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Mar 12th, 2013
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  1. 17:24:16 < notk0> I am looking at the lambda_switch code and what does sw_consts and sw_blocks
  2. represent?
  3. 17:24:30 < notk0> sw_consts are the constructors and blocks the code to execute in case of a
  4. match?
  5. 17:24:31 < notk0> and lambda_switch =
  6. 17:24:31 < notk0> { sw_numconsts: int;
  7. 17:24:31 < notk0> sw_consts: (int * lambda) list;
  8. 17:24:31 < notk0> sw_numblocks: int;
  9. 17:24:32 < notk0> sw_blocks: (int * lambda) list;
  10. 17:24:34 < notk0> sw_failaction : lambda option}
  11. 18:16:13 -!- notk0 [~notk0@unaffiliated/notk0] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  12. 18:33:23 < def-lkb> notk0: lambda_switch makes the distinction between constant constructors
  13. (without arguments, like None) and constructors with arguments (like Some
  14. v)
  15. 18:34:58 < def-lkb> constant constructors are represented as integers, so I guess sw_consts is
  16. a list associating the code to execute to a particular integer value
  17. 18:37:09 < def-lkb> blocks are represented as pointers to a memory area with a tag and one or
  18. more words/values : sw_blocks works the same way except that there is one
  19. more indirection and the dispatch is done on the tag value
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