
Breakfast gets serious quickly

Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. 16:12 Eidolon "Are you doing it because you know I don't need food - out out of Spite Sting?"
  2. 16:12 Emit still rubbing head
  3. 16:13 Emit what you don't eat?
  4. 16:13 *** BURR-0 joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  5. 16:13 Sister-Sting "Nah, just dont like you"
  6. 16:13 *** Sequitura joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  7. 16:13 Sequitura (HOLY MOLY)
  8. 16:13 Eidolon "Well fuck you too asswipe"
  9. 16:13 Emit like you dont ever eat?
  10. 16:13 Eidolon "No"
  11. 16:13 Emit you dont get hungry?
  12. 16:13 Eidolon "No"
  14. 16:13 Emit or you are like a budda
  15. 16:13 Sister-Sting [shouldn't we like, have build up? or just continue?]
  16. 16:13 Eidolon "No"
  17. 16:13 Eidolon "I was the inspiration for Buddha"
  18. 16:14 Eidolon "Back when I gave a shit"
  19. 16:14 Emit I was there and i dont think thats true
  20. 16:14 Sister-Sting "Sure you were"
  21. 16:14 Eidolon Uh huh
  22. 16:14 Eidolon Eh I'm older than you anyway
  23. 16:14 Emit impressive indeed
  24. 16:14 Emit can you eat?
  25. 16:14 Eidolon I can but I won't
  26. 16:14 Emit well yeah because Burr-0 isn't making you foo
  27. 16:14 Emit d
  28. 16:14 Sequitura admires some of the finer things within SS' home.
  29. 16:15 Eidolon Emit you still don't get it do you?
  30. 16:15 Sister-Sting is confused why she woke up to find people in her home
  31. 16:15 Emit "no my head really hurts and there are several of you
  33. 16:15 Eidolon I would've been fine remaining who I originally was
  34. 16:16 Sister-Sting "You mean that Magician asshole?"
  35. 16:16 Eidolon Every time I change, My personality does as well
  36. 16:16 BURR-0 walks into the room holding a tray of bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, and various drinks
  37. 16:16 BURR-0 stops
  38. 16:16 Eidolon And fuck off Sting He didn't do anything to you
  39. 16:16 Emit best. robot. ever.
  40. 16:16 BURR-0 starts shaking
  41. 16:16 Emit thank you burr-o
  43. 16:16 Eidolon Random hated you
  44. 16:16 BURR-0 drops the tray
  45. 16:16 Emit grabs food quickly
  46. 16:16 Eidolon I Hate you
  47. 16:16 Eidolon But Magician never did
  48. 16:16 Sister-Sting "Bullshit"
  49. 16:17 BURR-0 quickly begins burrowing through the ground
  50. 16:17 Sister-Sting "Also, Burr-o NO"
  51. 16:17 Eidolon Believe what you fucking want
  52. 16:17 Emit um,... Sister-sting?
  53. 16:17 Sequitura slips away from the action to find out where there are some rooms.
  54. 16:17 Sister-Sting "GOD DAMN IT"
  55. 16:17 Emit your robot just went ape shit again
  56. 16:17 Eidolon Lord knows you're not old enough to have perspective
  57. 16:17 Emit is chewing on bacon.
  58. 16:17 Sister-Sting 'NOT NOW"
  59. 16:18 Sister-Sting grabs Burr-0s legs trying to stop him"
  60. 16:18 Eidolon picks up the Bot with Telekinesis
  61. 16:18 Eidolon holds him in place
  62. 16:18 Eidolon Look at me Sting
  63. 16:18 Eidolon And for once just listen
  64. 16:18 Emit if he says i am the captain now im done
  65. 16:18 BURR-0 pulls Sister-Sting underground with him
  66. 16:18 Eidolon What?
  67. 16:18 Emit laughs
  68. 16:18 Sister-Sting is too busy being pulled underground
  69. 16:18 Sequitura pops her head into SS' room. "..."
  70. 16:19 Sister-Sting "Burr-o stop!"
  71. 16:19 Emit "It's a move reference Eid, some captain gets taken over by pirates"
  72. 16:19 Eidolon Oh I see
  73. 16:19 Eidolon "You should help Sting
  74. 16:19 BURR-0 eventually climbs out of the ground, holding a diamond around the size of a melon
  75. 16:19 Emit "Cant i think i have a concussion"
  76. 16:19 Sister-Sting "..."
  77. 16:19 Eidolon "She may be a hateful bitch with no friends - but she's still a hero"
  78. 16:19 Sister-Sting "You did good Burr-o"
  79. 16:19 Sister-Sting is now richer
  80. 16:19 Emit "wow nice burr-o
  81. 16:20 Emit *yawn*
  82. 16:20 Sister-Sting pats Burr-0 on the head
  83. 16:20 Emit thinks its pretty small but isn't going to say anything
  84. 16:20 BURR-0 shuts down
  85. 16:20 Sister-Sting "Also, where that Halery Quinn girl g-oh shit."
  86. 16:20 BURR-0 drops the diamond
  87. 16:20 Sister-Sting grabs the diamond
  88. 16:20 Emit mind if i take a look and see what we are working with?
