
Workshop 2013-08-07

Aug 7th, 2013
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  1. 1 fly: A man is flying in a plane.
  2. 2 leave: He is leaving the building.
  3. (He is exiting the building.)
  4. 3 enter: She is entering the building.
  5. (She's going into the building.)
  6. 4 march: The band is marching and playing.
  7. 5 get out: She's getting out of the taxi.
  8. 6 get in: He's getting in(to) the taxi.
  9. (A person is in a taxi.)
  10. 7 fall: He is falling down.
  11. 8 slip: He slipped on the banana peel.
  12. (You can trip on a stone.)
  13. 9 jog: He is jogging to be healthy.
  14. (He is going jogging / going running.)
  15. 10 cross: They are crossing the street.
  16. (He is walking his dog.)
  17. 11 run: He is running to catch the bus.
  18. 12 get on: He's getting on the bus.
  19. 13 walk: They are walking on the sidewalk.
  20. 14 get off: He's getting off the bus.
  21. 15 stand up: He is standing up from the bench
  22. (He's getting up.)
  23. 16 sit down: He is sitting down on the bench.
  24. 17 follow: Children are following the adult.
  25. 18 lead: The adult is leading the children.
  26. (She's leading them with a rope.)
  27. 19 go down: The vampire is going down the stairs.
  28. 20 go up: She is going up the stairs.
  29. (Go up/down the escalator.)
  30. (I take the elevator up to the school.)
  31. (I climb the ladder.)
  32. 21 crawl: The baby is crawling.
  33. 22 kneel: The father is kneeling.
  34. (kneel = sit on your knees)
  35. 23 squat: The boy is squatting and looking at the lizard.
  36. 24 jump: She is jumping rope.
  37. (She is using a jump rope.)
  38. 25 push: He is pushing a wagon.
  39. 26 ride: She is riding in the wagon.
  40. 27 pull: He is pulling the wagon.
  41. (drag = pull something with no wheels)
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