
The Vastelunds, Dragons, sundry other stuff

Mar 7th, 2014
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  1. [3:03:21 AM] Sir Screwloose: oh my god what if the orphanage dragon is partly responsible for raising arrid
  2. [3:03:25 AM] Sir Screwloose: yes yes yes
  3. [3:28:41 AM] PurpleKoopa: aw, he might actually have a happy childhood that way
  4. [3:28:44 AM] Sir Screwloose: and dessy gets a dragon gramma
  5. [8:35:20 AM] Sir Screwloose: On 03/07/2014, at 3:30 AM, Purple Koopa wrote:
  6. > aw, he might actually have a happy childhood that way
  7. Hm, you're right, that is a problem.
  8. [9:12:09 AM] Nitro: Screw, maybe she lets him come and go, and I imagine he doesn't stay long because seriously what's he supposed to dO with all these weird tiny creatures that look vaguely like him
  9. [9:13:02 AM] Nitro: (also, if he's like three times the size of most people even as a kid, I wonder if she mistakes him for an adult at first)
  10. [9:28:53 AM] Sir Screwloose: there's also the problem of him potentially hurting the other children or destroying the building
  11. [9:34:27 AM] racwade: He tried that once. No dessert for a month. :(
  12. [11:34:06 AM] Sir Screwloose: [9:42:19 AM] racwade: He tried that once. No dessert for a month. :(
  14. <<< it's not about "trying" anything.
  15. [11:36:51 AM] Sir Screwloose: despite me calling it a berserker rage, its starts out more as a fear/adrenaline response
  16. [11:37:37 AM] Nitro: Poor kid. Can't even get scared without potentially accidentally killing something.
  17. [11:38:39 AM] Sir Screwloose: i want to say (though i don't know how accurate it is) that it's kind of like if a panic attach activaed the fight response instead of the flight response
  18. [11:39:40 AM] Sir Screwloose: though i don't plan to use that comparison much because it's probably stupidly inaccurate
  19. [11:39:59 AM] Nitro: Well, panic can result in responses as violent as they are fearful, depending on the person. Probably more like that, taken to its extreme.
  20. [11:40:37 AM] Sir Screwloose: mhm. and add in ridiculous strength, nigh-invulnerability, and immense heat
  21. [11:41:43 AM] Sir Screwloose: hoshit, mama drake would actually be able to handle the kid when he gets into that state
  22. [11:42:16 AM] Nitro: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It'd just be hard for her to have him around her other kids.
  23. [11:42:36 AM] Nitro: What if he's the /reason/ she started taking care of kids though
  24. [11:43:22 AM] Sir Screwloose: hmm
  25. [11:47:50 AM] Nitro: It might be easier than explaining exactly how she managed to raise him at the orphanage, or /not/ at the orphanage, despite all the practical or logistical issues those would cause. Though I think it's all pretty doable.
  26. [11:49:07 AM] Sir Screwloose: no, i get that but
  27. [11:51:52 AM] Sir Screwloose: i kind of liek the idea - which i just now realized i cribbed from mlp - that they get bigger and more powerful the larger their hoard is, combined with my own idea about /what/ they hoard determining a lot of their physical aspects
  28. [11:52:28 AM] Nitro: Ahhhh, that would make it rather hard.
  29. [11:52:32 AM] Sir Screwloose: so if he was the first one, how would
  30. [11:52:33 AM] Sir Screwloose: hm
  31. [11:53:14 AM] Nitro: I mean, every dragon has to start somewhere, but even so.
  32. [11:53:51 AM] Sir Screwloose: what if she started out as an egg hoarder? then sutff kept hatching and imprinting on her and one thing led to another
  33. [11:53:58 AM] Sir Screwloose: and then arrid comes along
  34. [11:54:19 AM] Nitro: (Mama Drake is surprisingly scary, but mostly because she will fucking tear you apart if you touch her babies)
  35. [11:55:17 AM] Sir Screwloose: ohh yeah i had another idea before, that farms would use small domesticated egg-hoarding dragons as incubators, then quickl yrealized that was dumb. still, maybe i can do somethign wit hthat
  36. [11:56:08 AM] Nitro: That'd work, yeah. Maybe she used the wasteland as her home because /she/ could survive there and keep an area secured for her hoard?
  37. [11:57:27 AM] Nitro: (the farmers only realize how bad of an idea this was when they lose a hand)
  38. [11:58:12 AM] Nitro: (...oh no the dragons would probably just be restrained and)
  39. [11:58:17 AM] Nitro: (oh no :'c )
  40. [12:01:31 PM] Sir Screwloose: (and because they also gain intelligence the bigger they/their hoard gets, it was nearly impossible to train them not to eat the chicks
  41. [12:02:53 PM] Nitro: I'm just thinking
  42. [12:03:13 PM] Nitro: They'd probably not be kept in the kindest of conditions
  43. [12:03:21 PM] Sir Screwloose: eventually the whole project was scrapped, but that still left the question of what to do with the incubator dragons they already had.
  44. [12:03:46 PM] Nitro: Is this going to lead to awful painful places
  45. [12:03:57 PM] Nitro: Do I need to get a box of tissues
  46. [12:04:38 PM] Sir Screwloose: luckily for the consciences of those involved, they'd never allowed the dragons a big enough egg hoard to ever achieve sapience, so it wasn't really murder, just disposing of dangerous animals.
  47. [12:06:15 PM] Nitro: Hghhhhh 8(
  48. [12:06:30 PM] Nitro: Did Mama Drake escape from that, or?
  49. [12:08:30 PM] Sir Screwloose: yep
  50. [12:09:35 PM] Nitro: Does she remember that still, or is it kind of fuzzy?
  51. [12:11:15 PM] Sir Screwloose: very fuzzy.
  52. [12:11:25 PM] Nitro: Good :'c
  53. [12:13:55 PM] Sir Screwloose: hm. she'd probably have some kind of branding or mark though
  54. [12:15:34 PM] Sir Screwloose: and Zeidric, being who she is, would probably want to know where she got it...
  55. [12:15:53 PM] Nitro: Probably, yeah. Her flank or back leg, probably.
  56. [12:16:08 PM] Nitro: Zed do you have /any/ sense of tact
  57. [12:17:28 PM] Nitro: (also, what's the likelihood of Arrid's ancestors having kept dragons or something)
  58. [12:17:34 PM] Sir Screwloose: nnnot so much, no.
