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Jun 26th, 2013
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  1. <vilpan> ronj: does the problem occur with the latest version available from LO pre-releases? I downloaded the archive of debs minutes ago and the package seems to be named libreoffice4.1, so I don't quite understand what's going on :) %
  3. <vilpan> Querying apt policy for "libreoffice" should not show the manually installed version at all as the name is different %
  5. <ronj> hi vilpan, well I have both packages libreoffice and libreoffice4.1, libreoffice at version 4.1.0 and libreoffice4.1 at version %
  7. <vilpan> ronj: then the question is where did you get libreoffice 4.1.0 from? :) As far as I understand the debs from LO site should install a package "libreoffice4.1" %
  9. <ronj> vilpan, I just untargz-ed the archive and ran sudo dpkg -i ./*.deb (that's what I always do to install upstream LO) %
  11. <vilpan> ronj: it's probably related to the libreoffice4.1-debian-menus_4.1.0-1_all.deb as it provides package "libreoffice", while it used to be libreoffice-debian-menus %
  13. <ronj> could be, yes, but there may be more than just the package change, because for versions <4.1 I did install libreoffice-debian-menus (by moving it from its subfolder into the parent folder with the other packages before running my dpkg -i ./*.deb) %
  15. <vilpan> ronj: the debian-menus package used to be in a sub-dir, now desktop-integration dir is no longer there and debian-menus is in the same dir along with other debs. I don't think that is relevant though. %
  17. <vilpan> ronj: I don't know if the package name change was intentional or not. However, in my understanding the way it used to work (avoiding package name collisions) was a luck accident or a workaround, if you will. For example, if some Debian derivative would decide to package LO as "libreoffice4.1" instead of "libreoffice" it would break also. %
  19. <vilpan> I think the core issue is with APT configuration, not LO packaging. You can configure APT to assign the manually installed version a higher priority than the one available in repository. I can't tell you an exact pin from the top of my head, but you should be able to come up with one if you're willing to go through apt_preferences(5). Debian handbook ( is a valuable resource as well (section 6.2.5, f %
  21. <ronj> vilpan, regarding your comment from a few minutes ago, "ronj: I don't know if the package name change was intentional or not..." > didn't know about that and I believe you 100%, but requiring additional apt configuration doesn't seem a solution to me: from a pure user perspective I'm installing a more recent LibreOffice; why should I be asked about an older version? %
  23. <vilpan> ronj: that's just how APT's default priorities work. :) I understand everyone likes it, when it "just works", but as I said the different naming is in my opinion a workaround anyway. If it works most of the time, it's OK to use it, but it's not guaranteed to work %
  25. <ronj> vilpan, I understand your point of view too, it's just that the current behavior will cause Joe User to downgrade LO at the first Ubuntu update, which sounds like a bug
  27. <vilpan> ronj: yes, I agree. Let's wait and see what LO packagers think about the issue you have registered. Maybe it's a simple mistake and everyone will be happy again :) If not, I'm sure they will propose another solution.
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