
The Bat in the Badlands CYOA (ongoing...)

Dec 1st, 2013
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  1. Prologue
  3. >The Badlands.
  4. >I've lived here for as long as I can remember.
  5. >It's a nice enough place, as long as you know what you're getting yourself into.
  6. >First, and most importantly, it's dry.
  7. >Really dry.
  8. >There are a few rivers here and there but water is a scarce commodity and pony's have been known to fight for their water rights.
  9. >The next thing to keep in mind is that it's hot during the day and cold at night.
  10. >The clouds here are thin and wispy.
  11. >Why Celestia never had the weather service bring moisture to this land is something we may never know.
  12. >And if you're used to the tame, domesticated animals further north, well, you can forget that.
  13. >Even the rabbits that live here will give you trouble if you mess with them.
  14. >Scorpions, mountain lions, even the occasional roc; you encounter them all here in the Badlands.
  15. >But if you've lived with them your whole life I guess you get used to things that slither, bite, and sting.
  16. >No, the worst thing about the Badlands, the one thing that will ruin your day worse than anything else, are those other desperate souls that want nothing more than to take your property, your life, or sometimes both.
  17. >There's the gryphons of course.
  18. >Their homeland is across the sea to the east.
  19. >A long time ago - I forget when - the gryphon king sent out ships to colonize the southern coast of Equestria.
  20. >It's not like they had to deal with ponies since we hadn't moved that far south yet.
  21. >But between the swamps and the changelings and the dragons, let's just say that their colonies didn't do so well.
  22. >The problem for them was that the gryphon king basically stranded them here.
  23. >It didn't take long before the desperate birds turned to banditry and raiding.
  24. >I've heard that the Royal Guard tries to flush them out of their roosts in the hills from time to time, but so far it hasn't done any good.
  25. >I guess the other biggest threat out here are the changelings.
  26. >I used to get told as a child that if somepony, even somepony I knew really well, was acting funny that I should run and find an adult.
  27. >Because if that pony was acting strange it meant one of two things.
  28. >They either had the desert madness or they were a changeling.
  29. >I don't know if those bug monsters lived here in the Badlands before us, or if they migrated here like the gryphons.
  30. >The one thing I do know is that if there are changelings about you only have two choices.
  31. >Years before I was born my tribe had to make that choice.
  32. >Ponies were being taken.
  33. >The changelings would lead us away with their false faces and then fill us with their poisons.
  34. >One of our stallions found their hive and our elders had two choices.
  35. >We could leave our lands and hope the bugs didn't follow us or we could fight back.
  36. >We chose to fight and the hive burned.
  37. >Nowadays we don't have changelings entering out settlements and towns.
  38. >They know better.
  39. >That said, I wouldn't want to be a pony and encounter a hungry changeling out in the open all by myself.
  40. >Because you never know if he's got friends nearby.
  41. >But there are plenty of good things out here too.
  42. >After all, the Badlands are a desert not a wasteland.
  43. >The stars are so beautiful at night that it's almost as if Luna herself favored us out here.
  44. >We have our caves to sleep in during the day, and believe it or not we do grow enough food to keep our bellies full.
  45. >During our festivals we even have candies made from the cactus fruits that grow nearby.
  46. >And anything we can't make we can trade for.
  47. >We trade gems for scales and shed teeth with a few of the dragons that live up in the mountains.
  48. >And since all the southern trade routes comes though the desert we get to see all the finest treasures and goods from distant lands as they make their way north.
  49. >I think I've actually met more zebra's and Saddle Arabians than I have unicorns!
  50. >Thanks to that trade and our resourcefulness we're pretty independent.
  51. >We don't depend on the Crown for much of anything, and I don't think we'd have it any other way.
  52. >So, overall, the Badlands are not a bad place to live.
  53. >Just as long as you know what you're getting yourself into.
  55. End of prologue.
  57. >You are Ebin Battuta.
  58. >A bat pony and bounty hunter.
  59. >The job is not as glamorous as it sounds.
  60. >You are currently sitting outside a small food stall in Ft. Lucky.
  61. >Ft. Lucky is the southernmost Equestrian outpost and you have just dropped of your latest bounty.
  62. >It was nothing special; just a mule who borrowed some money from a merchant and skipped out when the loan came due.
  63. >Not a lot of bits from that job, but enough to pay your way for a while.
  64. >As you sit their enjoying your mango slices and dates, You find yourself wishing for a drink that is a bit...
  65. >Saltier.
  66. >You know of a few places where you can get some blood but they're on the other side of the market where the gryphons have their butchers.
  67. >As you sit there, enjoying the day you also realize that the settlement you grew up in is not too far away.
  68. >You haven't seen your mother in forever.