  59. [12:17:38 PM] Sir Screwloose: (oh)
  60. [12:17:42 PM] Sir Screwloose: (OH.)
  61. [12:18:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: yes perfect
  62. [12:18:58 PM] Sir Screwloose: oh my god that is absolutely fucking perfect
  63. [12:19:09 PM] Sir Screwloose: if they were the ones who tried to breed incubator dragons
  64. [12:19:27 PM] Nitro: It'd lend a lot toward /why/ the Wasteland is the way it is, too.
  65. [12:20:04 PM] Nitro: Vastelunds aren't the only ones who put off heat.
  66. [12:26:13 PM] Sir Screwloose: and provide more in-universe theories for what actually happened to the wasteland, and the vastelunds
  67. [12:27:07 PM] Sir Screwloose: did the dragons wipe them out? did they try to wipe out the dragons, only to have it backfire?
  68. [12:27:29 PM] Nitro: Oh, perfect.
  69. [12:27:35 PM] Sir Screwloose: holy shit this could be deliciously allegorical
  70. [12:29:09 PM] Sir Screwloose: they control them by simply denyign access to the things that would make them smarter or give them more powerful
  71. [12:29:52 PM] Nitro: ... :c
  72. [12:30:57 PM] Nitro: In some cases, it's probably a more mutual relationship -- so long as the dragon protects the hoard, the Vastelund will add to it -- but
  73. [12:31:07 PM] Nitro: Probably not /usually/.
  74. [12:31:16 PM] Sir Screwloose: (the real answer is still explosive in-fighting attributable to steadily decreasing levels of sanity)
  75. [12:32:11 PM] Nitro: (wonder if the dragons took the opportunity to get the hell out of there, or if a lot of them got killed too)
  76. [12:33:53 PM] Sir Screwloose: a lot of them got killed, some escaped. they kept them dumb on purpose, and the spell that finally ended it was specifically made to be powerful enough to kill even a vastelund
  77. [12:46:52 PM] Sir Screwloose: ohhh
  78. [12:46:54 PM] Sir Screwloose: better yet
  79. [12:49:29 PM] Sir Screwloose: the thing that finally wiped out the vastelunds was one of them - at this point living in a constant state of at least mid-level rage and madness - performing a curse to
  80. [12:51:27 PM] Sir Screwloose: kill everyone on every branch except his own of the vastelund family tree who has the rage power, /and/ all dragons they own, by making them be consumed from within by their own fire
  81. [12:51:57 PM] Nitro: (just as a cultural thing that will probably never come up, what if the Vastelunds once upon a time did dragon riding and wrestling in the same way people do bull riding and calf wrestling)
  82. [12:51:59 PM] Nitro: Oh
  83. [12:52:20 PM] Nitro: ...that's terrible 8(
  84. [12:52:32 PM] Sir Screwloose: it's worse than you think, too.
  85. [12:53:08 PM] Sir Screwloose: think about it, if he murdered his whole family except for his branch of the tree...
  86. [12:53:44 PM] Sir Screwloose: then Arrid is his next of kin - possibly his son!
  87. [12:54:01 PM] Nitro: /That's/ /terrible/
  88. [12:54:34 PM] Sir Screwloose: isn't it just! : D
  89. [12:54:58 PM] Nitro: At least Arrid probably wouldn't know that.
  90. [12:55:02 PM] Nitro: ...probably.
  91. [12:55:18 PM] Sir Screwloose: no but
  92. [12:56:02 PM] Sir Screwloose: what if Mother Drake and the Baron finally take her on an expedition int othe wasteland to look for clues on what actually happened
  93. [12:56:34 PM] Nitro: (I was actually going to suggest he might've been abandoned there by his (powerless, or limitedly powerful) parents when he showed signs of inheriting the good ol' family curse -- don't want a repeat of /that/.)
  94. [12:56:58 PM] Nitro: ((on the presumption that the power sometimes skips people or the like))
  95. [12:56:59 PM] Sir Screwloose: ohhh that is
  96. [12:57:00 PM] Sir Screwloose: even better
  97. [12:58:20 PM] Nitro: Maybe his mother or father was the crazy mass murderer's child and they lived to witness nearly all their family slaughtered by a man driven insane by that very power.
  98. [12:58:29 PM] Sir Screwloose: mmhm
  99. [12:59:53 PM] Nitro: I was also wondering if the insanity is a natural consequence of the ability? Like, the more they use it, the less stable they are...until they're stuck in a constantly volatile state.
  100. [1:01:04 PM] Nitro: They'd probably have once had rules about limiting it and keeping control if that were the case, but people tend to forget consequences through the generations.
  101. [1:01:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: exactly
  102. [1:02:55 PM] Nitro: Hnngnnghhh I like this a lot
  103. [1:03:03 PM] Nitro: But it hurts so I don't know why
  104. [1:03:41 PM] Sir Screwloose: so he abandons the baby in the fortress, unable to bring himself to kill even one more member of his family, but unwilling ot let his cursed line continue any further, and wracked with guilt, retreats into seclusion, living as a hermit
  105. [1:06:04 PM] Sir Screwloose: until one day, he catches word of the Princess Amelia's betrothal to the mysterious and powerful semi-reformed bandit known as Baron Wasteland, said by some ot have been born from the wasteland itself
  106. [1:06:22 PM] Nitro: Does he ever learn about this brigand-king with the powers of a dead line -- ohhh
  107. [1:08:40 PM] Nitro: I imagine it'd be hard for him to figure out what to do, but...what's he do?
  108. [1:09:14 PM] Nitro: "Hi, I'm your dad" would probably get his head punched clear /off/
  109. [1:10:52 PM] Sir Screwloose: yeah, it's
  110. [1:11:15 PM] Sir Screwloose: and he knows first-hand what a vastelund's temper is like.
  111. [1:11:57 PM] Sir Screwloose: i think for a while he'd just
  112. [1:12:04 PM] Sir Screwloose: kind of hope the situation resolves itself
  113. [1:12:40 PM] Sir Screwloose: but then he finds out about Desolette
  114. [1:13:39 PM] Sir Screwloose: and how someone with the Vastelund's powers and capacity for madness and destruction is the heir apparent to the most politically powerful nation i nthe world.
