
Oct 5th, 2017
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  1. command /chatcolor:
  2. permission: chat.color
  3. permission message: &cYou may not use this command!
  4. trigger:
  5. open chest with 6 rows named "&6ChatColor" to player
  6. wait 1 tick
  7. format slot 0 of player with wool:15 named "&0BLACK" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set black"]
  8. format slot 1 of player with wool:14 named "&4RED" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_red"]
  9. format slot 2 of player with wool:1 named "&6ORANGE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set gold"]
  10. format slot 3 of player with wool:11 named "&1BLUE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_blue"]
  11. format slot 4 of player with wool:13 named "&2GREEN" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_green"]
  12. format slot 5 of player with wool:10 named "&5PURPLE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_purple"]
  13. format slot 9 of player with wool:7 named "&8GRAY" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_gray"]
  14. format slot 11 of player with wool:4 named "&eYELLOW" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set yellow"]
  15. format slot 12 of player with wool:9 named "&3CYAN" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set dark_aqua"]
  16. format slot 13 of player with wool:5 named "&aLIGHT GREEN" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set green"]
  17. format slot 18 of player with wool:8 named "&7LIGHT GRAY" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set gray"]
  18. format slot 10 of player with red clay named "&cLIGHT RED" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set red"]
  19. format slot 27 of player with wool:0 named "&fWHITE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set white"]
  20. format slot 21 of player with wool:3 named "&bAQUA" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set aqua"]
  21. format slot 14 of player with wool:6 named "&dPINK" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set light_purple"]
  22. format slot 22 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  23. format slot 23 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  24. format slot 24 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  25. format slot 25 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  26. format slot 20 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  27. format slot 28 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  28. format slot 29 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  29. format slot 19 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  30. format slot 26 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  31. format slot 25 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  32. format slot 30 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  33. format slot 31 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  34. format slot 32 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  35. format slot 33 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  36. format slot 34 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  37. format slot 29 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  38. format slot 20 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  39. format slot 28 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  40. format slot 53 of player with redstone block named "&4CLOSE" to close
  41. format slot 7 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  42. format slot 8 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  43. format slot 6 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  44. format slot 15 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  45. format slot 16 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  46. format slot 17 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  47. format slot 37 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  48. format slot 36 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 43 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  50. format slot 44 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  51. format slot 46 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  52. format slot 47 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  53. format slot 48 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  54. format slot 49 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  55. format slot 50 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  56. format slot 51 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  57. format slot 52 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  58. format slot 35 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  59. format slot 45 of player with white glass named "" to be unstealable
  60. format slot 39 of player with orange carpet named "&6BOLD ORANGE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set bold gold"]
  61. format slot 40 of player with blue carpet named "&1BOLD BLUE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set bold dark_blue"]
  62. format slot 41 of player with light green carpet named "&aBOLD LIGHTGREEN" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set bold green"]
  63. format slot 38 of player with red carpet named "&4BOLD RED" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set bold dark_red"]
  64. format slot 42 of player with purple carpet named "&5BOLD PURPLE" to close then run [execute player command "ichat set bold dark_purple"]
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