  89. 16:21 Eidolon leans against the wall watching them
  90. 16:21 Emit I can set you up with a diamond merchant
  91. 16:21 Sister-Sting "Sure, here"
  92. 16:21 Sister-Sting hands the diamond to Emit
  93. 16:21 Emit Guys been in the business for ever
  94. 16:21 Sequitura "Jeez, who the heck leaves all their clothes on the floor!"
  95. 16:21 Emit looks at the diamond and nods his head
  96. 16:21 Emit nice, you are indeed going to be very very rich
  97. 16:21 Emit hands it back
  98. 16:21 Eidolon "She's already rich"
  99. 16:22 Sister-Sting "Make that Richer"
  100. 16:22 Emit hands Sister-sting a card
  101. 16:22 Emit tell him i sent you
  102. 16:22 Sister-Sting "Nice, thanks Emit."
  103. 16:22 Sister-Sting "Also, who the fuck said you can be in my room!"
  104. 16:22 Sister-Sting walks off to Seauitura
  105. 16:23 Eidolon me looks at Emit
  106. 16:23 Eidolon "........"
  107. 16:23 Emit whisperes to eidolon
  108. 16:23 Emit I literally know nothing about diamonds
  109. 16:23 Eidolon "I hate to admit it, but I'm envious of you"
  110. 16:23 Eidolon "also I figured as much"
  111. 16:24 Emit pats Eidolon on the back
  112. 16:24 BURR-0 reboots and leans in close to join the discussion
  113. 16:24 Eidolon "Spent most of human existence trying to help people"
  114. 16:24 Eidolon "Never got fuck all for it - not even appreciation"
  115. 16:24 Emit "Comes with the business, sadly."
  116. 16:24 Eidolon "But you, you throw a shied around - and everbody loved you"
  117. 16:24 Emit there are people who appreciate it
  118. 16:24 Eidolon "Uh huh, sure"
  119. 16:24 Emit laughs
  120. 16:25 Emit well i do for one
  121. 16:25 Sister-Sting in the meanwhile, grabs Sequitura shoulder "What you think you doing?"
  122. 16:25 Eidolon "?"
  123. 16:25 BURR-0 This unit once killed a man
  124. 16:25 Eidolon is shocked
  125. 16:25 Emit you have not only personally helped each one of us more than once, but oyu have saved the world and universe to boot
  126. 16:25 Emit wait.. what?
  127. 16:25 Emit burr-o?
  128. 16:25 Eidolon "at the cost of my identity"
  129. 16:25 Sequitura "Just lookin' around, nice digs ya got here!"
  130. 16:26 Eidolon "Its the worst with Sting"
  131. 16:26 Eidolon "She thinks she had it bad"
  132. 16:26 Emit I don't begin to understand the length and span of your existance, but in my short time here I have gone through several identities and changed many times
  133. 16:26 Eidolon "If only she met the original me - before all of this"
  134. 16:26 Eidolon "She'd be begging me to be nicer"
  135. 16:26 Eidolon black flames are slowly pouring out of his eyes
  136. 16:26 Eidolon "Sorry"
  137. 16:26 Emit "It's all relative, my life is short compared to yours, and her's is a blip compared to even my own."
  138. 16:27 Sequitura (>Two old men try to understand a young woman's problems.)
  139. 16:27 Sister-Sting "Oh, well. Thanks, but next ask alright? Last time I had a woman here she was trying to steal from me."
  140. 16:27 Emit but our experiences cannot be measured in such terms
  141. 16:27 BURR-0 sprays a fire extinguisher in Eidolon's face
  142. 16:27 Eidolon "thank you"
  143. 16:27 Eidolon turns to Emit
  144. 16:27 Eidolon "Also, it's more of the fact that I have to be the better person - like you said"
  145. 16:27 Eidolon "It kills me sometimes - like now"
  146. 16:28 Sequitura "I can see why, flyin' castle and all, a place like this probably attracts criminals like a moth to a flame or somethin'."
  147. 16:28 Emit laughs at Burr-0
  148. 16:28 Eidolon "Great Power - Great Responsibility and that shit"
  149. 16:28 Emit indeed, the more power the more we must work to stay true to the path of good
  150. 16:28 Eidolon "Wonder what sorry person made that phrase up"
  151. 16:28 Emit I think his name was ben actualyl
  152. 16:28 Emit good guy
  153. 16:28 Eidolon "Ben eh?"
  154. 16:28 Eidolon "Nice"
  155. 16:28 Emit had a real book worm for a nephew though, kid was alright
  156. 16:28 Emit a bit quiet
  157. 16:29 Sister-Sting "Hehe, you're right about the moth part. Cmon, lets head back to the others, Eid is Probably talking shit about me"
  158. 16:29 Eidolon "Probably from being shit on his whole life"
  159. 16:29 Eidolon "But I assume he got over it"
  160. 16:29 Emit shurgs
  161. 16:29 Eidolon "Like you're trying to tell me to do now"
  162. 16:29 Emit they were good people, I can only assume so
  163. 16:29 Emit nods
  164. 16:29 Emit we must be better, its the only way the public can grow to trust us
  165. 16:29 Eidolon "Thanks"
  166. 16:30 Emit I stepped forth into the publics eye and I wouldn't change it for a moment, being able to act and help directly
  167. 16:30 Emit its rewarding
  168. 16:30 Emit not having to hide who i am
  169. 16:30 Emit and what I am
  170. 16:30 Eidolon Good for you
  171. 16:30 Eidolon What I am is something no one needs to ever know
  172. 16:30 Emit but you know it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for you
  173. 16:30 Eidolon Doubt it
  174. 16:30 Sequitura "Beat ya there!" Whipping around, Sequitura leaps from the floor, bounding off the walls like a goddam ricocheting bullet.