  115. [1:14:12 PM] Nitro: (hey look, be proud ok)
  116. [1:14:26 PM] Nitro: (that's also your son and granddaughter >B[ )
  117. [1:15:24 PM] Nitro: I do think he'd probably have...mixed feelings because he probably isn't /insane/ enough to wish death on them, just
  118. [1:15:37 PM] Nitro: Very, very afraid of his childhood repeating itself
  119. [1:15:42 PM] Sir Screwloose: yyep.
  120. [1:17:21 PM] Nitro: If nothing else, though, he could at least try to explain the long-term consequences of their powers, if he can work up the guts to go to the castle.
  121. [1:17:24 PM] Nitro: ...oh
  122. [1:18:05 PM] Sir Screwloose: Sometime when all this is coming to light, it would be a great place to introduce the other dragon idea I had
  123. [1:18:14 PM] Nitro: What if he does that without revealing who he is, but
  124. [1:18:19 PM] Nitro: /Amelia/ figures it out
  125. [1:18:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: Well, not introduce, but involve
  126. [1:18:30 PM] Sir Screwloose: Hmmm
  127. [1:18:43 PM] Sir Screwloose: That is a possibility
  128. [1:19:04 PM] Nitro: She seems like she'd be observant and smart enough to put it together by how /oddly/ he'd probably act.
  129. [1:19:08 PM] Sir Screwloose: brb for a sec, i gotta pack my computer up for the drive home for spring break
  130. [1:19:17 PM] Nitro: Also, what's the idea? o:
  131. [1:19:24 PM] Nitro: Sure thing. I'll be around.
  132. [1:20:47 PM] Sir Screwloose: actually, when they're looking for a new court mage would be the perfect opportunity to try it
  133. [1:22:10 PM] Sir Screwloose: disguise himself as a seer or oracle or something, some in, give them the warning in such a way that they won't question how he knows it, then get out
  134. [1:23:51 PM] Sir Screwloose: maybe he drops some minor trinket related to his lineage and zeidric picks it up on her way in and forgets about it until i want to set this plot in motion.
  135. [1:24:01 PM] Nitro: Probably, yeah.
  136. [1:24:02 PM] Nitro: Pffff
  137. [1:24:21 PM] Nitro: The best part of that convenient forgetfulness is that it's /so/ in-character
  138. [1:27:44 PM] IBLiS: doge
  139. [1:27:46 PM] IBLiS: an epic
  140. [1:28:10 PM] Nitro: (also, the fact that you brought up the mage search right after mentioning another dragon idea made me think)
  141. [1:28:17 PM] Nitro: (mage dragon)
  142. [1:28:33 PM] Nitro: (also Zed eventually getting a tiny dragon assistant)
  143. [1:29:22 PM] Locke: everyone sstop and look at this dude's hair
  144. [1:29:34 PM] Sir Screwloose: Shit, I could even set this up at the very beginning of the story, maybe even have a short nervous conversation between zeidric and the "seer" full of foreshadowing
  145. [1:30:29 PM] Sir Screwloose: On 03/07/2014, at 1:30 PM, Nitro wrote:
  146. > (also Zed eventually getting a tiny dragon assistant)
  147. Her name is Zeidric Zalostran, not Twilight Sparkle.
  148. [1:30:51 PM] Sir Screwloose: That is some anime hair
  149. [1:32:34 PM] Nitro: That hair is incredible in the literal sense of the word
  150. [1:33:04 PM] IBLiS: that hair is magical
  151. [1:35:12 PM] Nitro: Also, I can't help it if I think it's super cute for an itty-bitty bird-sized dragon that she didn't really ask for to scuttle around retrieving various thinks it knows she'll need that /she/ forgets she'll need :c
  152. [2:05:20 PM] Sir Screwloose: Hm, well the other dragon is on the small side
  153. [2:05:46 PM] Sir Screwloose: Though he's not realpy inclined towards helpfulness
  154. [2:07:14 PM] Nitro: Was this part of the idea you mentioned earlier?
  155. [2:08:30 PM] Sir Screwloose: He's a very strange one. In a world where dragons are defined by their hoards, nobody knows what his is of, or where he keeps it, and he's never been seen to go visit it
  156. [2:08:40 PM] Sir Screwloose: Yeah, it is
  157. [2:09:54 PM] Nitro: (Related to dragons but not to this, does Amelia's family's way with animals extend to dragons?)
  158. [2:10:56 PM] Nitro: So does he just kind of hang around wherever he's at?
  159. [2:11:09 PM] Sir Screwloose: He's about knee height but still very cunning and intelligent and capable of speech, a combination thought to be impossible. He has several chameleon like traits, such as his tail horns and eyes, and his invisibility.
  160. [2:12:19 PM] Nitro: Ohhh, that would be interesting.
  161. [2:13:57 PM] Sir Screwloose: He works as a spy and informant, preferring to dwell in cities and simply purchase/steal food rather than living the solitary hunting life most of them do. His main emplyoer at the moment is Skullivan, who actually considers him a confidant
  162. [2:14:54 PM] Nitro: Does he feel any allegiance to Skullivan, or is he playing his own game?
  163. [2:15:39 PM] Nitro: (wonder if the old court mage's apprentice went to work for Skullivan, but even /Skullivan/ found him obnoxious)
  164. [2:15:54 PM] Nitro: (or the...prince? Skullivan advises, iirc)
  165. [2:16:42 PM] Sir Screwloose: So if he happened to be spying on them on Skullivan's behalf when they made their expedition to the wasteland fortress, and zeidrich found out about Arrid's grandfather and the incubator dragons and decided to keep it to herself...
  166. [2:17:18 PM] Sir Screwloose: Skullivan is the demon prince's mage and head advisor
  167. [2:19:21 PM] Sir Screwloose: A bit of both, Nitro. Skullivan is a great source of his hoard item but after a while even he would go "okay no you're crazy and evil"
  168. [2:20:40 PM] Sir Screwloose: Oh shit, skullivan would know where to look for that curse
  169. [2:22:09 PM] Nitro: Oh
  170. [2:22:31 PM] Nitro: ...oh :c
  171. [2:23:08 PM] Nitro: Also, does this dragon by chance have any history with the Vastelunds
  172. [2:23:58 PM] Nitro: I'm sure there are a lot who don't, but I was thinking earlier that if the Baron met any of those dragons that escaped the carnage, they would probably loathe him with all their being.
