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a guest
Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. config>
  2. ID>1
  3. name>Stormrune/name>
  4. password> (PUBLIC) !-- will be required for new clients to join if not blank (no more than 32 symbols) -->
  5. adminPassword> Meinkampf !-- GM password (no more than 32 symbols). If empty, GM Mode disabled -->
  6. skillsStatsMult> 10 !-- =1 is vanilla MMO skills progression setting (range: 0.1 - 100) -->
  7. skillcap> 1791 !-- =600 is vanilla MMO skill cap (range: 200 - 3000) -->
  8. terraformingSpeed>5 !-- Terraforming speed during TUNNELING only. 0.8 is a vanilla setting. Can be raised up to 60, but only players with GM powers will be able to dig tunnels with a single iteration (range: 0.1 - 5) -->
  9. craftingPeriod>30 !-- seconds for 1 crafting tick (burning of fuel, heating of objects etc) (range: 1 - 3600) -->
  10. animalBFPeriod>60 !-- minutes between a breeding check. New harvest, dung and young animals will appear on that tick (range: 1 - 600) -->
  11. dayCycle>2 !-- Real life hours per in game day. Affects speed of crops and trees growth (range: 0.5 - 24) -->
  12. animalsCount>65 !-- WARNING! Big numbers might result a heavy server load. We'd recommend 50 or 100, but you can always experiment on your own hardware Amount of animal spawn points and may result in a maximum of spawned animals at once. (range: 0 - 100) -->
  13. maxPlayers>28 !-- Maximum amount of SIMULTANEOUS players on one server (range: 1 - 64) -->
  14. objectDecayRate>0 !-- Decay rate multiplayer for objects outside of the claim area. 0 by default - decay disabled (range: 0 - 10) -->
  15. config>
  19. NOTE: come talk to me before you put this in the server
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