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Feb 3rd, 2017
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  1. class DataContainer;
  2. class GameDataContainer;
  3. class DataBusPeer;
  4. class GameObjectData;
  5. class EntityBusPeer;
  6. class EntityData;
  7. class LinearTransform;
  8. class Asset;
  9. class Entity;
  10. class SpatialEntityData;
  11. class DataBusData;
  12. class SpatialEntity;
  13. class ComponentEntityData;
  14. class EntityBusData;
  15. class Component;
  16. class ComponentEntity;
  17. class ComponentData;
  18. class GameComponentEntityData;
  19. class Blueprint;
  20. class HealthComponent;
  21. class GameComponent;
  22. class GameComponentEntity;
  23. class GameComponentData;
  24. class EntryComponentHudData;
  25. class GamePhysicsEntityData;
  26. class InvestigateSettigns;
  27. class PhysicsComponentData;
  28. class PrefabBlueprint;
  29. class ClientGameHealthComponent;
  30. class PhysicsComponent;
  31. class RenderingOverrides;
  32. class ServerGameComponent;
  33. class ClientGameComponent;
  34. class ClientGameComponentEntity;
  35. class EntryComponentData;
  36. class SystemSettings;
  37. class ProjectileEntityData;
  38. class InvestigateSettignsCustomization;
  39. class GunSwayDispersionData;
  40. class GunSwayRecoilData;
  41. class HealthComponentData;
  42. class GamePhysicsComponentData;
  43. class SpatialPrefabBlueprint;
  44. class ClientControllableHealthComponent;
  45. class CharacterPhysicsComponent;
  46. class ReferenceObjectData;
  47. class ServerEntryComponent;
  48. class BundleSettingsInfo;
  49. class BundleHeapInfo;
  50. class DataContainerPolicyAsset;
  51. class TreeNodeBase;
  52. class ClientEntryComponent;
  53. class ClientPhysicsEntity;
  54. class Camera;
  55. class CameraData;
  56. class PlayerEntryComponentData;
  57. class BaseDisplaySettings;
  58. class MemberInfo;
  59. class MemberInfoData;
  60. class MeshProjectileEntityData;
  61. class FireEffectData;
  62. class BoltActionData;
  63. class HoldAndReleaseData;
  64. class RecoilData;
  65. class FiringDispersionData;
  66. class AccuracyPenaltySettings;
  67. class TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve;
  68. class InvestigateSettignsCustomizations;
  69. class EvasiveBucketTimeSettings;
  70. class GunSwayBaseMoveJumpData;
  71. class GunSwayDispersionModData;
  72. class GunSwayBaseMoveData;
  73. class GameHealthComponentData;
  74. class ControllablePhysicsComponentData;
  75. class SubWorldData;
  76. class Vec4;
  77. class SurfaceShaderInstanceDataStruct;
  78. class InputActionData;
  79. class ClientCharacterHealthComponent;
  80. class ClientCharacterMasterPhysicsComponent;
  81. class LogicReferenceObjectData;
  82. class IUISystem;
  83. class ServerPlayerEntryComponent;
  84. class Tool;
  85. class ControllableEntityData;
  86. class VehicleHealthZoneData;
  87. class BoneComponentData;
  88. class BlueprintBundleSettings;
  89. class UnlockAssetBase;
  90. class MovingBodyData;
  91. class StatsCategoryBaseData;
  92. class PartPhysicsComponent;
  93. class ClientBoneComponent;
  94. class ClientPlayerEntryComponent;
  95. class ClientControllableEntity;
  96. class SpatialReferenceObjectData;
  97. class ClientProjectileEntity;
  98. class ClientCharacterCameraComponent;
  99. class TargetCamera;
  100. class TargetCameraData;
  101. class TurnEffectData;
  102. class BlurEffectData;
  103. class VoiceOverValue;
  104. class WeaponModifierBase;
  105. class ScreenInfo;
  106. class PiecewiseLinearCurve;
  107. class StanceToggleSwitchMapData;
  108. class VehicleEntryComponentData;
  109. class DxDisplaySettings;
  110. class ObjectBlueprint;
  111. class TypeInfo;
  112. class TypeInfoData;
  113. class GhostedProjectileEntityData;
  114. class AntRef;
  115. class FakePhysicsData;
  116. class ShotConfigData;
  117. class AmmoConfigData;
  118. class OverHeatData;
  119. class FireLogicData;
  120. class WeaponDispersion;
  121. class InteractionEntityData;
  122. class GameTweakAITargeting;
  123. class GameTweakCommon;
  124. class GameTweakPanicBehavior;
  125. class GameTweakSniper;
  126. class GameTweakBucketDamage;
  127. class GameAIDifficultyData;
  128. class TargetCameraCallback;
  129. class GunSwayStandData;
  130. class GunSwayStanceZoomModifierData;
  131. class GunSwayCrouchProneData;
  132. class GunSwayStanceTransition;
  133. class WeaponSwayData;
  134. class ControllableHealthComponentData;
  135. class VehiclePhysicsComponentData;
  136. class PhysicsActionBaseData;
  137. class GameAIWeaponData;
  138. class AimInputEntityData;
  139. class JobAffinitySet;
  140. class IKeyboard;
  141. class LandingGearConditionData;
  142. class LevelPreloadInfo;
  143. class LevelDescription;
  144. class WorldData;
  145. class AimingConstraintsData;
  146. class LockingAndHomingData;
  147. class AimingWorldSpaceLockEfficiencyData;
  148. class RenderVolumeEntityData;
  149. class MathEntityAssembly;
  150. class AntAnimationHandlerData;
  151. class Guid;
  152. class MissileUnguidedData;
  153. class NearTargetDetonationData;
  154. class IMouse;
  155. class AxesInputActionData;
  156. class ClientSoldierHealthComponent;
  157. class ClientSoldierPhysicsComponent;
  158. class WidgetReferenceEntityData;
  159. class IglooSubsystem;
  160. class UISystem;
  161. class HudData;
  162. class ProfileOptionData;
  163. class InputNode;
  164. class PhysicsBody;
  165. class PhysicsBodyData;
  166. class MeshAsset;
  167. class RegularCameraViewData;
  168. class StanceCameraData;
  169. class ServerVehicleEntryComponent;
  170. class CongestionControlSettings;
  171. class ServerSpawnEntity;
  172. class Weapon;
  173. class ServerBoneComponent;
  174. class PartComponentData;
  175. class BaseSkeletonAsset;
  176. class AimingPoseData;
  177. class CharacterEntityData;
  178. class ChildComponentData;
  179. class SoldierFOVEffect;
  180. class WeaponEntityData;
  181. class StoredWeaponData;
  182. class BlueprintBundleReference;
  183. class WeaponUnlockAsset;
  184. class RotationBodyData;
  185. class ClientAimInputEntity;
  186. class StateNodeEntityBaseData;
  187. class StatsCategoryGuidData;
  188. class ClientVehicleHealthComponent;
  189. class ClientVehiclePhysicsComponent;
  190. class ClientMeshComponent;
  191. class TextureBaseAsset;
  192. class ClientPartComponent;
  193. class ClientChildComponent;
  194. class ClientVehicleEntryComponent;
  195. class InputThrottle;
  196. class VehicleInputData;
  197. class AntiRollBars;
  198. class InAirForceConfig;
  199. class VehicleHudData;
  200. class VehicleLockableInfoData;
  201. class AngleOfImpactData;
  202. class ClientCharacterEntity;
  203. class PhysicsActionData;
  204. class SpawnReferenceObjectData;
  205. class ClientBulletEntity;
  206. class ClientSoldierCameraComponent;
  207. class FPSCamera;
  208. class FPSCameraData;
  209. class VehicleCustomizationAsset;
  210. class VoiceOverNamedValue;
  211. class ClientSpawnEntity;
  212. class ToolData;
  213. class Firing;
  214. class FiringPad;
  215. class RumbleFiringData;
  216. class VisualEnvironmentComponentData;
  217. class WeaponModifierDynamicBase;
  218. class WeaponAnimationSettingsData;
  219. class CreepingAirBarrage;
  220. class CriteriaGateList;
  221. class CrosshairTypeAsset;
  222. class Curve2D;
  223. class CustomizationTable;
  224. class DX11Screen;
  225. class DamageModifier;
  226. class DamageModifierExtended;
  227. class DestructionMaskVolumeEntityData;
  228. class DiceShooterVehicleEntryComponentData;
  229. class DiceUIInputManagerSettings;
  230. class DifficultyDatas;
  231. class DistanceToAwareCurveOverride;
  232. class DriverSettings;
  233. class DummyClass;
  234. class Dx11DisplaySettings;
  235. class Dx11Renderer;
  236. class DynamicDataContainer;
  237. class EffectBlueprint;
  238. class EnlightenShaderDatabaseAsset;
  239. class EntityVoiceOverInfo;
  240. class Entry;
  241. class EntryComponentSoundData;
  242. class EntryInputActionBindingsData;
  243. class EntryInputActionMapsData;
  244. class EnumFieldInfo;
  245. class EnumFieldInfoData;
  246. class EvasionVolume;
  247. class ExplosionEntityData;
  248. class ExplosionPackEntityData;
  249. class ExplosionWindForceData;
  250. class ExtendedConstraintsData;
  251. class FOVTransitionData;
  252. class FPSAimer;
  253. class FaceAnimationWaveMappings;
  254. class FairFightServerSettings;
  255. class FakeHingeData;
  256. class FieldInfo;
  257. class FieldInfoCotainer;
  258. class FieldInfoData;
  259. class FieldInfoDataContainer;
  260. class FiringCallback;
  261. class FiringFunctionData;
  262. class FiringIntervalPattern;
  263. class FlashlightModifier;
  264. class FloatCurve;
  265. class FloatPhysicsData;
  266. class GAMESETTINGS;
  267. class GameAIEntryData;
  268. class GameAISystem;
  269. class GameAnimationSettings;
  270. class GameInteractionEntityData;
  271. class GameLevel;
  272. class GameModeSettings;
  273. class GameRender;
  274. class GameRenderSettings;
  275. class GameSettings;
  276. class GameTweakData;
  277. class GameView;
  278. class GearboxConfigData;
  279. class GrenadeEntityData;
  280. class GunSwayData;
  281. class HavokAsset;
  282. class HearingModifier;
  283. class HorseHealthComponentData;
  284. class HorsePhysicsComponentData;
  285. class HorsePropulsionPhysicsActionData;
  286. class IClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent;
  287. class IPhysicsRayCaster;
  288. class InputActionMappingsData;
  289. class InputCache;
  290. class InputCamera;
  291. class InputConfigurationAsset;
  292. class FiringCallbackHolder;
  293. class AILevelData;
  294. class InterpolationManagerSettings;
  295. class AIWeaponData;
  296. class AccuracyHitBox;
  297. class AeroDynamicPhysicsData;
  298. class AiAimInputEntityData;
  299. class JobAffinitySettings;
  300. class KeyboardImpl;
  301. class KeyboardInputActionData;
  302. class AimEntityData;
  303. class LandingGearLogicData;
  304. class LevelData;
  305. class AimRotationBoneComponentData;
  306. class AimTransformBuilderEntityData;
  307. class AimingConstraintEntityData;
  308. class LocalizationAsset;
  309. class AimingSimulationEntityData;
  310. class LockingControllerData;
  311. class LockingTypeAsset;
  312. class AimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntityData;
  313. class Main;
  314. class MaskVolumeEntityData;
  315. class MaterialGridData;
  316. class AlignmentData;
  317. class MathEntityData;
  318. class AlternateCameraViewData;
  319. class AntAnimatableData;
  320. class AntAnimatableEntityData;
  321. class MeshLodGroup;
  322. class AntEnumeration;
  323. class Minimap2DEntityData;
  324. class Minimap2DTextureAsset;
  325. class MissileEntityData;
  326. class AntProjectAsset;
  327. class ModuleInfo;
  328. class MotionDampingData;
  329. class MotorbikeData;
  330. class MouseImpl;
  331. class AntiRollBar;
  332. class N0A05926F;
  333. class N0A05CDE6;
  334. class N0A06EE1B;
  335. class N0A09A266;
  336. class N0A0DBBFC;
  337. class N0A0DD79C;
  338. class N0A0E3EF5;
  339. class N0A0EDA88;
  340. class N0A116F71;
  341. class N0A118D54;
  342. class N0A11DD07;
  343. class N0A136457;
  344. class N0A146F66;
  345. class N0A148F3D;
  346. class N0A14C86C;
  347. class N0A151E00;
  348. class N0A16C972;
  349. class N0A1875D7;
  350. class N0A199B95;
  351. class N0A1B05CF;
  352. class N0A1D6A6D;
  353. class N0A1ED932;
  354. class N0A1FA9BC;
  355. class N0A202738;
  356. class N0A2044DD;
  357. class N0A207AFC;
  358. class N0A220042;
  359. class N0A22CE16;
  360. class N0A23B761;
  361. class N0A33CCBA;
  362. class N0CDF59FF;
  363. class N0CE44716;
  364. class N0CE90205;
  365. class N0CE99D66;
  366. class N0CF5EFBC;
  367. class N0CF7D064;
  368. class N0D08180B;
  369. class N0D09A9D5;
  370. class N0D0A037C;
  371. class N0D0BDADA;
  372. class N0D0E2103;
  373. class N0D0F3284;
  374. class N0D104D5F;
  375. class N0D110CA0;
  376. class N0D113AE2;
  377. class N0D11967E;
  378. class N0D177319;
  379. class ArrayTypeInfo;
  380. class ArrayTypeInfoData;
  381. class ObjectVariation;
  382. class AudioLanguage;
  383. class Pad;
  384. class PadInputActionData;
  385. class AuthoritativeAimInputEntityData;
  386. class AutoAssetCollector;
  387. class PathfindingBlobAsset;
  388. class PersistentAmmoData;
  389. class BFClientSettings;
  390. class BFClientSoldierHealthComponent;
  391. class BFClientSoldierPhysicsComponent;
  392. class BFServerSettings;
  393. class BFUIDynamicWidgetGroupAsset;
  394. class BFUIDynamicWidgetReferenceEntityData;
  395. class PhysicsEntityData;
  396. class PhysicsManager;
  397. class PhysicsSettings;
  398. class BFUIStaticBundlesAsset;
  399. class PlayerData;
  400. class BFUISystem;
  401. class PlayerFilterEntityData;
  402. class PlayerHolder;
  403. class PlayerViewData;
  404. class BfCompassHudData;
  405. class PreferredRange;
  406. class ProceduralAnimationTypeSimple;
  407. class BfCrosshairHudData;
  408. class ProfileOptionDataBool;
  409. class ProfileOptionDataFloat;
  410. class ProfileOptionsAsset;
  411. class Projectile;
  412. class ProjectileBlueprint;
  413. class BfVehicleHudData;
  414. class PropertyToInputEntityData;
  415. class ProximityData;
  416. class ProximityTrackerData;
  417. class RBX;
  418. class RDI;
  419. class BfWeaponHudData;
  420. class BoolEntityData;
  421. class BorderInputNode;
  422. class RegulatedSteering;
  423. class RenderView;
  424. class BulletEntityData;
  425. class BurstIntervalPattern;
  426. class RigidBody;
  427. class RigidBodyData;
  428. class RigidMeshAsset;
  429. class CameraComponentData;
  430. class CameraComponentSoundData;
  431. class CameraRecoilData;
  432. class CameraRelativeControlData;
  433. class ServerDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent;
  434. class CharacterBlueprint;
  435. class CharacterPhysicsBodyData;
  436. class CharacterPhysicsData;
  437. class ServerSettings;
  438. class CharacterSoundData;
  439. class CharacterSprintData;
  440. class ServerVehicleSpawnEntity;
  441. class ServerWeapon;
  442. class ServerWeaponComponent;
  443. class ShooterComponentHolder;
  444. class ChassisComponentData;
  445. class SkeletonAsset;
  446. class SkeletonCollisionData;
  447. class SoldierAimAssistData;
  448. class SoldierAimingConstraintsData;
  449. class SoldierAimingSimulationData;
  450. class SoldierAutoAimData;
  451. class SoldierEntityData;
  452. class ChildBarrelComponentData;
  453. class SoldierHeadCollisionData;
  454. class SoldierHealthModuleData;
  455. class SoldierSprintSettingsData;
  456. class SoldierWeaponCustomizationAsset;
  457. class SoldierWeaponData;
  458. class SoldierWeaponHudData;
  459. class SoldierWeaponUnlockAsset;
  460. class SoundAsset;
  461. class SoundScopeData;
  462. class SoundScopeStrategyData;
  463. class ChildRotationBodyData;
  464. class ClassInfo;
  465. class ClassInfoData;
  466. class Client;
  467. class ClientActiveWeaonHandler;
  468. class SpecialBehavior;
  469. class SprayPattern;
  470. class StabilizerData;
  471. class ClientAiAimInputEntity;
  472. class StanceFilterComponentData;
  473. class StanceFilterHolder;
  474. class ClientAimEntity;
  475. class ClientAimRotationBoneComponent;
  476. class StateNodeEntityData;
  477. class StaticCamera;
  478. class StaticCameraData;
  479. class ClientAimingConstraint;
  480. class ClientAimingSimulation;
  481. class StatsCategoryVehicleData;
  482. class StatsCategoryWeaponData;
  483. class ClientAimingSimulationDataProviderEntity;
  484. class StreamPoolPreset;
  485. class ClientAimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntity;
  486. class SubWorldInclusion;
  487. class SuppressedBehavior;
  488. class SurfaceShaderBaseAsset;
  489. class ClientAnimatedSoldierWeaponHandler;
  490. class SustainFiringData;
  491. class SustainFiringSweepAreaSettings;
  492. class SyncedBFSettings;
  493. class ClientBFVehicleHealthComponent;
  494. class ClientBFVehiclePhysicsComponent;
  495. class ClientCameraComponent;
  496. class ClientCharacterAnimatableMeshProxyComponent;
  497. class TargetModifier;
  498. class TargetingData;
  499. class TextureAsset;
  500. class ClientChassisComponent;
  501. class ClientChildBarrelComponent;
  502. class ClientComponentTargetCameraCallback;
  503. class ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent;
  504. class TransformSpace;
  505. class ClientFireProjectileEntity;
  506. class ClientGameContext;
  507. class ClientHorsePhysicsComponent;
  508. class ClientInput;
  509. class UIImmediateModeFontConfigurationAsset;
  510. class UIInputActionDataAsset;
  511. class UIPartPropertyList;
  512. class UISettings;
  513. class ClientMinimap2DEntity;
  514. class UIWorldIconBehavior;
  515. class ClientPlayer;
  516. class UnlockEntityData;
  517. class UnlockUserDataBase;
  518. class ValueTypeInfo;
  519. class ValueTypeInfoData;
  520. class ClientPlayerManager;
  521. class VehicleAimerSettings;
  522. class VehicleConfigData;
  523. class ClientSettings;
  524. class VehicleEntityData;
  525. class ClientSoldierBreathControlComponent;
  526. class VehicleHealthComponentData;
  527. class ClientSoldierEntity;
  528. class ClientSoldierPrediction;
  529. class VehicleInaccuracySettings;
  530. class ClientSoldierWeapon;
  531. class ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent;
  532. class VehiclePhysicsActionData;
  533. class ClientStanceFilterComponent;
  534. class VehicleSoundData;
  535. class VehicleSpawnReferenceObjectData;
  536. class VeniceClientBulletEntity;
  537. class VeniceClientSoldierCameraComponent;
  538. class VeniceFPSCamera;
  539. class VeniceFPSCameraData;
  540. class VeniceUISettings;
  541. class VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset;
  542. class VersionData;
  543. class ViewHolder;
  544. class VisionModifier;
  545. class VisualEnvironmentBlueprint;
  546. class ClientUnlockComponent;
  547. class VoiceOverConversationQueueGroup;
  548. class ClientVehicleAimingSimulation;
  549. class VoiceOverObject;
  550. class VoiceOverPronunciation;
  551. class VoiceOverSystemAsset;
  552. class ClientVehicleEntity;
  553. class WeakData;
  554. class WeakPtr;
  555. class ClientVehicleSpawnEntity;
  556. class ClientWeapon;
  557. class WeaponComponentData;
  558. class WeaponData;
  559. class ClientWeaponComponent;
  560. class ClientWeaponHolder;
  561. class WeaponFiring;
  562. class WeaponFiringData;
  563. class WeaponFiringHolder;
  564. class WeaponHitProbability;
  565. class WeaponInfo;
  566. class WeaponMagazineModifier;
  567. class WeaponModifier;
  568. class CollisionData;
  569. class ColorCorrectionComponentData;
  570. class WeaponProjectileModifier;
  571. class WeaponRestrictions;
  572. class WeaponSettings;
  573. class WeaponSuppressionData;
  574. class ComponentTable;
  575. class ComponentTulpe;
  576. class WeaponZoomLevelData;
  577. class WeaponZoomLevelModifier;
  578. class CompositeMeshAsset;
  579. class WindowSettings;
  580. class ConsoleCommandTriggerEntityData;
  581. class ZoomLevelData;
  582. class vectorFiringCallback;;
  584. enum WeaponClassification
  585. {
  586. WCNone = 0,
  587. WCPrimary = 1,
  588. WCSecondary = 2,
  589. };
  591. enum TimeDeltaType
  592. {
  593. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  594. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  595. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  596. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  597. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  598. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  599. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  600. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  601. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  602. };
  604. enum FloatCurveType
  605. {
  606. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  607. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  608. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  609. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  610. };
  612. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  613. {
  614. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  615. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  616. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  617. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  618. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  619. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  620. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  621. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  622. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  623. };
  625. enum Realm
  626. {
  627. Realm_Client = 0,
  628. Realm_Server = 1,
  629. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  630. Realm_None = 3,
  631. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  632. };
  634. enum CharacterPoseType
  635. {
  636. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  637. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  638. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  639. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  640. };
  642. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  643. {
  644. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  645. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  646. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  647. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  648. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  649. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  650. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  651. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  652. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  653. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  654. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  655. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  656. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  657. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  658. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  659. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  660. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  661. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  662. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  663. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  664. };
  666. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  667. {
  668. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  669. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  670. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  671. };
  673. enum EntryClass
  674. {
  675. ecPrimary = 0,
  676. ecSecondary = 1,
  677. };
  679. enum EntrySeatType
  680. {
  681. EST_Driver = 0,
  682. EST_Gunner = 1,
  683. EST_Passenger = 2,
  684. };
  686. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  687. {
  688. ESSDefault = 0,
  689. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  690. ESSReceive = 2,
  691. ESSCount = 3,
  692. };
  694. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  695. {
  696. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  697. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  698. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  699. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  700. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  701. };
  703. enum DamageEntityType
  704. {
  705. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  706. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  707. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  708. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  709. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  710. };
  712. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  713. {
  714. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  715. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  716. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  717. };
  719. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  720. {
  721. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  722. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  723. };
  725. enum TeamId
  726. {
  727. TeamNeutral = 0,
  728. Team1 = 1,
  729. Team2 = 2,
  730. Team3 = 3,
  731. Team4 = 4,
  732. Team5 = 5,
  733. Team6 = 6,
  734. Team7 = 7,
  735. Team8 = 8,
  736. Team9 = 9,
  737. Team10 = 10,
  738. Team11 = 11,
  739. Team12 = 12,
  740. Team13 = 13,
  741. Team14 = 14,
  742. Team15 = 15,
  743. Team16 = 16,
  744. TeamIdCount = 17,
  745. };
  747. enum VehicleCategory
  748. {
  749. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  750. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  751. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  752. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  753. };
  755. enum UnlockSpawnType
  756. {
  757. SpawnLock_Ignore = 0,
  758. SpawnLock_Locked = 1,
  759. SpawnLock_Unlocked = 2,
  760. };
  762. enum WeaponClassification
  763. {
  764. WCNone = 0,
  765. WCPrimary = 1,
  766. WCSecondary = 2,
  767. };
  769. enum TimeDeltaType
  770. {
  771. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  772. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  773. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  774. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  775. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  776. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  777. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  778. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  779. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  780. };
  782. enum FloatCurveType
  783. {
  784. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  785. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  786. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  787. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  788. };
  790. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  791. {
  792. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  793. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  794. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  795. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  796. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  797. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  798. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  799. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  800. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  801. };
  803. enum Realm
  804. {
  805. Realm_Client = 0,
  806. Realm_Server = 1,
  807. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  808. Realm_None = 3,
  809. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  810. };
  812. enum CharacterPoseType
  813. {
  814. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  815. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  816. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  817. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  818. };
  820. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  821. {
  822. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  823. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  824. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  825. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  826. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  827. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  828. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  829. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  830. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  831. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  832. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  833. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  834. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  835. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  836. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  837. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  838. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  839. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  840. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  841. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  842. };
  844. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  845. {
  846. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  847. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  848. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  849. };
  851. enum EntryClass
  852. {
  853. ecPrimary = 0,
  854. ecSecondary = 1,
  855. };
  857. enum EntrySeatType
  858. {
  859. EST_Driver = 0,
  860. EST_Gunner = 1,
  861. EST_Passenger = 2,
  862. };
  864. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  865. {
  866. ESSDefault = 0,
  867. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  868. ESSReceive = 2,
  869. ESSCount = 3,
  870. };
  872. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  873. {
  874. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  875. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  876. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  877. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  878. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  879. };
  881. enum DamageEntityType
  882. {
  883. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  884. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  885. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  886. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  887. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  888. };
  890. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  891. {
  892. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  893. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  894. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  895. };
  897. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  898. {
  899. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  900. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  901. };
  903. enum TeamId
  904. {
  905. TeamNeutral = 0,
  906. Team1 = 1,
  907. Team2 = 2,
  908. Team3 = 3,
  909. Team4 = 4,
  910. Team5 = 5,
  911. Team6 = 6,
  912. Team7 = 7,
  913. Team8 = 8,
  914. Team9 = 9,
  915. Team10 = 10,
  916. Team11 = 11,
  917. Team12 = 12,
  918. Team13 = 13,
  919. Team14 = 14,
  920. Team15 = 15,
  921. Team16 = 16,
  922. TeamIdCount = 17,
  923. };
  925. enum VehicleCategory
  926. {
  927. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  928. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  929. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  930. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  931. };
  933. enum UIHudIcon
  934. {
  935. UIHudIcon_Unused = 0,
  936. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayer = 1,
  937. UIHudIcon_LocalDirection = 2,
  938. UIHudIcon_FriendlyPlayer = 3,
  939. UIHudIcon_EnemyPlayer = 4,
  940. UIHudIcon_NeutralPlayer = 5,
  941. UIHudIcon_SquadMember = 6,
  942. UIHudIcon_SquadLeader = 7,
  943. UIHudIcon_SquadLeaderTargeted = 8,
  944. UIHudIcon_Vehicle = 9,
  945. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjective = 10,
  946. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveBlink = 11,
  947. UIHudIcon_SecondaryObjective = 12,
  948. UIHudIcon_AreaMapMarker = 13,
  949. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDestroy = 14,
  950. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveScout = 15,
  951. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefend = 16,
  952. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveMoveTo = 17,
  953. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttack = 18,
  954. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFollow = 19,
  955. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveGeneral = 20,
  956. UIHudICon_UAV = 21,
  957. UIHudIcon_AmmoCrate = 22,
  958. UIHudIcon_MedicBag = 23,
  959. UIHudIcon_C4 = 24,
  960. UIHudIcon_ATMine = 25,
  961. UIHudIcon_StationaryWeapon = 26,
  962. UIHudIcon_North = 27,
  963. UIHudIcon_South = 28,
  964. UIHudIcon_West = 29,
  965. UIHudIcon_East = 30,
  966. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlag = 31,
  967. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlag = 32,
  968. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlag = 33,
  969. UIHudIcon_FriendlyBase = 34,
  970. UIHudIcon_EnemyBase = 35,
  971. UIHudIcon_Team1Flag = 36,
  972. UIHudIcon_Team2Flag = 37,
  973. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagLit = 38,
  974. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagLit = 39,
  975. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagLit = 40,
  976. UIHudIcon_SelectableSpawnPoint = 41,
  977. UIHudIcon_SelectedSpawnPoint = 42,
  978. UIHudIcon_NonSelectableSpawnPoint = 43,
  979. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagUnderAttack = 44,
  980. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagUnderAttack = 45,
  981. UIHudIcon_OrderAttack = 46,
  982. UIHudIcon_OrderDefend = 47,
  983. UIHudIcon_OrderAttackObserved = 48,
  984. UIHudIcon_OrderDefendObserved = 49,
  985. UIHudIcon_Boat = 50,
  986. UIHudIcon_Car = 51,
  987. UIHudIcon_Jeep = 52,
  988. UIHudIcon_HeliAttack = 53,
  989. UIHudIcon_HeliScout = 54,
  990. UIHudIcon_Tank = 55,
  991. UIHudIcon_TankIFV = 56,
  992. UIHudIcon_TankArty = 57,
  993. UIHudIcon_TankAA = 58,
  994. UIHudIcon_TankAT = 59,
  995. UIHudIcon_Jet = 60,
  996. UIHudIcon_JetBomber = 61,
  997. UIHudIcon_Stationary = 62,
  998. UIHudIcon_Strategic = 63,
  999. UIHudIcon_MotionRadarSweep = 64,
  1000. UIHudIcon_NeedBackup = 65,
  1001. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmo = 66,
  1002. UIHudIcon_NeedMedic = 67,
  1003. UIHudIcon_NeedPickup = 68,
  1004. UIHudIcon_NeedRepair = 69,
  1005. UIHudIcon_KitAssault = 70,
  1006. UIHudIcon_KitDemolition = 71,
  1007. UIHudIcon_KitRecon = 72,
  1008. UIHudIcon_KitSpecialist = 73,
  1009. UIHudIcon_KitSupport = 74,
  1010. UIHudIcon_KitMedic = 75,
  1011. UIHudIcon_KitEngineer = 76,
  1012. UIHudIcon_KitPickupAssault = 77,
  1013. UIHudIcon_KitPickupDemolition = 78,
  1014. UIHudIcon_KitPickupRecon = 79,
  1015. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSpecialist = 80,
  1016. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSupport = 81,
  1017. UIHudIcon_KitPickupMedic = 82,
  1018. UIHudIcon_KitPickupEngineer = 83,
  1019. UIHudIcon_Pickup = 84,
  1020. UIHudIcon_TaggedVehicle = 85,
  1021. UIHudIcon_LaserPaintedVehicle = 86,
  1022. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetEnemy = 87,
  1023. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetFriendly = 88,
  1024. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryTarget = 89,
  1025. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagAttacker = 90,
  1026. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagAttacker = 91,
  1027. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagAttacker = 92,
  1028. UIHudIcon_LaserTarget = 93,
  1029. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttacker = 94,
  1030. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefender = 95,
  1031. UIHudIcon_HealthbarBackground = 96,
  1032. UIHudIcon_Healthbar = 97,
  1033. UIHudIcon_RadarSweepComponent = 98,
  1034. UIHudIcon_Blank = 99,
  1035. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerBigIcon = 100,
  1036. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerOutOfMap = 101,
  1037. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveLarge = 102,
  1038. UIHudIcon_TargetUnlocked = 103,
  1039. UIHudIcon_TargetLocked = 104,
  1040. UIHudIcon_TargetLocking = 105,
  1041. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeNametag = 106,
  1042. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeMinimap = 107,
  1043. UIHudIcon_CapturePointContested = 108,
  1044. UIHudIcon_CapturePointDefended = 109,
  1045. UIHudIcon_RoundBar = 110,
  1046. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBg = 111,
  1047. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBgPlate = 112,
  1048. UIHudIcon_SnapOvalArrow = 113,
  1049. UIHudIcon_SquadleaderBg = 114,
  1050. UIHudIcon_VehicleBg = 115,
  1051. UIHudIcon_NonTakeableControlPoint = 116,
  1052. UIHudIcon_SpottedPosition = 117,
  1053. UIHudIcon_Grenade = 118,
  1054. UIHudIcon_Revive = 119,
  1055. UIHudIcon_Repair = 120,
  1056. UIHudIcon_Interact = 121,
  1057. UIHudIcon_Voip = 122,
  1058. UIHudIcon_Claymore = 123,
  1059. UIHudIcon_EodBot = 124,
  1060. UIHudIcon_Explosive = 125,
  1061. UIHudIcon_LaserDesignator = 126,
  1062. UIHudIcon_Mav = 127,
  1063. UIHudIcon_Mortar = 128,
  1064. UIHudIcon_RadioBeacon = 129,
  1065. UIHudIcon_Ugs = 130,
  1066. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarMiddle = 131,
  1067. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarEdge = 132,
  1068. UIHudIcon_PercentageBarBackground = 133,
  1069. UIHudIcon_TankLC = 134,
  1070. UIHudIcon_HeliTrans = 135,
  1071. UIHudIcon_StaticAT = 136,
  1072. UIHudIcon_StaticAA = 137,
  1073. UIHudIcon_SprintBoost = 138,
  1074. UIHudIcon_AmmoBoost = 139,
  1075. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveBoost = 140,
  1076. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveResistBoost = 141,
  1077. UIHudIcon_SuppressionBoost = 142,
  1078. UIHudIcon_SuppressionResistBoost = 143,
  1079. UIHudIcon_GrenadeBoost = 144,
  1080. UIHudIcon_HealSpeedBoost = 145,
  1081. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmoHighlight = 146,
  1082. UIHudIcon_NeedMedicHighlight = 147,
  1083. UIHudIcon_NeedRepairHighlight = 148,
  1084. UIHudIcon_NeedPickupHighlight = 149,
  1085. UIHudIcon_PlayerDead = 150,
  1086. UIHudIcon_Player = 151,
  1087. UIHudIcon_Flag = 152,
  1088. UIHudIcon_Base = 153,
  1089. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveNeutralBomb = 154,
  1090. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyBomb = 155,
  1091. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyBomb = 156,
  1092. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyHVT = 157,
  1093. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyHVT = 158,
  1094. UIHudIcon_Count = 159,
  1095. };
  1097. enum MinimapZoomLevelEnum
  1098. {
  1099. MinimapZoomLevel_OnFoot = 0,
  1100. MinimapZoomLevel_Vehicle = 1,
  1101. MinimapZoomLevel_Flight = 2,
  1102. };
  1104. enum GameplayBones
  1105. {
  1106. GameplayBones_UndefinedBone = -1,
  1107. GameplayBones_RootBone = 0,
  1108. GameplayBones_RootMeshBone = 1,
  1109. GameplayBones_ConnectBone = 2,
  1110. GameplayBones_HeadBone = 3,
  1111. GameplayBones_CameraBone = 4,
  1112. GameplayBones_AimBone = 5,
  1113. GameplayBones_WeaponBone = 6,
  1114. GameplayBones_WeaponAux1Bone = 7,
  1115. GameplayBones_LeftArmBone = 8,
  1116. GameplayBones_LeftToeBone = 9,
  1117. GameplayBones_RightToeBone = 10,
  1118. GameplayBones_LeftFootBone = 11,
  1119. GameplayBones_RightFootBone = 12,
  1120. GameplayBones_Count = 13,
  1121. };
  1123. enum WarnTarget
  1124. {
  1125. wtWarnSoldierAndVehicle = 0,
  1126. wtWarnSoldier = 1,
  1127. wtWarnVehicle = 2,
  1128. wtWarnNone = 3,
  1129. };
  1131. enum UIBlendMode
  1132. {
  1133. UIBlendMode_Solid = 0,
  1134. UIBlendMode_AlphaBlend = 1,
  1135. UIBlendMode_Lighten = 2,
  1136. UIBlendMode_Darken = 3,
  1137. UIBlendMode_Add = 4,
  1138. UIBlendMode_Subtract = 5,
  1139. UIBlendMode_Count = 6,
  1140. UIBlendMode_Passthrough = 7,
  1141. };
  1143. enum BFUISnapLayoutMode
  1144. {
  1145. BFUISnapLayoutMode_Default = 0,
  1146. BFUISnapLayoutMode_ScreenEdge = 1,
  1147. BFUISnapLayoutMode_SafeEdge = 2,
  1148. BFUISnapLayoutMode_CenteredLayoutEdge = 3,
  1149. BFUISnapLayoutMode_ParentEdge = 4,
  1150. };
  1152. enum UILayoutMode
  1153. {
  1154. UILayoutMode_AnchorOffset = 0,
  1155. UILayoutMode_PositionExpansion = 1,
  1156. };
  1158. enum BlueprintPersistenceSetting
  1159. {
  1160. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_InheritFromParent = 0,
  1161. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_SavedWhenInMemory = 1,
  1162. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_AlwaysSaved = 2,
  1163. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_NeverSaved = 3,
  1164. };
  1166. enum WeaponClassification
  1167. {
  1168. WCNone = 0,
  1169. WCPrimary = 1,
  1170. WCSecondary = 2,
  1171. };
  1173. enum TimeDeltaType
  1174. {
  1175. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  1176. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  1177. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  1178. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  1179. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  1180. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  1181. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  1182. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  1183. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  1184. };
  1186. enum FloatCurveType
  1187. {
  1188. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  1189. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  1190. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  1191. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  1192. };
  1194. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  1195. {
  1196. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  1197. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  1198. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  1199. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  1200. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  1201. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  1202. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  1203. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  1204. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  1205. };
  1207. enum Realm
  1208. {
  1209. Realm_Client = 0,
  1210. Realm_Server = 1,
  1211. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  1212. Realm_None = 3,
  1213. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  1214. };
  1216. enum CharacterPoseType
  1217. {
  1218. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  1219. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  1220. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  1221. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  1222. };
  1224. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  1225. {
  1226. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  1227. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  1228. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  1229. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  1230. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  1231. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  1232. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  1233. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  1234. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  1235. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  1236. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  1237. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  1238. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  1239. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  1240. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  1241. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  1242. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  1243. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  1244. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  1245. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  1246. };
  1248. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  1249. {
  1250. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  1251. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  1252. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  1253. };
  1255. enum EntryClass
  1256. {
  1257. ecPrimary = 0,
  1258. ecSecondary = 1,
  1259. };
  1261. enum EntrySeatType
  1262. {
  1263. EST_Driver = 0,
  1264. EST_Gunner = 1,
  1265. EST_Passenger = 2,
  1266. };
  1268. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  1269. {
  1270. ESSDefault = 0,
  1271. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  1272. ESSReceive = 2,
  1273. ESSCount = 3,
  1274. };
  1276. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  1277. {
  1278. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  1279. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  1280. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  1281. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  1282. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  1283. };
  1285. enum DamageEntityType
  1286. {
  1287. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  1288. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  1289. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  1290. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  1291. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  1292. };
  1294. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  1295. {
  1296. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  1297. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  1298. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  1299. };
  1301. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  1302. {
  1303. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  1304. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  1305. };
  1307. enum TeamId
  1308. {
  1309. TeamNeutral = 0,
  1310. Team1 = 1,
  1311. Team2 = 2,
  1312. Team3 = 3,
  1313. Team4 = 4,
  1314. Team5 = 5,
  1315. Team6 = 6,
  1316. Team7 = 7,
  1317. Team8 = 8,
  1318. Team9 = 9,
  1319. Team10 = 10,
  1320. Team11 = 11,
  1321. Team12 = 12,
  1322. Team13 = 13,
  1323. Team14 = 14,
  1324. Team15 = 15,
  1325. Team16 = 16,
  1326. TeamIdCount = 17,
  1327. };
  1329. enum VehicleCategory
  1330. {
  1331. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  1332. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  1333. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  1334. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  1335. };
  1337. enum UnlockSpawnType
  1338. {
  1339. SpawnLock_Ignore = 0,
  1340. SpawnLock_Locked = 1,
  1341. SpawnLock_Unlocked = 2,
  1342. };
  1344. enum WeaponClassification
  1345. {
  1346. WCNone = 0,
  1347. WCPrimary = 1,
  1348. WCSecondary = 2,
  1349. };
  1351. enum TimeDeltaType
  1352. {
  1353. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  1354. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  1355. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  1356. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  1357. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  1358. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  1359. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  1360. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  1361. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  1362. };
  1364. enum FloatCurveType
  1365. {
  1366. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  1367. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  1368. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  1369. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  1370. };
  1372. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  1373. {
  1374. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  1375. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  1376. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  1377. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  1378. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  1379. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  1380. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  1381. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  1382. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  1383. };
  1385. enum Realm
  1386. {
  1387. Realm_Client = 0,
  1388. Realm_Server = 1,
  1389. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  1390. Realm_None = 3,
  1391. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  1392. };
  1394. enum CharacterPoseType
  1395. {
  1396. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  1397. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  1398. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  1399. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  1400. };
  1402. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  1403. {
  1404. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  1405. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  1406. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  1407. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  1408. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  1409. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  1410. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  1411. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  1412. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  1413. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  1414. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  1415. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  1416. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  1417. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  1418. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  1419. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  1420. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  1421. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  1422. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  1423. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  1424. };
  1426. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  1427. {
  1428. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  1429. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  1430. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  1431. };
  1433. enum EntryClass
  1434. {
  1435. ecPrimary = 0,
  1436. ecSecondary = 1,
  1437. };
  1439. enum EntrySeatType
  1440. {
  1441. EST_Driver = 0,
  1442. EST_Gunner = 1,
  1443. EST_Passenger = 2,
  1444. };
  1446. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  1447. {
  1448. ESSDefault = 0,
  1449. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  1450. ESSReceive = 2,
  1451. ESSCount = 3,
  1452. };
  1454. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  1455. {
  1456. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  1457. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  1458. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  1459. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  1460. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  1461. };
  1463. enum DamageEntityType
  1464. {
  1465. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  1466. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  1467. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  1468. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  1469. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  1470. };
  1472. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  1473. {
  1474. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  1475. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  1476. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  1477. };
  1479. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  1480. {
  1481. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  1482. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  1483. };
  1485. enum TeamId
  1486. {
  1487. TeamNeutral = 0,
  1488. Team1 = 1,
  1489. Team2 = 2,
  1490. Team3 = 3,
  1491. Team4 = 4,
  1492. Team5 = 5,
  1493. Team6 = 6,
  1494. Team7 = 7,
  1495. Team8 = 8,
  1496. Team9 = 9,
  1497. Team10 = 10,
  1498. Team11 = 11,
  1499. Team12 = 12,
  1500. Team13 = 13,
  1501. Team14 = 14,
  1502. Team15 = 15,
  1503. Team16 = 16,
  1504. TeamIdCount = 17,
  1505. };
  1507. enum VehicleCategory
  1508. {
  1509. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  1510. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  1511. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  1512. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  1513. };
  1515. enum UIHudIcon
  1516. {
  1517. UIHudIcon_Unused = 0,
  1518. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayer = 1,
  1519. UIHudIcon_LocalDirection = 2,
  1520. UIHudIcon_FriendlyPlayer = 3,
  1521. UIHudIcon_EnemyPlayer = 4,
  1522. UIHudIcon_NeutralPlayer = 5,
  1523. UIHudIcon_SquadMember = 6,
  1524. UIHudIcon_SquadLeader = 7,
  1525. UIHudIcon_SquadLeaderTargeted = 8,
  1526. UIHudIcon_Vehicle = 9,
  1527. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjective = 10,
  1528. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveBlink = 11,
  1529. UIHudIcon_SecondaryObjective = 12,
  1530. UIHudIcon_AreaMapMarker = 13,
  1531. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDestroy = 14,
  1532. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveScout = 15,
  1533. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefend = 16,
  1534. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveMoveTo = 17,
  1535. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttack = 18,
  1536. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFollow = 19,
  1537. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveGeneral = 20,
