
Monster In The Compound

Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. Monster in the compound
  4. Gabriel Acknova was pacing the holding cell, back and forth, back and forth, thinking about how he ended up here. Fuck the luggage claim, fuck the police, fuck his guy that said the car was good, fuck them all. He was only out for himself now. His lawyer was no good, said that the case was full of holes, that everything was circumstantial, that he wouldn't even get a night in jail. He must been high because he provided the video footage that landed him in this dump.
  6. He was rattled out of his fuming by a guard knocking his baton against the bars.
  7. “Hey, Acknova!” He shouted with a voice that seemed to fit a much smaller man. “Warden, wants to see you.”
  8. “What for?” Gabriel spat.
  9. “Wouldn't tell me. Now come on and put your arms though the slot. You know I can't take you around the complex without your bracelets.”
  10. Gabriel snorted in contempt but complied anyway, the cold steel snapping around his wrists.
  12. He was lead through the secondary door, passing workers sill building the fucking place. At least there was a cook and a shower. They reached the office wing and the guard pushed him through, ahead of him.
  13. “Second door on the right,” Was all the guard said before shutting the door behind the prisoner.
  15. He walked into the room, his mother, Saphara Acknova typing swiftly on a keyboard, the keys clicking in a staccato rhythm as his issued flats clicked along the tile. She looked up from her fevered typing and looked her son over. He had gotten slimmer since the last time she saw him.
  16. “Sit down Gabriel,” She rasped out, standing up from her cheap office chair and running a hand down the side of her blouse, smoothing it out.
  17. With a sneer, he stepped right up to her, anger flaring in his eyes and he spit in her face.
  18. Saphara slapped him. Hard. Hard enough that he staggered off his feat and landed with his back to the wall and his ass on the ground.
  19. She was right next to him in the blink of an eye. “If you think that I didn't pull every string I had to get you in here, you're damn well right so if you fuck this up, you're out of my hands.”
  21. It was then that Gabriel realized something. He was not in control. He never was to begin with.
  22. Saphara continued. “I put up half the money for the place out of my own pocket to have it built in three days just so I could keep an eye on you,” She leaned in very close. “Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear? You do not have control. I do. I say what goes on here. Not you, me. Get it? This is not one of your little smash-and-grabs your little gang would pull every once in a while. These men will kill you without a second thought. This place is mine. When I want something to happen, it happens. Weather it's someone buying or selling drugs, guns or bombs, I make that happen. When someone get's in the way, they're killed. I make that happen. This place is mine, the people in it are mine, you,” She poked him in the chest hard, “Are mine. And you will do exactly what I say, follow the schedule and don't hear too much of anything. Am I clear?”
  24. Gabriel gulped. This woman was not his mother. His mother was a kind lady who cried at his trial, who visited him in holding. This woman in front of him was a monster. Someone who would kill anyone who got in her way. Someone who sold drugs off prisoners to smugglers, and runners, guns to militia and dealers and had a finger in every dirty pie there was. He became afraid.
  26. “Y-Yes, ma'am.”
  27. She smiled warmly, standing back up as if nothing had happened. “Good to hear. I'll come by later to see that you're comfortable. Or as comfortable as you can be,” She gestured to the surrounding brick walls.
  28. Saphara turned around and headed back to her desk, making it clear that the meeting was over. Gabriel stood to his feet, shakily and headed out to the hallway, arm and leg irons jingling with each step back to his cell. He thought about what had happened. What his mother had become. The monster in the compound.
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