

Feb 6th, 2013
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  1. Azzleflux kybaig: !SCP-1473 This thing
  2. 09:30 Nala Azzleflux: Live the Words (rating: +30, 1 revisions) -
  3. 09:31 *** NekoChris joined #site19
  4. 09:31 NekoChris Glub glub glub
  5. 09:33 *** NekoChris left #site19
  6. 09:33 Sheep well then
  7. 09:34 Vivax What. Why did they even come on?
  8. 09:34 Sheep because "Glub glub glub" apparently
  9. 09:34 Azzleflux .au nekochris
  10. 09:34 Nala Azzleflux: NekoChris (aka Agent Nekochris) has written 4 articles and 0 tales with +659 net upvotes (average +164.75) and 72 revisions, including: SCP-093 (+419), SCP-610 (+184), SCP-983 (+36), plus 1 more.
  11. 09:34 Azzleflux Holy damn, that average
  12. 09:34 *** Magnus quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  13. 09:35 Vivax Oh.
  14. 09:35 Vivax He wrote "The Flesh that Hates"
  15. 09:35 Azzleflux And 093, apparently
  16. 09:35 sideways86 and the fucking mirror rock thing
  17. 09:36 *** Freudian quit (Quit: Leaving)
  18. 09:36 sideways86 yep
  19. 09:36 sideways86 and all he has to say is glub?
  20. 09:36 Sheep yep
  21. 09:36 sideways86 i'd expect more from such a talented fellow
  22. 09:38 TheGreekOwl Oh god.
  23. 09:38 TheGreekOwl I just ate a pie with spanach in it without realising it.
  24. 09:39 TheGreekOwl horrors
  25. 09:39 Bananaman whoa
  26. 09:39 Bananaman holy crap
  27. 09:39 Bananaman was that NekoChris?
  28. 09:39 Vivax Yes.
  29. 09:39 sideways86 mmmyep
  30. 09:39 Vivax That was NekoChris
  31. 09:39 Bananaman holy shit
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