

Jun 3rd, 2014
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  1. >Of course, nothing lasts forever
  2. >And, about a week before the invasion will inevitably come, the largest party in history ends
  3. >All participants go back to their old nation, to gear themselves for the coming war
  4. >You and Chrysalis somehow find yourselves on a castle balcony
  5. >Laying on the hard marble
  6. >Staring at the stars
  7. >The alicorns surround you
  8. >You can't really remember how you got there
  9. >You're exhausted, and, to be honest, scared as fuck
  10. >You know that your army is sizable
  11. >But you had your doubts that it would be big enough
  12. >You hear Chrysalis speak behind you
  13. >"You know..."
  14. >You roll over to look at her
  15. >She keeps staring upwards
  16. >"I wish this could have happened earlier."
  17. "What, a giant orgy?"
  18. >"No. Just... This."
  19. >She gestures around herself
  20. >"Not fighting your nation. Not disguising myself. Just... Being still and peaceful."
  21. >You hear a rustling to your left
  22. >Celestia's voice is very sot
  23. >"Things could have been different."
  24. "Well."
  25. >You sit up
  26. "They still can be."
  27. >You notice both rulers' eyes drifting towards you
  28. "We're going to win this, and, after that, why should anything go back to how it was? I mean... Dragons and Changlings and Ponies and Griffons, together. It seems to work out well."
  29. >"I suppose, but the barriers of species are not easily broken. Your world, of course, wouldn't have that problem."
  30. >You snort
  31. "Not species, but believe me, we had problems."
  32. >"And what of your world, Anonymous?"
  33. >You glance at Luna, who's staring at the moon
  34. >"I never wanted to pry. Well, I did, but my sister told me not to."
  35. >She rolls her eyes
  36. >"Still, though, you never did mention what it was like. We have the basics, of course, but almost none of your history, or culture."
  37. >You shrug
  38. "We went through a lot of bad shit, I think. Lots of death and war, among ourselves. Hell, we became masters of it. We had bombs that could destroy entire cities"
  39. >"Would be nice to have those now."
  40. "Yeah. But, even with the death, there was good stuff."
  41. "Great stuff..."
  42. >You remember old friends
  43. >Old family
  44. >Things you used to enjoy
  45. >Strange, how quickly they had left your life
  46. "I miss it, sometimes."
  47. >"I'm sure you'd rather be there than here."
  48. "I can't decide. But I don't think so. I mean... You guys are here."
  49. >You shrug
  50. "Even if there is an invasion force about to try and destroy the world."
  51. >"Speaking of which"
  52. >Celestia rolls onto her stomach and stands up
  53. >You rise with her
  54. >"What is your invasion plan?"
  55. "Send the swarms at each other, while we take out the leaders."
  56. >"I guessed as much."
  57. "Yeah. Use magic, and some of my own special stuff against them."
  58. >"Special stuff?"
  59. "Yeah. I'm planning on bringing a little taste of humanity's war capabilities here. I think I should be able to make what I want with magic."
  60. >Okay, so what you wanted really wasn't the most elegant weapon
  61. >Or iconic
  62. >Or, in most cases, the most useful
  63. >But, when facing off against a giant swarm, accuracy didn't matter for fuck-all
  64. >You needed stopping power
  65. >So a nice enchanted twelve-gauge sounded ideal
  66. >That could come later, though
  67. "Look. I'm tired as fuck. Do you have a place to sleep?"
  68. >"I share the fatigue. My own bed is rather large. I suppose it could fit the five of us."
  69. >Chrysalis looks, then lifts herself into a standing position
  70. >"You would-"
  71. >"I hatched so many of your Changelings I couldn't even count them. We're past the part where sleeping together is strange. Especially non-sexually."
  72. >She had a point
  73. >You all walk inside and pile down
  74. >Tomorrow was going to be full of drills
  75. >Battle plans
  76. >War meetings
  77. >But, for now, you could feel the warmth of your friends beside you
  78. >And you were so tired
  79. >Your eyes drift shut
  80. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  81. >"TRAITOR!"
  82. >You put a hand on the ground
  83. >Not that there's ground beneath you
  84. >No, this is a dream. Somehow, you instantly know that.
  85. >But it's more vivid, clear
  86. >Almost like being awake
  87. >"YOU BETRAY US!"
  88. >You jump upwards, landing on your feet with ease
  89. >Gravity doesn't exist here, after all
  90. >You survey the scene
  91. >Chrysalis is next to you
  92. >She's standing tall already, snarling
  93. >In front of her, there's a Changeling
  94. >A royal Changeling
  95. >His jaw is more square, and his voice is much deeper, so you can instantly tell he's male
  96. >He's a few steps in front of another group of royals, standing in semi-circle around you
  97. >All of whom look extremely angry
  98. >They vary slightly in height. Chrysalis is about average, but you're a few inches taller than the tallest of them
  99. >You instinctively realize what this is
  100. >You can't really put words to it, but it's not just a dream
  101. >It's important
  102. >Rare
  103. >Those aren't just dream images
  104. >They're the minds of the other royals
  105. >Brought together by the hivemind
  107. >He strikes her with a hoof
  108. >She doesn't flinch
  109. "Hey, buddy."