  175. 16:30 BURR-0 Unless someone was to clone you
  176. 16:30 Emit How many countless dangers have been simply deflected just knowign you exist?
  177. 16:31 Eidolon Too many to count
  178. 16:31 Eidolon Too many to remember
  179. 16:31 Emit not to mention the ones you actually stopped
  180. 16:31 Emit every person i help, is because you have helped it to be
  181. 16:31 Eidolon Again - Perspective
  182. 16:31 Sister-Sting "..Jesus, girl nimble." Sting follows her back to the living room
  183. 16:31 Eidolon I like it
  184. 16:31 Emit everyone person i save is a person you have as well
  185. 16:31 Eidolon I appreciate the thought
  186. 16:32 Emit none of us are doing this alone, just remember that, and if you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask
  187. 16:32 Eidolon I won't hesitate - thanks
  188. 16:32 Sequitura hangs from whatever's on the ceiling.
  189. 16:32 Eidolon You remind me a lot of Flam
  190. 16:32 BURR-0 This unit has been doing this alone
  191. 16:32 Eidolon Too Optimistic
  192. 16:32 Eidolon smirks
  193. 16:32 Emit "He's a great guy."
  194. 16:32 Eidolon "I know"
  195. 16:32 Eidolon Trust me
  196. 16:33 Emit he's the reason I am so involved with the paradigm, I know i can trust him
  197. 16:33 BURR-0 This unit entered a bank during a heist and punched 6 men into a safe
  198. 16:33 Eidolon Good to know
  199. 16:33 Emit wait what burr-o?
  200. 16:33 Emit the robbers i assume?
  201. 16:33 BURR-0 Calculations and tests prove that this can be done alone
  202. 16:33 Eidolon turns to the Robot
  203. 16:33 Eidolon "Well Then"
  204. 16:33 Eidolon me turns to Emit
  205. 16:33 Sister-Sting "Whats this bout robbing a bank?"
  206. 16:33 Eidolon Robots are cool
  207. 16:33 Eidolon "Ask your butler"
  208. 16:33 Emit this one is pretty interestting
  209. 16:34 Emit he's seen some stuff apparently,
  210. 16:34 Emit and fought off bank robbers?
  211. 16:34 Eidolon Apparently
  212. 16:34 Emit is that right Burr-0?
  213. 16:34 BURR-0 This unit saved the day
  214. 16:34 Eidolon holds out a hand to Sting
  215. 16:34 Eidolon "It pains me to say this - but good job"
  216. 16:35 Sequitura claps her hands at the sight of Eidolon doing that. "Wowie!"
  217. 16:35 Eidolon looks at Sequitura
  218. 16:35 Eidolon "Really?"
  219. 16:35 Emit pats Eidolon and Sister-Sting simultaneously on the shoulders
  220. 16:36 BURR-0 leans close to Emit
  221. 16:36 BURR-0 This unit does not understand what is going on
  222. 16:36 Eidolon "Don't get the wrong idea Sting - I still think you're a terrible role model (like me I suppose)
  223. 16:36 Eidolon "But you've helped people - that counts for something"
  224. 16:36 Emit leans in close and whispers
  225. 16:36 Emit "don't worry too much about it, im not sure most people would."
  226. 6:36 Emit but this is good
  227. 16:37 Eidolon "I can hear you Emit"
  228. 16:37 Sister-Sting "...Good job for what?"
  229. 16:37 Emit out loud, yeah i suck at whispering not going to lie
  230. 16:37 Eidolon "Helping People"
  231. 16:37 Eidolon "Despite what happened to you"
  232. 16:37 Sister-Sting "Oh"
  233. 16:37 *** scout1455850922 joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  234. 16:37 BURR-0 This unit detects heart rate and body temperature rising in both participants
  235. 16:37 Sister-Sting "Called being a hero, jackass"
  236. 16:37 scout1455850922 ciao a tutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  237. 16:37 *** scout1455850922 left #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  238. 16:37 Sequitura drops from the ceiling, does a twirl in the air, and promptly lands on BURR-O's shoulders with those great feet of hers.
  239. 16:37 Sequitura (CIAO~!)
  240. 16:37 Eidolon "You know what? I tried being nice"
  241. 16:38 Eidolon "good Job"
  242. 16:38 Eidolon "But you're getting better"
  243. 16:38 BURR-0 is unphased
  244. 16:38 Sister-Sting slaps his hand away
  245. 16:38 Sequitura (Don't know why that guy said bye everyone or something.)