  173. [2:34:59 PM] Sir Screwloose: Eh, maybe maybe not, I need to work out how spy dragon even got started
  174. [2:36:59 PM] Sir Screwloose: Another weird thing about him: he's very furtive about his hoard, usually deflecting direct questions with a shrug. The two usual responses are to start showing off or be homicidally suspicious that the asker wants to steal it.
  175. [2:37:21 PM] Nitro: Probably very slowly and painfully, all things considered.
  176. [2:37:37 PM] Nitro: Does it involve Skullivan's eldritch brain parasite
  177. [2:38:47 PM] Sir Screwloose: I meant more how he got started on his hoard. And maybe? Though he's definitely not one of Skully's Frankenstinian abominations
  178. [2:43:03 PM] Nitro: I meant it in the sense of "is the eldritch brain parasite the reason he's such a good source for what the dragon hoards"
  179. [2:43:28 PM] Sir Screwloose: Though if mother drake started out with eggs, I think I figured out something for him, too.
  180. [2:44:02 PM] Nitro: I don't think I could make guesses on how he got started on his hoard, but presumably if it's really hard to get, he'd probably be very small and weak for a long, long time (maybe why he stayed so small).
  181. [2:44:05 PM] Sir Screwloose: Mmmm not directly, no.
  182. [2:44:31 PM] IBLiS: oh, pk
  183. [2:44:34 PM] IBLiS: (because i know you're there)
  184. [2:44:53 PM] IBLiS: i always though the 'traditional cabbagepatch song' in clone high was made up because there's no way any song could be that ridiculous
  185. [2:44:57 PM] IBLiS: but i looked it up outta curiosity
  186. [2:44:58 PM] IBLiS: and
  187. [2:45:05 PM] IBLiS: it's fucking real
  188. [2:45:07 PM] PurpleKoopa: you found it
  189. [2:45:19 PM] IBLiS: and every bit as ridiculous as you'd expect it to be
  190. [2:45:35 PM] Sir Screwloose: I kind of want to keep it a secret and make you guess but it's probably not something you would ever think of guessing
  191. [2:45:46 PM] PurpleKoopa: brb putting this on syo's playlist
  192. [2:45:51 PM] PurpleKoopa: licky licky licky licky
  193. [2:46:12 PM] Nitro: My first thought was something to do with magic, but Zed would probably be a better source for that
  194. [2:46:45 PM] IBLiS: that shit is gonna be stuck in my head for days
  195. [2:47:12 PM] Nitro: So now I'm trying to figure out what Skullivan could offer that might start out in a similar way to Mama Drake starting with eggs
  196. [2:47:38 PM] Nitro: I probably won't be able to figure it out, though.
  197. [2:47:53 PM] Locke: [1:43:44 PM] Hatchstache:
  198. [2:48:19 PM] Sir Screwloose: Its more to do with his political position and plans for the advancement thereof than the magic directly
  199. [2:48:48 PM] Nitro: "Big Apple"
  200. [2:48:55 PM] Sir Screwloose: And he also gets more of it during the normal course of his spying job
  201. [2:49:08 PM] Nitro: ...deception?
  202. [2:49:11 PM] Locke:
  204. [2:49:55 PM] Sir Screwloose: You're very close!
  205. [2:50:00 PM] Sir Screwloose: His hoard is
  206. [2:50:04 PM] Sir Screwloose: Secrets.
  207. [2:51:29 PM] Sir Screwloose: And having his hoard be something where he can carry all of it with him at all times makes him a lot more powerful than his tiny size would suggest.
  208. [2:52:16 PM] Nitro: So knowing things like the Baron's origins or the like for the sake of knowing them and keeping them to himself would be his way of racking up his hoard.
  209. [2:52:22 PM] Nitro: (aww)
  210. [2:52:36 PM] Sir Screwloose: Plus its one of the few things where giving a piece of it away doesn't make you lose it entirely, just a slight decrease in value
  211. [2:52:53 PM] Nitro: (it's very bad that this just made me think of a really sweet way for him to totally unintentionally start his hoard)
  212. [2:53:37 PM] Nitro: (you know how some people talk to animals because they're so nonjudgmental about your problems and will be your friend regardless)
  213. [2:54:24 PM] Sir Screwloose: Exactly. And skully's plans are such big secrets that they more than make up for what he loses by giving him information
  214. [2:54:37 PM] Nitro: (well someone's /bound/ to pity this tiny little dragon who doesn't seem to want anything, or at least)
  215. [2:54:44 PM] Nitro: (doesn't know what he wants)
  216. [2:55:47 PM] Sir Screwloose: Daww
  217. [2:55:47 PM] Nitro: I imagine he'd probably "trade" information, with most other people. He'll tell you something if you can tell him something.
  218. [2:55:56 PM] Nitro: So basically he's a giant gossip.
  219. [2:56:10 PM] Nitro: Without the "spreading it around" part.
  220. [2:56:13 PM] Nitro: (but)
  221. [2:56:35 PM] Nitro: (someone's bound to find out that some fool has been keeping /a/ /dragon/ and react badly)
  222. [2:57:41 PM] Nitro: (all backstories end in tragedy 8'( )
  223. [2:57:52 PM] Nitro: So
  224. [2:58:06 PM] Nitro: Maybe /he/ knows what happened to the Vastelunds
  225. [2:58:18 PM] Sir Screwloose: Well thats the thing though, secrets become less valuable the more people know them, so by giving his info to anybody else, there's a risk of it rapidly depreciating, or worse: becoming *shudder* /public/ knowledge
  226. [2:58:52 PM] Nitro: Yeah, but a /trade/ would give /him/ something to hold over their head.
  227. [2:59:10 PM] Nitro: If he goes out of business, he can make damn sure they do, too.
  228. [3:01:03 PM] IBLiS: oh, pk
  229. [3:01:05 PM] IBLiS: "THREADS OF FATE (LET&AMP;#039;S CUT &AMP;#039;EM)"
  230. [3:01:06 PM] Nitro: And he might not be very inclined to do that because it also lessens the size of his hoard, but keeping the nature of his hoard to himself, on top of adding to it, also prevents people from knowing he has a reason not to tell others.
