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Jul 21st, 2012
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  1. <junh1024-XD> oi, did some quick tests with Adndroid Fraunhofer AAC
  2. <junh1024-XD> at 128kps , it definitely sounds better than nero
  3. <junh1024-XD> compared to qAAC, it just sounds different , or should be around the same quality
  4. <junh1024-XD> thenagain, i'm using quicktime 7.69, which is slightly older, and i know quicktime improved their AAC slightly in 7.7+
  5. <junh1024-XD> i couldn't get afterburner 1 or 0 to do anything different
  6. <junh1024-XD> about cutoffs, i can confirm the 'max of 17k cutoff' bug that someone on HA was talking about
  7. <junh1024-XD> at 128kps, nero does 17k, Fraun does 16k, qaac+qt7.69 does 17.5ish
  8. <junh1024-XD> would be intresting to see how the results would differ if the cutoffs were matched
  9. <junh1024-XD> Mainconcept reference encoder allows you to change the cutoff of AAC and it does work. it sounds great and +- matches qAAC quality, or better
  10. <junh1024-XD> it's a GUI application,
  11. <junh1024-XD> although it does offer batching/CLI, getting it to work is troublesome
  12. <junh1024-XD> this test was done on one pop song with many transients (rapid hihat hits) which i've been using to test audio encoders for a while
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