  246. 16:38 Eidolon Smiles
  247. 16:38 Sister-Sting "I dont need you're approval to know I;ve done a good job."
  248. 16:38 Emit shrugs
  249. 16:38 Eidolon "Somebody's pissed"
  250. 16:38 Emit baby steps i suppose
  251. 16:39 Eidolon "What are ya gonna do, Stab me?"
  252. 16:39 Sequitura crouches whilst on BURR-0's shoulders. "Mm. Nice."
  253. 16:39 Sister-Sting "..."
  254. 16:39 Eidolon "Come on then do it"
  255. 16:39 Eidolon holds himself oepn
  256. 16:39 Emit hey um Sequitura... whats in that hat of yours... that hurt.
  257. 16:39 Sister-Sting looks at her ROBOT arms
  258. 16:39 Eidolon "Go right ahead"
  259. 16:39 Eidolon "Hit me with your best shot"
  260. 16:39 Sister-Sting "...You think you're so god damn funny"
  261. 16:39 Emit hold on now...
  262. 16:39 Eidolon "No I'm Serious"
  263. 16:39 Eidolon "Do it"
  264. 16:39 Emit dont hit him, and Eidolon stop that
  265. 16:39 Sequitura "Ooh, y'know, a handy-dandy 12 pound weight."
  266. 16:40 BURR-0 Can this unit also punch him?
  267. 16:40 Emit ya thats about what i thought... haha
  268. 16:40 Eidolon "Sure"
  269. 16:40 Emit no burr-0 no punching eidolon...
  270. 16:40 Sister-Sting "Punch a 'god' in the face? Only for him to laugh it off, embarrassing me, sure."
  271. 16:40 Emit he's not immune to pain...
  272. 16:40 Eidolon "I wont say anything"
  273. 16:40 Emit i think he wants you to play out your frustratiobns
  274. 16:40 Eidolon "and Yeah I'll feel it"
  275. 16:40 Sister-Sting "How about you continue doing that then"
  276. 16:40 Emit thre is a better way to do this...
  277. 16:41 Eidolon "No She likes violence"
  278. 16:41 Eidolon "I learned that a long time ago - it's who she is"
  279. 16:41 Sister-Sting grabs him "You dont know shit about me"
  280. 16:41 Emit um Sting?
  281. 16:41 Eidolon "Sure I don't"
  282. 16:41 Sister-Sting "Dont pretend to know what I'm like"
  283. 16:41 Eidolon "Uh huh"
  284. 16:41 Eidolon "Keep going"
  285. 16:41 BURR-0 This unit detects a high emotional responce
  286. 16:41 Emit the irony of this situation isn't apparent to anyone?
  287. 16:42 Eidolon "I've literally heard it all before"
  288. 16:42 Eidolon "So many times"
  289. 16:42 Emit pats Burr-0 on the back
  290. 16:42 Sister-Sting "This, this right here!"
  291. 16:42 Sister-Sting "This is why I don't like you"
  292. 16:42 Eidolon "I can't help it"
  293. 16:42 Sequitura "Don't get to focused on the thing in front of ya, buddy."
  294. 16:42 Sister-Sting "You think you're better then everyone, you know everything."
  295. 16:42 Eidolon "Especially since your so hell bent on apeparing likea badass"
  296. 16:42 Emit scratches his head
  297. 16:43 Sister-Sting "For the last time, stop acting like you know me"
  298. 16:43 Eidolon "Hit me"
  299. 16:43 Sister-Sting "No, then you'll win. Prove to all I'm nothing but a violence loving freak"
  300. 16:44 Eidolon "But you're not"
  301. 16:44 Emit sting.. let go of his shirt, lets just eat some breakfast
  302. 16:44 Eidolon "My point is that you're just frustrated"
  303. 16:44 Sister-Sting "No I'm not!"
  304. 16:44 Emit Eidolon you may be right but you are'nt helping
  305. 16:44 Eidolon "You've got an Albatross around your neck"/
  306. 16:44 Emit both of you take adeep breath
  307. 16:44 Emit we are on the same side!
  308. 16:44 Sister-Sting "You only see me like this because YOU push me to this state!"
  309. 16:44 Eidolon "A green eyed monster breathing down your neck"
  310. 16:44 Sister-Sting "You do nothing to help me, to calm me!"
  311. 16:45 Eidolon "So much pain and anger"
  312. 16:45 Emit Steps forcibly in between them
  313. 16:45 Emit fine if you want to fight
  314. 16:45 Sister-Sting "You make up shit in your mind you think is right!"
  315. 16:45 Emit then fight me
  316. 16:45 Emit I can die
  317. 16:45 Emit i can feel pain
  318. 16:45 Eidolon "Actually I don't"
  319. 16:45 Eidolon "I say it all from Experience"
  320. 16:45 Emit I know, neither of you do
  321. 16:45 Sister-Sting push Emit away "You've done nothing wrong Emit, stay out of this"
  322. 16:45 Eidolon "You're pain is real"
  323. 16:45 Sister-Sting "No, its not!"