  69. >Just then, the owner of the food stall comes by.
  70. >She's a fairly attractive pegasus mare.
  71. >She's been giving you looks the whole time you've been sitting there.
  72. >She sashays over to your table and asks, "We close in just a few minutes. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
  74. A. Chat up the mare and see how interested she really is.
  75. B. Go to the butchers and get some blood.
  76. C. Something else.
  78. A. was chosen
  80. >You glance up at the cute mare.
  81. "Well you know. Now that you mention it, I haven't been here in a while. To be honest I just finished my last job and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself."
  82. >You give here a toothy grin.
  83. "Perhaps you have some recommendations?"
  84. >She smirks and lowers her eyes a bit.
  85. >"I might have an idea or two."
  86. >Jackpot.
  87. >It's always a risk whether or not pegasus mares will dig your fangs, but this one is clearly into you.
  88. >"We could head to my place. No one should be home right now. What do you say?"
  89. >You smirk...
  91. A. Lead the way Mi'lady...
  92. B. That sounds nice but I wouldn't be much of a gentlestallion if I imposed on your hospitality. How about I take you out on the town first?
  93. C. Can I take a rain check on that sweetheart?
  95. B. was chosen
  97. "That sounds nice but I wouldn't be much of a gentlestallion if I imposed on your hospitality. How about I take you out on the town first?"
  98. >She suddenly looks a little nervous.
  99. >"Oh, well, that sounds nice but, uh, I'm kind of a mess right now."
  100. >She lays a hoof on yours and gives a small smile.
  101. >"My place is right around the corner.Why don't we head there first. I can get cleaned up and then we can see what we want to do after that?"
  103. A. Head with her to her place.
  104. B. I'll have to take a raincheck, sorry.
  106. A. was chosen
  108. >You look into the mare's gorgeous lavender eyes.
  109. "All right. That sounds like a plan."
  110. >"Great! Just give me a few minutes to close up shop and we'll go."
  111. >Turns with an extra shimmy and walks away.
  112. >As you admire the view, you think about what you are about to do.
  113. >It's not very likely that she is some kind of femme fatale who just wants to lure you into her den.
  114. >But usually mare jump at the chance to have a stallion spend bits on them.
  115. >You'll just have to see if she really wants to pretty herself up so she looks good on the town.
  116. >And if she wants to stay in?
  117. >Well nobody said that you didn't TRY to be a Gentlestallion.
  118. >"Are you ready?" she chirps.
  119. >You both head out and she leads you down a nearby street the abuts the fort proper.
  120. >You're kind of surprised at how nice her place is.
  121. >It's not a mansion, but it is a nice, breezy little bungalow.
  122. >"Well, come one in." she invites.
  123. >You head in to the living room and she sits you down.
  124. >"Now, would you like something to drink?"
  126. A. Nothing right now thanks.
  127. B. Sure, whatever you've got.
  128. C. You know, I have been thirsty for something in particular.
  130. C. was chosen
  132. "You know," you smirk, baring you fangs. "I have been thirsty for something in particular."
  133. >"Oh, do tell?"
  134. "Well it's a very special drink. Very hard to come by. But I think you might be able to provide me with some."
  135. >She wanders over to the couch and sits down, just barely within reach.
  136. >"And is this drink any good?" She rolls her head slightly, baring her neck.
  137. >You run you tongue over your teeth.
  138. "It's the best."
  139. >You grab her forehoof and draw her towards you.
  140. >She offers no resistance.
  141. >As you start to nuzzle her neck she leans back a little.
  142. >"Would you like to head back to the bedroom?"
  144. A. Sure thing.
  145. B. Nah, this is fine.
  146. C. Oh, my gosh what am I doing!
  148. B. was chosen
  150. "Nah, I like this, right here."
  151. >You start to nuzzle in earnest.
  152. >She's so warm, and you can tell that she is one of those ponies that is totally turned on by the idea of an exotic bat pony drinking their blood.
  153. >Seriously, it's amazing how many mares think it's romantic.
  154. >You lick a spot on her throat.
  155. >The pulse is strong there.
  156. >You make a show of opening your mouth wide and she closes her eyes in anticipation.
  157. >She shivers as you lean in...
  158. >"Honeybun? I'm home!"
  159. >You jerk back as the mare rockets out of her seat.
  160. >"OhmyGOSH!" she pants.
  161. "Who...?" you ask with a sinking feeling.
  162. >"My husband!" she hisses.
  163. >Crap.
  164. >You can hear the clinking of metal from the entry way.
  165. >Metal?
  166. "Is your husband a guard?"
  167. >She looks panicked.
  168. >"Yes, he's an officer."
  169. >Double crap.
  170. >You look around.
  171. >There is a good chance this stallion's a pegasus which means that he will be able to chase you in the sky.
