregion
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