  1538. UIHudICon_UAV = 21,
  1539. UIHudIcon_AmmoCrate = 22,
  1540. UIHudIcon_MedicBag = 23,
  1541. UIHudIcon_C4 = 24,
  1542. UIHudIcon_ATMine = 25,
  1543. UIHudIcon_StationaryWeapon = 26,
  1544. UIHudIcon_North = 27,
  1545. UIHudIcon_South = 28,
  1546. UIHudIcon_West = 29,
  1547. UIHudIcon_East = 30,
  1548. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlag = 31,
  1549. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlag = 32,
  1550. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlag = 33,
  1551. UIHudIcon_FriendlyBase = 34,
  1552. UIHudIcon_EnemyBase = 35,
  1553. UIHudIcon_Team1Flag = 36,
  1554. UIHudIcon_Team2Flag = 37,
  1555. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagLit = 38,
  1556. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagLit = 39,
  1557. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagLit = 40,
  1558. UIHudIcon_SelectableSpawnPoint = 41,
  1559. UIHudIcon_SelectedSpawnPoint = 42,
  1560. UIHudIcon_NonSelectableSpawnPoint = 43,
  1561. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagUnderAttack = 44,
  1562. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagUnderAttack = 45,
  1563. UIHudIcon_OrderAttack = 46,
  1564. UIHudIcon_OrderDefend = 47,
  1565. UIHudIcon_OrderAttackObserved = 48,
  1566. UIHudIcon_OrderDefendObserved = 49,
  1567. UIHudIcon_Boat = 50,
  1568. UIHudIcon_Car = 51,
  1569. UIHudIcon_Jeep = 52,
  1570. UIHudIcon_HeliAttack = 53,
  1571. UIHudIcon_HeliScout = 54,
  1572. UIHudIcon_Tank = 55,
  1573. UIHudIcon_TankIFV = 56,
  1574. UIHudIcon_TankArty = 57,
  1575. UIHudIcon_TankAA = 58,
  1576. UIHudIcon_TankAT = 59,
  1577. UIHudIcon_Jet = 60,
  1578. UIHudIcon_JetBomber = 61,
  1579. UIHudIcon_Stationary = 62,
  1580. UIHudIcon_Strategic = 63,
  1581. UIHudIcon_MotionRadarSweep = 64,
  1582. UIHudIcon_NeedBackup = 65,
  1583. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmo = 66,
  1584. UIHudIcon_NeedMedic = 67,
  1585. UIHudIcon_NeedPickup = 68,
  1586. UIHudIcon_NeedRepair = 69,
  1587. UIHudIcon_KitAssault = 70,
  1588. UIHudIcon_KitDemolition = 71,
  1589. UIHudIcon_KitRecon = 72,
  1590. UIHudIcon_KitSpecialist = 73,
  1591. UIHudIcon_KitSupport = 74,
  1592. UIHudIcon_KitMedic = 75,
  1593. UIHudIcon_KitEngineer = 76,
  1594. UIHudIcon_KitPickupAssault = 77,
  1595. UIHudIcon_KitPickupDemolition = 78,
  1596. UIHudIcon_KitPickupRecon = 79,
  1597. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSpecialist = 80,
  1598. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSupport = 81,
  1599. UIHudIcon_KitPickupMedic = 82,
  1600. UIHudIcon_KitPickupEngineer = 83,
  1601. UIHudIcon_Pickup = 84,
  1602. UIHudIcon_TaggedVehicle = 85,
  1603. UIHudIcon_LaserPaintedVehicle = 86,
  1604. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetEnemy = 87,
  1605. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetFriendly = 88,
  1606. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryTarget = 89,
  1607. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagAttacker = 90,
  1608. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagAttacker = 91,
  1609. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagAttacker = 92,
  1610. UIHudIcon_LaserTarget = 93,
  1611. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttacker = 94,
  1612. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefender = 95,
  1613. UIHudIcon_HealthbarBackground = 96,
  1614. UIHudIcon_Healthbar = 97,
  1615. UIHudIcon_RadarSweepComponent = 98,
  1616. UIHudIcon_Blank = 99,
  1617. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerBigIcon = 100,
  1618. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerOutOfMap = 101,
  1619. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveLarge = 102,
  1620. UIHudIcon_TargetUnlocked = 103,
  1621. UIHudIcon_TargetLocked = 104,
  1622. UIHudIcon_TargetLocking = 105,
  1623. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeNametag = 106,
  1624. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeMinimap = 107,
  1625. UIHudIcon_CapturePointContested = 108,
  1626. UIHudIcon_CapturePointDefended = 109,
  1627. UIHudIcon_RoundBar = 110,
  1628. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBg = 111,
  1629. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBgPlate = 112,
  1630. UIHudIcon_SnapOvalArrow = 113,
  1631. UIHudIcon_SquadleaderBg = 114,
  1632. UIHudIcon_VehicleBg = 115,
  1633. UIHudIcon_NonTakeableControlPoint = 116,
  1634. UIHudIcon_SpottedPosition = 117,
  1635. UIHudIcon_Grenade = 118,
  1636. UIHudIcon_Revive = 119,
  1637. UIHudIcon_Repair = 120,
  1638. UIHudIcon_Interact = 121,
  1639. UIHudIcon_Voip = 122,
  1640. UIHudIcon_Claymore = 123,
  1641. UIHudIcon_EodBot = 124,
  1642. UIHudIcon_Explosive = 125,
  1643. UIHudIcon_LaserDesignator = 126,
  1644. UIHudIcon_Mav = 127,
  1645. UIHudIcon_Mortar = 128,
  1646. UIHudIcon_RadioBeacon = 129,
  1647. UIHudIcon_Ugs = 130,
  1648. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarMiddle = 131,
  1649. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarEdge = 132,
  1650. UIHudIcon_PercentageBarBackground = 133,
  1651. UIHudIcon_TankLC = 134,
  1652. UIHudIcon_HeliTrans = 135,
  1653. UIHudIcon_StaticAT = 136,
  1654. UIHudIcon_StaticAA = 137,
  1655. UIHudIcon_SprintBoost = 138,
  1656. UIHudIcon_AmmoBoost = 139,
  1657. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveBoost = 140,
  1658. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveResistBoost = 141,
  1659. UIHudIcon_SuppressionBoost = 142,
  1660. UIHudIcon_SuppressionResistBoost = 143,
  1661. UIHudIcon_GrenadeBoost = 144,
  1662. UIHudIcon_HealSpeedBoost = 145,
  1663. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmoHighlight = 146,
  1664. UIHudIcon_NeedMedicHighlight = 147,
  1665. UIHudIcon_NeedRepairHighlight = 148,
  1666. UIHudIcon_NeedPickupHighlight = 149,
  1667. UIHudIcon_PlayerDead = 150,
  1668. UIHudIcon_Player = 151,
  1669. UIHudIcon_Flag = 152,
  1670. UIHudIcon_Base = 153,
  1671. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveNeutralBomb = 154,
  1672. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyBomb = 155,
  1673. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyBomb = 156,
  1674. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyHVT = 157,
  1675. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyHVT = 158,
  1676. UIHudIcon_Count = 159,
  1677. };
  1679. enum MinimapZoomLevelEnum
  1680. {
  1681. MinimapZoomLevel_OnFoot = 0,
  1682. MinimapZoomLevel_Vehicle = 1,
  1683. MinimapZoomLevel_Flight = 2,
  1684. };
  1686. enum GameplayBones
  1687. {
  1688. GameplayBones_UndefinedBone = -1,
  1689. GameplayBones_RootBone = 0,
  1690. GameplayBones_RootMeshBone = 1,
  1691. GameplayBones_ConnectBone = 2,
  1692. GameplayBones_HeadBone = 3,
  1693. GameplayBones_CameraBone = 4,
  1694. GameplayBones_AimBone = 5,
  1695. GameplayBones_WeaponBone = 6,
  1696. GameplayBones_WeaponAux1Bone = 7,
  1697. GameplayBones_LeftArmBone = 8,
  1698. GameplayBones_LeftToeBone = 9,
  1699. GameplayBones_RightToeBone = 10,
  1700. GameplayBones_LeftFootBone = 11,
  1701. GameplayBones_RightFootBone = 12,
  1702. GameplayBones_Count = 13,
  1703. };
  1705. enum WarnTarget
  1706. {
  1707. wtWarnSoldierAndVehicle = 0,
  1708. wtWarnSoldier = 1,
  1709. wtWarnVehicle = 2,
  1710. wtWarnNone = 3,
  1711. };
  1713. enum SubRealm
  1714. {
  1715. SubRealm_All = 0,
  1716. SubRealm_LocalPlayer = 1,
  1717. SubRealm_RemotePlayer = 2,
  1718. };
  1720. enum AnimationControlModeEnum
  1721. {
  1722. AnimationControlModeEnum_PlaceTrajectoryAtObject = 0,
  1723. AnimationControlModeEnum_PlaceObjectAtTrajectory = 1,
  1724. AnimationControlModeEnum_DisconnectTrajectoryAndObject = 2,
  1725. };
  1727. enum JointOutputModeEnum
  1728. {
  1729. JointOutputModeEnum_NoOutput = 0,
  1730. JointOutputModeEnum_AllJoints = 1,
  1731. JointOutputModeEnum_GameplayBones = 2,
  1732. };
  1734. enum UnlockEntityLogic
  1735. {
  1736. UnlockEntityLogic_AND = 0,
  1737. UnlockEntityLogic_OR = 1,
  1738. };
  1740. enum UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType
  1741. {
  1742. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_ActiveWeaponUnlocks = 0,
  1743. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_AllWeaponUnlocks = 1,
  1744. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_PlayerUnlocks = 2,
  1745. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_UnlockedForPlayer = 3,
  1746. };
  1748. enum EntryEnterRestriction
  1749. {
  1750. EntryEnterRestriction_NoRestriction = 0,
  1751. EntryEnterRestriction_OnlyPrimaryEntry = 1,
  1752. };
  1754. enum LocalPlayerId
  1755. {
  1756. LocalPlayerId_0 = 0,
  1757. LocalPlayerId_1 = 1,
  1758. LocalPlayerId_2 = 2,
  1759. LocalPlayerId_3 = 3,
  1760. LocalPlayerId_4 = 4,
  1761. LocalPlayerId_5 = 5,
  1762. LocalPlayerId_6 = 6,
  1763. LocalPlayerId_7 = 7,
  1764. LocalPlayerId_Invalid = 255,
  1765. };
  1767. enum StreamRealm
  1768. {
  1769. StreamRealm_None = 0,
  1770. StreamRealm_Client = 1,
  1771. StreamRealm_Both = 2,
  1772. };
  1774. enum RadiosityTypeOverride
  1775. {
  1776. RadiosityTypeOverride_None = 0,
  1777. RadiosityTypeOverride_Dynamic = 1,
  1778. RadiosityTypeOverride_LightProbe = 2,
  1779. RadiosityTypeOverride_Static = 3,
  1780. RadiosityTypeOverride_TerrainProjected = 4,
  1781. };
  1783. enum RenderingOverride
  1784. {
  1785. RenderingOverride_Inherit = 0,
  1786. RenderingOverride_Enable = 1,
  1787. RenderingOverride_Disable = 2,
  1788. RenderingOverride_Legacy = 3,
  1789. };
  1791. enum InteractionEntityType
  1792. {
  1793. IET_None = 0,
  1794. IET_RushCrateArm = 1,
  1795. IET_RushCrateDisarm = 2,
  1796. IET_ObliterationDropOffArm = 3,
  1797. IET_CTFFlag = 4,
  1798. IET_DoorBarge = 5,
  1799. };
  1801. enum BlinkType
  1802. {
  1803. BTHold = 0,
  1804. BTBlink = 1,
  1805. BTCount = 2,
  1806. };
  1808. enum CharacterStateType
  1809. {
  1810. CharacterStateType_OnGround = 0,
  1811. CharacterStateType_Jumping = 1,
  1812. CharacterStateType_InAir = 2,
  1813. CharacterStateType_Climbing = 3,
  1814. CharacterStateType_Falling = 4,
  1815. CharacterStateType_User_0 = 5,
  1816. CharacterStateType_Parachute = 5,
  1817. CharacterStateType_User_1 = 6,
  1818. CharacterStateType_Swimming = 6,
  1819. CharacterStateType_User_2 = 7,
  1820. CharacterStateType_AnimationControlled = 7,
  1821. CharacterStateType_User_3 = 8,
  1822. CharacterStateType_Sliding = 8,
  1823. CharacterStateType_User_4 = 9,
  1824. CharacterStateType_User_5 = 10,
  1825. CharacterStateType_StateCount = 11,
  1826. };
  1828. enum RigidBodyCollisionLayer
  1829. {
  1830. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_Invalid = 0,
  1831. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_StaticLayer = 1,
  1832. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DynamicLayer = 2,
  1833. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_PlayerCollisionLayer = 3,
  1834. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_AICollisionLayer = 4,
  1835. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_KeyframeLayer = 5,
  1836. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DebrisLayer = 6,
  1837. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_FastDebrisLayer = 7,
  1838. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticCollisionLayer = 8,
  1839. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_RagdollLayer = 9,
  1840. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoCollisionLayer = 10,
  1841. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_WaterLayer = 11,
  1842. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_BangerLayer = 12,
  1843. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoVehicleCollisionLayer = 13,
  1844. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CharacterLayer = 14,
  1845. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DynamicNoCharacterCollisionLayer = 15,
  1846. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_PredictedVehicleLayer = 16,
  1847. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_TerrainLayer = 17,
  1848. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyTerrainCollionLayer = 18,
  1849. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CharacterCollisionGeometryLayer = 19,
  1850. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_AiCollisionBodyLayer = 20,
  1851. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CameraCollisionLayer = 21,
  1852. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticCameraCollisionLayer = 22,
  1853. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_KeyframedCollisionBodyLayer = 23,
  1854. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleLayer = 24,
  1855. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleAndCharacterCollisionLayer = 25,
  1856. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleUsingSimpleTerrainLayer = 26,
  1857. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_SimpleTerrainLayer = 27,
  1858. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticAndTerrainLayer = 28,
  1859. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoSpectatorStaticCollisionLayer = 29,
  1860. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_SpectatorCameraCollisionLayer = 30,
  1861. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoWaterCollisionLayer = 31,
  1862. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_Size = 32,
  1863. };
  1865. enum PersonViewMode
  1866. {
  1867. PersonViewMode_FirstPerson = 0,
  1868. PersonViewMode_ThirdPerson = 1,
  1869. };
  1871. enum PlayerSpawnType
  1872. {
  1873. PlayerSpawnType_HumanPlayer = 0,
  1874. PlayerSpawnType_AiPlayer = 1,
  1875. PlayerSpawnType_Actor = 2,
  1876. PlayerSpawnType_BrainAI = 3,
  1877. PlayerSpawnType_Ai2Player = 300,
  1878. };
  1880. enum FiringWeaponClass
  1881. {
  1882. WeaponClass_AssaultRifle = 0,
  1883. WeaponClass_MachineGun = 1,
  1884. WeaponClass_Pistol = 2,
  1885. WeaponClass_SniperRifle = 3,
  1886. WeaponClass_SMG = 4,
  1887. };
  1889. enum VoPrimaryFireType
  1890. {
  1891. VoPrimaryFireType_SMG = -5,
  1892. VoPrimaryFireType_SniperRifle = -4,
  1893. VoPrimaryFireType_Pistol = -3,
  1894. VoPrimaryFireType_MachineGun = -2,
  1895. VoPrimaryFireType_AssaultRifle = -1,
  1896. };
  1898. enum SustainFiringFireStyle
  1899. {
  1900. SustainFiringFireStyle_TrackTarget = 0,
  1901. SustainFiringFireStyle_SweepArea = 1,
  1902. };
  1904. enum ValidAgainst
  1905. {
  1906. ValidAgainst_Nothing = 0,
  1907. ValidAgainst_Soldiers = 1,
  1908. ValidAgainst_SoldiersAndUnshieldedVehicles = 2,
  1909. ValidAgainst_UnshieldedVehicles = 3,
  1910. ValidAgainst_ShieldedVehicles = 4,
  1911. ValidAgainst_AllVehicles = 5,
  1912. ValidAgainst_All = 6,
  1913. ValidAgainst_HumanSoldiers = 7,
  1914. };
  1916. enum TargetPreference
  1917. {
  1918. TargetPreference_Soldiers = 0,
  1919. TargetPreference_Vehicles = 1,
  1920. };
  1922. enum LogFileCollisionMode
  1923. {
  1924. LFCM_Overwrite = 0,
  1925. LFCM_Rotate = 1,
  1926. LFCM_TimeStamp = 2,
  1927. };
  1929. enum SKU
  1930. {
  1931. WW = 0,
  1932. EU = 1,
  1933. US = 2,
  1934. JPN = 3,
  1935. ROA = 4,
  1936. RU = 5,
  1937. EN = 6,
  1938. };
  1940. enum GamePlatform
  1941. {
  1942. GamePlatform_Ps3 = 0,
  1943. GamePlatform_Win32 = 1,
  1944. GamePlatform_Xenon = 2,
  1945. GamePlatform_Gen4a = 3,
  1946. GamePlatform_Gen4b = 4,
  1947. GamePlatform_Android = 5,
  1948. GamePlatform_iOS = 6,
  1949. GamePlatform_OSX = 7,
  1950. GamePlatform_Linux = 8,
  1951. GamePlatform_Any = 9,
  1952. GamePlatform_Invalid = 10,
  1953. GamePlatformCount = 11,
  1954. };
  1956. enum DisplayDynamicRange
  1957. {
  1958. DisplayDynamicRange_SDR = 0,
  1959. DisplayDynamicRange_DolbyMaui = 1,
  1960. DisplayDynamicRange_DolbyVision = 2,
  1961. DisplayDynamicRange_LiveGrading = 3,
  1962. DisplayDynamicRange_HDR10 = 4,
  1963. DisplayDynamicRange_HDR10_Float = 5,
  1964. DisplayDynamicRange_Auto = 6,
  1965. };
  1967. enum UISystemType
  1968. {
  1969. UISystem_None = 0,
  1970. UISystem_Standard = 1,
  1971. };
  1973. enum LanguageFormat
  1974. {
  1975. LanguageFormat_English = 0,
  1976. LanguageFormat_French = 1,
  1977. LanguageFormat_German = 2,
  1978. LanguageFormat_Spanish = 3,
  1979. LanguageFormat_SpanishUSA = 4,
  1980. LanguageFormat_SpanishMex = 5,
  1981. LanguageFormat_Italian = 6,
  1982. LanguageFormat_Japanese = 7,
  1983. LanguageFormat_Russian = 8,
  1984. LanguageFormat_Polish = 9,
  1985. LanguageFormat_Dutch = 10,
  1986. LanguageFormat_Portuguese = 11,
  1987. LanguageFormat_TraditionalChinese = 12,
  1988. LanguageFormat_Korean = 13,
  1989. LanguageFormat_Czech = 14,
  1990. LanguageFormat_BrazilianPortuguese = 15,
  1991. LanguageFormat_ArabicSA = 16,
  1992. LanguageFormat_Turkish = 17,
  1993. LanguageFormat_WorstCase = 18,
  1994. LanguageFormat_Count = 19,
  1995. LanguageFormat_Undefined = 20,
  1996. };
  1998. enum FOVTransitionType
  1999. {
  2000. FOVTransitionType_Linear = 0,
  2001. FOVTransitionType_Smooth = 1,
  2002. FOVTransitionType_Count = 2,
  2003. };
  2005. enum ProfileOptionsType
  2006. {
  2007. GstAudio = 0,
  2008. GstRender = 1,
  2009. GstInput = 2,
  2010. GstAI = 3,
  2011. GstGameplay = 4,
  2012. GstPlayerProfile = 5,
  2013. GstPersistence = 6,
  2014. GstBinary = 7,
  2015. GstKeyBinding = 8,
  2016. GstCustomization = 9,
  2017. GstSpectator = 10,
  2018. GstCount = 11,
  2019. };
  2021. enum ZoomLevelActivateEventType
  2022. {
  2023. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_Disable = 0,
  2024. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_Enable = 1,
  2025. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_ToggleOnLightSwitch = 2,
  2026. };
  2028. enum VehicleMode
  2029. {
  2030. VmIdle = 0,
  2031. VmEntering = 1,
  2032. VmEntered = 2,
  2033. VmStarting = 3,
  2034. VmStarted = 4,
  2035. VmStopping = 5,
  2036. VmLeaving = 6,
  2037. };
  2039. enum RigidBodyType
  2040. {
  2041. RBTypeCollision = 0,
  2042. RBTypeDetail = 1,
  2043. RBTypeCharacter = 2,
  2044. RBTypeRaycast = 3,
  2045. RBTypeGroup = 4,
  2046. RBTypeProxy = 5,
  2047. RBTypeSize = 6,
  2048. };
  2050. enum RigidBodyMotionType
  2051. {
  2052. RigidBodyMotionType_Invalid = 0,
  2053. RigidBodyMotionType_Fixed = 1,
  2054. RigidBodyMotionType_Keyframed = 2,
  2055. RigidBodyMotionType_Dynamic = 3,
  2056. RigidBodyMotionType_Size = 4,
  2057. };
  2059. enum RigidBodyQualityType
  2060. {
  2061. RigidBodyQualityType_Fixed = 0,
  2062. RigidBodyQualityType_Debris = 1,
  2063. RigidBodyQualityType_Dynamic = 2,
  2064. RigidBodyQualityType_NeighborWelding = 3,
  2065. RigidBodyQualityType_MotionWelding = 4,
  2066. RigidBodyQualityType_TriangleWelding = 5,
  2067. RigidBodyQualityType_Critical = 6,
  2068. RigidBodyQualityType_Vehicle = 7,
  2069. RigidBodyQualityType_Character = 8,
  2070. RigidBodyQualityType_Grenade = 9,
  2071. RigidBodyQualityType_Projectile = 10,
  2072. RigidBodyQualityType_Invalid = 11,
  2073. };
  2075. enum LodDistanceMethod
  2076. {
  2077. LodDistanceMethod_BoundingSphere = 0,
  2078. LodDistanceMethod_YAxis = 1,
  2079. LodDistanceMethod_Count = 2,
  2080. };
  2082. enum EnlightenType
  2083. {
  2084. EnlightenType_Dynamic = 0,
  2085. EnlightenType_LightProbe = 1,
  2086. EnlightenType_Static = 2,
  2087. EnlightenType_Proxy = 3,
  2088. };
  2090. enum LocalPlayerViewId
  2091. {
  2092. LocalPlayerViewId_RootView = 0,
  2093. LocalPlayerViewId_Secondary = 1,
  2094. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom1 = 2,
  2095. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom2 = 3,
  2096. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom3 = 4,
  2097. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom4 = 5,
  2098. LocalPlayerViewId_Count = 6,
  2099. };
  2101. enum WeaponClassification
  2102. {
  2103. WCNone = 0,
  2104. WCPrimary = 1,
  2105. WCSecondary = 2,
  2106. };
  2108. enum TimeDeltaType
  2109. {
  2110. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  2111. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  2112. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  2113. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  2114. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  2115. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  2116. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  2117. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  2118. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  2119. };
  2121. enum FloatCurveType
  2122. {
  2123. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  2124. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  2125. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  2126. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  2127. };
  2129. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  2130. {
  2131. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  2132. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  2133. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  2134. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  2135. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  2136. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  2137. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  2138. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  2139. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  2140. };
  2142. enum Realm
  2143. {
  2144. Realm_Client = 0,
  2145. Realm_Server = 1,
  2146. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  2147. Realm_None = 3,
  2148. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  2149. };
  2151. enum CharacterPoseType
  2152. {
  2153. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  2154. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  2155. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  2156. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  2157. };
  2159. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  2160. {
  2161. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  2162. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  2163. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  2164. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  2165. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  2166. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  2167. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  2168. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  2169. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  2170. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  2171. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  2172. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  2173. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  2174. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  2175. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  2176. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  2177. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  2178. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  2179. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  2180. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  2181. };
  2183. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  2184. {
  2185. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  2186. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  2187. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  2188. };
  2190. enum EntryClass
  2191. {
  2192. ecPrimary = 0,
  2193. ecSecondary = 1,
  2194. };
  2196. enum EntrySeatType
  2197. {
  2198. EST_Driver = 0,
  2199. EST_Gunner = 1,
  2200. EST_Passenger = 2,
  2201. };
  2203. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  2204. {
  2205. ESSDefault = 0,
  2206. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  2207. ESSReceive = 2,
  2208. ESSCount = 3,
  2209. };
  2211. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  2212. {
  2213. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  2214. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  2215. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2216. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2217. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  2218. };
  2220. enum DamageEntityType
  2221. {
  2222. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  2223. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  2224. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  2225. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  2226. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  2227. };
  2229. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  2230. {
  2231. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  2232. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  2233. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  2234. };
  2236. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  2237. {
  2238. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  2239. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  2240. };
  2242. enum TeamId
  2243. {
  2244. TeamNeutral = 0,
  2245. Team1 = 1,
  2246. Team2 = 2,
  2247. Team3 = 3,
  2248. Team4 = 4,
  2249. Team5 = 5,
  2250. Team6 = 6,
  2251. Team7 = 7,
  2252. Team8 = 8,
  2253. Team9 = 9,
  2254. Team10 = 10,
  2255. Team11 = 11,
  2256. Team12 = 12,
  2257. Team13 = 13,
  2258. Team14 = 14,
  2259. Team15 = 15,
  2260. Team16 = 16,
  2261. TeamIdCount = 17,
  2262. };
  2264. enum VehicleCategory
  2265. {
  2266. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  2267. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  2268. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  2269. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  2270. };
  2272. enum UnlockSpawnType
  2273. {
  2274. SpawnLock_Ignore = 0,
  2275. SpawnLock_Locked = 1,
  2276. SpawnLock_Unlocked = 2,
  2277. };
  2279. enum WeaponClassification
  2280. {
  2281. WCNone = 0,
  2282. WCPrimary = 1,
  2283. WCSecondary = 2,
  2284. };
  2286. enum TimeDeltaType
  2287. {
  2288. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  2289. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  2290. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  2291. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  2292. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  2293. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  2294. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  2295. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  2296. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  2297. };
  2299. enum FloatCurveType
  2300. {
  2301. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  2302. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  2303. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  2304. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  2305. };
  2307. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  2308. {
  2309. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  2310. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  2311. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  2312. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  2313. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  2314. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  2315. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  2316. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  2317. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  2318. };
  2320. enum Realm
  2321. {
  2322. Realm_Client = 0,
  2323. Realm_Server = 1,
  2324. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  2325. Realm_None = 3,
  2326. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  2327. };
  2329. enum CharacterPoseType
  2330. {
  2331. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  2332. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  2333. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  2334. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  2335. };
  2337. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  2338. {
  2339. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  2340. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  2341. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  2342. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  2343. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  2344. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  2345. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  2346. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  2347. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  2348. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  2349. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  2350. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  2351. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  2352. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  2353. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  2354. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  2355. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  2356. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  2357. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  2358. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  2359. };
  2361. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  2362. {
  2363. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  2364. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  2365. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  2366. };
  2368. enum EntryClass
  2369. {
  2370. ecPrimary = 0,
  2371. ecSecondary = 1,
  2372. };
  2374. enum EntrySeatType
  2375. {
  2376. EST_Driver = 0,
  2377. EST_Gunner = 1,
  2378. EST_Passenger = 2,
  2379. };
  2381. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  2382. {
  2383. ESSDefault = 0,
  2384. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  2385. ESSReceive = 2,
  2386. ESSCount = 3,
  2387. };
  2389. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  2390. {
  2391. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  2392. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  2393. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2394. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2395. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  2396. };
  2398. enum DamageEntityType
  2399. {
  2400. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  2401. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  2402. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  2403. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  2404. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  2405. };
  2407. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  2408. {
  2409. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  2410. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  2411. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  2412. };
  2414. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  2415. {
  2416. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  2417. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  2418. };
  2420. enum TeamId
  2421. {
  2422. TeamNeutral = 0,
  2423. Team1 = 1,
  2424. Team2 = 2,
  2425. Team3 = 3,
  2426. Team4 = 4,
  2427. Team5 = 5,
  2428. Team6 = 6,
  2429. Team7 = 7,
  2430. Team8 = 8,
  2431. Team9 = 9,
  2432. Team10 = 10,
  2433. Team11 = 11,
  2434. Team12 = 12,
  2435. Team13 = 13,
  2436. Team14 = 14,
  2437. Team15 = 15,
  2438. Team16 = 16,
  2439. TeamIdCount = 17,
  2440. };
  2442. enum VehicleCategory
  2443. {
  2444. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  2445. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  2446. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  2447. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  2448. };
  2450. enum UIHudIcon
  2451. {
  2452. UIHudIcon_Unused = 0,
  2453. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayer = 1,
  2454. UIHudIcon_LocalDirection = 2,
  2455. UIHudIcon_FriendlyPlayer = 3,
  2456. UIHudIcon_EnemyPlayer = 4,
  2457. UIHudIcon_NeutralPlayer = 5,
  2458. UIHudIcon_SquadMember = 6,
  2459. UIHudIcon_SquadLeader = 7,
  2460. UIHudIcon_SquadLeaderTargeted = 8,
  2461. UIHudIcon_Vehicle = 9,
  2462. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjective = 10,
  2463. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveBlink = 11,
  2464. UIHudIcon_SecondaryObjective = 12,
  2465. UIHudIcon_AreaMapMarker = 13,
  2466. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDestroy = 14,
  2467. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveScout = 15,
  2468. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefend = 16,
  2469. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveMoveTo = 17,
  2470. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttack = 18,
  2471. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFollow = 19,
  2472. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveGeneral = 20,
  2473. UIHudICon_UAV = 21,
  2474. UIHudIcon_AmmoCrate = 22,
  2475. UIHudIcon_MedicBag = 23,
  2476. UIHudIcon_C4 = 24,
  2477. UIHudIcon_ATMine = 25,
  2478. UIHudIcon_StationaryWeapon = 26,
  2479. UIHudIcon_North = 27,
  2480. UIHudIcon_South = 28,
  2481. UIHudIcon_West = 29,
  2482. UIHudIcon_East = 30,
  2483. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlag = 31,
  2484. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlag = 32,
  2485. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlag = 33,
  2486. UIHudIcon_FriendlyBase = 34,
  2487. UIHudIcon_EnemyBase = 35,
  2488. UIHudIcon_Team1Flag = 36,
  2489. UIHudIcon_Team2Flag = 37,
  2490. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagLit = 38,
  2491. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagLit = 39,
  2492. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagLit = 40,
  2493. UIHudIcon_SelectableSpawnPoint = 41,
  2494. UIHudIcon_SelectedSpawnPoint = 42,
  2495. UIHudIcon_NonSelectableSpawnPoint = 43,
  2496. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagUnderAttack = 44,
  2497. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagUnderAttack = 45,
  2498. UIHudIcon_OrderAttack = 46,
  2499. UIHudIcon_OrderDefend = 47,
  2500. UIHudIcon_OrderAttackObserved = 48,
  2501. UIHudIcon_OrderDefendObserved = 49,
  2502. UIHudIcon_Boat = 50,
  2503. UIHudIcon_Car = 51,
  2504. UIHudIcon_Jeep = 52,
  2505. UIHudIcon_HeliAttack = 53,
  2506. UIHudIcon_HeliScout = 54,
  2507. UIHudIcon_Tank = 55,
  2508. UIHudIcon_TankIFV = 56,
  2509. UIHudIcon_TankArty = 57,
  2510. UIHudIcon_TankAA = 58,
  2511. UIHudIcon_TankAT = 59,
  2512. UIHudIcon_Jet = 60,
  2513. UIHudIcon_JetBomber = 61,
  2514. UIHudIcon_Stationary = 62,
  2515. UIHudIcon_Strategic = 63,
  2516. UIHudIcon_MotionRadarSweep = 64,
  2517. UIHudIcon_NeedBackup = 65,
  2518. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmo = 66,
  2519. UIHudIcon_NeedMedic = 67,
  2520. UIHudIcon_NeedPickup = 68,
  2521. UIHudIcon_NeedRepair = 69,
  2522. UIHudIcon_KitAssault = 70,
  2523. UIHudIcon_KitDemolition = 71,
  2524. UIHudIcon_KitRecon = 72,
  2525. UIHudIcon_KitSpecialist = 73,
  2526. UIHudIcon_KitSupport = 74,
  2527. UIHudIcon_KitMedic = 75,
  2528. UIHudIcon_KitEngineer = 76,
  2529. UIHudIcon_KitPickupAssault = 77,
  2530. UIHudIcon_KitPickupDemolition = 78,
  2531. UIHudIcon_KitPickupRecon = 79,
  2532. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSpecialist = 80,
  2533. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSupport = 81,
  2534. UIHudIcon_KitPickupMedic = 82,
  2535. UIHudIcon_KitPickupEngineer = 83,
  2536. UIHudIcon_Pickup = 84,
  2537. UIHudIcon_TaggedVehicle = 85,
  2538. UIHudIcon_LaserPaintedVehicle = 86,
  2539. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetEnemy = 87,
  2540. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetFriendly = 88,
  2541. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryTarget = 89,
  2542. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagAttacker = 90,
  2543. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagAttacker = 91,
  2544. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagAttacker = 92,
  2545. UIHudIcon_LaserTarget = 93,
  2546. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttacker = 94,
  2547. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefender = 95,
  2548. UIHudIcon_HealthbarBackground = 96,
  2549. UIHudIcon_Healthbar = 97,
  2550. UIHudIcon_RadarSweepComponent = 98,
  2551. UIHudIcon_Blank = 99,
  2552. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerBigIcon = 100,
  2553. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerOutOfMap = 101,
  2554. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveLarge = 102,
  2555. UIHudIcon_TargetUnlocked = 103,
  2556. UIHudIcon_TargetLocked = 104,
  2557. UIHudIcon_TargetLocking = 105,
  2558. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeNametag = 106,
  2559. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeMinimap = 107,
  2560. UIHudIcon_CapturePointContested = 108,
  2561. UIHudIcon_CapturePointDefended = 109,
  2562. UIHudIcon_RoundBar = 110,
  2563. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBg = 111,
  2564. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBgPlate = 112,
  2565. UIHudIcon_SnapOvalArrow = 113,
  2566. UIHudIcon_SquadleaderBg = 114,
  2567. UIHudIcon_VehicleBg = 115,
  2568. UIHudIcon_NonTakeableControlPoint = 116,
  2569. UIHudIcon_SpottedPosition = 117,
  2570. UIHudIcon_Grenade = 118,
  2571. UIHudIcon_Revive = 119,
  2572. UIHudIcon_Repair = 120,
  2573. UIHudIcon_Interact = 121,
  2574. UIHudIcon_Voip = 122,
  2575. UIHudIcon_Claymore = 123,
  2576. UIHudIcon_EodBot = 124,
  2577. UIHudIcon_Explosive = 125,
  2578. UIHudIcon_LaserDesignator = 126,
  2579. UIHudIcon_Mav = 127,
  2580. UIHudIcon_Mortar = 128,
  2581. UIHudIcon_RadioBeacon = 129,
  2582. UIHudIcon_Ugs = 130,
  2583. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarMiddle = 131,
  2584. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarEdge = 132,
  2585. UIHudIcon_PercentageBarBackground = 133,
  2586. UIHudIcon_TankLC = 134,
  2587. UIHudIcon_HeliTrans = 135,
  2588. UIHudIcon_StaticAT = 136,
  2589. UIHudIcon_StaticAA = 137,
  2590. UIHudIcon_SprintBoost = 138,
  2591. UIHudIcon_AmmoBoost = 139,
  2592. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveBoost = 140,
  2593. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveResistBoost = 141,
  2594. UIHudIcon_SuppressionBoost = 142,
  2595. UIHudIcon_SuppressionResistBoost = 143,
  2596. UIHudIcon_GrenadeBoost = 144,
  2597. UIHudIcon_HealSpeedBoost = 145,
  2598. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmoHighlight = 146,
  2599. UIHudIcon_NeedMedicHighlight = 147,
  2600. UIHudIcon_NeedRepairHighlight = 148,
  2601. UIHudIcon_NeedPickupHighlight = 149,
  2602. UIHudIcon_PlayerDead = 150,
  2603. UIHudIcon_Player = 151,
  2604. UIHudIcon_Flag = 152,
  2605. UIHudIcon_Base = 153,
  2606. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveNeutralBomb = 154,
  2607. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyBomb = 155,
  2608. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyBomb = 156,
  2609. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyHVT = 157,
  2610. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyHVT = 158,
  2611. UIHudIcon_Count = 159,
  2612. };
  2614. enum MinimapZoomLevelEnum
  2615. {
  2616. MinimapZoomLevel_OnFoot = 0,
  2617. MinimapZoomLevel_Vehicle = 1,
  2618. MinimapZoomLevel_Flight = 2,
  2619. };
  2621. enum GameplayBones
  2622. {
  2623. GameplayBones_UndefinedBone = -1,
  2624. GameplayBones_RootBone = 0,
  2625. GameplayBones_RootMeshBone = 1,
  2626. GameplayBones_ConnectBone = 2,
  2627. GameplayBones_HeadBone = 3,
  2628. GameplayBones_CameraBone = 4,
  2629. GameplayBones_AimBone = 5,
  2630. GameplayBones_WeaponBone = 6,
  2631. GameplayBones_WeaponAux1Bone = 7,
  2632. GameplayBones_LeftArmBone = 8,
  2633. GameplayBones_LeftToeBone = 9,
  2634. GameplayBones_RightToeBone = 10,
  2635. GameplayBones_LeftFootBone = 11,
  2636. GameplayBones_RightFootBone = 12,
  2637. GameplayBones_Count = 13,
  2638. };
  2640. enum WarnTarget
  2641. {
  2642. wtWarnSoldierAndVehicle = 0,
  2643. wtWarnSoldier = 1,
  2644. wtWarnVehicle = 2,
  2645. wtWarnNone = 3,
  2646. };
  2648. enum UIBlendMode
  2649. {
  2650. UIBlendMode_Solid = 0,
  2651. UIBlendMode_AlphaBlend = 1,
  2652. UIBlendMode_Lighten = 2,
  2653. UIBlendMode_Darken = 3,
  2654. UIBlendMode_Add = 4,
  2655. UIBlendMode_Subtract = 5,
  2656. UIBlendMode_Count = 6,
  2657. UIBlendMode_Passthrough = 7,
  2658. };
  2660. enum BFUISnapLayoutMode
  2661. {
  2662. BFUISnapLayoutMode_Default = 0,
  2663. BFUISnapLayoutMode_ScreenEdge = 1,
  2664. BFUISnapLayoutMode_SafeEdge = 2,
  2665. BFUISnapLayoutMode_CenteredLayoutEdge = 3,
  2666. BFUISnapLayoutMode_ParentEdge = 4,
  2667. };
  2669. enum UILayoutMode
  2670. {
  2671. UILayoutMode_AnchorOffset = 0,
  2672. UILayoutMode_PositionExpansion = 1,
  2673. };
  2675. enum BlueprintPersistenceSetting
  2676. {
  2677. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_InheritFromParent = 0,
  2678. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_SavedWhenInMemory = 1,
  2679. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_AlwaysSaved = 2,
  2680. BlueprintPersistenceSetting_NeverSaved = 3,
  2681. };
  2683. enum WeaponClassification
  2684. {
  2685. WCNone = 0,
  2686. WCPrimary = 1,
  2687. WCSecondary = 2,
  2688. };
  2690. enum TimeDeltaType
  2691. {
  2692. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  2693. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  2694. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  2695. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  2696. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  2697. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  2698. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  2699. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  2700. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  2701. };
  2703. enum FloatCurveType
  2704. {
  2705. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  2706. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  2707. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  2708. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  2709. };
  2711. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  2712. {
  2713. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  2714. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  2715. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  2716. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  2717. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  2718. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  2719. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  2720. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  2721. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  2722. };
  2724. enum Realm
  2725. {
  2726. Realm_Client = 0,
  2727. Realm_Server = 1,
  2728. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  2729. Realm_None = 3,
  2730. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  2731. };
  2733. enum CharacterPoseType
  2734. {
  2735. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  2736. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  2737. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  2738. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  2739. };
  2741. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  2742. {
  2743. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  2744. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  2745. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  2746. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  2747. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  2748. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  2749. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  2750. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  2751. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  2752. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  2753. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  2754. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  2755. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  2756. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  2757. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  2758. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  2759. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  2760. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  2761. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  2762. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  2763. };
  2765. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  2766. {
  2767. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  2768. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  2769. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  2770. };
  2772. enum EntryClass
  2773. {
  2774. ecPrimary = 0,
  2775. ecSecondary = 1,
  2776. };
  2778. enum EntrySeatType
  2779. {
  2780. EST_Driver = 0,
  2781. EST_Gunner = 1,
  2782. EST_Passenger = 2,
  2783. };
  2785. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  2786. {
  2787. ESSDefault = 0,
  2788. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  2789. ESSReceive = 2,
  2790. ESSCount = 3,
  2791. };
  2793. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  2794. {
  2795. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  2796. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  2797. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2798. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2799. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  2800. };
  2802. enum DamageEntityType
  2803. {
  2804. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  2805. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  2806. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  2807. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  2808. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  2809. };
  2811. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  2812. {
  2813. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  2814. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  2815. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  2816. };
  2818. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  2819. {
  2820. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  2821. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  2822. };
  2824. enum TeamId
  2825. {
  2826. TeamNeutral = 0,
  2827. Team1 = 1,
  2828. Team2 = 2,
  2829. Team3 = 3,
  2830. Team4 = 4,
  2831. Team5 = 5,
  2832. Team6 = 6,
  2833. Team7 = 7,
  2834. Team8 = 8,
  2835. Team9 = 9,
  2836. Team10 = 10,
  2837. Team11 = 11,
  2838. Team12 = 12,
  2839. Team13 = 13,
  2840. Team14 = 14,
  2841. Team15 = 15,
  2842. Team16 = 16,
  2843. TeamIdCount = 17,
  2844. };
  2846. enum VehicleCategory
  2847. {
  2848. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  2849. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  2850. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  2851. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  2852. };
  2854. enum UnlockSpawnType
  2855. {
  2856. SpawnLock_Ignore = 0,
  2857. SpawnLock_Locked = 1,
  2858. SpawnLock_Unlocked = 2,
  2859. };
  2861. enum WeaponClassification
  2862. {
  2863. WCNone = 0,
  2864. WCPrimary = 1,
  2865. WCSecondary = 2,
  2866. };
  2868. enum TimeDeltaType
  2869. {
  2870. TimeDeltaType_None = 0,
  2871. TimeDeltaType_Player = 1,
  2872. TimeDeltaType_World = 2,
  2873. TimeDeltaType_Extra1 = 3,
  2874. TimeDeltaType_Extra2 = 4,
  2875. TimeDeltaType_Extra3 = 5,
  2876. TimeDeltaType_Extra4 = 6,
  2877. TimeDeltaType_Extra5 = 7,
  2878. TimeDeltaType_Count = 8,
  2879. };
  2881. enum FloatCurveType
  2882. {
  2883. FloatCurveType_Spline = 0,
  2884. FloatCurveType_Smooth = 1,
  2885. FloatCurveType_Linear = 2,
  2886. FloatCurveType_NearestValue = 3,
  2887. };
  2889. enum AntHitReactionWeaponType
  2890. {
  2891. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Pistol = 0,
  2892. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SMG = 1,
  2893. AntHitReactionWeaponType_AssaultRifle = 2,
  2894. AntHitReactionWeaponType_LMG = 3,
  2895. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Shotgun = 4,
  2896. AntHitReactionWeaponType_SniperRifle = 5,
  2897. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Explosion = 6,
  2898. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Flashbang = 7,
  2899. AntHitReactionWeaponType_Melee = 8,
  2900. };
  2902. enum Realm
  2903. {
  2904. Realm_Client = 0,
  2905. Realm_Server = 1,
  2906. Realm_ClientAndServer = 2,
  2907. Realm_None = 3,
  2908. Realm_Pipeline = 4,
  2909. };
  2911. enum CharacterPoseType
  2912. {
  2913. CharacterPoseType_Stand = 0,
  2914. CharacterPoseType_Crouch = 1,
  2915. CharacterPoseType_Prone = 2,
  2916. CharacterPoseTypeCount = 3,
  2917. };
  2919. enum AntEntryIdEnum
  2920. {
  2921. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Driver = 0,
  2922. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_Gunner = 1,
  2923. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearLeft = 2,
  2924. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerRearRight = 3,
  2925. AntEntryIdEnum_F16_Pilot = 4,
  2926. AntEntryIdEnum_SU37_Pilot = 5,
  2927. AntEntryIdEnum_AH6_Pilot = 6,
  2928. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Pilot = 7,
  2929. AntEntryIdEnum_AH64_Gunner = 8,
  2930. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Driver = 9,
  2931. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_Gunner = 10,
  2932. AntEntryIdEnum_Humvee_PassengerFrontRight = 11,
  2933. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerFrontRight = 12,
  2934. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearRight = 13,
  2935. AntEntryIdEnum_Vodnik_PassengerRearLeft = 14,
  2936. AntEntryIdEnum_VadsGunner = 15,
  2937. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Pilot = 16,
  2938. AntEntryIdEnum_F18F_Navigator = 17,
  2939. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Gunner = 18,
  2940. AntEntryIdEnum_M1A2_Driver = 19,
  2941. };
  2943. enum CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior
  2944. {
  2945. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemy = 0,
  2946. CPCB_KillWhenHitByEnemyLeaveWhenHitByFriendly = 1,
  2947. CPCB_DoNothing = 2,
  2948. };
  2950. enum EntryClass
  2951. {
  2952. ecPrimary = 0,
  2953. ecSecondary = 1,
  2954. };
  2956. enum EntrySeatType
  2957. {
  2958. EST_Driver = 0,
  2959. EST_Gunner = 1,
  2960. EST_Passenger = 2,
  2961. };
  2963. enum EntrySpottingSettings
  2964. {
  2965. ESSDefault = 0,
  2966. ESSSendAndReceive = 1,
  2967. ESSReceive = 2,
  2968. ESSCount = 3,
  2969. };
  2971. enum CaptureTypeEnum
  2972. {
  2973. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPoint = 0,
  2974. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBox = 1,
  2975. CaptureTypeEnum_CenterPointUnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2976. CaptureTypeEnum_UnlimitedHeight = 2,
  2977. CaptureTypeEnum_BoundingBoxUnlimitedHeight = 3,
  2978. };
  2980. enum DamageEntityType
  2981. {
  2982. DamageEntityType_Soldier = 0,
  2983. DamageEntityType_Vehicle = 1,
  2984. DamageEntityType_Plane = 2,
  2985. DamageEntityType_Invalid = 3,
  2986. DamageEntityType_Count = 4,
  2987. };
  2989. enum VehicleSpawnerType
  2990. {
  2991. VehicleSpawnerType_NoSpawner = 0,
  2992. VehicleSpawnerType_BasicSpawner = 1,
  2993. VehicleSpawnerType_TeamSpawner = 2,
  2994. };
  2996. enum AIVehicleSoundCategory
  2997. {
  2998. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Normal = 0,
  2999. AIVehicleSoundCategory_Quiet = 1,
  3000. };
  3002. enum TeamId
  3003. {
  3004. TeamNeutral = 0,
  3005. Team1 = 1,
  3006. Team2 = 2,
  3007. Team3 = 3,
  3008. Team4 = 4,
  3009. Team5 = 5,
  3010. Team6 = 6,
  3011. Team7 = 7,
  3012. Team8 = 8,
  3013. Team9 = 9,
  3014. Team10 = 10,
  3015. Team11 = 11,
  3016. Team12 = 12,
  3017. Team13 = 13,
  3018. Team14 = 14,
  3019. Team15 = 15,
  3020. Team16 = 16,
  3021. TeamIdCount = 17,
  3022. };
  3024. enum VehicleCategory
  3025. {
  3026. VehicleCategory_Land = 0,
  3027. VehicleCategory_Air = 1,
  3028. VehicleCategory_Horse = 2,
  3029. VehicleCategory_Count = 3,
  3030. };
  3032. enum UIHudIcon
  3033. {
  3034. UIHudIcon_Unused = 0,
  3035. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayer = 1,
  3036. UIHudIcon_LocalDirection = 2,
  3037. UIHudIcon_FriendlyPlayer = 3,
  3038. UIHudIcon_EnemyPlayer = 4,
  3039. UIHudIcon_NeutralPlayer = 5,
  3040. UIHudIcon_SquadMember = 6,
  3041. UIHudIcon_SquadLeader = 7,
  3042. UIHudIcon_SquadLeaderTargeted = 8,
  3043. UIHudIcon_Vehicle = 9,
  3044. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjective = 10,
  3045. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveBlink = 11,
  3046. UIHudIcon_SecondaryObjective = 12,
  3047. UIHudIcon_AreaMapMarker = 13,
  3048. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDestroy = 14,
  3049. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveScout = 15,
  3050. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefend = 16,
  3051. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveMoveTo = 17,
  3052. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttack = 18,
  3053. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFollow = 19,
  3054. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveGeneral = 20,
