
GMs scour the field for arms Beane in hunt for help to make

Dec 4th, 2013
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  1. AKLAND - A year ago at this time, it was easy to forget the A's still were in business. While other teams were making trades and signing free agents, Oakland did nothing of consequence. Had the front office entered the witness protection program and vanished?
  3. But already this offseason general manager Billy Beane has acquired a No. 1 starter for the rotation, Kenny Rogers, and some depth for the bullpen and the infield.
  5. And he promises that he will continue to work the phones in an effort to improve his team, which needs all the help it can get after finishing the 1997 season with the worst record in baseball.
  7. "My nature is if it's broke, fix it, and fix it as soon as you can," Beane said Thursday. "In a perfect world, I'd like to go into the Christmas vacation with the club set. That's not going to happen. But you'd like to continue to make steps."
  9. Beane expects to announce at least one more move in the next couple of weeks.
  11. "I'd be disappointed if another step hasn't been taken," he said.
  13. He couldn't be more specific than that, but did say his No. 1 priority is to add another pitcher to the rotation. It wouldn't be a surprise if it's veteran knuckleballer Tom Candiotti, a Walnut Creek resident.
  15. And Beane probably also has two former A's on his holiday wish list: Free agents Rickey Henderson and Tony Phillips. There's a chance both men might be returning, too.
  17. "We've talked to him," the GM acknowledged when asked if there was interest in Candiotti. "He fits the criteria. There's a certain level of player that we're probably not going to be able to bring here. We (didn't enter) the Darryl Kile sweepstakes. Yeah, Tom is a guy who interests us."
  19. Candiotti, a free agent, was 10-7 with a 3.60 ERA for the Dodgers last year. He began the season in the bullpen but eventually made 18 starts, and his numbers indicate he pitched well. Although he will be 41 in August, knuckleballers traditionally put less stress on their arm and stick around longer.
  21. Candiotti, along with Rogers, could give the A's innings. That would take some pressure off the vulnerable bullpen.
  23. Also, Beane doesn't want to put too much pressure on Jimmy Haynes and Brad Rigby, two prospects who almost certainly will be in the '98 rotation. The two veterans would make the kids' jobs a little easier.
  25. "These guys just aren't going to be able to pull the wagon by themselves," the GM said. "And it's going to hurt their development."
  27. Beane's payroll right now is about $8 million, and he guesses he might have $9 or $10 million more to spend. After he signs a starter, he also needs to find a competent left-hander for the bullpen, no easy task, and perhaps even a closer, even though Billy Taylor and T.J. Mathews (obtained in the Mark McGwire deal) will return.
  29. Only then will Beane try to figure out how much money he has left to plug some of the team's other holes. And there are a lot of them.
  31. The A's desperately need someone to lead off. And if that guy also can play left field, it would allow Matt Stairs to be the almost-fulltime designated hitter.
  33. Henderson can do both jobs.
  35. "There's a lot of attractive things about Rickey," Beane said. "I speak from experience as a teammate of Rickey's, someone who's been around Rickey. So I have a little more insight about his impact. Rickey's still a major-league player. It would be foolish not to consider Rickey."
  37. Henderson, who will be 39 Christmas Day, spent most of last season with San Diego. He was productive there, hitting .274 with a .422 on-base percentage. Traded to Anaheim, he only hit .183 for the Angels but still drew 26 walks in 32 games.
  39. Phillips would be a capable replacement for Scott Brosius at third base. Beane must decide whether Phillips' drug problems were an isolated incident.
  41. Now that Brent Mayne defected across the Bay to the Giants, the A's need an experienced catcher. They also are seeking a veteran shortstop with some pop in his bat and a center fielder.
  43. Beane's challenge the next few months will be to make as many moves as he can before the money runs out.
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