  324. 16:45 Eidolon "But mine is worse"
  325. 16:45 Emit looks helplessly to Burr-0
  326. 16:46 Emit your turn
  327. 16:46 Sister-Sting "oh yeah, being a FUCKING GOD hurts"
  328. 16:46 Eidolon .me looks Sting dead in the eyes
  329. 16:46 Eidolon "Tell me Sting"
  330. 16:46 Eidolon "Do you have a Kid?"
  332. 16:46 Emit How about being a mortal and having the lifespan of a god... seeing everyone you have ever loved and know die and wither before you
  333. 16:46 Eidolon "Have you ever seen your child die right in front of you"
  334. 16:46 Emit yes
  335. 16:46 BURR-0 TITLE:
  336. VIEWS: 0
  337. FAVES: 0
  338. RATING: 0
  339. RATERS: 0
  340. UPLOADED:
  341. TITLE:
  342. VIEWS: 0
  343. FAVES: 0
  344. RATING: 0
  345. RATERS: 0
  346. UPLOADED:
  347. 16:46 Emit 3 times
  348. 16:46 Eidolon "And you somehow couldn't do anything about it?"
  349. 16:46 Eidolon "Emit has"
  350. 16:47 Eidolon "It's not fun"
  351. 16:47 Emit the point is we all have pain
  352. 16:47 Eidolon "It's not good"
  353. 16:47 Emit it does'nt mean mine is worse, than yours.
  354. 16:47 Eidolon "I'm trying to help you"
  355. 16:47 Sister-Sting "And yet he doesn't think hes higher then everyone, think they know a person better then they do!"
  356. 16:47 Emit its all relative
  357. 16:47 Eidolon "But all you want to do is destroy me"
  358. 16:47 Sister-Sting "Because all you do is ridicule me and push me to rage!"
  360. 16:48 Emit you two need to work this out, ima go get a soda.
  362. 16:48 Eidolon sits down
  363. 16:48 Emit i cant believe i just said that... ugh soda..
  364. 16:48 BURR-0 grabs Emit's ankle
  365. 16:48 Sequitura picks up BURR-0's hat.
  366. 16:48 Emit looks at Burr-0
  367. 16:48 Emit um burr-0?
  368. 16:48 Eidolon "You're right though Sting, I'm not perfect -despite what you think I see myself as"
  369. 16:48 BURR-0 hurls Emit and Eidolon
  370. 16:49 Emit WOOAAHHH!
  371. 16:49 Emit crashes into Eidolon
  372. 16:49 Emit ow...
  373. 16:49 Eidolon blinks as Emit lands on him
  374. 16:49 Eidolon "Ha"
  375. 16:49 Emit looks up a the unmoved Eidolon
  376. 16:49 Eidolon looks at Sting
  377. 16:49 Emit yeah figures...
  378. 16:49 Eidolon "But I've put other people before myself numerous times"
  379. 16:49 Emit rubbing his head
  380. 16:49 Emit hey burr-0 lets not do that again
  381. 16:49 Eidolon "The entirety of the Paradigm - A Global Hero Force"
  382. 16:49 Eidolon "Flam - My Descendant and my best trainee"
  383. 16:50 Sister-Sting "And you think I haven't?"
  384. 16:50 BURR-0 throws a right hook at Sister-Sting, sadly freezing up and jamming mid swing
  385. 16:50 Emit gasps
  386. 16:50 Eidolon "My huge rouges Gallery of People JUST AS STRONG AS ME"
  387. 16:50 Emit Burr-0.... lets go make breakfast
  388. 16:50 Eidolon "Live's not a walk in the park just because you're powerful"
  389. 16:50 Eidolon "I deal with "Bullies" as well"
  390. 16:50 Eidolon "Whether you believe me or not"
  391. 16:51 Sister-Sting "And yet you act like one to me?"
  392. 16:51 Sequitura puts BURR-0's hat on her own. "Little too country..."
  393. 16:51 Eidolon "It's called strees -It's unjustified"
  394. 16:51 Eidolon "I know"
  395. 16:51 BURR-0 powers down, his arms and legs retreat into his body
  396. 16:51 Eidolon "But that's what happens when a Billion year old person finally blows off some steam"
  397. 16:51 Sister-Sting "You push me, make fun of me. Then act you know my pain, or have greater pain"
  398. 16:52 Eidolon "You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time"
  399. 16:52 Eidolon "And Kaze is by far the worst person to ever deal with"
  400. 16:52 Sister-Sting "You've literally teleported to me!"
  401. 16:52 Eidolon "Eh"
  402. 16:52 Eidolon "You're a good person at heart"
  403. 16:52 Eidolon "I can see that"
  404. 16:52 Sister-Sting "No shit!"
  405. 16:52 Eidolon "And I'm sorry"
  406. 16:52 Sister-Sting "I'm a fucking hero"
  407. 16:52 Eidolon "Wow"
  408. 16:52 Sister-Sting "I help people everyday"
  409. 16:52 Emit backs away slowly
  410. 16:52 Eidolon "OK then"
  411. 16:53 Sister-Sting "I dont need someone like you telling me I'm good"
  412. 16:53 Eidolon "I get it"
  413. 16:53 Sister-Sting "NO, you dont!"