  3055. UIHudICon_UAV = 21,
  3056. UIHudIcon_AmmoCrate = 22,
  3057. UIHudIcon_MedicBag = 23,
  3058. UIHudIcon_C4 = 24,
  3059. UIHudIcon_ATMine = 25,
  3060. UIHudIcon_StationaryWeapon = 26,
  3061. UIHudIcon_North = 27,
  3062. UIHudIcon_South = 28,
  3063. UIHudIcon_West = 29,
  3064. UIHudIcon_East = 30,
  3065. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlag = 31,
  3066. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlag = 32,
  3067. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlag = 33,
  3068. UIHudIcon_FriendlyBase = 34,
  3069. UIHudIcon_EnemyBase = 35,
  3070. UIHudIcon_Team1Flag = 36,
  3071. UIHudIcon_Team2Flag = 37,
  3072. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagLit = 38,
  3073. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagLit = 39,
  3074. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagLit = 40,
  3075. UIHudIcon_SelectableSpawnPoint = 41,
  3076. UIHudIcon_SelectedSpawnPoint = 42,
  3077. UIHudIcon_NonSelectableSpawnPoint = 43,
  3078. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagUnderAttack = 44,
  3079. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagUnderAttack = 45,
  3080. UIHudIcon_OrderAttack = 46,
  3081. UIHudIcon_OrderDefend = 47,
  3082. UIHudIcon_OrderAttackObserved = 48,
  3083. UIHudIcon_OrderDefendObserved = 49,
  3084. UIHudIcon_Boat = 50,
  3085. UIHudIcon_Car = 51,
  3086. UIHudIcon_Jeep = 52,
  3087. UIHudIcon_HeliAttack = 53,
  3088. UIHudIcon_HeliScout = 54,
  3089. UIHudIcon_Tank = 55,
  3090. UIHudIcon_TankIFV = 56,
  3091. UIHudIcon_TankArty = 57,
  3092. UIHudIcon_TankAA = 58,
  3093. UIHudIcon_TankAT = 59,
  3094. UIHudIcon_Jet = 60,
  3095. UIHudIcon_JetBomber = 61,
  3096. UIHudIcon_Stationary = 62,
  3097. UIHudIcon_Strategic = 63,
  3098. UIHudIcon_MotionRadarSweep = 64,
  3099. UIHudIcon_NeedBackup = 65,
  3100. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmo = 66,
  3101. UIHudIcon_NeedMedic = 67,
  3102. UIHudIcon_NeedPickup = 68,
  3103. UIHudIcon_NeedRepair = 69,
  3104. UIHudIcon_KitAssault = 70,
  3105. UIHudIcon_KitDemolition = 71,
  3106. UIHudIcon_KitRecon = 72,
  3107. UIHudIcon_KitSpecialist = 73,
  3108. UIHudIcon_KitSupport = 74,
  3109. UIHudIcon_KitMedic = 75,
  3110. UIHudIcon_KitEngineer = 76,
  3111. UIHudIcon_KitPickupAssault = 77,
  3112. UIHudIcon_KitPickupDemolition = 78,
  3113. UIHudIcon_KitPickupRecon = 79,
  3114. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSpecialist = 80,
  3115. UIHudIcon_KitPickupSupport = 81,
  3116. UIHudIcon_KitPickupMedic = 82,
  3117. UIHudIcon_KitPickupEngineer = 83,
  3118. UIHudIcon_Pickup = 84,
  3119. UIHudIcon_TaggedVehicle = 85,
  3120. UIHudIcon_LaserPaintedVehicle = 86,
  3121. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetEnemy = 87,
  3122. UIHudIcon_HeliTargetFriendly = 88,
  3123. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryTarget = 89,
  3124. UIHudIcon_NeutralFlagAttacker = 90,
  3125. UIHudIcon_FriendlyFlagAttacker = 91,
  3126. UIHudIcon_EnemyFlagAttacker = 92,
  3127. UIHudIcon_LaserTarget = 93,
  3128. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveAttacker = 94,
  3129. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveDefender = 95,
  3130. UIHudIcon_HealthbarBackground = 96,
  3131. UIHudIcon_Healthbar = 97,
  3132. UIHudIcon_RadarSweepComponent = 98,
  3133. UIHudIcon_Blank = 99,
  3134. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerBigIcon = 100,
  3135. UIHudIcon_LocalPlayerOutOfMap = 101,
  3136. UIHudIcon_PrimaryObjectiveLarge = 102,
  3137. UIHudIcon_TargetUnlocked = 103,
  3138. UIHudIcon_TargetLocked = 104,
  3139. UIHudIcon_TargetLocking = 105,
  3140. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeNametag = 106,
  3141. UIHudIcon_ArtilleryStrikeMinimap = 107,
  3142. UIHudIcon_CapturePointContested = 108,
  3143. UIHudIcon_CapturePointDefended = 109,
  3144. UIHudIcon_RoundBar = 110,
  3145. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBg = 111,
  3146. UIHudIcon_RoundBarBgPlate = 112,
  3147. UIHudIcon_SnapOvalArrow = 113,
  3148. UIHudIcon_SquadleaderBg = 114,
  3149. UIHudIcon_VehicleBg = 115,
  3150. UIHudIcon_NonTakeableControlPoint = 116,
  3151. UIHudIcon_SpottedPosition = 117,
  3152. UIHudIcon_Grenade = 118,
  3153. UIHudIcon_Revive = 119,
  3154. UIHudIcon_Repair = 120,
  3155. UIHudIcon_Interact = 121,
  3156. UIHudIcon_Voip = 122,
  3157. UIHudIcon_Claymore = 123,
  3158. UIHudIcon_EodBot = 124,
  3159. UIHudIcon_Explosive = 125,
  3160. UIHudIcon_LaserDesignator = 126,
  3161. UIHudIcon_Mav = 127,
  3162. UIHudIcon_Mortar = 128,
  3163. UIHudIcon_RadioBeacon = 129,
  3164. UIHudIcon_Ugs = 130,
  3165. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarMiddle = 131,
  3166. UIHudIcon_PercetageBarEdge = 132,
  3167. UIHudIcon_PercentageBarBackground = 133,
  3168. UIHudIcon_TankLC = 134,
  3169. UIHudIcon_HeliTrans = 135,
  3170. UIHudIcon_StaticAT = 136,
  3171. UIHudIcon_StaticAA = 137,
  3172. UIHudIcon_SprintBoost = 138,
  3173. UIHudIcon_AmmoBoost = 139,
  3174. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveBoost = 140,
  3175. UIHudIcon_ExplosiveResistBoost = 141,
  3176. UIHudIcon_SuppressionBoost = 142,
  3177. UIHudIcon_SuppressionResistBoost = 143,
  3178. UIHudIcon_GrenadeBoost = 144,
  3179. UIHudIcon_HealSpeedBoost = 145,
  3180. UIHudIcon_NeedAmmoHighlight = 146,
  3181. UIHudIcon_NeedMedicHighlight = 147,
  3182. UIHudIcon_NeedRepairHighlight = 148,
  3183. UIHudIcon_NeedPickupHighlight = 149,
  3184. UIHudIcon_PlayerDead = 150,
  3185. UIHudIcon_Player = 151,
  3186. UIHudIcon_Flag = 152,
  3187. UIHudIcon_Base = 153,
  3188. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveNeutralBomb = 154,
  3189. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyBomb = 155,
  3190. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyBomb = 156,
  3191. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveEnemyHVT = 157,
  3192. UIHudIcon_ObjectiveFriendlyHVT = 158,
  3193. UIHudIcon_Count = 159,
  3194. };
  3196. enum MinimapZoomLevelEnum
  3197. {
  3198. MinimapZoomLevel_OnFoot = 0,
  3199. MinimapZoomLevel_Vehicle = 1,
  3200. MinimapZoomLevel_Flight = 2,
  3201. };
  3203. enum GameplayBones
  3204. {
  3205. GameplayBones_UndefinedBone = -1,
  3206. GameplayBones_RootBone = 0,
  3207. GameplayBones_RootMeshBone = 1,
  3208. GameplayBones_ConnectBone = 2,
  3209. GameplayBones_HeadBone = 3,
  3210. GameplayBones_CameraBone = 4,
  3211. GameplayBones_AimBone = 5,
  3212. GameplayBones_WeaponBone = 6,
  3213. GameplayBones_WeaponAux1Bone = 7,
  3214. GameplayBones_LeftArmBone = 8,
  3215. GameplayBones_LeftToeBone = 9,
  3216. GameplayBones_RightToeBone = 10,
  3217. GameplayBones_LeftFootBone = 11,
  3218. GameplayBones_RightFootBone = 12,
  3219. GameplayBones_Count = 13,
  3220. };
  3222. enum WarnTarget
  3223. {
  3224. wtWarnSoldierAndVehicle = 0,
  3225. wtWarnSoldier = 1,
  3226. wtWarnVehicle = 2,
  3227. wtWarnNone = 3,
  3228. };
  3230. enum SubRealm
  3231. {
  3232. SubRealm_All = 0,
  3233. SubRealm_LocalPlayer = 1,
  3234. SubRealm_RemotePlayer = 2,
  3235. };
  3237. enum AnimationControlModeEnum
  3238. {
  3239. AnimationControlModeEnum_PlaceTrajectoryAtObject = 0,
  3240. AnimationControlModeEnum_PlaceObjectAtTrajectory = 1,
  3241. AnimationControlModeEnum_DisconnectTrajectoryAndObject = 2,
  3242. };
  3244. enum JointOutputModeEnum
  3245. {
  3246. JointOutputModeEnum_NoOutput = 0,
  3247. JointOutputModeEnum_AllJoints = 1,
  3248. JointOutputModeEnum_GameplayBones = 2,
  3249. };
  3251. enum UnlockEntityLogic
  3252. {
  3253. UnlockEntityLogic_AND = 0,
  3254. UnlockEntityLogic_OR = 1,
  3255. };
  3257. enum UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType
  3258. {
  3259. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_ActiveWeaponUnlocks = 0,
  3260. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_AllWeaponUnlocks = 1,
  3261. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_PlayerUnlocks = 2,
  3262. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType_UnlockedForPlayer = 3,
  3263. };
  3265. enum EntryEnterRestriction
  3266. {
  3267. EntryEnterRestriction_NoRestriction = 0,
  3268. EntryEnterRestriction_OnlyPrimaryEntry = 1,
  3269. };
  3271. enum LocalPlayerId
  3272. {
  3273. LocalPlayerId_0 = 0,
  3274. LocalPlayerId_1 = 1,
  3275. LocalPlayerId_2 = 2,
  3276. LocalPlayerId_3 = 3,
  3277. LocalPlayerId_4 = 4,
  3278. LocalPlayerId_5 = 5,
  3279. LocalPlayerId_6 = 6,
  3280. LocalPlayerId_7 = 7,
  3281. LocalPlayerId_Invalid = 255,
  3282. };
  3284. enum StreamRealm
  3285. {
  3286. StreamRealm_None = 0,
  3287. StreamRealm_Client = 1,
  3288. StreamRealm_Both = 2,
  3289. };
  3291. enum RadiosityTypeOverride
  3292. {
  3293. RadiosityTypeOverride_None = 0,
  3294. RadiosityTypeOverride_Dynamic = 1,
  3295. RadiosityTypeOverride_LightProbe = 2,
  3296. RadiosityTypeOverride_Static = 3,
  3297. RadiosityTypeOverride_TerrainProjected = 4,
  3298. };
  3300. enum RenderingOverride
  3301. {
  3302. RenderingOverride_Inherit = 0,
  3303. RenderingOverride_Enable = 1,
  3304. RenderingOverride_Disable = 2,
  3305. RenderingOverride_Legacy = 3,
  3306. };
  3308. enum InteractionEntityType
  3309. {
  3310. IET_None = 0,
  3311. IET_RushCrateArm = 1,
  3312. IET_RushCrateDisarm = 2,
  3313. IET_ObliterationDropOffArm = 3,
  3314. IET_CTFFlag = 4,
  3315. IET_DoorBarge = 5,
  3316. };
  3318. enum BlinkType
  3319. {
  3320. BTHold = 0,
  3321. BTBlink = 1,
  3322. BTCount = 2,
  3323. };
  3325. enum CharacterStateType
  3326. {
  3327. CharacterStateType_OnGround = 0,
  3328. CharacterStateType_Jumping = 1,
  3329. CharacterStateType_InAir = 2,
  3330. CharacterStateType_Climbing = 3,
  3331. CharacterStateType_Falling = 4,
  3332. CharacterStateType_User_0 = 5,
  3333. CharacterStateType_Parachute = 5,
  3334. CharacterStateType_User_1 = 6,
  3335. CharacterStateType_Swimming = 6,
  3336. CharacterStateType_User_2 = 7,
  3337. CharacterStateType_AnimationControlled = 7,
  3338. CharacterStateType_User_3 = 8,
  3339. CharacterStateType_Sliding = 8,
  3340. CharacterStateType_User_4 = 9,
  3341. CharacterStateType_User_5 = 10,
  3342. CharacterStateType_StateCount = 11,
  3343. };
  3345. enum RigidBodyCollisionLayer
  3346. {
  3347. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_Invalid = 0,
  3348. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_StaticLayer = 1,
  3349. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DynamicLayer = 2,
  3350. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_PlayerCollisionLayer = 3,
  3351. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_AICollisionLayer = 4,
  3352. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_KeyframeLayer = 5,
  3353. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DebrisLayer = 6,
  3354. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_FastDebrisLayer = 7,
  3355. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticCollisionLayer = 8,
  3356. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_RagdollLayer = 9,
  3357. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoCollisionLayer = 10,
  3358. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_WaterLayer = 11,
  3359. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_BangerLayer = 12,
  3360. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoVehicleCollisionLayer = 13,
  3361. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CharacterLayer = 14,
  3362. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_DynamicNoCharacterCollisionLayer = 15,
  3363. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_PredictedVehicleLayer = 16,
  3364. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_TerrainLayer = 17,
  3365. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyTerrainCollionLayer = 18,
  3366. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CharacterCollisionGeometryLayer = 19,
  3367. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_AiCollisionBodyLayer = 20,
  3368. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_CameraCollisionLayer = 21,
  3369. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticCameraCollisionLayer = 22,
  3370. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_KeyframedCollisionBodyLayer = 23,
  3371. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleLayer = 24,
  3372. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleAndCharacterCollisionLayer = 25,
  3373. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_VehicleUsingSimpleTerrainLayer = 26,
  3374. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_SimpleTerrainLayer = 27,
  3375. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_OnlyStaticAndTerrainLayer = 28,
  3376. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoSpectatorStaticCollisionLayer = 29,
  3377. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_SpectatorCameraCollisionLayer = 30,
  3378. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_NoWaterCollisionLayer = 31,
  3379. RigidBodyCollisionLayer_Size = 32,
  3380. };
  3382. enum PersonViewMode
  3383. {
  3384. PersonViewMode_FirstPerson = 0,
  3385. PersonViewMode_ThirdPerson = 1,
  3386. };
  3388. enum PlayerSpawnType
  3389. {
  3390. PlayerSpawnType_HumanPlayer = 0,
  3391. PlayerSpawnType_AiPlayer = 1,
  3392. PlayerSpawnType_Actor = 2,
  3393. PlayerSpawnType_BrainAI = 3,
  3394. PlayerSpawnType_Ai2Player = 300,
  3395. };
  3397. enum FiringWeaponClass
  3398. {
  3399. WeaponClass_AssaultRifle = 0,
  3400. WeaponClass_MachineGun = 1,
  3401. WeaponClass_Pistol = 2,
  3402. WeaponClass_SniperRifle = 3,
  3403. WeaponClass_SMG = 4,
  3404. };
  3406. enum VoPrimaryFireType
  3407. {
  3408. VoPrimaryFireType_SMG = -5,
  3409. VoPrimaryFireType_SniperRifle = -4,
  3410. VoPrimaryFireType_Pistol = -3,
  3411. VoPrimaryFireType_MachineGun = -2,
  3412. VoPrimaryFireType_AssaultRifle = -1,
  3413. };
  3415. enum SustainFiringFireStyle
  3416. {
  3417. SustainFiringFireStyle_TrackTarget = 0,
  3418. SustainFiringFireStyle_SweepArea = 1,
  3419. };
  3421. enum ValidAgainst
  3422. {
  3423. ValidAgainst_Nothing = 0,
  3424. ValidAgainst_Soldiers = 1,
  3425. ValidAgainst_SoldiersAndUnshieldedVehicles = 2,
  3426. ValidAgainst_UnshieldedVehicles = 3,
  3427. ValidAgainst_ShieldedVehicles = 4,
  3428. ValidAgainst_AllVehicles = 5,
  3429. ValidAgainst_All = 6,
  3430. ValidAgainst_HumanSoldiers = 7,
  3431. };
  3433. enum TargetPreference
  3434. {
  3435. TargetPreference_Soldiers = 0,
  3436. TargetPreference_Vehicles = 1,
  3437. };
  3439. enum LogFileCollisionMode
  3440. {
  3441. LFCM_Overwrite = 0,
  3442. LFCM_Rotate = 1,
  3443. LFCM_TimeStamp = 2,
  3444. };
  3446. enum SKU
  3447. {
  3448. WW = 0,
  3449. EU = 1,
  3450. US = 2,
  3451. JPN = 3,
  3452. ROA = 4,
  3453. RU = 5,
  3454. EN = 6,
  3455. };
  3457. enum GamePlatform
  3458. {
  3459. GamePlatform_Ps3 = 0,
  3460. GamePlatform_Win32 = 1,
  3461. GamePlatform_Xenon = 2,
  3462. GamePlatform_Gen4a = 3,
  3463. GamePlatform_Gen4b = 4,
  3464. GamePlatform_Android = 5,
  3465. GamePlatform_iOS = 6,
  3466. GamePlatform_OSX = 7,
  3467. GamePlatform_Linux = 8,
  3468. GamePlatform_Any = 9,
  3469. GamePlatform_Invalid = 10,
  3470. GamePlatformCount = 11,
  3471. };
  3473. enum DisplayDynamicRange
  3474. {
  3475. DisplayDynamicRange_SDR = 0,
  3476. DisplayDynamicRange_DolbyMaui = 1,
  3477. DisplayDynamicRange_DolbyVision = 2,
  3478. DisplayDynamicRange_LiveGrading = 3,
  3479. DisplayDynamicRange_HDR10 = 4,
  3480. DisplayDynamicRange_HDR10_Float = 5,
  3481. DisplayDynamicRange_Auto = 6,
  3482. };
  3484. enum UISystemType
  3485. {
  3486. UISystem_None = 0,
  3487. UISystem_Standard = 1,
  3488. };
  3490. enum LanguageFormat
  3491. {
  3492. LanguageFormat_English = 0,
  3493. LanguageFormat_French = 1,
  3494. LanguageFormat_German = 2,
  3495. LanguageFormat_Spanish = 3,
  3496. LanguageFormat_SpanishUSA = 4,
  3497. LanguageFormat_SpanishMex = 5,
  3498. LanguageFormat_Italian = 6,
  3499. LanguageFormat_Japanese = 7,
  3500. LanguageFormat_Russian = 8,
  3501. LanguageFormat_Polish = 9,
  3502. LanguageFormat_Dutch = 10,
  3503. LanguageFormat_Portuguese = 11,
  3504. LanguageFormat_TraditionalChinese = 12,
  3505. LanguageFormat_Korean = 13,
  3506. LanguageFormat_Czech = 14,
  3507. LanguageFormat_BrazilianPortuguese = 15,
  3508. LanguageFormat_ArabicSA = 16,
  3509. LanguageFormat_Turkish = 17,
  3510. LanguageFormat_WorstCase = 18,
  3511. LanguageFormat_Count = 19,
  3512. LanguageFormat_Undefined = 20,
  3513. };
  3515. enum FOVTransitionType
  3516. {
  3517. FOVTransitionType_Linear = 0,
  3518. FOVTransitionType_Smooth = 1,
  3519. FOVTransitionType_Count = 2,
  3520. };
  3522. enum ProfileOptionsType
  3523. {
  3524. GstAudio = 0,
  3525. GstRender = 1,
  3526. GstInput = 2,
  3527. GstAI = 3,
  3528. GstGameplay = 4,
  3529. GstPlayerProfile = 5,
  3530. GstPersistence = 6,
  3531. GstBinary = 7,
  3532. GstKeyBinding = 8,
  3533. GstCustomization = 9,
  3534. GstSpectator = 10,
  3535. GstCount = 11,
  3536. };
  3538. enum ZoomLevelActivateEventType
  3539. {
  3540. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_Disable = 0,
  3541. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_Enable = 1,
  3542. ZoomLevelActivateEventType_ToggleOnLightSwitch = 2,
  3543. };
  3545. enum VehicleMode
  3546. {
  3547. VmIdle = 0,
  3548. VmEntering = 1,
  3549. VmEntered = 2,
  3550. VmStarting = 3,
  3551. VmStarted = 4,
  3552. VmStopping = 5,
  3553. VmLeaving = 6,
  3554. };
  3556. enum RigidBodyType
  3557. {
  3558. RBTypeCollision = 0,
  3559. RBTypeDetail = 1,
  3560. RBTypeCharacter = 2,
  3561. RBTypeRaycast = 3,
  3562. RBTypeGroup = 4,
  3563. RBTypeProxy = 5,
  3564. RBTypeSize = 6,
  3565. };
  3567. enum RigidBodyMotionType
  3568. {
  3569. RigidBodyMotionType_Invalid = 0,
  3570. RigidBodyMotionType_Fixed = 1,
  3571. RigidBodyMotionType_Keyframed = 2,
  3572. RigidBodyMotionType_Dynamic = 3,
  3573. RigidBodyMotionType_Size = 4,
  3574. };
  3576. enum RigidBodyQualityType
  3577. {
  3578. RigidBodyQualityType_Fixed = 0,
  3579. RigidBodyQualityType_Debris = 1,
  3580. RigidBodyQualityType_Dynamic = 2,
  3581. RigidBodyQualityType_NeighborWelding = 3,
  3582. RigidBodyQualityType_MotionWelding = 4,
  3583. RigidBodyQualityType_TriangleWelding = 5,
  3584. RigidBodyQualityType_Critical = 6,
  3585. RigidBodyQualityType_Vehicle = 7,
  3586. RigidBodyQualityType_Character = 8,
  3587. RigidBodyQualityType_Grenade = 9,
  3588. RigidBodyQualityType_Projectile = 10,
  3589. RigidBodyQualityType_Invalid = 11,
  3590. };
  3592. enum LodDistanceMethod
  3593. {
  3594. LodDistanceMethod_BoundingSphere = 0,
  3595. LodDistanceMethod_YAxis = 1,
  3596. LodDistanceMethod_Count = 2,
  3597. };
  3599. enum EnlightenType
  3600. {
  3601. EnlightenType_Dynamic = 0,
  3602. EnlightenType_LightProbe = 1,
  3603. EnlightenType_Static = 2,
  3604. EnlightenType_Proxy = 3,
  3605. };
  3607. enum LocalPlayerViewId
  3608. {
  3609. LocalPlayerViewId_RootView = 0,
  3610. LocalPlayerViewId_Secondary = 1,
  3611. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom1 = 2,
  3612. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom2 = 3,
  3613. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom3 = 4,
  3614. LocalPlayerViewId_Custom4 = 5,
  3615. LocalPlayerViewId_Count = 6,
  3616. };
  3618. enum InputActionMapSlot
  3619. {
  3620. InputActionMapSlot_Undefined = 0,
  3621. InputActionMapSlot_Root1 = 1,
  3622. InputActionMapSlot_Root2 = 2,
  3623. InputActionMapSlot_Root3 = 3,
  3624. InputActionMapSlot_Root4 = 4,
  3625. InputActionMapSlot_Root5 = 5,
  3626. InputActionMapSlot_Root6 = 6,
  3627. InputActionMapSlot_Root7 = 7,
  3628. InputActionMapSlot_Root8 = 8,
  3629. InputActionMapSlot_Root9 = 9,
  3630. InputActionMapSlot_Root10 = 10,
  3631. InputActionMapSlot_Root11 = 11,
  3632. InputActionMapSlot_Root12 = 12,
  3633. InputActionMapSlot_Root13 = 13,
  3634. InputActionMapSlot_Root14 = 14,
  3635. InputActionMapSlot_Root15 = 15,
  3636. InputActionMapSlot_Root16 = 16,
  3637. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks1 = 17,
  3638. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks2 = 18,
  3639. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks3 = 19,
  3640. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks4 = 20,
  3641. InputActionMapSlot_Buttons1 = 21,
  3642. InputActionMapSlot_Buttons2 = 22,
  3643. InputActionMapSlot_Buttons3 = 23,
  3644. InputActionMapSlot_Buttons4 = 24,
  3645. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks1Buttons1 = 25,
  3646. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks1Buttons2 = 26,
  3647. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks1Buttons3 = 27,
  3648. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks1Buttons4 = 28,
  3649. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks2Buttons1 = 29,
  3650. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks2Buttons2 = 30,
  3651. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks2Buttons3 = 31,
  3652. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks2Buttons4 = 32,
  3653. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks3Buttons1 = 33,
  3654. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks3Buttons2 = 34,
  3655. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks3Buttons3 = 35,
  3656. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks3Buttons4 = 36,
  3657. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks4Buttons1 = 37,
  3658. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks4Buttons2 = 38,
  3659. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks4Buttons3 = 39,
  3660. InputActionMapSlot_Sticks4Buttons4 = 40,
  3661. InputActionMapSlot_Count = 41,
  3662. };
  3664. enum BundleHeapType
  3665. {
  3666. BundleHeapType_OwnWithParentSmallblock = 0,
  3667. BundleHeapType_OwnWithSmallblock = 1,
  3668. BundleHeapType_OwnWithoutSmallblock = 2,
  3669. BundleHeapType_Parent = 3,
  3670. BundleHeapType_Level = 4,
  3671. BundleHeapType_Global = 5,
  3672. BundleHeapType_Null = 6,
  3673. };
  3675. enum UnlockAvailability
  3676. {
  3677. UnlockAvailability_All = 0,
  3678. UnlockAvailability_HumanPlayerOnly = 1,
  3679. UnlockAvailability_AIOnly = 2,
  3680. };
  3682. enum SightType
  3683. {
  3684. SightType_None = 0,
  3685. SightType_Canted = 1,
  3686. SightType_Magnifier = 2,
  3687. SightType_IronSights = 3,
  3688. SightType_ShortRange = 4,
  3689. SightType_MediumRange = 5,
  3690. SightType_LongRange = 6,
  3691. };
  3693. enum VoiceOverPronunciationFallback
  3694. {
  3695. VoiceOverPronunciationFallback_None = 0,
  3696. VoiceOverPronunciationFallback_Master = 1,
  3697. };
  3699. enum VoiceOverConversationQueueGroupPolyphony
  3700. {
  3701. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroupPolyphony_Sources = 0,
  3702. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroupPolyphony_GlobalSources = 1,
  3703. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroupPolyphony_Conversations = 2,
  3704. };
  3706. enum ScaleResampleMode
  3707. {
  3708. ScaleResampleMode_Point = 0,
  3709. ScaleResampleMode_Linear = 1,
  3710. ScaleResampleMode_Bicubic = 2,
  3711. ScaleResampleMode_Lanczos = 3,
  3712. ScaleResampleMode_LanczosSeparable = 4,
  3713. ScaleResampleMode_BicubicSharp = 5,
  3714. ScaleResampleMode_BicubicSharpSeparable = 6,
  3715. };
  3717. enum DisplayMappingShoulderType
  3718. {
  3719. DisplayMappingShoulderType_None = 0,
  3720. DisplayMappingShoulderType_Neutral = 1,
  3721. };
  3723. enum ClientState
  3724. {
  3725. ClientState_WaitingForStaticBundleLoad = 0x0000,
  3726. ClientState_LoadProfileOptions = 0x0001,
  3727. ClientState_LostConnection = 0x0002,
  3728. ClientState_WaitingForUnload = 0x0003,
  3729. ClientState_Startup = 0x0004,
  3730. ClientState_StartServer = 0x0005,
  3731. ClientState_WaitingForLevel = 0x0006,
  3732. ClientState_StartLoadingLevel = 0x0007,
  3733. ClientState_WaitingForLevelLoaded = 0x0008,
  3734. ClientState_WaitingForLevelLink = 0x0009,
  3735. ClientState_LevelLinked = 0x000A,
  3736. ClientState_WaitingForGhosts = 0x000B,
  3737. ClientState_Ingame = 0x000C,
  3738. ClientState_LeaveIngame = 0x000D,
  3739. ClientState_ConnectToServer = 0x000E,
  3740. ClientState_ShuttingDown = 0x000F,
  3741. ClientState_Shutdown = 0x0010,
  3742. ClientState_None //0x0011,
  3743. };
  3745. enum InputDeviceKeys
  3746. {
  3747. IDK_None = 0,
  3748. IDK_Escape = 1,
  3749. IDK_1 = 2,
  3750. IDK_2 = 3,
  3751. IDK_3 = 4,
  3752. IDK_4 = 5,
  3753. IDK_5 = 6,
  3754. IDK_6 = 7,
  3755. IDK_7 = 8,
  3756. IDK_8 = 9,
  3757. IDK_9 = 10,
  3758. IDK_0 = 11,
  3759. IDK_Minus = 12,
  3760. IDK_Equals = 13,
  3761. IDK_Backspace = 14,
  3762. IDK_Tab = 15,
  3763. IDK_Q = 16,
  3764. IDK_W = 17,
  3765. IDK_E = 18,
  3766. IDK_R = 19,
  3767. IDK_T = 20,
  3768. IDK_Y = 21,
  3769. IDK_U = 22,
  3770. IDK_I = 23,
  3771. IDK_O = 24,
  3772. IDK_P = 25,
  3773. IDK_LeftBracket = 26,
  3774. IDK_RightBracket = 27,
  3775. IDK_Enter = 28,
  3776. IDK_LeftCtrl = 29,
  3777. IDK_A = 30,
  3778. IDK_S = 31,
  3779. IDK_D = 32,
  3780. IDK_F = 33,
  3781. IDK_G = 34,
  3782. IDK_H = 35,
  3783. IDK_J = 36,
  3784. IDK_K = 37,
  3785. IDK_L = 38,
  3786. IDK_Semicolon = 39,
  3787. IDK_Apostrophe = 40,
  3788. IDK_Grave = 41,
  3789. IDK_LeftShift = 42,
  3790. IDK_Backslash = 43,
  3791. IDK_Z = 44,
  3792. IDK_X = 45,
  3793. IDK_C = 46,
  3794. IDK_V = 47,
  3795. IDK_B = 48,
  3796. IDK_N = 49,
  3797. IDK_M = 50,
  3798. IDK_Comma = 51,
  3799. IDK_Period = 52,
  3800. IDK_Slash = 53,
  3801. IDK_RightShift = 54,
  3802. IDK_Multiply = 55,
  3803. IDK_LeftAlt = 56,
  3804. IDK_Space = 57,
  3805. IDK_Capital = 58,
  3806. IDK_F1 = 59,
  3807. IDK_F2 = 60,
  3808. IDK_F3 = 61,
  3809. IDK_F4 = 62,
  3810. IDK_F5 = 63,
  3811. IDK_F6 = 64,
  3812. IDK_F7 = 65,
  3813. IDK_F8 = 66,
  3814. IDK_F9 = 67,
  3815. IDK_F10 = 68,
  3816. IDK_Numlock = 69,
  3817. IDK_ScrollLock = 70,
  3818. IDK_Numpad7 = 71,
  3819. IDK_Numpad8 = 72,
  3820. IDK_Numpad9 = 73,
  3821. IDK_Subtract = 74,
  3822. IDK_Numpad4 = 75,
  3823. IDK_Numpad5 = 76,
  3824. IDK_Numpad6 = 77,
  3825. IDK_Add = 78,
  3826. IDK_Numpad1 = 79,
  3827. IDK_Numpad2 = 80,
  3828. IDK_Numpad3 = 81,
  3829. IDK_Numpad0 = 82,
  3830. IDK_Decimal = 83,
  3831. IDK_OEM_102 = 86,
  3832. IDK_F11 = 87,
  3833. IDK_F12 = 88,
  3834. IDK_F13 = 100,
  3835. IDK_F14 = 101,
  3836. IDK_F15 = 102,
  3837. IDK_Kana = 112,
  3838. IDK_PTBRSlash = 115,
  3839. IDK_Convert = 121,
  3840. IDK_NoConvert = 123,
  3841. IDK_Yen = 125,
  3843. IDK_Function = 128,
  3844. IDK_NumpadEquals = 141,
  3845. IDK_PrevTrack = 144,
  3846. IDK_At = 145,
  3847. IDK_Colon = 146,
  3848. IDK_Underline = 147,
  3849. IDK_Kanji = 148,
  3850. IDK_Stop = 149,
  3851. IDK_Ax = 150,
  3852. IDK_Unlabeled = 151,
  3853. IDK_NextTrack = 153,
  3854. IDK_NumpadEnter = 156,
  3855. IDK_RightCtrl = 157,
  3856. IDK_Mute = 160,
  3857. IDK_Calculator = 161,
  3858. IDK_PlayPause = 162,
  3859. IDK_MediaStop = 164,
  3860. IDK_VolumeDown = 174,
  3861. IDK_VolumeUp = 176,
  3862. IDK_WebHome = 178,
  3863. IDK_NumpadComma = 179,
  3864. IDK_Divide = 181,
  3865. IDK_PrintScreen = 183,
  3866. IDK_RightAlt = 184,
  3867. IDK_Pause = 197,
  3868. IDK_Home = 199,
  3869. IDK_ArrowUp = 200,
  3870. IDK_PageUp = 201,
  3871. IDK_ArrowLeft = 203,
  3872. IDK_ArrowRight = 205,
  3873. IDK_End = 207,
  3874. IDK_ArrowDown = 208,
  3875. IDK_PageDown = 209,
  3876. IDK_Insert = 210,
  3877. IDK_Delete = 211,
  3878. IDK_LeftWin = 219,
  3879. IDK_RightWin = 220,
  3880. IDK_AppMenu = 221,
  3881. IDK_Power = 222,
  3882. IDK_Sleep = 223,
  3883. IDK_Wake = 227,
  3884. IDK_WebSearch = 229,
  3885. IDK_WebFavorites = 230,
  3886. IDK_WebRefresh = 231,
  3887. IDK_WebStop = 232,
  3888. IDK_WebForward = 233,
  3889. IDK_WebBack = 234,
  3890. IDK_MyComputer = 235,
  3891. IDK_Mail = 236,
  3892. IDK_MediaSelect = 237,
  3893. IDK_Undefined = 255,
  3894. };
  3896. enum InputDevicePadButtons
  3897. {
  3898. IDB_Lup = 0,
  3899. IDB_Ldown = 1,
  3900. IDB_Lleft = 2,
  3901. IDB_Lright = 3,
  3902. IDB_Rup = 4,
  3903. IDB_Rdown = 5,
  3904. IDB_Rleft = 6,
  3905. IDB_Rright = 7,
  3906. IDB_Rtopleft = 8,
  3907. IDB_Rtopright = 9,
  3908. IDB_Lthumb = 10,
  3909. IDB_Rthumb = 11,
  3910. IDB_start = 12,
  3911. IDB_alt = 13,
  3912. IDB_Ltrigger = 14,
  3913. IDB_Rtrigger = 15,
  3914. IDB_Ltrigger2 = 16,
  3915. IDB_Rtrigger2 = 17,
  3916. IDB_TSwipeLeft = 18,
  3917. IDB_TSwipeUp = 19,
  3918. IDB_TSwipeRight = 20,
  3919. IDB_TSwipeDown = 21,
  3920. IDB_XButton1 = 22,
  3921. IDB_XButton2 = 23,
  3922. IDB_XButton3 = 24,
  3923. IDB_XButton4 = 25,
  3924. IDB_XButton5 = 26,
  3925. IDB_XButton6 = 27,
  3926. IDB_XButton7 = 28,
  3927. IDB_XButton8 = 29,
  3928. IDB_XButton9 = 30,
  3929. IDB_XButton10 = 31,
  3930. IDB_XButton11 = 32,
  3931. IDB_XButton12 = 33,
  3932. IDB_XButton13 = 34,
  3933. IDB_XButton14 = 35,
  3934. IDB_XButton15 = 36,
  3935. IDB_XButton16 = 37,
  3936. IDB_XButton17 = 38,
  3937. IDB_XButton18 = 39,
  3938. IDB_PosZAxis = 40,
  3939. IDB_NegZAxis = 41,
  3940. IDB_XRotationPos = 42,
  3941. IDB_XRotationNeg = 43,
  3942. IDB_YRotationPos = 44,
  3943. IDB_YRotationNeg = 45,
  3944. IDB_ZRotationPos = 46,
  3945. IDB_ZRotationNeg = 47,
  3946. IDB_Pov1North = 48,
  3947. IDB_Pov1South = 49,
  3948. IDB_Pov1West = 50,
  3949. IDB_Pov1East = 51,
  3950. IDB_Pov2North = 52,
  3951. IDB_Pov2South = 53,
  3952. IDB_Pov2West = 54,
  3953. IDB_Pov2East = 55,
  3954. IDB_Pov3North = 56,
  3955. IDB_Pov3South = 57,
  3956. IDB_Pov3West = 58,
  3957. IDB_Pov3East = 59,
  3958. IDB_Pov4North = 60,
  3959. IDB_Pov4South = 61,
  3960. IDB_Pov4West = 62,
  3961. IDB_Pov4East = 63,
  3962. IDB_Undefined = 64,
  3963. IDB_NumPadButtons = 64,
  3964. };
  3966. enum InputDevicePOVs
  3967. {
  3968. IDP_POV_0 = 0,
  3969. IDP_POV_1 = 1,
  3970. IDP_POV_2 = 2,
  3971. IDP_POV_Undefined = 3,
  3972. };
  3974. enum InputDeviceAxes
  3975. {
  3976. IDA_Axis0X = 0,
  3977. IDA_Axis0Y = 1,
  3978. IDA_Axis0XPos = 2,
  3979. IDA_Axis0YPos = 3,
  3980. IDA_Axis0XNeg = 4,
  3981. IDA_Axis0YNeg = 5,
  3982. IDA_Axis1X = 6,
  3983. IDA_Axis1Y = 7,
  3984. IDA_Axis1XPos = 8,
  3985. IDA_Axis1YPos = 9,
  3986. IDA_Axis1XNeg = 10,
  3987. IDA_Axis1YNeg = 11,
  3988. IDA_Axis2X = 12,
  3989. IDA_Axis2Y = 13,
  3990. IDA_Axis3X = 14,
  3991. IDA_Axis3Y = 15,
  3992. IDA_Axis4X = 16,
  3993. IDA_Axis4Y = 17,
  3994. IDA_Axis5X = 18,
  3995. IDA_Axis5Y = 19,
  3996. IDA_Axis6X = 20,
  3997. IDA_Axis6Y = 21,
  3998. IDA_Axis7X = 22,
  3999. IDA_Axis7Y = 23,
  4000. IDA_Undefined = 24,
  4001. };
  4003. class DataContainer
  4004. {
  4005. public:
  4006. char _0x0000[0x0010];
  4008. };//Size=0x0010
  4010. class GameDataContainer : public DataContainer
  4011. {
  4012. public:
  4013. };//Size=0x0010
  4015. class DataBusPeer : public GameDataContainer
  4016. {
  4017. public:
  4018. DWORD m_Flags; //0x0010
  4019. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  4021. };//Size=0x0018
  4023. class GameObjectData : public DataBusPeer
  4024. {
  4025. public:
  4026. };//Size=0x0018
  4028. class EntityBusPeer
  4029. {
  4030. public:
  4031. virtual TypeInfo* GetTypeInfo(); //
  4032. virtual void Function1(); //
  4033. virtual void Function2(); //
  4034. virtual void Function3(); //
  4035. virtual void Function4(); //
  4036. virtual void Function5(); //
  4037. virtual void Function6(); //
  4038. virtual void Function7(); //
  4039. virtual void Function8(); //
  4040. virtual void Function9(); //
  4041. virtual EntityData* GetEntityData(); //
  4042. virtual void Function11(); //
  4043. virtual void Function12(); //
  4044. virtual void Function13(); //
  4045. virtual void Function14(); //
  4046. virtual void Function15(); //
  4047. virtual void Function16(); //
  4048. virtual void Function17(); //
  4049. virtual void Function18(); //
  4050. virtual void Function19(); //
  4051. virtual void Function20(); //
  4052. virtual void Function21(); //
  4053. virtual void Function22(); //
  4054. virtual void Function23(); //
  4055. virtual void Function24(); //
  4056. virtual void GetAABB(TransformAABBStruct* pAABB); //
  4057. virtual void GetTransform(D3DXMATRIX* mTransform); //
  4058. virtual void Function27(); //
  4059. virtual void Function28(); //
  4060. virtual void Function29(); //
  4061. virtual void Function30(); //
  4062. virtual void Function31(); //
  4063. virtual void Function32(); //
  4064. virtual void Function33(); //
  4065. virtual void Function34(); //
  4066. virtual Component* GetComponentByType(TypeInfo *type); //
  4067. virtual void Function36(); //
  4068. virtual void Function37(); //
  4069. virtual void Function38(); //
  4070. virtual void Function39(); //
  4071. virtual void Function40(); //
  4072. virtual void Function41(); //
  4073. virtual void Function42(); //
  4074. virtual void Function43(); //
  4075. virtual void Function44(); //
  4076. virtual void Function45(); //
  4077. virtual void Function46(); //
  4078. virtual void Function47(); //
  4079. virtual void Function48(); //
  4080. virtual void Function49(); //
  4081. virtual void Function50(); //
  4082. virtual void Function51(); //
  4083. virtual void Function52(); //
  4084. virtual void Function53(); //
  4085. virtual void Function54(); //
  4086. virtual void Function55(); //
  4087. virtual void Function56(); //
  4088. virtual void Function57(); //
  4089. virtual void Function58(); //
  4090. virtual void Function59(); //
  4091. virtual void Function60(); //
  4092. virtual void Function61(); //
  4093. virtual void Function62(); //
  4094. virtual void Function63(); //
  4095. virtual void Function64(); //
  4096. virtual void Function65(); //
  4097. virtual void Function66(); //
  4098. virtual void Function67(); //
  4099. virtual void Function68(); //
  4100. virtual void Function69(); //
  4101. virtual void Function70(); //
  4102. virtual void Function71(); //
  4103. virtual void Function72(); //
  4104. virtual void Function73(); // this
  4105. virtual void Function74(); //
  4106. virtual void Function75(); //
  4107. virtual void Function76(); //
  4108. virtual void Function77(); //
  4109. virtual void Function78(); //
  4110. virtual void Function79(); //
  4111. virtual void Function80(); //
  4112. virtual void Function81(); //
  4113. virtual void Function82(); //
  4114. virtual void Function83(); //
  4115. virtual void Function84(); //
  4116. virtual void Function85(); //
  4117. virtual void Function86(); //
  4118. virtual void Function87(); //
  4119. virtual void Function88(); //
  4120. virtual void Function89(); //
  4121. virtual void Function90(); //
  4122. virtual void Function91(); //this
  4124. };//Size=0x0008
  4126. class EntityData : public GameObjectData
  4127. {
  4128. public:
  4129. };//Size=0x0018
  4131. class LinearTransform
  4132. {
  4133. public:
  4134. D3DXVECTOR3 m_right; //0x0000
  4135. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  4136. D3DXVECTOR3 m_up; //0x0010
  4137. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  4138. D3DXVECTOR3 m_forward; //0x0020
  4139. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  4140. D3DXVECTOR3 m_trans; //0x0030
  4141. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  4143. };//Size=0x0040
  4145. class Asset : public DataContainer
  4146. {
  4147. public:
  4148. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  4150. };//Size=0x0018
  4152. class Entity : public EntityBusPeer
  4153. {
  4154. public:
  4155. char _0x0008[0x0018];
  4157. };//Size=0x0020
  4159. class SpatialEntityData : public EntityData
  4160. {
  4161. public:
  4162. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  4163. LinearTransform m_Transform; //0x0020
  4165. };//Size=0x0060
  4167. class DataBusData : public Asset
  4168. {
  4169. public:
  4170. Array<PropertyConnection*>* m_PropertyConnections; //0x0018
  4171. Array<LinkConnection*>* m_LinkConnections; //0x0020
  4172. DynamicDataContainer* m_Interface; //0x0028
  4173. WORD m_Flags; //0x0030
  4174. char _0x0032[0x0006];
  4176. };//Size=0x0038
  4178. class SpatialEntity : public Entity
  4179. {
  4180. public:
  4181. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  4183. };//Size=0x0028
  4185. class ComponentEntityData : public SpatialEntityData
  4186. {
  4187. public:
  4188. Array<GameObjectData*>* m_Components; //0x0060
  4189. unsigned char m_ClientRuntimeComponentCount; //0x0068
  4190. unsigned char m_ServerRuntimeComponentCount; //0x0069
  4191. unsigned char m_ClientRuntimeTransformationCount; //0x006A
  4192. unsigned char m_ServerRuntimeTransformationCount; //0x006B
  4193. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  4195. };//Size=0x0070
  4197. class EntityBusData : public DataBusData
  4198. {
  4199. public:
  4200. Array<EventConnection*>* m_EventConnections; //0x0038
  4202. };//Size=0x0040
  4204. class Component : public EntityBusPeer
  4205. {
  4206. public:
  4207. ComponentTable* m_ComponentTable; //0x0008
  4208. WeaponComponentData* m_WeaponComponentData; //0x0010
  4209. unsigned char m_ComponentNum; //0x0018
  4210. char _0x0019[0x0007];
  4212. };//Size=0x0020
  4214. class ComponentEntity : public SpatialEntity
  4215. {
  4216. public:
  4217. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  4218. VehicleEntityData* m_VehicleEntityData; //0x0030
  4219. ComponentTable* m_ComponentTable; //0x0038
  4220. char _0x0040[0x0010];
  4222. };//Size=0x0050
  4224. class ComponentData : public GameObjectData
  4225. {
  4226. public:
  4227. Array<GameObjectData*>* m_Components; //0x0018
  4228. LinearTransform m_Transform; //0x0020
  4229. unsigned char m_Excluded; //0x0060
  4230. char _0x0061[0x000F];
  4232. };//Size=0x0070
  4234. class GameComponentEntityData : public ComponentEntityData
  4235. {
  4236. public:
  4237. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0070
  4238. char _0x0071[0x000F];
  4240. };//Size=0x0080
  4242. class Blueprint : public EntityBusData
  4243. {
  4244. public:
  4245. };//Size=0x0040
  4247. class HealthComponent : public Component
  4248. {
  4249. public:
  4250. float m_SoldierCurHealth; //0x0020
  4251. float m_SoldierMaxHealth; //0x0024
  4253. };//Size=0x0028
  4255. class GameComponent : public Component
  4256. {
  4257. public:
  4258. ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* m_ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent; //0x0020
  4259. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  4261. };//Size=0x0030
  4263. class GameComponentEntity : public ComponentEntity
  4264. {
  4265. public:
  4266. char _0x0050[0x0020];
  4268. };//Size=0x0070
  4270. class GameComponentData : public ComponentData
  4271. {
  4272. public:
  4273. };//Size=0x0070
  4275. class EntryComponentHudData
  4276. {
  4277. public:
  4278. __int32 m_Index; //0x0000
  4279. EntrySeatType m_SeatType; //0x0004
  4280. unsigned char m_Frustum; //0x0008
  4281. unsigned char m_Visible; //0x0009
  4282. unsigned char m_MaximizeMiniMapOnEntry; //0x000A
  4283. char _0x000B[0x0001];
  4285. };//Size=0x000C
  4287. class GamePhysicsEntityData : public GameComponentEntityData
  4288. {
  4289. public:
  4290. PhysicsEntityData* m_PhysicsData; //0x0080
  4291. unsigned char m_IsTraversable; //0x0088
  4292. unsigned char m_IsCharacterCollidable; //0x0089
  4293. char _0x008A[0x0006];
  4295. };//Size=0x0090
  4297. class InvestigateSettigns
  4298. {
  4299. public:
  4300. __int32 m_MaxInvestigators; //0x0000
  4301. float m_MinDistIfObstruscted; //0x0004
  4302. InvestigateSettignsKnowledgeSharing m_KnowledgeShare; //0x0008
  4303. InvestigateEndConditions m_EndConditions; //0x0010
  4304. unsigned char m_CanStandInPlaceAndLook; //0x0018
  4305. unsigned char m_CanGetCloserIfObstructed; //0x0019
  4306. char _0x001A[0x0002];
  4308. };//Size=0x001C
  4310. class PhysicsComponentData : public ComponentData
  4311. {
  4312. public:
  4313. Array<PhysicsBodyData*>* m_PhysicsBodies; //0x0070
  4314. Array<PhysicsConstraintData*>* m_PhysicsConstraints; //0x0078
  4315. Array<PhysicsPartData*>* m_Parts; //0x0080
  4316. unsigned char m_MovableParts; //0x008C
  4317. char _0x008D[0x0003];
  4319. };//Size=0x0090
  4321. class PrefabBlueprint : public Blueprint
  4322. {
  4323. public:
  4324. Array<GameObjectData*>* m_Objects; //0x0040
  4325. TimeDeltaType m_TimeDeltaType; //0x0048
  4326. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  4328. };//Size=0x0050
  4330. class ClientGameHealthComponent : public HealthComponent
  4331. {
  4332. public:
  4333. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  4335. };//Size=0x0030
  4337. class PhysicsComponent : public Component
  4338. {
  4339. public:
  4340. char _0x0020[0x0010];
  4341. char _0x0038[0x0028];
  4342. WORD N010525F5; //0x0060
  4343. char _0x0062[0x0006];
  4345. };//Size=0x0068
  4347. class RenderingOverrides
  4348. {
  4349. public:
  4350. RenderingOverride m_ShadowEnable; //0x0000
  4351. RenderingOverride m_DynamicReflectionEnable; //0x0004
  4352. RenderingOverride m_StaticReflectionEnable; //0x0008
  4354. };//Size=0x000C
  4356. class ServerGameComponent : public GameComponent
  4357. {
  4358. public:
  4359. };//Size=0x0030
  4361. class ClientGameComponent : public GameComponent
  4362. {
  4363. public:
  4364. char _0x0030[0x0008];
  4366. };//Size=0x0038
  4368. class ClientGameComponentEntity : public GameComponentEntity
  4369. {
  4370. public:
  4371. };//Size=0x0070
  4373. class EntryComponentData : public GameComponentData
  4374. {
  4375. public:
  4376. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ClearPathToExitPointStartOffset; //0x0070
  4377. char _0x007C[0x0004];
  4378. D3DXVECTOR3 m_SoldierOffset; //0x0080
  4379. char _0x008C[0x0004];
  4380. EntryClass m_EntryClass; //0x0090
  4381. char _0x0094[0x0004];
  4382. GameAIEntryData* m_AIData; //0x0098
  4383. EntryInputActionMapsData* m_InputConceptDefinition; //0x00A0
  4384. __int32 m_ActionMapSettingsFlipYSchemeOverride; //0x00A8
  4385. char _0x00AC[0x0004];
  4386. InputActionMappingsData* m_InputMapping; //0x00B0
  4387. Array<InputCurveData*>* m_InputCurves; //0x00B8
  4388. float m_MouseSensitivity; //0x00C0
  4389. float m_JoystickSensitivity; //0x00C4
  4390. EntryComponentHudData m_HudData; //0x00C8
  4391. __int32 m_EntryOrderNumber; //0x00D4
  4392. float m_EnterImpulse; //0x00D8
  4393. float m_EntryRadius; //0x00DC
  4394. EntrySpottingSettings m_EntrySpottingSettings; //0x00E0
  4395. __int32 m_TriggerEventOnKey; //0x00E4
  4396. __int32 m_CameraIndex; //0x00E8
  4397. unsigned char m_ForbiddenForHuman; //0x00EC
  4398. unsigned char m_IsAllowedToExitInAir; //0x00ED
  4399. unsigned char m_IsShielded; //0x00EE
  4400. unsigned char m_LockSoldierAimingToEntry; //0x00EF
  4401. unsigned char m_ShowSoldierInEntry; //0x00F0
  4402. unsigned char m_Show1pSoldierInEntry; //0x00F1
  4403. unsigned char m_ShowSoldierWeaponInEntry; //0x00F2
  4404. unsigned char m_Show1pSoldierInEntryForPlayerOnly; //0x00F3
  4405. unsigned char m_Show3pSoldierWeaponInEntry; //0x00F4
  4406. unsigned char m_ShowSoldierGearInEntry; //0x00F5
  4407. PoseConstraintsData m_PoseConstraints; //0x00F6
  4408. unsigned char m_AllowRagdollFromEntry; //0x00F9
  4409. char _0x00FA[0x0006];
  4411. };//Size=0x0100
  4413. class SystemSettings : public DataContainer
  4414. {
  4415. public:
  4416. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  4417. GamePlatform m_Platform; //0x0018
  4418. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  4420. };//Size=0x0020
  4422. class ProjectileEntityData : public GamePhysicsEntityData
  4423. {
  4424. public:
  4425. float m_InitialSpeed; //0x0090
  4426. float m_TimeToLive; //0x0094
  4427. DWORD m_MaxCount; //0x0098
  4428. float m_InitMeshHideTime; //0x009C
  4429. float m_VisualConvergeDistance; //0x00A0
  4430. float m_VisualConvergenceDelay; //0x00A4
  4431. float m_VisualConvergenceDuration; //0x00A8
  4432. float m_ProxyVisualConvergenceDelay; //0x00AC
  4433. float m_ProxyVisualConvergenceDuration; //0x00B0
  4434. char _0x00B4[0x0004];
  4435. ExplosionEntityData* m_Explosion; //0x00B8
  4436. WeaponSuppressionData* m_SuppressionData; //0x00C0
  4437. char* m_AmmunitionType; //0x00C8
  4438. MaterialDecl m_MaterialPair; //0x00D0
  4439. EntityVoiceOverInfo* m_VoiceOverInfo; //0x00D8
  4440. unsigned char m_DetonateOnTimeout; //0x00E0
  4441. unsigned char m_ServerProjectileDisabled; //0x00E1
  4442. unsigned char m_HideOnDetonation; //0x00E2
  4443. char _0x00E3[0x000D];
  4445. };//Size=0x00F0
  4447. class InvestigateSettignsCustomization
  4448. {
  4449. public:
  4450. float m_MinTimeBeforeReinvestigatingSamePosition; //0x0000
  4451. InvestigateSettigns m_Settings; //0x0004
  4452. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0020
  4453. char _0x0021[0x0003];
  4455. };//Size=0x0024
  4457. class GunSwayDispersionData
  4458. {
  4459. public:
  4460. float m_MinAngle; //0x0000
  4461. float m_MaxAngle; //0x0004
  4462. float m_IncreasePerShot; //0x0008
  4463. float m_DecreasePerSecond; //0x000C
  4464. float m_NoFireDecreasePerSecond; //0x0010
  4465. float m_NoFireTimeThreshold; //0x0014
  4467. };//Size=0x0018
  4469. class GunSwayRecoilData
  4470. {
  4471. public:
  4472. float m_RecoilAmplitudeMax; //0x0000
  4473. float m_RecoilAmplitudeIncPerShot; //0x0004
  4474. float m_HorizontalRecoilAmplitudeIncPerShotMin; //0x0008
  4475. float m_HorizontalRecoilAmplitudeIncPerShotMax; //0x000C
  4476. float m_HorizontalRecoilAmplitudeMax; //0x0010
  4477. float m_RecoilAmplitudeDecreaseFactor; //0x0014
  4479. };//Size=0x0018
  4481. class HealthComponentData : public ComponentData
  4482. {
  4483. public:
  4484. };//Size=0x0070
  4486. class GamePhysicsComponentData : public PhysicsComponentData
  4487. {
  4488. public:
  4489. char _0x0094[0x0004];
  4490. Array<EffectParameter*>* m_EffectParameters; //0x0098
  4492. };//Size=0x00A0
  4494. class SpatialPrefabBlueprint : public PrefabBlueprint
  4495. {
  4496. public:
  4497. };//Size=0x0050
  4499. class ClientControllableHealthComponent : public ClientGameHealthComponent
  4500. {
  4501. public:
  4502. char _0x0030[0x0010];
  4503. float m_ControllableCurHealth; //0x0040
  4504. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  4506. };//Size=0x0048
  4508. class CharacterPhysicsComponent : public PhysicsComponent
  4509. {
  4510. public:
  4511. char _0x0068[0x0090];
  4513. };//Size=0x00F8
  4515. class ReferenceObjectData : public GameObjectData
  4516. {
  4517. public:
  4518. Blueprint* m_Blueprint; //0x0018
  4519. LinearTransform m_BlueprintTransform; //0x0020
  4520. ObjectVariation* m_ObjectVariation; //0x0060
  4521. StreamRealm m_StreamRealm; //0x0068
  4522. RadiosityTypeOverride m_RadiosityTypeOverride; //0x006C
  4523. DWORD m_LightmapResolutionScale; //0x0070
  4524. RenderingOverrides m_RenderingOverrides; //0x0074
  4525. unsigned char m_ForceSeparateEnlightenSystem; //0x0080
  4526. unsigned char m_CastSunShadowEnable; //0x0081
  4527. unsigned char m_CastReflectionEnable; //0x0082
  4528. unsigned char m_CastEnvmapEnable; //0x0083
  4529. unsigned char m_Excluded; //0x0084
  4530. char _0x0085[0x000B];
  4532. };//Size=0x0090
  4534. class ServerEntryComponent : public ServerGameComponent
  4535. {
  4536. public:
  4537. char _0x0030[0x00C8];
  4539. };//Size=0x00F8
  4541. class BundleSettingsInfo
  4542. {
  4543. public:
  4544. DWORD m_GroupIdentifier; //0x0000
  4545. char _0x0004[0x0004];
  4546. char* m_GroupName; //0x0008
  4548. };//Size=0x0010
  4550. class BundleHeapInfo
  4551. {
  4552. public:
  4553. BundleHeapType m_HeapType; //0x0000
  4554. DWORD m_InitialSize; //0x0004
  4555. unsigned char m_AllowGrow; //0x0008
  4556. char _0x0009[0x0003];
  4558. };//Size=0x000C
  4560. class DataContainerPolicyAsset : public Asset
  4561. {
  4562. public:
  4563. };//Size=0x0018
  4565. class TreeNodeBase : public DataContainer
  4566. {
  4567. public:
  4568. };//Size=0x0010
  4570. class ClientEntryComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  4571. {
  4572. public:
  4573. char _0x0038[0x00D0];
  4574. VeniceFPSCamera* m_VeniceFPSCamera; //0x0108
  4575. char _0x0110[0x0080];
  4576. ClientPlayer* m_OwnerPlayer; //0x0190
  4577. char _0x0198[0x0068];
  4579. };//Size=0x0200
  4581. class ClientPhysicsEntity : public ClientGameComponentEntity
  4582. {
  4583. public:
  4584. ClientBFVehiclePhysicsComponent* m_PhysicsComponent; //0x0070
  4585. char _0x0078[0x0018];
  4587. };//Size=0x0090
  4589. class Camera
  4590. {
  4591. public:
  4592. char _0x0000[0x0010];
  4593. D3DXMATRIX m_VehicleTransform; //0x0010
  4594. D3DXMATRIX m_ControllableTransform; //0x0050
  4595. D3DXVECTOR3 m_SoldierPosition; //0x0090
  4596. char _0x009C[0x000C];
  4597. float m_ZoomLevel; //0x00A8
  4598. char _0x00AC[0x0054];
  4599. StaticCameraData* m_StaticCameraData; //0x0100
  4600. char _0x0108[0x0048];
  4602. };//Size=0x0150
  4604. class CameraData : public GameObjectData
  4605. {
  4606. public:
  4607. float m_PreFadeTime; //0x0018
  4608. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  4609. D3DXVECTOR3 m_OcclusionRayOffset; //0x0020
  4610. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  4611. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CameraShakeLimits; //0x0030
  4612. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  4613. float m_FadeTime; //0x0040
  4614. float m_FadeWaitTime; //0x0044
  4615. float m_NearPlane; //0x0048
  4616. float m_ShadowViewDistanceScale; //0x004C
  4617. float m_SoundOcclusion; //0x0050
  4618. float m_SoundListenerRadius; //0x0054
  4619. float m_SoundListenerFov; //0x0058
  4620. float m_ShakeFactor; //0x005C
  4621. LocalPlayerViewId m_ViewId; //0x0060
  4622. unsigned char m_StayFadedWhileStreaming; //0x0064
  4623. unsigned char m_EnableCameraShakeLimits; //0x0065
  4624. char _0x0066[0x000A];
  4626. };//Size=0x0070
  4628. class PlayerEntryComponentData : public EntryComponentData
  4629. {
  4630. public:
  4631. D3DXVECTOR3 m_AnimationAccelerationMultiplier; //0x0100
  4632. char _0x010C[0x0004];
  4633. char* m_AntEntryID; //0x0110
  4634. AntEntryIdEnum m_AntEntryId; //0x0118
  4635. char _0x011C[0x0004];
  4636. AntEnumeration* m_AntEntryEnumeration; //0x0120
  4637. CharacterPhysicsCollisionBehavior m_CharacterCollisionBehavior; //0x0128
  4638. unsigned char m_FilterVehicleInput; //0x012C
  4639. unsigned char m_EnableCharacterPhysicsPhantom; //0x012D
  4640. char _0x012E[0x0002];
  4642. };//Size=0x0130
  4644. class BaseDisplaySettings : public SystemSettings
  4645. {
  4646. public:
  4647. DWORD m_PreferredAdapterVendor; //0x0020
  4648. DWORD m_FullscreenHeight; //0x0024
  4649. DWORD m_FullscreenWidth; //0x0028
  4650. float m_FullscreenRefreshRate; //0x002C
  4651. __int32 m_FullscreenOutputIndex; //0x0030
  4652. __int32 m_PresentInterval; //0x0034
  4653. DWORD m_PresentImmediateThreshold; //0x0038
  4654. __int32 m_RenderAheadLimit; //0x003C
  4655. float m_GpuTimeoutTime; //0x0040
  4656. float m_LatencyLimitMs; //0x0044
  4657. float m_RecoveryTimeMaxMs; //0x0048
  4658. float m_RecoveryTimeRampMs; //0x004C
  4659. DWORD m_FrameResourceSegmentSize; //0x0050
  4660. DWORD m_FrameResourceNonSegmentSize; //0x0054
  4661. DWORD m_FrameResourceFreeFrameCount; //0x0058
  4662. float m_FrameResourceFreeFactor; //0x005C
  4663. float m_StereoDepth; //0x0060
  4664. float m_StereoConvergenceScale; //0x0064
  4665. float m_StereoSeparationScale; //0x0068
  4666. float m_StereoSoldierZoomConvergenceScale; //0x006C
  4667. DisplayDynamicRange m_DisplayDynamicRange; //0x0070
  4668. DWORD m_RenderTargetPoolBytes; //0x0074
  4669. DWORD m_RenderTargetPoolDebugX; //0x0078
  4670. DWORD m_RenderTargetPoolDebugY; //0x007C
  4671. float m_DepthBufferPoolEsramBudget; //0x0080
  4672. float m_GBufferPoolEsramBudget; //0x0084
  4673. float m_RenderTargetPoolEsramBudget; //0x0088
  4674. float m_HDRTargetEsramBudget; //0x008C
  4675. float m_PostRenderTargetPoolEsramBudget; //0x0090
  4676. float m_HalfResRenderTargetPoolEsramBudget; //0x0094
  4677. float m_ShadowSlicePoolEsramBudget; //0x0098
  4678. float m_HBAOPoolEsramBudget; //0x009C
  4679. unsigned char m_NullDriverEnable; //0x00A0
  4680. unsigned char m_CreateMinimalWindow; //0x00A1
  4681. unsigned char m_FullscreenModeEnable; //0x00A2
  4682. unsigned char m_Fullscreen; //0x00A3
  4683. unsigned char m_PresentEnable; //0x00A4
  4684. unsigned char m_WindowBordersEnable; //0x00A5
  4685. unsigned char m_VSyncEnable; //0x00A6
  4686. unsigned char m_TripleBufferingEnable; //0x00A7
  4687. unsigned char m_AutomaticComputeSyncEnable; //0x00A8
  4688. unsigned char m_LockRenderDispatchToPresent; //0x00A9
  4689. unsigned char m_FrameResourceFreeEnable; //0x00AA
  4690. unsigned char m_StereoEnable; //0x00AB
  4691. unsigned char m_StereoSplitScreenEnable; //0x00AC
  4692. unsigned char m_StereoVrEnable; //0x00AD
  4693. unsigned char m_Framebuffer10BitEnable; //0x00AE
  4694. unsigned char m_RenderTargetPoolEnable; //0x00AF
  4695. unsigned char m_RenderTargetPoolDebug; //0x00B0
  4696. unsigned char m_CpuHeapStompEnable; //0x00B1
  4697. char _0x00B2[0x0006];
  4699. };//Size=0x00B8
  4701. class MemberInfo
  4702. {
  4703. public:
  4704. ClassInfoData* m_Data; //0x0000
  4706. MemberInfo* GetMemberData() { return (MemberInfo*)m_Data; }
  4707. };//Size=0x0008
  4709. class MemberInfoData
  4710. {
  4711. public:
  4712. char* m_Name; //0x0000
  4713. __int16 m_Flags; //0x0008
  4715. };//Size=0x000A
  4717. class MeshProjectileEntityData : public ProjectileEntityData
  4718. {
  4719. public:
  4720. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InitialAngularVelocity; //0x00F0
  4721. char _0x00FC[0x0004];
  4722. MeshAsset* m_Mesh; //0x0100
  4723. EffectBlueprint* m_TrailEffect; //0x0108
  4724. EffectBlueprint* m_TrailEffect1p; //0x0110
  4725. float m_InstantAttachableTestDistance; //0x0118
  4726. float m_InstantAttachableVisualConvergenceDelay; //0x011C
  4727. float m_InstantAttachableVisualConvergenceDuration; //0x0120
  4728. float m_MaxAttachableInclination; //0x0124
  4729. float m_UnspawnAfterDetonationDelay; //0x0128
  4730. unsigned char m_IsAttachable; //0x012C
  4731. unsigned char m_InstantAttachableTestUnderReticule; //0x012D
  4732. unsigned char m_UprightAttachable; //0x012E
  4733. unsigned char m_ExtraDamping; //0x012F
  4735. };//Size=0x0130
  4737. class FireEffectData
  4738. {
  4739. public:
  4740. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Offset; //0x0000
  4741. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  4742. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Rotation; //0x0010
  4743. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  4744. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ZoomOffset; //0x0020
  4745. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  4746. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ZoomRotation; //0x0030
  4747. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  4748. EffectBlueprint* m_Effect; //0x0040
  4749. unsigned char m_UseZoomOffset; //0x0048
  4750. unsigned char m_UseZoomRotation; //0x0049
  4751. unsigned char m_DisableDuringZoom; //0x004A
  4752. unsigned char m_UpdateTransform; //0x004B
  4753. unsigned char m_StopLoopingEffects; //0x004C
  4754. char _0x004D[0x0003];
  4756. };//Size=0x0050
  4758. class BoltActionData
  4759. {
  4760. public:
  4761. float m_BoltActionDelay; //0x0000
  4762. float m_BoltActionTime; //0x0004
  4763. float m_BoltActionTimeCompletedFraction; //0x0008
  4764. unsigned char m_HoldBoltActionUntilFireRelease; //0x000C
  4765. unsigned char m_HoldBoltActionUntilZoomRelease; //0x000D
  4766. unsigned char m_ForceBoltActionOnFireTrigger; //0x000E
  4767. unsigned char m_UnZoomOnBoltAction; //0x000F
  4768. unsigned char m_ReturnToZoomAfterBoltAction; //0x0010
  4769. unsigned char m_TriggerBoltActionWhenOutOfAmmo; //0x0011
  4770. char _0x0012[0x0002];
  4772. };//Size=0x0014
  4774. class HoldAndReleaseData
  4775. {
  4776. public:
  4777. float m_MaxHoldTime; //0x0000
  4778. float m_MinPowerModifier; //0x0004
  4779. float m_MaxPowerModifier; //0x0008
  4780. float m_PowerIncreasePerSecond; //0x000C
  4781. float m_Delay; //0x0010
  4782. float m_KilledHoldingPowerModifier; //0x0014
  4783. unsigned char m_ForceFireWhenKilledHolding; //0x0018
  4784. unsigned char m_PreciseReplicatedPowerModifier; //0x0019
  4785. unsigned char m_SecondaryActionCancelHoldAndRelease; //0x001A
  4786. char _0x001B[0x0001];
  4788. };//Size=0x001C
  4790. class RecoilData
  4791. {
  4792. public:
  4793. float m_MaxRecoilAngleX; //0x0000
  4794. float m_MinRecoilAngleX; //0x0004
  4795. float m_MaxRecoilAngleY; //0x0008
  4796. float m_MinRecoilAngleY; //0x000C
  4797. float m_MaxRecoilAngleZ; //0x0010
  4798. float m_MinRecoilAngleZ; //0x0014
  4799. float m_MaxRecoilFov; //0x0018
  4800. float m_MinRecoilFov; //0x001C
  4801. unsigned char m_RecoilFollowsDispersion; //0x0020
  4802. char _0x0021[0x0003];
  4804. };//Size=0x0024
  4806. class FiringDispersionData
  4807. {
  4808. public:
  4809. float m_MinAngle; //0x0000
  4810. float m_MaxAngle; //0x0004
  4811. float m_IncreasePerShot; //0x0008
  4812. float m_DecreasePerSecond; //0x000C
  4814. };//Size=0x0010
  4816. class AccuracyPenaltySettings
  4817. {
  4818. public:
  4819. float m_SprintMultiplier; //0x0000
  4820. float m_CrouchMultiplier; //0x0004
  4821. float m_ProneMultiplier; //0x0008
  4822. float m_MovingVehicleMultiplier; //0x000C
  4823. float m_VehicleStillMultiplier; //0x0010
  4824. float m_SprintSpeed; //0x0014
  4825. float m_MovingVehicleSpeed; //0x0018
  4827. };//Size=0x001C
  4829. class TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve
  4830. {
  4831. public:
  4832. float m_X0; //0x0000
  4833. float m_Y0; //0x0004
  4834. float m_X1; //0x0008
  4835. float m_Y1; //0x000C
  4837. };//Size=0x0010
  4839. class InvestigateSettignsCustomizations : public InvestigateSettignsCustomization
  4840. {
  4841. public:
  4842. InvestigateSettignsCustomization m_Combat; //0x0024
  4843. InvestigateSettignsCustomization m_CombatSearchArea; //0x0048
  4844. InvestigateSettignsCustomization m_SearchArea; //0x006C
  4845. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0090
  4846. char _0x0091[0x0003];
  4848. };//Size=0x0094
  4850. class EvasiveBucketTimeSettings
  4851. {
  4852. public:
  4853. Array<Float32*>* m_SprintDamageBucketTimes; //0x0000
  4854. Array<Float32*>* m_CrouchDamageBucketTimes; //0x0008
  4855. Array<Float32*>* m_ProneDamageBucketTimes; //0x0010
  4856. Array<Float32*>* m_MovingVehicleDamageBucketTimes; //0x0018
  4857. Array<Float32*>* m_VehicleStillDamageBucketTimes; //0x0020
  4858. float m_SprintSpeed; //0x0028
  4859. float m_MovingVehicleSpeed; //0x002C
  4861. };//Size=0x0030
  4863. class GunSwayBaseMoveJumpData : public GunSwayDispersionData
  4864. {
  4865. public:
  4866. GunSwayDispersionData m_Moving; //0x0018
  4867. GunSwayDispersionData m_Jumping; //0x0030
  4868. GunSwayDispersionData m_Sprinting; //0x0048
  4869. GunSwayRecoilData m_Recoil; //0x0060
  4871. };//Size=0x0078
  4873. class GunSwayDispersionModData
  4874. {
  4875. public:
  4876. float m_MinAngleModifier; //0x0000
  4877. float m_MaxAngleModifier; //0x0004
  4878. float m_IncreasePerShotModifier; //0x0008
  4879. float m_DecreasePerSecondModifier; //0x000C
  4880. float m_NoFireDecreasePerSecondModifier; //0x0010
  4881. float m_NoFireTimeThresholdModifier; //0x0014
  4882. float m_FirstShotDispersionModifier; //0x0018
  4884. };//Size=0x001C
  4886. class GunSwayBaseMoveData : public GunSwayDispersionData
  4887. {
  4888. public:
  4889. GunSwayDispersionData m_Moving; //0x0018
  4890. GunSwayRecoilData m_Recoil; //0x0030
  4892. };//Size=0x0048
  4894. class GameHealthComponentData : public HealthComponentData
  4895. {
  4896. public:
  4897. };//Size=0x0070
  4899. class ControllablePhysicsComponentData : public GamePhysicsComponentData
  4900. {
  4901. public:
  4902. };//Size=0x00A0
  4904. class SubWorldData : public SpatialPrefabBlueprint
  4905. {
  4906. public:
  4907. MaterialGridData* m_RuntimeMaterialGrid; //0x0050
  4908. BlueprintPersistenceSetting m_PersistenceSetting; //0x0058
  4909. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  4910. AutoAssetCollector* m_AutoAssetCollector; //0x0060
  4911. unsigned char m_IsWin32SubLevel; //0x0068
  4912. unsigned char m_IsXenonSubLevel; //0x0069
  4913. unsigned char m_IsPs3SubLevel; //0x006A
  4914. unsigned char m_IsGen4aSubLevel; //0x006B
  4915. unsigned char m_IsGen4bSubLevel; //0x006C
  4916. unsigned char m_IsAndroidSubLevel; //0x006D
  4917. unsigned char m_IsIOSSubLevel; //0x006E
  4918. unsigned char m_IsOSXSubLevel; //0x006F
  4919. unsigned char m_IsLinuxSubLevel; //0x0070
  4920. char _0x0071[0x0007];
  4922. };//Size=0x0078
  4924. class Vec4
  4925. {
  4926. public:
  4927. float m_x; //0x0000
  4928. float m_y; //0x0004
  4929. float m_z; //0x0008
  4930. float m_w; //0x000C
  4932. };//Size=0x0010
  4934. class SurfaceShaderInstanceDataStruct
  4935. {
  4936. public:
  4937. SurfaceShaderBaseAsset* m_Shader; //0x0000
  4938. Array<BoolShaderParameter*>* m_BoolParameters; //0x0008
  4939. Array<VectorShaderParameter*>* m_VectorParameters; //0x0010
  4940. Array<VectorArrayShaderParameter*>* m_VectorArrayParameters; //0x0018
  4941. Array<TextureShaderParameter*>* m_TextureParameters; //0x0020
  4943. };//Size=0x0028
  4945. class InputActionData : public DataContainer
  4946. {
  4947. public:
  4948. unsigned char m_IsAnalog; //0x0010
  4949. unsigned char m_NegateValue; //0x0011
  4950. char _0x0012[0x0006];
  4952. };//Size=0x0018
  4954. class ClientCharacterHealthComponent : public ClientControllableHealthComponent
  4955. {
  4956. public:
  4957. char _0x0048[0x0028];
  4959. };//Size=0x0070
  4961. class ClientCharacterMasterPhysicsComponent : public CharacterPhysicsComponent
  4962. {
  4963. public:
  4964. char _0x00F8[0x00C0];
  4966. };//Size=0x01B8
  4968. class LogicReferenceObjectData : public ReferenceObjectData
  4969. {
  4970. public:
  4971. LocalPlayerId m_LocalPlayerId; //0x0090
  4972. SubRealm m_SubRealm; //0x0094
  4973. char _0x0098[0x0008];
  4975. };//Size=0x00A0
  4977. class IUISystem
  4978. {
  4979. public:
  4980. char _0x0000[0x0018];
  4982. };//Size=0x0018
  4984. class ServerPlayerEntryComponent : public ServerEntryComponent
  4985. {
  4986. public:
  4987. };//Size=0x00F8
  4989. class Tool
  4990. {
  4991. public:
  4992. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  4993. WeaponData* m_WeaponData; //0x0008
  4994. char _0x0010[0x0008];
  4996. };//Size=0x0018
  4998. class ControllableEntityData : public GamePhysicsEntityData
  4999. {
  5000. public:
  5001. TeamId m_DefaultTeam; //0x0090
  5002. float m_LowHealthThreshold; //0x0094
  5003. MaterialDecl m_MaterialPair; //0x0098
  5004. char _0x009C[0x0004];
  5005. Array<Int32*>* m_SuppressedInputs; //0x00A0
  5006. unsigned char m_UsePrediction; //0x00A8
  5007. unsigned char m_ResetTeamOnLastPlayerExits; //0x00A9
  5008. unsigned char m_Immortal; //0x00AA
  5009. unsigned char m_FakeImmortal; //0x00AB
  5010. unsigned char m_ForceForegroundRendering; //0x00AC
  5011. char _0x00AD[0x0003];
  5013. };//Size=0x00B0
  5015. class VehicleHealthZoneData
  5016. {
  5017. public:
  5018. float m_MaxHealth; //0x0000
  5019. float m_MaxShieldHealth; //0x0004
  5020. float m_MinDamageAngle; //0x0008
  5021. float m_DamageAngleMultiplier; //0x000C
  5022. Curve2D* m_DamageAngleMultiplierCurve; //0x0010
  5023. float m_VerticalFactor; //0x0018
  5024. unsigned char m_UseDamageAngleCalculation; //0x001C
  5025. char _0x001D[0x0003];
  5027. };//Size=0x0020
  5029. class BoneComponentData : public GameComponentData
  5030. {
  5031. public:
  5032. };//Size=0x0070
  5034. class BlueprintBundleSettings : public BundleHeapInfo
  5035. {
  5036. public:
  5037. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  5038. BundleSettingsInfo m_BundleSettingsInfo; //0x0010
  5040. };//Size=0x0020
  5042. class UnlockAssetBase : public DataContainerPolicyAsset
  5043. {
  5044. public:
  5045. UnlockUserDataBase* m_UnlockUserData; //0x0018
  5046. char* m_DebugUnlockId; //0x0020
  5047. DWORD m_Identifier; //0x0028
  5048. DWORD m_UnlockScore; //0x002C
  5049. DWORD m_RequiredKitRank; //0x0030
  5050. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  5051. char* m_KitRankAwardCode; //0x0038
  5052. DWORD m_SubCategoryIdentifier; //0x0040
  5053. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  5054. UnlockAssetBase* m_NextLevelUnlockAsset; //0x0048
  5055. unsigned char m_AutoAvailable; //0x0054
  5056. unsigned char m_HiddenInProgression; //0x0055
  5057. char _0x0056[0x0002];
  5059. };//Size=0x0058
  5061. class MovingBodyData : public DataContainer
  5062. {
  5063. public:
  5064. float m_Mass; //0x0010
  5065. float m_Inertia; //0x0014
  5067. };//Size=0x0018
  5069. class StatsCategoryBaseData : public TreeNodeBase
  5070. {
  5071. public:
  5072. Array<StatsCategoryBaseData*>* m_BaseSubCategories; //0x0010
  5073. char* m_Code; //0x0018
  5075. };//Size=0x0020
  5077. class PartPhysicsComponent : public PhysicsComponent
  5078. {
  5079. public:
  5080. char _0x0068[0x0040];
  5082. };//Size=0x00A8
  5084. class ClientBoneComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  5085. {
  5086. public:
  5087. };//Size=0x0038
  5089. class ClientPlayerEntryComponent : public ClientEntryComponent
  5090. {
  5091. public:
  5092. char _0x0200[0x0380];
  5094. };//Size=0x0580
  5096. class ClientControllableEntity : public ClientPhysicsEntity
  5097. {
  5098. public:
  5099. char _0x0090[0x00A0];
  5100. ClientVehicleSpawnEntity* m_ClientVehicleSpawnEntity; //0x0130
  5101. char _0x0138[0x0010];
  5102. ShooterComponentHolder* m_EntryHolder; //0x0148 Array<ClientPlayerEntryComponent*> m_EntryComponents
  5103. char _0x0150[0x0070];
  5104. ClientVehicleHealthComponent* m_HealthComponent; //0x01C0
  5105. char _0x01C8[0x0038];
  5107. };//Size=0x0200
  5109. class SpatialReferenceObjectData : public ReferenceObjectData
  5110. {
  5111. public:
  5112. LocalPlayerId m_LocalPlayerId; //0x0090
  5113. char _0x0094[0x000C];
  5115. };//Size=0x00A0
  5117. class ClientProjectileEntity : public ClientPhysicsEntity
  5118. {
  5119. public:
  5120. char _0x0090[0x0090];
  5121. D3DXVECTOR4 m_Velocity; //0x0120 fabs == m_InitialSpeed
  5122. char _0x0130[0x0004];
  5123. float m_AirTime; //0x0134
  5124. char _0x0138[0x0008];
  5126. };//Size=0x0140
  5128. class ClientCharacterCameraComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  5129. {
  5130. public:
  5131. char _0x0038[0x0088];
  5133. };//Size=0x00C0
  5135. class TargetCamera : public Camera
  5136. {
  5137. public:
  5138. char _0x0150[0x0010];
  5140. };//Size=0x0160
  5142. class TargetCameraData : public CameraData
  5143. {
  5144. public:
  5145. Array<HudData*>* m_Hud; //0x0070
  5146. char _0x0078[0x0008];
  5148. };//Size=0x0080
  5150. class TurnEffectData
  5151. {
  5152. public:
  5153. float m_MaxRollAngle; //0x0000
  5154. float m_MaxPitchAngle; //0x0004
  5155. float m_YawVelocityThreshhold; //0x0008
  5156. float m_VelocityThreshhold; //0x000C
  5157. float m_SafeTime; //0x0010
  5158. float m_BeginTime; //0x0014
  5159. float m_HoldTime; //0x0018
  5160. float m_EndTime; //0x001C
  5162. };//Size=0x0020
  5164. class BlurEffectData
  5165. {
  5166. public:
  5167. float m_DispersionStrength; //0x0000
  5168. float m_DispersionThreshhold; //0x0004
  5169. float m_ExplosionStrength; //0x0008
  5170. float m_BulletStrength; //0x000C
  5171. float m_ExplosionFalloffSpeed; //0x0010
  5172. float m_BulletFalloffSpeed; //0x0014
  5174. };//Size=0x0018
  5176. class VoiceOverValue : public DataContainer
  5177. {
  5178. public:
  5179. };//Size=0x0010
  5181. class WeaponModifierBase : public DataContainer
  5182. {
  5183. public:
  5184. __int32 m_ApplyOrder; //0x0010
  5185. unsigned char m_DynamicUpdateEnabled; //0x0014
  5186. char _0x0015[0x0003];
  5188. };//Size=0x0018
  5190. class ScreenInfo
  5191. {
  5192. public:
  5193. __int32 m_width; //0x0000
  5194. __int32 m_height; //0x0004
  5195. __int32 m_winWidth; //0x0008
  5196. __int32 m_winHeigh; //0x000C
  5197. float m_fullscreenRefreshRate; //0x0010
  5199. };//Size=0x0014
  5201. class PiecewiseLinearCurve
  5202. {
  5203. public:
  5204. Array<CurvePoint*>* m_Points; //0x0000
  5205. unsigned char m_InterpolateCurve; //0x0008
  5206. char _0x0009[0x0007];
  5208. };//Size=0x0010
  5210. class StanceToggleSwitchMapData
  5211. {
  5212. public:
  5213. __int32 m_Action; //0x0000
  5214. char _0x0004[0x0004];
  5215. Array<int> m_Stances; //0x0008
  5217. };//Size=0x0010
  5219. class VehicleEntryComponentData : public PlayerEntryComponentData
  5220. {
  5221. public:
  5222. __int32 m_NumberOfStances; //0x0130
  5223. CharacterPoseType m_AnimationDistanceCullingPose; //0x0134
  5224. EntryComponentSoundData* m_EntryComponentSound; //0x0138
  5225. unsigned char m_StancesEnabled; //0x0140
  5226. unsigned char m_UpdateCharacterInVehicleEntry; //0x0141
  5227. unsigned char m_AllowAnimationDistanceCulling; //0x0142
  5228. char _0x0143[0x000D];
  5230. };//Size=0x0150
  5232. class DxDisplaySettings : public BaseDisplaySettings
  5233. {
  5234. public:
  5235. Array<Int32*>* m_DebugBreakIgnoredIDs; //0x00B8
  5236. DWORD m_NvidiaMinDriverVersion; //0x00C0
  5237. char _0x00C4[0x0004];
  5238. char* m_AmdMinDriverVersion; //0x00C8
  5239. char* m_IntelMinDriverVersion; //0x00D0
  5240. char* m_AmdMinDriverPackagingVersion; //0x00D8
  5241. unsigned char m_WarpDriverEnable; //0x00E0
  5242. unsigned char m_DebugInfoEnable; //0x00E1
  5243. unsigned char m_DebugInfoOutputEnable; //0x00E2
  5244. unsigned char m_DebugBreakOnErrorEnable; //0x00E3
  5245. unsigned char m_DebugBreakOnWarningEnable; //0x00E4
  5246. unsigned char m_DebugBreakOnInfoEnable; //0x00E5
  5247. unsigned char m_MultiGpuValidationEnable; //0x00E6
  5248. unsigned char m_DxDiagDriverDetectionEnable; //0x00E7
  5249. unsigned char m_NvApiEnable; //0x00E8
  5250. unsigned char m_MinDriverRequired; //0x00E9
  5251. unsigned char m_PixProfilingEnable; //0x00EA
  5252. unsigned char m_NvHlslIntrinsicsEnable; //0x00EB
  5253. unsigned char m_AmdHlslIntrinsicsEnable; //0x00EC
  5254. char _0x00ED[0x0003];
  5256. };//Size=0x00F0
  5258. class ObjectBlueprint : public Blueprint
  5259. {
  5260. public:
  5261. EntityData* m_Object; //0x0040
  5263. };//Size=0x0048
  5265. class TypeInfo : public MemberInfo
  5266. {
  5267. public:
  5268. TypeInfo* m_Next; //0x0008
  5269. WORD m_RuntimeID; //0x0010
  5270. WORD m_Flags; //0x0012
  5271. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  5273. TypeInfoData* GetTypeData() { return (TypeInfoData*)m_Data; }
  5274. };//Size=0x0018
  5276. class TypeInfoData : public MemberInfoData
  5277. {
  5278. public:
  5279. __int32 m_TotalSize; //0x000A
  5280. char _0x000E[0x0002];
  5281. ModuleInfo* m_ModuleInfo; //0x0010
  5283. };//Size=0x0018
  5285. class GhostedProjectileEntityData : public MeshProjectileEntityData
  5286. {
  5287. public:
  5288. float m_ProxyConvergenceDelay; //0x0130
  5289. float m_ProxyConvergenceDuration; //0x0134
  5290. unsigned char m_ProxyConvergenceInstantOnAttach; //0x0138
  5291. unsigned char m_ForceProxyConvergence; //0x0139
  5292. unsigned char m_ConvergenceUsingInitialSpeed; //0x013A
  5293. char _0x013B[0x0005];
  5295. };//Size=0x0140
  5297. class AntRef
  5298. {
  5299. public:
  5300. char _0x0000[0x0014];
  5302. };//Size=0x0014
  5304. class FakePhysicsData : public DataContainer
  5305. {
  5306. public:
  5307. FakePhysicsData* m_ChildFakePhysics; //0x0010
  5308. float m_StartSpeed; //0x0018
  5309. float m_GravityModifier; //0x001C
  5310. float m_StartDampening; //0x0020
  5311. float m_EndDampening; //0x0024
  5312. float m_MinSpeed; //0x0028
  5313. float m_MaxSpeed; //0x002C
  5314. float m_Mass; //0x0030
  5315. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  5317. };//Size=0x0038
  5319. class ShotConfigData
  5320. {
  5321. public:
  5322. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InitialPosition; //0x0000
  5323. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  5324. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InitialDirection; //0x0010
  5325. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  5326. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InitialSpeed; //0x0020
  5327. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  5328. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CameraSpawnOffset; //0x0030
  5329. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  5330. Array<InitialDirectionScaleByPitchData*>* m_InitialDirectionScaleByPitch; //0x0040
  5331. Array<InitialSpeedScaleByPitchData*>* m_InitialSpeedScaleByPitch; //0x0048
  5332. float m_InheritWeaponSpeedAmount; //0x0050
  5333. char _0x0054[0x0004];
  5334. ExplosionEntityData* m_MuzzleExplosion; //0x0058
  5335. BulletEntityData* m_BulletEntityData; //0x0060
  5336. ProjectileEntityData* m_SecondaryProjectileData; //0x0068
  5337. Projectile* m_ProjectileBlueprint; //0x0070
  5338. Projectile* m_SecondaryProjectile; //0x0078
  5339. float m_SpawnDelay; //0x0080
  5340. DWORD m_NumberOfBulletsPerShell; //0x0084
  5341. DWORD m_NumberOfBulletsPerShot; //0x0088
  5342. DWORD m_NumberOfBulletsPerBurst; //0x008C
  5343. unsigned char m_UseSpawnDelayForQuickSwitch; //0x0090
  5344. unsigned char m_RelativeTargetAiming; //0x0091
  5345. unsigned char m_ForceSpawnToCamera; //0x0092
  5346. unsigned char m_SpawnVisualAtWeaponBone; //0x0093
  5347. unsigned char m_ActiveForceSpawnToCamera; //0x0094
  5348. char _0x0095[0x000B];
  5350. };//Size=0x00A0
  5352. class AmmoConfigData
  5353. {
  5354. public:
  5355. __int32 m_MagazineCapacity; //0x0000
  5356. __int32 m_NumberOfMagazines; //0x0004
  5357. __int32 m_StripperClipSize; //0x0008
  5358. DWORD m_TraceFrequency; //0x000C
  5359. DWORD m_AmmoPickupMinAmount; //0x0010
  5360. DWORD m_AmmoPickupMaxAmount; //0x0014
  5361. float m_AutoReplenishDelay; //0x0018
  5362. float m_AutoReplenishSpeedupFactor; //0x001C
  5363. float m_AmmoBagPickupDelayMultiplier; //0x0020
  5364. __int32 m_AmmoBagPickupAmount; //0x0024
  5365. PersistentAmmoData* m_PersistentAmmoSettings; //0x0028
  5366. unsigned char m_SpawnWithoutAmmo; //0x0030
  5367. unsigned char m_AutoReplenishMagazine; //0x0031
  5368. unsigned char m_AutoReplenishWhenInactive; //0x0032
  5369. char _0x0033[0x0005];
  5371. };//Size=0x0038
  5373. class OverHeatData : public FireEffectData
  5374. {
  5375. public:
  5376. float m_HeatPerBullet; //0x0050
  5377. float m_HeatDropPerSecond; //0x0054
  5378. float m_OverHeatDropDelay; //0x0058
  5379. float m_OverHeatPenaltyTime; //0x005C
  5380. float m_OverHeatThreshold; //0x0060
  5381. unsigned char m_StopZoomWhenOverheated; //0x0064
  5382. char _0x0065[0x000B];
  5384. };//Size=0x0070
  5386. class FireLogicData : public HoldAndReleaseData
  5387. {
  5388. public:
  5389. BoltActionData m_BoltAction; //0x001C
  5390. RecoilData m_Recoil; //0x0030
  5391. __int32 m_FireInputAction; //0x0054
  5392. __int32 m_ReloadInputAction; //0x0058
  5393. __int32 m_CycleFireModeInputAction; //0x005C
  5394. float m_TriggerPullWeight; //0x0060
  5395. float m_RateOfFire; //0x0064
  5396. float m_RateOfFireForBurst; //0x0068
  5397. float m_BurstsPerMinute; //0x006C
  5398. float m_ClientFireRateMultiplier; //0x0070
  5399. float m_ReloadDelay; //0x0074
  5400. float m_PostReloadDelay; //0x0078
  5401. float m_BridgeDelay; //0x007C
  5402. float m_ReloadTime; //0x0080
  5403. char _0x0084[0x0004];
  5404. Array<Float32*>* m_ReloadTimerArray; //0x0088
  5405. float m_ReloadTimeBulletsLeft; //0x0090
  5406. float m_ReloadThreshold; //0x0094
  5407. float m_PreFireDelay; //0x0098
  5408. float m_PendingFireWindow; //0x009C
  5409. float m_AutomaticDelay; //0x00A0
  5410. Array<FireLogicType*>* m_FireLogicTypeArray; //0x00B0
  5411. unsigned char m_CorrectedAutomaticFireReplication; //0x00B8
  5412. unsigned char m_HoldOffReloadUntilFireRelease; //0x00B9
  5413. unsigned char m_HoldOffReloadUntilZoomRelease; //0x00BA
  5414. unsigned char m_ForceReloadActionOnFireTrigger; //0x00BB
  5415. unsigned char m_ClosedBolt; //0x00BC
  5416. unsigned char m_FireLogicSwitchOnZoom; //0x00BD
  5417. unsigned char m_AlwaysAutoReload; //0x00BE
  5418. unsigned char m_AutoReloadIgnoreFireTriggerPressed; //0x00BF
  5420. };//Size=0x00C0
  5422. class WeaponDispersion : public FiringDispersionData
  5423. {
  5424. public:
  5425. FiringDispersionData m_CrouchDispersion; //0x0010
  5426. FiringDispersionData m_ProneDispersion; //0x0020
  5427. float m_JumpDispersionAngle; //0x0030
  5428. float m_ProneTransitionDispersionAngle; //0x0034
  5429. float m_MoveDispersionAngle; //0x0038
  5430. float m_MoveZoomedDispersionAngle; //0x003C
  5431. float m_DecreasePerSecond; //0x0040
  5433. };//Size=0x0044
  5435. class InteractionEntityData : public SpatialEntityData
  5436. {
  5437. public:
  5438. float m_UseWithinRadius; //0x0060
  5439. float m_UseWithinAngle; //0x0064
  5440. float m_UseWithinWidth; //0x0068
  5441. float m_UseWithinHeight; //0x006C
  5442. float m_UseWithinXOffset; //0x0070
  5443. float m_UseWithinYOffset; //0x0074
  5444. float m_UseMinVelocityStart; //0x0078
  5445. float m_UseMinVelocityEnd; //0x007C
  5446. float m_UseMinVelocityEndRadius; //0x0080
  5447. float m_FacingInteractorAngle; //0x0084
  5448. DWORD m_MaxUses; //0x0088
  5449. float m_DisplayWithinRadius; //0x008C
  5450. SoundAsset* m_PreInteractionSoundEffect; //0x0090
  5451. unsigned char m_TestIfOccluded; //0x0098
  5452. unsigned char m_AllowInteractionViaRemoteEntry; //0x0099
  5453. unsigned char m_UseDisplayWithinRadius; //0x009A
  5454. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x009B
  5455. char _0x009C[0x0004];
  5457. };//Size=0x00A0
  5459. class GameTweakAITargeting : public TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve
  5460. {
  5461. public:
  5462. float m_ReaquireTargetDistanceThreshold; //0x0010
  5463. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_FiringDelayAfterReaquiringTarget; //0x0014
  5464. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_TimeUntilDamageFromStartOfFirstBurst; //0x0024
  5465. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_TimeUntilDamageTimeIsFullyRestored; //0x0034
  5466. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_TimeUntilAccurateFromStartOfFirstDamage; //0x0044
  5467. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_TimeUntilAccurateTimeIsFullyRestored; //0x0054
  5468. AccuracyPenaltySettings m_AccuracyPenaltySettings; //0x0064
  5469. __int32 m_AimingAtAngleThreshold; //0x0080
  5471. };//Size=0x0084
  5473. class GameTweakCommon
  5474. {
  5475. public:
  5476. Array<SensingArea*>* m_SensingAreas; //0x0000
  5477. SensingAreaModifier m_SensingAreasAlertedModifier; //0x0008
  5478. float m_SensingConeRange; //0x0010
  5479. float m_SensingConeRangeAgainstVehicles; //0x0014
  5480. float m_SensingConeRangeWhenAlerted; //0x0018
  5481. float m_SensingConeAngle; //0x001C
  5482. float m_SensingConeAngleWhenAlerted; //0x0020
  5483. float m_SensingConeAngleAbove; //0x0024
  5484. float m_SensingConeAngleBelow; //0x0028
  5485. float m_SensingShotFiredDistance; //0x002C
  5486. float m_SensingHumanDrivenVehicleDistance; //0x0030
  5487. float m_SensingExplosionDistance; //0x0034
  5488. float m_SensingGrenadeDistance; //0x0038
  5489. float m_SensingStaticTargetObjectDistance; //0x003C
  5490. float m_SensingMovingTargetObjectDistance; //0x0040
  5491. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_DistanceToAwareTimeCurveCentral; //0x0044
  5492. float m_AwareCurveCentralAngle; //0x0054
  5493. float m_PeripheralConeRangeWhenIdle; //0x0058
  5494. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_DistanceToAwareTimeCurvePeripheral; //0x005C
  5495. float m_AwareStandingPenaltyMultiplier; //0x006C
  5496. float m_AwareToAlertTime; //0x0070
  5497. float m_CorpseAlertDistance; //0x0074
  5498. float m_VisibilityAcummulationTime; //0x0078
  5499. float m_HighIntensityRadius; //0x007C
  5500. float m_InvestigateSeenEnemyAlertPercent; //0x0080
  5501. float m_ConcealmentCoolDownTime; //0x0084
  5502. float m_ConcealmentDisableAtDistance; //0x0088
  5503. float m_PassiveTime; //0x008C
  5504. Array<GrenadeTokenList*>* m_GrenadeTokens; //0x0090
  5505. float m_MeleeChargeTokenMinimumTime; //0x0098
  5506. float m_MeleeChargeTokenMaximumTime; //0x009C
  5507. __int32 m_MeleeChargeTokenCount; //0x00A0
  5508. float m_MeleeChargeMinimumCooldownTimer; //0x00A4
  5509. __int32 m_SimultaneousChargeCount; //0x00A8
  5510. __int32 m_SimultaneousVehicleUsage; //0x00AC
  5511. float m_MinVehicleBookingDelayOnTokenAvailable; //0x00B0
  5512. float m_MaxVehicleBookingDelayOnTokenAvailable; //0x00B4
  5513. float m_EnemyMinTimeInMediumIntensity; //0x00B8
  5514. float m_MaxTimeSinceEnemyLostToStartCombatInvestigate; //0x00BC
  5515. float m_MaxTimeSinceEnemyLostToSearch; //0x00C0
  5516. float m_MinTimeToStayAlertWhenAlertedBySomethingOtherThanSighting; //0x00C4
  5517. float m_FallbackToSearchAreaWhenNeverSeenEnemyTime; //0x00C8
  5518. float m_MinTimeFromRecentThreatToSearchArea; //0x00CC
  5519. InvestigateSettignsCustomizations m_InvestigateCustomization; //0x00D0
  5520. char _0x0164[0x0004];
  5521. Array<TeamId*>* m_TeamsWithAwareness; //0x0168
  5522. float m_MaxLastKnownPositionShareDistance; //0x0170
  5523. float m_CentralAngle; //0x0174
  5524. float m_CentralViewDistance; //0x0178
  5525. float m_PeripheralAngle; //0x017C
  5526. float m_PeripheralViewDistance; //0x0180
  5527. float m_BeingChargedDetectDistance; //0x0184
  5528. float m_BeingChargedAngleLimit; //0x0188
  5529. unsigned char m_UseNewSensingAreas; //0x018C
  5530. unsigned char m_InstantlyAlertedByCorpse; //0x018D
  5531. unsigned char m_AllowMultipleCorpseInvestigators; //0x018E
  5532. unsigned char m_EnableVisibilityAcummulation; //0x018F
  5533. unsigned char m_IgnoreSoundWhenAlerted; //0x0190
  5534. unsigned char m_CombatInvestigateCanExceedMaxSearchTime; //0x0191
  5535. unsigned char m_AreaSearchWithoutCombatInvestigate; //0x0192
  5536. unsigned char m_InvestigateLatestSound; //0x0193
  5537. unsigned char m_IncludeTerrainInVisionTests; //0x0194
  5538. unsigned char m_EnableLastKnownPositionSharing; //0x0195
  5539. unsigned char m_CorpsesCauseAlertnessIncrease; //0x0196
  5540. unsigned char m_CorpsesTriggerSearchArea; //0x0197
  5541. unsigned char m_AlertedByFriendlyCombatActions; //0x0198
  5542. unsigned char m_UseInvestigationPriorities; //0x0199
  5543. unsigned char m_BeingShotAtTriggerSearchArea; //0x019A
  5544. unsigned char m_BeingChargedCausesAlert; //0x019B
  5545. char _0x019C[0x0004];
  5547. };//Size=0x01A0
  5549. class GameTweakPanicBehavior
  5550. {
  5551. public:
  5552. float m_PrePanicTime; //0x0000
  5553. float m_TotalPanicTime; //0x0004
  5554. float m_PanicBlastRadiusPercentage; //0x0008
  5555. unsigned char m_PanicOnGrenade; //0x000C
  5556. unsigned char m_PanicOnWeaponSuppression; //0x000D
  5557. unsigned char m_PanicOnVehicleSuppression; //0x000E
  5558. char _0x000F[0x0001];
  5560. };//Size=0x0010
  5562. class GameTweakSniper
  5563. {
  5564. public:
  5565. float m_GlintToShotFiredDelay; //0x0000
  5566. float m_HideAfterShotDelay; //0x0004
  5567. float m_TimeUpBeforeScopeGlint; //0x0008
  5568. float m_TimeHidden; //0x000C
  5570. };//Size=0x0010
  5572. class GameTweakBucketDamage
  5573. {
  5574. public:
  5575. Array<Float32*>* m_PlayerDamageBucketTimes; //0x0000
  5576. EvasiveBucketTimeSettings m_EvasiveBucketTimeSettings; //0x0008
  5577. float m_DamageMultiplier; //0x0038
  5578. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  5580. };//Size=0x0040
  5582. class GameAIDifficultyData : public DataContainer
  5583. {
  5584. public:
  5585. };//Size=0x0010
  5587. class TargetCameraCallback
  5588. {
  5589. public:
  5590. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  5592. };//Size=0x0008
  5594. class GunSwayStandData : public GunSwayBaseMoveJumpData
  5595. {
  5596. public:
  5597. GunSwayBaseMoveJumpData m_Zoom; //0x0078
  5599. };//Size=0x00F0
  5601. class GunSwayStanceZoomModifierData : public GunSwayDispersionModData
  5602. {
  5603. public:
  5604. GunSwayDispersionModData m_MovingDispersionMod; //0x001C
  5605. GunSwayDispersionModData m_SprintingDispersionMod; //0x0038
  5606. float m_RecoilMagnitudeMod; //0x0054
  5607. float m_RecoilAngleMod; //0x0058
  5608. float m_RecoilAngleOffset; //0x005C
  5609. float m_FirstShotRecoilMod; //0x0060
  5610. float m_RecoilAmplitudeDecreaseFactorMod; //0x0064
  5612. };//Size=0x0068
  5614. class GunSwayCrouchProneData : public GunSwayBaseMoveData
  5615. {
  5616. public:
  5617. GunSwayBaseMoveData m_Zoom; //0x0048
  5619. };//Size=0x0090
  5621. class GunSwayStanceTransition : public GunSwayDispersionData
  5622. {
  5623. public:
  5624. float m_CoolDown; //0x0018
  5626. };//Size=0x001C
  5628. class WeaponSwayData : public DataContainer
  5629. {
  5630. public:
  5631. };//Size=0x0010
  5633. class ControllableHealthComponentData : public GameHealthComponentData
  5634. {
  5635. public:
  5636. };//Size=0x0070
  5638. class VehiclePhysicsComponentData : public ControllablePhysicsComponentData
  5639. {
  5640. public:
  5641. VehiclePhysicsActionData* m_VehiclePhysicsAction; //0x00A0
  5642. ProximityTrackerData* m_ProximityTrackerData; //0x00A8
  5644. };//Size=0x00B0
  5646. class PhysicsActionBaseData : public EntityData
  5647. {
  5648. public:
  5649. float m_BlendFactor; //0x0018
  5650. float m_InputBlendFactor; //0x001C
  5651. float m_ClampLinAcc; //0x0020
  5652. float m_ClampAngAcc; //0x0024
  5653. AudioCurve m_BlendFactorCurve; //0x0028
  5654. AudioCurve m_CollisionResponseCurve; //0x0038
  5656. };//Size=0x0048
  5658. class GameAIWeaponData : public Asset
  5659. {
  5660. public:
  5661. };//Size=0x0018
  5663. class AimInputEntityData : public EntityData
  5664. {
  5665. public:
  5666. };//Size=0x0018
  5668. class JobAffinitySet
  5669. {
  5670. public:
  5671. char _0x0000[0x001E];
  5673. };//Size=0x001E
  5675. class IKeyboard
  5676. {
  5677. public:
  5678. virtual void Init(); //
  5679. virtual void Release(); //
  5680. virtual void PreFrameUpdate(float); //
  5681. virtual void Update(float); //
  5682. virtual bool IsDown(InputDeviceKeys); //
  5683. virtual bool WentDown(InputDeviceKeys); //
  5684. virtual bool WentUp(InputDeviceKeys); //
  5685. virtual void EnableTypingMode(bool); //
  5686. virtual bool GetBufferedAction(void*); //
  5688. };//Size=0x0008
  5690. class LandingGearConditionData
  5691. {
  5692. public:
  5693. float m_Height; //0x0000
  5694. float m_Velocity; //0x0004
  5695. float m_Angle; //0x0008
  5697. };//Size=0x000C
  5699. class LevelPreloadInfo
  5700. {
  5701. public:
  5702. Array<CString*>* m_PreloadedBlueprintBundles; //0x0000
  5703. Array<SubLevelPreloadInfo*>* m_SubLevelPreloadInfoMap; //0x0008
  5705. };//Size=0x0010
  5707. class LevelDescription
  5708. {
  5709. public:
  5710. char* m_Name; //0x0000
  5711. char* m_Description; //0x0008
  5712. Array<LevelDescriptionComponent*>* m_Components; //0x0010
  5713. unsigned char m_IsMultiplayer; //0x0018
  5714. unsigned char m_IsCoop; //0x0019
  5715. unsigned char m_IsMenu; //0x001A
  5716. unsigned char m_IsEpilogue; //0x001B
  5717. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  5719. };//Size=0x0020
  5721. class WorldData : public SubWorldData
  5722. {
  5723. public:
  5724. Array<SubWorldDataComponent*>* m_Components; //0x0078
  5725. unsigned char m_IsProceduralLevel; //0x0080
  5726. char _0x0081[0x0007];
  5728. };//Size=0x0088
  5730. class AimingConstraintsData
  5731. {
  5732. public:
  5733. float m_MinYaw; //0x0000
  5734. float m_MaxYaw; //0x0004
  5735. float m_MinPitch; //0x0008
  5736. float m_MaxPitch; //0x000C
  5738. };//Size=0x0010
  5740. class LockingAndHomingData
  5741. {
  5742. public:
  5743. WarnTarget m_WarnLock; //0x0000
  5744. unsigned char m_IsHoming; //0x0004
  5745. unsigned char m_IsGuided; //0x0005
  5746. unsigned char m_IsGuidedWhenZoomed; //0x0006
  5747. unsigned char m_IsGuidedHoming; //0x0007
  5748. unsigned char m_FireOnlyWhenLockedOn; //0x0008
  5749. char _0x0009[0x0003];
  5751. };//Size=0x000C
  5753. class AimingWorldSpaceLockEfficiencyData
  5754. {
  5755. public:
  5756. float m_EfficiencyYaw; //0x0000
  5757. float m_EfficiencyPitch; //0x0004
  5758. float m_EfficiencyYawZoom; //0x0008
  5759. float m_EfficiencyPitchZoom; //0x000C
  5761. };//Size=0x0010
  5763. class RenderVolumeEntityData : public SpatialEntityData
  5764. {
  5765. public:
  5766. Vec4 m_UserMasks; //0x0060
  5767. SurfaceShaderInstanceDataStruct m_Shader; //0x0070
  5768. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x009C
  5769. char _0x009D[0x0003];
  5771. };//Size=0x00A0
  5773. class MathEntityAssembly
  5774. {
  5775. public:
  5776. Array<MathEntityFunctionCall*>* m_FunctionCalls; //0x0000
  5777. Array<MathEntityInstruction*>* m_Instructions; //0x0008
  5779. };//Size=0x0010
  5781. class AntAnimationHandlerData
  5782. {
  5783. public:
  5784. char _0x0000[0x00F8];
  5786. };//Size=0x00F8
  5788. class Guid
  5789. {
  5790. public:
  5791. char _0x0000[0x0010];
  5793. };//Size=0x0010
  5795. class MissileUnguidedData
  5796. {
  5797. public:
  5798. D3DXVECTOR2 m_StaticPosition; //0x0000
  5799. D3DXVECTOR2 m_TargetPositionOffset; //0x0008
  5800. unsigned char m_UseStaticPosition; //0x0010
  5801. unsigned char m_UseTargetPositionOffset; //0x0011
  5802. char _0x0012[0x0002];
  5804. };//Size=0x0014
  5806. class NearTargetDetonationData
  5807. {
  5808. public:
  5809. float m_DetonationRadius; //0x0000
  5810. float m_MaxDetonationDelay; //0x0004
  5811. float m_MinDetonationDelay; //0x0008
  5812. unsigned char m_DetonateNearTarget; //0x000C
  5813. char _0x000D[0x0003];
  5815. };//Size=0x0010
  5817. class IMouse
  5818. {
  5819. public:
  5820. virtual void Init(); //
  5821. virtual void Release(); //
  5822. virtual void PreFrameUpdate(float); //
  5823. virtual void Update(float); //
  5824. virtual void UpdateBetweenFrames(float); //
  5825. virtual void IsDown(int); //
  5826. virtual void WentDown(int); //
  5827. virtual void WentUp(int); //
  5828. virtual void GetLevel(void*); //
  5829. virtual void GetLevel2(int); //
  5830. virtual void GetBufferedAction(void*); //
  5831. virtual void EnableCursorMode(bool, int); //
  5832. virtual void SetCursorPosition(int, int); //
  5833. virtual void SetCursorRect(bool, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); //
  5834. virtual void SetMouseSensitivity(float); //
  5835. virtual void SetMouseNormalizationScale(float); //
  5836. virtual void ResetMouseNormalizationScale(); //
  5837. virtual void GetMouseSensitivityMultiplier(); //
  5838. virtual void SetUIOwnsInput(bool); //
  5839. virtual void SetCursor(int, void*); //
  5841. };//Size=0x0008
  5843. class AxesInputActionData : public InputActionData
  5844. {
  5845. public:
  5846. InputDeviceAxes m_Axis; //0x0018
  5847. unsigned char m_NormalizeInput; //0x001C
  5848. char _0x001D[0x0003];
  5850. };//Size=0x0020
  5852. class ClientSoldierHealthComponent : public ClientCharacterHealthComponent
  5853. {
  5854. public:
  5855. char _0x0070[0x0078];
  5857. };//Size=0x00E8
  5859. class ClientSoldierPhysicsComponent : public ClientCharacterMasterPhysicsComponent
  5860. {
  5861. public:
  5862. char _0x01B8[0x00F0];
  5864. };//Size=0x02A8
  5866. class WidgetReferenceEntityData : public LogicReferenceObjectData
  5867. {
  5868. public:
  5869. };//Size=0x00A0
  5871. class IglooSubsystem
  5872. {
  5873. public:
  5874. char _0x0000[0x0018];
  5876. };//Size=0x0018
  5878. class UISystem : public IUISystem
  5879. {
  5880. public:
  5881. char _0x0018[0x0A48];
  5883. };//Size=0x0A60
  5885. class HudData : public DataContainer
  5886. {
  5887. public:
  5888. };//Size=0x0010
  5890. class ProfileOptionData : public Asset
  5891. {
  5892. public:
  5893. char* m_UniqueId; //0x0018
  5894. ProfileOptionsType m_Category; //0x0020
  5895. unsigned char m_LocalPlayerSpecific; //0x0024
  5896. char _0x0025[0x0003];
  5898. };//Size=0x0028
  5900. class InputNode
  5901. {
  5902. public:
  5903. virtual void Function0(); //
  5905. };//Size=0x0008
  5907. class PhysicsBody : public Entity
  5908. {
  5909. public:
  5910. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  5911. RigidBodyData* m_RigidBodyData; //0x0028
  5912. char _0x0030[0x0018];
  5914. };//Size=0x0048
  5916. class PhysicsBodyData : public EntityData
  5917. {
  5918. public:
  5919. Realm m_Realm; //0x0018
  5920. RigidBodyCollisionLayer m_CollisionLayer; //0x001C
  5921. Asset* m_Asset; //0x0020
  5922. unsigned char m_AssetIndex; //0x0028
  5923. unsigned char m_TransformIndex; //0x0029
  5924. unsigned char m_WorldIndex; //0x002A
  5925. unsigned char m_CollisionRootShapeIndex; //0x002B
  5926. unsigned char m_RaycastRootShapeIndex; //0x002C
  5927. unsigned char m_AddToSpatialQueryManager; //0x002D
  5928. char _0x002E[0x0002];
  5930. };//Size=0x0030
  5932. class MeshAsset : public Asset
  5933. {
  5934. public:
  5935. Array<Uint32*>* m_BlendShapeChannelHashes; //0x0018
  5936. ResourceRef m_MeshSetResource; //0x0020
  5937. ResourceRef m_OccluderMeshResource; //0x0028
  5938. MeshLodGroup* m_LodGroup; //0x0030
  5939. float m_LodScale; //0x0038
  5940. float m_CullScale; //0x003C
  5941. float m_CoverageValue; //0x0044
  5942. __int32 m_EnlightenMeshLod; //0x004C
  5943. float m_AutoLightmapUVsMaxDistance; //0x0050
  5944. float m_AutoLightmapUVsExpansionFactor; //0x0054
  5945. float m_AutoLightmapUVsMaxNormalDeviation; //0x0058
  5946. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  5947. ProceduralAnimationTypeSimple* m_ProceduralAnimation; //0x0060
  5948. Array<MeshMaterial*>* m_Materials; //0x0068
  5949. DWORD m_NameHash; //0x0070
  5950. unsigned char m_StreamingEnable; //0x0074
  5951. unsigned char m_OccluderMeshEnable; //0x0075
  5952. unsigned char m_OccluderHighPriority; //0x0076
  5953. unsigned char m_OccluderIsConservative; //0x0077
  5954. unsigned char m_DestructionMaterialEnable; //0x0078
  5955. unsigned char m_EnableEnlightenStaticOverride; //0x0079
  5956. unsigned char m_LightmapUVsScaleCharts; //0x007A
  5957. unsigned char m_AutoLightmapUVs; //0x007B
  5958. char _0x007C[0x0004];
  5960. };//Size=0x0080
  5962. class RegularCameraViewData
  5963. {
  5964. public:
  5965. D3DXVECTOR3 m_MeshOffset; //0x0000
  5966. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  5967. InputSuppressionData m_InputSuppression; //0x0010
  5968. float m_FieldOfView; //0x0018
  5969. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  5970. RigidMeshAsset* m_Mesh; //0x0020
  5971. ObjectBlueprint* m_MaskMeshBlueprint; //0x0028
  5972. float m_ScreenExposureAreaScale; //0x0030
  5973. unsigned char m_FLIREnabled; //0x0034
  5974. unsigned char m_AllowFieldOfViewScaling; //0x0035
  5975. unsigned char m_LockMeshToRenderView; //0x0036
  5976. char _0x0037[0x0009];
  5978. };//Size=0x0040
  5980. class StanceCameraData
  5981. {
  5982. public:
  5983. Array<Int32*>* m_ValidStances; //0x0000
  5984. Array<Int32*>* m_DefaultCameraForStances; //0x0008
  5986. };//Size=0x0010
  5988. class ServerVehicleEntryComponent : public ServerPlayerEntryComponent
  5989. {
  5990. public:
  5991. char _0x00F8[0x0080];
  5993. };//Size=0x0178
  5995. class CongestionControlSettings
  5996. {
  5997. public:
  5998. float m_LatencyMsMax; //0x0000
  5999. float m_PacketLossMin; //0x0004
  6000. float m_PacketLossMax; //0x0008
  6001. float m_LatencyIncrPercMax; //0x000C
  6002. float m_LatencyIncrJitter; //0x0010
  6003. float m_LatencyIncrThreshold; //0x0014
  6004. float m_ConnectionGradeGood; //0x0018
  6005. float m_ConnectionGradeBad; //0x001C
  6006. float m_FreqDistScaleMax; //0x0020
  6007. float m_AdaptionStepCount; //0x0024
  6008. __int32 m_MaxFrequencyDivider; //0x0028
  6009. float m_MaxBwUtilForIncrease; //0x002C
  6010. DWORD m_MoveFrequencyDividerBest; //0x0030
  6011. DWORD m_MoveFrequencyDividerWorst; //0x0034
  6012. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0038
  6013. char _0x0039[0x0003];
  6015. };//Size=0x003C
  6017. class ServerSpawnEntity : public SpatialEntity
  6018. {
  6019. public:
  6020. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  6021. VehicleSpawnReferenceObjectData* m_VehicleSpawnReferenceObjectData; //0x0030
  6022. char _0x0038[0x0278];
  6024. };//Size=0x02B0
  6026. class Weapon : public Tool
  6027. {
  6028. public:
  6029. WeaponFiringData* m_WeaponFiringData; //0x0018
  6030. char _0x0020[0x0010];
  6031. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Speed; //0x0030
  6032. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  6033. D3DXMATRIX m_ShootSpace; //0x0040
  6034. D3DXMATRIX m_ShootSpaceIdentity; //0x0080
  6035. char _0x00C0[0x0010];
  6036. D3DXMATRIX m_LookSpace; //0x00D0
  6037. SoldierWeaponUnlockAsset* m_SoldierWeaponUnlockAsset; //0x0110
  6038. char _0x0118[0x0098];
  6040. };//Size=0x01B0
  6042. class ServerBoneComponent : public ServerGameComponent
  6043. {
  6044. public:
  6045. };//Size=0x0030
  6047. class PartComponentData : public GameComponentData
  6048. {
  6049. public:
  6050. Array<HealthStateData*>* m_HealthStates; //0x0070
  6051. Array<PartLinkData*>* m_PartLinks; //0x0078
  6052. unsigned char m_IsSupported; //0x0080
  6053. unsigned char m_IsFragile; //0x0081
  6054. unsigned char m_AffectsBoundingBox; //0x0082
  6055. unsigned char m_IsNetworkable; //0x0083
  6056. unsigned char m_IsWindow; //0x0084
  6057. unsigned char m_AnimatePhysics; //0x0085
  6058. char _0x0086[0x000A];
  6060. };//Size=0x0090
  6062. class BaseSkeletonAsset : public Asset
  6063. {
  6064. public:
  6065. };//Size=0x0018
  6067. class AimingPoseData
  6068. {
  6069. public:
  6070. float m_MinimumPitch; //0x0000
  6071. float m_MaximumPitch; //0x0004
  6072. float m_TargetingFov; //0x0008
  6073. float m_AimSteadiness; //0x000C
  6074. float m_SpeedMultiplier; //0x0010
  6075. float m_RecoilMultiplier; //0x0014
  6077. };//Size=0x0018
  6079. class CharacterEntityData : public ControllableEntityData
  6080. {
  6081. public:
  6082. float m_MaxHealth; //0x00B0
  6083. PersonViewMode m_DefaultViewMode; //0x00B4
  6084. PlayerSpawnType m_PlayerSpawnType; //0x00B8
  6085. char _0x00BC[0x0004];
  6086. EntityVoiceOverInfo* m_VoiceOverInfo; //0x00C0
  6087. CharacterSoundData* m_Sound; //0x00C8
  6088. unsigned char m_CharacterLightingEnable; //0x00D0
  6089. char _0x00D1[0x000F];
  6091. };//Size=0x00E0
  6093. class ChildComponentData : public BoneComponentData
  6094. {
  6095. public:
  6096. LinearTransform m_AlignTransform; //0x0070
  6097. SoundAsset* m_SoundEffect; //0x00B0
  6098. MovingBodyData* m_MovingBody; //0x00B8
  6099. VehicleHealthZoneData m_HealthZone; //0x00C0
  6100. float m_SoundEffectStartRpm; //0x00E0
  6101. float m_SoundEffectStopRpm; //0x00E4
  6102. AlignmentData* m_AlignmentSettings; //0x00E8
  6103. unsigned char m_WorldSpacePositionLock; //0x00F0
  6104. unsigned char m_EnableAlignToCamera; //0x00F1
  6105. char _0x00F2[0x000E];
  6107. };//Size=0x0100
  6109. class SoldierFOVEffect : public DataContainer
  6110. {
  6111. public:
  6112. float m_Fov; //0x0010
  6113. float m_FovInDelay; //0x0014
  6114. float m_FovInTime; //0x0018
  6115. float m_FovOutDelay; //0x001C
  6116. float m_FovOutTime; //0x0020
  6117. unsigned char m_FovIsOffset; //0x0024
  6118. char _0x0025[0x0003];
  6120. };//Size=0x0028
  6122. class WeaponEntityData : public GameComponentEntityData
  6123. {
  6124. public:
  6125. char _0x0080[0x0010];
  6126. WeaponFiringData* m_WeaponFiringData; //0x0090
  6127. char _0x0098[0x0018];
  6129. };//Size=0x00B0
  6131. class StoredWeaponData
  6132. {
  6133. public:
  6134. __int32 m_WeaponClass; //0x0000
  6135. __int32 m_MagCount; //0x0004
  6136. __int32 m_MagCapacity; //0x0008
  6137. __int32 m_AnimBaseSet; //0x000C
  6138. unsigned char m_SwitchToPrimaryWhenOutOfAmmo; //0x0010
  6139. char _0x0011[0x0003];
  6141. };//Size=0x0014
  6143. class BlueprintBundleReference
  6144. {
  6145. public:
  6146. char* m_Name; //0x0000
  6147. BlueprintBundleSettings m_Settings; //0x0008
  6148. Array<SharedBundleReference*>* m_Parents; //0x0028
  6149. unsigned char m_ContainsControllable; //0x0030
  6150. char _0x0031[0x0007];
  6152. };//Size=0x0038
  6154. class WeaponUnlockAsset : public UnlockAssetBase
  6155. {
  6156. public:
  6157. };//Size=0x0058
  6159. class RotationBodyData : public MovingBodyData
  6160. {
  6161. public:
  6162. float m_AngularMomentumMultiplier; //0x0018
  6163. float m_AngularMomentumThreshold; //0x001C
  6164. float m_AngularMomentumDamping; //0x0020
  6165. float m_AngularMomentumDampingAcc; //0x0024
  6166. float m_AngularMomentumDampingDeacc; //0x0028
  6167. float m_AngularConstraintMin; //0x002C
  6168. float m_AngularConstraintMax; //0x0030
  6169. __int32 m_RotationAxis; //0x0034
  6170. ExtendedConstraintsData* m_ExtendedConstraints; //0x0038
  6171. unsigned char m_UsePostSatisfyConstraints; //0x0040
  6172. unsigned char m_UseAngularMomentumThreshold; //0x0041
  6173. unsigned char m_UseAngularMomentumDamping; //0x0042
  6174. unsigned char m_UseAngularConstraint; //0x0043
  6175. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  6177. };//Size=0x0048
  6179. class ClientAimInputEntity : public Entity
  6180. {
  6181. public:
  6182. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  6183. AiAimInputEntityData* m_AiAimInputEntityData; //0x0028
  6184. char _0x0030[0x0020];
  6186. };//Size=0x0050
  6188. class StateNodeEntityBaseData : public EntityData
  6189. {
  6190. public:
  6191. char* m_StateName; //0x0018
  6192. Realm m_Realm; //0x0020
  6193. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  6195. };//Size=0x0028
  6197. class StatsCategoryGuidData : public StatsCategoryBaseData
  6198. {
  6199. public:
  6200. Array<Guid*>* m_ObjectInstanceGuids; //0x0020
  6202. };//Size=0x0028
  6204. class ClientVehicleHealthComponent : public ClientControllableHealthComponent
  6205. {
  6206. public:
  6207. char _0x0048[0x0080];
  6209. };//Size=0x00C8
  6211. class ClientVehiclePhysicsComponent : public PartPhysicsComponent
  6212. {
  6213. public:
  6214. char _0x00A8[0x0028];
  6216. };//Size=0x00D0
  6218. class ClientMeshComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  6219. {
  6220. public:
  6221. char _0x0038[0x00D8];
  6223. };//Size=0x0110
  6225. class TextureBaseAsset : public Asset
  6226. {
  6227. public:
  6228. ResourceRef m_Resource; //0x0018
  6230. };//Size=0x0020
  6232. class ClientPartComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  6233. {
  6234. public:
  6235. char _0x0038[0x0080];
  6236. ChassisComponentData* m_ChassisComponentData; //0x00B8
  6237. char _0x00C0[0x0008];
  6239. };//Size=0x00C8
  6241. class ClientChildComponent : public ClientBoneComponent
  6242. {
  6243. public:
  6244. char _0x0038[0x0018];
  6245. ChildRotationBodyData* m_ChildRotationBodyData; //0x0050
  6246. char _0x0058[0x02B8];
  6248. };//Size=0x0310
  6250. class ClientVehicleEntryComponent : public ClientPlayerEntryComponent
  6251. {
  6252. public:
  6253. virtual int GetStance(); //
  6255. char _0x0588[0x04B0];
  6256. vector<ClientStanceFilterComponent*> m_Stances; //0x0A38
  6257. char _0x0A58[0x0010];
  6258. __int32 m_CurrentStance; //0x0A68
  6259. char _0x0A6C[0x0034];
  6261. };//Size=0x0AA0
  6263. class InputThrottle
  6264. {
  6265. public:
  6266. float m_ForwardSpeedSupressionAmount; //0x0000
  6267. float m_BackwardSpeedSupressionAmount; //0x0004
  6268. float m_SideSpeedSupressionAmount; //0x0008
  6269. float m_IgnoreBrakeSpeedThreshold; //0x000C
  6270. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0010
  6271. char _0x0011[0x0003];
  6273. };//Size=0x0014
  6275. class VehicleInputData
  6276. {
  6277. public:
  6278. float m_ThrottleDeadzone; //0x0000
  6279. float m_BrakeDeadzone; //0x0004
  6280. float m_YawDeadzone; //0x0008
  6281. float m_PitchDeadzone; //0x000C
  6282. float m_RollDeadzone; //0x0010
  6283. float m_ThrottleInertiaOutDuration; //0x0014
  6284. float m_ThrottleInertiaInDuration; //0x0018
  6285. float m_ThrottleInertiaMinRatio; //0x001C
  6286. float m_BrakeInertiaOutDuration; //0x0020
  6287. float m_BrakeInertiaInDuration; //0x0024
  6288. float m_BrakeInertiaMinRatio; //0x0028
  6289. float m_YawInertiaOutDuration; //0x002C
  6290. float m_YawInertiaInDuration; //0x0030
  6291. float m_YawInertiaMinRatio; //0x0034
  6292. float m_PitchInertiaOutDuration; //0x0038
  6293. float m_PitchInertiaInDuration; //0x003C
  6294. float m_PitchInertiaMinRatio; //0x0040
  6295. float m_RollInertiaOutDuration; //0x0044
  6296. float m_RollInertiaInDuration; //0x0048
  6297. float m_RollInertiaMinRatio; //0x004C
  6299. };//Size=0x0050
  6301. class AntiRollBars
  6302. {
  6303. public:
  6304. AntiRollBar* m_Front; //0x0000
  6305. AntiRollBar* m_Rear; //0x0008
  6307. };//Size=0x0010
  6309. class InAirForceConfig
  6310. {
  6311. public:
  6312. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InAirAlignment; //0x0000
  6313. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  6314. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InAirAngularDamping; //0x0010
  6315. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  6316. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InAirYawAngularControl; //0x0020
  6317. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  6318. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InAirYawLinearControl; //0x0030
  6319. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  6320. float m_InAirAscendingGravityModifier; //0x0040
  6321. float m_InAirDescendingGravityModifier; //0x0044
  6322. float m_FadeInAirForcesThreshold; //0x0048
  6323. float m_InAirMaximumPitchLimit; //0x004C
  6324. float m_InAirScaleToMaxSpeed; //0x0050
  6325. float m_InAirUpwardLinearDamping; //0x0054
  6326. float m_InAirDownwardLinearDamping; //0x0058
  6327. unsigned char m_UseInAirControl; //0x005C
  6328. char _0x005D[0x0003];
  6330. };//Size=0x0060
  6332. class VehicleHudData : public LinearTransform
  6333. {
  6334. public:
  6335. VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset* m_VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset; //0x0040
  6336. UIHudIcon m_MinimapIcon; //0x0048
  6337. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  6338. char* m_IconName; //0x0050
  6339. char* m_CustomInteractionPromptString; //0x0058
  6340. MinimapZoomLevelEnum m_MinimapZoomLevel; //0x0060
  6341. char _0x0064[0x0004];
  6342. TextureAsset* m_Texture; //0x0068
  6343. DWORD m_VehicleItemHash; //0x0070
  6344. unsigned char m_RotateInMap; //0x0074
  6345. unsigned char m_ShowHealth; //0x0075
  6346. unsigned char m_IsHeavyStationary; //0x0076
  6347. unsigned char m_ImitateSoldierInventory; //0x0077
  6348. unsigned char m_DisableInteractionPrompt; //0x0078
  6349. char _0x0079[0x0007];
  6351. };//Size=0x0080
  6353. class VehicleLockableInfoData
  6354. {
  6355. public:
  6356. float m_HeatSignature; //0x0000
  6357. float m_RadarSignature; //0x0004
  6358. float m_LowAltitudeHeight; //0x0008
