
One Thousand Year Wait

Oct 18th, 2015
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  1. >It has been a long time since you, Anonymous have seen your wife.
  2. >A long time of depression, drinking, and almost resorting to suicide to end the sorrow.
  3. >But, you have remained faithful to her in her absence.
  4. >Mares and even one stallion tried to court you over the years, and each one you declined.
  6. "It has been almost one thousand years," you say looking up at the night sky.
  7. >You stare at the shadow on the bright face of the newly raised moon.
  8. "Almost one thousand years being married to a myth."
  9. >Suddenly a voice from behind you makes itself known.
  10. >"But, you and I know she isn't just a myth<" says the voice, "and one day she will return to us."
  11. >You turn your head around to see the voice's owner.
  12. >The tall, white, and regal form of Princess Celestia enters your vision, but you can see her eyes are puffy and red.
  13. "Have you been crying Celestia," you ask as you turn around.
  14. >She just nods and lowers her hed.
  15. "And here I thought you," you say making your way over to her, "kept the hope up."
  16. >Pulling her into a comforting hug, you feel your once dry eyes start to tear up.
  18. >As the time passes you hear her start to sniffle as she pulls back.
  19. >She clears her throat before she speaks.
  20. >"Anon," she says quietly, "I want to ask you something."
  21. >Ohherewegoagain.png
  22. >She as asked for your forgiveness around this time every year.
  23. You shush her with a finger as you speak, "Celestia, you already know I forgave you. So please, you can only get better if you forgive yourself!"
  24. >She smiles for a second before she shakes her head.
  25. >"That isn't what I came to ask," she says at the questioning look you give her.
  26. >"I came to ask if you wouldn't mind going out to Ponyville in two days with Twilight and Spike. She is going out there to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration is set up
  27. accordingly, and I wanted you to go as well."
  28. >You can feel she has another reason behind asking you, and she could see it on your face.
  29. >But she smiles and begins the hug anew as you slowly begin to nod your head.
  30. "But," you say with caution entering your voice, "you are going to tell me the real reason why you sent me there when I get back. And it better not be another damn chase
  31. to get me out of Canterlot for the weekend!"
  32. >She shakes her head as she breaks the hug and starts to walk towards the door.
  33. >"Don't you worry Anon," she says looking back at you, "don't you worry."
  35. The next day---
  36. >Walking around the castle you try to find Twilight and Spike, but all morning you are not having any luck.
  37. >Until you remember that Twilight is the biggest book worm you had ever met, well next to Starswirl she isn't.
  38. "Well," you mumble to no one inparticular, "looks like I have to walk all the way to the library now. I hope she is actually there and not leaving early."
  39. >Picking up your pace, you begin a power walk to the other side of the castle to find the purple unicorn.
  40. >As you walk you hear ponies wispering about their suprise you have broken your nocturnal sleep cycle, you ignore them and continue on your "mission"
  41. >After ten minutes of walking and ignoring the staff you finally reach the library.
  42. >As you enter you see Spike just falling off of a ladder as the book in his hands is yanked away by a purple aura.
  43. >You instantly break into a run and dive to catch the small dragon before he hits the ground, but you came up a foot short.
  44. "Spike!" you say rather loud for in a library, "Are you alright, is anything broken?"
  45. >He slowly opens his eyes and you can see he is dazed.
  47. >"Huh, wh-" he starts then he realizes who is talking to him, "Prince Anonymous, when did you get here?"
  48. >"And more importantly," asks a female voce to your right, "why are you awake at this hour? You are usually asleep all day."
  49. >You turn to the voice to meet Twilight Sparkle, standing a few feet away giving you a puzzled look.
  50. "And why are you Twilight Sparkle, pulling young dragons from high places?"
  51. >She looks at the dragon in question as he gets to his feet.
  52. >"It is alright your highness," he says dusting himself off, "my scales keep me safe, so it is all good!"
  53. >You look at him as he gives you a thumbs up and a smile.
  54. >You shake your head, and noted you will have to read up on how dragons are able to resist falling off ladders.
  55. >Twilight goes back to reading the book Spike had pulled off the shelf as you pull over a chair next to a table.
  56. "Hey Spike," you call, motioning him over, "can you do me a favor?"
  57. >Yes, your Highness>"
  58. "Just call me Anon, I don't want formalities between friends."
  59. >He smiles and nods as you wait for Twilight to finish her book.
  61. >After time passed you fell asleep.
