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life of a support

a guest
Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. Narminion joined the room.
  2. slammajamma123 joined the room.
  3. Maltrius joined the room.
  4. The Relentless joined the room.
  5. progeria model joined the room.
  6. GotLaid joined the room.
  7. flipity joined the room.
  8. Congratulations! You achieved Mastery Level 4 - Enforcer with Blitzcrank!
  9. Lux42 joined the room.
  10. iTryptic joined the room.
  11. progeria model left the room.
  12. slammajamma123: well
  13. flipity: youre level 4
  14. flipity: with blitz
  15. flipity: what
  16. GotLaid left the room.
  17. Lux42: sigh
  18. The Relentless left the room.
  19. slammajamma123: fk ranked
  20. Lux42: we destroyed you guys bot
  21. Lux42: and yet
  22. slammajamma123 left the room.
  23. Lux42: we lost
  24. flipity: thresh
  25. flipity: blitz was trolling
  26. flipity: what are you talking about
  27. Narminion: no hablo ingles
  28. Narminion: soy mexicano
  29. Maltrius left the room.
  30. Lux42: ?
  31. Lux42: we did destroy you guys bot
  32. flipity: no
  33. Lux42: so what if blitz was trolling
  34. flipity: nononono
  35. flipity: you cant say youre good
  36. flipity: its not a fair
  37. flipity: comparision
  38. iTryptic left the room.
  39. Lux42: ?
  40. flipity: if i played against someone in a wheelchait
  41. flipity: in basketball
  42. Lux42: i don't think he was trolling fo the first part
  43. flipity: and complained that the rest of my team did bad
  44. Lux42: he only started trolling
  45. flipity: cause i wrecked the guy in the wheel chair
  46. Lux42: after you raged at him
  47. Lux42: like you trying to defend the fact that you lost bot
  48. flipity: it was a 2v1
  49. Lux42: idk man
  50. flipity: dude
  51. flipity: think about it
  52. Narminion: exactly what happened
  53. Narminion: thanks thresh
  54. Narminion: even if he doesnt understand
  55. Narminion: toxic doesnt equal good
  56. flipity: blitz was intentionally doing anything he could
  57. flipity: to make me mad
  58. Lux42: so why get mad at him in the first place
  59. Lux42: just mute and play
  60. Lux42: ?
  61. flipity: thats not you wrecking lane
  62. flipity: thats you exploiting someone feeding
  63. Lux42: dude i hooked you 3-4 times
  64. Lux42: wtf u talking about lol
  65. flipity: you hooked me once
  66. flipity: one time
  67. Lux42: i was exploiting blitz feeding
  68. flipity: literally
  69. Lux42: LOL
  70. flipity: i was hooked once
  71. flipity: one time killed by rammus
  72. flipity: one time killed by ekko
  73. flipity: one time by jinx under tower
  74. Lux42: your never gonna get better at the game
  75. Lux42: if you don't believe that you made mistakes
  76. flipity: thresh
  77. flipity: please
  78. Lux42: lucian
  79. Lux42: please
  80. flipity: i slimbed from bronze 5
  81. flipity: to bronze 1
  82. flipity: in a week
  83. Narminion: thats not hard
  84. flipity: i finished gold 2 last season
  85. flipity: i dont need tips from you
  86. Lux42: lol
  87. flipity: everyone gets angry
  88. Narminion: i wish i could commend twice
  89. Lux42: flaming at ur teammates
  90. Lux42: is not gonna get you elo
  91. Lux42: you already have 5 enemies
  92. Lux42: why make one more?
  93. flipity: i dont care
  94. flipity: take this
  95. flipity: from my perspective
  96. flipity: i main adc
  97. flipity: i was put in bronze 5 for inactivity
  98. flipity: every game i get a support thats incompitent
  99. flipity: look at my match history
  100. flipity: every loss im either even or better, and i get supports who are new to the game
  101. flipity: those who have maybe 50 wins
  102. flipity: eventually you snap
  103. Lux42: i mean
  104. Lux42: sometimes you gotta just let go
  105. flipity: im playing a role
  106. flipity: where im literally
  107. flipity: dependent
  108. flipity: on someone else
  109. flipity: and this is someone who didnt land a hook on jinx the entire game
  110. flipity: someone who flashed towards you under tower
  111. Lux42: i mean that was after you started raging at him in all chat
  112. flipity: i have maybe 300 games on blitzcrank
  113. flipity: do you know how tilting it is
  114. flipity: to see them miss pulls
  115. Lux42: well lemme say this
  116. flipity: that i could make with my feet
  117. Lux42: did it make u feel better
  118. Lux42: to rage at him?
  119. flipity: yes
  120. Lux42: ok
  121. flipity: have you ever raged at your team?
  122. Lux42: but did it make blitz play better?
  123. flipity: dont tell me you ever raged before
  124. Lux42: i'm not saying i haven't
  125. flipity: i rarely do
  126. Lux42: but i don't rage in chat
  127. flipity: youre right though, i shouldnt have raged
  128. Lux42: its ok man
  129. Lux42: it happens to everyone
  130. flipity: but you need to udnerstand why i raged
  131. flipity: its so fustrating
  132. Lux42: it is frustrating i agree
  133. Lux42: but its not great for the community
  134. Lux42: and for the poeple playing
  135. Lux42: if u or anyone else is toxic
  136. Lux42: makes the game less fun
  137. flipity: i had a shitty day, i come on league, and im relient on someone who is purposfully making me mad
  138. flipity: theres no human alive
  139. flipity: who wouldnt get angry
  140. Lux42: true true
  141. Lux42: but the thing is
  142. flipity: you dont need to tell me its bad to be toxic
  143. Lux42: you become a better person
  144. Lux42: by not getting mad
  145. Lux42: by just taking it in stride
  146. Lux42: so what if he misses hooks?
  147. Lux42: i'll just play and see what happens
  148. Lux42: i'm angry but i'm not gonna let his trolling get to me
  149. flipity: i actually didnt rage at first
  150. Lux42: i'll focus on my own game
  151. Lux42: i mean was blitz trolling
  152. flipity: at first i actually gave him a tip with no salt included when he was 0-2
  153. Lux42: when you weren't raging?
  154. flipity: yes!
  155. flipity: he was!
  156. Lux42: blitz ur still here right
  157. flipity: i didnt rage till we were 0-5 as a botlane
  158. Lux42: were u trolling
  159. Narminion: i beg to differ but whatever
  160. Narminion: let him believe what he wants
  161. flipity: he wasnt trolling at first
  162. flipity: he was just bad
  163. flipity: but he played horribly before i said anything
  164. flipity: whatever, im out
  165. Narminion: ill just add the fact i had 100+ ping most the game and my game froze a lot
  166. Lux42: alright man
  167. flipity left the room.
  168. Lux42: rip
  169. Lux42: hopefully he learned something
  170. Narminion: that was amazing lol
  171. Lux42: :P
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