  6359. float m_LowAltitudeHeatSignature; //0x000C
  6361. };//Size=0x0010
  6363. class AngleOfImpactData
  6364. {
  6365. public:
  6366. float m_Zone12Delimiter; //0x0000
  6367. float m_Zone23Delimiter; //0x0004
  6368. float m_Zone1Multiplier; //0x0008
  6369. float m_Zone2Multiplier; //0x000C
  6370. float m_Zone3Multiplier; //0x0010
  6371. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0014
  6372. char _0x0015[0x0003];
  6374. };//Size=0x0018
  6376. class ClientCharacterEntity : public ClientControllableEntity
  6377. {
  6378. public:
  6379. char _0x0200[0x0100];
  6381. };//Size=0x0300
  6383. class PhysicsActionData : public EntityData
  6384. {
  6385. public:
  6386. };//Size=0x0018
  6388. class SpawnReferenceObjectData : public SpatialReferenceObjectData
  6389. {
  6390. public:
  6391. LinearTransform m_ControllableTransform; //0x00A0
  6392. LinearTransform m_ControllableInput; //0x00E0
  6393. Array<ExtraSpawnData*>* m_ExtraSpawnData; //0x0120
  6394. char* m_LocationNameSid; //0x0128
  6395. char* m_LocationTextSid; //0x0130
  6396. TeamId m_Team; //0x0138
  6397. float m_InitialSpawnDelay; //0x013C
  6398. float m_SpawnDelay; //0x0140
  6399. __int32 m_MaxCount; //0x0144
  6400. __int32 m_MaxCountSimultaneously; //0x0148
  6401. __int32 m_TotalCountSimultaneouslyOfType; //0x014C
  6402. __int32 m_TotalCountSimultaneouslyOfTypeTeam1; //0x0150
  6403. __int32 m_TotalCountSimultaneouslyOfTypeTeam2; //0x0154
  6404. float m_SpawnAreaRadius; //0x0158
  6405. float m_SpawnProtectionRadius; //0x015C
  6406. DWORD m_SpawnProtectionFriendlyKilledCount; //0x0160
  6407. float m_SpawnProtectionFriendlyKilledTime; //0x0164
  6408. __int32 m_TakeControlEntryIndex; //0x0168
  6409. float m_RotationYaw; //0x016C
  6410. float m_RotationPitch; //0x0170
  6411. float m_RotationRoll; //0x0174
  6412. float m_Throttle; //0x0178
  6413. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x017C
  6414. unsigned char m_LockedTeam; //0x017D
  6415. unsigned char m_InitialAutoSpawn; //0x017E
  6416. unsigned char m_AutoSpawn; //0x017F
  6417. unsigned char m_QueueSpawnEvent; //0x0180
  6418. unsigned char m_UseAsSpawnPoint; //0x0181
  6419. unsigned char m_SpawnProtectionCheckAllTeams; //0x0182
  6420. unsigned char m_ClearBangersOnSpawn; //0x0183
  6421. unsigned char m_OnlySendEventForHumanPlayers; //0x0184
  6422. unsigned char m_SendWeaponEvents; //0x0185
  6423. unsigned char m_TryToSpawnOutOfSight; //0x0186
  6424. unsigned char m_TakeControlOnTransformChange; //0x0187
  6425. unsigned char m_ReturnControlOnIdle; //0x0188
  6426. unsigned char m_IgnoreBelowTerrainTest; //0x0189
  6427. char _0x018A[0x0006];
  6429. };//Size=0x0190
  6431. class ClientBulletEntity : public ClientProjectileEntity
  6432. {
  6433. public:
  6434. virtual void Function0(); //
  6435. virtual void Function1(); //
  6436. virtual void Function2(); //
  6437. virtual void Function3(); //
  6438. virtual void Function4(); //
  6439. virtual void Function5(); //
  6440. virtual void Function6(); //
  6441. virtual void Function7(); //
  6442. virtual void Function8(); //
  6443. virtual void Function9(); //
  6444. virtual void Function10(); //
  6445. virtual void Function11(); //
  6446. virtual void Function12(); //
  6447. virtual void Function13(); //
  6448. virtual void Function14(); //
  6449. virtual void Function15(); //
  6450. virtual void Function16(); //
  6451. virtual void Function17(); //
  6452. virtual void Function18(); //
  6453. virtual void Function19(); //
  6454. virtual void Function20(); //
  6455. virtual void Function21(); //
  6456. virtual void Function22(); //
  6457. virtual void Function23(); //
  6458. virtual void Function24(); //
  6459. virtual void Function25(); //
  6460. virtual void Function26(); //
  6461. virtual void Function27(); //
  6462. virtual void Function28(); //
  6463. virtual void Function29(); //
  6464. virtual void Function30(); //
  6465. virtual void Function31(); //
  6466. virtual void Function32(); //
  6467. virtual void Function33(); //
  6468. virtual void Function34(); //
  6469. virtual void Function35(); //
  6470. virtual void Function36(); //
  6471. virtual void Function37(); //
  6472. virtual void Function38(); //
  6473. virtual void Function39(); //
  6474. virtual void Function40(); //
  6475. virtual void Function41(); //
  6476. virtual void Function42(); //
  6477. virtual void Function43(); //
  6478. virtual void Function44(); //
  6479. virtual void Function45(); //
  6480. virtual void Function46(); //
  6481. virtual void Function47(); //
  6482. virtual void Function48(); //
  6483. virtual void Function49(); //
  6484. virtual void Function50(); //
  6485. virtual void Function51(); //
  6486. virtual void Function52(); //
  6487. virtual void Function53(); //
  6488. virtual void Function54(); //
  6489. virtual void Function55(); //
  6490. virtual void Function56(); //
  6491. virtual void Function57(); //
  6492. virtual void Function58(); //
  6493. virtual void Function59(); //
  6494. virtual void Function60(); //
  6495. virtual void Function61(); //
  6496. virtual void Function62(); //
  6497. virtual void Function63(); //
  6498. virtual void Function64(); //
  6499. virtual void Function65(); //
  6500. virtual void Function66(); //
  6501. virtual void Function67(); //
  6502. virtual void Function68(); //
  6503. virtual void Function69(); //
  6504. virtual void Function70(); //
  6505. virtual void Function71(); //
  6506. virtual void Function72(); //
  6507. virtual void Function73(); //
  6508. virtual void Function74(); //
  6509. virtual void Function75(); //
  6510. virtual void Function76(); //
  6511. virtual void Function77(); //
  6512. virtual void Function78(); //
  6513. virtual void Function79(); //
  6514. virtual void Function80(); //
  6515. virtual void Function81(); //
  6516. virtual void Function82(); //
  6517. virtual void Function83(); //
  6518. virtual void Function84(); //
  6519. virtual void Function85(); //
  6520. virtual void Function86(); //
  6521. virtual void Function87(); //
  6522. virtual void Function88(); //
  6523. virtual void Function89(); //
  6524. virtual void Function90(); //
  6525. virtual void Function91(); //
  6526. virtual void Function92(); //
  6527. virtual void Function93(); //
  6528. virtual void Function94(); //
  6529. virtual void Function95(); //
  6530. virtual void Function96(); //
  6531. virtual void Function97(); //
  6532. virtual void Function98(); //
  6533. virtual void Function99(); //
  6534. virtual void Function100(); //
  6535. virtual void Function101(); //
  6536. virtual void Function102(); //
  6537. virtual void Function103(); //
  6538. virtual void Function104(); //
  6539. virtual void Function105(); //
  6540. virtual void Function106(); //
  6541. virtual void Function107(); //
  6542. virtual void Function108(); //
  6543. virtual void Function109(); //
  6544. virtual void Function110(); //
  6545. virtual void Function111(); //
  6546. virtual void Function112(); //
  6547. virtual void Function113(); //
  6548. virtual void Function114(); //
  6549. virtual void Function115(); //
  6550. virtual void Function116(); //
  6551. virtual void Function117(); //
  6552. virtual void Function118(); //
  6553. virtual void Function119(); //
  6554. virtual void Function120(); //
  6555. virtual void Function121(); //
  6556. virtual void Function122(); //
  6557. virtual void Function123(); //
  6558. virtual void Function124(); //
  6559. virtual void Function125(); //
  6560. virtual void Function126(); //
  6561. virtual void Function127(); //
  6562. virtual void Function128(); //
  6563. virtual void Function129(); //
  6564. virtual void Function130(); //
  6565. virtual void Function131(); //
  6566. virtual void Function132(); //
  6567. virtual void Function133(); //
  6568. virtual void Function134(); //
  6569. virtual void Function135(); //
  6570. virtual void Function136(); //
  6571. virtual void Function137(); //
  6572. virtual void Function138(); //
  6573. virtual void Function139(); //
  6574. virtual void Function140(); //
  6575. virtual void Function141(); //
  6576. virtual void Function142(); //
  6577. virtual void Function143(); //
  6578. virtual void Function144(); //
  6579. virtual void Function145(); //
  6580. virtual void Function146(); //
  6581. virtual void Function147(); //
  6582. virtual void Function148(); //
  6583. virtual void Function149(); //
  6584. virtual void Function150(); //
  6585. virtual void Function151(); //
  6586. virtual void Function152(); //
  6587. virtual void Function153(); //
  6588. virtual void Function154(); //
  6589. virtual void Function155(); //
  6590. virtual void Function156(); //
  6591. virtual void Function157(); //
  6592. virtual void Function158(); //
  6593. virtual void Function159(); //
  6594. virtual void Function160(); //
  6595. virtual void Function161(); //
  6596. virtual void Function162(); //
  6597. virtual void Function163(); //
  6598. virtual void Function164(); //
  6599. virtual void Function165(); //
  6600. virtual void Function166(); //
  6601. virtual void Function167(); //
  6602. virtual void Function168(); //
  6603. virtual void Function169(); //
  6604. virtual void Function170(); //
  6605. virtual void Function171(); //
  6606. virtual void Function172(); //
  6607. virtual void Function173(); //
  6608. virtual void Function174(); //
  6609. virtual void Function175(); //
  6610. virtual void Function176(); //
  6611. virtual void Function177(); //
  6612. virtual void Function178(); //
  6613. virtual void Function179(); //
  6614. virtual void Function180(); //
  6615. virtual void Function181(); //
  6616. virtual void Function182(); //
  6617. virtual void Function183(); //
  6618. virtual void Function184(); //
  6619. virtual void Function185(); //
  6620. virtual void Function186(); //
  6621. virtual void Function187(); //
  6622. virtual void Function188(); //
  6623. virtual void Function189(); //
  6624. virtual void Function190(); //
  6625. virtual void Function191(); //
  6626. virtual void Function192(); //
  6627. virtual void Function193(); //
  6628. virtual void Function194(); //
  6629. virtual void Function195(); //
  6630. virtual void Function196(); //
  6632. char _0x0148[0x0008];
  6633. BulletEntityData* m_BulletEntityData; //0x0150
  6634. char _0x0158[0x0008];
  6635. D3DXVECTOR4 m_InitialPosition; //0x0160
  6636. char _0x0170[0x0010];
  6637. D3DXVECTOR4 m_NextPredicetedPosition; //0x0180
  6638. D3DXMATRIX m_Transform; //0x0190
  6639. char _0x01D0[0x0120];
  6641. };//Size=0x02F0
  6643. class ClientSoldierCameraComponent : public ClientCharacterCameraComponent
  6644. {
  6645. public:
  6646. char _0x00C0[0x0350];
  6648. };//Size=0x0410
  6650. class FPSCamera : public TargetCamera
  6651. {
  6652. public:
  6653. char _0x0160[0x0030];
  6655. };//Size=0x0190
  6657. class FPSCameraData : public TargetCameraData
  6658. {
  6659. public:
  6660. TurnEffectData m_TurnEffectSettings; //0x0080
  6661. BlurEffectData m_BlurEffectSettings; //0x00A0
  6662. float m_FOV; //0x00B8
  6663. char _0x00BC[0x0004];
  6665. };//Size=0x00C0
  6667. class VehicleCustomizationAsset : public DataContainerPolicyAsset
  6668. {
  6669. public:
  6670. CustomizationTable* m_Customization; //0x0018
  6672. };//Size=0x0020
  6674. class VoiceOverNamedValue : public VoiceOverValue
  6675. {
  6676. public:
  6677. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  6678. DWORD m_NameHash; //0x0018
  6680. };//Size=0x0020
  6682. class ClientSpawnEntity : public SpatialEntity
  6683. {
  6684. public:
  6685. char _0x0028[0x0138];
  6687. };//Size=0x0160
  6689. class ToolData : public DataContainer
  6690. {
  6691. public:
  6692. unsigned char m_IsAlwaysActive; //0x0010
  6693. char _0x0011[0x0007];
  6695. };//Size=0x0018
  6697. class Firing
  6698. {
  6699. public:
  6700. virtual void Function0(); //
  6701. virtual void Function1(); //
  6702. virtual WeaponComponentData* GetWeaponComponentData(); //
  6703. virtual void Function3(); //
  6704. virtual void Function4(); //
  6705. virtual void Function5(); //
  6706. virtual void Function6(); //
  6707. virtual int GetAmmo(); //
  6708. virtual void Function8(); //
  6709. virtual void Function9(); //
  6710. virtual void Function10(); //
  6711. virtual void Function11(); //
  6712. virtual void Function12(); //
  6713. virtual void Function13(); //
  6714. virtual void Function14(); //
  6715. virtual void Function15(); //
  6716. virtual void Function16(); //
  6717. virtual void Function17(); //
  6718. virtual void Function18(); //
  6719. virtual void Function19(); //
  6720. virtual void Function20(); //
  6721. virtual void Function21(); //
  6722. virtual void Function22(); //
  6723. virtual void Function23(); //
  6724. virtual void Function24(); //
  6725. virtual void Function25(); //
  6726. virtual void Function26(); //
  6727. virtual void Function27(); //
  6728. virtual void Function28(); //
  6729. virtual void Function29(); //
  6730. virtual void Function30(); //
  6731. virtual void Function31(); //
  6732. virtual void Function32(); //
  6733. virtual void Function33(); //
  6734. virtual void Function34(); //
  6735. virtual void Function35(); //
  6736. virtual void Function36(); //
  6737. virtual void Function37(); //
  6738. virtual void Function38(); //
  6739. virtual void Function39(); //
  6740. virtual void Function40(); //
  6741. virtual void Function41(); //
  6742. virtual void Function42(); //
  6743. virtual void Function43(); //
  6744. virtual void Function44(); //
  6745. virtual void Function45(); //
  6746. virtual void Function46(); //
  6747. virtual void Function47(); //
  6748. virtual void Function48(); //
  6750. char _0x0008[0x0008];
  6751. WeaponFiringData* m_WeaponFiringData; //0x0010
  6752. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  6753. WeaponComponentData* m_WeaponComponentData; //0x0020
  6754. char _0x0028[0x0090];
  6755. __int32 m_Ammo; //0x00B8
  6756. __int32 m_ExtraAmmo; //0x00BC
  6757. char _0x00C0[0x0004];
  6758. unsigned char m_HasStoppedFiring; //0x00C4
  6759. unsigned char m_PrimaryFireTriggeredLastFrame; //0x00C5
  6760. unsigned char m_IsOverheated; //0x00C6
  6761. char _0x00C7[0x000D];
  6762. __int32 m_TicksUsingWeapon; //0x00D4
  6763. char _0x00D8[0x0088];
  6765. };//Size=0x0160
  6767. class FiringPad
  6768. {
  6769. public:
  6770. virtual void Function0(); //
  6771. virtual void Function1(); //
  6772. virtual void Function2(); //
  6773. virtual void Function3(); //
  6774. virtual void Function4(); //
  6775. virtual void Function5(); //
  6776. virtual void Function6(); //
  6777. virtual void Function7(); //
  6778. virtual void Function8(); //
  6779. virtual void Function9(); //
  6780. virtual void Function10(); //
  6781. virtual void Function11(); //
  6782. virtual void Function12(); //
  6783. virtual void Function13(); //
  6784. virtual void Function14(); //
  6785. virtual void Function15(); //
  6786. virtual void Function16(); //
  6787. virtual void Function17(); //
  6788. virtual void Function18(); //
  6789. virtual void Function19(); //
  6790. virtual void Function20(); //
  6791. virtual void Function21(); //
  6792. virtual void Function22(); //
  6793. virtual void Function23(); //
  6794. virtual void Function24(); //
  6795. virtual void Function25(); //
  6796. virtual void Function26(); //
  6797. virtual void Function27(); //
  6798. virtual void Function28(); //
  6799. virtual void Function29(); //
  6800. virtual void Function30(); //
  6801. virtual void Function31(); //
  6802. virtual void Function32(); //
  6803. virtual void Function33(); //
  6804. virtual void Function34(); //
  6805. virtual void Function35(); //
  6806. virtual void Function36(); //
  6807. virtual void Function37(); //
  6808. virtual void Function38(); //
  6809. virtual void Function39(); //
  6810. virtual void Function40(); //
  6811. virtual void Function41(); //
  6812. virtual void Function42(); //
  6813. virtual void Function43(); //
  6814. virtual void Function44(); //
  6815. virtual void Function45(); //
  6816. virtual void Function46(); //
  6817. virtual void Function47(); //
  6818. virtual void Function48(); //
  6819. virtual void Function49(); //
  6820. virtual void Function50(); //
  6821. virtual void Function51(); //
  6823. char _0x0008[0x0118];
  6825. };//Size=0x0120
  6827. class RumbleFiringData
  6828. {
  6829. public:
  6830. float m_LowRumble; //0x0000
  6831. float m_HighRumble; //0x0004
  6832. float m_RumbleDuration; //0x0008
  6834. };//Size=0x000C
  6836. class VisualEnvironmentComponentData : public GameComponentData
  6837. {
  6838. public:
  6839. Array<CString*>* m_PropertyOverrides; //0x0070
  6840. Array<Uint32*>* m_PropertyOverrideMasks; //0x0078
  6842. };//Size=0x0080
  6844. class WeaponModifierDynamicBase : public WeaponModifierBase
  6845. {
  6846. public:
  6847. };//Size=0x0018
  6849. class WeaponAnimationSettingsData
  6850. {
  6851. public:
  6852. float m_KickbackFactor; //0x0000
  6853. float m_KickbackSpeedFactor; //0x0004
  6854. float m_WeaponOffsetX; //0x0008
  6855. float m_WeaponOffsetY; //0x000C
  6856. float m_WeaponOffsetZ; //0x0010
  6857. float m_WeaponYaw; //0x0014
  6858. float m_WeaponPitch; //0x0018
  6859. float m_ZoomOutSpeed; //0x001C
  6860. float m_ZoomInSpeed; //0x0020
  6861. float m_ShakeAmount; //0x0024
  6862. float m_CenterofShaking; //0x0028
  6863. float m_ZoomGunswayPositionX; //0x002C
  6864. float m_ZoomGunswayPositionY; //0x0030
  6866. };//Size=0x0034
  6868. class CreepingAirBarrage : public DataContainer
  6869. {
  6870. public:
  6871. float m_StartDistance; //0x0010
  6872. float m_TimeToInterceptionPoint; //0x0014
  6873. float m_TimeAtInterceptionPoint; //0x0018
  6874. float m_Cooldown; //0x001C
  6875. float m_AheadOfPlayerMultiplier; //0x0020
  6876. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  6878. };//Size=0x0028
  6880. class CriteriaGateList : public Asset
  6881. {
  6882. public:
  6883. Array<Float32*>* m_CriteriaGates; //0x0018
  6885. };//Size=0x0020
  6887. class CrosshairTypeAsset : public Asset
  6888. {
  6889. public:
  6890. };//Size=0x0018
  6892. class Curve2D : public DataContainer
  6893. {
  6894. public:
  6895. Array<Vec2*>* m_Curve; //0x0010
  6897. };//Size=0x0018
  6899. class CustomizationTable : public DataContainer
  6900. {
  6901. public:
  6902. Array<CustomizationUnlockParts*>* m_UnlockParts; //0x0010
  6904. };//Size=0x0018
  6906. class DX11Screen
  6907. {
  6908. public:
  6909. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  6910. void* m_windowHandle ; //0x0008
  6911. char _0x0010[0x004C];
  6912. unsigned char m_isTopWindow; //0x005C
  6913. unsigned char m_isMinimized; //0x005D
  6914. unsigned char m_isMaximized; //0x005E
  6915. unsigned char m_isResizing; //0x005F
  6916. char _0x0060[0x0008];
  6917. ScreenInfo m_screenInfo; //0x0068
  6919. };//Size=0x007C
  6921. class DamageModifier : public DataContainer
  6922. {
  6923. public:
  6924. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_Damage; //0x0010
  6926. };//Size=0x0020
  6928. class DamageModifierExtended : public DataContainer
  6929. {
  6930. public:
  6931. PiecewiseLinearCurve m_Damage; //0x0010
  6933. };//Size=0x0020
  6935. class DestructionMaskVolumeEntityData : public SpatialEntityData
  6936. {
  6937. public:
  6938. Vec4 m_DustAccumulationCurve; //0x0060
  6939. Vec4 m_ShaderUserMasks; //0x0070
  6940. float m_Radius; //0x0080
  6941. float m_DustAccumulationLifeTime; //0x0084
  6942. SurfaceShaderInstanceDataStruct m_Shader; //0x0088
  6944. };//Size=0x00B0
  6946. class DiceShooterVehicleEntryComponentData : public VehicleEntryComponentData
  6947. {
  6948. public:
  6949. LinearTransform m_AimFollowTransform; //0x0150
  6950. D3DXVECTOR3 m_VictimOffsetOverride; //0x0190
  6951. char _0x019C[0x0004];
  6952. Array<StanceSwitchMapData*> m_DirectStanceSwitches; //0x01A0
  6953. StanceToggleSwitchMapData m_ToggleStanceSwitch; //0x01A8
  6954. float m_MouseZoomSensitivity; //0x01B8
  6955. float m_JoystickZoomSensitivity; //0x01BC
  6956. unsigned char m_ShowSoldierWhenShielded; //0x01C0
  6957. unsigned char m_ResetAimOnEnter; //0x01C1
  6958. unsigned char m_ResetAimInVehicleDirection; //0x01C2
  6959. unsigned char m_UpdateAnimatableTransform; //0x01C3
  6960. unsigned char m_SetEntryTransformToAnimatable; //0x01C4
  6961. unsigned char m_ToggleZoom; //0x01C5
  6962. unsigned char m_StartDeathExperienceAtCameraPosition; //0x01C6
  6963. char _0x01C7[0x0009];
  6965. };//Size=0x01D0
  6967. class DiceUIInputManagerSettings : public SystemSettings
  6968. {
  6969. public:
  6970. float m_ScrollWheelDeadZone; //0x0020
  6971. float m_DoubleClickTime; //0x0024
  6972. unsigned char m_AutomaticTypingMode; //0x0028
  6973. unsigned char m_TreatTouchAsMouse; //0x0029
  6974. char _0x002A[0x0006];
  6976. };//Size=0x0030
  6978. class DifficultyDatas : public Asset
  6979. {
  6980. public:
  6981. Array<DifficultyData*>* m_Difficulties; //0x0018
  6983. };//Size=0x0020
  6985. class DistanceToAwareCurveOverride : public DataContainer
  6986. {
  6987. public:
  6988. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_DistanceToAwareTimeCurveCentral; //0x0010
  6989. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_DistanceToAwareTimeCurvePeripheral; //0x0020
  6991. };//Size=0x0030
  6993. class DriverSettings : public Asset
  6994. {
  6995. public:
  6996. char _0x0018[0x0028];
  6997. RegulatedSteering* m_RegulatedSteering; //0x0040
  6998. char _0x0048[0x00A0];
  7000. };//Size=0x00E8
  7002. class DummyClass
  7003. {
  7004. public:
  7005. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  7007. };//Size=0x0040
  7009. class Dx11DisplaySettings : public DxDisplaySettings
  7010. {
  7011. public:
  7012. DWORD m_StagingBufferPoolItemSizeMin; //0x00F0
  7013. DWORD m_StagingBufferPoolItemSizeMax; //0x00F4
  7014. DWORD m_StagingBufferPoolHeapMemBlockSize; //0x00F8
  7015. float m_StagingBufferPoolItemMaxAge; //0x00FC
  7016. char* m_StagingBufferPoolPreheatString; //0x0100
  7017. unsigned char m_RefDriverEnable; //0x0108
  7018. unsigned char m_DriverInternalThreadingEnable; //0x0109
  7019. unsigned char m_GetDeviceRemovedReasonEnable; //0x010A
  7020. unsigned char m_DrawMemoryGraph; //0x010B
  7021. unsigned char m_MemoryPoolsEnable; //0x010C
  7022. unsigned char m_NvPerfHudEnable; //0x010D
  7023. unsigned char m_AnnotationInterfaceEnable; //0x010E
  7024. unsigned char m_AmdQuadsEnable; //0x010F
  7025. unsigned char m_AmdGenerateMipsWorkaroundEnable; //0x0110
  7026. unsigned char m_DepthBoundsExtensionEnable; //0x0111
  7027. unsigned char m_AmdCrossfireControlDefaultSync; //0x0112
  7028. unsigned char m_AmdCrossfireControlUseBroadcast; //0x0113
  7029. unsigned char m_Dx11Dot1Enable; //0x0114
  7030. unsigned char m_Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable; //0x0115
  7031. unsigned char m_EndFrameJobEnable; //0x0116
  7032. unsigned char m_DepthStencilExtensionEnable; //0x0117
  7033. unsigned char m_ForceRenderTargetInEsramTest; //0x0118
  7034. unsigned char m_RenderdocCaptureEnable; //0x0119
  7035. unsigned char m_ReZEnable; //0x011A
  7036. unsigned char m_UseStagingResourcePool; //0x011B
  7037. unsigned char m_ReleaseCmdJobsEnable; //0x011C
  7038. unsigned char m_GpuProfilerEnable; //0x011D
  7039. char _0x011E[0x0002];
  7041. };//Size=0x0120
  7043. class Dx11Renderer
  7044. {
  7045. public:
  7046. char _0x0000[0x07E0];
  7047. __int32 m_frameCounter; //0x07E0
  7048. __int32 m_framesInProgress; //0x07E4
  7049. __int32 m_framesInProgress2; //0x07E8
  7050. unsigned char m_isActive; //0x07EC
  7051. char _0x07ED[0x0003];
  7052. DX11Screen* m_pScreen; //0x07F0
  7054. static Dx11Renderer* GetInstance()
  7055. {
  7056. return *(Dx11Renderer**)(OFFSET_DXRENDERER);
  7057. }
  7058. };//Size=0x07F8
  7060. class DynamicDataContainer : public DataContainer
  7061. {
  7062. public:
  7063. Array<DataField*>* m_Fields; //0x0010
  7065. };//Size=0x0018
  7067. class EffectBlueprint : public ObjectBlueprint
  7068. {
  7069. public:
  7070. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  7072. };//Size=0x0050
  7074. class EnlightenShaderDatabaseAsset : public Asset
  7075. {
  7076. public:
  7077. DWORD m_NumShaders; //0x0018
  7078. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  7079. ResourceRef m_DatabaseResource; //0x0020
  7081. };//Size=0x0028
  7083. class EntityVoiceOverInfo : public DataContainer
  7084. {
  7085. public:
  7086. VoiceOverObject* m_VoiceOverType; //0x0010
  7087. Array<VoiceOverLabel*>* m_Labels; //0x0018
  7089. };//Size=0x0020
  7091. class Entry
  7092. {
  7093. public:
  7094. char _0x0000[0x09F8];
  7095. char _0x0A00[0x0028];
  7096. __int32 N0011BD1F; //0x0A28
  7097. __int32 N0011C50D; //0x0A2C
  7098. char _0x0A30[0x0004];
  7099. __int32 N0012446E; //0x0A34
  7100. __int32 N00124DA2; //0x0A38
  7101. char _0x0A3C[0x19A4];
  7103. };//Size=0x23E0
  7105. class EntryComponentSoundData : public DataContainer
  7106. {
  7107. public:
  7108. Array<StanceSwitchSoundData*>* m_StanceSounds; //0x0010
  7109. SoundAsset* m_StanceSwitchSound; //0x0018
  7111. };//Size=0x0020
  7113. class EntryInputActionBindingsData : public DataContainer
  7114. {
  7115. public:
  7116. Array<EntryInputActionBinding*>* m_Bindings; //0x0010
  7118. };//Size=0x0018
  7120. class EntryInputActionMapsData : public Asset
  7121. {
  7122. public:
  7123. __int32 m_ActionMapSettingsScheme; //0x0018
  7124. InputActionMapSlot m_DefaultInputActionMap; //0x001C
  7125. Array<EntryInputActionMapData*>* m_InputActionMaps; //0x0020
  7126. DWORD m_Identifier; //0x0028
  7127. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  7129. };//Size=0x0030
  7131. class EnumFieldInfo : public TypeInfo
  7132. {
  7133. public:
  7134. FieldInfoCotainer* m_FieldInfos; //0x0018
  7136. };//Size=0x0020
  7138. class EnumFieldInfoData : public TypeInfoData
  7139. {
  7140. public:
  7141. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  7142. FieldInfoCotainer* m_FieldInfos; //0x0020
  7144. };//Size=0x0028
  7146. class EvasionVolume : public DataContainer
  7147. {
  7148. public:
  7149. float m_VolumeWidth; //0x0010
  7150. float m_VolumeHeight; //0x0014
  7151. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  7152. D3DXVECTOR3 m_OffsetFromCenter; //0x0020
  7153. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  7154. float m_VolumeDepth; //0x0030
  7155. char _0x0034[0x000C];
  7157. };//Size=0x0040
  7159. class ExplosionEntityData : public SpatialEntityData
  7160. {
  7161. public:
  7162. EffectBlueprint* m_DetonationEffect; //0x0060
  7163. EffectBlueprint* m_DetonationEffectForFriendlies; //0x0068
  7164. MaskVolumeEntityData* m_MaskVolume; //0x0070
  7165. DestructionMaskVolumeEntityData* m_DestructionMaskVolume; //0x0078
  7166. MaterialDecl m_MaterialPair; //0x0080
  7167. MaterialDecl m_SecondaryMaterialPair; //0x0084
  7168. ExplosionWindForceData* m_ShockwaveWindForce; //0x0088
  7169. float m_EmpTime; //0x0094
  7170. float m_MaxOcclusionRaycastRadius; //0x0098
  7171. float m_InnerBlastRadius; //0x009C
  7172. float m_BlastDamage; //0x00A0
  7173. float m_BlastRadius; //0x00A4
  7174. float m_BlastImpulse; //0x00A8
  7175. float m_ShockwaveDamage; //0x00AC
  7176. float m_ShockwaveRadius; //0x00B0
  7177. float m_ShockwaveImpulse; //0x00B4
  7178. float m_ShockwaveTime; //0x00B8
  7179. float m_CameraShockwaveRadius; //0x00BC
  7180. float m_SpawnDelay; //0x00C0
  7181. unsigned char m_NoFriendliesEffectOnEnabledFriendlyFire; //0x00C4
  7182. unsigned char m_UseEntityTransformForDetonationEffect; //0x00C5
  7183. unsigned char m_SecondaryMaterialsActive; //0x00C6
  7184. unsigned char m_HasStunEffect; //0x00C7
  7185. unsigned char m_AllowDamageToOwner; //0x00C8
  7186. unsigned char m_ApplyBlastDamageToVehiclesAndCharactersInstantly; //0x00C9
  7187. unsigned char m_ForceServersideAiDamage; //0x00CA
  7188. unsigned char m_DisableOcclusion; //0x00CB
  7189. unsigned char m_DisableStaticEntityOcclusion; //0x00CC
  7190. unsigned char m_DisableOcclusionOutsideBlastRadius; //0x00CD
  7191. unsigned char m_TriggerImpairedHearing; //0x00CE
  7192. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x00CF
  7194. };//Size=0x00D0
  7196. class ExplosionPackEntityData : public GhostedProjectileEntityData
  7197. {
  7198. public:
  7199. LinearTransform m_ExplosionOffsetTransform; //0x0140
  7200. D3DXVECTOR3 m_WorldIconOffset; //0x0180
  7201. char _0x018C[0x0004];
  7202. Array<ExplosionPackTrigger*>* m_ExplosionPackTriggers; //0x0190
  7203. float m_VehicleDetonationSampleInterval; //0x0198
  7204. float m_SoldierDetonationSampleInterval; //0x019C
  7205. float m_GravityScale; //0x01A0
  7206. float m_OnCollisionLinearVelocityDamping; //0x01A4
  7207. float m_TimeToLiveOnPlayerDeath; //0x01A8
  7208. float m_Health; //0x01AC
  7209. float m_SpottedTime; //0x01B0
  7210. float m_DefuseRadius; //0x01B4
  7211. char* m_IconName; //0x01B8
  7212. UIWorldIconBehavior* m_IconBehavior; //0x01C0
  7213. float m_AlignWithGroundRayLength; //0x01C8
  7214. unsigned char m_IsDestructible; //0x01CC
  7215. unsigned char m_ReceivesExplosionDamage; //0x01CD
  7216. unsigned char m_ShowInSpectatorUI; //0x01CE
  7217. unsigned char m_SpottedByEnemyAsSoldier; //0x01CF
  7218. unsigned char m_AlignWithGround; //0x01D0
  7219. char _0x01D1[0x000F];
  7221. };//Size=0x01E0
  7223. class ExplosionWindForceData : public DataContainer
  7224. {
  7225. public:
  7226. float m_Strength; //0x0010
  7227. float m_Variation; //0x0014
  7228. float m_VariationRate; //0x0018
  7229. float m_MicroVariation; //0x001C
  7230. float m_Hardness; //0x0020
  7231. float m_ForceAsInstantVelocity; //0x0024
  7232. unsigned char m_ShouldAffectVegetation; //0x0028
  7233. unsigned char m_ShouldAffectMeshScattering; //0x0029
  7234. unsigned char m_ShouldAffectEffects; //0x002A
  7235. unsigned char m_ShouldAffectCloth; //0x002B
  7236. unsigned char m_ShouldAffectPhysics; //0x002C
  7237. char _0x002D[0x0003];
  7239. };//Size=0x0030
  7241. class ExtendedConstraintsData : public DataContainer
  7242. {
  7243. public:
  7244. float m_Heading; //0x0010
  7245. float m_Width; //0x0014
  7246. float m_Falloff; //0x0018
  7247. float m_AngularConstraintMin; //0x001C
  7248. float m_AngularConstraintMax; //0x0020
  7249. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  7251. };//Size=0x0028
  7253. class FOVTransitionData : public DataContainer
  7254. {
  7255. public:
  7256. FOVTransitionType m_TransitionType; //0x0010
  7257. float m_Shape; //0x0014
  7258. float m_StartDelay; //0x0018
  7259. float m_StartJump; //0x001C
  7260. float m_EndEarly; //0x0020
  7261. unsigned char m_Invert; //0x0024
  7262. char _0x0025[0x0003];
  7264. };//Size=0x0028
  7266. class FPSAimer
  7267. {
  7268. public:
  7269. SoldierAimAssistData* m_SoldierAimAssistData; //0x0000
  7270. char _0x0008[0x0018];
  7271. DWORD m_Zoomed; //0x0020
  7272. float m_Yaw; //0x0024
  7273. float m_Pitch; //0x0028
  7274. char _0x002C[0x0014];
  7275. float m_YawAcceleration; //0x0040
  7276. float m_PitchAcceleration; //0x0044
  7277. char _0x0048[0x005C];
  7278. float m_YawMultiplyer; //0x00A4
  7279. float m_PitchMultiplyer; //0x00A8
  7280. char _0x00AC[0x0080];
  7282. };//Size=0x012C
  7284. class FaceAnimationWaveMappings : public DataContainer
  7285. {
  7286. public:
  7287. AntRef m_AntAsset; //0x0010
  7288. AntRef m_OnStartedTalking; //0x0024
  7289. Array<FaceAnimationWaveMapping*>* m_Mappings; //0x0038
  7291. };//Size=0x0040
  7293. class FairFightServerSettings : public SystemSettings
  7294. {
  7295. public:
  7296. void** m_CombatScoreBuckets; //0x0020
  7297. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0028
  7298. char _0x0029[0x0007];
  7300. };//Size=0x0030
  7302. class FakeHingeData : public FakePhysicsData
  7303. {
  7304. public:
  7305. float m_MinAngle; //0x0038
  7306. float m_MaxAngle; //0x003C
  7307. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Pivot; //0x0040
  7308. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  7309. D3DXVECTOR3 m_RotationAxis; //0x0050
  7310. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  7311. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ExtensionAxis; //0x0060
  7312. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  7313. float m_AngularDampening; //0x0070
  7314. float m_PullbackAcceleration; //0x0074
  7315. float m_ProgressiveExponent; //0x0078
  7316. float m_InertiaModifier; //0x007C
  7318. };//Size=0x0080
  7320. class FieldInfo
  7321. {
  7322. public:
  7323. virtual TypeInfo* GetDeclaringType(); //
  7324. virtual unsigned int GetFieldIndex(); //
  7326. FieldInfoData* m_Data; //0x0008
  7327. TypeInfo* m_DeclaringType; //0x0010
  7328. __int32 m_FieldIndex; //0x0018
  7329. __int32 m_AttributeMask; //0x001C
  7331. FieldInfoData* GetFieldData() { return (FieldInfoData*)m_Data; }
  7332. };//Size=0x0020
  7334. class FieldInfoCotainer
  7335. {
  7336. public:
  7337. FieldInfo* m_Array[0x0040]; //0x0000
  7339. };//Size=0x0200
  7341. class FieldInfoData : public MemberInfoData
  7342. {
  7343. public:
  7344. __int32 m_FieldOffset; //0x000A
  7345. char _0x000E[0x0002];
  7346. TypeInfo* m_FieldTypeInfo; //0x0010
  7348. };//Size=0x0018
  7350. class FieldInfoDataContainer
  7351. {
  7352. public:
  7353. FieldInfoData m_Array[0x003E]; //0x0000
  7355. };//Size=0x05D0
  7357. class FiringCallback
  7358. {
  7359. public:
  7360. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  7361. IClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* Component; //0x0008
  7362. WeaponInfo* N0040E2C0; //0x0010
  7364. };//Size=0x0018
  7366. class FiringFunctionData : public GameDataContainer
  7367. {
  7368. public:
  7369. WeaponDispersion m_WeaponDispersion; //0x0010
  7370. char _0x0054[0x0004];
  7371. Array<FireEffectData*>* m_PreFireEffects1p; //0x0058
  7372. ShotConfigData m_Shot; //0x0060
  7373. OverHeatData m_OverHeat; //0x0100
  7374. Array<FireEffectData*>* m_PreFireEffects3p; //0x0170
  7375. Array<FireEffectData*>* m_FireEffects1p; //0x0178
  7376. Array<FireEffectData*>* m_FireEffects3p; //0x0180
  7377. SoundAsset* m_Sound; //0x0188
  7378. SoundAsset* m_SoundRemotePlayer; //0x0190
  7379. FireLogicData m_FireLogic; //0x0198
  7380. AmmoConfigData m_Ammo; //0x0258
  7381. float m_SelfHealTimeWhenDeployed; //0x0290
  7382. unsigned char m_UsePrimaryAmmo; //0x0294
  7383. unsigned char m_UnlimitedAmmoForAI; //0x0295
  7384. unsigned char m_IsPassiveWeapon; //0x0296
  7385. char _0x0297[0x0009];
  7387. };//Size=0x02A0
  7389. class FiringIntervalPattern : public DataContainer
  7390. {
  7391. public:
  7392. Array<Interval*>* m_Interval; //0x0010
  7394. };//Size=0x0018
  7396. class FlashlightModifier : public DataContainer
  7397. {
  7398. public:
  7399. float m_FlashlightConeRange; //0x0010
  7400. float m_FlashlightConeAngle; //0x0014
  7402. };//Size=0x0018
  7404. class FloatCurve : public DataContainer
  7405. {
  7406. public:
  7407. Array<FloatCurvePoint*>* m_Points; //0x0010
  7408. FloatCurveType m_CurveType; //0x0018
  7409. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  7411. };//Size=0x0020
  7413. class FloatPhysicsData : public DataContainer
  7414. {
  7415. public:
  7416. float m_Density; //0x0010
  7417. float m_FilledDensity; //0x0014
  7419. };//Size=0x0018
  7421. class GAMESETTINGS
  7422. {
  7423. public:
  7424. GameSettings* m_GameSettings; //0x0000
  7425. char _0x0008[0x0028];
  7426. UISettings* m_UISettings; //0x0030
  7427. WindowSettings* m_WindowSettings; //0x0038
  7428. Dx11DisplaySettings* m_Dx11DisplaySettings; //0x0040
  7429. char _0x0048[0x03F8];
  7431. };//Size=0x0440
  7433. class GameAIEntryData : public Asset
  7434. {
  7435. public:
  7436. GameAIEntryData* m_Ai2Data; //0x0018
  7438. };//Size=0x0020
  7440. class GameAISystem : public Asset
  7441. {
  7442. public:
  7443. };//Size=0x0018
  7445. class GameAnimationSettings : public SystemSettings
  7446. {
  7447. public:
  7448. void** m_AntOnClientOnlyGamemodes; //0x0020
  7449. float m_TemporalLoddingFirstDeltaTime; //0x0028
  7450. float m_TemporalLoddingSecondDeltaTime; //0x002C
  7451. float m_TemporalLoddingThirdDeltaTime; //0x0030
  7452. float m_TemporalLoddingFourthDeltaTime; //0x0034
  7453. float m_TemporalLoddingFifthDeltaTime; //0x0038
  7454. float m_TemporalLoddingSixthDeltaTime; //0x003C
  7455. float m_TemporalLoddingFirstDistance; //0x0040
  7456. float m_TemporalLoddingSecondDistance; //0x0044
  7457. float m_TemporalLoddingThirdDistance; //0x0048
  7458. float m_TemporalLoddingFourthDistance; //0x004C
  7459. float m_TemporalLoddingFifthDistance; //0x0050
  7460. float m_TemporalLoddingSixthDistance; //0x0054
  7461. float m_TemporalLoddingFarDistance; //0x0058
  7462. unsigned char m_ServerEnable; //0x005C
  7463. unsigned char m_ClientEnable; //0x005D
  7464. unsigned char m_UseRawGamepadInput; //0x005E
  7465. char _0x005F[0x0001];
  7467. };//Size=0x0060
  7469. class GameInteractionEntityData : public InteractionEntityData
  7470. {
  7471. public:
  7472. float m_DelayBetweenUses; //0x00A0
  7473. TeamId m_TeamId; //0x00A4
  7474. TeamId m_SpectatorTeamId; //0x00A8
  7475. __int32 m_InputAction; //0x00AC
  7476. float m_HoldToInteractTime; //0x00B0
  7477. InteractionEntityType m_InteractionEntityType; //0x00B4
  7478. char* m_InteractionSid; //0x00B8
  7479. BlinkType m_Blink; //0x00C0
  7480. char _0x00C4[0x0004];
  7481. char* m_InteractingSid; //0x00C8
  7482. char* m_NameSid; //0x00D0
  7483. float m_InteractionVerticalOffset; //0x00D8
  7484. char _0x00DC[0x0004];
  7485. char* m_FriendlyTextSid; //0x00E0
  7486. char* m_EnemyTextSid; //0x00E8
  7487. float m_CapturepointVerticalOffset; //0x00F0
  7488. float m_ArtilleryIconBlinkRate; //0x00F4
  7489. char* m_IconName; //0x00F8
  7490. UIWorldIconBehavior* m_IconBehavior; //0x0100
  7491. float m_TacticalRadius; //0x0108
  7492. unsigned char m_ShrinkSnap; //0x010C
  7493. unsigned char m_ShowAsCapturePoint; //0x010D
  7494. unsigned char m_FriendlyInteractionEnabled; //0x010E
  7495. unsigned char m_EnemyInteractionEnabled; //0x010F
  7496. unsigned char m_IsArtilleryAvailable; //0x0110
  7497. unsigned char m_ForceSnap; //0x0111
  7498. char _0x0112[0x000E];
  7500. };//Size=0x0120
  7502. class GameLevel
  7503. {
  7504. public:
  7505. char _0x0000[0x0018];
  7506. LevelData* m_LevelData; //0x0018
  7507. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  7508. char* m_Name; //0x0028
  7509. char _0x0030[0x00D8];
  7510. PhysicsManager* m_PhysicsManager; //0x0108
  7512. };//Size=0x0110
  7514. class GameModeSettings : public SystemSettings
  7515. {
  7516. public:
  7517. void** m_Information; //0x0020
  7519. };//Size=0x0028
  7521. class GameRender
  7522. {
  7523. public:
  7524. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  7525. GameRenderSettings* m_GameRenderSettings; //0x0040
  7526. char _0x0048[0x0018];
  7527. RenderView* m_View; //0x0060
  7529. };//Size=0x0068
  7531. class GameRenderSettings : public DataContainer
  7532. {
  7533. public:
  7534. DWORD m_InactiveSkipFrameCount; //0x0010
  7535. float m_ResolutionScale; //0x0014
  7536. float m_FrameSynthesisScaleH; //0x0018
  7537. float m_FrameSynthesisScaleV; //0x001C
  7538. float m_ResolutionScaleDynamicGraphMax; //0x0020
  7539. __int32 m_MantleEnable; //0x0024
  7540. float m_NearPlane; //0x0028
  7541. float m_ViewDistance; //0x002C
  7542. float m_ForceFov; //0x0030
  7543. float m_FovMultiplier; //0x0034
  7544. float m_ForceOrthoViewSize; //0x0038
  7545. float m_EdgeModelScreenAreaScale; //0x003C
  7546. float m_EdgeModelViewDistance; //0x0040
  7547. __int32 m_EdgeModelForceLod; //0x0044
  7548. float m_EdgeModelLodScale; //0x0048
  7549. float m_StaticModelPartOcclusionMaxScreenArea; //0x004C
  7550. DWORD m_StaticModelCullJobCount; //0x0050
  7551. DWORD m_SplitScreenTestViewCount; //0x0054
  7552. DWORD m_SplitScreenTestCase; //0x0058
  7553. float m_ForceBlurAmount; //0x005C
  7554. float m_ForceWorldFadeAmount; //0x0060
  7555. ScaleResampleMode m_RenderScaleResampleMode; //0x0064
  7556. float m_StereoCrosshairMaxHitDepth; //0x0068
  7557. float m_StereoCrosshairRadius; //0x006C
  7558. float m_StereoCrosshairDampingFactor; //0x0070
  7559. DWORD m_UIBlurKernelRadius; //0x0074
  7560. float m_DisplayMappingSdrPeakLuma; //0x0078
  7561. float m_DisplayMappingHdr10PeakLuma; //0x007C
  7562. DisplayMappingShoulderType m_DisplayMappingShoulderType; //0x0080
  7563. float m_HdrLiveGradingOverlayOpacity; //0x0084
  7564. float m_DolbyVisionMetadataL1MinLuminanceOverride; //0x0088
  7565. float m_DolbyVisionMetadataL1MaxLuminanceOverride; //0x008C
  7566. float m_DolbyVisionMetadataL2MinLuminanceOverride; //0x0090
  7567. float m_DolbyVisionMetadataL2MaxLuminanceOverride; //0x0094
  7568. float m_DolbyVisionMetadataL2AvgLuminanceOverride; //0x0098
  7569. unsigned char m_Enable; //0x009C
  7570. unsigned char m_NullRendererEnable; //0x009D
  7571. unsigned char m_JobEnable; //0x009E
  7572. unsigned char m_BuildJobSyncEnable; //0x009F
  7573. unsigned char m_DrawDebugDynamicTextureArrays; //0x00A0
  7574. unsigned char m_DrawDebugInfo; //0x00A1
  7575. unsigned char m_DrawScreenInfo; //0x00A2
  7576. unsigned char m_ResolutionScaleDynamicDrawDebug; //0x00A3
  7577. unsigned char m_ClampGpuMemory; //0x00A4
  7578. unsigned char m_Fullscreen; //0x00A5
  7579. unsigned char m_ForceVSyncEnable; //0x00A6
  7580. unsigned char m_MovieVSyncEnable; //0x00A7
  7581. unsigned char m_VSyncFlashTestEnable; //0x00A8
  7582. unsigned char m_OutputBrightnessTestEnable; //0x00A9
  7583. unsigned char m_GlEnable; //0x00AA
  7584. unsigned char m_Dx11Enable; //0x00AB
  7585. unsigned char m_Dx12Enable; //0x00AC
  7586. unsigned char m_BalsaEnable; //0x00AD
  7587. unsigned char m_Gen4aEsramEnable; //0x00AE
  7588. unsigned char m_Gen4bColorRemap; //0x00AF
  7589. unsigned char m_GpuTextureCompressorEnable; //0x00B0
  7590. unsigned char m_MeshWorldEnable; //0x00B1
  7591. unsigned char m_EmittersEnable; //0x00B2
  7592. unsigned char m_EntityRenderEnable; //0x00B3
  7593. unsigned char m_DebugRendererEnable; //0x00B4
  7594. unsigned char m_DebugRenderServiceEnable; //0x00B5
  7595. unsigned char m_InitialClearEnable; //0x00B6
  7596. unsigned char m_GpuProfilerEnable; //0x00B7
  7597. unsigned char m_ForceOrthoViewEnable; //0x00B8
  7598. unsigned char m_ForceSquareOrthoView; //0x00B9
  7599. unsigned char m_DestructionVolumeDrawEnable; //0x00BA
  7600. unsigned char m_EdgeModelsEnable; //0x00BB
  7601. unsigned char m_EdgeModelCastShadowsEnable; //0x00BC
  7602. unsigned char m_EdgeModelDepthBiasEnable; //0x00BD
  7603. unsigned char m_EdgeModelShadowDepthBiasEnable; //0x00BE
  7604. unsigned char m_EdgeModelUseMainLodEnable; //0x00BF
  7605. unsigned char m_EdgeModelUseLodBox; //0x00C0
  7606. unsigned char m_EdgeModelCullEnable; //0x00C1
  7607. unsigned char m_EdgeModelFrustumCullEnable; //0x00C2
  7608. unsigned char m_EdgeModelDrawBoxes; //0x00C3
  7609. unsigned char m_EdgeModelDrawStats; //0x00C4
  7610. unsigned char m_StaticModelEnable; //0x00C5
  7611. unsigned char m_StaticModelMeshesEnable; //0x00C6
  7612. unsigned char m_StaticModelZPassEnable; //0x00C7
  7613. unsigned char m_StaticModelPartCullEnable; //0x00C8
  7614. unsigned char m_StaticModelPartFrustumCullEnable; //0x00C9
  7615. unsigned char m_StaticModelPartOcclusionCullEnable; //0x00CA
  7616. unsigned char m_StaticModelPartShadowCullEnable; //0x00CB
  7617. unsigned char m_StaticModelDrawBoxes; //0x00CC
  7618. unsigned char m_StaticModelDrawStats; //0x00CD
  7619. unsigned char m_StaticModelCullSpuJobEnable; //0x00CE
  7620. unsigned char m_StaticModelSurfaceShaderTerrainAccessEnable; //0x00CF
  7621. unsigned char m_LockView; //0x00D0
  7622. unsigned char m_ResetLockedView; //0x00D1
  7623. unsigned char m_InfiniteProjectionMatrixEnable; //0x00D2
  7624. unsigned char m_SecondaryStreamingViewEnable; //0x00D3
  7625. unsigned char m_FadeEnable; //0x00D4
  7626. unsigned char m_FadeWaitingEnable; //0x00D5
  7627. unsigned char m_FadeInverted; //0x00D6
  7628. unsigned char m_RenderPlanesEnable; //0x00D7
  7629. unsigned char m_RenderPlaneMainEnable; //0x00D8
  7630. unsigned char m_RenderPlaneOverlayEnable; //0x00D9
  7631. unsigned char m_RenderPlanesAutoDisable; //0x00DA
  7632. unsigned char m_RenderScaleResampleEnable; //0x00DB
  7633. unsigned char m_BlurEnable; //0x00DC
  7634. unsigned char m_UIBlurEnable; //0x00DD
  7635. unsigned char m_UIBlurDownsampleBoxBlur; //0x00DE
  7636. unsigned char m_HdrGradingEnable; //0x00DF
  7637. unsigned char m_DisplayMappingEnable; //0x00E0
  7638. unsigned char m_HdrOutputPreferCs; //0x00E1
  7639. unsigned char m_DrawHdrCalibrationScreen; //0x00E2
  7640. unsigned char m_DolbyVisionMetadataLuminanceOverrideEnable; //0x00E3
  7641. unsigned char m_DolbyVisionMetadataDebugOverlayEnable; //0x00E4
  7642. char _0x00E5[0x0003];
  7644. };//Size=0x00E8
  7646. class GameSettings : public SystemSettings
  7647. {
  7648. public:
  7649. DWORD m_MaxPlayerCount; //0x0020
  7650. DWORD m_MaxSpectatorCount; //0x0024
  7651. DWORD m_MinPlayerCountElimination; //0x0028
  7652. LogFileCollisionMode m_LogFileCollisionMode; //0x002C
  7653. DWORD m_LogFileRotationHistoryLength; //0x0030
  7654. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  7655. char* m_Level; //0x0038
  7656. char* m_StartPoint; //0x0040
  7657. char* m_InstallationLevel; //0x0048
  7658. char* m_InstallationStartPoint; //0x0050
  7659. char* m_InstallationDefaultLayerInclusion; //0x0058
  7660. Array<InputConfigurationAsset*>* m_InputConfiguration; //0x0060
  7661. char* m_ActiveGameModeViewDefinition; //0x0068
  7662. Array<GameModeViewDefinition*>* m_GameModeViewDefinitions; //0x0070
  7663. TeamId m_DefaultTeamId; //0x0078
  7664. DWORD m_PS3ContentRatingAge; //0x007C
  7665. DWORD m_LogHistory; //0x0080
  7666. char _0x0084[0x0004];
  7667. VersionData* m_Version; //0x0088
  7668. SubWorldInclusion* m_LayerInclusionTable; //0x0090
  7669. char* m_DefaultLayerInclusion; //0x0098
  7670. float m_TimeBeforeSpawnIsAllowed; //0x00A0
  7671. float m_LevelWarmUpTime; //0x00A4
  7672. float m_TimeToWaitForQuitTaskCompletion; //0x00A8
  7673. char _0x00AC[0x0004];
  7674. PlayerData* m_Player; //0x00B0
  7675. DifficultyDatas* m_DifficultySettings; //0x00B8
  7676. __int32 m_DifficultyIndex; //0x00C0
  7677. SKU m_CurrentSKU; //0x00C4
  7678. Array<GameSettingsComponent*>* m_GameSettingsComponents; //0x00C8
  7679. float m_HistoryMaxProjectileDistance; //0x00D0
  7680. unsigned char m_LogFileEnable; //0x00D4
  7681. unsigned char m_ResourceRefreshAlwaysAllowed; //0x00D5
  7682. unsigned char m_SpawnMaxLocalPlayersOnStartup; //0x00D6
  7683. unsigned char m_UseSpeedBasedDetailedCollision; //0x00D7
  7684. unsigned char m_UseSingleWeaponSelector; //0x00D8
  7685. unsigned char m_AutoAimEnabled; //0x00D9
  7686. unsigned char m_HasUnlimitedAmmo; //0x00DA
  7687. unsigned char m_HasUnlimitedMags; //0x00DB
  7688. unsigned char m_RotateLogs; //0x00DC
  7689. unsigned char m_AdjustVehicleCenterOfMass; //0x00DD
  7690. unsigned char m_AimAssistEnabled; //0x00DE
  7691. unsigned char m_AimAssistUsePolynomials; //0x00DF
  7692. unsigned char m_ForceFreeStreaming; //0x00E0
  7693. unsigned char m_ForceDisableFreeStreaming; //0x00E1
  7694. unsigned char m_IsGodMode; //0x00E2
  7695. unsigned char m_IsJesusMode; //0x00E3
  7696. unsigned char m_IsJesusModeAi; //0x00E4
  7697. unsigned char m_CoreParallelDispatchJobsEnabled; //0x00E5
  7698. unsigned char m_GameAdministrationEnabled; //0x00E6
  7699. unsigned char m_AllowDestructionOutsideCombatArea; //0x00E7
  7700. unsigned char m_DefaultCameraInheritsFov; //0x00E8
  7701. char _0x00E9[0x0007];
  7703. };//Size=0x00F0
  7705. class GameTweakData : public GameAIDifficultyData
  7706. {
  7707. public:
  7708. GameTweakCommon m_Common; //0x0010
  7709. GameTweakAITargeting m_AITargeting; //0x01B0
  7710. char _0x0234[0x0004];
  7711. GameTweakBucketDamage m_BucketDamageAiVsHuman; //0x0238
  7712. GameTweakBucketDamage m_BucketDamageAiVsAi; //0x0278
  7713. GameTweakSniper m_Sniper; //0x02B8
  7714. GameTweakPanicBehavior m_Panic; //0x02C8
  7715. GameTweakBlindedBehavior m_Blinded; //0x02D8
  7716. AISoundDefaults m_AISoundDefaults; //0x02E0
  7718. };//Size=0x02E8
  7720. class GameView : public TargetCameraCallback
  7721. {
  7722. public:
  7723. char _0x0008[0x0008];
  7725. };//Size=0x0010
  7727. class GearboxConfigData : public DataContainer
  7728. {
  7729. public:
  7730. char _0x0010[0x0048];
  7732. };//Size=0x0058
  7734. class GrenadeEntityData : public GhostedProjectileEntityData
  7735. {
  7736. public:
  7737. float m_Gravity; //0x0140
  7738. float m_CollisionSpeedMultiplier; //0x0144
  7739. float m_MinBounceSpeed; //0x0148
  7740. float m_CollisionDamage; //0x014C
  7741. char _0x0154[0x0004];
  7742. char* m_HudIndicatorIcon; //0x0158
  7743. MaterialDecl m_MaterialPairOverride; //0x0160
  7744. char _0x0164[0x0004];
  7745. Array<ExplosionPackTrigger*>* m_ExplosionTriggers; //0x0168
  7746. float m_VehicleDetonationSampleInterval; //0x0170
  7747. float m_SoldierDetonationSampleInterval; //0x0174
  7748. unsigned char m_ShowHudIndicator; //0x0178
  7749. unsigned char m_UseMaterialOverride; //0x0179
  7750. char _0x017A[0x0006];
  7752. };//Size=0x0180
  7754. class GunSwayData : public WeaponSwayData
  7755. {
  7756. public:
  7757. Array<GunSwayDispersionData*>* m_Dispersion; //0x0010
  7758. Array<GunSwayRecoilData*>* m_Recoil; //0x0018
  7759. Array<GunSwayStanceTransition*>* m_StanceTransitionDispersion; //0x0020
  7760. Array<GunSwayDispersionModData*>* m_SuppressionDispersionModifiers; //0x0028
  7761. Array<GunSwayRecoilModData*>* m_SuppressionRecoilModifiers; //0x0030
  7762. GunSwayStandData m_Stand; //0x0038
  7763. GunSwayCrouchProneData m_Crouch; //0x0128
  7764. GunSwayCrouchProneData m_Prone; //0x01B8
  7765. GunSwayStanceTransition m_ProneToCrouch; //0x0248
  7766. GunSwayStanceTransition m_ProneToStand; //0x0264
  7767. GunSwayStanceTransition m_CrouchToProne; //0x0280
  7768. GunSwayStanceTransition m_CrouchToStand; //0x029C
  7769. GunSwayStanceTransition m_StandToProne; //0x02B8
  7770. GunSwayStanceTransition m_StandToCrouch; //0x02D4
  7771. GunSwayStanceZoomModifierData m_SuppressionModifierUnzoomed; //0x02F0
  7772. GunSwayStanceZoomModifierData m_SuppressionModifierZoomed; //0x0358
  7773. Array<GunSwayModifierUnlock*>* m_ModifierUnlocks; //0x03C0
  7774. float m_ShootingRecoilDecreaseScale; //0x03C8
  7775. float m_FirstShotNoZoomDispersionMultiplier; //0x03CC
  7776. float m_FirstShotZoomDispersionMultiplier; //0x03D0
  7777. float m_FirstShotRecoilMultiplier; //0x03D4
  7778. float m_PowerOfDispersionRandom; //0x03D8
  7779. char _0x03DC[0x0004];
  7780. CameraRecoilData* m_CameraRecoil; //0x03E0
  7781. unsigned char m_CameraRecoilWhenZoomed; //0x03E8
  7782. char _0x03E9[0x0007];
  7784. };//Size=0x03F0
  7786. class HavokAsset : public Asset
  7787. {
  7788. public:
  7789. Array<DataContainer*>* m_ExternalAssets; //0x0018
  7790. ResourceRef m_Resource; //0x0020
  7792. };//Size=0x0028
  7794. class HearingModifier : public DataContainer
  7795. {
  7796. public:
  7797. float m_SensingShotFiredDistance; //0x0010
  7798. float m_SensingHumanDrivenVehicleDistance; //0x0014
  7799. float m_SensingExplosionDistance; //0x0018
  7800. float m_SensingGrenadeDistance; //0x001C
  7802. };//Size=0x0020
  7804. class HorseHealthComponentData : public ControllableHealthComponentData
  7805. {
  7806. public:
  7807. float m_MaxHealth; //0x0070
  7808. float m_DamageMultiplier; //0x0074
  7809. float m_FallDamageThreshold; //0x0078
  7810. char _0x007C[0x0004];
  7811. Array<ValueAtX*>* m_DamageAtVerticalVelocity; //0x0080
  7812. char _0x0088[0x0008];
  7814. };//Size=0x0090
  7816. class HorsePhysicsComponentData : public VehiclePhysicsComponentData
  7817. {
  7818. public:
  7819. MaterialDecl m_HorseMaterial; //0x00B0
  7820. char _0x00B4[0x000C];
  7822. };//Size=0x00C0
  7824. class HorsePropulsionPhysicsActionData : public PhysicsActionBaseData
  7825. {
  7826. public:
  7827. float m_InputSteering; //0x0048
  7828. float m_InputThrottle; //0x004C
  7829. float m_InputBrake; //0x0050
  7830. float m_InputBrakeInAir; //0x0054
  7831. float m_RunSpeed; //0x0058
  7832. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  7833. AudioCurve m_SurfacePitchRunSpeedMultiplier; //0x0060
  7834. AudioCurve m_AccelerationCurve; //0x0070
  7835. AudioCurve m_DeaccelerationCurve; //0x0080
  7836. float m_MinSideSpeedForAutoThrottle; //0x0090
  7837. float m_ReverseSteeringMultiplier; //0x0094
  7838. float m_ReverseSpeed; //0x0098
  7839. float m_ReverseSensorRayLength; //0x009C
  7840. float m_ReverseSensorOffsetY; //0x00A0
  7841. float m_ReverseSensorOffsetZ; //0x00A4
  7842. AudioCurve m_YawSpeed; //0x00A8
  7843. AudioCurve m_StoppingYawSpeed; //0x00B8
  7844. AudioCurve m_YawAccelerationCurve; //0x00C8
  7845. AudioCurve m_YawDeaccelerationCurve; //0x00D8
  7846. AudioCurve m_BrakeSpeed; //0x00E8
  7847. AudioCurve m_BrakeZoneAngle; //0x00F8
  7848. AudioCurve m_StoppingBrakeZoneAngle; //0x0108
  7849. float m_IdleSpeedlimit; //0x0118
  7850. float m_StoppingToIdleTimeout; //0x011C
  7851. float m_SlopeForMinSliding; //0x0120
  7852. float m_SlopeSlidingForce; //0x0124
  7853. float m_SlopeForMaxSliding; //0x0128
  7854. char _0x012C[0x0004];
  7856. };//Size=0x0130
  7858. class IClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent
  7859. {
  7860. public:
  7861. virtual void Function0(); //
  7862. virtual void Function1(); //
  7863. virtual void Function2(); //
