
DeathEnhanced in #AoS.drama

Aug 24th, 2011
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  1. [18:30] == ReubenMcHawk [webchat@] has joined #AoS.drama
  2. [18:31] == ReubenMcHawk changed the topic of #AoS.drama to: The game.
  3. [18:35] == DeathEnhanced [webchat@] has joined #AoS.drama
  4. [18:37] <@ReubenMcHawk> Wat. Why am I op? I know that people used this room at one point.
  5. [18:37] <@ReubenMcHawk> But yeah. Honestly, I think sometimes you just need to grow up. You clearly trollbait people, what with this, and the whole Hall of Fame incident.
  6. [18:38] <DeathEnhanced> incident?
  7. [18:38] <@ReubenMcHawk> What with the exclusion and the ignoring and all.
  8. [18:39] <DeathEnhanced> i wasnt aware i was excluding anyone, if your refering to yourself, i was aware you were a RoT creator. When your mom told me i corrected the post
  9. [18:39] <DeathEnhanced> i wasnt*
  10. [18:39] <DeathEnhanced> i wasnt aware*
  11. [18:39] <@ReubenMcHawk> Yes, but it took him and 3 other people, myself included, to tell you. I even told you in my second post, which you ignored based off of the logic "Reuben post=troll"
  12. [18:40] <DeathEnhanced> well yes i dont bother reading your posts, due to the fact you ketp spamming after i asked you politly not to, so nowe i ignore your posts
  13. [18:40] <DeathEnhanced> means i dont have to read spam
  14. [18:40] <DeathEnhanced> its a perfect solution
  15. [18:41] <DeathEnhanced> i did tlel you if you had anytihng worth saaying to email me, you coulh have
  16. [18:41] <DeathEnhanced> instead you choose to remain silent
  17. [18:41] <@ReubenMcHawk> Spamming? How? If I posted "LOL U R FAGGIT" in every single post for like 5 pages, I could see that as spam. And it's clearly not so perfect, as your "filter" missed my posting about my exclusion on your little Hall.
  18. [18:42] <DeathEnhanced> if its so little, and pathetic etc then why do you care?
  19. [18:42] <@ReubenMcHawk> And it wasn't worth logging in to my other email just so I could send you an email (which would probably be ignored) about something as petty as forum drama.
  20. [18:43] <DeathEnhanced> uhuh, agreed
  21. [18:43] <@ReubenMcHawk> Your Hall didn't really matter to me past the fact that you claimed to be fair, and then basically excluded and ignored me.
  22. [18:43] <DeathEnhanced> as i said as soon as sumbody told me you were a co founder, i added you
  23. [18:44] <DeathEnhanced> i ignore YOUR posts, not posts by other ppl regaridng you
  24. [18:45] <DeathEnhanced> is that all?
  25. [18:46] <@ReubenMcHawk>
  26. [18:46] <@ReubenMcHawk> Where I first said that I was a RoT co-founder.
  27. [18:46] <@ReubenMcHawk>
  28. [18:46] <@ReubenMcHawk> Where I said it again.
  29. [18:46] <@ReubenMcHawk> See the flaw in your logic?
  30. [18:46] <DeathEnhanced> "you" said it, thats why i didnt know, i dont read "your" posts as i have expa,ined
  31. [18:47] <DeathEnhanced> so as soon as i read that post form your_mom i tihnhk his name is, i put you in
  32. [18:47] <@ReubenMcHawk> And you clearly didn't ignore the post where I insulted you, because you were QQing to the mods AGAIN about it, acting like they're your slaves, while you brag about being able to get people banned in threads.
  33. [18:47] <DeathEnhanced> i was emailed and told about it
  34. [18:47] <DeathEnhanced> so i went and rea dit
  35. [18:47] <DeathEnhanced> read it*
  36. [18:48] <@ReubenMcHawk> So if I did email you, would you ignore that?
  37. [18:48] <DeathEnhanced> no
  38. [18:48] <DeathEnhanced> as long as you dont start spamming my email
  39. [18:48] <DeathEnhanced> then il lstart ignoring your emails aswell
  40. [18:49] <@ReubenMcHawk> Again, you seem to have a misconception on the word "spam" as well as "troll".
  41. [18:49] <@ReubenMcHawk> Making a post you don't like or agree with is neither.
  42. [18:49] <DeathEnhanced> you troll, i see it as spam, i start to ignore your posts, simple
  43. [18:49] == danhezee [] has joined #AoS.drama
  44. [18:50] <danhezee> lol there is no one here
  45. [18:50] <DeathEnhanced> ^ rage join
  46. [18:50] <DeathEnhanced> there is two otehrs in here
  47. [18:50] <DeathEnhanced> others*
  48. [18:50] <@ReubenMcHawk> Yes, except an obvious false positive on my "troll posts" came out of this situation, did it not?
  49. [18:50] <DeathEnhanced> ^ i didnt catch that, explain
  50. [18:50] <@ReubenMcHawk> And I reiterate, merely disagreeing with you on "your" threads aren't trolling.
  51. [18:51] <danhezee> i am in agreement with reuben
  52. [18:51] <@ReubenMcHawk> You ignored my statements on my exclusion from your Hall, and it took YourMom to bring it to your attention.
  53. [18:51] <danhezee> it is called an opinion
  54. [18:51] <DeathEnhanced> what about all the spam posts insulting me and [HK]>?
  55. [18:51] <DeathEnhanced> and delibratly attemtping to trol me and [HK] members?
  56. [18:52] <@ReubenMcHawk> I can only think of one, that I made on the thread, and it was really just baiting you for your attention. Not to mention that I apologized almost immediately after.
  57. [18:52] <DeathEnhanced> did you forget about all those?
  58. [18:52] <DeathEnhanced> reuben dont talk crap becuase a mod is present
  59. [18:52] <DeathEnhanced> thats just very demeaning for you
  60. [18:53] <@ReubenMcHawk> One, how am I talking crap? Two, what does dan's presence have anything to do with this?
  61. [18:53] <DeathEnhanced> well then, dan you mind elving so me and reuben can continue our discussion?
  62. [18:53] <DeathEnhanced> leaving*
  63. [18:54] <@ReubenMcHawk> He doesn't have to leave, his presence doesn't affect this argument at all.
  64. [18:54] <DeathEnhanced> okay then you and i can continue via email, my email:
  65. [18:54] <danhezee> its up to you guys i might be a good third party to help keep it civil
  66. [18:54] <@ReubenMcHawk> Why not here? What's so wrong with here?
  67. [18:54] <DeathEnhanced> ^ if you wish
  68. [18:55] <DeathEnhanced> that wa sdirected at dan
  69. [18:55] <DeathEnhanced> reuben, nothings wrong with here, i just prefer privacy is all
  70. [18:55] <@ReubenMcHawk> Okay, let's take it to private chat.
  71. [18:55] <DeathEnhanced> kay
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