  231. [3:01:08 PM] IBLiS: this is a thing
  232. [3:01:48 PM] PurpleKoopa: ergh, i'll get that
  233. [3:01:54 PM] Nitro: It'd be a really clever set-up, honestly.
  234. [3:06:46 PM] Sir Screwloose: Yyyeah but he still would lose power from it.
  235. [3:06:55 PM] Sir Screwloose: Brb
  236. [3:07:29 PM] Nitro: Some, but it's a risky business no matter how you spin it.
  237. [3:10:31 PM] Nitro: I mean, it's not like he'd tell anyone just anything for any information. And he'd certainly never show his cards first. But it's arguably still a gain, because where one secret loses a little of its potency, he gains an entirely new one of (at his discretion) equal or greater value.
  238. [3:11:03 PM] Nitro: There's /always/ the risk of a secret coming out unless he were to kill everyone who knows about it save himself.
  239. [3:11:28 PM] Nitro: And a secret certainly has much less importance if the people who had it are dead.
  240. [3:15:22 PM] Nitro: So even though it's an extremely potent hoard, it's an extremely risky one. And it's better for him to have /more/ secrets rather than /bigger/ ones because that way, if one comes out, he doesn't suddenly lose a massive chunk of his power.
  241. [3:23:52 PM] Sir Screwloose: You got it. And its why skullivan's okay with tellingnhim things. Because all of his secrets are big, and known only to him. He trusts the dragons ownngreed to keep him quiet
  242. [3:36:57 PM] Nitro: Damn.
  243. [3:37:03 PM] Nitro: Screw, this is a cool idea.
  244. [4:59:05 PM] Sir Screwloose: Tha
  245. [4:59:24 PM] Sir Screwloose: On 03/07/2014, at 3:39 PM, Nitro wrote:
  246. > Screw, this is a cool idea.
  247. Thank you!
  248. [5:04:47 PM] Locke: hair game on my dash today is hella strong
  249. [5:16:16 PM] Sir Screwloose: Also i've decided that Vastelund was a name Arrid gave to himself, the family's name was Thessalier
  250. [5:19:03 PM] Nitro: Yeah, I was thinking Vastelund was probably either something he gave himself, or that people started calling him "Baron von Vastelund" or something similar. Or maybe a bit of both
  251. [5:19:28 PM] Nitro: Maybe people called him the lord of the wasteland or something like that when he started his raiding
  252. [5:19:42 PM] Nitro: And he took it and used it.
  253. [5:19:48 PM] Nitro: And also that hair is really cool
  254. [5:20:52 PM] PurpleKoopa: that is a more believable family name which it also makes his title /that much radder/
  255. [5:21:08 PM] PurpleKoopa: then again, he probably wouldn't know about the thessaliers
  256. [5:26:08 PM] Sir Screwloose: Nope. For one thing, he was mostly illiterate until after he'd already stopped living in the wasteland, and the writing in the ruins that litter the place would be the only place he'd have seen the name.
  257. [5:27:48 PM] Sir Screwloose: Btw am I heaping too much angst/mental anguish on here?
  258. [5:29:25 PM] Nitro: Ehhhh, I don't think so. I mean
  259. [5:31:05 PM] Nitro: All he knows is that his parents apparently didn't want him, and that Mama Drake is pretty cool. It'll be sad when it comes out, but as far as the character goes, it's not like it's extremely overdramatic or anything.
  260. [5:35:21 PM] Sir Screwloose: Okay because I was just thinking, there's a good chance arrid's mother died in childbirth
  261. [5:35:36 PM] Nitro: Honestly, as far as his life goes, he has a pretty good one. He was a foundling, a brigand, became a king by marrying a woman he actually loves, and has a family. Not to say it hasn't had its difficulties or down points.
  262. [5:35:43 PM] Nitro: ...oh nooooo :'c
  263. [5:35:53 PM] Sir Screwloose: True, true.
  264. [5:36:06 PM] Nitro: Even if it wasn't the fault of his powers, his father would
  265. [5:36:13 PM] Nitro: /Probably/ still blame them
  266. [5:36:17 PM] Sir Screwloose: I should figure out at what age the powers actually kick in
  267. [5:38:14 PM] Nitro: Probably not so early that a crying flailing Thessalier baby shatters their crib or breaks the nose of whoever's holding them.
  268. [5:39:38 PM] Nitro: Maybe around the same time they start walking? Not necessarily fully manifested, but starting to develop as their muscles develop more. Or something akin to that.
  269. [5:41:05 PM] Sir Screwloose: Makes sense
  270. [5:45:21 PM] Sir Screwloose: And that is about the age I want him to have been abandoned
  271. [5:46:06 PM] Sir Screwloose: ... wow, I just remembered Baron Wasteland started as a Bowser expy with a dumb pun name
  272. [5:46:29 PM] Nitro: Bowser's tragic backstory
  273. [5:46:38 PM] Nitro: His mother died, his father abandoned him
  274. [5:46:45 PM] Nitro: But /he/ /rose/ /above/
  275. [5:47:03 PM] Sir Screwloose: This is definitely a seperate thing now
  276. [5:47:14 PM] PurpleKoopa: most definitely
  277. [5:47:50 PM] Hatchstache: but he's pretty sure his parents are dead
  278. [5:48:38 PM] Nitro: What /did/ the Baron assume about that, actually?
  279. [5:49:21 PM] Sir Screwloose: No, he's sure his mother is alive and well.
  280. [5:49:44 PM] Nitro: Aww
  281. [5:49:48 PM] Nitro: /Awwwww/
  282. [5:49:55 PM] Nitro: (and he /makes/ sure of it, too)
  283. [5:49:59 PM] Sir Screwloose: And vehemently denies caring about whoever dumped him in the wasteland in the first place.
  284. [5:50:05 PM] Hatchstache: (the best mothers days)
  285. [5:50:29 PM] Hatchstache: (secret mothers days)
  286. [5:50:35 PM] Nitro: What if her orphanage was what a lot of his treasure went toward
  287. [5:51:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: Very possible.
  288. [5:51:42 PM] Sir Screwloose: Why am I saying it like im speculating?
  289. [5:51:47 PM] Sir Screwloose: Yes.