  7864. virtual void Function3(); //
  7865. virtual void Function4(); //
  7866. virtual void Function5(); //
  7867. virtual void Function6(); //
  7868. virtual void Function7(); //
  7869. virtual void Function8(); //
  7870. virtual void Function9(); //
  7871. virtual void Function10(); //
  7872. virtual void Function11(); //
  7873. virtual void Function12(); //
  7874. virtual void Function13(); //
  7875. virtual void Function14(); //
  7876. virtual void Function15(); //
  7877. virtual void Function16(); //
  7879. char _0x0008[0x0038];
  7881. };//Size=0x0040
  7883. class IPhysicsRayCaster
  7884. {
  7885. public:
  7886. virtual bool PhysicsRayQuery(const char* identifier, D3DXVECTOR4* from, D3DXVECTOR4* to, RayCastHit* hit, int flag, void* PhysicsEntityList);; //
  7887. virtual void* asyncPhysicsRayQuery(const char* identifier, D3DXVECTOR4* from, D3DXVECTOR4* to, int flag, void* PhysicsEntityList);; //
  7889. };//Size=0x0008
  7891. class InputActionMappingsData : public DataContainer
  7892. {
  7893. public:
  7894. char _0x0010[0x0008];
  7896. };//Size=0x0018
  7898. class InputCache
  7899. {
  7900. public:
  7901. unsigned char m_DisableCache; //0x0000
  7902. char _0x0001[0x0003];
  7903. float m_ConceptCache[0x00EA]; //0x0004
  7904. DWORD m_SourceCache[0x0001]; //0x03AC
  7906. };//Size=0x03B0
  7908. class InputCamera
  7909. {
  7910. public:
  7911. char _0x0000[0x0090];
  7912. D3DXMATRIX m_VehicleTransform1; //0x0090
  7913. D3DXMATRIX m_ControllableTransform; //0x00D0
  7914. D3DXVECTOR3 m_SoldierPosition1; //0x0110
  7915. char _0x011C[0x00EC];
  7916. VeniceFPSCamera* m_VeniceFPSCamera; //0x0208
  7917. char _0x0210[0x0008];
  7918. Camera* m_Camera; //0x0218
  7919. char _0x0220[0x0008];
  7921. };//Size=0x0228
  7923. class InputConfigurationAsset : public Asset
  7924. {
  7925. public:
  7926. Array<EntryInputActionMapsData*>* m_DefaultInputConceptDefinitions; //0x0018
  7927. Array<InputConceptIdentifiers*>* m_DefaultExclusiveInputConcepts; //0x0020
  7928. EntryInputActionBindingsData* m_EntryInputActionBindings; //0x0028
  7929. Array<EditableActionMap*>* m_UserConfigurableActionMaps; //0x0030
  7930. UIInputActionDataAsset* m_UIInputActions; //0x0038
  7931. __int32 m_TogglePoseAction; //0x0040
  7932. __int32 m_CrouchAction; //0x0044
  7933. __int32 m_CrouchAndHoldAction; //0x0048
  7934. __int32 m_PickupInteractionAction; //0x004C
  7935. __int32 m_PickupInteractionActionKeyboard; //0x0050
  7936. float m_SprintReleaseTime; //0x0054
  7937. float m_ThrottleInputRequiredForSprint; //0x0058
  7938. float m_VehicleBoostIsToggleMinInput; //0x005C
  7939. float m_EnterVehicleHoldTime; //0x0060
  7940. char _0x0064[0x0004];
  7941. Array<PoseTransition*>* m_FiringDisablingTransitions; //0x0068
  7942. unsigned char m_ReverseInputConceptExclusion; //0x0070
  7943. unsigned char m_ProneToStandOnJump; //0x0071
  7944. unsigned char m_StandAutomaticallyIfSprinting; //0x0072
  7945. unsigned char m_DisableCrouch; //0x0073
  7946. unsigned char m_DisableProne; //0x0074
  7947. unsigned char m_DisableCrawlingWhileFiring; //0x0075
  7948. unsigned char m_DisableCrawlingWhileReloading; //0x0076
  7949. unsigned char m_DisableFiringWhileDeployingBipod; //0x0077
  7950. unsigned char m_DisableFiringWhileJumping; //0x0078
  7951. unsigned char m_DisableSprintingWhileReloading; //0x0079
  7952. unsigned char m_EnableSprintToCrouchTransition; //0x007A
  7953. unsigned char m_StopSprintingWhenReleasingThrottle; //0x007B
  7954. unsigned char m_StopSprintingWhenReleasingSprint; //0x007C
  7955. unsigned char m_WaitForSprintReleaseBeforeSprintAgain; //0x007D
  7956. unsigned char m_VehicleBoostIsToggle; //0x007E
  7957. unsigned char m_InputCurvesEnabled; //0x007F
  7959. };//Size=0x0080
  7961. class FiringCallbackHolder
  7962. {
  7963. public:
  7964. FiringCallback* m_Array[0x000A]; //0x0000
  7966. };//Size=0x0050
  7968. class AILevelData : public DataContainer
  7969. {
  7970. public:
  7971. };//Size=0x0010
  7973. class InterpolationManagerSettings : public DataContainer
  7974. {
  7975. public:
  7976. float m_MinSendTickDeltaVariation; //0x0010
  7977. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstKPos; //0x0014
  7978. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstKNeg; //0x0018
  7979. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstTIPos; //0x001C
  7980. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstTINeg; //0x0020
  7981. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstTDPos; //0x0024
  7982. float m_TimeNudgePIDConstTDNeg; //0x0028
  7983. float m_TimeNudgePIDPacketDeltaTimeTol; //0x002C
  7984. float m_TimeNudgePIDIncreaseDueToMissingPacket; //0x0030
  7985. float m_TimeNudgePIDMaxChangePerSec; //0x0034
  7986. float m_PIDMissingPacketTime; //0x0038
  7987. float m_PIDMissingPacketCorrTimer; //0x003C
  7988. __int32 m_AveragePacketSampleCount; //0x0040
  7989. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  7991. };//Size=0x0048
  7993. class AIWeaponData : public GameAIWeaponData
  7994. {
  7995. public:
  7996. FiringWeaponClass m_FiringWeaponClass; //0x0018
  7997. VoPrimaryFireType m_VoPrimaryFireType; //0x001C
  7998. float m_WeaponRange; //0x0020
  7999. float m_MinimumUsageDistance; //0x0024
  8000. float m_MaximumUsageDistance; //0x0028
  8001. float m_VehicleMaxTargetLOSLost; //0x002C
  8002. float m_MinEnterVehicleDistance; //0x0030
  8003. float m_ExitVehicleDisableTime; //0x0034
  8004. EvasionVolume* m_EvasionVolume; //0x0038
  8005. PreferredRange* m_PreferredRange; //0x0040
  8006. PreferredRange* m_IndoorPreferredRange; //0x0048
  8007. PreferredRange* m_OutdoorPreferredRange; //0x0050
  8008. FiringIntervalPattern* m_FiringIntervalPattern; //0x0058
  8009. SustainFiringData* m_SustainFiringData; //0x0060
  8010. BurstIntervalPattern* m_BurstIntervalPattern; //0x0068
  8011. CreepingAirBarrage* m_CreepingAirBarrage; //0x0070
  8012. SprayPattern* m_SprayPattern; //0x0078
  8013. AccuracyHitBox* m_AccuracyHitBox; //0x0080
  8014. VehicleAimerSettings* m_VehicleAimerSettings; //0x0088
  8015. VisionModifier* m_VisionModifier; //0x0090
  8016. HearingModifier* m_HearingModifier; //0x0098
  8017. TargetModifier* m_TargetModifier; //0x00A0
  8018. TargetingData* m_TargetingSettingsOverride; //0x00A8
  8019. VehicleInaccuracySettings* m_VehicleInaccuracySettings; //0x00B0
  8020. SuppressedBehavior* m_SuppressedBehavior; //0x00B8
  8021. DamageModifier* m_DamageModifier; //0x00C0
  8022. DamageModifierExtended* m_DamageModifierExtended; //0x00C8
  8023. WeaponRestrictions* m_FriendlyWeaponRestrictions; //0x00D0
  8024. WeaponRestrictions* m_EnemyWeaponRestrictions; //0x00D8
  8025. SpecialBehavior* m_SpecialBehavior; //0x00E0
  8026. WeaponHitProbability* m_HumanTargetHitProbability; //0x00E8
  8027. DistanceToAwareCurveOverride* m_DistanceToAwareCurveOverride; //0x00F0
  8028. ValidAgainst m_ValidAgainst; //0x00F8
  8029. TargetPreference m_TargetPreference; //0x00FC
  8030. float m_WeaponThreatScale; //0x0100
  8031. float m_ValidWeaponScale; //0x0104
  8032. float m_InValidWeaponScale; //0x0108
  8033. unsigned char m_UseTargetExtrapolation; //0x010C
  8034. unsigned char m_CausesEvasionOnFire; //0x010D
  8035. unsigned char m_UseShootspaceForVision; //0x010E
  8036. char _0x010F[0x0001];
  8038. };//Size=0x0110
  8040. class AccuracyHitBox : public DataContainer
  8041. {
  8042. public:
  8043. float m_AimBoxDistMin; //0x0010
  8044. float m_AimBoxDistMax; //0x0014
  8045. float m_AimBoxDistFarStart; //0x0018
  8046. float m_AimBoxDistFarEnd; //0x001C
  8047. float m_AimBoxWidthMinDistMin; //0x0020
  8048. float m_AimBoxWidthMaxDistMin; //0x0024
  8049. float m_AimBoxHeightMinDistMin; //0x0028
  8050. float m_AimBoxHeightMaxDistMin; //0x002C
  8051. float m_AimBoxWidthMinDistMax; //0x0030
  8052. float m_AimBoxWidthMaxDistMax; //0x0034
  8053. float m_AimBoxHeightMinDistMax; //0x0038
  8054. float m_AimBoxHeightMaxDistMax; //0x003C
  8055. float m_AimBoxWidthMinDistFar; //0x0040
  8056. float m_AimBoxWidthMaxDistFar; //0x0044
  8057. float m_AimBoxHeightMinDistFar; //0x0048
  8058. float m_AimBoxHeightMaxDistFar; //0x004C
  8060. };//Size=0x0050
  8062. class AeroDynamicPhysicsData : public DataContainer
  8063. {
  8064. public:
  8065. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BodyDrag; //0x0010
  8066. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8067. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BodyDragOffsetYZ; //0x0020
  8068. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  8069. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BodyDragOffsetXZ; //0x0030
  8070. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  8071. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BodyDragOffsetXY; //0x0040
  8072. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  8074. };//Size=0x0050
  8076. class AiAimInputEntityData : public AimInputEntityData
  8077. {
  8078. public:
  8079. float m_Yaw; //0x0018
  8080. float m_Pitch; //0x001C
  8081. unsigned char m_Active; //0x0020
  8082. char _0x0021[0x0007];
  8084. };//Size=0x0028
  8086. class JobAffinitySettings : public SystemSettings
  8087. {
  8088. public:
  8089. JobAffinitySet m_ClientIdle; //0x0020
  8090. JobAffinitySet m_ClientUpdateRenderer; //0x003E
  8091. JobAffinitySet m_ClientUpdateGame; //0x005C
  8092. JobAffinitySet m_ClientSimAsync; //0x007A
  8093. JobAffinitySet m_ClientAntAsync; //0x0098
  8094. JobAffinitySet* m_ClientPhysicsAsync; //0x00B6
  8095. char _0x00BE[0x001A];
  8097. };//Size=0x00D8
  8099. class KeyboardImpl : public IKeyboard
  8100. {
  8101. public:
  8102. };//Size=0x0008
  8104. class KeyboardInputActionData : public InputActionData
  8105. {
  8106. public:
  8107. InputDeviceKeys m_Key; //0x0018
  8108. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8110. };//Size=0x0020
  8112. class AimEntityData : public EntityData
  8113. {
  8114. public:
  8115. SoldierAimingSimulationData* m_DefaultAimingController; //0x0018
  8116. LinearTransform m_AimOverrideTransform; //0x0020
  8117. D3DXVECTOR3 m_FollowOffset; //0x0060
  8118. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  8119. __int32 m_YawInput; //0x0070
  8120. __int32 m_PitchInput; //0x0074
  8121. __int32 m_ThrottleInput; //0x0078
  8122. __int32 m_StrafeInput; //0x007C
  8123. float m_TimeToDelayAfterCollision; //0x0080
  8124. float m_CollisionBlendOut; //0x0084
  8125. float m_SuppressionValue; //0x0088
  8126. unsigned char m_Excluded; //0x008C
  8127. unsigned char m_AllowBlendOut; //0x008D
  8128. unsigned char m_OverrideAim; //0x008E
  8129. unsigned char m_AimAtLastHitPosition; //0x008F
  8131. };//Size=0x0090
  8133. class LandingGearLogicData : public DataContainer
  8134. {
  8135. public:
  8136. LandingGearConditionData m_RetractCondition; //0x0010
  8137. LandingGearConditionData m_DeployCondition; //0x001C
  8139. };//Size=0x0028
  8141. class LevelData : public WorldData
  8142. {
  8143. public:
  8144. PathfindingBlobAsset* m_PathfindingBlobs; //0x0088
  8145. GameAISystem* m_AISystem; //0x0090
  8146. GameAISystem* m_AI2System; //0x0098
  8147. AILevelData* m_AILevelData; //0x00A0
  8148. float m_WorldSizeXZ; //0x00A8
  8149. char _0x00AC[0x0004];
  8150. LevelDescription m_LevelDescription; //0x00B0
  8151. char* m_GameConfigurationName; //0x00D0
  8152. float m_DefaultFOV; //0x00D8
  8153. float m_InfantryFOVMultiplier; //0x00DC
  8154. StreamPoolPreset* m_StreamPoolPreset; //0x00E0
  8155. VoiceOverSystemAsset* m_VoiceOverSystem; //0x00E8
  8156. Array<VoiceOverLogicAsset*>* m_VoiceOverLogic; //0x00F0
  8157. float m_MaxVehicleHeight; //0x00F8
  8158. char _0x00FC[0x0004];
  8159. EnlightenShaderDatabaseAsset* m_EnlightenShaderDatabase; //0x0100
  8160. AntProjectAsset* m_AntProjectAsset; //0x0108
  8161. char* m_AerialHeightmapData; //0x0110
  8162. Array<CameraModeAsset*>* m_CameraModes; //0x0118
  8163. Array<CameraTransition*>* m_CameraTransitions; //0x0120
  8164. LevelPreloadInfo m_PreloadInfo; //0x0128
  8165. FaceAnimationWaveMappings* m_FaceAnimationWaveMappings; //0x0138
  8166. Array<CString*>* m_AutoLoadBundles; //0x0140
  8167. UnlockIdTable m_UnlockIdTable; //0x0148
  8168. __int32 m_WaitForInstallationGroupHash; //0x0150
  8169. unsigned char m_HugeBroadPhase; //0x0154
  8170. unsigned char m_FreeStreamingEnable; //0x0155
  8171. unsigned char m_NewShaderDatabase; //0x0156
  8172. unsigned char m_OldShaderDatabase; //0x0157
  8174. };//Size=0x0158
  8176. class AimRotationBoneComponentData : public GameComponentData
  8177. {
  8178. public:
  8179. GameplayBones m_FollowBone; //0x0070
  8180. unsigned char m_RequireUpdateVisualTransforms; //0x0074
  8181. unsigned char m_IsAimRotationBoneRoot; //0x0075
  8182. unsigned char m_ApplyYaw; //0x0076
  8183. unsigned char m_ApplyPitch; //0x0077
  8184. unsigned char m_Active; //0x0078
  8185. char _0x0079[0x0007];
  8187. };//Size=0x0080
  8189. class AimTransformBuilderEntityData : public EntityData
  8190. {
  8191. public:
  8192. Realm m_Realm; //0x0018
  8193. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8194. LinearTransform m_BaseOffset; //0x0020
  8195. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Offset; //0x0060
  8196. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  8197. LinearTransform m_AimFollowTransform; //0x0070
  8198. float m_Yaw; //0x00B0
  8199. float m_Pitch; //0x00B4
  8200. unsigned char m_UseOwnerAsFollowTransform; //0x00B8
  8201. unsigned char m_RunInPostAnimation; //0x00B9
  8202. char _0x00BA[0x0006];
  8204. };//Size=0x00C0
  8206. class AimingConstraintEntityData : public EntityData
  8207. {
  8208. public:
  8209. __int32 m_ConstraintPriority; //0x0018
  8210. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8211. LinearTransform m_ConstraintFollowTransform; //0x0020
  8212. AimingConstraintsData m_AimingConstraints; //0x0060
  8213. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x0070
  8214. unsigned char m_EnableRelativeFollowTransformYaw; //0x0071
  8215. unsigned char m_EnableRelativeFollowTransformPitch; //0x0072
  8216. char _0x0073[0x000D];
  8218. };//Size=0x0080
  8220. class LocalizationAsset : public Asset
  8221. {
  8222. public:
  8223. Array<UITextDatabase*>* m_LocalizedTexts; //0x0018
  8225. };//Size=0x0020
  8227. class AimingSimulationEntityData : public EntityData
  8228. {
  8229. public:
  8230. Array<SoldierAimingSimulationData*>* m_AimingControllers; //0x0018
  8231. __int32 m_CurrentIndex; //0x0020
  8232. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  8234. };//Size=0x0028
  8236. class LockingControllerData : public DataContainer
  8237. {
  8238. public:
  8239. Array<ZoomLevelLockData*>* m_ZoomLevelLock; //0x0010
  8240. float m_LockTime; //0x0018
  8241. float m_UnLockTime; //0x001C
  8242. float m_ReleaseTime; //0x0020
  8243. float m_ReleaseOnNewTargetTime; //0x0024
  8244. float m_SampleRate; //0x0028
  8245. float m_HoldStillThreshold; //0x002C
  8246. float m_CheckVisibilityLength; //0x0030
  8247. float m_RayLength; //0x0034
  8248. float m_AcceptanceAngle; //0x0038
  8249. float m_AngleConstant; //0x003C
  8250. float m_DistanceConstant; //0x0040
  8251. float m_Sensitivity; //0x0044
  8252. float m_MinimumLockTime; //0x0048
  8253. LockingAndHomingData m_LockingWeaponData; //0x004C
  8254. unsigned char m_LockOnVisibleTargetsOnly; //0x0058
  8255. unsigned char m_RequireAmmoToLock; //0x0059
  8256. unsigned char m_PositionOnly; //0x005A
  8257. unsigned char m_LockOnWorldSpacePos; //0x005B
  8258. unsigned char m_NormalizeConstantWeights; //0x005C
  8259. unsigned char m_CheckTargetLockStrengthOnRaycast; //0x005D
  8260. unsigned char m_LockOnVehicles; //0x005E
  8261. unsigned char m_LockOnEmptyVehicles; //0x005F
  8262. unsigned char m_LockOnCharacters; //0x0060
  8263. unsigned char m_LockOnCharactersInOpenEntries; //0x0061
  8264. unsigned char m_IgnoreHeigthLockDistance; //0x0062
  8265. unsigned char m_LockInCombatAreaOnly; //0x0063
  8266. char _0x0064[0x0004];
  8268. };//Size=0x0068
  8270. class LockingTypeAsset : public Asset
  8271. {
  8272. public:
  8273. };//Size=0x0018
  8275. class AimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntityData : public EntityData
  8276. {
  8277. public:
  8278. __int32 m_EfficiencyPriority; //0x0018
  8279. AimingWorldSpaceLockEfficiencyData m_AimingWorldSpaceLockEfficiency; //0x001C
  8280. float m_OverrideYawEfficiency; //0x002C
  8281. float m_OverridePitchEfficiency; //0x0030
  8282. float m_OverrideYawEfficiencyZoom; //0x0034
  8283. float m_OverridePitchEfficiencyZoom; //0x0038
  8284. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x003C
  8285. char _0x003D[0x0003];
  8287. };//Size=0x0040
  8289. class Main
  8290. {
  8291. public:
  8292. char _0x0000[0x0020];
  8293. unsigned char m_IsDedicatedServer; //0x0020
  8294. unsigned char m_IsDedicatedServerData; //0x0021
  8295. unsigned char m_IsPaused; //0x0022
  8296. char _0x0023[0x002D];
  8297. Client* m_Client; //0x0050
  8299. };//Size=0x0058
  8301. class MaskVolumeEntityData : public RenderVolumeEntityData
  8302. {
  8303. public:
  8304. };//Size=0x00A0
  8306. class MaterialGridData : public Asset
  8307. {
  8308. public:
  8309. MaterialDecl m_DefaultMaterial; //0x0018
  8310. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8311. Array<MaterialDecl*>* m_MaterialPairs; //0x0020
  8312. Array<Uint32*>* m_MaterialIndexMap; //0x0028
  8313. DWORD m_DefaultMaterialIndex; //0x0030
  8314. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  8315. Array<MaterialRelationPropertyPair*>* m_MaterialProperties; //0x0038
  8316. Array<MaterialInteractionGridRow*>* m_InteractionGrid; //0x0040
  8318. };//Size=0x0048
  8320. class AlignmentData : public DataContainer
  8321. {
  8322. public:
  8323. __int32 m_AlignAction; //0x0010
  8324. float m_StopTolerance; //0x0014
  8325. float m_Speed; //0x0018
  8326. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8328. };//Size=0x0020
  8330. class MathEntityData : public EntityData
  8331. {
  8332. public:
  8333. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8334. MathEntityAssembly m_Assembly; //0x0020
  8335. unsigned char m_EvaluateOnEvent; //0x0030
  8336. char _0x0031[0x0007];
  8338. };//Size=0x0038
  8340. class AlternateCameraViewData : public DataContainer
  8341. {
  8342. public:
  8343. char _0x0010[0x0070];
  8345. };//Size=0x0080
  8347. class AntAnimatableData
  8348. {
  8349. public:
  8350. char _0x0000[0x0070];
  8352. };//Size=0x0070
  8354. class AntAnimatableEntityData : public EntityData
  8355. {
  8356. public:
  8357. Realm m_Realm; //0x0018
  8358. SubRealm m_SubRealm; //0x001C
  8359. AntAnimationHandlerData m_AnimationData; //0x0020
  8360. AnimationControlModeEnum m_InitialAnimationControlMode; //0x0118
  8361. JointOutputModeEnum m_JointOutputMode; //0x011C
  8362. Array<Int32*>* m_JointOutputPropertyIds; //0x0120
  8363. unsigned char m_AutoActivate; //0x0128
  8364. unsigned char m_InitialForceDisableCulling; //0x0129
  8365. unsigned char m_DisableAutoDistanceCulling; //0x012A
  8366. unsigned char m_Interpolation; //0x012B
  8367. char _0x012C[0x0004];
  8369. };//Size=0x0130
  8371. class MeshLodGroup : public Asset
  8372. {
  8373. public:
  8374. float m_Lod1Distance; //0x0018
  8375. float m_Lod2Distance; //0x001C
  8376. float m_Lod3Distance; //0x0020
  8377. float m_Lod4Distance; //0x0024
  8378. float m_Lod5Distance; //0x0028
  8379. float m_Lod6Distance; //0x002C
  8380. float m_ShadowDistance; //0x0030
  8381. float m_CullScreenArea; //0x0034
  8382. char* m_RuntimeShortName; //0x0038
  8384. };//Size=0x0040
  8386. class AntEnumeration : public DataContainer
  8387. {
  8388. public:
  8389. AntRef m_AntAsset; //0x0010
  8390. __int32 m_Value; //0x0024
  8392. };//Size=0x0028
  8394. class Minimap2DEntityData : public EntityData
  8395. {
  8396. public:
  8397. char* m_Tag; //0x0018
  8398. DWORD m_Layer; //0x0020
  8399. DWORD m_OutputSize; //0x0024
  8400. DWORD m_MaxActiveTiles; //0x0028
  8401. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  8402. Minimap2DTextureAsset* m_Minimap2DTextureAsset; //0x0030
  8403. unsigned char m_Visible; //0x0038
  8404. char _0x0039[0x0007];
  8406. };//Size=0x0040
  8408. class Minimap2DTextureAsset : public Asset
  8409. {
  8410. public:
  8411. Array<Minimap2DTile*>* m_Tiles; //0x0018
  8412. Guid m_ImageDataURLChunk; //0x0020
  8413. DWORD m_ImageDataURLChunkSize; //0x0030
  8414. __int32 m_RootTileIndex; //0x0034
  8415. DWORD m_OutputSize; //0x0038
  8416. DWORD m_TextureTileSize; //0x003C
  8417. DWORD m_LowestTileResolution; //0x0040
  8418. DWORD m_SkipMips; //0x0044
  8419. DWORD m_LowDetailSkipMips; //0x0048
  8420. unsigned char m_UseMipMappedStaticTile; //0x004C
  8421. unsigned char m_HasDetailVolumes; //0x004D
  8422. char _0x004E[0x0002];
  8424. };//Size=0x0050
  8426. class MissileEntityData : public GhostedProjectileEntityData
  8427. {
  8428. public:
  8429. EffectBlueprint* m_EngineEffect; //0x0140
  8430. ExplosionEntityData* m_DudExplosion; //0x0148
  8431. SoundAsset* m_FlyBySound; //0x0150
  8432. float m_EngineStrength; //0x0158
  8433. float m_MaxSpeed; //0x015C
  8434. float m_EngineTimeToIgnition; //0x0160
  8435. float m_EngineTimeToLive; //0x0164
  8436. float m_TimeToActivateGuidingSystem; //0x0168
  8437. float m_TimeToArm; //0x016C
  8438. float m_MaxTurnAngle; //0x0170
  8439. float m_MinTurnAngle; //0x0174
  8440. float m_TurnAngleMultiplier; //0x0178
  8441. float m_Drag; //0x017C
  8442. float m_Gravity; //0x0180
  8443. float m_FlyBySoundRadius; //0x0184
  8444. float m_FlyBySoundSpeed; //0x0188
  8445. float m_ImpactImpulse; //0x018C
  8446. float m_Damage; //0x0190
  8447. TeamId m_DefaultTeam; //0x0194
  8448. WarnTarget m_WarnTarget; //0x0198
  8449. char _0x019C[0x0004];
  8450. LockingControllerData* m_LockingController; //0x01A0
  8451. MissileLockableInfoData m_LockableInfo; //0x01A8
  8452. MissileUnguidedData m_UnguidedData; //0x01B0
  8453. NearTargetDetonationData m_NearTargetDetonation; //0x01C4
  8454. float m_MaxBankAngle; //0x01D4
  8455. float m_BankingSpeed; //0x01D8
  8456. char _0x01DC[0x0004];
  8457. char* m_Icon; //0x01E0
  8458. char* m_TargetIcon; //0x01E8
  8459. char* m_TargetIconEnemy; //0x01F0
  8460. float m_MinGhostFrequency; //0x01F8
  8461. float m_DepthUnderWater; //0x01FC
  8462. float m_MaxSpeedInWater; //0x0200
  8463. unsigned char m_ApplyGravityWhenUnguided; //0x0204
  8464. unsigned char m_WarnOnPointingMissile; //0x0205
  8465. unsigned char m_EnableBanking; //0x0206
  8466. unsigned char m_StartEffectsOnSpawn; //0x0207
  8467. unsigned char m_OnlyIgniteEngineUnderWater; //0x0208
  8468. unsigned char m_OnlyArmWhenUnderWater; //0x0209
  8469. unsigned char m_RegulateDepthUnderWater; //0x020A
  8470. char _0x020B[0x0005];
  8472. };//Size=0x0210
  8474. class AntProjectAsset : public Asset
  8475. {
  8476. public:
  8477. char* m_AntNativeProjectName; //0x0018
  8478. AntRef m_SceneOp; //0x0020
  8479. __int32 m_ProjectId; //0x0034
  8481. };//Size=0x0038
  8483. class ModuleInfo
  8484. {
  8485. public:
  8486. char* m_Name; //0x0000
  8487. ModuleInfo* m_Next; //0x0008
  8489. };//Size=0x0010
  8491. class MotionDampingData : public DataContainer
  8492. {
  8493. public:
  8494. float m_Pitch; //0x0010
  8495. float m_Yaw; //0x0014
  8496. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  8497. D3DXVECTOR3 m_LinearModifier; //0x0020
  8498. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  8499. float m_Roll; //0x0030
  8500. float m_Linear; //0x0034
  8501. char _0x0038[0x0008];
  8503. };//Size=0x0040
  8505. class MotorbikeData : public DataContainer
  8506. {
  8507. public:
  8508. float m_MaxLeaningRoll; //0x0010
  8509. float m_CounterLeanForce; //0x0014
  8510. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  8511. D3DXVECTOR3 m_DampBigJumpImpactCounterForce; //0x0020
  8512. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  8513. D3DXVECTOR3 m_WheelieForce; //0x0030
  8514. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  8515. D3DXVECTOR3 m_WheelieForceBodyOffset; //0x0040
  8516. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  8517. float m_StandStillLeanForce; //0x0050
  8518. float m_LeanForce; //0x0054
  8519. float m_JumpForwardLeanMinAngle; //0x0058
  8520. float m_JumpForwardLeanMomentum; //0x005C
  8521. float m_JumpForwardLeanMinNoContactTime; //0x0060
  8522. float m_LeanForceMaxVel; //0x0064
  8523. float m_KickstandRoll; //0x0068
  8524. float m_KickstandLinearDamping; //0x006C
  8525. float m_StandStillRoll; //0x0070
  8526. float m_DampBigJumpImpactVelocity; //0x0074
  8527. float m_DampBigJumpMaxSpringForceFraction; //0x0078
  8528. float m_DampBigJumpImpactVerticalVelocity; //0x007C
  8529. float m_YawBrakeDampingLerpStartScale; //0x0080
  8530. float m_YawBrakeDampingLerpEndScale; //0x0084
  8531. float m_StoppieActivationVelocity; //0x0088
  8532. float m_StoppieStartVelocity; //0x008C
  8533. float m_StoppieStopVelocity; //0x0090
  8534. float m_StoppieMomentum; //0x0094
  8535. float m_ShortOffgroundGravityMultiplier; //0x0098
  8536. float m_ShortOffgroundPeriod; //0x009C
  8537. float m_WheelieSwitchOffNoContactTime; //0x00A0
  8538. float m_WheelieMaxNoDownForceContactTime; //0x00A4
  8539. float m_WheelieMaxNoContactTime; //0x00A8
  8540. float m_WheelieSteeringFactor; //0x00AC
  8541. float m_WheelieInertia; //0x00B0
  8542. float m_WheelieStartVelocity; //0x00B4
  8543. float m_WheelieMaxVelocityUndamped; //0x00B8
  8544. float m_WheelieMaxVelocityDampRange; //0x00BC
  8545. float m_WheelieOutAngularMomentum; //0x00C0
  8546. float m_WheelieSpringDamping; //0x00C4
  8547. float m_WheelieSpringKScale; //0x00C8
  8548. float m_WheelieAngularDamping; //0x00CC
  8549. float m_WheelieAngularDampingSpeed; //0x00D0
  8550. float m_WheelieMaxAngle; //0x00D4
  8551. float m_WheelieMaxVelocity; //0x00D8
  8552. float m_WheelieVelocityForceScale; //0x00DC
  8553. float m_WheelieAngularStartMomentum; //0x00E0
  8554. unsigned char m_DampBigJumpImpact; //0x00E4
  8555. char _0x00E5[0x000B];
  8557. };//Size=0x00F0
  8559. class MouseImpl : public IMouse
  8560. {
  8561. public:
  8562. };//Size=0x0008
  8564. class AntiRollBar : public DataContainer
  8565. {
  8566. public:
  8567. float m_Stiffness; //0x0010
  8568. float m_TorqueActivationLimit; //0x0014
  8570. };//Size=0x0018
  8572. class N0A05926F
  8573. {
  8574. public:
  8575. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8577. };//Size=0x0040
  8579. class N0A05CDE6
  8580. {
  8581. public:
  8582. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8584. };//Size=0x0040
  8586. class N0A06EE1B
  8587. {
  8588. public:
  8589. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8591. };//Size=0x0040
  8593. class N0A09A266
  8594. {
  8595. public:
  8596. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8598. };//Size=0x0440
  8600. class N0A0DBBFC
  8601. {
  8602. public:
  8603. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8605. };//Size=0x0040
  8607. class N0A0DD79C
  8608. {
  8609. public:
  8610. char _0x0000[0x0080];
  8612. };//Size=0x0080
  8614. class N0A0E3EF5
  8615. {
  8616. public:
  8617. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8619. };//Size=0x0440
  8621. class N0A0EDA88
  8622. {
  8623. public:
  8624. char _0x0000[0x00C0];
  8626. };//Size=0x00C0
  8628. class N0A116F71
  8629. {
  8630. public:
  8631. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8633. };//Size=0x0040
  8635. class N0A118D54
  8636. {
  8637. public:
  8638. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8640. };//Size=0x0040
  8642. class N0A11DD07
  8643. {
  8644. public:
  8645. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8647. };//Size=0x0440
  8649. class N0A136457
  8650. {
  8651. public:
  8652. char _0x0000[0x00C0];
  8654. };//Size=0x00C0
  8656. class N0A146F66
  8657. {
  8658. public:
  8659. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8661. };//Size=0x0040
  8663. class N0A148F3D
  8664. {
  8665. public:
  8666. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8668. };//Size=0x0440
  8670. class N0A14C86C
  8671. {
  8672. public:
  8673. char _0x0000[0x0840];
  8675. };//Size=0x0840
  8677. class N0A151E00
  8678. {
  8679. public:
  8680. char _0x0000[0x0C40];
  8682. };//Size=0x0C40
  8684. class N0A16C972
  8685. {
  8686. public:
  8687. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8689. };//Size=0x0440
  8691. class N0A1875D7
  8692. {
  8693. public:
  8694. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8696. };//Size=0x0040
  8698. class N0A199B95
  8699. {
  8700. public:
  8701. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8703. };//Size=0x0040
  8705. class N0A1B05CF
  8706. {
  8707. public:
  8708. char _0x0000[0x0058];
  8709. Camera* m_Camera; //0x0058
  8710. char _0x0060[0x0028];
  8711. Camera* m_Camera; //0x0088
  8712. char _0x0090[0x03B0];
  8714. };//Size=0x0440
  8716. class N0A1D6A6D
  8717. {
  8718. public:
  8719. char _0x0000[0x0058];
  8720. float N0A1DE661; //0x0058
  8721. float N0A1DEC4F; //0x005C
  8722. char _0x0060[0x0028];
  8723. Camera* m_Camera; //0x0088
  8724. char _0x0090[0x03B0];
  8726. };//Size=0x0440
  8728. class N0A1ED932
  8729. {
  8730. public:
  8731. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8733. };//Size=0x0040
  8735. class N0A1FA9BC
  8736. {
  8737. public:
  8738. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8740. };//Size=0x0440
  8742. class N0A202738
  8743. {
  8744. public:
  8745. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8747. };//Size=0x0040
  8749. class N0A2044DD
  8750. {
  8751. public:
  8752. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8754. };//Size=0x0040
  8756. class N0A207AFC
  8757. {
  8758. public:
  8759. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8761. };//Size=0x0440
  8763. class N0A220042
  8764. {
  8765. public:
  8766. char _0x0000[0x0C40];
  8768. };//Size=0x0C40
  8770. class N0A22CE16
  8771. {
  8772. public:
  8773. char _0x0000[0x0C40];
  8775. };//Size=0x0C40
  8777. class N0A23B761
  8778. {
  8779. public:
  8780. char _0x0000[0x0840];
  8782. };//Size=0x0840
  8784. class N0A33CCBA
  8785. {
  8786. public:
  8787. char _0x0000[0x00E0];
  8788. ServerSettings* m_ServerSettings; //0x00E0
  8789. char _0x00E8[0x0358];
  8791. };//Size=0x0440
  8793. class N0CDF59FF
  8794. {
  8795. public:
  8796. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8798. };//Size=0x0040
  8800. class N0CE44716
  8801. {
  8802. public:
  8803. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8805. };//Size=0x0440
  8807. class N0CE90205
  8808. {
  8809. public:
  8810. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8812. };//Size=0x0040
  8814. class N0CE99D66
  8815. {
  8816. public:
  8817. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8819. };//Size=0x0040
  8821. class N0CF5EFBC
  8822. {
  8823. public:
  8824. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8826. };//Size=0x0440
  8828. class N0CF7D064
  8829. {
  8830. public:
  8831. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  8833. };//Size=0x0040
  8835. class N0D08180B
  8836. {
  8837. public:
  8838. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8840. };//Size=0x0440
  8842. class N0D09A9D5
  8843. {
  8844. public:
  8845. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8847. };//Size=0x0440
  8849. class N0D0A037C
  8850. {
  8851. public:
  8852. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8854. };//Size=0x0440
  8856. class N0D0BDADA
  8857. {
  8858. public:
  8859. char _0x0000[0x0058];
  8860. float N0D0CBCAB; //0x0058
  8861. float N0D0CC76B; //0x005C
  8862. char _0x0060[0x03E0];
  8864. };//Size=0x0440
  8866. class N0D0E2103
  8867. {
  8868. public:
  8869. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8871. };//Size=0x0440
  8873. class N0D0F3284
  8874. {
  8875. public:
  8876. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8878. };//Size=0x0440
  8880. class N0D104D5F
  8881. {
  8882. public:
  8883. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8885. };//Size=0x0440
  8887. class N0D110CA0
  8888. {
  8889. public:
  8890. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8892. };//Size=0x0440
  8894. class N0D113AE2
  8895. {
  8896. public:
  8897. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8899. };//Size=0x0440
  8901. class N0D11967E
  8902. {
  8903. public:
  8904. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8906. };//Size=0x0440
  8908. class N0D177319
  8909. {
  8910. public:
  8911. char _0x0000[0x0440];
  8913. };//Size=0x0440
  8915. class ArrayTypeInfo : public TypeInfo
  8916. {
  8917. public:
  8918. };//Size=0x0018
  8920. class ArrayTypeInfoData : public TypeInfoData
  8921. {
  8922. public:
  8923. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  8924. TypeInfo* m_ElementType; //0x0020
  8926. };//Size=0x0028
  8928. class ObjectVariation : public Asset
  8929. {
  8930. public:
  8931. DWORD m_NameHash; //0x0018
  8932. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8934. };//Size=0x0020
  8936. class AudioLanguage : public DataContainer
  8937. {
  8938. public:
  8939. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  8940. LanguageFormat m_LanguageMapping; //0x0018
  8941. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8943. };//Size=0x0020
  8945. class Pad
  8946. {
  8947. public:
  8948. virtual void Function0(); //
  8949. virtual void Function1(); //
  8950. virtual void Function2(); //
  8951. virtual int PreFrame(float); //
  8953. };//Size=0x0008
  8955. class PadInputActionData : public AxesInputActionData
  8956. {
  8957. public:
  8958. InputDevicePadButtons m_Button; //0x0020
  8959. InputDevicePadButtons m_PS3AlternativeButton; //0x0024
  8960. InputDevicePadButtons m_PSVitaButton; //0x0028
  8961. InputDevicePadButtons m_PSVitaAlternativeButton; //0x002C
  8962. InputDevicePOVs m_Pov; //0x0030
  8963. unsigned char m_UseSquareInput; //0x0034
  8964. char _0x0035[0x0003];
  8966. };//Size=0x0038
  8968. class AuthoritativeAimInputEntityData : public AimInputEntityData
  8969. {
  8970. public:
  8971. float m_Yaw; //0x0018
  8972. float m_Pitch; //0x001C
  8973. unsigned char m_UseCorrectSetup; //0x0020
  8974. char _0x0021[0x0007];
  8976. };//Size=0x0028
  8978. class AutoAssetCollector : public DataContainer
  8979. {
  8980. public:
  8981. Array<Asset*>* m_Assets; //0x0010
  8982. float m_AutoCollectMinimumUsagePercentage; //0x0018
  8983. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  8985. };//Size=0x0020
  8987. class PathfindingBlobAsset : public Asset
  8988. {
  8989. public:
  8990. Array<PathfindingBlob*>* m_Blobs; //0x0018
  8992. };//Size=0x0020
  8994. class PersistentAmmoData : public GameDataContainer
  8995. {
  8996. public:
  8997. __int32 m_MagazinesOnRespawn; //0x0010
  8998. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  9000. };//Size=0x0018
  9002. class BFClientSettings : public SystemSettings
  9003. {
  9004. public:
  9005. TeamId m_JoinAsTeamId; //0x0020
  9006. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  9007. char* m_PlayerName; //0x0028
  9008. unsigned char m_JoinAsCommander; //0x0030
  9009. unsigned char m_ProgressionDebug; //0x0031
  9010. char _0x0032[0x0006];
  9012. };//Size=0x0038
  9014. class BFClientSoldierHealthComponent : public ClientSoldierHealthComponent
  9015. {
  9016. public:
  9017. char _0x00E8[0x0668];
  9019. };//Size=0x0750
  9021. class BFClientSoldierPhysicsComponent : public ClientSoldierPhysicsComponent
  9022. {
  9023. public:
  9024. char _0x02A8[0x0100];
  9026. };//Size=0x03A8
  9028. class BFServerSettings : public SystemSettings
  9029. {
  9030. public:
  9031. __int32 m_DisableTeamSwitchRoundProgressThreshold; //0x0020
  9032. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  9033. char* m_ForceTeamForPlayerTag; //0x0028
  9034. __int32 m_ForceTeamForPlayerTagTeam; //0x0030
  9035. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  9036. char* m_ForceSquadForPlayerTag; //0x0038
  9037. __int32 m_ForceSquadForPlayerTagSquad; //0x0040
  9038. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  9039. char* m_ForceTeamAndSquadForPlayers; //0x0048
  9040. char* m_ForceNametagForPlayers; //0x0050
  9041. float m_NoInteractivityTimeoutTime; //0x0058
  9042. float m_NoInteractivityThresholdLimit; //0x005C
  9043. DWORD m_NoInteractivityBanRoundCount; //0x0060
  9044. DWORD m_TeamKillCountForKick; //0x0064
  9045. float m_TeamKillValueForKick; //0x0068
  9046. float m_TeamKillValueIncrease; //0x006C
  9047. float m_TeamKillValueDecreasePerSecond; //0x0070
  9048. DWORD m_TeamKillKickForBan; //0x0074
  9049. __int32 m_RoundMaxPlayerCount; //0x0078
  9050. __int32 m_RoundMinPlayerCount; //0x007C
  9051. __int32 m_RoundLockdownCountdown; //0x0080
  9052. __int32 m_RoundRestartCountdown; //0x0084
  9053. __int32 m_RoundWarmupTimeout; //0x0088
  9054. char _0x008C[0x0004];
  9055. char* m_BannerUrl; //0x0090
  9056. char* m_ServerPreset; //0x0098
  9057. char* m_ServerType; //0x00A0
  9058. char* m_ServerExperience; //0x00A8
  9059. char* m_ServerDescription; //0x00B0
  9060. char* m_ServerMessage; //0x00B8
  9061. char* m_ServerAdministrationSettings; //0x00C0
  9062. char* m_ServerAdministrationMapRotation; //0x00C8
  9063. char* m_ServerAdministrationMapRotationInformation; //0x00D0
  9064. char* m_Spectators; //0x00D8
  9065. DWORD m_TeamSwitchImbalanceLimit; //0x00E0
  9066. DWORD m_GameSize; //0x00E4
  9067. char* m_GameMod; //0x00E8
  9068. VoiceChannel m_DefaultVoiceChannel; //0x00F0
  9069. __int32 m_DeathmatchFriendZoneFallbackCount; //0x00F4
  9070. __int32 m_ServerConfigurationRefreshInterval; //0x00F8
  9071. char _0x00FC[0x0004];
  9072. char* m_OverrideServerConfigurationStartTime; //0x0100
  9073. float m_AlternateEORTimeout; //0x0108
  9074. __int32 m_MaxNumSoldierCorpses; //0x010C
  9075. __int32 m_CommanderRankThreshold; //0x0110
  9076. __int32 m_LowRankLimit; //0x0114
  9077. float m_TicketBleedRateModifier; //0x0118
  9078. float m_BackendConnectDelay; //0x011C
  9079. char* m_PlaytestMateUrl; //0x0120
  9080. char* m_PlaytestMateId; //0x0128
  9081. float m_TicketCountScale; //0x0130
  9082. __int32 m_ModeObjectiveShuffle; //0x0134
  9083. __int32 m_EventWelcomeTimer; //0x0138
  9084. float m_PasswordVerificationWindow; //0x013C
  9085. unsigned char m_AutoBalance; //0x0140
  9086. unsigned char m_OverrideAutoBalance; //0x0141
  9087. unsigned char m_UseSkillBasedBalancing; //0x0142
  9088. unsigned char m_DisableBattlePickups; //0x0143
  9089. unsigned char m_UseGameModeSpecificSkillForBalancing; //0x0144
  9090. unsigned char m_IsManDownRotationEnabled; //0x0145
  9091. unsigned char m_EnableKillCam; //0x0146
  9092. unsigned char m_EnableAlwaysFog; //0x0147
  9093. unsigned char m_MapSequencerEnabled; //0x0148
  9094. unsigned char m_EliteKitEnabled; //0x0149
  9095. unsigned char m_KickAPlayerOnVIPJoin; //0x014A
  9096. unsigned char m_AlwaysAllowedToSpectate; //0x014B
  9097. char _0x014C[0x0004];
  9099. };//Size=0x0150
  9101. class BFUIDynamicWidgetGroupAsset : public Asset
  9102. {
  9103. public:
  9104. };//Size=0x0018
  9106. class BFUIDynamicWidgetReferenceEntityData : public WidgetReferenceEntityData
  9107. {
  9108. public:
  9109. BFUIDynamicWidgetGroupAsset* m_GroupAsset; //0x00A0
  9110. unsigned char m_CenterWidgetOnScreen; //0x00A8
  9111. unsigned char m_Enabled; //0x00A9
  9112. char _0x00AA[0x0006];
  9114. };//Size=0x00B0
  9116. class PhysicsEntityData : public EntityData
  9117. {
  9118. public:
  9119. HavokAsset* m_Asset; //0x0018
  9120. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InertiaModifier; //0x0020
  9121. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  9122. Array<RigidBodyData*>* m_RigidBodies; //0x0030
  9123. FloatPhysicsData* m_FloatPhysics; //0x0038
  9124. float m_Mass; //0x0040
  9125. float m_AngularVelocityDamping; //0x0044
  9126. float m_LinearVelocityDamping; //0x0048
  9127. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9128. ProximityData* m_Proximity; //0x0050
  9129. Array<PhysicsConstraintData*>* m_Constraints; //0x0058
  9130. unsigned char m_MovableParts; //0x0060
  9131. unsigned char m_IsComposite; //0x0061
  9132. char _0x0062[0x000E];
  9134. };//Size=0x0070
  9136. class PhysicsManager : public IglooSubsystem
  9137. {
  9138. public:
  9139. char _0x0018[0x0070];
  9140. IPhysicsRayCaster* m_RayCaster; //0x0088
  9142. };//Size=0x0090
  9144. class PhysicsSettings : public DataContainer
  9145. {
  9146. public:
  9147. DWORD m_ClientClothWorldThreadCount; //0x0010
  9148. float m_WindManagerAwakeningRadius; //0x0014
  9149. DWORD m_BlockStreamAllocatorMemory; //0x0018
  9150. DWORD m_StepLocalStreamAllocator; //0x001C
  9151. DWORD m_BodyBufferCapacity; //0x0020
  9152. DWORD m_MotionBufferCapacity; //0x0024
  9153. DWORD m_ConstraintBufferCapacity; //0x0028
  9154. float m_SDFThickness; //0x002C
  9155. unsigned char m_Enable; //0x0030
  9156. unsigned char m_EnableClothInterpolationJobs; //0x0031
  9157. unsigned char m_EnableClothUpdateJob; //0x0032
  9158. unsigned char m_ClothVelocityVectorEnable; //0x0033
  9159. unsigned char m_ClothDrawUpdateParallelEnable; //0x0034
  9160. unsigned char m_RunClientSimulationSingleThreaded; //0x0035
  9161. unsigned char m_RunEffectSimulationSingleThreaded; //0x0036
  9162. unsigned char m_RunServerSimulationSingleThreaded; //0x0037
  9163. unsigned char m_EnableAIRigidBody; //0x0038
  9164. unsigned char m_ForestEnable; //0x0039
  9165. unsigned char m_EnableJobs; //0x003A
  9166. unsigned char m_RemoveRagdollWhenWoken; //0x003B
  9167. unsigned char m_RemoveFromWorldOnCollisionOverflow; //0x003C
  9168. unsigned char m_SingleStepCharacter; //0x003D
  9169. unsigned char m_ForceSingleStepCharacterInSP; //0x003E
  9170. unsigned char m_EnableFollowWheelRaycasts; //0x003F
  9171. unsigned char m_EnableClientWheelRaycasts; //0x0040
  9172. unsigned char m_UpdateVehicleTerrainLevel; //0x0041
  9173. unsigned char m_EnableASyncWheelRaycasts; //0x0042
  9174. unsigned char m_UseDelayedWakeUpClient; //0x0043
  9175. unsigned char m_UseDelayedWakeUpServer; //0x0044
  9176. unsigned char m_SuppressDebrisSpawnUntilReady; //0x0045
  9177. unsigned char m_EnablePlayerVSAICollisions; //0x0046
  9178. unsigned char m_EnableClientKeyframedCollisions; //0x0047
  9179. unsigned char m_EnableFXKeyframedCollisions; //0x0048
  9180. unsigned char m_EnableRemoveFromWorldKeepActive; //0x0049
  9181. unsigned char m_UseDynamicBlockStreamAllocator; //0x004A
  9182. char _0x004B[0x0005];
  9184. };//Size=0x0050
  9186. class BFUIStaticBundlesAsset : public Asset
  9187. {
  9188. public:
  9189. char* m_ResourceBundlePath; //0x0018
  9191. };//Size=0x0020
  9193. class PlayerData : public Asset
  9194. {
  9195. public:
  9196. PlayerViewData* m_PlayerView; //0x0018
  9197. EntryInputActionMapsData* m_InputConceptDefinition; //0x0020
  9198. InputActionMappingsData* m_InputMapping; //0x0028
  9200. };//Size=0x0030
  9202. class BFUISystem : public UISystem
  9203. {
  9204. public:
  9205. char _0x0A60[0x0288];
  9206. __int32 m_ScreenWidth; //0x0CE8
  9207. __int32 m_ScreenHeight; //0x0CEC
  9208. char _0x0CF0[0x0090];
  9209. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CameraPosition; //0x0D80
  9210. char _0x0D8C[0x0004];
  9211. ClientControllableEntity* m_AimedEntity; //0x0D90
  9212. char _0x0D98[0x0268];
  9214. };//Size=0x1000
  9216. class PlayerFilterEntityData : public EntityData
  9217. {
  9218. public:
  9219. unsigned char m_InvertFilter; //0x001C
  9220. unsigned char m_ForwardToSpectators; //0x001D
  9221. char _0x001E[0x0002];
  9223. };//Size=0x0020
  9225. class PlayerHolder
  9226. {
  9227. public:
  9228. ClientPlayer* m_Players[0x0014]; //0x0000
  9230. };//Size=0x00A0
  9232. class PlayerViewData : public DataContainer
  9233. {
  9234. public:
  9235. char _0x0010[0x0008];
  9237. };//Size=0x0018
  9239. class BfCompassHudData : public HudData
  9240. {
  9241. public:
  9242. unsigned char m_UseRenderTarget; //0x0010
  9243. char _0x0011[0x0007];
  9245. };//Size=0x0018
  9247. class PreferredRange : public DataContainer
  9248. {
  9249. public:
  9250. float m_Start; //0x0010
  9251. float m_Ideal; //0x0014
  9252. float m_End; //0x0018
  9253. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  9255. };//Size=0x0020
  9257. class ProceduralAnimationTypeSimple : public DataContainer
  9258. {
  9259. public:
  9260. float m_BendMultiplier; //0x0010
  9261. float m_WiggleSpeedMultiplier; //0x0014
  9262. float m_WindInfluenceMultiplier; //0x0018
  9263. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  9265. };//Size=0x0020
  9267. class BfCrosshairHudData : public HudData
  9268. {
  9269. public:
  9270. float m_CrosshairAngleMin; //0x0010
  9271. float m_CrosshairAngleMax; //0x0014
  9272. float m_CrosshairScale; //0x0018
  9273. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  9274. CrosshairTypeAsset* m_CrosshairType; //0x0020
  9276. };//Size=0x0028
  9278. class ProfileOptionDataBool : public ProfileOptionData
  9279. {
  9280. public:
  9281. unsigned char m_Value; //0x0028
  9282. char _0x0029[0x0007];
  9284. };//Size=0x0030
  9286. class ProfileOptionDataFloat : public ProfileOptionData
  9287. {
  9288. public:
  9289. float m_Min; //0x0028
  9290. float m_Max; //0x002C
  9291. float m_Value; //0x0030
  9292. float m_Step; //0x0034
  9294. };//Size=0x0038
  9296. class ProfileOptionsAsset : public Asset
  9297. {
  9298. public:
  9299. char* m_FileName; //0x0018
  9300. char* m_ContentName; //0x0020
  9301. DWORD m_FileSize; //0x0028
  9302. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  9303. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_Options; //0x0030
  9304. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_OptionsPs3; //0x0038
  9305. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_OptionsXenon; //0x0040
  9306. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_OptionsGen4a; //0x0048
  9307. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_OptionsGen4b; //0x0050
  9308. Array<ProfileOptionData*>* m_OptionsWin; //0x0058
  9309. unsigned char m_AutoSaveOnQuit; //0x0060
  9310. char _0x0061[0x0007];
  9312. };//Size=0x0068
  9314. class Projectile : public ObjectBlueprint
  9315. {
  9316. public:
  9317. TimeDeltaType m_TimeDeltaType; //0x0048
  9318. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9320. };//Size=0x0050
  9322. class ProjectileBlueprint : public ObjectBlueprint
  9323. {
  9324. public:
  9325. TimeDeltaType m_TimeDeltaType; //0x0048
  9326. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9328. };//Size=0x0050
  9330. class BfVehicleHudData : public HudData
  9331. {
  9332. public:
  9333. float m_SeaLevelAltFreq; //0x0010
  9334. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  9335. UIPartPropertyList* m_HudPropertyList; //0x0018
  9336. unsigned char m_UseWeaponOrientations; //0x0020
  9337. unsigned char m_UseVelocityVectorMarker; //0x0021
  9338. unsigned char m_UseThrust; //0x0022
  9339. unsigned char m_UseGForce; //0x0023
  9340. unsigned char m_UseSkidSlip; //0x0024
  9341. unsigned char m_UseClimbRate; //0x0025
  9342. char _0x0026[0x0002];
  9344. };//Size=0x0028
  9346. class PropertyToInputEntityData : public EntityData
  9347. {
  9348. public:
  9349. Array<Property*>* m_Properties; //0x0018
  9350. unsigned char m_InterpolationEnable; //0x0020
  9351. char _0x0021[0x0007];
  9353. };//Size=0x0028
  9355. class ProximityData : public DataContainer
  9356. {
  9357. public:
  9358. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  9360. };//Size=0x0018
  9362. class ProximityTrackerData : public DataContainer
  9363. {
  9364. public:
  9365. DWORD m_CollisionLayer; //0x0010
  9366. char _0x0014[0x000C];
  9367. D3DXVECTOR3 m_HalfExtents; //0x0020
  9368. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  9370. };//Size=0x0030
  9372. class RBX
  9373. {
  9374. public:
  9375. char _0x0000[0x00D5];
  9376. unsigned char N005C5289; //0x00D5
  9377. char _0x00D6[0x036A];
  9379. };//Size=0x0440
  9381. class RDI
  9382. {
  9383. public:
  9384. char _0x0000[0x000C];
  9385. float N0077DD63; //0x000C
  9386. float N0077E8CA; //0x0010
  9387. char _0x0014[0x00BC];
  9388. ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* m_ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent; //0x00D0
  9389. char _0x00D8[0x0200];
  9390. AuthoritativeAimInputEntityData* m_AuthoritativeAimInputEntityData; //0x02D8
  9391. char _0x02E0[0x0128];
  9392. AimTransformBuilderEntityData* m_AimTransformBuilderEntityData; //0x0408
  9393. char _0x0410[0x0430];
  9395. };//Size=0x0840
  9397. class BfWeaponHudData : public HudData
  9398. {
  9399. public:
  9400. LockingTypeAsset* m_LockingType; //0x0010
  9401. char* m_WeaponClass; //0x0018
  9402. float m_LowAmmoWarning; //0x0020
  9403. float m_CameraShakeModifier; //0x0024
  9404. char* m_HudIcon; //0x0028
  9406. };//Size=0x0030
  9408. class BoolEntityData : public EntityData
  9409. {
  9410. public:
  9411. unsigned char m_DefaultValue; //0x001C
  9412. char _0x001D[0x0003];
  9414. };//Size=0x0020
  9416. class BorderInputNode : public InputNode
  9417. {
  9418. public:
  9419. InputCache* m_InputCache; //0x0008
  9420. unsigned char m_ForceReadCache; //0x0010
  9421. char _0x0011[0x003F];
  9422. Pad* m_Pad; //0x0050
  9423. char _0x0058[0x0010];
  9424. KeyboardImpl* m_Keyboard; //0x0068
  9425. MouseImpl* m_Mouse; //0x0070
  9427. };//Size=0x0078
  9429. class RegulatedSteering : public DataContainer
  9430. {
  9431. public:
  9432. char _0x0010[0x0020];
  9434. };//Size=0x0030
  9436. class RenderView
  9437. {
  9438. public:
  9439. char _0x0000[0x02A0];
  9440. D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix; //0x02A0
  9441. D3DXMATRIX viewMatrixTranspose; //0x02E0
  9442. D3DXMATRIX viewMatrixInverse; //0x0320
  9443. D3DXMATRIX projectionMatrix; //0x0360
  9444. D3DXMATRIX viewMatrixAtOrigin; //0x03A0
  9445. D3DXMATRIX projectionTranspose; //0x03E0
  9446. D3DXMATRIX projectionInverse; //0x0420
  9447. D3DXMATRIX viewProj; //0x0460
  9448. D3DXMATRIX viewProjTranspose; //0x04A0
  9449. D3DXMATRIX viewProjInverse; //0x04E0
  9451. };//Size=0x0520
  9453. class BulletEntityData : public MeshProjectileEntityData
  9454. {
  9455. public:
  9456. SoundAsset* m_FlyBySound; //0x0130
  9457. ExplosionEntityData* m_DudExplosion; //0x0138
  9458. float m_Gravity; //0x0140
  9459. float m_Drag; //0x0144
  9460. float m_ImpactImpulse; //0x0148
  9461. float m_DetonationTimeVariation; //0x014C
  9462. float m_VehicleDetonationRadius; //0x0150
  9463. float m_VehicleDetonationActivationDelay; //0x0154
  9464. float m_FlyBySoundRadius; //0x0158
  9465. float m_FlyBySoundSpeed; //0x015C
  9466. float m_Stamina; //0x0160
  9467. float m_DistributeDamageOverTime; //0x0164
  9468. float m_StartDamage; //0x0168
  9469. float m_EndDamage; //0x016C
  9470. float m_DamageFalloffStartDistance; //0x0170
  9471. float m_DamageFalloffEndDistance; //0x0174
  9472. FloatCurve* m_DamageCurve; //0x0178
  9473. float m_TimeToArmExplosion; //0x0180
  9474. float m_FirstFrameTravelDistance; //0x0184
  9475. __int32 m_StopTrailEffectOnUnspawnFrameDelay; //0x0188
  9476. unsigned char m_VehicleDetonationUsesFriendlyFireRules; //0x018C
  9477. unsigned char m_HasVehicleDetonation; //0x018D
  9478. unsigned char m_InstantHit; //0x018E
  9479. unsigned char m_StopTrailEffectOnUnspawn; //0x018F
  9481. };//Size=0x0190
  9483. class BurstIntervalPattern : public DataContainer
  9484. {
  9485. public:
  9486. Array<BurstInterval*>* m_BurstInterval; //0x0010
  9488. };//Size=0x0018
  9490. class RigidBody : public PhysicsBody
  9491. {
  9492. public:
  9493. char _0x0048[0x0050];
  9495. };//Size=0x0098
  9497. class RigidBodyData : public PhysicsBodyData
  9498. {
  9499. public:
  9500. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CenterOfMass; //0x0030
  9501. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  9502. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InertiaModifier; //0x0040
  9503. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9504. LinearTransform m_Transform; //0x0050
  9505. LinearTransform m_KeyframeTransform; //0x0090
  9506. RigidBodyType m_RigidBodyType; //0x00D0
  9507. float m_Mass; //0x00D4
  9508. MaterialDecl m_Material; //0x00D8
  9509. float m_DynamicFriction; //0x00DC
  9510. float m_StaticFriction; //0x00E0
  9511. float m_Restitution; //0x00E4
  9512. float m_AngularVelocityDamping; //0x00E8
  9513. float m_LinearVelocityDamping; //0x00EC
  9514. RigidBodyMotionType m_MotionType; //0x00F0
  9515. RigidBodyQualityType m_QualityType; //0x00F4
  9516. DWORD m_SystemGroup; //0x00F8
  9517. DWORD m_SubSystemId; //0x00FC
  9518. DWORD m_SubSystemIdNoCollide; //0x0100
  9519. char _0x0104[0x0004];
  9520. Array<Uint32*>* m_PartIndices; //0x0108
  9521. FloatPhysicsData* m_FloatPhysics; //0x0110
  9522. unsigned char m_ComputeCenterOfMass; //0x0118
  9523. unsigned char m_IsRootController; //0x0119
  9524. char _0x011A[0x0006];
  9526. };//Size=0x0120
  9528. class RigidMeshAsset : public MeshAsset
  9529. {
  9530. public:
  9531. };//Size=0x0080
  9533. class CameraComponentData : public GameComponentData
  9534. {
  9535. public:
  9536. RegularCameraViewData m_RegularView; //0x0070
  9537. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CameraTransitionPos; //0x00B0
  9538. char _0x00BC[0x0004];
  9539. LinearTransform m_OverrideTransform; //0x00C0
  9540. StaticCameraData* m_StaticCameraData; //0x0100
  9541. float m_FieldOfView; //0x0108
  9542. float m_ForceFieldOfView; //0x010C
  9543. float m_RegularViewFOVMultiplier; //0x0110
  9544. float m_AlternateViewFOVMultiplier; //0x0114
  9545. AlternateCameraViewData* m_AlternateView; //0x0118
