
(9) Gaynon's (near) fatal mistake

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. >So we just talked for a little while, and eventually he came right out and siad it.
  2. >"Would you, by chance, be interested in going out at all?
  3. "I guess so, I don't see why not."
  4. >What is wrong with me?
  5. >"I know this great club downtown, is that cool?"
  6. "Yeah, sounds great. How does 8:00 sound."
  7. >"Sounds great to me."
  8. "So you'll meet me there?"
  9. >"I actually don't have a car. I quit my job and just got kicked out, remember?
  10. "Oh"
  11. >I thought for a moment
  12. >Applejack's family has a couple of pickups.
  13. >I could probably manage to snag one
  14. "Well, I could pick you up if you want."
  15. >"Sounds great. I guess that it then."
  16. >He just smiled and walked away
  17. >Crap, what did I just do?
  18. >Well, 8:00 came around and I made my decision
  19. >Probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made, in fact
  20. >And I made a lot of bad decisions
  21. >Spiking the punch at the incoming freshman party with gin
  22. >Popping ecstacy at the town fair
  23. >Feeding my teacher laxatives for a prank
  24. >Well, you get the picture
  25. >I snagged a pair of keys of the key ring
  26. "Hey Granny Smith, I'm heading out, I got a couple errands to do!"
  27. >"Sure thing hon'. Get back safe!"
  28. >Those words kind of made my stomach turn
  29. >I'm betraying her trust
  30. >And Applejack's trust
  31. >And for what?
  32. >Still, I headed out
  33. >I picked up Bradley from his place, an apartment close to downtown.
  34. >We headed out to the club
  35. >It was just one of those generic, plastic clubs
  36. >Girls with 4 inch heals and 10 pounds of makeup. Guys looking like they blew $1000 on one outfit. All culminating in a building probably bursting at the seams with alcohol and drugs.
  37. >Now if it was me from a year ago, this would probably be just another weekend for me.
  38. >But things were supposed to be different now
  39. >I went in regardless.
  40. >I remember the first five minutes like it was written on my hand
  41. ---
  42. >Probably because that's one of the only things I rembered from that night
  43. >There was music playing, loud, thumping, electronic music.
  44. >After a few minutes of dancing, we went to the bar
  45. >I had more drinks then I've ever had in my life
  46. >After that, everything literally just cuts from my memory
  47. >One thing I do remember, is the second biggest screw up of my life
  48. >As we were driving back back home, I wrecked the pickup truck into a light pole
  49. >No one was hurt at all, except for a few cuts and bruises
  50. >But the problem was the truck was messed up. Bad
  51. >The front end on the right was smashed in, the light was broken, the front right wheel was completely bent
  52. >The cops came, and it eventually came out that it wasn't my vehicle
  53. >So the owners were contacted.
  54. >At 1 AM
  55. >And needless to say, things kind of decayed at that point
  56. >The car was taken to a garage, all the repairs had to be out of pocket
  57. >When I came home, all my belongings (the little I had left) were all thrown out in front of the house
  58. >I took the hint
  59. >I wasn't welcome back
  60. >I slept at a friend's house that night
  61. >When I woke up, I walked out onto his front porch, and cried
  62. >Not because I had lost my home, or my friends, but because I had betrayed Applejack's trust.
  63. >What time is it?
  64. >Oh crap, where is my phone?
  65. >At Sweet Apple Acres
  66. >Yep, that figures
  67. >I decided to swallow my pride (well, not really pride at this point, but I decided that I would risk getting beaten to death by the Apple Family.)
  68. >I knocked on the door
  69. >Applejack came to the door with my phone in her hand
  70. >She had tears in her eyes, wiping one of her eyes with her free hand
  71. >She tapped on the phone a little
  72. >"Who is this?"
  73. >She pulled up the call logs
  74. >5 missed calls
  75. >From Bradley
  76. >She then switched to the text messages and read one of them out loud
  77. >"Hey anon, had a great time last night, call me back so we can have some more fun."
  78. >She just gave me a look
  79. >Not an angry one, but one of sadness, confusion, and wonder
  80. ---
  81. >Wonder as to why I would do such a thing
  82. >She tossed my the phone and I caught it in my hands
  83. >She closed the front door
  84. >Now I had to go to work
  85. >I went back to my friends house and put on clean clothes
  86. >The entire time I worked, I didn't even look at Bradley
  87. >I'm sure he stole glances at me, but I just stared at my computer the whole time
  88. >At lunch I told him I wasn't interested in dating him
  89. >He was kinda dissapointed, but he took it well
  90. >When I got back to my friends house, I sat on the couch quietly
  91. >My phone suddenly buzzed
  92. >New text from Twilight
  93. >"We need to talk, meet us at the cafe"
  94. >Everyone was there
  95. >They all looked at me somberly
  96. >Except for Applejack
  97. >She did everything possible to avoid looking at me
  98. >Twilight was the first to speak
  99. >"Applejack told us everything."
  100. >"Now despite what you guys are going through..." Rarity continued
  101. >"We don't want this to affect our friendship." Fluttershy finished
  102. >"Is there any way you guys can work this out?" asked sunset shimmer
  103. >"I don't want anything to do with him" Applejack said suddenly
  104. >This surprised all of us
  105. >"Applejack, you have to be reasonable..." Twilight pleaded
  106. >"Nope, nothing."
  107. "Applejack, I'm sorry, please understand, I don't want to hurt you. I want to stay with you."
  108. >"How can you possibly even try to talk to me after what you've done? You've destroyed my family's property, you've cheated me, and you've lied to me. How can you possibly say that you haven't tried to hurt me."
  109. >I had nothing to say
  110. >"If y'all want to hang out with Anon, that's fine. Just don't expect me to be around."
  111. >They looked at Applejack, then at me.
  112. >"We don't want to have to choose between you and Anon" Pinkie Pie said rather sadly
  113. "Then I won't make you have to"
  114. >After that I got up and walked out the door, for what seemed like the last time
  115. >I went to work and inquired about the supervisor position in Mareami
  116. >"It's still open if you want it."
  117. "Yeah, it would be good for me to get away for a while."
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