  290. [5:53:16 PM] Nitro: Amy discovers that the terror of the countryside donates to charity regularly
  291. [5:53:23 PM] Nitro: How's she react
  292. [5:54:36 PM] Sir Screwloose: Tactfully. Arrid's very proud about his reputation and has a hell of an ego.
  293. [5:56:54 PM] Hatchstache:
  294. [5:56:59 PM] Nitro: Better /not/ to embarrass him.
  295. [5:57:14 PM] Nitro: Have you done any more fleshing out with their courtship?
  296. [5:57:20 PM] Sir Screwloose: Probably start with something about how him having a dragon mother makes him even more of a badass
  297. [5:57:43 PM] Nitro: (Also, how adorable are visits between Dessy and her grandmother?)
  298. [6:00:44 PM] Sir Screwloose: (The most adorable)
  299. [6:01:12 PM] Sir Screwloose: (Plus as far as she's concerned, every kid living there is her cousin)
  300. [6:02:43 PM] Sir Screwloose: Omg awkward arrid asking for romance advice from mama drake
  301. [6:07:48 PM] Sir Screwloose: And arrid trying to adapt dragon mating rituals to human interaction
  302. [6:09:20 PM] Nitro: OMfg
  303. [6:09:24 PM] Nitro: Good
  304. [6:09:50 PM] Nitro: "Mom there's this girl --"
  305. [6:09:59 PM] Nitro: "She's the princess, and also terrifying"
  306. [6:10:02 PM] Nitro: "What do"
  307. [6:10:50 PM] Sir Screwloose: (Okay I need to figure out what dragon mating rituals are now)
  308. [6:12:26 PM] Nitro: (They probably bring something to add to their potential mate's hoard when they want to officiate it)
  309. [6:13:05 PM] Nitro: (Arrid leaves for a week and Amy is really confused by these mixed signals but then)
  310. [6:13:08 PM] Sir Screwloose: And show off the size of their hoard, too.
  311. [6:13:12 PM] Nitro: (He got u a country)
  312. [6:13:16 PM] Nitro: ((It was a tiny one))
  313. [6:15:41 PM] Sir Screwloose: Probably a bunch of weird stuff before that that confuses the hell out of Amelia too but then when she puts it all together she's delighted and surprised
  314. [6:17:01 PM] Nitro: I imagine a lot of awkward compliments about things he doesn't know anything about since dragons would probably have to show appreciation for each other's hoards too
  315. [6:17:27 PM] Nitro: Also, bringing your potential mate to meet Mom probably isn't usually a dragon thing, but
  316. [6:17:33 PM] Nitro: Is it bad that I imagine Arrid doing it anyway
  317. [6:21:35 PM] Sir Screwloose: Surprised because she really didn't think the baron did romantic attraction at all since she'd dropped a few hints and never gotten any response from it - and from some of the gossip she'd overheard she'd gotten the impression he didn't really do physical attraction either
  318. [6:22:12 PM] Nitro: But no -- no, it's just that he
  319. [6:22:16 PM] Nitro: Probably didn't even notice
  320. [6:22:24 PM] Nitro: Because ???? social cues
  321. [6:22:26 PM] Nitro: How do they even work
  322. [6:22:29 PM] Sir Screwloose: And no, because most dragons don't even know their parents but yes that torally happens and ame's just like omg this explains everything
  324. [6:23:12 PM] Nitro: (also discovers that he's /really/ /good/ with kids, if I'm remembering that bit of information correctly)
  325. [6:23:35 PM] Sir Screwloose: Oh my god yeah!
  326. [6:23:59 PM] Nitro: Just playing with all his lil siblings
  327. [6:24:00 PM] Sir Screwloose: Holy shot I camenup with that before deciding to connect him to the prphanage dragon but
  328. [6:24:23 PM] Nitro: It all comes together!
  329. [6:24:57 PM] Sir Screwloose: Its actually a little spooky how well this is fitting together
  330. [6:25:48 PM] Sir Screwloose: Probably amelia's idea to formalize it as an orphanage
  331. [6:26:32 PM] Sir Screwloose: Also wouldnt it be terrible if the first couple of them were orphans because of arrid's attacks?
  332. [6:26:38 PM] Sir Screwloose: No im
  333. [6:26:46 PM] Sir Screwloose: Not actually going to do that
  334. [6:36:24 PM] Nitro: He might've accidentally made a couple orphans and then kind of keenly decided not to make that mistake again.
  335. [6:36:26 PM] Nitro: Besides
  336. [6:36:49 PM] Nitro: Corrupt lords yield far more spoils than villages.
  337. [6:37:21 PM] Nitro: (until they're also parents)
  338. [6:37:22 PM] Nitro: (then)
  339. [6:37:24 PM] Nitro: (what do)
  340. [6:38:26 PM] Sir Screwloose: True. Plus having them run a child kidnapping scheme for mama drake's sake is kind of
  341. [6:38:48 PM] Sir Screwloose: Hard to justify later on.
  342. [6:39:45 PM] Nitro: However, he probably /does/ start it off by picking up poor little street rats that he just does not have the heart to leave behind when he does his pillaging.
  343. [6:40:44 PM] Nitro: "Mommmmmm can we keep theeeeeem"
  344. [6:41:27 PM] Sir Screwloose: In present day (meaning after Zeidric gets appointed court mage), many of those former urchins are now in the Innean royal guard.
  345. [6:42:12 PM] Nitro: Perfection
  346. [6:43:29 PM] Nitro: Being that Ihd himself was an orphan of sorts, how's he feel about all this?
  347. [6:44:23 PM] Sir Screwloose: He definitely smiles when he thinks about it.
  348. [6:46:10 PM] Sir Screwloose: I need to be careful not to make too many characters orphans in this story
  349. [6:49:20 PM] Sir Screwloose: The tropes used a lot in fantasy
  350. [6:51:32 PM] Nitro: Just call it Orphanworld.
  351. [6:52:40 PM] PurpleKoopa: where you can have children, you just have to put them up for adoption as soon as possible
  352. [6:53:04 PM] PurpleKoopa: leaving your infants on each other's doorsteps is considered good etiquette
  353. [6:53:57 PM] Sir Screwloose: Though I think arrid's the only major character who would have parents but didnt grow up with them.