  414. 16:53 Eidolon sits back
  415. 16:53 Eidolon "Then Explain it to me in full detail"
  416. 16:53 Sequitura throws BURR-0's hat down on him and does a sterling backflip away!
  417. 16:54 Emit sees his watch alert going off and takes off running leaping from Sister-Sting's flying home.
  418. 16:56 Sequitura "Uh..."
  419. 16:56 Sister-Sting "I dont need some jackass telling me I'm a good person, everything I've got is from being a hero. The teeth, my arms, my fucking house! You think I'm an angry person, but I'm not. You come in and make me like that."
  420. 16:57 Eidolon raises his hand towards Sequitura in a "Don't" Motion
  421. 16:57 Eidolon "I didn't know I had that effect on you"
  422. 16:57 Sister-Sting "Bullshit!"
  423. 16:57 Eidolon "No Really"
  424. 16:58 Sister-Sting "Countless amount of times, you come from nowhere to make fun of me, anyone I know, what I do"
  425. 16:58 Sister-Sting "and you think its all fine and dandy?"
  426. 16:58 Eidolon remembers every single time with perfect clarity
  427. 16:58 Eidolon "Yeah I remember"
  428. 16:58 Eidolon "Jeez - is that how I'm like sometimes?"
  429. 16:58 Eidolon "I never was aware"
  430. 16:59 Sister-Sting "Again, Bullshit!"
  431. 16:59 Eidolon "So what do you what from me?"
  432. 16:59 Sister-Sting "I want you to leave. Leave me house, leave me alone."
  433. 16:59 Eidolon "Fair Enough"
  434. 16:59 Sister-Sting [my*]
  435. 17:00 Eidolon slowly gets up and flies away
  436. 17:00 Eidolon turns back really quickly to say
  437. 17:01 Eidolon "If we'll never be on good terms - I can at least leave you alone. I won't talk to you ever again - in fact, you don't register in my brain anymore"
  438. 17:01 Sister-Sting "Good, then leave"
  439. 17:01 Eidolon "All 5 of my traditional human senses are ignoring you - to me you don't exist anymore Sting."
  440. 17:01 Sister-Sting "I get it, go!"
  441. 17:02 Eidolon "Did I hear something?"
  442. 17:02 Eidolon flies away tugging his scarf
  443. 17:02 Sister-Sting hates him even more now
  444. 17:02 Sister-Sting "Jackass didn't here a single fucking thing I've said"
  445. 17:02 Eidolon teleports back
  446. 17:02 Eidolon Did you seriously believe that?
  447. 17:03 Eidolon I'm not even human My Senses aren't the same! I can't block you out even If I want to!
  448. 17:03 Eidolon "So you tell me know what do you WANT from me!"
  449. 17:03 Eidolon sits down staring her dead in the eyes
  450. 17:04 Sister-Sting "I already told you, Leave me alone and get out of my house!"
  451. 17:04 Eidolon "No TELL ME WHAT"S WRONG!"
  452. 17:04 Eidolon is generating flames
  454. 17:03 Sister-Sting "I already did! You think you know me, when you know shit! You make fun of me constantly and think I dont mind!"
  455. 17:03 Sister-Sting "You dont even listen!"
  456. 17:04 Eidolon "I'M SORRY"
  457. 17:04 Eidolon "I"M NOT PERFECT!"
  458. 17:04 Sister-Sting "Bullshit You're sorry!"
  459. 17:04 Eidolon "FUCK YOU I AM"
  460. 17:04 Eidolon "GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!"
  461. 17:04 Sister-Sting "You get it through yours!"
  462. 17:04 Eidolon has an unnatural cadence to his voice
  463. 17:05 Eidolon "You're so fucking stubborn"
  464. 17:05 Eidolon "I'm trying to make a change"
  465. 17:05 Eidolon "And your parroting the same contrived shit again and again!"
  466. 17:05 Sister-Sting "And you aren't!?"
  467. 17:05 Eidolon "I Am TRYING!"
  468. 17:05 Eidolon "For Fuck's Sake"
  469. 17:05 Sister-Sting "no you;re not!"
  470. 17:06 Eidolon "YES I AM"
  471. 17:06 Eidolon "I'm just not taking your shit anymore"
  472. 17:06 Eidolon "I AM TRYING"
  473. 17:06 Eidolon "I'm not leaving until you understand this"
  474. 17:07 Sister-Sting "Theres nothing to even understand. I dont like you cause you're a jackass who thinks he knows me"
  475. 17:07 Eidolon "then I'll get to actually know you"
  476. 17:07 Eidolon "Tell me everything"
  477. 17:07 Sister-Sting "No."
  478. 17:07 Eidolon "Why not I'm making an effort"
  479. 17:07 Eidolon "You just like your anger"
  480. 17:08 Sister-Sting "I only have this anger because of YOU"
  481. 17:08 Eidolon "And you think it gives you some control over the childhood you lost"
  482. 17:08 Eidolon "The lack of a mother and a father"
  483. 17:08 Sister-Sting "Oh don't even start"
  484. 17:09 Eidolon "I'm already there"
  485. 17:09 Eidolon "It's written all over your mind"
  486. 17:09 Eidolon "It's all you can think about at night"
  487. 17:09 Eidolon "Why Didn't anyone love me?"