  9546. float m_OverrideFreelookPitch; //0x0120
  9547. float m_OverrideFreelookYaw; //0x0124
  9548. CameraRelativeControlData* m_CameraRelativeControlConfig; //0x0128
  9549. float m_FreezeHeight; //0x0130
  9550. SoldierAnimatedCameraData m_SoldierAnimatedCamera; //0x0134
  9551. float m_CameraTransitionTime; //0x013C
  9552. DWORD m_MeshParentComponentNumber; //0x0140
  9553. char _0x0144[0x0004];
  9554. StanceCameraData m_StanceData; //0x0148
  9555. CameraComponentSoundData* m_CameraSoundData; //0x0158
  9556. unsigned char m_EnableCameraMesh; //0x0160
  9557. unsigned char m_TransparentDepthTestEnable; //0x0161
  9558. unsigned char m_OverrideFreelookEnable; //0x0162
  9559. unsigned char m_AlternateViewEnabled; //0x0163
  9560. unsigned char m_IsFirstPerson; //0x0164
  9561. unsigned char m_ReceiveImpulsesAsThirdPerson; //0x0165
  9562. unsigned char m_UseCameraTransition; //0x0166
  9563. unsigned char m_UseOverrideTransform; //0x0167
  9564. char _0x0168[0x0008];
  9566. };//Size=0x0170
  9568. class CameraComponentSoundData : public DataContainer
  9569. {
  9570. public:
  9571. SoundAsset* m_SwitchToAlternateViewSound; //0x0010
  9572. SoundAsset* m_SwitchToNormalViewSound; //0x0018
  9574. };//Size=0x0020
  9576. class CameraRecoilData : public DataContainer
  9577. {
  9578. public:
  9579. float m_SpringConstant; //0x0010
  9580. float m_SpringDamping; //0x0014
  9581. float m_SpringMinThresholdAngle; //0x0018
  9582. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  9584. };//Size=0x0020
  9586. class CameraRelativeControlData : public DataContainer
  9587. {
  9588. public:
  9589. char _0x0010[0x0060];
  9591. };//Size=0x0070
  9593. class ServerDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent : public ServerVehicleEntryComponent
  9594. {
  9595. public:
  9596. char _0x0178[0x0040];
  9598. };//Size=0x01B8
  9600. class CharacterBlueprint : public ObjectBlueprint
  9601. {
  9602. public:
  9603. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9605. };//Size=0x0050
  9607. class CharacterPhysicsBodyData : public PhysicsBodyData
  9608. {
  9609. public:
  9610. CharacterPhysicsData* m_CharacterPhysics; //0x0030
  9612. };//Size=0x0038
  9614. class CharacterPhysicsData : public Asset
  9615. {
  9616. public:
  9617. Array<CharacterPoseData*>* m_Poses; //0x0018
  9618. Array<CharacterStateData*>* m_States; //0x0020
  9619. CharacterStateType m_DefaultState; //0x0028
  9620. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  9621. CharacterSprintData* m_Sprint; //0x0030
  9622. MaterialDecl m_MaterialPair; //0x0038
  9623. __int32 m_PushableObjectWeight; //0x003C
  9624. float m_Mass; //0x0040
  9625. float m_MaxAscendAngle; //0x0044
  9626. float m_SlideAngle; //0x0048
  9627. float m_SlideSpeedCondition; //0x004C
  9628. float m_PhysicalRadius; //0x0050
  9629. float m_EnterSwimStateDepth; //0x0054
  9630. float m_ExitSwimStateDepth; //0x0058
  9631. float m_InputAcceleration; //0x005C
  9632. float m_LadderAcceptAngle; //0x0060
  9633. float m_LadderAcceptAnglePitch; //0x0064
  9634. float m_JumpPenaltyTime; //0x0068
  9635. float m_JumpPenaltyFactor; //0x006C
  9636. float m_RadiusToPredictCollisionOnCharacters; //0x0070
  9637. char _0x0074[0x0004];
  9638. CharacterPhysicsBodyData* m_PhysicsBody; //0x0078
  9639. __int32 m_CheckSupportRaycastCountMoving; //0x0080
  9640. float m_CheckSupportLookaheadDistance; //0x0084
  9641. float m_RayStartHeightOnGround; //0x0088
  9642. float m_RayEndHeightOnGround; //0x008C
  9643. float m_RayStartHeightInAir; //0x0090
  9644. float m_RayEndHeightInAir; //0x0094
  9645. float m_SpeedForMovingRayCasts; //0x0098
  9646. unsigned char m_AllowSupportedSlideState; //0x009C
  9647. unsigned char m_AllowPoseChangeDuringTransition; //0x009D
  9648. unsigned char m_AutoPushAwayFromWallsInProne; //0x009E
  9649. char _0x009F[0x0001];
  9651. };//Size=0x00A0
  9653. class ServerSettings : public SystemSettings
  9654. {
  9655. public:
  9656. char* m_InstancePath; //0x0020
  9657. DWORD m_RemoteControlPort; //0x0028
  9658. DWORD m_MaxQueriesPerSecond; //0x002C
  9659. char* m_SavePoint; //0x0030
  9660. float m_TimeoutTime; //0x0038
  9661. DWORD m_PlayerCountNeededForMultiplayer; //0x003C
  9662. char* m_DebugMenuClick; //0x0040
  9663. float m_JuiceTimeThreshold; //0x0048
  9664. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9665. char* m_JuiceReportPerformanceCategory; //0x0050
  9666. CongestionControlSettings m_CongestionCtrl; //0x0058
  9667. float m_FrameHistoryTime; //0x0094
  9668. float m_FrameHistoryTimeSoldiers; //0x0098
  9669. float m_LoadingTimeout; //0x009C
  9670. float m_IngameTimeout; //0x00A0
  9671. float m_OutgoingFrequency; //0x00A4
  9672. float m_OutgoingHighFrequency; //0x00A8
  9673. float m_OutgoingHighFrequencyCap; //0x00AC
  9674. DWORD m_IncomingRate; //0x00B0
  9675. DWORD m_OutgoingRate; //0x00B4
  9676. DWORD m_MoveManagerMultiPlayerMoveDivider; //0x00B8
  9677. DWORD m_OutgoingHighFrequencyRate; //0x00BC
  9678. char* m_Playlist; //0x00C0
  9679. __int32 m_DedicatedServerCpu; //0x00C8
  9680. DWORD m_SaveGameVersion; //0x00CC
  9681. char* m_ServerName; //0x00D0
  9682. char* m_ServerPassword; //0x00D8
  9683. float m_VehicleRespawnTimeScale; //0x00E0
  9684. float m_SoldierRespawnTimeScale; //0x00E4
  9685. char* m_AdministrationPassword; //0x00E8
  9686. char* m_RemoteAdministrationPort; //0x00F0
  9687. float m_ServerFpsStallThreshold; //0x00F8
  9688. float m_WaitingForGhostsTimeout; //0x00FC
  9689. unsigned char m_QueryProviderEnabled; //0x0100
  9690. unsigned char m_DebrisClusterEnabled; //0x0101
  9691. unsigned char m_VegetationEnabled; //0x0102
  9692. unsigned char m_WaterPhysicsEnabled; //0x0103
  9693. unsigned char m_IsDesertingAllowed; //0x0104
  9694. unsigned char m_DestroyVehiclesOutsideCombatAreaOnDisable; //0x0105
  9695. unsigned char m_IsRenderDamageEvents; //0x0106
  9696. unsigned char m_RespawnOnDeathPosition; //0x0107
  9697. unsigned char m_IsStatsEnabled; //0x0108
  9698. unsigned char m_IsNetworkStatsEnabled; //0x0109
  9699. unsigned char m_IsAiEnabled; //0x010A
  9700. unsigned char m_IsDestructionEnabled; //0x010B
  9701. unsigned char m_IsSoldierAnimationEnabled; //0x010C
  9702. unsigned char m_IsSoldierDetailedCollisionEnabled; //0x010D
  9703. unsigned char m_LoadSavePoint; //0x010E
  9704. unsigned char m_DisableCutscenes; //0x010F
  9705. unsigned char m_HavokVisualDebugger; //0x0110
  9706. unsigned char m_HavokCaptureToFile; //0x0111
  9707. unsigned char m_ShowTriggerDebugText; //0x0112
  9708. unsigned char m_TimeoutGame; //0x0113
  9709. unsigned char m_AILooksIntoCamera; //0x0114
  9710. unsigned char m_DeathmatchDebugInfo; //0x0115
  9711. unsigned char m_VehicleInteractionIgnoresSeeThrough; //0x0116
  9712. unsigned char m_JuiceReportPerformanceEnabled; //0x0117
  9713. unsigned char m_JuiceReportMemoryEnabled; //0x0118
  9714. unsigned char m_JobEnable; //0x0119
  9715. unsigned char m_ThreadingEnable; //0x011A
  9716. unsigned char m_DrawActivePhysicsObjects; //0x011B
  9717. unsigned char m_IsRanked; //0x011C
  9718. unsigned char m_UnlockResolver; //0x011D
  9719. unsigned char m_ScoringLogEnabled; //0x011E
  9720. unsigned char m_ServerStallSmoothingEnabled; //0x011F
  9721. unsigned char m_ForcePlaylist; //0x0120
  9722. unsigned char m_AutoUnspawnBangers; //0x0121
  9723. unsigned char m_RegulatedAIThrottle; //0x0122
  9724. unsigned char m_EnableAnimationCulling; //0x0123
  9725. unsigned char m_FallBackToSquadSpawn; //0x0124
  9726. unsigned char m_SaveGameUseProfileSaves; //0x0125
  9727. unsigned char m_VehicleSpawnAllowed; //0x0126
  9728. unsigned char m_AdministrationEnabled; //0x0127
  9729. unsigned char m_AdministrationLogEnabled; //0x0128
  9730. unsigned char m_AdministrationTimeStampLogNames; //0x0129
  9731. unsigned char m_AdministrationEventsEnabled; //0x012A
  9732. unsigned char m_AdministrationServerNameRestricted; //0x012B
  9733. unsigned char m_ExtendedJuiceLoggingEnabled; //0x012C
  9734. unsigned char m_HostMigrationOnMaintenanceEnabled; //0x012D
  9735. char _0x012E[0x0002];
  9737. };//Size=0x0130
  9739. class CharacterSoundData : public DataContainer
  9740. {
  9741. public:
  9742. SoundAsset* m_Movement; //0x0010
  9744. };//Size=0x0018
  9746. class CharacterSprintData : public DataContainer
  9747. {
  9748. public:
  9749. float m_SprintPowerDecreasePerSecond; //0x0010
  9750. float m_SprintPowerIncreasePerSecond; //0x0014
  9751. float m_SprintMinimumPower; //0x0018
  9752. unsigned char m_AllowContinousSprinting; //0x001C
  9753. char _0x001D[0x0003];
  9755. };//Size=0x0020
  9757. class ServerVehicleSpawnEntity : public ServerSpawnEntity
  9758. {
  9759. public:
  9760. char _0x02B0[0x00B0];
  9762. };//Size=0x0360
  9764. class ServerWeapon : public Weapon
  9765. {
  9766. public:
  9767. char _0x01B0[0x0190];
  9769. };//Size=0x0340
  9771. class ServerWeaponComponent : public ServerBoneComponent
  9772. {
  9773. public:
  9774. char _0x0030[0x0080];
  9775. char _0x00B8[0x0020];
  9776. ServerDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* m_ServerDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent; //0x00D8
  9777. char _0x00E0[0x0150];
  9779. };//Size=0x0230
  9781. class ShooterComponentHolder
  9782. {
  9783. public:
  9784. ClientPlayerEntryComponent* m_ShooterComponents[0x000F]; //0x0000
  9786. };//Size=0x0078
  9788. class ChassisComponentData : public PartComponentData
  9789. {
  9790. public:
  9791. VehicleConfigData* m_VehicleConfigData; //0x0090
  9792. GearboxConfigData* m_GearboxConfig; //0x0098
  9793. CameraRelativeControlData* m_CameraRelativeControlConfig; //0x00A0
  9794. Array<VehicleWaterEffectData*>* m_WaterEffects; //0x00A8
  9795. Array<VehicleWaterEffectData*>* m_WaterStreakEffects; //0x00B0
  9796. float m_TriggerGroundEffectImpulse; //0x00B8
  9797. float m_TriggerGroundEffectHeight; //0x00BC
  9798. float m_GroundEffectFadeParam; //0x00C0
  9799. char _0x00C4[0x0004];
  9800. LandingGearLogicData* m_LandingGearLogic; //0x00C8
  9801. Array<OnImpulseModifierData*>* m_OnImpulseModifiers; //0x00D0
  9802. float m_GlobalOnImpulseModifier; //0x00D8
  9803. unsigned char m_AlwaysFullThrottle; //0x00DC
  9804. unsigned char m_GroundEffectOnTerrainOnly; //0x00DD
  9805. unsigned char m_UseAheadOfTime; //0x00DE
  9806. unsigned char m_AllowNegativeThrottle; //0x00DF
  9808. };//Size=0x00E0
  9810. class SkeletonAsset : public BaseSkeletonAsset
  9811. {
  9812. public:
  9813. Array<CString*>* m_BoneNames; //0x0018
  9814. Array<Uint32*>* m_BoneNameHashes; //0x0020
  9815. Array<Int32*>* m_Hierarchy; //0x0028
  9816. Array<LinearTransform*>* m_LocalPose; //0x0030
  9817. Array<LinearTransform*>* m_ModelPose; //0x0038
  9818. Array<Int32*>* m_ServerSkeletonToSkeletonMap; //0x0040
  9819. Array<Int32*>* m_SkeletonToServerSkeletonMap; //0x0048
  9820. Array<Int32*>* m_ServerHierarchy; //0x0050
  9821. Array<Int32*>* m_GameplayBonesToSkeleton; //0x0058
  9822. Array<Int32*>* m_GameplayBonesToServerSkeleton; //0x0060
  9824. };//Size=0x0068
  9826. class SkeletonCollisionData : public DataContainer
  9827. {
  9828. public:
  9829. SkeletonAsset* m_SkeletonAsset; //0x0010
  9830. Array<BoneCollisionData*>* m_BoneCollisionData; //0x0018
  9832. };//Size=0x0020
  9834. class SoldierAimAssistData : public GameDataContainer
  9835. {
  9836. public:
  9837. Array<Float32*>* m_InputPolynomial; //0x0010
  9838. Array<Float32*>* m_ZoomedInputPolynomial; //0x0018
  9839. D3DXVECTOR3 m_StickyBoxScale; //0x0020
  9840. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  9841. D3DXVECTOR3 m_StickyDistanceScale; //0x0030
  9842. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  9843. D3DXVECTOR3 m_SnapBoxScale; //0x0040
  9844. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  9845. D3DXVECTOR3 m_SnapDistanceScale; //0x0050
  9846. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  9847. D3DXVECTOR3 m_EyePosOffset; //0x0060
  9848. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  9849. float m_AccelerationInputThreshold; //0x0070
  9850. float m_AccelerationMultiplier; //0x0074
  9851. float m_AccelerationDamping; //0x0078
  9852. float m_AccelerationTimeThreshold; //0x007C
  9853. float m_SquaredAcceleration; //0x0080
  9854. D3DXVECTOR2 m_MaxAcceleration; //0x0084
  9855. float m_YawSpeedStrength; //0x008C
  9856. float m_PitchSpeedStrength; //0x0090
  9857. D3DXVECTOR2 m_AttractDistanceFallOffs; //0x0094
  9858. float m_AttractSoftZone; //0x009C
  9859. float m_AttractUserInputMultiplier; //0x00A0
  9860. float m_AttractUserInputMultiplier_NoZoom; //0x00A4
  9861. float m_AttractOwnSpeedInfluence; //0x00A8
  9862. float m_AttractTargetSpeedInfluence; //0x00AC
  9863. float m_AttractOwnRequiredMovementForMaximumAttract; //0x00B0
  9864. float m_AttractStartInputThreshold; //0x00B4
  9865. float m_AttractMoveInputCap; //0x00B8
  9866. float m_AttractYawStrength; //0x00BC
  9867. float m_AttractPitchStrength; //0x00C0
  9868. float m_MaxToTargetAngle; //0x00C4
  9869. float m_MaxToTargetXZAngle; //0x00C8
  9870. float m_ViewObstructedKeepTime; //0x00CC
  9871. float m_SnapZoomLateralSpeedLimit; //0x00D0
  9872. float m_SnapZoomTime; //0x00D4
  9873. float m_SnapZoomPostTimeNoInput; //0x00D8
  9874. float m_SnapZoomPostTime; //0x00DC
  9875. DWORD m_SnapZoomReticlePointPriority; //0x00E0
  9876. float m_SnapZoomAutoEngageTime; //0x00E4
  9877. float m_SnapZoomBreakTimeAtMaxInput; //0x00E8
  9878. float m_SnapZoomBreakMaxInput; //0x00EC
  9879. float m_SnapZoomBreakMinAngle; //0x00F0
  9880. float m_SnapZoomSpamGuardTime; //0x00F4
  9881. SkeletonCollisionData* m_SoldierBackupSkeletonCollisionData; //0x00F8
  9882. float m_CheckBoneCenterOnlyDistance; //0x0100
  9883. float m_DisableForcedTargetRecalcDistance; //0x0104
  9884. float m_OverrideAimingRange; //0x0108
  9885. float m_OverrideAimingRangeCrouch; //0x010C
  9886. float m_OverrideAimingRangeProne; //0x0110
  9887. unsigned char m_UseYawAcceleration; //0x0114
  9888. unsigned char m_UsePitchAcceleration; //0x0115
  9889. unsigned char m_SnapZoomUserShorterWeaponTime; //0x0116
  9890. unsigned char m_SnapZoomPostTimeDynamicPoint; //0x0117
  9891. unsigned char m_ForceSoldierBackupSkeletonCollisionUse; //0x0118
  9892. char _0x0119[0x0007];
  9894. };//Size=0x0120
  9896. class SoldierAimingConstraintsData : public DataContainer
  9897. {
  9898. public:
  9899. AimingConstraintsData m_SwimmingConstraints; //0x0010
  9901. };//Size=0x0020
  9903. class SoldierAimingSimulationData : public GameDataContainer
  9904. {
  9905. public:
  9906. Array<ZoomLevelData*>* m_ZoomLevels; //0x0010
  9907. SoldierAimAssistData* m_AimAssist; //0x0018
  9908. AimingPoseData m_StandPose; //0x0020
  9909. AimingPoseData m_CrouchPose; //0x0038
  9910. AimingPoseData m_PronePose; //0x0050
  9911. float m_ZoomTransitionTime; //0x0068
  9912. char _0x006C[0x0004];
  9913. Array<ZoomLevelSpecificTransitionTime*>* m_ZoomTransitionTimeArray; //0x0070
  9914. float m_FovDelayTime; //0x0078
  9915. float m_FovTransitionTime; //0x007C
  9916. float m_AimingRange; //0x0080
  9917. float m_LockAimToTargetSpeed; //0x0084
  9918. ProfileOptionDataFloat* m_ZoomLookSpeedSensitivity; //0x0088
  9919. ProfileOptionDataBool* m_UniformAiming; //0x0090
  9920. ProfileOptionDataFloat* m_UniformAimingCoefficient; //0x0098
  9921. Array<AimerModifierData*>* m_Modifiers; //0x00A0
  9922. unsigned char m_ReturnToZoomAfterReload; //0x00A8
  9923. unsigned char m_UpdateCameraFOV; //0x00A9
  9924. char _0x00AA[0x0006];
  9926. };//Size=0x00B0
  9928. class SoldierAutoAimData : public DataContainer
  9929. {
  9930. public:
  9931. Array<AutoAimData*>* m_Poses; //0x0010
  9933. };//Size=0x0018
  9935. class SoldierEntityData : public CharacterEntityData
  9936. {
  9937. public:
  9938. D3DXVECTOR3 m_FLIRKeyColor; //0x00E0
  9939. char _0x00EC[0x0004];
  9940. MaterialDecl m_FootMaterialPair; //0x00F0
  9941. MaterialDecl m_HeadMaterialPair; //0x00F4
  9942. Array<BoneFakePhysicsData*>* m_BoneFakePhysics; //0x00F8
  9943. SoldierAutoAimData* m_AutoAim; //0x0100
  9944. SoldierAimingConstraintsData* m_AimingConstraints; //0x0108
  9945. SoldierHeadCollisionData* m_HeadCollision; //0x0110
  9946. CharacterPhysicsData* m_CharacterPhysics; //0x0118
  9947. SoldierSprintSettingsData* m_SprintSettings; //0x0120
  9948. SoldierFOVEffect* m_SoldierFOVEffectSettings; //0x0128
  9949. Array<HidableSoldierMeshWeaponPart*>* m_HidableMeshParts; //0x0130
  9950. float m_ImpulseReactionTime; //0x0138
  9951. char _0x013C[0x0004];
  9952. SoldierHealthModuleData* m_HealthModule; //0x0140
  9953. Array<Int32*>* m_AbortSpawnInvisibilityInputs; //0x0148
  9954. Array<BreathControlData*>* m_BreathControl; //0x0150
  9955. CollisionData* m_CollisionInfo; //0x0158
  9956. float m_FLIRValue; //0x0160
  9957. float m_ExplosionDamageModifier; //0x0164
  9958. float m_RegenerationDelayModifier; //0x0168
  9959. float m_FallDamageThreshold; //0x016C
  9960. DWORD m_BlueprintNameHash; //0x0170
  9961. float m_VisualCullScreenArea; //0x0174
  9962. unsigned char m_UseSpineXRotation; //0x0178
  9963. unsigned char m_ShowWeaponWhenDead; //0x0179
  9964. unsigned char m_EnableGroundmapLighting; //0x017A
  9965. unsigned char m_LowerGunOnOwnTeam; //0x017B
  9966. unsigned char m_ProximityCheck; //0x017C
  9967. unsigned char m_FreeSpaceCheck; //0x017D
  9968. unsigned char m_CollisionEnabled; //0x017E
  9969. unsigned char m_PhysicsControlled; //0x017F
  9970. unsigned char m_IsPushable; //0x0180
  9971. unsigned char m_HumanPlayerControlled; //0x0181
  9972. unsigned char m_DisableOnPlayerSetEventIfDead; //0x0182
  9973. unsigned char m_InteractiveManDownAllowed; //0x0183
  9974. unsigned char m_ShowNametag; //0x0184
  9975. unsigned char m_ForceAnimationToStandPose; //0x0185
  9976. unsigned char m_AimFollowEyeTransform; //0x0186
  9977. unsigned char m_Hide3p; //0x0187
  9978. unsigned char m_AllowSprintInterruptingActions; //0x0188
  9979. unsigned char m_EnableGasmaskInputBlocking; //0x0189
  9980. char _0x018A[0x0006];
  9982. };//Size=0x0190
  9984. class ChildBarrelComponentData : public ChildComponentData
  9985. {
  9986. public:
  9987. };//Size=0x0100
  9989. class SoldierHeadCollisionData : public DataContainer
  9990. {
  9991. public:
  9992. float m_HeadRadius; //0x0010
  9993. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  9994. Array<SoldierHeadCollisionPoseData*>* m_PoseStates; //0x0018
  9996. };//Size=0x0020
  9998. class SoldierHealthModuleData : public DataContainer
  9999. {
  10000. public:
  10001. };//Size=0x0010
  10003. class SoldierSprintSettingsData : public SoldierFOVEffect
  10004. {
  10005. public:
  10006. float m_RecoverTime; //0x0028
  10007. float m_SprintToProneRecoverTime; //0x002C
  10008. Array<Int32*>* m_InterruptingActions; //0x0030
  10010. };//Size=0x0038
  10012. class SoldierWeaponCustomizationAsset : public DataContainerPolicyAsset
  10013. {
  10014. public:
  10015. CustomizationTable* m_Customization; //0x0018
  10017. };//Size=0x0020
  10019. class SoldierWeaponData : public WeaponEntityData
  10020. {
  10021. public:
  10022. char _0x00B0[0x00D0];
  10023. char* m_Name; //0x0180
  10024. char _0x0188[0x0010];
  10025. SoldierAimingSimulationData* m_SoldierAimingSimulationData; //0x0198
  10026. char _0x01A0[0x0070];
  10028. };//Size=0x0210
  10030. class SoldierWeaponHudData : public HudData
  10031. {
  10032. public:
  10033. float m_ReloadPrompt; //0x0010
  10034. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  10036. };//Size=0x0018
  10038. class SoldierWeaponUnlockAsset : public WeaponUnlockAsset
  10039. {
  10040. public:
  10041. BlueprintBundleReference m_WeaponBlueprintBundleReference; //0x0058
  10042. BlueprintBundleReference m_Weapon1pBlueprintBundleReference; //0x0090
  10043. Blueprint* m_NonStreamedBlueprint; //0x00C8
  10044. SoldierWeaponCustomizationAsset* m_Customization; //0x00D0
  10045. UnlockAssetBase* m_Extra; //0x00D8
  10046. DWORD m_WeaponIdentifier; //0x00E0
  10047. DWORD m_Category; //0x00E4
  10048. StoredWeaponData m_WeaponData; //0x00E8
  10049. char _0x00FC[0x0004];
  10050. Array<UnlockToBlueprintBundle*>* m_UnlockToBlueprintBundle; //0x0100
  10052. };//Size=0x0108
  10054. class SoundAsset : public Asset
  10055. {
  10056. public:
  10057. SoundScopeData* m_Scope; //0x0018
  10058. Array<SoundDataReference*>* m_ReferencedData; //0x0020
  10060. };//Size=0x0028
  10062. class SoundScopeData : public DataContainer
  10063. {
  10064. public:
  10065. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  10066. SoundScopeStrategyData* m_DefaultStrategy; //0x0018
  10068. };//Size=0x0020
  10070. class SoundScopeStrategyData : public DataContainer
  10071. {
  10072. public:
  10073. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  10074. Array<SoundScopeStageData*>* m_Stages; //0x0018
  10076. };//Size=0x0020
  10078. class ChildRotationBodyData : public RotationBodyData
  10079. {
  10080. public:
  10081. float m_ForceModifier; //0x0048
  10082. float m_ResetForceModifier; //0x004C
  10083. float m_ResetForceInputThreshold; //0x0050
  10084. __int32 m_RotationInput; //0x0054
  10085. float m_WorldSpaceLockEfficiency; //0x0058
  10086. unsigned char m_UseLinearInput; //0x005C
  10087. char _0x005D[0x0003];
  10089. };//Size=0x0060
  10091. class ClassInfo : public TypeInfo
  10092. {
  10093. public:
  10094. ClassInfo* m_Super; //0x0018
  10095. SyncedBFSettings* m_SyncedBFSettings; //0x0020
  10096. WORD m_ID; //0x0028
  10097. WORD m_LastSubClassID; //0x002A
  10098. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  10099. ClassInfo* m_FirstDerivedClass; //0x0030
  10100. ClassInfo* m_NextSiblingClass; //0x0038
  10101. FieldInfoCotainer* m_Fields; //0x0040 incl inherited classes
  10102. __int32 m_TotalFieldCount; //0x0048
  10103. char _0x004C[0x0005];
  10105. ClassInfoData* GetClassData() { return (ClassInfoData*)m_Data; }
  10106. };//Size=0x0051
  10108. class ClassInfoData : public TypeInfoData
  10109. {
  10110. public:
  10111. char _0x0018[0x0002];
  10112. unsigned char m_FieldCount; //0x001A
  10113. char _0x001B[0x0005];
  10114. ClassInfo* m_Super; //0x0020
  10115. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  10116. FieldInfoDataContainer* m_Fields; //0x0030 not incl inherited classes
  10118. };//Size=0x0038
  10120. class Client
  10121. {
  10122. public:
  10123. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  10124. GameSettings* m_GameSettings; //0x0008
  10125. char _0x0010[0x00A0];
  10126. ClientGameContext* m_ClientGameContext; //0x00B0
  10127. ClientSettings* m_ClientSettings; //0x00B8
  10128. char _0x00C0[0x0008];
  10129. ClientPlayerManager* m_ClientPlayerManager; //0x00C8
  10130. char _0x00D0[0x0028];
  10131. ClientInput* m_ClientInput; //0x00F8
  10132. char _0x0100[0x0018];
  10133. BFUISystem* m_BFUISystem; //0x0118
  10134. char _0x0120[0x00B8];
  10135. char* m_Level; //0x01D8
  10136. char _0x01E0[0x01B0];
  10137. ClientState m_ClientState; //0x0390
  10138. char _0x0394[0x0120];
  10139. float m_FPS; //0x04B4
  10140. char _0x04B8[0x0008];
  10142. };//Size=0x04C0
  10144. class ClientActiveWeaonHandler
  10145. {
  10146. public:
  10147. char _0x0000[0x0038];
  10148. ClientSoldierWeapon* m_ClientSoldierWeapon; //0x0038
  10150. };//Size=0x0040
  10152. class SpecialBehavior : public DataContainer
  10153. {
  10154. public:
  10155. unsigned char m_AllowFireWhileTargetIsHidden; //0x0010
  10156. char _0x0011[0x0007];
  10158. };//Size=0x0018
  10160. class SprayPattern : public DataContainer
  10161. {
  10162. public:
  10163. float m_AreaHeight; //0x0010
  10164. float m_SweepTimePitch; //0x0014
  10165. float m_AreaWidth; //0x0018
  10166. float m_SweepTimeYaw; //0x001C
  10168. };//Size=0x0020
  10170. class StabilizerData : public DataContainer
  10171. {
  10172. public:
  10173. float m_PitchStrength; //0x0010
  10174. float m_RollStrength; //0x0014
  10175. float m_YawStrength; //0x0018
  10176. float m_VerticalVelocityStrength; //0x001C
  10177. unsigned char m_Advanced; //0x0020
  10178. unsigned char m_AdvancedYaw; //0x0021
  10179. char _0x0022[0x0006];
  10181. };//Size=0x0028
  10183. class ClientAiAimInputEntity : public ClientAimInputEntity
  10184. {
  10185. public:
  10186. char _0x0050[0x0030];
  10187. char _0x0088[0x003C];
  10188. float N010EFEDC; //0x00C4
  10189. float N010F07C2; //0x00C8
  10190. char _0x00CC[0x045C];
  10192. };//Size=0x0528
  10194. class StanceFilterComponentData : public GameComponentData
  10195. {
  10196. public:
  10197. Array<Int32*>* m_ValidStances; //0x0070
  10198. float m_StanceChangeTime; //0x0078
  10199. char _0x007C[0x0004];
  10200. Array<ActionSuppressor*>* m_ActionsToFilter; //0x0080
  10201. unsigned char m_UndoParentStanceFilter; //0x0088
  10202. unsigned char m_FilterSpecificActions; //0x0089
  10203. char _0x008A[0x0006];
  10205. };//Size=0x0090
  10207. class StanceFilterHolder
  10208. {
  10209. public:
  10210. ClientStanceFilterComponent* m_Array[0x0003]; //0x0000
  10212. };//Size=0x0018
  10214. class ClientAimEntity : public Entity
  10215. {
  10216. public:
  10217. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  10218. AimEntityData* m_AimEntityData; //0x0028
  10219. char _0x0030[0x0090];
  10220. D3DXMATRIX m_TurrentTransform; //0x00C0
  10221. D3DXMATRIX m_VehicleTransform; //0x0100
  10222. char _0x0140[0x0020];
  10223. D3DXVECTOR3 m_RayVector; //0x0160
  10224. float m_RayLength; //0x016C
  10225. char _0x0170[0x0030];
  10226. ClientVehicleEntity* m_ClientVehicleEntity; //0x01A0
  10227. ClientAimingSimulation* m_AuthorativeAiming; //0x01A8
  10228. char _0x01B0[0x0370];
  10230. };//Size=0x0520
  10232. class ClientAimRotationBoneComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  10233. {
  10234. public:
  10235. char _0x0038[0x0018];
  10236. ClientAimEntity* m_AimEntity; //0x0050
  10237. char _0x0060[0x0030];
  10239. };//Size=0x0090
  10241. class StateNodeEntityData : public StateNodeEntityBaseData
  10242. {
  10243. public:
  10244. Array<StateNavEventInfo*>* m_EventTriggersInfo; //0x0028
  10245. Array<StateNavEventInfo*>* m_ConsumedEventsInfo; //0x0030
  10247. };//Size=0x0038
  10249. class StaticCamera : public TargetCamera
  10250. {
  10251. public:
  10252. char _0x0160[0x00B0];
  10253. float N00E0DEE4; //0x0210
  10254. float N00E0EB07; //0x0214
  10255. float N00E10F1B; //0x0218
  10256. char _0x021C[0x0074];
  10258. };//Size=0x0290
  10260. class StaticCameraData : public TargetCameraData
  10261. {
  10262. public:
  10263. Array<Vec3*>* m_LeftCurve; //0x0080
  10264. Array<Vec3*>* m_RightCurve; //0x0088
  10265. Array<Vec3*>* m_UpCurve; //0x0090
  10266. Array<Vec3*>* m_DownCurve; //0x0098
  10267. Array<CameraLoosePartPhysicsData*>* m_LoosePartPhysics; //0x00A0
  10268. float m_LeftYawAngle; //0x00A8
  10269. float m_RightYawAngle; //0x00AC
  10270. float m_UpPitchAngle; //0x00B0
  10271. float m_DownPitchAngle; //0x00B4
  10272. __int32 m_AverageFilterFrames; //0x00B8
  10273. __int32 m_YawInputAction; //0x00BC
  10274. __int32 m_PitchInputAction; //0x00C0
  10275. float m_WorldSpaceLockEfficiencyYaw; //0x00C4
  10276. float m_WorldSpaceLockEfficiencyYawAway; //0x00C8
  10277. float m_WorldSpaceLockEfficiencyPitch; //0x00CC
  10278. float m_YawSensitivityNonZoomed; //0x00D0
  10279. float m_YawSensitivityZoomed; //0x00D4
  10280. float m_PitchSensitivityNonZoomed; //0x00D8
  10281. float m_PitchSensitivityZoomed; //0x00DC
  10282. unsigned char m_MergeLeftAndRightCurves; //0x00E0
  10283. unsigned char m_MergeUpAndDownCurves; //0x00E1
  10284. unsigned char m_MirrorHorizontalCurves; //0x00E2
  10285. unsigned char m_MirrorVerticalCurves; //0x00E3
  10286. unsigned char m_AccumulateInput; //0x00E4
  10287. unsigned char m_ResetAccumulatedInputOnViewChange; //0x00E5
  10288. char _0x00E6[0x000A];
  10290. };//Size=0x00F0
  10292. class ClientAimingConstraint : public Entity
  10293. {
  10294. public:
  10295. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  10296. AimingConstraintEntityData* m_AimingConstraintEntityData; //0x0028
  10297. char _0x0030[0x0008];
  10298. ClientAimEntity* m_ClientAimEntity; //0x0038
  10299. char _0x0040[0x0008];
  10301. };//Size=0x0048
  10303. class ClientAimingSimulation
  10304. {
  10305. public:
  10306. virtual void Function0(); //
  10307. virtual void Function1(); //
  10308. virtual void Function2(); //
  10309. virtual void Function3(); //
  10310. virtual void Function4(); //
  10311. virtual void Function5(); //
  10312. virtual void Function6(); //
  10313. virtual void Function7(); //
  10314. virtual void Function8(); //
  10315. virtual void Function9(); //
  10316. virtual void Function10(); //
  10317. virtual void Function11(); //
  10318. virtual void Function12(); //
  10319. virtual void Function13(); //
  10320. virtual float GetYaw(); //
  10321. virtual FPSAimer* GetFPSAimer(); //
  10323. SoldierAimingSimulationData* m_SoldierAimingSimulationData; //0x0008
  10324. char _0x0010[0x0018];
  10325. FPSAimer* m_FPSAimer; //0x0028
  10326. float m_Yaw; //0x0030
  10327. float m_Pitch; //0x0034
  10328. float m_YawTimer; //0x0038
  10329. float m_PitchTimer; //0x003C
  10330. D3DXVECTOR2 m_Sway; //0x0040
  10331. char _0x0048[0x0008];
  10332. float m_Multiplyer; //0x0050
  10333. char _0x0054[0x0008];
  10334. float m_InputYaw; //0x005C
  10335. float m_InputPitch; //0x0060
  10336. char _0x0064[0x0010];
  10337. float N00F3997D; //0x0074
  10338. char _0x0078[0x0010];
  10339. float m_ZoomLevel; //0x0088
  10340. char _0x008C[0x0004];
  10341. D3DXMATRIX m_Transform; //0x0090
  10342. char _0x00D0[0x0050];
  10343. ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* m_ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent; //0x0120
  10344. char _0x0128[0x0050];
  10345. void* m_RayObject; //0x0178
  10346. D3DXVECTOR3 m_RayPosition; //0x0180
  10347. float m_RayLength; //0x018C
  10348. char _0x0190[0x01C0];
  10350. };//Size=0x0350
  10352. class StatsCategoryVehicleData : public StatsCategoryGuidData
  10353. {
  10354. public:
  10355. DWORD m_FirstVehicleId; //0x0028
  10356. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  10358. };//Size=0x0030
  10360. class StatsCategoryWeaponData : public StatsCategoryGuidData
  10361. {
  10362. public:
  10363. DWORD m_SoldierWeaponId; //0x0028
  10364. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  10365. CriteriaGateList* m_AccessoryUnlockGates; //0x0030
  10366. Array<BasicUnlockInfo*>* m_UnlocksInfo; //0x0038
  10368. };//Size=0x0040
  10370. class ClientAimingSimulationDataProviderEntity : public Entity
  10371. {
  10372. public:
  10373. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  10374. AimingSimulationEntityData* m_AimingSimulationEntityData; //0x0028
  10375. char _0x0030[0x0010];
  10377. };//Size=0x0040
  10379. class StreamPoolPreset : public DataContainer
  10380. {
  10381. public:
  10382. Array<StreamPoolMapping*>* m_Mappings; //0x0010
  10384. };//Size=0x0018
  10386. class ClientAimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntity : public Entity
  10387. {
  10388. public:
  10389. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  10390. AimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntityData* m_AimingWorldLockEfficiencyEntityData; //0x0028
  10391. char _0x0030[0x0018];
  10393. };//Size=0x0048
  10395. class SubWorldInclusion : public Asset
  10396. {
  10397. public:
  10398. Array<SubWorldInclusionCriterion*>* m_Criteria; //0x0018
  10400. };//Size=0x0020
  10402. class SuppressedBehavior : public DataContainer
  10403. {
  10404. public:
  10405. float m_SuppressedTime; //0x0010
  10406. float m_TargetSquadTime; //0x0014
  10408. };//Size=0x0018
  10410. class SurfaceShaderBaseAsset : public Asset
  10411. {
  10412. public:
  10413. };//Size=0x0018
  10415. class ClientAnimatedSoldierWeaponHandler
  10416. {
  10417. public:
  10418. ClientSoldierWeapon* m_Weapon1; //0x0000
  10419. ClientSoldierWeapon* m_Weapon2; //0x0008
  10420. ClientSoldierWeapon* m_Weapon3; //0x0010
  10422. };//Size=0x0018
  10424. class SustainFiringData : public DataContainer
  10425. {
  10426. public:
  10427. SustainFiringFireStyle m_FireStyle; //0x0010
  10428. float m_SpinUpDuration; //0x0014
  10429. float m_SustainFireTimeMin; //0x0018
  10430. float m_SustainFireTimeMax; //0x001C
  10431. float m_CooldownDurationMin; //0x0020
  10432. float m_CooldownDurationMax; //0x0024
  10433. float m_AimFactorBetweenFeetAndEyes; //0x0028
  10434. float m_TrackingRate; //0x002C
  10435. SustainFiringSweepAreaSettings* m_SweepAreaSettings; //0x0030
  10436. unsigned char m_StopSustainFireWhenShotAt; //0x0038
  10437. char _0x0039[0x0007];
  10439. };//Size=0x0040
  10441. class SustainFiringSweepAreaSettings : public DataContainer
  10442. {
  10443. public:
  10444. float m_SweepArcWidth; //0x0010
  10445. float m_MinimumSweepMovement; //0x0014
  10446. float m_SweepRate; //0x0018
  10447. float m_PostSweepPauseDuration; //0x001C
  10448. unsigned char m_StartSweepFromEdgeOfArc; //0x0020
  10449. char _0x0021[0x0007];
  10451. };//Size=0x0028
  10453. class SyncedBFSettings : public SystemSettings
  10454. {
  10455. public:
  10456. float m_RoundTimeLimit; //0x0020
  10457. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  10458. char* m_JesusModeForPlayerTag; //0x0028
  10459. char* m_JesusModeForPlayers; //0x0030
  10460. __int32 m_Team1Faction; //0x0038
  10461. __int32 m_Team2Faction; //0x003C
  10462. __int32 m_Team3Faction; //0x0040
  10463. __int32 m_Team4Faction; //0x0044
  10464. DWORD m_CommanderSize; //0x0048
  10465. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  10466. char* m_FieldSpecLevels; //0x0050
  10467. ServerTypeValues m_ServerType; //0x0058
  10468. float m_HighLatency; //0x005C
  10469. float m_CriticalLatency; //0x0060
  10470. float m_HighLatencyVariation; //0x0064
  10471. float m_CriticalLatencyVariation; //0x0068
  10472. float m_HighPacketLossRatio; //0x006C
  10473. float m_CriticalPacketLossRatio; //0x0070
  10474. float m_LowMonitorRefresh; //0x0074
  10475. float m_LowClientFps; //0x0078
  10476. float m_BadExperienceIconsHoldTime; //0x007C
  10477. float m_ServerFpsLowThresholdPerc; //0x0080
  10478. float m_ServerFpsLowThresholdCritPerc; //0x0084
  10479. __int32 m_WeatherSequencerState; //0x0088
  10480. unsigned char m_AllUnlocksUnlocked; //0x008C
  10481. unsigned char m_EnableMinimap; //0x008D
  10482. unsigned char m_NoHud; //0x008E
  10483. unsigned char m_EnableMinimapSpotting; //0x008F
  10484. unsigned char m_Enable3dSpotting; //0x0090
  10485. unsigned char m_EnableNameTag; //0x0091
  10486. unsigned char m_EnableLandVehicles; //0x0092
  10487. unsigned char m_EnableAirVehicles; //0x0093
  10488. unsigned char m_EnableHorses; //0x0094
  10489. unsigned char m_EnableMeleeWeapons; //0x0095
  10490. unsigned char m_EnableShotguns; //0x0096
  10491. unsigned char m_EnableHandguns; //0x0097
  10492. unsigned char m_EnableExplosives; //0x0098
  10493. unsigned char m_EnableLightMachineGun; //0x0099
  10494. unsigned char m_EnableSubMachineGun; //0x009A
  10495. unsigned char m_EnableSemiAutoRifle; //0x009B
  10496. unsigned char m_EnableSingleActionRifle; //0x009C
  10497. unsigned char m_EnableWeaponsForAll; //0x009D
  10498. unsigned char m_OnlySquadLeaderSpawn; //0x009E
  10499. unsigned char m_DisableCombatSquadSpawn; //0x009F
  10500. unsigned char m_TeamSwitchingAllowed; //0x00A0
  10501. unsigned char m_RevertBackToBF3KillerCamera; //0x00A1
  10502. unsigned char m_DisableHitIndicators; //0x00A2
  10503. unsigned char m_DisableVehicleCommanderActions; //0x00A3
  10504. unsigned char m_IsCompetitive; //0x00A4
  10505. unsigned char m_LowRankOnly; //0x00A5
  10506. unsigned char m_CommanderEnabled; //0x00A6
  10507. unsigned char m_FieldUpgradeSystemActive; //0x00A7
  10508. unsigned char m_IsRanked; //0x00A8
  10509. unsigned char m_Kit1Enabled; //0x00A9
  10510. unsigned char m_Kit2Enabled; //0x00AA
  10511. unsigned char m_Kit3Enabled; //0x00AB
  10512. unsigned char m_Kit4Enabled; //0x00AC
  10513. unsigned char m_Kit5Enabled; //0x00AD
  10514. unsigned char m_Kit6Enabled; //0x00AE
  10515. unsigned char m_Kit7Enabled; //0x00AF
  10516. unsigned char m_Kit8Enabled; //0x00B0
  10517. unsigned char m_Kit9Enabled; //0x00B1
  10518. unsigned char m_EnableServerFpsTracking; //0x00B2
  10519. unsigned char m_MeleeOnMovingPlatformEnabled; //0x00B3
  10520. char _0x00B4[0x0004];
  10522. };//Size=0x00B8
  10524. class ClientBFVehicleHealthComponent : public ClientVehicleHealthComponent
  10525. {
  10526. public:
  10527. char _0x00C8[0x0060];
  10529. };//Size=0x0128
  10531. class ClientBFVehiclePhysicsComponent : public ClientVehiclePhysicsComponent
  10532. {
  10533. public:
  10534. ClientBFVehicleHealthComponent* m_HealthComponent; //0x00D0
  10535. char _0x00D8[0x0040];
  10537. };//Size=0x0118
  10539. class ClientCameraComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  10540. {
  10541. public:
  10542. char _0x0038[0x0228];
  10543. D3DXMATRIX m_VehicleMatrix; //0x0260
  10544. D3DXMATRIX m_RotationMatrix; //0x02A0
  10545. char _0x02E0[0x0038];
  10546. StaticCamera* m_StaticCamera; //0x0318
  10547. ClientComponentTargetCameraCallback* m_ClientComponentTargetCameraCallback; //0x0320
  10548. char _0x0328[0x00B8];
  10550. };//Size=0x03E0
  10552. class ClientCharacterAnimatableMeshProxyComponent : public ClientMeshComponent
  10553. {
  10554. public:
  10555. char _0x0110[0x0010];
  10557. };//Size=0x0120
  10559. class TargetModifier : public DataContainer
  10560. {
  10561. public:
  10562. unsigned char m_SquadSuppression; //0x0010
  10563. unsigned char m_AlwaysTargetHuman; //0x0011
  10564. char _0x0012[0x0006];
  10566. };//Size=0x0018
  10568. class TargetingData : public DataContainer
  10569. {
  10570. public:
  10571. float m_AimOffsetY; //0x0010
  10572. float m_VisibleTargetLimit; //0x0014
  10573. float m_TargetLostTimer; //0x0018
  10574. TinyPiecewiseLinearCurve m_TargetDistanceEvaluation; //0x001C
  10575. SuppressionValues m_SuppressionScore; //0x002C
  10576. float m_HumanSuppressionScoreMultiplier; //0x0034
  10577. float m_SuppressionTimeLimit; //0x0038
  10578. float m_AquiredTimer; //0x003C
  10579. float m_AquiredObjectTimer; //0x0040
  10580. float m_AquiredDistScale; //0x0044
  10581. float m_TargetAimingTimer; //0x0048
  10582. float m_CurrentHumanTargetAimingDistScale; //0x004C
  10583. float m_LowHealthPercentage; //0x0050
  10584. float m_CurrentHumanTargetLowHealthDistScale; //0x0054
  10585. float m_ElevationAboveThreshold; //0x0058
  10586. float m_ElevationDistScaleY; //0x005C
  10587. float m_CurrentTargetDistScale; //0x0060
  10588. float m_TargetVisibleDistScale; //0x0064
  10589. float m_HumanPreferenceScale; //0x0068
  10590. float m_TargetObjectDistScale; //0x006C
  10591. float m_VehicleTargetDistScale; //0x0070
  10592. unsigned char m_UseDistanceAsSeparateScaling; //0x0074
  10593. unsigned char m_BalanceDistribution; //0x0075
  10594. char _0x0076[0x0002];
  10596. };//Size=0x0078
  10598. class TextureAsset : public TextureBaseAsset
  10599. {
  10600. public:
  10601. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  10603. };//Size=0x0028
  10605. class ClientChassisComponent : public ClientPartComponent
  10606. {
  10607. public:
  10608. virtual void Function0(); //
  10609. virtual void Function1(); //
  10610. virtual void Function2(); //
  10611. virtual void Function3(); //
  10612. virtual void Function4(); //
  10613. virtual void Function5(); //
  10614. virtual void Function6(); //
  10615. virtual void Function7(); //
  10616. virtual void Function8(); //
  10617. virtual void Function9(); //
  10618. virtual void Function10(); //
  10619. virtual void Function11(); //
  10620. virtual void Function12(); //
  10621. virtual void Function13(); //
  10622. virtual void Function14(); //
  10623. virtual void Function15(); //
  10624. virtual void Function16(); //
  10625. virtual void Function17(); //
  10626. virtual void Function18(); //
  10627. virtual void Function19(); //
  10628. virtual void Function20(); //
  10629. virtual void Function21(); //
  10630. virtual void Function22(); //
  10631. virtual void Function23(); //
  10632. virtual void Function24(); //
  10633. virtual void Function25(); //
  10634. virtual void Function26(); //
  10635. virtual void Function27(); //
  10636. virtual void Function28(); //
  10637. virtual void Function29(); //
  10638. virtual void Function30(); //
  10639. virtual void Function31(); //
  10640. virtual void Function32(); //
  10641. virtual void Function33(); //
  10642. virtual void Function34(); //
  10643. virtual void Function35(); //
  10644. virtual void Function36(); //
  10645. virtual void Function37(); //
  10646. virtual void Function38(); //
  10647. virtual void Function39(); //
  10648. virtual void Function40(); //
  10649. virtual void Function41(); //
  10650. virtual void Function42(); //
  10651. virtual void Function43(); //
  10652. virtual void Function44(); //
  10653. virtual void Function45(); //
  10654. virtual void Function46(); //
  10655. virtual void Function47(); //
  10656. virtual void Function48(); //
  10657. virtual void Function49(); //
  10659. char _0x00C8[0x0008];
  10660. char _0x00D8[0x0018];
  10661. ClientBFVehiclePhysicsComponent* m_ClientBFVehiclePhysicsComponent; //0x00F0
  10662. RigidBody* m_RigidBody; //0x00F8
  10663. char _0x0108[0x2808];
  10665. };//Size=0x2910
  10667. class ClientChildBarrelComponent : public ClientChildComponent
  10668. {
  10669. public:
  10670. };//Size=0x0310
  10672. class ClientComponentTargetCameraCallback : public TargetCameraCallback
  10673. {
  10674. public:
  10675. ClientCameraComponent* m_ClientCameraComponent; //0x0008
  10676. char _0x0010[0x0040];
  10678. };//Size=0x0050
  10680. class ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent : public ClientVehicleEntryComponent
  10681. {
  10682. public:
  10683. char _0x0AA0[0x0008];
  10684. vector<FiringCallback*> m_Weapons; //0x0AA8
  10685. ClientVehicleEntity* m_ClientVehicleEntity; //0x0AC8
  10686. ClientAimEntity* m_ClientAimEntity; //0x0AD0
  10687. ClientAimingSimulationDataProviderEntity* m_ClientAimingSimulationDataProviderEntity; //0x0AD8
  10688. SoldierAimingSimulationData* m_SoldierAimingSimulationData; //0x0AE0
  10689. char _0x0AE8[0x0098];
  10691. };//Size=0x0B80
  10693. class TransformSpace : public DataContainer
  10694. {
  10695. public:
  10696. TransformSpace* m_Parent; //0x0010
  10697. DWORD m_Id; //0x0018
  10698. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  10699. LinearTransform m_LocalTransform; //0x0020
  10701. };//Size=0x0060
  10703. class ClientFireProjectileEntity : public Entity
  10704. {
  10705. public:
  10706. char _0x0020[0x0308];
  10708. };//Size=0x0328
  10710. class ClientGameContext
  10711. {
  10712. public:
  10713. char _0x0000[0x0020];
  10714. ClientPlayerManager* m_PlayerManager; //0x0020
  10715. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  10716. GameLevel* m_GameLevel; //0x0030
  10718. static ClientGameContext* GetInstance()
  10719. {
  10720. return *(ClientGameContext**)(OFFSET_CLIENTGAMECONTEXT);
  10721. }
  10722. };//Size=0x0038
  10724. class ClientHorsePhysicsComponent : public ClientVehiclePhysicsComponent
  10725. {
  10726. public:
  10727. };//Size=0x00D0
  10729. class ClientInput
  10730. {
  10731. public:
  10732. char _0x0000[0x0010];
  10733. BorderInputNode* m_InputNode; //0x0010
  10734. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  10735. InputCamera* m_InputCamera; //0x0020
  10736. float m_InputYaw; //0x0028
  10737. float m_InputPitch; //0x002C
  10739. };//Size=0x0030
  10741. class UIImmediateModeFontConfigurationAsset : public Asset
  10742. {
  10743. public:
  10744. Array<UIImmediateModeFontBundle*>* m_FontBundles; //0x0018
  10745. __int32 m_FontDpi; //0x0020
  10746. __int32 m_GlyphCacheSize; //0x0024
  10747. __int32 m_GlyphCacheSizeLowEnd; //0x0028
  10748. __int32 m_GlyphCachePadding; //0x002C
  10749. float m_GlyphGeometryPadding; //0x0030
  10750. unsigned char m_GlyphCachePremultipliedAlpha; //0x0034
  10751. unsigned char m_AutoHinting; //0x0035
  10752. char _0x0036[0x0002];
  10754. };//Size=0x0038
  10756. class UIInputActionDataAsset : public Asset
  10757. {
  10758. public:
  10759. float m_DefaultRepeatDelaySec; //0x0018
  10760. float m_DefaultRepeatSpeedSec; //0x001C
  10761. float m_DefaultOneAxisDeadZone; //0x0020
  10762. float m_DefaultTwoAxisDeadZone; //0x0024
  10763. Array<UIInputActionMapData*>* m_InputActionMaps; //0x0028
  10764. Array<UIAnalogInputMapData*>* m_AnalogInputMaps; //0x0030
  10766. };//Size=0x0038
  10768. class UIPartPropertyList : public DataContainer
  10769. {
  10770. public:
  10771. Array<UIPartProperties*>* m_HudPropertyList; //0x0010
  10773. };//Size=0x0018
  10775. class UISettings : public SystemSettings
  10776. {
  10777. public:
  10778. UISystemType m_System; //0x0020
  10779. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  10780. ProfileOptionsAsset* m_ProfileOptions; //0x0028
  10781. LanguageFormat m_Language; //0x0030
  10782. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  10783. LocalizationAsset* m_Localization; //0x0038
  10784. UIImmediateModeFontConfigurationAsset* m_FontConfiguration; //0x0040
  10785. unsigned char m_DrawEnable; //0x0048
  10786. unsigned char m_EnableJobs; //0x0049
  10787. unsigned char m_UseXYUITranslationOffset; //0x004A
  10788. char _0x004B[0x0005];
  10790. };//Size=0x0050
  10792. class ClientMinimap2DEntity : public Entity
  10793. {
  10794. public:
  10795. char _0x0020[0x0008];
  10796. Minimap2DEntityData* m_Minimap2DEntityData; //0x0028
  10797. char _0x0030[0x0050];
  10799. };//Size=0x0080
  10801. class UIWorldIconBehavior : public Asset
  10802. {
  10803. public:
  10804. };//Size=0x0018
  10806. class ClientPlayer
  10807. {
  10808. public:
  10809. virtual ~ClientPlayer(); //
  10810. virtual ClientCharacterEntity* GetCharacterEntity() ; // ClientSoldierEntity + 0x200
  10811. virtual void* GetCharacterUserData(); //soldier
  10812. virtual EntryComponent* GetEntryComponent(); //ClientSoldierEntity + 0x128
  10813. virtual bool InVehicle(); //
  10815. char _0x0008[0x0010];
  10816. char* m_Name; //0x0018
  10817. char _0x0020[0x1C11];
  10818. unsigned char m_isAI; //0x1C31
  10819. char _0x1C32[0x0002];
  10820. __int32 m_teamID; //0x1C34
  10821. char _0x1C38[0x00F0];
  10822. WeakPtr* m_pSoldier; //0x1D28
  10823. char _0x1D30[0x0008];
  10824. ClientVehicleEntity* m_ClientVehicleEntity; //0x1D38
  10825. char _0x1D40[0x0008];
  10826. ClientSoldierEntity* m_pControllable; //0x1D48
  10827. __int32 m_controllableEntryId; //0x1D50
  10828. char _0x1D54[0x00C0];
  10830. ClientSoldierEntity* GetSoldier()
  10831. {
  10832. return;
  10833. }
  10835. ClientVehicleEntity* GetVehicle()
  10836. {
  10837. return m_pVehicle;
  10838. }
  10839. };//Size=0x1E14
  10841. class UnlockEntityData : public EntityData
  10842. {
  10843. public:
  10844. Realm m_Realm; //0x0018
  10845. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  10846. Array<Guid*>* m_UnlockGuids; //0x0020
  10847. UnlockEntityLogic m_Logic; //0x0028
  10848. UnlockEntityPlayerQueryType m_ContextPlayerQueryType; //0x002C
  10849. unsigned char m_InvertTest; //0x0030
  10850. unsigned char m_ContextPlayer; //0x0031
  10851. char _0x0032[0x0006];
  10853. };//Size=0x0038
  10855. class UnlockUserDataBase : public DataContainerPolicyAsset
  10856. {
  10857. public:
  10858. };//Size=0x0018
  10860. class ValueTypeInfo : public TypeInfo
  10861. {
  10862. public:
  10863. FieldInfoCotainer* m_FieldInfos; //0x0018
  10865. };//Size=0x0020
  10867. class ValueTypeInfoData : public TypeInfoData
  10868. {
  10869. public:
  10870. void* m_DefaultValue; //0x0018
  10871. FieldInfoCotainer* m_FieldInfos; //0x0020
  10873. };//Size=0x0028
  10875. class ClientPlayerManager
  10876. {
  10877. public:
  10878. virtual ~ClientPlayerManager(); //
  10879. virtual eastl::vector<ClientPlayer*>* GetPlayers(); //
  10880. virtual eastl::vector<ClientPlayer*>* GetSpectators(); //
  10882. PlayerData* m_PlayerData; //0x0008
  10883. char _0x0010[0x00D0];
  10884. PlayerHolder* m_PlayerHolder; //0x00E0
  10885. char _0x00E8[0x0490];
  10886. ClientPlayer* m_Client; //0x0578
  10888. };//Size=0x0580
  10890. class VehicleAimerSettings : public DataContainer
  10891. {
  10892. public:
  10893. float m_MinPrecisionToFire; //0x0010
  10894. unsigned char m_IsParabolic; //0x0014
  10895. unsigned char m_AimHigh; //0x0015
  10896. unsigned char m_TrackTowardsTarget; //0x0016
  10897. unsigned char m_TrackBeyondTarget; //0x0017
  10899. };//Size=0x0018
  10901. class VehicleConfigData : public DataContainer
  10902. {
  10903. public:
  10904. float m_HeavyLandingClosingSpeed; //0x0010
  10905. float m_HeavyLandingStiffenTime; //0x0014
  10906. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  10907. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CenterOfMass; //0x0020
  10908. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  10909. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CenterOfMassHandlingOffset; //0x0030
  10910. char _0x003C[0x0004];
  10911. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InertiaOverride; //0x0040
  10912. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  10913. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ProximityExtScale; //0x0050
  10914. char _0x005C[0x0004];
  10915. InAirForceConfig m_InAirConfig; //0x0060
  10916. AeroDynamicPhysicsData* m_AeroDynamicPhysics; //0x00C0
  10917. MotorbikeData* m_MotorbikePhysics; //0x00C8
  10918. MotionDampingData* m_MotionDamping; //0x00D0
  10919. VehicleInputData m_Input; //0x00D8
  10920. FloatPhysicsData* m_FloatPhysics; //0x0128
  10921. StabilizerData* m_Stabilizer; //0x0130
  10922. Array<StabilizerSettings*>* m_Stabilizers; //0x0138
  10923. Array<ConstantForceData*>* m_ConstantForce; //0x0140
  10924. VehicleMode m_VehicleModeAtReset; //0x0148
  10925. float m_BodyMass; //0x014C
  10926. float m_GravityModifier; //0x0150
  10927. float m_UphillGravityFactor; //0x0154
  10928. float m_SpeedForFullUphillGravityEffect; //0x0158
  10929. float m_SpeedForNoUphillGravityEffect; //0x015C
  10930. float m_AligningTorqueFactor; //0x0160
  10931. float m_YawMin; //0x0164
  10932. float m_YawMax; //0x0168
  10933. float m_DownForceBaseFactor; //0x016C
  10934. float m_DownForceWheelFactor; //0x0170
  10935. float m_VehicleModeChangeEnteringTime; //0x0174
  10936. float m_VehicleModeChangeStartingTime; //0x0178
  10937. float m_VehicleModeChangeStoppingTime; //0x017C
  10938. float m_VehicleModeChangeLeavingTime; //0x0180
  10939. float m_StandStillLowSpeedTimeLimit; //0x0184
  10940. float m_StaticFrictionBreakCollisionMod; //0x0188
  10941. float m_StaticFrictionBreakVelocityMod; //0x018C
  10942. float m_CoefficientOfAirFriction; //0x0190
  10943. float m_AirDensity; //0x0194
  10944. float m_AirDragArea; //0x0198
  10945. float m_WindResistanceBaseFactor; //0x019C
  10946. float m_WindResistanceVelocityFactor; //0x01A0
  10947. float m_WindResistanceVelocityFactorMin; //0x01A4
  10948. float m_WindResistanceVelocityFactorMax; //0x01A8
  10949. InputThrottle m_UseInputYawAsThrottle; //0x01AC
  10950. AntiRollBars m_AntiRollBars; //0x01C0
  10951. float m_MaxGroundSpeed; //0x01D0
  10952. float m_ProximityHeightTranslation; //0x01D4
  10953. float m_FrictionAtLowVelocity; //0x01D8
  10954. CutSceneSettings m_CutSceneSettings; //0x01DC
  10955. unsigned char m_UseCenterOfMassHandlingOffsetForWheels; //0x01DE
  10956. unsigned char m_ForceAxisAlignedInertiaTensor; //0x01DF
  10957. unsigned char m_UseHeavyLandingSuspension; //0x01E0
  10958. unsigned char m_CalculateSuspensionWithRespectToCOM; //0x01E1
  10959. unsigned char m_UseDownForce; //0x01E2
  10960. unsigned char m_UseDownForceWheelFactor; //0x01E3
  10961. unsigned char m_UseGearbox; //0x01E4
  10962. unsigned char m_UseNeutralGearOnDriverExit; //0x01E5
  10963. unsigned char m_UseStandStillBrake; //0x01E6
  10964. unsigned char m_UseStandStillSleep; //0x01E7
  10965. unsigned char m_UseTurnAroundForce; //0x01E8
  10966. unsigned char m_AllowWheelsToCollideWhenVehicleIsUpsideDown; //0x01E9
  10967. unsigned char m_AvoidGettingStuck; //0x01EA
  10968. unsigned char m_UseMotorcycleControl; //0x01EB
  10969. unsigned char m_InvertPitchAllowed; //0x01EC
  10970. unsigned char m_UseWindResistance; //0x01ED
  10971. char _0x01EE[0x0002];
  10973. };//Size=0x01F0
  10975. class ClientSettings : public SystemSettings
  10976. {
  10977. public:
  10978. Array<Boolean*>* m_PadsRumbleEnabled; //0x0020
  10979. Array<Uint32*>* m_PadsIndex; //0x0028
  10980. DWORD m_VrDeviceType; //0x0030
  10981. float m_JuiceDistanceThreshold; //0x0034
  10982. float m_JuiceTimeThreshold; //0x0038
  10983. float m_JuiceVehicleDistanceThreshold; //0x003C
  10984. float m_JuiceVehicleTimeThreshold; //0x0040
  10985. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  10986. char* m_JuiceReportPerformanceCategory; //0x0048
  10987. float m_JuicePerformanceFpsHistogramTimeThreshold; //0x0050
  10988. char _0x0054[0x0004];
  10989. char* m_ScreenshotFilename; //0x0058
  10990. char* m_ScreenshotSuffix; //0x0060
  10991. DWORD m_Team; //0x0068
  10992. __int32 m_SpawnPointIndex; //0x006C
  10993. char* m_ServerIp; //0x0070
  10994. char* m_SecondaryServerIp; //0x0078
  10995. float m_AimScale; //0x0080
  10996. float m_MouseSensitivityMin; //0x0084
  10997. float m_MouseSensitivitySliderRange; //0x0088
  10998. float m_MouseSensitivityFactor; //0x008C
  10999. float m_MouseSensitivityPower; //0x0090
  11000. float m_XenonGamepadDeadZoneCenter; //0x0094
  11001. float m_XenonGamepadDeadZoneAxis; //0x0098