  354. [6:54:43 PM] Nitro: In the case of Arrid and his "siblings" (if you decide to make any of the latter into notable characters), they're all tied together, so it's not like they're just a bunch of random orphans who're around for no reason. There's Ihd, who's technically not actually an orphan (only in effect :'c), there's Arrid, and then there's all the orphans in his life because of his mother, so it makes sense that they're there.
  355. [6:55:08 PM] racwade:
  356. [6:56:00 PM] Nitro: An accurate summary of felines
  357. [6:57:11 PM] Nitro: (Fun, moderately related fact: After being sheared, sheep don't recognize each other, and often fight for a few days to reestablish hierarchy)
  358. [6:58:41 PM] racwade: Oh, huh. That's pretty neat.
  359. [6:59:44 PM] racwade:
  360. [7:00:09 PM] Nitro: tHAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS
  361. [7:00:11 PM] Nitro: WITH MY DOG
  362. [7:00:14 PM] Nitro: AND CATS
  363. [7:01:30 PM] Nitro: Just /one/ tiny little kitty crawls in his /massive/ doghouse on his /massive/ bed and curls up there, and he just
  364. [7:01:34 PM] Nitro: Will not go in there
  365. [7:01:47 PM] Nitro: It's the funniest thing.
  366. [7:01:48 PM] racwade: also adorable historical baby and puppy
  367. [7:02:13 PM] Nitro: Look how happy that kid is
  368. [7:02:14 PM] IBLiS: so
  369. [7:02:19 PM] IBLiS: i was watching this movie
  370. [7:02:19 PM] Nitro: It has doge
  371. [7:02:35 PM] IBLiS: and the entire premise is that this guy framed his wife for murder by faking his own death
  372. [7:02:38 PM] IBLiS: so she goes to jail
  373. [7:03:01 PM] racwade: But yeah. I love it when dogs and cats interact in a friendly way because of how opposite their personalities are.
  374. [7:03:01 PM] IBLiS: but she's told that if she gets out and /actually/ kills her husband there's nothing anyone can do about it because it's double jeparody
  375. [7:03:09 PM] IBLiS: which is technically true
  376. [7:03:14 PM] IBLiS: you can't be tried for the same crime again
  377. [7:03:16 PM] IBLiS: (and she's not)
  378. [7:03:19 PM] IBLiS: (spoiler she kills him)
  379. [7:03:39 PM] IBLiS: (doesn't go in meaning to but, hey, when do heroes ever do)
  380. [7:03:44 PM] IBLiS: but i was wondering
  381. [7:03:52 PM] racwade: (( Phoenix Wright quietly has a fit ))
  382. [7:03:53 PM] Sir Screwloose: Arrid's goblin minions probably tried bringing mother drake baby goblins tobsee if that worked
  383. [7:04:05 PM] IBLiS: would the legal system /really/ excuse her on such a small technicality?
  384. [7:04:14 PM] Nitro: I
  385. [7:04:26 PM] IBLiS: the reviews have conflicting opinions
  386. [7:04:38 PM] Nitro: Reeeeeeally can't imagine there's not some legal thing that provides for that
  387. [7:04:40 PM] IBLiS: some say yes, most say no
  388. [7:04:56 PM] Nitro: Also, technically
  389. [7:05:00 PM] IBLiS: either because excusing someone for /murder/ on something so small is pretty ridiculous
  390. [7:05:09 PM] Nitro: I think it means they cannot be tried for the exact same instance twice
  391. [7:05:11 PM] IBLiS: and also because you can't be tried for the same crime
  392. [7:05:12 PM] IBLiS: as in
  393. [7:05:15 PM] IBLiS: the exact same cri-- yeah
  394. [7:05:20 PM] IBLiS: so if someone assaults you
  395. [7:05:22 PM] IBLiS: and assaults you again
  396. [7:05:25 PM] Nitro: You can't be tried for the same /case/ twice
  397. [7:05:29 PM] IBLiS: they can't be /not/ convicted of it
  398. [7:05:40 PM] IBLiS: it's funny because a former lawyer and a law student both tell her this
  399. [7:06:01 PM] Nitro: Also
  400. [7:06:04 PM] IBLiS: not like it matters because, again, she killed him in self-defense
  401. [7:06:09 PM] Nitro: I'm not sure that quite applies if you're convicted?
  402. [7:06:10 PM] IBLiS: because having the hero actually go in and /kill/ the bad guy is wrong
  403. [7:06:27 PM] Nitro: That law was to prevent people from being tried a second time for the same case when proven innocent??
  404. [7:06:53 PM] IBLiS: yeah, not the other way around
  405. [7:06:59 PM] IBLiS: it was an alright movie though
  406. [7:07:02 PM] IBLiS: nothing thought provoking
  407. [7:07:02 PM] IBLiS: but fun
  408. [7:07:08 PM] IBLiS: tommy lee jones is in it and he's great
  409. [7:07:10 PM] racwade: What bugs me is that she's already served time for a murder that she DIDN'T commit. Does that mean she'd spend twice as long just because the first time was fake?
  410. [7:07:20 PM] IBLiS: and also some other woman who's not tommy lee jones
  411. [7:07:24 PM] IBLiS: (who's also the heroine)
  412. [7:07:44 PM] IBLiS: oh
  413. [7:07:47 PM] IBLiS: and the law scene was amazing
  414. [7:07:56 PM] IBLiS: the prosecutor was using ace attorney levels of logic
  415. [7:08:00 PM] Nitro: It's not really fair to say she shouldn't serve for the actual murder, Alec.
  416. [7:08:15 PM] IBLiS: "i think someone came onto the boat and murdered my husband, yes"
  417. [7:08:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: It didn't work, for several reasons. Chief among them being that goblin babies aren't much more than a ravenous appetite and sharp teeth with some blobby orang flesh to hold it all together.
  418. [7:08:38 PM] Nitro: Even if she served wrongfully the first time, killing her husband /after/ being charged with killing her husband is still against the law.
  419. [7:08:40 PM] IBLiS: "oh, well, why don't we try /all/ the possibilities?"
