
Reactionary "They took our Jobs" debunked

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate_> Well....I think just heard my Dad actually supports an Anti-Immigration bill but I could be mistaken but I also heard him in the past that "Mexicans are taking American Jobs"
  2. <dorei> ah, like southpark, they took are jobs
  3. <Boilerplate_> "For Cheap slave labor" he also claims.
  4. <dorei>
  5. <GameOver> Title: Southpark - They Took Our Job! - YouTube (at
  6. <Boilerplate_> I heard about that Southpark skit but ironically though
  7. <Boilerplate_> my Dad hasn't seen that although he sometimes watches South Park
  8. <Boilerplate_> Another problem too, this was reinforced when my Cousin told a story or he claimed that he was layed off and he learned he was replaced by a Mexican as I remember hearing.
  9. <Boilerplate_> Of course that was years ago though
  10. <Boilerplate_> Although I wonder if there's any reponse to this though?
  11. <dorei> here, immigrant only do low level jobs, jobs that locals would never do, still a lot of complain that immigrants took their jobs
  12. <Boilerplate_> I also heard that 'illegal immigration' is falling actually
  13. * Astarte has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  14. <dorei> for me is rather simple, since capital can freely move around the globe, so should the workers
  15. <Boilerplate_> Of course as for Mexico's state though...well what's the reason why immigrants from there come to the United States actually
  16. <Boilerplate_> Since I heard something that Mexico is a "third world country" or something like that
  17. <dorei> a friend of mine lives there
  18. <dorei> she tells me that mexico is the most corrupt place she's ever been at
  19. <Boilerplate_> Well actually I remember my Mother actually went to Mexico and she said there's the only rich who live in behind walled fortresses and the dirt poor
  20. <Boilerplate_> or something like that
  21. <dorei> u can always bribe the cops for offences like smoking weed, etc
  22. <Tjis> jobs are not property. They can not be taken like your wallet. You have a job only as long as an employer is willing to pay you. If you wish to blame anyone for 'taking' 'your' job, it is the employer that should be blamed.
  23. <kilobug> fuzzyhorns: nuit *is* a troll who will just spit hatred out of ignorance towards anything "nerdy", be it computer science, science-fiction, maths, engineering, ... and who will draw pride from being utterly ignorant of he criticizes the most heinously
  24. <Tjis> ##marxism pet troll
  25. <fuzzyhorns> kilobug: they are not only a troll though
  26. <fuzzyhorns> nuit: is very smart about some things
  27. <kilobug> fuzzyhorns: like ?
  28. <Tjis> troll doesn't imply dumbness
  29. <fuzzyhorns> nuit: cultural theory, feminism, race, etc
  30. <Tjis> like not seeing math as an absolute mover of the cosmos
  31. <fuzzyhorns> kilobug: cultural theory, feminism, race, etc
  32. <Boilerplate_> "Jobs as Property" seems to be embedded into american pychology though as if it goes back to the "self made man" myth perhaps?
  33. <kilobug> fuzzyhorns: I don't remember seeing him speak about those topics, only spit hatred against everything "nerdy"; maybe he did while I wasn't paying attention and it's just bad luck
  34. <Tjis> it is the general pattern of reactionaryness.. Those workers that are more well-off lose their jobs, see the lower classes do the same job they did for less money, therefore blame these workers. This pattern has repeated itself throughout history, throughout all crafts and industries. It is due to a lack of class-consciousness.
  35. <nuit> kilobug: i do remember seeing you speak on those topics
  36. <nuit> sadly, much is left to be desired
  37. <Tjis> the real cause is the pressure on the working class to do the same labor for less and less so that profit can be maintained
  38. <dorei> since unemployment is rising, profit is impossible to maintain
  39. <Tjis> wheee crisis
  40. <Tjis> it is almost as if capitalism isn't really beneficial to us and we should try to replace it with something better
  41. <fuzzyhorns> Tjis: lol
  42. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: how are those two connected to you?
  43. <dorei> fuzzyhorns: the only way for the bourgeoisie to have profit is by exploiting workers, since unemployment is rising, this means that the bourgeoisie exploits fewer workers
  44. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: i dont think thats the only way for them to profit, since i dont think they entirely profit only from pure capitalism
  45. <dorei> when unemployment goes to high, there's no way for the bourgeoisie to reach the previous profits by overexploiting the workers
  46. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: profit has a diminishing tendancy regardless
  47. <dorei> so, is there another way for the bourgoisie to make profits other than exploiting the wokring classes?
  48. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: and when unemployment gets high enough wages go down and businesses reinvest in labor but at a lower cost
  49. <dorei> so, the improved profit margin (due to lower wages) should offset the unemployment
  50. <dorei> right?
  51. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: it could appear to do so
  52. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: i do agree ultimately it is about exploiting more workers
  53. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: but in leaner times one can exploit the current workforce more
  54. <Tjis> there's one more factor - all that stuff that is produced must also be bought back
  55. <Tjis> more people unemployed means less people are able to buy stuff
  56. <Tjis> more production, but less things being sold
  57. <fuzzyhorns> indeed
  58. <dorei> even with 0% unemployment all the stuff that is produced cant be bought back
  59. <dorei> not enough money available for that
  60. <Tjis> eh?
  61. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: hm? whats the basis for that?
  62. <dorei> fuzzyhorns: the profit
  63. <dorei> let me a find a way to phrase it
  64. <dorei> it's something like that: the total sum of wages is less that the total sum of all products' prices, because a product's price is wage + profit
  65. <fuzzyhorns> dorei: that makes more sense
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