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Feb 8th, 2016
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  2. Aldawolf: whoever suggested you needed to win low priority on reddit and every single person who upvoted it needs to be chemically castrated then sent on a pod to venus so they can die in the acidic atmosphere as their lungs melt
  3. goggledog: That guy's a national hero lmfao
  4. Aldawolf: like
  5. Aldawolf: if the game is 60+ minutes
  6. Aldawolf: it should count for both teams
  7. Aldawolf: at least
  8. goggledog: It's a punishment
  9. goggledog: It's supposed to be
  10. goggledog: People jsut afkd as np
  11. goggledog: Cliff jungle
  12. goggledog: Or would just go mid to feed
  13. Aldawolf: yeah but its raelly fucked up how those 60 minutes just went to waste
  14. goggledog: This is the play
  15. Aldawolf: 70 minutes
  16. Aldawolf: because my team couldn't group up and push
  17. Aldawolf: lmao
  18. goggledog: The point is
  19. goggledog: Don't get low prio
  20. goggledog: Sure you dcd
  21. goggledog: But you also abandoned one
  22. goggledog: On purpose
  23. Aldawolf: yeah for my mental wellness
  24. Aldawolf: i abandoned that one
  25. Aldawolf: i value that more over some stupid game
  26. goggledog: Just afk in base
  27. goggledog: And get xp
  28. goggledog: It's really not hard
  29. Aldawolf: I really dont want to even be in the same game as that guy is the thing
  30. goggledog: You know your connection isn't super stable
  31. Aldawolf: that's why I abandoned
  32. goggledog: You can't risk it
  33. Aldawolf: i didn't want to see or hear or do anything with the guy
  34. Aldawolf: muting him wasnt enough
  35. goggledog: Literally just alt tab
  36. Aldawolf: i shouldve just bought a shadow amulet
  37. goggledog: Jesus this is like middle school logic
  38. Aldawolf: shut up dude
  39. Aldawolf: don't say that shit
  40. Aldawolf: fuck off
  41. Aldawolf: i cant control what stresses me out or not you asshole
  42. goggledog: I mean
  43. goggledog: Mute guy
  44. goggledog: Alt tab
  45. goggledog: Don't call me an asshole cuz you're acting like a kid who's like UGH I CANT BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM
  46. Aldawolf: No
  47. Aldawolf: lsiten
  48. Aldawolf: its basically like this
  49. Aldawolf: if I have to do that
  50. Aldawolf: I constantly think
  51. Aldawolf: about what he might be saying
  52. Aldawolf: what he might think of me
  53. Aldawolf: like he's judging me
  54. goggledog: Literally alt tab
  55. Aldawolf: i can't control those fucking thoughts like that
  56. Aldawolf: don't say im acting like a kid cuz you don't understand that shit
  57. Aldawolf: i constantly think about the shit people say
  58. Aldawolf: and hit that bothers me
  59. goggledog: Yeah everyone does
  60. goggledog: But
  61. Aldawolf: being in the same game as someone who says that shit
  62. Aldawolf: makes it worse because i think about it more
  63. goggledog: You gotta calculate if half an hour of that
  64. goggledog: Is worse than 10 low prior games
  65. Aldawolf: so yeah shut hte fuck up about "LE MIDDLE SCHOOL LOGIC xD"
  66. Aldawolf: It's deeper than ug i cant be same room!!!!
  67. goggledog: Whatever
  68. goggledog: Stop bothering me if youre gonna bitch and call me an asshole every time I slightly disagree
  69. Aldawolf: its just the way you say shit
  70. Aldawolf: that i hate
  71. Aldawolf: not that you disagree
  72. Aldawolf: i have trouble thinking im mature enough to handle anything, i dont need to be called a fucking middle schooler to help those thoughts fester
  73. Aldawolf: i just have a lot of insecuruties right now so i just hate hearing that shit
  74. goggledog: So what
  75. goggledog: You want me to hugbox
  76. goggledog: And just
  77. goggledog: Give you a tapnon the back
  78. goggledog: Saying it's okay
  79. goggledog: I don't think that it's gonna help
  80. goggledog: Sometimes feeling like shit about yourself is good
  81. Aldawolf: you can just put things better
  82. goggledog: Because it pushes you
  83. goggledog: To fix those problems
  84. goggledog: If people keep acting like it's not problematic to not hurt you
  85. goggledog: It reinforces the behaviour
  86. goggledog: I've been doing schoolwork with a lazy incompetent sack of shit for 3 years now
  87. goggledog: Doing all of the work
  88. goggledog: Just for carpooling
  89. goggledog: Because its worth half the gas
  90. goggledog: Guess what I just suck it up
  91. Aldawolf: im not saying you cant criticize my behaviour i just want to be more tact about it
  92. goggledog: Last time I did
  93. goggledog: You said treann threw a hissy fit
  94. goggledog: I said that you were doing it
  95. goggledog: And you called me a fucking asshole
  96. goggledog: So I don't think tact is the problem
  97. goggledog: Because I was very fucking calm there
  98. goggledog: If that wasn't a case of just me disagreeing I don't know what is
  99. goggledog: You just go
  100. goggledog: Ugh can we not
  101. goggledog: I'm in a shitty mood
  102. goggledog: Instantly
  103. Aldawolf: if u havent gotten the idea it wa just the calling me a kid and a middles chooler comment
  104. Aldawolf: that really bothered me
  105. goggledog: Yeah then maybe
  106. goggledog: Work on not acting like one
  107. goggledog: If that affected you
  108. Aldawolf: fuck off
  109. goggledog: There must've been truth to it
  110. goggledog: You can call me a fat fuck all you want I don't care
  111. goggledog: I know I ain't fat
  112. goggledog is now Offline.
  113. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  114. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  115. goggledog is now Online.
  116. Aldawolf: all you've accomplished
  117. Aldawolf: is make me hate myself and you more
  118. Aldawolf: i hope you're happy asshole
  119. goggledog: Alright dude
  120. goggledog: Your fucking call
  121. goggledog: Have fun
  122. Aldawolf: why are you being a dick
  123. Aldawolf: like why
  124. Aldawolf: i feel awful enough as is
  125. Aldawolf: and you're just making it worse
  126. Aldawolf: you're not helping in anyway
  127. goggledog: Literally just stop fucking talking to me
  128. goggledog: If all you're gonna say is
  129. goggledog: Stop being a dick assholr
  130. goggledog: Like just
  131. goggledog: Fucking stop
  132. Aldawolf: yeah instead of looking at what you said you do no wrong
  133. Aldawolf: okay
  134. goggledog: I just wrote a full fucking paragraph and instead of saying anything constructive
  135. goggledog: You just fucking say
  136. Aldawolf: i blocked you
  137. goggledog: Youre an asshole
  138. goggledog: So yeha
  139. Aldawolf: so i didnt see it
  140. goggledog: Fucking niche
  141. goggledog: Nkce
  142. goggledog: Have fun being a middle schooler then
  143. goggledog: Bye
  144. goggledog: Talk to me when you grow up
  145. Aldawolf: why are you saying this
  146. goggledog is now Offline.
  147. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  148. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  149. Your state is set to Offline.
  150. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  151. Connected again and rejoined chat.
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