  420. [7:08:49 PM] IBLiS: "maybe /aliens/ killed him"
  421. [7:08:55 PM] Nitro: Mfw
  422. [7:08:56 PM] IBLiS: "mAYBE NINJAS DID IT"
  423. [7:08:57 PM] IBLiS: "/NO/"
  424. [7:08:59 PM] IBLiS: "U DID IT"
  425. [7:09:02 PM] IBLiS: "U HAVE MOTIVE U DID IT"
  426. [7:09:10 PM] IBLiS: i'm not even fucking exaggerating
  427. [7:09:12 PM] Nitro: Magical
  428. [7:09:12 PM] Sir Screwloose: Aw, the conversation stopped being about my ideas :c
  429. [7:09:20 PM] Nitro: I'm reading it, Screw uwu
  430. [7:09:31 PM] IBLiS: the prosecution rests >B]
  431. [7:10:06 PM] Nitro: So something like, say, all of the stray animals in the world wouldn't work?
  432. [7:10:16 PM] Nitro: (what if the orphanage keeps strays anyway)
  433. [7:10:23 PM] Nitro: (for the children's emotional health, you see)
  434. [7:10:23 PM] * Hatchstache unrelated but my cat has his back feet on the edge of the table and his front half on a fuzzy blanket that he's going full kitten on and part of his belly is dangling in the space between
  435. [7:11:19 PM] Sir Screwloose: Its more that hobgoblins dont
  436. [7:11:25 PM] Sir Screwloose: Really count as children
  437. [7:11:52 PM] racwade: Honestly, CG, I feel like a legal prescedent should have been set for that already by now. That seems like the sort of thing that could happen.
  438. [7:12:39 PM] Nitro: ...what if it's like Fable where the hobbes are, according to lore, children that got lost in the forest
  439. [7:13:05 PM] Hatchstache: and parents go try to save their kids only to be too late
  440. [7:13:07 PM] IBLiS: what
  441. [7:13:11 PM] Hatchstache: oop cat's caught
  442. [7:13:13 PM] IBLiS: someone being framed for murder then /actually/ doing it?
  443. [7:13:24 PM] IBLiS: know what
  444. [7:13:26 PM] IBLiS: i could see it
  445. [7:13:31 PM] Nitro: It probably has happened, yeah.
  446. [7:13:38 PM] Nitro: I mean,,,,
  447. [7:13:38 PM] racwade: Yeah.
  448. [7:13:46 PM] IBLiS: well it's one hell of a motive
  449. [7:13:53 PM] Nitro: But it probably was not with the belief that they /wouldn't/ be going back to jail for it.
  450. [7:14:19 PM] IBLiS: yeah, most people who stoop to that do it because they know they have nothing left
  451. [7:14:30 PM] Sir Screwloose: They do nothing but eat for like a week or two until they turn green and mutate into fully grown goblins, at which point they can actually walk and talk and stuff
  452. [7:15:14 PM] Hatchstache: so they're like grubs
  453. [7:15:19 PM] Hatchstache: caterpillars
  454. [7:15:19 PM] Nitro: So they basically have an "eat everything in sight" stage and an "adult" stage
  455. [7:15:22 PM] Nitro: ...basically teenagers!
  456. [7:15:33 PM] Hatchstache: who needs a baby stage when you can be born rebelious
  457. [7:15:40 PM] Sir Screwloose: Also what you just described sounds a lot like the phantump/trevenant thing
  458. [7:16:01 PM] Sir Screwloose: Yeah they're basically larva
  459. [7:16:12 PM] Nitro: Yeah, it's fairly similar -- hobbes a la Fable are
  460. [7:16:15 PM] Nitro: Really sad actually
  461. [7:16:24 PM] Hatchstache: yeah
  462. [7:16:32 PM] Hatchstache: the quests that involve them can be p sad too
  463. [7:16:37 PM] Sir Screwloose: With only slightly more defined limbs
  464. [7:16:54 PM] Nitro: There's a quest early on in Fable 2 where this kid runs off and you have to help his father find him but
  465. [7:17:08 PM] Nitro: He's already turned into a hobbe when you get to him
  466. [7:17:13 PM] Nitro: Killing him is the wORST
  467. [7:17:31 PM] Nitro: And then later in the game, if you have children before a certain point
  468. [7:17:35 PM] Nitro: /Your/ child runs off
  469. [7:17:50 PM] Hatchstache: yEAH
  470. [7:17:56 PM] Hatchstache: oh geeze
  471. [7:17:58 PM] Nitro: And I was legit terrified the first time I played through
  472. [7:18:09 PM] IBLiS: ok time to watch animals mauling people
  473. [7:18:11 PM] Hatchstache: I think that happened in one of our games once
  474. [7:18:12 PM] IBLiS: thanks random netflix!
  475. [7:18:19 PM] Hatchstache: oh
  476. [7:18:22 PM] Hatchstache: thanks netflix
  477. [7:18:24 PM] Hatchstache:
  478. [7:18:39 PM] Nitro: Fortunately you can get to them before they turn into hobbes, though.
  479. [7:18:52 PM] IBLiS: i remember animal planet showed nature documentaries
  480. [7:18:53 PM] IBLiS: do you
  481. [7:19:16 PM] Sir Screwloose: Also i'm going to go with the passing gag in adventure time and have them spawn in pits of bubbling primordial soup
  482. [7:19:43 PM] Sir Screwloose: Okay yeah the hobbes are just sad
  483. [7:20:12 PM] Sir Screwloose: That is a reallynspecific trope that shows up a lot though
  484. [7:20:27 PM] Sir Screwloose: Phantump,, the hobbes, the Skull Kid
  485. [7:20:43 PM] Hatchstache: and it hurts every time
  486. [7:20:51 PM] Sir Screwloose: Children getting lost in a forest and turning into something else
  487. [7:21:06 PM] Sir Screwloose: Wonder where it came from
  488. [7:21:16 PM] Hatchstache: also I'm imagining the primordial soup in craters in a cave somewhere
  489. [7:21:35 PM] Hatchstache: probably old stories to keep kids in line
  490. [7:22:40 PM] Sir Screwloose: Yeah, basically
  491. [7:24:10 PM] Nitro: I think it was a thing in a lot of folklore, and in all likelihood was in fact to keep kids in line.
  492. [7:24:18 PM] IBLiS: oh
  493. [7:24:23 PM] Hatchstache: quietly reflecting on numerous cultures resorting to scaring their kids to keep them safe because other wise they're going to run off and be shits
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