

Mar 24th, 2011
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  1. fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
  2. Parsing command line...
  3. Command line was parsed successfully.
  5. Initializing transcription objects...
  6. fixme:winstation:GetUserObjectInformationW not supported index 4
  7. err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 12!
  8. fixme:process:WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId stub
  9. fixme:process:WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId stub
  10. fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x140224 0x00000000
  11. fixme:psapi:GetProcessImageFileNameA (0x1b8, 0x1b0e118, 520) stub
  12. err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {edb0e980-90bd-11d4-8599-0008c7d3b6f8} not registered
  13. err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {edb0e980-90bd-11d4-8599-0008c7d3b6f8} could be created for context 0x1
  14. err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {dd108427-6205-11cf-ae61-0000e8a28647}, failing with error 0x80004002
  15. err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
  16. Transcription objects were initialized successfully.
  18. No -useconfidence flag specified, the default value is 0.
  19. No -timeout parameter specified.The transcription will run until completion.
  21. Starting transcription process...
  22. fixme:ole:NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize stub
  23. fixme:ole:NdrXmitOrRepAsMarshall stub
  24. fixme:ole:NdrXmitOrRepAsUnmarshall stub
  25. fixme:ole:NdrXmitOrRepAsFree stub
  26. wine: Unhandled exception 0xc0000409 at address 0x220ff9e9 (thread 00c9), starting debugger...
  27. fixme:psapi:GetProcessImageFileNameA (0x354, 0x1b0e118, 520) stub
  28. fixme:psapi:GetProcessImageFileNameA (0x354, 0x1b0e118, 520) stub
  29. spencer@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ Process of pid=00a1 has terminated
  30. No process loaded, cannot execute 'echo Modules:'
  31. Cannot get info on module while no process is loaded
  32. No process loaded, cannot execute 'echo Threads:'
  33. process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
  34. 0000000e services.exe
  35. 0000005f 0
  36. 0000001c 0
  37. 00000014 0
  38. 00000010 0
  39. 0000000f 0
  40. 00000011 winedevice.exe
  41. 00000018 0
  42. 00000017 0
  43. 00000013 0
  44. 00000012 0
  45. 00000019 plugplay.exe
  46. 0000001d 0
  47. 0000001b 0
  48. 0000001a 0
  49. 0000001e explorer.exe
  50. 0000001f 0
  51. 00000015 issch.exe
  52. 0000003c 0
  53. 00000046 mscorsvw.exe
  54. 00000022 0
  55. 00000048 0
  56. 00000058 0
  57. 0000004e 0
  58. 000000d5 dotnetfx3.exe
  59. 000000d7 0
  60. 000000d6 0
  61. 000000d8 setup.exe
  62. 0000008c 0
  63. 000000d9 0
  64. 00000065 rpcss.exe
  65. 000000c1 0
  66. 000000d1 0
  67. 000000ab 0
  68. 00000084 0
  69. 0000006d natspeak.exe
  70. 000000db 0
  71. 0000007d -1
  72. 0000009c 0
  73. 0000005e 0
  74. 000000a5 0
  75. 00000039 0
  76. 00000009 0
  77. 00000034 0
  78. 000000ae 0
  79. 0000009a 0
  80. 00000032 0
  81. 00000070 0
  82. 00000093 0
  83. 00000086 0
  84. 000000be 0
  85. 0000007f 0
  86. 0000003e 0
  87. 00000037 0
  88. 00000067 0
  89. 00000090 0
  90. 0000009f 0
  91. You must be attached to a process to run this command.
  92. No process loaded, cannot execute 'detach'
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