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Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. #include <cstdlib>
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <iomanip>
  4. #include <cmath>
  6. using namespace std;
  8. //declare function prototypes
  9. void displayWelcomeMessage();
  10. void getInput(double *EmployeeID, double *hoursWorked, double *payRate, char *unionCode, char A, char B, char C, double *regularPay, double *overtimePay);
  11. double calculateGrossPay(double *grossPay, double regularPay, double overtimePay);
  12. void calculateFederalTax(double grossPay, double *federalTax, double *paidTax);
  13. void calculateUnionDues(char unionCode, double *unionDues);
  14. double calculateNetPay(double *netPay, double grossPay, double paidTax, double unionDues);
  15. void displayEmployeeInputInfo(double employeeID, double hoursWorked, double payRate, char unionCode);
  16. void displayEmployeeCalculationResults(double regularPay, double overtimePay, double grossPay, double federalTax, double unionDues, double netPay);
  17. void displayPayrollSummaryInfo(int numEmployees, double totalGrossPay, double highestGrossPayEmployeeID, double highestGrossPay, double lowestGrossPayEmployeeID, double lowestGrossPay, double averageGrossPay);
  18. void displaylowGrossID(double lowAverageID[], double grossPay[]);
  19. void displayTerminationMessage();
  21. //initialize the program
  22. int main()
  23. {
  24.            displayWelcomeMessage();
  25.            // local variable declarations
  26.            int numEmployees = 0; //number of employees processed
  27.            double totalGrossPay = 0; //total gross pay
  28.            double highestGrossPay = 0; //highest gross pay
  29.            double highestGrossPayEmployeeID = 0; //counter to identify employeeID with highest gross pay
  30.            double lowestGrossPay = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); //lowest gross pay
  31.            double lowestGrossPayEmployeeID = 0; //counter to identify employeeID with lowest gross pay
  32.            double averageGrossPay;//average gross pay is totalgrosspay / numemployees
  33.            double lowAverageID[4]; //Employees whose gross pay is less than average
  34.            double employeeID[5]; // employee's ID number
  35.            double hoursWorked[5]; // number of hours employee worked
  36.            double payRate[5]; // employee's pay rate
  37.            char unionCode[5]; // employee's one character union code
  38.            char A = 'A'; // unionCode A
  39.            char B = 'B'; //unionCode B
  40.            char C = 'C'; //unionCode C
  41.            double regularPay[5]; // if hoursWorked <=40 then regular pay = hoursWorked * payRate
  42.            double overtimePay[5]; // if hoursWorked >40 then over times pay = 1.5 * (hoursWorked - 40) * payRate
  43.            double grossPay[5]; // gross pay is hoursWorked times payRate
  44.            double federalTax[5]; // amount of tax employee pays based on grossPay
  45.            double paidTax[5]; // paidTax is grossPay - netPay
  46.            double unionDues[5]; // dues paid based on unionCode
  47.            double netPay[5]; // netPay is grossPay - (grossPay * federalTax)
  49.            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) // loop program 2 times
  50.            {
  51.            //functions
  52.            getInput(&employeeID[x], &hoursWorked[x], &payRate[x], &unionCode[x], A, B, C, &regularPay[x], &overtimePay[x]);
  53.            calculateGrossPay(&grossPay[x], regularPay[x], overtimePay[x]);
  54.            calculateFederalTax(grossPay[x], &federalTax[x], &paidTax[x]);
  55.            calculateUnionDues(unionCode[x], &unionDues[x]);
  56.            calculateNetPay(&netPay[x], grossPay[x], paidTax[x], unionDues[x]);
  57.            displayEmployeeInputInfo(employeeID[x], hoursWorked[x], payRate[x], unionCode[x]);
  58.            displayEmployeeCalculationResults(regularPay[x], overtimePay[x], grossPay[x], paidTax[x], unionDues[x], netPay[x]);
  60.            numEmployees++; //counter for number of employees to process
  61.            totalGrossPay += grossPay[x]; //counter for total gross pay
  62.            averageGrossPay = totalGrossPay / numEmployees;
  63.            //highest gross pay employee ID
  64.            if( grossPay[x] > highestGrossPay )
  65.                {
  66.                    highestGrossPay = grossPay[x];
  67.                    highestGrossPayEmployeeID = employeeID[x];