  62. >"Anon wake up" Spike says loudly as he shakes you, "Twilight wants to talk to you!"
  63. >You quickly open your eyes as you raise your head off the table to see Twilight looking at you.
  64. >"Well," she states holding up a letter, "I see you are coming with us to Ponyville. I still don't know why the Princess is having us go!
  65. She is completely brushing off the urgency of the situation!"
  66. >She began a rant that was directed at the not present Sun Princess.
  67. >"She is the one who can stop her from returning, and she is just ignoring the si-"
  68. "Twilight!" you say firmly, "what are you talking about? What is going on, and who is returning?"
  69. >She gives you a look of 'how do you not know' and she quickly blurts out what you were hoping she would.
  70. >"Nightmare Moon is returning tomorrow Anon," she shouts flailing her fore hooves in the air.
  71. >Your eyes widen at the realization of what she just said.
  72. 'Luna is coming back!' you shout in your mind 'my wife is coming home at long last!'
  74. >You politely excuse yourself from the group saying you will see them tomorrow and make your way to your and Luna's room.
  75. >The whole way there you could barely contain your smile.
  76. >Once the door closed, you let out a cheer andjumped in the air.
  78. >After a few more seconds of celebrating you hear a knock on the door.
  79. >Anon," comes Spike's voice, "is everything ok? I saw you tense up when Twilight mentioned Nightmare Moon, is something wrong?"
  80. >You open the door and look down at the little purple dragon.
  81. "Everything is fine," you say as a tear falls from your eye.
  82. >He looks confused and you tell him to go get Twilight, you are going to tell them something only Celestia and you knew.
  83. >While he went to get her, you went and got Celestia and filled her in on your plan.
  84. >"Anonymous," Celestia says after you finish speaking, "if you tell Twilight how you have been around for this long she will want to know how."
  85. "I planned on telling her the truth," you shoot off defensively, "I have known her and Spike for most of their lives. I trust her enough that she won't
  86. look for the scroll."
  87. >"I want you to promise me she won't go looking."
  88. "I pormise she won't."
  90. >As you make your way back up to your room you see Twilight and Spike waiting for you at the door.
  91. >Twilight gives you a puzzled look, while Spike looked anxious.
  92. >"Anon," Twilight said confusion evident in her voice, "what do you want to talk about?"
  93. >When you approach them, you push open the door and motion for them to enter.
  94. >As you look out the window you see the sun is starting to sink below the horizon.
  95. "This seems fitting," you say as you chuckled, "pull up a chair you two, I have a secret to tell you. But before I do, I want you to promise you won't tell
  96. anypony this."
  97. >They look at one another and nodded.
  98. >"We promise not to tell," they say in unison.
  99. >You nod and pull up a chair from the old desk Luna used to sit in and plan the stars for the night sky.
  100. "Do you two know how Equestria had two Princesses?"
  101. >"You are talking about Princess Luna right," asks Twilight, "She turned into Mightmare Moon, if the ledgend is believed."
  102. "Yes I am," you continue, "and one thousand years ago she was banished by the Elements of Harmony. But there is something the books don't tell you about before."
  104. >They both look at you with confusion plastered on their faces.
  105. >You see Twilight's righ eye twitch, the finding out that there is information she doesn't know is getting to her.
  106. "Now," you interrupt, "I want you to know that this is the truth and if you want to confirm it you can ask Celestia."
  107. >They nod again.
  108. "Five years before that," you begin as tears form in your eyes, "a strange creature appeared in Equestria. And the Lunar Princess took a liking to it, over the months
  109. after they deemed it not a threat."
  110. >"But the only th-" Twilight began to say but you cut her off.
  111. "But the liking tunred into somthing stronger, it tuned into a relationship that none could get between. And two and a half years after I arrived in Equestria Luna and I were married."
  112. Twilight and Spike's expressions changed from confused to disbelief, "It was only a small celebration that only a few attended. We had close friends there, like Starswirl the Bearded and one of your ancestors was there too."
  113. >You could see Twilight had a question ready to ask, and you motioned for her to ask.
  114. >"How could you be there," she asked quickly, "you told us that your kind live for only feventy to eighty years if they take care of themselves so you can't be over one thoousand years old!"
  115. "The way around that," you say smugly, "is to know a bery powerful unicorn who, will help keep love between a lonely human and an immortal Princess stay happy together for all of time. To this day I never regret asking him to cast that spell on me."
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