  110. >All the eyes in the room instantly lock on you
  111. >You can practically feel their green glow
  112. "You should lay off."
  113. >A female from the back speaks
  114. >She has a light British accent
  115. >It's almost funny, really
  116. >"He is here?"
  117. "I'm a king. I thought we established this."
  118. >Another voice
  119. >Male
  120. >Sounds almost Italian
  121. >"I did not know that Half-Breeds would be brought to a royal council."
  122. >So that's what it's called
  123. >"It doesn't matter."
  124. >The male in front of you snarls, turning back to Chrysalis
  125. >"He is the reason for this, after all. How many eggs did he fuck in you, whore?"
  126. "Oh, quite a few. Enough to kick your shitty-ass hive's ass several hundred thousand times over."
  127. >The king turns to you, still angry
  128. >He has his teeth clench and his lips upturned slightly
  129. >You suppose that was supposed to intimidate you
  130. "And, really, whore? I'm pretty sure that you fucked as many eggs as you could into your partner. Of course, the number your weak-ass sperm could make is orders of magnitude smaller than mine, but I'm sure you tried your hardest."
  131. "You have no idea what is going on, ape."
  132. "Humanling, not an ape. And I'm pretty sure that you're trying to intimate us into joining you."
  133. >"You shall join us."
  134. "Look, okay."
  135. >You step forward, just in front of him
  136. >He turns around to face you
  137. "This is all really fucking cute. You have the whole gang together. So I'm sure that you have some threats, right? Well, look. How about we save time and you just tell us what you're going to do. Because I know you didn't bring us here to try and harm us. I mean, if anything can be harmed at this little 'royal council', it'd be you guys. I mean, both me and Chrys are currently stuffed full of love, so taking you guys out wouldn't even be hard."
  138. >"No physical harm may come to members of the council. You guessed that much, ape."
  139. "Okay. So just threaten us and get it fucking over with."
  140. >"We shall drain them."
  141. >You raise an eyebrow
  142. "Who?"
  143. >"Them. All those you call friends shall have the life sucked out of them. Their souls will digest in our gullets. And you, too, half-breed. Chrysalis shall be forced to watch the proceedings."
  144. >You smirk
  145. >Draining was a magical act, as far as you were aware
  146. >So they had another thing coming
  147. "So then you drain her after making her watch, right?"
  148. >"We would, were it possible. But, alas, a Changeling royal cannot be drained. I suppose we shall have to just use her as a breeding slut until she dies."
  149. "Yeah, she already had all that shit figured out, asshole, and she decided to side with the Equestrians anyway. So why are you just holding this now?"
  150. >He takes a small step towards you, barring his teeth again
  151. >He's trying to scare you
  152. >But you have to look down to see him, so the effect is lost
  153. >"It is traditional to give the enemy a final warning before you destroy them."
  154. "Okay. So we got warned. How does that matter?"
  155. >"We are about to destroy you."
  156. >What does he...
  157. >You instantly realize what's happening
  158. >As your eyes widen, a smile forms on his face
  159. "Chrys! We have to wake up, NOW!"
  160. >You try to jerk yourself awake
  161. >You mostly just swing your head around like an idiot
  162. >It works, though, and your eyes fly open
  163. "Get up, get up!"
  164. >You shake Celestia rapidly next to you with a hand
  165. >Her eyes fly open
  166. >"Wha-"
  167. "Our timing was fucked! They're attacking now!"
  168. >"How do you-"
  169. "They just spent time distracting us in a dream! Get up! Get up!"
  170. >You jump out of bed
  171. >She quickly follows, her horn already lighting up
  172. >Within seconds, the sun is centered in the sky
  173. >"Sister? What do you-"
  174. >You wave Luna off
  175. "They're already on their fucking way! Mobilize everybody! We need this now!"
  176. >You hear Chrysalis touching down beside you, her wings buzzing softly
  177. >"I shall get the drones. You help defend the city."
  178. >Her horn lights up, and, with a flash of light, she's gone
  179. "Okay. Okay, shit!"
  180. >You set your wings to work, hovering off the ground
  181. >You fly high into the sky, trying to get a better view
  182. >You hear the beating of Alicorn wings behind you
  183. "Where..."
  184. >You can see windows opening throughout Canterlot, as confused ponies try to figure out why it's suddenly the middle of the day
  185. >You see guards already snapping into position
  186. >But, other than that, you can't see anything
  187. >No Changeling swarmcloud
  188. >No death or destruction
  189. >Just clear, sunny skies
  190. "If... If we were asleep, then..."
  191. >Holy shit
  192. >You're a fucking moron
  193. >You swoop down to where Celestia and Luna are
  194. "They're not ready yet. They will be, soon. They're no doubt moving into position now."
  195. >"How do you know this?"
  196. >You explain the dream
  197. "So I thought that they were about to get us, but... I mean, Jesus, what a fucking terrible surprise attack. Maybe he was actually doing it out of some misguided sense at honor."
  198. >Celestia shrugs
  199. >The motion looks funny in the air
  200. >"I suppose."
  201. "Still."
  202. >You turn, to face the horizon
  203. >"It won't be long."
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