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a guest
Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. {
  2. apps: [
  3. {
  4. id: "/elasticsearch",
  5. cmd: null,
  6. args: null,
  7. user: null,
  8. env: { },
  9. instances: 1,
  10. cpus: 4,
  11. mem: 4000,
  12. disk: 50000,
  13. executor: "",
  14. constraints: [
  15. [
  16. "node_name",
  17. "LIKE",
  18. "slave_01"
  19. ]
  20. ],
  21. uris: [ ],
  22. storeUrls: [ ],
  23. ports: [
  24. 9200
  25. ],
  26. requirePorts: false,
  27. backoffSeconds: 1,
  28. backoffFactor: 1.15,
  29. maxLaunchDelaySeconds: 3600,
  30. container: {
  31. type: "DOCKER",
  32. volumes: [
  33. {
  34. containerPath: "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data",
  35. hostPath: "/mnt/hdd/elasticsearch/data",
  36. mode: "RW"
  37. }
  38. ],
  39. docker: {
  40. image: "elasticsearch",
  41. network: "BRIDGE",
  42. portMappings: [
  43. {
  44. containerPort: 9200,
  45. hostPort: 9200,
  46. servicePort: 9200,
  47. protocol: "tcp"
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. privileged: true,
  51. parameters: [ ],
  52. forcePullImage: false
  53. }
  54. },
  55. healthChecks: [
  56. {
  57. protocol: "COMMAND",
  58. command: {
  59. value: "curl -f -X GET http://$HOST:$PORT/_cluster/health?pretty=true"
  60. },
  61. gracePeriodSeconds: 300,
  62. intervalSeconds: 60,
  63. timeoutSeconds: 20,
  64. maxConsecutiveFailures: 3,
  65. ignoreHttp1xx: false
  66. }
  67. ],
  68. dependencies: [ ],
  69. upgradeStrategy: {
  70. minimumHealthCapacity: 1,
  71. maximumOverCapacity: 1
  72. },
  73. labels: { },
  74. acceptedResourceRoles: null,
  75. ipAddress: null,
  76. version: "2016-01-27T16:17:00.343Z",
  77. versionInfo: {
  78. lastScalingAt: "2016-01-27T16:17:00.343Z",
  79. lastConfigChangeAt: "2016-01-27T16:15:23.235Z"
  80. },
  81. tasksStaged: 0,
  82. tasksRunning: 1,
  83. tasksHealthy: 0,
  84. tasksUnhealthy: 0,
  85. deployments: [ ]
  86. },
  87. {
  88. id: "/test",
  89. cmd: "echo "dame"",
  90. args: null,
  91. user: null,
  92. env: { },
  93. instances: 1,
  94. cpus: 0.1,
  95. mem: 16,
  96. disk: 0,
  97. executor: "",
  98. constraints: [ ],
  99. uris: [ ],
  100. storeUrls: [ ],
  101. ports: [
  102. 10000
  103. ],
  104. requirePorts: false,
  105. backoffSeconds: 1,
  106. backoffFactor: 1.15,
  107. maxLaunchDelaySeconds: 3600,
  108. container: null,
  109. healthChecks: [ ],
  110. dependencies: [ ],
  111. upgradeStrategy: {
  112. minimumHealthCapacity: 1,
  113. maximumOverCapacity: 1
  114. },
  115. labels: { },
  116. acceptedResourceRoles: null,
  117. ipAddress: null,
  118. version: "2016-01-28T07:57:35.433Z",
  119. versionInfo: {
  120. lastScalingAt: "2016-01-28T07:57:35.433Z",
  121. lastConfigChangeAt: "2016-01-28T07:57:35.433Z"
  122. },
  123. tasksStaged: 0,
  124. tasksRunning: 0,
  125. tasksHealthy: 0,
  126. tasksUnhealthy: 0,
  127. deployments: [
  128. {
  129. id: "115b4e61-91f6-4aa2-8753-edee4b2f879a"
  130. }
  131. ]
  132. }
  133. ]
  134. }
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