  488. 17:09 Sister-Sting "So instead of asking, you're reading my mind"
  489. 17:09 Sister-Sting "Then read this"
  490. 17:09 Eidolon crosses his arms
  491. 17:09 Sister-Sting thinks about Eid body being tortured and killed over and over
  492. 17:09 Eidolon "I told you I'm not perfect"
  493. 17:09 Sequitura looks for an open port on BURR-0.
  494. 17:09 Eidolon "Ohh Edgy!"
  495. 17:10 Eidolon "I bet that helps with the emotional pain"
  496. 17:10 Eidolon "Of feeling like a freak"
  497. 17:10 Sister-Sting "And heres the ridicule and thinking you know me!"
  498. 17:10 Eidolon :Not being, but feeling like one"
  499. 17:10 Eidolon "You're torturing yourself"
  500. 17:10 Eidolon "Every single day"
  501. 17:11 Sister-Sting is unfazed about everything hes saying
  502. 17:11 Eidolon "And you don't even give a shit about anyone do you?"
  503. 17:11 Eidolon "Not even yourself"
  504. 17:11 Sister-Sting "Oh FUCK OFF"
  505. 17:11 Sequitura "Jeez-louise, you both need some therapy..."
  506. 17:11 Eidolon "Oh Please"
  507. 17:12 Sister-Sting "Flam, Lion, Burr-o, T-dude, Spark, Tink"
  508. 17:12 Eidolon "I dont need to read your mind or feelings t oknow that"
  509. 17:12 Eidolon "It's written all over your face"
  510. 17:12 Sister-Sting "You know whats written on yours?!"
  511. 17:12 Eidolon "Tell me"
  512. 17:14 Sister-Sting "You think giving presents to everyone will make them like you. That people don't care so you have to make them care. Making assumptions about people's past means you'll be right. Only you can beat the world ending monsters and villains, all 5 of you are the only ones that matter."
  513. 17:14 BURR-0 tumbles onto his side and rolls out the room
  514. 17:14 Eidolon "I do it because none of you else can"
  515. 17:14 Sister-Sting "Bullshit!"
  516. 17:14 Eidolon "and you're right about me being an arrogant prick"
  517. 17:15 Eidolon "It's who I am"
  518. 17:15 Eidolon "But I try to help people"
  519. 17:15 Eidolon "You're right when you say I could easily kill all of you"
  520. 17:15 Eidolon "But I don't"
  521. 17:15 Eidolon "Not out of care"
  522. 17:15 Eidolon "But because there's no point"
  523. 17:15 Eidolon "Who else would feed my ego?"
  524. 17:16 Sister-Sting "Well, I won't"
  525. 17:16 Sister-Sting "For the last time"
  526. 17:16 Sister-Sting "GET"
  527. 17:16 Sister-Sting "THE FUCK"
  528. 17:16 Sister-Sting "OUT"
  529. 17:16 Eidolon "You already have"
  530. 17:16 Eidolon "and no - I wont"
  531. 17:16 Eidolon sits back down
  532. 17:17 Eidolon "I guess I am a monster - wanna know a secret?"
  533. 17:17 *** BURR-0 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  534. 17:17 Sister-Sting grabs something out of her pocket, a letter
  535. 17:17 Eidolon quickly goes up to Sting and Whispers
  536. 17:17 Sister-Sting hands it to Sequitura
  537. 17:17 Eidolon "I was the first Monster that attacked this Universe"
  538. 17:17 Eidolon pulls back
  539. 17:17 Eidolon "and guess who stopped and saved me?"
  540. 17:18 Eidolon "Because it sure as hell wasn't you
  541. 17:18 Sister-Sting "No shit."
  542. 17:18 Emit (omg sting doesn't care about me...but Tdude(dont get me wrong i think we all love him(Thanks for your DNA serum Emit it was great())))
  543. 17:18 Eidolon "I'm naturally evil"
  544. 17:18 Sister-Sting "I wasn't alive back then dipshit"
  545. 17:18 Sequitura looks the letter over.
  546. 17:19 Eidolon "It takes everything I have not to choke the life out of you right now"
  547. 17:19 Eidolon "But I'm interested in you for some reason"
  548. 17:20 Eidolon "I don't know why. But I need to know what makes you tick"
  549. 17:20 Sequitura "Huh.."
  550. 17:20 Eidolon "You're like a broken clock that can't be ficed"
  551. 17:20 Eidolon "But you don't care"
  552. 17:20 Sister-Sting "Broken!? Not caring?!"
  553. 17:20 Sister-Sting "For the last time, stop assuming you know me!"
  554. 17:20 Eidolon "Or maybe that's just me"
  555. 17:20 Eidolon "Maybe I do this all because you amuse me"
  556. 17:21 Eidolon "Because someone like me TOTALLY can't care about you"
  557. 17:21 Eidolon rolls his eyes
  558. 17:22 Eidolon "I don't know why but I told you something that most people in human history never knew"
  559. 17:23 Sister-Sting "Neither do I, cause frankly I dont give a shit"
  560. 17:23 Eidolon "Good for you"
  561. 17:23 Eidolon "So why do you hate me again?"