  68.                }
  69.            //lowest gross pay employee id    
  70.            if( grossPay[x] < lowestGrossPay )
  71.                {
  72.                    lowestGrossPay = grossPay[x];
  73.                    lowestGrossPayEmployeeID = employeeID[x];
  74.                }
  76.            }
  77.            //employees with lower than average gross pay
  78.            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++){    
  79.            if( grossPay[x] < averageGrossPay )
  80.                {
  81.                    lowAverageID[x] = employeeID[x];
  82.                }
  83.                }    
  84.            //display summary of results    
  85.            displayPayrollSummaryInfo(numEmployees, totalGrossPay, highestGrossPayEmployeeID, highestGrossPay, lowestGrossPayEmployeeID, lowestGrossPay, averageGrossPay);
  86.            //display employees with below average gross pay
  87.            displaylowGrossID(lowAverageID, grossPay);
  88.            //display termination message
  89.            displayTerminationMessage();
  91.            system("PAUSE");
  92.            return 0;
  93. }
  94.     //function definitions
  95.     // Welcome message
  96.     void displayWelcomeMessage()
  97.         {
  98.             std::cout << "My Payroll Calculator\n\n\n";
  99.         }
  100.     //get inputs from user    
  101.     void getInput(double *EmployeeID, double *hoursWorked, double *payRate, char *unionCode, char A, char B, char C, double *regularPay, double *overtimePay)
  102.         {
  103.             std::cout << "EmployeeID: "; //request user input for EmployeeID    
  104.             std::cin >> *EmployeeID;   // read input from user into employeeID
  105.             std::cout << "Hours worked: "; // request user input for hoursWorked
  106.             std::cin >> *hoursWorked; // read input from user into hoursWorked
  107.             while (*hoursWorked <0 || *hoursWorked > 60) // only allow input from 0-60
  108.                 {
  109.                     std::cout << "Error! You must enter a value between 0 and 60\n";
  110.                     std::cout << "Hours worked: ";
  111.                     std::cin >> *hoursWorked;
  112.                 }
  113.             std::cout << "Pay rate: "; // request user input for payRate
  114.             std::cin >> *payRate; // read input from user into payrate
  115.             while (*payRate <7.50 || *payRate > 45.00) //only allow input from 7.50 - 45.00
  116.                 {
  117.                     std::cout << "Error! You must enter a value between 7.50 and 45.00\n";
  118.                     std::cout << "Pay rate: ";
  119.                     std::cin >> *payRate;
  120.                 }
  121.             std::cout << "Union code A, B, or C? "; // request user input for unionCode
  122.             std::cin >> *unionCode; // read input from user into unionCode
  123.             while (*unionCode !=A && *unionCode !=B && *unionCode !=C) //only allow input A, B, or C
  124.                 {
  125.                     std::cout << "Error! Your code must be A, B, or C\n";
  126.                     std::cout << "Union code: ";
  127.                     std::cin >> *unionCode;
  128.                 }
  129.             *regularPay = *hoursWorked * *payRate; // calculate regularPay
  130.             *overtimePay = 1.5 * ( *hoursWorked - 40 ) * *payRate; // calculate overtimePay
  131.             if ( *hoursWorked <= 40) *overtimePay = 0;//determine if there is overtime pay or not
  132.             if ( *hoursWorked > 40) *regularPay = *payRate * 40;
  133.         }
  134.     // calculate grossPay
  135.     double calculateGrossPay(double *grossPay, double regularPay, double overtimePay)
  136.         {
  137.             *grossPay = regularPay + overtimePay;                        
  138.             return *grossPay;
  139.         }
  140.     // calculate paidTax
  141.     void calculateFederalTax(double grossPay, double *federalTax, double *paidTax)
  142.         {
  143.             if ( grossPay > 2000 ) *federalTax = .25; // determine federal tax rate
  144.             else if ( grossPay >= 1000 ) *federalTax = .15;
  145.             else *federalTax = .1;
  146.             *paidTax = grossPay * *federalTax;
  147.         }
  148.         // calculate unionDues
  149.     void calculateUnionDues(char unionCode, double *unionDues)
  150.         {
  151.             switch (unionCode)
  152.                 {
