
12 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-03-04 1310 +nationalparksign

Mar 3rd, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-03-04 1310 +nationalparksign
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO3fK5aY2oM&lc=z125xhpxenahuxfbx04cczaovlfaungwxp40k
  3. https://pastebin.com/ndSN09yG
  4. __
  6. +nationalparksign __ If the "ISS" is real and manned - _and it may well be_ - then this kind of thing would indicate that "life in micro/zero-gravity" *isn't all that it's cracked up to be*. In fact - if we're permitted to see this spasm/convulsion *_then just imagine the physical symptoms we don't get to see_*.
  9. The interview itself seemed "odd". While it has happened in the past it isn't often we see an "astronaut" reading from the side as "Peggy Whitson" appeared to be doing. It could have been that she was too unwell to "attend" her planned "interview" and so her parts/responses were (pre-)recorded separately. You noted that possibility (among other things) in your Google Plus which can be found here: https://plus.google.com/108131621397475586556/posts/ZHoPzXP6duX
  12. It would seem that this is evidence that life in space is *awful*. It's an *unpleasant* environment for the human body - *there's nothing good or pleasant about it*. Perhaps no one is in a rush to Mars - or in a hurry to "return to the Moon" - because *no one actually wants to go*. _Perhaps being in a permanent micro/zero-gravity is like *torture*_.
  15. Why would anyone want to leave Earth anyway?! If the Earth is "dying" - as we're encouraged to believe - then why would you go to an *already dead* planet? Why would you go to an *even worse* planet? It makes no sense to go backwards like that.
  18. Perhaps that is why we hear "astronauts" constantly mention the following in an effort to combat that criticism: _"It's all about *journey* and *discovery* - you *never know* what will be found that *helps* the rest of humanity"_. But with all things considered how is that not a desperate *sales pitch* for a *lemon of an investment* _that can fool only children?_ (It can be easily argued that the chief purpose of the "ISS" is that of a *propaganda platform* which is used to impress desired and required beliefs upon children and excite their imagination.)
  21. __
  24. Back the convulsion you've pointed out. I've documented a few of these *"masked convulsions"* (where the "astronaut" also tries to "hide" it by immediately doing some other gesture - like a person who trips and then jogs a little to make it seem intentional) and the first time I did it helped to trigger a hostile falling out with poor little "Bz". I had pointed out in a presentation that the kind of convulsion we can observe *resembles* the kind of convulsion seen by a person holding his/her breath (underwater) for a long time.
  27. Of course - "Bz" took that and told everyone I was asserting as a fact about reality that the "ISS interviews" are filmed underwater. He then applied his stunted IQ to create a "straw man" by pointing out: *_"But Lesta - if they're underwater then how can we hear them speaking? You can't speak underwater - that's impossible!! You're Lesta the liar!!!"_*
  30. Clearly the dummy has never heard of *"motion capture"* where it has become trivial to place a person's head (or face) onto another person's body *from another video*. This is even more easily done when the target body is your own and not someone else's. For example - placing footage of your head/face speaking (in normal gravity) over footage of your body that has been filmed either underwater or from cleverly stitched together micro/zero-gravity flights [which may also cause "convulsions" in people if it's done all day long]. Even with cheap software and no artistic talent I can achieve this kind of effect.
  33. But that's not even the point. I was never asserting it was filmed underwater - I was pointing out that the spasm/convulsion *resembled that of someone who has held his/her breath for an extended period of time* which led to my conclusion that if the "ISS" is real and manned - _and it may well be_ - then it is an *awful* place to be (and if it's not real and manned then "motion capture" could be a technique used so that everything else remains in genuine micro/zero-gravity avoiding any "gravity mistakes").
  36. Now if the "ISS" is such an awful place to be - _as it seems to be_ - then why are "good and trusted people" routinely lying to children about how amazing and exciting it is? Why would "good and trusted people" want to encourage in children a yearning to leave a beautiful planet for an already dead one? What kind of people do that? But "Bz" doesn't have the capacity for such thoughts because in his *literal brain* he is stuck on the fact that people cannot speak underwater. Wouldn't it sound all garbled?! Therefore Lesta must be a liar!! *F_KCING RETARDS*.
  39. ______________________________________________________________
  40. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  42. Lesta Nediam's YouTube Channel:
  43. https://www.youtube.com/c/LestaNediamHQ
  45. Lesta Nediam's Google Plus:
  46. https://plus.google.com/+LestaNediamHQ
  48. Lesta Nediam's Twitter:
  49. https://twitter.com/LestaNediam
  51. Lesta Nediam's Public Comments:
  52. https://pastebin.com/u/Lesta
  54. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  55. What exists - exists to always exist.
  56. As it is written - so it is done.
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