  562. 17:23 Eidolon "I forgot, since you don't give a sit about anything?"
  563. 17:24 Sister-Sting "For the last time, stop assuming shit!"
  564. 17:24 Eidolon "Oh?"
  565. 17:24 Eidolon is acutally shocked
  566. 17:24 Sister-Sting "If I didn't give a shit, why in the FUCK would I become a hero!?"
  567. 17:24 Eidolon "Well then...."
  568. 17:24 Eidolon "For what it's worth I am sorry"
  569. 17:25 Eidolon "And I want you to help me"
  570. 17:25 Sister-Sting "...Have you even been listening to what I've been saying?!"
  571. 17:25 Eidolon "Uh I want YOU to help ME"
  572. 17:25 Eidolon "You are a hero rigfht?"
  573. 17:25 Sister-Sting "Why would I help You!? I hate you! I want you out of my fucking house!"
  574. 17:26 Eidolon had a very quiet voice
  575. 17:26 Eidolon "Because I need help"
  576. 17:26 Sister-Sting "Well..."
  577. 17:26 Sister-Sting "Go see a counselor!"
  578. 17:26 Eidolon "Sure. I'll also get out of your way"
  579. 17:27 Sister-Sting "Bout fucking time!"
  580. 17:27 Eidolon "Oh and at least try to curse less"
  581. 17:27 Sister-Sting "Fuck off!"
  582. 17:27 Eidolon "Nice talking to you to. And Thanks! : D
  583. 17:27 Eidolon teleports away
  584. 17:27 Sister-Sting "..."
  585. 17:28 Sister-Sting punches the wall. She hates Eidolon more then she ever has
  586. 17:29 Sister-Sting "...I'm really sorry about that Sequitura, the dickbag needed some ego stroking"
  587. 17:29 Sequitura "So... how can I get down from here?.. And it's alright."
  588. 17:30 Sister-Sting pats her on the back "Theres a ladder near the front door, I'll bring the house a bit lower"
  589. 17:30 Eidolon drops in and takes Sequitura's hand
  590. 17:30 Eidolon "Oh and for the record, you're a good person!"
  591. 17:30 Eidolon teleports them both out
  592. 17:31 Sister-Sting "..."
  593. 17:32 Sequitura is teleported!
  594. 17:34 Sister-Sting Contemplates suicide so she can finally be free of Eidolon
  595. 17:34 Eidolon comes back
  596. 17:34 Eidolon WHAT THE SHIT
  597. 17:34 Eidolon DONT THINK THAT!
  598. 17:34 Sister-Sting "dear god for the last FUCKING TIME GET OUT!"
  599. 17:35 *** Eidolon is now known as Randomize
  600. 17:35 Randomize "NAH FUCK THIS - HIT ME NOW"
  601. 17:35 Randomize as a human opens his arms
  602. 17:35 Randomize "NOW I CAN FEEL PAIN AND POSSIBLY DIE"
  603. 17:36 Sister-Sting "..Fine! This won't help shit!"
  604. 17:36 Randomize You think I don't wanna die sometimes?
  605. 17:36 Sister-Sting grabs the side of his head with both hands
  606. 17:36 Randomize Do you really think that?
  607. 17:36 Randomize I fucking hate myself!
  608. 17:36 Randomize Everybody hates me!
  609. 17:36 Sister-Sting "Unlike you, I dont make assumptions bout people!"
  610. 17:37 Randomize I try to help but I always make it worse!
  611. 17:37 Randomize Tow Universe Reboots!
  612. 17:37 Randomize My friends die left and right!
  613. 17:37 Sister-Sting "Because you don;t have any clue how to actually help!"
  614. 17:37 Randomize YOU THINK I DON'T WANNA FUCKING DIE
  615. 17:37 Randomize WELL FUCK YOU TO
  616. 17:37 Randomize I WANT TO DIE SOMETIMES!
  617. 17:38 Randomize falls on the floor
  618. 17:38 Randomize has teards of fire ice and electricity flowing from him
  619. 17:39 Sister-Sting "..."
  620. 17:39 Sister-Sting "Then die now."
  621. 17:39 Sister-Sting /me grabs his head, and unloads a shit tone of Bio Electricity onto him, clothes being burned, the floor being scared. The Robotic arms slowly breaking apart
  622. 17:39 Sister-Sting grabs his head, and unloads a shit tone of Bio Electricity onto him, clothes being burned, the floor being scared. The Robotic arms slowly breaking apart
  623. 17:40 Randomize falls to the ground, charred and burned
  624. 17:40 Sister-Sting "..."
  625. 17:40 Sister-Sting grabs his body
  626. 17:40 Sister-Sting tosses it out the window, off the flying house
  627. 17:40 Randomize lands on the ground - a bloody mess
  628. 7:41 Sister-Sting "*Sigh* Good to have that out."
  629. 17:41 Sister-Sting sits down and watches TV
  630. 17:41 Randomize notices some bystanders looking in horror - others call an ambulance
  631. 17:42 Randomize spends a few days in the hospital
  632. 17:42 Sequitura rested easy somewhere.
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