  153.                     case 'A': *unionDues = 25;
  154.                     break;
  155.                     case 'B': *unionDues = 50;
  156.                     break;
  157.                     case 'C': *unionDues = 75;
  158.                     break;
  159.                 }
  160.         }
  161.     // calculate netPay
  162.     double calculateNetPay(double *netPay, double grossPay, double paidTax, double unionDues)
  163.         {
  164.             *netPay = grossPay - paidTax - unionDues;
  165.             return *netPay;
  166.         }
  167.     //display employee input info
  168.     void displayEmployeeInputInfo(double employeeID, double hoursWorked, double payRate, char unionCode)
  169.         {    
  170.             std::cout << "\nIdentification Number: " << employeeID; //display employeeID
  171.             std::cout << "\nHours Worked: " << hoursWorked; //display hoursWorked
  172.             std::cout << "\nPay Rate: " << payRate; //display payRate
  173.             std::cout << "\nUnion Code: " << unionCode; //display unionCode
  174.         }
  175.     //display employee calculation results
  176.     void displayEmployeeCalculationResults(double regularPay, double overtimePay, double grossPay, double federalTax, double unionDues, double netPay)
  177.         {
  178.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(2); //format output to 2 decimal places
  179.             std::cout << "\nRegular Pay: " << regularPay; //display regularPay
  180.             std::cout << "\nOvertime Pay: " << overtimePay; // display overtimePay
  181.             std::cout << "\nGross Pay: " << grossPay; // display grossPay
  182.             std::cout << "\nFederal Tax: " << federalTax; // display federalTax
  183.             std::cout << "\nUnion Dues: " << unionDues; // display unionDues
  184.             std::cout << "\nNet Pay: " << netPay; // display netPay
  185.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(0); //format output to 0 decimal places
  186.             std::cout << "\n\n";
  187.         }
  188.     //display payroll summary info
  189.     void displayPayrollSummaryInfo(int numEmployees, double totalGrossPay, double highestGrossPayEmployeeID, double highestGrossPay, double lowestGrossPayEmployeeID, double lowestGrossPay, double averageGrossPay)
  190.         {
  191.             std::cout << "\nEmployees Processed: " << numEmployees; //display number of employees processed
  192.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(2); //format output to 2 decimal places
  193.             std::cout << "\nTotal Gross Pay: " << totalGrossPay; //display total gross pay
  194.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(0); //format output to 0 decimal places
  195.             std::cout << "\nEmployee With Highest Gross Pay: " << highestGrossPayEmployeeID; //display ID of employee with highest gross pay
  196.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(2); //format output to 2 decimal places
  197.             std::cout << "\nHighest Gross Pay: " << highestGrossPay; //display highest gross pay
  198.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(0); //format output to 0 decimal places
  199.             std::cout << "\nEmployee With Lowest Gross Pay: " << lowestGrossPayEmployeeID; //display ID of employee with lowest gross pay
  200.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(2); //format output to 2 decimal places
  201.             std::cout << "\nLowest Gross Pay: " << lowestGrossPay; //display lowest gross pay
  202.             std::cout << "\nAverage Gross Pay: " << averageGrossPay; //display average gross pay
  203.             std::cout << fixed << setprecision(0);
  204.             std::cout << "\n";
  205.         }
  206.     //display employess with below average gross pay
  207.     void displaylowGrossID(double lowAverageID[], double grossPay[])
  208.         {
  209.             std::cout << "\nEmployees With Below Average Gross Pay:\n";                      
  210.             for (int x = 0; x < lowAverageID[x]; x++)
  211.                 {
  212.                     cout << lowAverageID[x] << "  --  $" << grossPay[x] << endl;                                      
  213.                 }
  214.         }      
  215.     //display termination message
  216.     void displayTerminationMessage()
  217.         {
  218.             std::cout << "\nBest payroll calculator in the whole world\n\n"; // Termination message
  219.         }
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