  11002. float m_XenonGamepadDeadZoneOffsetAxis; //0x009C
  11003. float m_PS3GamepadDeadZoneCenter; //0x00A0
  11004. float m_PS3GamepadDeadZoneAxis; //0x00A4
  11005. float m_PS3GamepadDeadZoneOffsetAxis; //0x00A8
  11006. float m_PCGamepadDeadZoneCenter; //0x00AC
  11007. float m_PCGamepadDeadZoneAxis; //0x00B0
  11008. float m_PCGamepadDeadZoneOffsetAxis; //0x00B4
  11009. float m_Gen4aGamepadDeadZoneCenter; //0x00B8
  11010. float m_Gen4aGamepadDeadZoneAxis; //0x00BC
  11011. float m_Gen4aGamepadDeadZoneOffsetAxis; //0x00C0
  11012. float m_Gen4bGamepadDeadZoneCenter; //0x00C4
  11013. float m_Gen4bGamepadDeadZoneAxis; //0x00C8
  11014. float m_Gen4bGamepadDeadZoneOffsetAxis; //0x00CC
  11015. char* m_GamepadGuid; //0x00D0
  11016. DWORD m_ClientBulletsPerQuery; //0x00D8
  11017. float m_IncomingFrequency; //0x00DC
  11018. float m_IncomingHighFrequency; //0x00E0
  11019. DWORD m_IncomingRate; //0x00E4
  11020. DWORD m_OutgoingRate; //0x00E8
  11021. DWORD m_IncomingHighFrequencyRate; //0x00EC
  11022. float m_LoadingTimeout; //0x00F0
  11023. float m_LoadedTimeout; //0x00F4
  11024. float m_IngameTimeout; //0x00F8
  11025. DWORD m_MaxCorrectionUpdateCount; //0x00FC
  11026. char* m_InstancePath; //0x0100
  11027. unsigned char m_IsSpectator; //0x0108
  11028. unsigned char m_VisualFrameInterpolation; //0x0109
  11029. unsigned char m_UseTimeSinceInput; //0x010A
  11030. unsigned char m_AllowVideoRecording; //0x010B
  11031. unsigned char m_DrawStats; //0x010C
  11032. unsigned char m_DebrisClusterEnabled; //0x010D
  11033. unsigned char m_VegetationEnabled; //0x010E
  11034. unsigned char m_ForceEnabled; //0x010F
  11035. unsigned char m_WorldRenderEnabled; //0x0110
  11036. unsigned char m_TerrainEnabled; //0x0111
  11037. unsigned char m_WaterPhysicsEnabled; //0x0112
  11038. unsigned char m_OvergrowthEnabled; //0x0113
  11039. unsigned char m_EffectsEnabled; //0x0114
  11040. unsigned char m_EmittersEnabled; //0x0115
  11041. unsigned char m_AutoIncrementPadIndex; //0x0116
  11042. unsigned char m_JuicePlayerReportPositionEnabled; //0x0117
  11043. unsigned char m_JuiceReportPerformanceEnabled; //0x0118
  11044. unsigned char m_JuiceReportMemoryEnabled; //0x0119
  11045. unsigned char m_JuiceReportPerformanceFpsHistogramEnabled; //0x011A
  11046. unsigned char m_ExtendedJuiceLoggingEnabled; //0x011B
  11047. unsigned char m_JuiceReportPerformanceOnlyOnSimFrames; //0x011C
  11048. unsigned char m_LipSyncEnabled; //0x011D
  11049. unsigned char m_OnDamageSpottingEnabled; //0x011E
  11050. unsigned char m_IgnoreClientFireRateMultiplier; //0x011F
  11051. unsigned char m_PauseGameOnStartUp; //0x0120
  11052. unsigned char m_SkipFastLevelLoad; //0x0121
  11053. unsigned char m_InputEnable; //0x0122
  11054. unsigned char m_ScreenshotToFile; //0x0123
  11055. unsigned char m_LoadMenu; //0x0124
  11056. unsigned char m_DebugMenuOnLThumb; //0x0125
  11057. unsigned char m_InvertFreeCamera; //0x0126
  11058. unsigned char m_ScreenshotComparisonsEnable; //0x0127
  11059. unsigned char m_RenderTags; //0x0128
  11060. unsigned char m_InvertPitch; //0x0129
  11061. unsigned char m_InvertPadPcRightStick; //0x012A
  11062. unsigned char m_Scheme0FlipY; //0x012B
  11063. unsigned char m_Scheme1FlipY; //0x012C
  11064. unsigned char m_Scheme2FlipY; //0x012D
  11065. unsigned char m_InvertYaw; //0x012E
  11066. unsigned char m_ConsoleInputEmulation; //0x012F
  11067. unsigned char m_InputLayoutChangeOnlyForPad; //0x0130
  11068. unsigned char m_SampleInputEveryVisualFrame; //0x0131
  11069. unsigned char m_SampleVisualFrameInputPostFrame; //0x0132
  11070. unsigned char m_HavokVisualDebugger; //0x0133
  11071. unsigned char m_HavokCaptureToFile; //0x0134
  11072. unsigned char m_UseMouseAndKeyboardSystem; //0x0135
  11073. unsigned char m_UseGlobalGamePadInput; //0x0136
  11074. unsigned char m_UsePcGamePadInput; //0x0137
  11075. unsigned char m_ShowBuildId; //0x0138
  11076. unsigned char m_ExtractPersistenceInformation; //0x0139
  11077. unsigned char m_EnableRestTool; //0x013A
  11078. unsigned char m_LocalVehicleSimulationEnabled; //0x013B
  11079. unsigned char m_AsyncClientBulletEntity; //0x013C
  11080. unsigned char m_AutoUnspawnDynamicObjects; //0x013D
  11081. unsigned char m_QuitGameOnServerDisconnect; //0x013E
  11082. unsigned char m_UseOldKillerCamera; //0x013F
  11083. unsigned char m_LuaOptionSetEnable; //0x0140
  11084. unsigned char m_DecoupledRenderUpdate; //0x0141
  11085. unsigned char m_AllowDecoupledRenderUpdate; //0x0142
  11086. unsigned char m_UseCorrectionCache; //0x0143
  11087. char _0x0144[0x0004];
  11089. };//Size=0x0148
  11091. class VehicleEntityData : public ControllableEntityData
  11092. {
  11093. public:
  11094. D3DXVECTOR3 m_CriticallyDamagedEffectPosition; //0x00B0
  11095. char _0x00BC[0x0004];
  11096. D3DXVECTOR3 m_PreExplosionEffectPosition; //0x00C0
  11097. char _0x00CC[0x0004];
  11098. D3DXVECTOR3 m_VictimOffsetOverride; //0x00D0
  11099. char _0x00DC[0x0004];
  11100. VehicleHudData m_HudData; //0x00E0
  11101. D3DXVECTOR3 m_FLIRKeyColor; //0x0160
  11102. char _0x016C[0x0004];
  11103. D3DXVECTOR3 m_InteractionOffset; //0x0170
  11104. char _0x017C[0x0004];
  11105. D3DXVECTOR3 m_StaticBoundingBoxPaddingMin; //0x0180
  11106. char _0x018C[0x0004];
  11107. D3DXVECTOR3 m_StaticBoundingBoxPaddingMax; //0x0190
  11108. char _0x019C[0x0004];
  11109. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BoneCollisionBoundingBoxPaddingMin; //0x01A0
  11110. char _0x01AC[0x0004];
  11111. D3DXVECTOR3 m_BoneCollisionBoundingBoxPaddingMax; //0x01B0
  11112. char _0x01BC[0x0004];
  11113. Array<PartLinkData*>* m_PartLinks; //0x01C0
  11114. CaptureTypeEnum m_CaptureType; //0x01D0
  11115. __int32 m_CapturePlayerLimit; //0x01D4
  11116. float m_DisabledDamageThreshold; //0x01D8
  11117. float m_ClearDisabledDamageThreshold; //0x01DC
  11118. float m_PreDestructionDamageThreshold; //0x01E0
  11119. char _0x01E4[0x0004];
  11120. VehicleHealthZoneData m_FrontHealthZone; //0x01E8
  11121. VehicleHealthZoneData m_RearHealthZone; //0x0208
  11122. VehicleHealthZoneData m_LeftHealthZone; //0x0228
  11123. VehicleHealthZoneData m_RightHealthZone; //0x0248
  11124. VehicleHealthZoneData m_TopHealthZone; //0x0268
  11125. float m_TopHitHeight; //0x0288
  11126. float m_TopHitAngle; //0x028C
  11127. float m_RegenerationDelay; //0x0290
  11128. float m_RegenerationRate; //0x0294
  11129. float m_ArmorMultiplier; //0x0298
  11130. float m_RegenerationDelayMultiplier; //0x029C
  11131. float m_RegenerationRateMultiplier; //0x02A0
  11132. float m_EmergencyRepairHealth; //0x02A4
  11133. float m_DecayDelay; //0x02A8
  11134. float m_DecayRate; //0x02AC
  11135. EffectBlueprint* m_CriticallyDamagedEffect; //0x02B0
  11136. float m_CriticalDamageTime; //0x02B8
  11137. float m_ExitDirectionSpeedThreshold; //0x02BC
  11138. EffectBlueprint* m_PreExplosionEffect; //0x02C0
  11139. float m_PreExplosionTime; //0x02C8
  11140. float m_ExitCameraSwitchDelay; //0x02CC
  11141. ExplosionEntityData* m_Explosion; //0x02D0
  11142. CompositeMeshAsset* m_Mesh; //0x02D8
  11143. ObjectBlueprint* m_CockpitMesh; //0x02E0
  11144. char* m_NameSid; //0x02E8
  11145. __int32 m_MaxPlayersInVehicle; //0x02F0
  11146. float m_MinSpeedForMineActivation; //0x02F4
  11147. DamageEntityType m_DamageTypeIdentifier; //0x02F8
  11148. float m_UpsideDownDamage; //0x02FC
  11149. float m_UpsideDownDamageDelay; //0x0300
  11150. float m_UpsideDownAngle; //0x0304
  11151. float m_WaterDamage; //0x0308
  11152. float m_BelowWaterDamageDelay; //0x030C
  11153. float m_WaterDamageOffset; //0x0310
  11154. float m_VelocityDamageThreshold; //0x0314
  11155. float m_VelocityDamageMagnifier; //0x0318
  11156. float m_RepairRateModifier; //0x031C
  11157. float m_KillSoldierCollisionSpeedThreshold; //0x0320
  11158. float m_ExitSpeedThreshold; //0x0324
  11159. float m_ExitDirectionSpeedThreshold; //0x0328
  11160. VehicleSpawnerType m_SpawnerType; //0x032C
  11161. float m_FLIRValue; //0x0330
  11162. MPModeData m_MPMode; //0x0334
  11163. float m_ExitCameraSwitchDelay; //0x0338
  11164. AngleOfImpactData m_AngleOfImpact; //0x033C
  11165. float m_LockingTimeMultiplier; //0x0354
  11166. VehicleLockableInfoData m_VehicleLockableInfo; //0x0358
  11167. float m_HighAltitudeLockHeight; //0x0368
  11168. char _0x036C[0x0004];
  11169. VehicleSoundData* m_Sound; //0x0370
  11170. EntityVoiceOverInfo* m_VoiceOverInfo; //0x0378
  11171. float m_NametagHeightScale; //0x0380
  11172. float m_SpottingFovScale; //0x0384
  11173. CharacterBlueprint* m_CharacterBlueprintOverride; //0x0388
  11174. float m_AIFleeRadius; //0x0390
  11175. AIVehicleSoundCategory m_AISoundCategory; //0x0394
  11176. unsigned char m_AllowVehicleOutsideCombatAreas; //0x0398
  11177. unsigned char m_UseTopZone; //0x0399
  11178. unsigned char m_HealthZonesShareDamage; //0x039A
  11179. unsigned char m_UseProtectedShields; //0x039B
  11180. unsigned char m_ShowPlayerHealth; //0x039C
  11181. unsigned char m_UseSelfForSelfDestruct; //0x039D
  11182. unsigned char m_RandomPreDestruction; //0x039E
  11183. unsigned char m_BypassPreDestruction; //0x039F
  11184. unsigned char m_DestroyAllComponentsOnDestroyed; //0x03A0
  11185. unsigned char m_ForegroundRenderCockpitMesh; //0x03A1
  11186. unsigned char m_MotionBlurMask; //0x03A2
  11187. unsigned char m_TransparentWithEmittersEnable; //0x03A3
  11188. unsigned char m_SuppressDamageByPassengers; //0x03A4
  11189. unsigned char m_AllowClientSideSimulation; //0x03A5
  11190. unsigned char m_TriggerVehicleDetonation; //0x03A6
  11191. unsigned char m_IsAffectedByEMP; //0x03A7
  11192. unsigned char m_CanBeRepaired; //0x03A8
  11193. unsigned char m_CanTakeDynamicFireDamage; //0x03A9
  11194. unsigned char m_AlwaysDealCollisionDamage; //0x03AA
  11195. unsigned char m_HasExclusiveEntries; //0x03AB
  11196. unsigned char m_OnlyCreatorCanEnter; //0x03AC
  11197. unsigned char m_AllowExclusiveEntryPassThrough; //0x03AD
  11198. unsigned char m_ProhibitEntrySwitching; //0x03AE
  11199. unsigned char m_ThrowOutSoldierInsideOnWaterDamage; //0x03AF
  11200. unsigned char m_DeadSoldiersCanBeThrownOut; //0x03B0
  11201. unsigned char m_IgnoreSoldierCollisionNormal; //0x03B1
  11202. unsigned char m_ChoseExitPointByDirection; //0x03B2
  11203. unsigned char m_EnterAllowed; //0x03B3
  11204. unsigned char m_SpawnAllowed; //0x03B4
  11205. unsigned char m_ExitAllowed; //0x03B5
  11206. unsigned char m_EnableGroundmapLighting; //0x03B6
  11207. unsigned char m_IsLockable; //0x03B7
  11208. unsigned char m_NeverReportVehicleAsEmpty; //0x03B8
  11209. unsigned char m_AITarget; //0x03B9
  11210. unsigned char m_UseLowAltitudeHeatSignature; //0x03BA
  11211. unsigned char m_UseSpottingTargetComponentForRaycast; //0x03BB
  11212. unsigned char m_EquipmentFakeVehicle; //0x03BC
  11213. unsigned char m_ExplosionPacksAttachable; //0x03BD
  11214. unsigned char m_DamageGiverOverrideOwnerVehicle; //0x03BE
  11215. unsigned char m_EnableSubRealm; //0x03BF
  11216. unsigned char m_UpdateWhenEmpty; //0x03C0
  11217. unsigned char m_UseStaticBoundingBox; //0x03C1
  11218. unsigned char m_StickyToEdgeInMap; //0x03C2
  11219. unsigned char m_CausesAIToFlee; //0x03C3
  11220. unsigned char m_ForceNetworkingInclusion; //0x03C4
  11221. char _0x03C5[0x0023];
  11223. };//Size=0x03E8
  11225. class ClientSoldierBreathControlComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  11226. {
  11227. public:
  11228. char _0x0038[0x0020];
  11229. float m_Breath; //0x0058
  11230. char _0x005C[0x006C];
  11232. };//Size=0x00C8
  11234. class VehicleHealthComponentData : public ControllableHealthComponentData
  11235. {
  11236. public:
  11237. float m_ForceMinDamageAngleRadius; //0x0070
  11238. unsigned char m_WhenRepairingVehicleAlsoRepairAllParts; //0x0074
  11239. char _0x0075[0x000B];
  11241. };//Size=0x0080
  11243. class ClientSoldierEntity : public ClientCharacterEntity
  11244. {
  11245. public:
  11246. char _0x0300[0x0190];
  11247. BFClientSoldierPhysicsComponent* m_pBFClientSoldierPhysicsComponent; //0x0490
  11248. char _0x0498[0x0100];
  11249. ClientSoldierPrediction* m_ClientSoldierPrediction; //0x0598
  11250. char _0x05A0[0x0014];
  11251. float m_AuthorativeYaw; //0x05B4
  11252. char _0x05B8[0x002C];
  11253. float m_AuthorativePitch; //0x05E4
  11254. unsigned char m_PoseState; //0x05E8
  11255. char _0x05E9[0x005F];
  11256. ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent* m_ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent; //0x0648
  11257. char _0x0650[0x0008];
  11258. ClientSoldierBreathControlComponent* m_ClientSoldierBreathControlComponent; //0x0658
  11259. char _0x0660[0x0008];
  11260. ClientAimEntity* m_ClientAimEntity; //0x0668
  11261. char _0x0670[0x0028];
  11262. unsigned char m_Sprinting; //0x0698
  11263. char _0x0699[0x0002];
  11264. unsigned char m_Occluded; //0x069B
  11265. char _0x069C[0x02D4];
  11267. bool GetBonePos(unsigned int bone_id, D3DXVECTOR3& out)
  11268. {
  11269. *reinterpret_cast< byte* >(reinterpret_cast< uintptr_t >(this) + 0x1A) = 161;
  11270. auto ragdoll_component = *reinterpret_cast< uintptr_t* >(reinterpret_cast< uintptr_t >(this) + 0x460);
  11272. if (!IsValidPtr((PVOID)ragdoll_component))
  11273. return false;
  11275. auto quat = *reinterpret_cast< uintptr_t* >(ragdoll_component + 0x20);
  11277. if (!IsValidPtr((PVOID)quat))
  11278. return false;
  11280. D3DXVECTOR3 tmp;
  11281. tmp = *reinterpret_cast< D3DXVECTOR3* >(quat + bone_id * 0x20);
  11282. out.x = tmp.x;
  11283. out.y = tmp.y;
  11284. out.z = tmp.z;
  11286. return true;
  11287. }
  11289. bool IsAlive()
  11290. {
  11291. return IsValidPtr(m_HealthComponent) && m_HealthComponent->m_SoldierCurHealth > 0.0f;
  11292. }
  11294. bool IsVisible()
  11295. {
  11296. return !m_Occluded;
  11297. }
  11299. ClientSoldierWeapon* GetSoldierWeapon()
  11300. {
  11301. if (IsValidPtr(m_ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent))
  11302. {
  11303. auto pHandler = m_ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent->m_ActiveWeaponHandler;
  11305. if (IsValidPtr(pHandler))
  11306. {
  11307. auto pWeapon = pHandler->m_ClientSoldierWeapon;
  11309. if (IsValidPtr(pWeapon))
  11310. {
  11311. return pWeapon;
  11312. }
  11313. }
  11314. }
  11316. return NULL;
  11317. }
  11318. };//Size=0x0970
  11320. class ClientSoldierPrediction
  11321. {
  11322. public:
  11323. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  11324. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Position; //0x0040
  11325. char _0x004C[0x0014];
  11326. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Velocity; //0x0060
  11327. char _0x006C[0x0048];
  11328. unsigned char m_PositionState; //0x00B4
  11330. };//Size=0x00B5
  11332. class VehicleInaccuracySettings : public DataContainer
  11333. {
  11334. public:
  11335. float m_MinAimAngle; //0x0010
  11336. float m_MaxAimAngle; //0x0014
  11337. float m_AccuracyIncreaseSpeed; //0x0018
  11338. float m_AccuracyDecreaseSpeed; //0x001C
  11339. unsigned char m_ResetOnReTarget; //0x0020
  11340. char _0x0021[0x0007];
  11342. };//Size=0x0028
  11344. class ClientSoldierWeapon : public ClientGameComponentEntity
  11345. {
  11346. public:
  11347. char _0x0070[0x4930];
  11348. ClientAimingSimulation* m_AimingSimulation; //0x49A0
  11349. char _0x49A8[0x0070];
  11350. ClientWeapon* m_ClientWeapon; //0x4A18
  11351. char _0x4A20[0x0010];
  11352. WeaponFiring* m_Primary; //0x4A30
  11353. char _0x4A38[0x0098];
  11355. float GetBulletVelocity()
  11356. {
  11357. if (IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon)
  11358. && IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData)
  11359. && IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData->m_pFiringFunctionData))
  11360. return m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData->m_pFiringFunctionData->m_initialSpeed;
  11361. else
  11362. return -1.0f;
  11364. }
  11366. float GetBulletGravity()
  11367. {
  11368. if (IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon)
  11369. && IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData)
  11370. && IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData->m_pFiringFunctionData)
  11371. && IsValidPtr(m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData->m_pFiringFunctionData->m_pBulletEntityData))
  11372. return m_pClientWeapon->m_pWeaponFiringData->m_pFiringFunctionData->m_pBulletEntityData->m_gravity;
  11373. else
  11374. return -1.0f;
  11375. }
  11376. };//Size=0x4AD0
  11378. class ClientSoldierWeaponsComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  11379. {
  11380. public:
  11381. char _0x0038[0x00B8];
  11382. D3DXMATRIX m_Transform; //0x00F0
  11383. char _0x0130[0x0778];
  11384. ClientAnimatedSoldierWeaponHandler* m_Handler; //0x08A8
  11385. char _0x08B0[0x0050];
  11386. ClientActiveWeaonHandler* m_ActiveWeaponHandler; //0x0900
  11387. char _0x0908[0x0058];
  11388. __int32 m_ActiveSlot; //0x0960
  11389. __int32 m_LastActiveSlot; //0x0964
  11390. __int32 m_LastGunIndex; //0x0968
  11391. char _0x096C[0x0028];
  11392. __int32 m_CurrentZoomLevel; //0x0994
  11393. __int32 m_MaxZoomLevel; //0x0998
  11394. char _0x099C[0x08E4];
  11396. };//Size=0x1280
  11398. class VehiclePhysicsActionData : public PhysicsActionData
  11399. {
  11400. public:
  11401. };//Size=0x0018
  11403. class ClientStanceFilterComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  11404. {
  11405. public:
  11406. char _0x0038[0x0088];
  11408. };//Size=0x00C0
  11410. class VehicleSoundData : public DataContainer
  11411. {
  11412. public:
  11413. SoundAsset* m_BulletImpact; //0x0010
  11415. };//Size=0x0018
  11417. class VehicleSpawnReferenceObjectData : public SpawnReferenceObjectData
  11418. {
  11419. public:
  11420. float m_WreckDuration; //0x0190
  11421. EntryEnterRestriction m_EnterRestriction; //0x0194
  11422. float m_BotBailWhenHealthBelow; //0x0198
  11423. float m_BotBailOutDelay; //0x019C
  11424. float m_RespawnRange; //0x01A0
  11425. float m_TimeUntilAbandoned; //0x01A4
  11426. float m_TimeUntilAbandonedIsDestroyed; //0x01A8
  11427. float m_KeepAliveRadius; //0x01AC
  11428. __int32 m_ActiveStanceEntryIndex; //0x01B0
  11429. __int32 m_ActiveStance; //0x01B4
  11430. float m_VehicleIsNearDistance; //0x01B8
  11431. __int32 m_VehicleType; //0x01BC
  11432. unsigned char m_SetTeamOnSpawn; //0x01C0
  11433. unsigned char m_AffectedByImpulse; //0x01C1
  11434. unsigned char m_AIAllowedToFollowHumanInVehicle; //0x01C2
  11435. unsigned char m_AIUseExitPoints; //0x01C3
  11436. unsigned char m_ApplyDamageToAbandonedVehicles; //0x01C4
  11437. unsigned char m_EnableAvailableSeatOutput; //0x01C5
  11438. unsigned char m_DisregardSpawnAllowedSetting; //0x01C6
  11439. char _0x01C7[0x0009];
  11441. };//Size=0x01D0
  11443. class VeniceClientBulletEntity : public ClientBulletEntity
  11444. {
  11445. public:
  11446. };//Size=0x02F0
  11448. class VeniceClientSoldierCameraComponent : public ClientSoldierCameraComponent
  11449. {
  11450. public:
  11451. char _0x0410[0x0350];
  11453. };//Size=0x0760
  11455. class VeniceFPSCamera : public FPSCamera
  11456. {
  11457. public:
  11458. char _0x0190[0x0010];
  11460. };//Size=0x01A0
  11462. class VeniceFPSCameraData : public FPSCameraData
  11463. {
  11464. public:
  11465. float m_SuppressionBlurAmountMultiplier; //0x00C0
  11466. float m_SuppressionBlurSizeMultiplier; //0x00C4
  11467. char _0x00C8[0x0008];
  11469. };//Size=0x00D0
  11471. class VeniceUISettings : public SystemSettings
  11472. {
  11473. public:
  11474. char* m_MetaDataAssetPath; //0x0020
  11475. char* m_IMSettingsAssetPath; //0x0028
  11476. char* m_LoadingTransitionTexturePath; //0x0030
  11477. char* m_SavingTransitionTexturePath; //0x0038
  11478. char* m_PlatformOverride; //0x0040
  11479. char* m_PopupNoButtonAssetPath; //0x0048
  11480. char* m_Popup1ButtonAssetPath; //0x0050
  11481. char* m_Popup2ButtonAssetPath; //0x0058
  11482. char* m_Popup3ButtonAssetPath; //0x0060
  11483. char* m_PopupProgressBarAssetPath; //0x0068
  11484. char* m_TwinkleWidgetPath; //0x0070
  11485. char* m_TwinkleScreenPath; //0x0078
  11486. BFUIStaticBundlesAsset* m_StaticBundle; //0x0080
  11487. void** m_SingleplayerEpisodes; //0x0088
  11488. void** m_KeybindingStrings; //0x0090
  11489. unsigned char m_ShowBuildInfo; //0x0098
  11490. unsigned char m_RandomizeBuildInfoLocation; //0x0099
  11491. unsigned char m_HideBuildInfoOnLevel; //0x009A
  11492. unsigned char m_GetStatsInOnlineFlow; //0x009B
  11493. unsigned char m_IsDemoMode; //0x009C
  11494. unsigned char m_ShowConnectionHUDIcons; //0x009D
  11495. unsigned char m_LoadingMoviesEnabled; //0x009E
  11496. unsigned char m_UseRimeFrontend; //0x009F
  11497. unsigned char m_EnableFrontendDevMenu; //0x00A0
  11498. unsigned char m_EnableFrontendStartupMovies; //0x00A1
  11499. unsigned char m_UseSparta; //0x00A2
  11500. unsigned char m_UseDeploy3D; //0x00A3
  11501. unsigned char m_IsCustomizeEnabled; //0x00A4
  11502. unsigned char m_AutoDeployEnabled; //0x00A5
  11503. unsigned char m_QuitToFrontend; //0x00A6
  11504. unsigned char m_UseNewScoreboard; //0x00A7
  11505. unsigned char m_UseSquadboard; //0x00A8
  11506. unsigned char m_UsePrototypeHUD; //0x00A9
  11507. unsigned char m_IsCashTestEnabled; //0x00AA
  11508. unsigned char m_UseSquadSelectionFlow; //0x00AB
  11509. unsigned char m_UseNewCustomizationScreen; //0x00AC
  11510. unsigned char m_UseSchematicHitIndicator; //0x00AD
  11511. unsigned char m_UseOptionsPrototype; //0x00AE
  11512. unsigned char m_UseVehicleInfoHUD; //0x00AF
  11514. };//Size=0x00B0
  11516. class VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset : public VehicleCustomizationAsset
  11517. {
  11518. public:
  11519. VehicleCategory m_Category; //0x0020
  11520. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  11521. char* m_VehicleClassId; //0x0028
  11522. char* m_NameSid; //0x0030
  11523. char* m_ResourceName; //0x0038
  11524. __int32 m_SpacerIndex; //0x0040
  11525. char _0x0044[0x0004];
  11526. char* m_KitOverride; //0x0048
  11528. };//Size=0x0050
  11530. class VersionData : public Asset
  11531. {
  11532. public:
  11533. char* m_disclaimer; //0x0018
  11534. __int32 m_Version; //0x0020
  11535. char _0x0024[0x0004];
  11536. char* m_DateTime; //0x0028
  11537. char* m_BranchId; //0x0030
  11538. char* m_GameName; //0x0038
  11540. };//Size=0x0040
  11542. class ViewHolder
  11543. {
  11544. public:
  11545. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  11546. float m_Yaw; //0x0008
  11547. float m_Pitch; //0x000C
  11548. char _0x0010[0x04B4];
  11549. float N00DC896B; //0x04C4
  11550. float N00DC90AC; //0x04C8
  11551. char _0x04CC[0x0434];
  11553. };//Size=0x0900
  11555. class VisionModifier : public DataContainer
  11556. {
  11557. public:
  11558. float m_SensingConeRange; //0x0010
  11559. float m_SensingConeRangeAgainstVehicles; //0x0014
  11560. float m_SensingConeRangeWhenAlerted; //0x0018
  11561. float m_SensingConeAngle; //0x001C
  11562. float m_SensingConeAngleWhenAlerted; //0x0020
  11563. float m_SensingConeAngleAbove; //0x0024
  11564. float m_SensingConeAngleBelow; //0x0028
  11565. float m_SensingStaticTargetObjectDistance; //0x002C
  11566. float m_SensingMovingTargetObjectDistance; //0x0030
  11567. char _0x0034[0x0004];
  11568. FlashlightModifier* m_FlashlightModifier; //0x0038
  11569. unsigned char m_AlwaysSeeHuman; //0x0040
  11570. char _0x0041[0x0007];
  11572. };//Size=0x0048
  11574. class VisualEnvironmentBlueprint : public ObjectBlueprint
  11575. {
  11576. public:
  11577. TimeDeltaType m_TimeDeltaType; //0x0048
  11578. char _0x004C[0x0004];
  11580. };//Size=0x0050
  11582. class ClientUnlockComponent : public ClientGameComponent
  11583. {
  11584. public:
  11585. char _0x0038[0x0058];
  11587. };//Size=0x0090
  11589. class VoiceOverConversationQueueGroup : public DataContainer
  11590. {
  11591. public:
  11592. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  11593. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroupPolyphony m_PolyphonyMode; //0x0018
  11594. DWORD m_Polyphony; //0x001C
  11596. };//Size=0x0020
  11598. class ClientVehicleAimingSimulation
  11599. {
  11600. public:
  11601. char _0x0000[0x0028];
  11602. FPSAimer* m_pFPSAimer; //0x0028
  11603. char _0x0030[0x0148];
  11604. DummyClass* m_rayObject; //0x0178
  11605. D3DXVECTOR3 m_rayVec; //0x0180
  11606. float m_rayLength; //0x018C
  11608. };//Size=0x0190
  11610. class VoiceOverObject : public VoiceOverNamedValue
  11611. {
  11612. public:
  11613. Array<VoiceOverNamedValue*>* m_Properties; //0x0020
  11615. };//Size=0x0028
  11617. class VoiceOverPronunciation : public DataContainer
  11618. {
  11619. public:
  11620. char* m_Name; //0x0010
  11621. AudioLanguage* m_PrimaryLanguage; //0x0018
  11622. AudioLanguage* m_SecondaryLanguage; //0x0020
  11623. VoiceOverPronunciationFallback m_SecondaryFallback; //0x0028
  11624. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  11626. };//Size=0x0030
  11628. class VoiceOverSystemAsset : public Asset
  11629. {
  11630. public:
  11631. Array<VoiceOverInterval*>* m_Intervals; //0x0018
  11632. Array<VoiceOverLabel*>* m_Labels; //0x0020
  11633. Array<VoiceOverObject*>* m_Types; //0x0028
  11634. Array<VoiceOverObject*>* m_Objects; //0x0030
  11635. Array<VoiceOverGlobalConstantValue*>* m_Constants; //0x0038
  11636. AudioLanguage* m_MasterLanguage; //0x0040
  11637. VoiceOverPronunciation* m_DefaultPronunciation; //0x0048
  11638. Array<VoiceOverPronunciation*>* m_Pronunciations; //0x0050
  11639. Array<VoiceOverConversationQueueGroup*>* m_QueueGroups; //0x0058
  11640. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroup* m_DefaultPositionedQueueGroup; //0x0060
  11641. VoiceOverConversationQueueGroup* m_DefaultUnpositionedQueueGroup; //0x0068
  11643. };//Size=0x0070
  11645. class ClientVehicleEntity : public ClientControllableEntity
  11646. {
  11647. public:
  11648. char _0x0200[0x0110];
  11649. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Velocity; //0x0310
  11650. char _0x031C[0x015C];
  11651. ClientChassisComponent* m_ClientChassisComponent; //0x0478
  11652. char _0x0480[0x00E0];
  11654. VehicleEntityData* GetVehicleData()
  11655. {
  11656. return (VehicleEntityData*)m_Data;
  11657. }
  11659. VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset* GetVehicleCustomization()
  11660. {
  11661. VehicleEntityData* pVehicleData = GetVehicleData();
  11663. if (IsValidPtr(pVehicleData))
  11664. return pVehicleData->m_HudData.m_VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset;
  11666. return NULL;
  11667. }
  11669. const char* GetVehicleClassId()
  11670. {
  11671. VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset* pVehicleCustomization = GetVehicleCustomization();
  11673. if (IsValidPtr(pVehicleCustomization))
  11674. return pVehicleCustomization->m_VehicleClassId;
  11676. return NULL;
  11677. }
  11679. VehicleCategory GetVehicleCategory()
  11680. {
  11681. VeniceVehicleCustomizationAsset* pVehicleCustomization = GetVehicleCustomization();
  11683. if (IsValidPtr(pVehicleCustomization))
  11684. return pVehicleCustomization->m_Category;
  11686. return VehicleCategory::VehicleCategory_Land;
  11687. }
  11688. };//Size=0x0560
  11690. class WeakData
  11691. {
  11692. public:
  11693. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  11695. };//Size=0x0040
  11697. class WeakPtr
  11698. {
  11699. public:
  11700. ClientSoldierEntity* m_Data; //0x0000
  11702. };//Size=0x0008
  11704. class ClientVehicleSpawnEntity : public ClientSpawnEntity
  11705. {
  11706. public:
  11707. };//Size=0x0160
  11709. class ClientWeapon : public Weapon
  11710. {
  11711. public:
  11712. char _0x01B0[0x0130];
  11713. Firing* m_Firing; //0x02E0
  11714. char _0x02E8[0x0008];
  11715. D3DXMATRIX m_Matrix; //0x02F0
  11716. float m_CameraFOV; //0x0330
  11717. float m_WeaponFOV; //0x0334
  11718. float m_FOVScaleFactor; //0x0338
  11719. char _0x033C[0x0BB4];
  11721. };//Size=0x0EF0
  11723. class WeaponComponentData : public BoneComponentData
  11724. {
  11725. public:
  11726. D3DXVECTOR3 m_ProjectileSpawnOffset; //0x0070
  11727. char _0x007C[0x0004];
  11728. D3DXVECTOR3 m_TargetPositionOverride; //0x0080
  11729. char _0x008C[0x0004];
  11730. LinearTransform m_Shootspace; //0x0090
  11731. LinearTransform m_BulletSpawnTransform; //0x00D0
  11732. WeaponFiringData* m_WeaponFiring; //0x0110
  11733. WeaponUnlockAsset* m_WeaponUnlock; //0x0118
  11734. char* m_DamageGiverName; //0x0120
  11735. GameAIWeaponData* m_AIData; //0x0128
  11736. WeaponData* m_CustomWeaponType; //0x0130
  11737. float m_ImpulseStrength; //0x0138
  11738. WeaponClassification m_Classification; //0x013C
  11739. float m_ReloadTimeMultiplier; //0x0140
  11740. float m_DamageMultiplier; //0x0144
  11741. float m_ExplosionDamageMultiplier; //0x0148
  11742. float m_OverheatDropPerSecondMultiplier; //0x014C
  11743. float m_LockTimeMultiplier; //0x0150
  11744. float m_LockingAcceptanceAngleMultiplier; //0x0154
  11745. DWORD m_WeaponItemHash; //0x0158
  11746. unsigned char m_SequentialFiring; //0x015C
  11747. unsigned char m_OverrideShootspace; //0x015D
  11748. unsigned char m_OverrideBulletSpawnTransform; //0x015E
  11749. unsigned char m_UseFirstPersonSounds; //0x015F
  11750. unsigned char m_SoundsEnabledTunguskaHack; //0x0160
  11751. char _0x0161[0x000F];
  11753. };//Size=0x0170
  11755. class WeaponData : public ToolData
  11756. {
  11757. public:
  11758. unsigned char m_ShowLaserPaintedVehicles; //0x0018
  11759. char _0x0019[0x0007];
  11761. };//Size=0x0020
  11763. class ClientWeaponComponent : public ClientBoneComponent
  11764. {
  11765. public:
  11766. char _0x0038[0x1D80];
  11767. ClientWeapon* m_ClientWeapon; //0x1DB8
  11768. char _0x1DC0[0x0028];
  11769. ClientPlayer* m_WeaponOwner; //0x1DE8
  11770. WeaponInfo* m_WeaponInfo; //0x1DF0
  11771. char _0x1DF8[0x0008];
  11772. ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent* m_ClientDiceShooterVehicleEntryComponent; //0x1E00
  11773. char _0x1E08[0x0058];
  11775. };//Size=0x1E60
  11777. class ClientWeaponHolder
  11778. {
  11779. public:
  11780. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  11781. ClientWeapon* m_ClientWeapon; //0x0008
  11782. char _0x0010[0x0008];
  11783. ClientWeaponComponent* m_ClientWeaponComponent; //0x0018
  11785. };//Size=0x0020
  11787. class WeaponFiring : public FiringPad
  11788. {
  11789. public:
  11790. Firing N0015D46C; //0x0120
  11792. };//Size=0x0280
  11794. class WeaponFiringData : public GameDataContainer
  11795. {
  11796. public:
  11797. FiringFunctionData* m_PrimaryFire; //0x0010
  11798. float m_DeployTime; //0x0018
  11799. float m_ReactivateCooldownTime; //0x001C
  11800. float m_DisableZoomOnDeployTime; //0x0020
  11801. float m_DisableZoomOnAltDeployTime; //0x0024
  11802. float m_DisableZoomOnAutomaticSwitchbackDeployTime; //0x0028
  11803. float m_AltDeployTime; //0x002C
  11804. float m_DeployTimeForAutomaticSwitchback; //0x0030
  11805. __int32 m_AltDeployId; //0x0034
  11806. GunSwayData* m_GunSwayData; //0x0038
  11807. RumbleFiringData m_Rumble; //0x0040
  11808. float m_SupportDelayStand; //0x004C
  11809. float m_SupportDelayProne; //0x0050
  11810. unsigned char m_UseAutoAiming; //0x0054
  11811. unsigned char m_InflictSelfDamage; //0x0055
  11812. unsigned char m_ShowEnemyNametagOnAim; //0x0056
  11813. unsigned char m_ReloadWholeMags; //0x0057
  11814. unsigned char m_AbortReloadOnSprint; //0x0058
  11815. unsigned char m_UseRemoteDamageGiverInfo; //0x0059
  11816. char _0x005A[0x0006];
  11818. };//Size=0x0060
  11820. class WeaponFiringHolder
  11821. {
  11822. public:
  11823. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  11824. WeaponFiring* m_WeaponFiring; //0x0008
  11826. };//Size=0x0010
  11828. class WeaponHitProbability : public DataContainer
  11829. {
  11830. public:
  11831. Array<Float32*>* m_DistanceToTarget; //0x0010
  11832. Array<Float32*>* m_DistanceProbability; //0x0018
  11833. Array<Float32*>* m_TargetVisibility; //0x0020
  11834. Array<Float32*>* m_VisibleProbability; //0x0028
  11836. };//Size=0x0030
  11838. class WeaponInfo
  11839. {
  11840. public:
  11841. virtual void Function0(); //
  11842. virtual void Function1(); //
  11843. virtual void Function2(); //
  11844. virtual void Function3(); //
  11845. virtual WeaponFiring* GetWeaponFiring(); //
  11846. virtual ClientWeapon* GetWeapon(); //
  11847. virtual WeaponComponent* GetWeaponComponent(); //
  11848. virtual void Function7(); //
  11849. virtual void Function8(); //
  11850. virtual void Function9(); //
  11851. virtual void Function10(); //
  11852. virtual void Function11(); //
  11853. virtual void Function12(); //
  11854. virtual void Function13(); //
  11855. virtual void Function14(); //
  11856. virtual void Function15(); //
  11857. virtual void Function16(); //
  11858. virtual void Function17(); //
  11859. virtual void Function18(); //
  11860. virtual void Function19(); //
  11861. virtual void Function20(); //
  11862. virtual void Function21(); //
  11863. virtual void Function22(); //
  11864. virtual void Function23(); //
  11865. virtual void Function24(); //
  11866. virtual void Function25(); //
  11867. virtual void Function26(); //
  11868. virtual void Function27(); //
  11869. virtual void Function28(); //
  11870. virtual void Function29(); //
  11871. virtual void Function30(); //
  11872. virtual void Function31(); //
  11873. virtual void Function32(); //
  11874. virtual void Function33(); //
  11875. virtual void Function34(); //
  11876. virtual void Function35(); //
  11877. virtual void Function36(); //
  11878. virtual void Function37(); //
  11879. virtual void Function38(); //
  11880. virtual void Function39(); //
  11881. virtual void Function40(); //
  11882. virtual void Function41(); //
  11883. virtual void Function42(); //
  11884. virtual void Function43(); //
  11885. virtual void Function44(); //
  11886. virtual void Function45(); //
  11887. virtual void Function46(); //
  11888. virtual void Function47(); //
  11889. virtual void Function48(); //
  11890. virtual void Function49(); //
  11891. virtual void Function50(); //
  11892. virtual void Function51(); //
  11893. virtual void Function52(); //
  11894. virtual void Function53(); //
  11895. virtual void Function54(); //
  11896. virtual void Function55(); //
  11897. virtual void Function56(); //
  11898. virtual void Function57(); //
  11899. virtual void Function58(); //
  11900. virtual void Function59(); //
  11901. virtual void Function60(); //
  11902. virtual void Function61(); //
  11903. virtual void Function62(); //
  11904. virtual void Function63(); //
  11905. virtual void Function64(); //
  11906. virtual void Function65(); //
  11907. virtual void Function66(); //
  11908. virtual void Function67(); //
  11909. virtual void Function68(); //
  11910. virtual void Function69(); //
  11911. virtual void Function70(); //
  11912. virtual void Function71(); //
  11913. virtual void Function72(); //
  11914. virtual void Function73(); //
  11915. virtual void Function74(); //
  11916. virtual void Function75(); //
  11917. virtual void Function76(); //
  11918. virtual void Function77(); //
  11919. virtual void Function78(); //
  11920. virtual void Function79(); //
  11921. virtual void Function80(); //
  11922. virtual void Function81(); //
  11923. virtual void Function82(); //
  11924. virtual void Function83(); //
  11925. virtual void Function84(); //
  11926. virtual void Function85(); //
  11927. virtual void Function86(); //
  11928. virtual void Function87(); //
  11929. virtual void Function88(); //
  11930. virtual void Function89(); //
  11931. virtual void Function90(); //
  11932. virtual void Function91(); //
  11933. virtual void Function92(); //
  11934. virtual void Function93(); //
  11935. virtual void Function94(); //
  11936. virtual void Function95(); //
  11937. virtual void Function96(); //
  11938. virtual void Function97(); //
  11939. virtual void Function98(); //
  11940. virtual void Function99(); //
  11941. virtual void Function100(); //
  11942. virtual void Function101(); //
  11943. virtual void Function102(); //
  11944. virtual void Function103(); //
  11945. virtual void Function104(); //
  11946. virtual void Function105(); //
  11947. virtual void Function106(); //
  11948. virtual void Function107(); //
  11949. virtual void Function108(); //
  11950. virtual void Function109(); //
  11951. virtual void Function110(); //
  11952. virtual void Function111(); //
  11953. virtual void Function112(); //
  11954. virtual void Function113(); //
  11955. virtual void Function114(); //
  11956. virtual void Function115(); //
  11957. virtual void Function116(); //
  11958. virtual void Function117(); //
  11959. virtual void Function118(); //
  11960. virtual void Function119(); //
  11961. virtual void Function120(); //
  11962. virtual void Function121(); //
  11963. virtual void Function122(); //
  11964. virtual void Function123(); //
  11965. virtual void Function124(); //
  11966. virtual void Function125(); //
  11967. virtual void Function126(); //
  11968. virtual void Function127(); //
  11969. virtual void Function128(); //
  11970. virtual void Function129(); //
  11971. virtual void Function130(); //
  11972. virtual void Function131(); //
  11973. virtual void Function132(); //
  11974. virtual void Function133(); //
  11975. virtual void Function134(); //
  11976. virtual void Function135(); //
  11977. virtual void Function136(); //
  11978. virtual void Function137(); //
  11979. virtual void Function138(); //
  11980. virtual void Function139(); //
  11981. virtual void Function140(); //
  11982. virtual void Function141(); //
  11983. virtual void Function142(); //
  11984. virtual void Function143(); //
  11985. virtual void Function144(); //
  11986. virtual void Function145(); //
  11987. virtual void Function146(); //
  11988. virtual void Function147(); //
  11989. virtual void Function148(); //
  11990. virtual void Function149(); //
  11991. virtual void Function150(); //
  11992. virtual void Function151(); //
  11993. virtual void Function152(); //
  11994. virtual void Function153(); //
  11995. virtual void Function154(); //
  11996. virtual void Function155(); //
  11997. virtual void Function156(); //
  11998. virtual void Function157(); //
  11999. virtual void Function158(); //
  12000. virtual void Function159(); //
  12001. virtual void Function160(); //
  12002. virtual void Function161(); //
  12003. virtual void Function162(); //
  12004. virtual void Function163(); //
  12005. virtual void Function164(); //
  12006. virtual void Function165(); //
  12007. virtual void Function166(); //
  12008. virtual void Function167(); //
  12009. virtual void Function168(); //
  12010. virtual void Function169(); //
  12011. virtual void Function170(); //
  12012. virtual void Function171(); //
  12013. virtual void Function172(); //
  12014. virtual void Function173(); //
  12015. virtual void Function174(); //
  12016. virtual void Function175(); //
  12017. virtual void Function176(); //
  12018. virtual void Function177(); //
  12019. virtual void Function178(); //
  12020. virtual void Function179(); //
  12021. virtual void Function180(); //
  12022. virtual void Function181(); //
  12023. virtual void Function182(); //
  12024. virtual void Function183(); //
  12025. virtual void Function184(); //
  12026. virtual void Function185(); //
  12027. virtual void Function186(); //
  12028. virtual void Function187(); //
  12029. virtual void Function188(); //
  12030. virtual void Function189(); //
  12031. virtual void Function190(); //
  12032. virtual void Function191(); //
  12033. virtual void Function192(); //
  12034. virtual void Function193(); //
  12035. virtual void Function194(); //
  12036. virtual void Function195(); //
  12037. virtual void Function196(); //
  12038. virtual void Function197(); //
  12039. virtual void Function198(); //
  12040. virtual void Function199(); //
  12041. virtual void Function200(); //
  12042. virtual void Function201(); //
  12043. virtual void Function202(); //
  12044. virtual void Function203(); //
  12045. virtual void Function204(); //
  12046. virtual void Function205(); //
  12047. virtual void Function206(); //
  12048. virtual void Function207(); //
  12049. virtual void Function208(); //
  12050. virtual void Function209(); //
  12051. virtual void Function210(); //
  12052. virtual void Function211(); //
  12053. virtual void Function212(); //
  12054. virtual void Function213(); //
  12055. virtual void Function214(); //
  12056. virtual void Function215(); //
  12057. virtual void Function216(); //
  12058. virtual void Function217(); //
  12059. virtual void Function218(); //
  12060. virtual void Function219(); //
  12061. virtual void Function220(); //
  12062. virtual void Function221(); //
  12063. virtual void Function222(); //
  12064. virtual void Function223(); //
  12065. virtual void Function224(); //
  12066. virtual void Function225(); //
  12067. virtual void Function226(); //
  12068. virtual void Function227(); //
  12069. virtual void Function228(); //
  12070. virtual void Function229(); //
  12071. virtual void Function230(); //
  12072. virtual void Function231(); //
  12073. virtual void Function232(); //
  12074. virtual void Function233(); //
  12075. virtual void Function234(); //
  12076. virtual void Function235(); //
  12077. virtual void Function236(); //
  12078. virtual void Function237(); //
  12079. virtual void Function238(); //
  12080. virtual void Function239(); //
  12081. virtual void Function240(); //
  12082. virtual void Function241(); //
  12083. virtual void Function242(); //
  12084. virtual void Function243(); //
  12085. virtual void Function244(); //
  12086. virtual void Function245(); //
  12087. virtual void Function246(); //
  12088. virtual void Function247(); //
  12089. virtual void Function248(); //
  12090. virtual void Function249(); //
  12091. virtual void Function250(); //
  12092. virtual void Function251(); //
  12093. virtual void Function252(); //
  12094. virtual void Function253(); //
  12095. virtual void Function254(); //
  12096. virtual void Function255(); //
  12097. virtual void Function256(); //
  12098. virtual void Function257(); //
  12099. virtual void Function258(); //
  12100. virtual void Function259(); //
  12101. virtual void Function260(); //
  12102. virtual void Function261(); //
  12103. virtual void Function262(); //
  12104. virtual void Function263(); //
  12105. virtual void Function264(); //
  12106. virtual void Function265(); //
  12107. virtual void Function266(); //
  12108. virtual ClientStanceFilterComponent* GetStanceFilterComponent(); //
  12109. virtual void Function268(); //
  12110. virtual void Function269(); //
  12111. virtual void Function270(); //
  12112. virtual void Function271(); //
  12113. virtual void Function272(); //
  12114. virtual void Function273(); //
  12115. virtual void Function274(); //
  12116. virtual void Function275(); //
  12117. virtual void Function276(); //
  12118. virtual void Function277(); //
  12119. virtual void Function278(); //
  12120. virtual void Function279(); //
  12121. virtual void Function280(); //
  12122. virtual void Function281(); //
  12123. virtual void Function282(); //
  12124. virtual void Function283(); //
  12125. virtual void Function284(); //
  12126. virtual void Function285(); //
  12127. virtual void Function286(); //
  12128. virtual void Function287(); //
  12129. virtual void Function288(); //
  12130. virtual void Function289(); //
  12131. virtual void Function290(); //
  12132. virtual void Function291(); //
  12133. virtual void Function292(); //
  12134. virtual void Function293(); //
  12135. virtual void Function294(); //
  12136. virtual void Function295(); //
  12137. virtual void Function296(); //
  12138. virtual void Function297(); //
  12139. virtual void Function298(); //
  12140. virtual void Function299(); //
  12141. virtual void Function300(); //
  12142. virtual void Function301(); //
  12143. virtual void Function302(); //
  12144. virtual void Function303(); //
  12145. virtual void Function304(); //
  12146. virtual void Function305(); //
  12147. virtual void Function306(); //
  12148. virtual void Function307(); //
  12149. virtual PlayerFilterEntityData* GetFilterEntityData(); //
  12150. virtual void Function309(); //
  12151. virtual void Function310(); //
  12152. virtual void Function311(); //
  12153. virtual void Function312(); //
  12154. virtual void Function313(); //
  12155. virtual void Function314(); //
  12156. virtual void Function315(); //
  12157. virtual void Function316(); //
  12158. virtual void Function317(); //
  12159. virtual void Function318(); //
  12160. virtual void Function319(); //
  12161. virtual void Function320(); //
  12162. virtual void Function321(); //
  12163. virtual void Function322(); //
  12164. virtual void Function323(); //
  12165. virtual void Function324(); //
  12166. virtual void Function325(); //
  12167. virtual void Function326(); //
  12168. virtual void Function327(); //
  12169. virtual void Function328(); //
  12170. virtual void Function329(); //
  12171. virtual void Function330(); //
  12172. virtual void Function331(); //
  12173. virtual void Function332(); //
  12174. virtual void Function333(); //
  12175. virtual void Function334(); //
  12176. virtual void Function335(); //
  12177. virtual void Function336(); //
  12178. virtual void Function337(); //
  12179. virtual void Function338(); //
  12180. virtual void Function339(); //
  12181. virtual void Function340(); //
  12182. virtual void Function341(); //
  12183. virtual void Function342(); //
  12184. virtual void Function343(); //
  12185. virtual void Function344(); //
  12186. virtual void Function345(); //
  12187. virtual void Function346(); //
  12188. virtual void Function347(); //
  12189. virtual void Function348(); //
  12190. virtual void Function349(); //
  12191. virtual void Function350(); //
  12192. virtual void Function351(); //
  12193. virtual void Function352(); //
  12194. virtual void Function353(); //
  12195. virtual void Function354(); //
  12196. virtual void Function355(); //
  12198. ClientWeaponComponent* m_ClientWeaponComponent; //0x0008
  12199. ClientWeaponHolder* m_ClientWeaponHolder; //0x0010
  12200. WeaponFiringHolder* m_WeaponFiringHolder; //0x0018
  12201. ClientStanceFilterComponent* m_ClientStanceFilterComponent; //0x0020
  12202. char _0x0028[0x0008];
  12204. };//Size=0x0030
  12206. class WeaponMagazineModifier : public WeaponModifierBase
  12207. {
  12208. public:
  12209. __int32 m_MagazineCapacity; //0x0018
  12210. __int32 m_NumberOfMagazines; //0x001C
  12212. };//Size=0x0020
  12214. class WeaponModifier
  12215. {
  12216. public:
  12217. char _0x0000[0x0040];
  12219. };//Size=0x0040
  12221. class CollisionData : public DataContainer
  12222. {
  12223. public:
  12224. Array<ValueAtX*>* m_DamageAtVerticalVelocity; //0x0010
  12225. Array<ValueAtX*>* m_DamageAtHorizVelocity; //0x0018
  12227. };//Size=0x0020
  12229. class ColorCorrectionComponentData : public VisualEnvironmentComponentData
  12230. {
  12231. public:
  12232. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Brightness; //0x0080
  12233. char _0x008C[0x0004];
  12234. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Contrast; //0x0090
  12235. char _0x009C[0x0004];
  12236. D3DXVECTOR3 m_Saturation; //0x00A0
  12237. char _0x00AC[0x0004];
  12238. Realm m_Realm; //0x00B0
  12239. float m_Hue; //0x00B4
  12240. TextureAsset* m_ColorGradingTexture; //0x00B8
  12241. float m_ColorGradingMaxHdrValue; //0x00C0
  12242. char _0x00C4[0x0004];
  12243. TextureAsset* m_HdrColorGradingLut; //0x00C8
  12244. unsigned char m_Enable; //0x00D0
  12245. unsigned char m_ColorGradingEnable; //0x00D1
  12246. char _0x00D2[0x000E];
  12248. };//Size=0x00E0
  12250. class WeaponProjectileModifier : public WeaponModifierDynamicBase
  12251. {
  12252. public:
  12253. ProjectileEntityData* m_ProjectileData; //0x0018
  12254. ProjectileBlueprint* m_Projectile; //0x0020
  12255. __int32 m_MaxCount; //0x0028
  12256. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  12258. };//Size=0x0030
  12260. class WeaponRestrictions : public DataContainer
  12261. {
  12262. public:
  12263. float m_FireDelayMin; //0x0010
  12264. float m_FireDelayMax; //0x0014
  12266. };//Size=0x0018
  12268. class WeaponSettings : public SystemSettings
  12269. {
  12270. public:
  12271. float m_ProjectileCullingHeightPadding; //0x0020
  12272. unsigned char m_EnableProjectileCulling; //0x0024
  12273. char _0x0025[0x0003];
  12275. };//Size=0x0028
  12277. class WeaponSuppressionData : public DataContainer
  12278. {
  12279. public:
  12280. float m_MaxMultiplier; //0x0010
  12281. float m_MinMultiplier; //0x0014
  12282. float m_MinDistance; //0x0018
  12283. float m_MaxDistance; //0x001C
  12285. };//Size=0x0020
  12287. class ComponentTable
  12288. {
  12289. public:
  12290. ClientVehicleEntity* m_Entity; //0x0000
  12291. unsigned char m_Count; //0x0008
  12292. unsigned char N0107B3AF; //0x0009
  12293. unsigned char m_Unknown; //0x000A
  12294. char _0x000B[0x0005];
  12295. ComponentTulpe m_Components[0x0095]; //0x0010
  12297. };//Size=0x12B0
  12299. class ComponentTulpe
  12300. {
  12301. public:
  12302. char _0x0000[0x0008];
  12303. DWORD m_Flag; //0x0008 &8 == active
  12304. char _0x000C[0x0004];
  12305. ClientAimRotationBoneComponent* m_ClientAimRotationBoneComponent; //0x0010
  12306. char _0x0018[0x0008];
  12308. };//Size=0x0020
  12310. class WeaponZoomLevelData : public DataContainer
  12311. {
  12312. public:
  12313. float m_RenderFov; //0x0010
  12314. char _0x0014[0x0004];
  12315. FOVTransitionData* m_RenderFovTransition; //0x0018
  12316. Array<Float32*>* m_ZoomInOutMeshTransitionFactors; //0x0020
  12317. float m_ZoomDisabledTransitionTimer; //0x0028
  12318. SightType m_SightType; //0x002C
  12319. WeaponAnimationSettingsData m_AnimationSettings; //0x0030
  12320. char _0x0064[0x0004];
  12321. VisualEnvironmentBlueprint* m_ZoomLevelVisualEnvironment; //0x0068
  12323. };//Size=0x0070
  12325. class WeaponZoomLevelModifier : public WeaponModifierBase
  12326. {
  12327. public:
  12328. __int32 m_ZoomLevelIndex; //0x0018
  12329. char _0x001C[0x0004];
  12330. ZoomLevelData* m_ZoomLevel; //0x0020
  12331. WeaponZoomLevelData* m_WeaponZoomLevel; //0x0028
  12333. };//Size=0x0030
  12335. class CompositeMeshAsset : public MeshAsset
  12336. {
  12337. public:
  12338. unsigned char m_PartGrouping; //0x0080
  12339. char _0x0081[0x0007];
  12341. };//Size=0x0088
  12343. class WindowSettings : public SystemSettings
  12344. {
  12345. public:
  12346. __int32 m_PosX; //0x0020
  12347. __int32 m_PosY; //0x0024
  12348. DWORD m_Width; //0x0028
  12349. DWORD m_Height; //0x002C
  12350. unsigned char m_AutoSize; //0x0030
  12351. unsigned char m_FullscreenAutoSize; //0x0031
  12352. unsigned char m_EnableEscape; //0x0032
  12353. unsigned char m_EnableInputOnActivate; //0x0033
  12354. unsigned char m_HibernateOnClose; //0x0034
  12355. unsigned char m_Hidden; //0x0035
  12356. unsigned char m_Minimized; //0x0036
  12357. unsigned char m_AllowWindowsLargerThanDesktop; //0x0037
  12358. unsigned char m_Borderless; //0x0038
  12359. unsigned char m_Layered; //0x0039
  12360. unsigned char m_ClipChildren; //0x003A
  12361. char _0x003B[0x0005];
  12363. };//Size=0x0040
  12365. class ConsoleCommandTriggerEntityData : public EntityData
  12366. {
  12367. public:
  12368. char* m_CommandName; //0x0018
  12369. char* m_GroupName; //0x0020
  12370. Realm m_Realm; //0x0028
  12371. char _0x002C[0x0004];
  12373. };//Size=0x0030
  12375. class ZoomLevelData : public DataContainer
  12376. {
  12377. public:
  12378. float m_FieldOfView; //0x0010
  12379. float m_FieldOfViewSP; //0x0014
  12380. FOVTransitionData* m_FieldOfViewTransition; //0x0018
  12381. float m_LookSpeedMultiplier; //0x0020
  12382. float m_SprintLookSpeedMultiplier; //0x0024
  12383. ProfileOptionDataFloat* m_LookSpeedSensitivityProfileOption; //0x0028
  12384. float m_MoveSpeedMultiplier; //0x0030
  12385. float m_SwayPitchMagnitude; //0x0034
  12386. float m_SwayYawMagnitude; //0x0038
  12387. float m_SupportedSwayPitchMagnitude; //0x003C
  12388. float m_SupportedSwayYawMagnitude; //0x0040
  12389. float m_SuppressedSwayPitchMagnitude; //0x0044
  12390. float m_SuppressedSwayYawMagnitude; //0x0048
  12391. float m_SuppressedSwayMinFactor; //0x004C
  12392. float m_TimePitchMultiplier; //0x0050
  12393. float m_TimeYawMultiplier; //0x0054
  12394. float m_DispersionMultiplier; //0x0058
  12395. float m_DispersionRotation; //0x005C
  12396. float m_RecoilMultiplier; //0x0060
  12397. float m_RecoilFovMultiplier; //0x0064
  12398. float m_CameraImpulseMultiplier; //0x0068
  12399. float m_StartFadeToBlackAtTime; //0x006C
  12400. float m_FadeToBlackDuration; //0x0070
  12401. float m_StartFadeFromBlackAtTime; //0x0074
  12402. float m_FadeFromBlackDuration; //0x0078
  12403. float m_ScreenExposureAreaScale; //0x007C
  12404. ZoomLevelActivateEventType m_OnActivateEventType; //0x0080
  12405. float m_AttractYawStrength; //0x0084
  12406. float m_AttractPitchStrength; //0x0088
  12407. unsigned char m_AllowFieldOfViewScaling; //0x008C
  12408. unsigned char m_FadeToBlackInZoomTransition; //0x008D
  12409. unsigned char m_UseFovSpecialisation; //0x008E
  12410. unsigned char m_UseWeaponMeshZoom1p; //0x008F
  12412. };//Size=0x0090
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