  172. >You look around quickly.
  173. >The shutters on all the windows are closed against the sun.
  174. >You won't have time to open them; you'll have to crash on through.
  175. >You hear him coming down the hall.
  177. A. Get out any way you can!
  178. B. Try to talk (bluff) your way out of this.
  179. C. Something else...
  181. A. was chosen
  183. >You look at the nearest window.
  184. >You extend your hooves in front of you and take to the air.
  185. >Like an arrow, you shoot towards the shuttered window.
  186. >CRACK! Crash!
  187. >The impact jars you and kills most of your forward momentum.
  188. >You just barely manage to roll as you hit the ground outside the window.
  189. >Your head is still a bit mushy but you have only one impulse right now:
  190. >MOVE!
  191. >You hug the wall and stumble your way into a side alley.
  192. >Behind you are the shouts of an angry stallion.
  193. >Your vision starts to clear and you see that the alley actually leads into another alley.
  194. >You can also see blue sky up through the awnings of the building around you.
  196. A. Take to the sky's
  197. B. Book it down the alleyway.
  198. C. Surrender.
  199. D. Try on of the doors on the nearby buildings to see if you can hide there.
  201. B. was chosen
  203. >You hoof it down the alleyway.
  204. >You're back to full steam at this point.
  205. >Good thing too, because behind you there is a clatter of hooves and a masculine voice cries out,"You there! Halt!"
  206. >You don't halt.
  207. >In fact, you do the exact opposite of halting.
  208. >As you get to the end of the alley way you juke to the side, head down a connecting alley, and run.
  209. >Fortunately for you the place is like a maze.
  210. >You skip down two more back streets and make your way into the crowded bazaar.
  211. >As you catch your breath you look around discretely to see if you were followed.
  212. >You weren't.
  213. >But now you've got to figure out what to do.
  214. >Your gear is back at your room at the inn.
  215. >Do you...
  217. A. Head back and lay low for a while.
  218. B. Find somewhere close to chill for a while until the heat dies down.
  219. C. Go get that blood from the butchers.
  220. D. Something else. Write in an answer.
  222. C. was chosen
  224. >All that running away from ticked off husbands is thirsty work.
  225. >And what do you know, you're almost to the butcher's district.
  226. >You saunter off to one of the stands where a gryphon conducts his grisly work.
  227. >He eyes you and you ask for some blood.
  228. >In this part of the world nobody thinks twice about what you drink.
  229. >He pours some blood from a basin next to him into a mug and hands it to you.
  230. >You drink the salty brew.
  231. >Delicious.
  232. >As you set the mug down and consider getting another you feel a hoof rest itself on you withers.
  233. >"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."
  234. >You glance around.
  235. >Three burly pegasi in the armor of the Royal Guard surround you.
  236. >This just isn't your day.
  238. A. Fight and flight!
  239. B. Surrender peaceably.
  241. B. was chosen
  243. "All right boys, you got me."
  244. >You make a show of holding out your forehooves.
  245. >They put hobbles on your wings and escort you to the garrison.
  246. >You are relieved of you small saddle bag and unceremoniously dumps in the stockade.
  247. >As you sit there you wonder what that poor, helpless little mare told her husband.
  248. >An hour goes by.
  249. >A guard comes by and gives you a look as though he recognizes you, but then turns away quickly and leaves.
  250. >Another hour passes.
  251. >It's getting dark now.
  252. >Though that doesn't really bother you.
  253. >Just as you are about to doze off a voice wakes you.
  254. >"Get up!"
  255. >You stand up slowly and walk over to the front of the cell.
  256. >Standing before you is an officer.
  257. >You can't be sure if it's the husband or somepony else.
  258. >"Well, well, Mr. Battuta. You've gotten yourself into quite a pickle haven't you?"
  259. "Maybe. Why don't you tell me what I'm in here for?"
  260. >"Oh, nothing much." He smiles. It is not pleasant.
  261. >"Just breaking into the home of one of my officers and assaulting his wife."
  262. >So that's how she played it, eh?
  263. >"I'm gonna cut the horse apples here and tell you why I'm here. I know the Corporal Sunstepper's wife is a tramp. But she is also a wife of a pissed of officer."
  264. >"You have two choices. You can stay here and rot. Or, you can listen to a little problem that I am having. A problem you might be able to help me with."
  266. A. I'm listening.
  267. B. I want my lawyer.
  268. C. Tell him to take a hike and wait for an opportunity to escape.
  270. A. was chosen
  272. "I'm listening."
  273. >The officer starts to pace back and forth in front of your cell.
  274. >"You've heard of the bandit N'Galu?"
  275. >Yes, of course you had heard of him.
  276. >Everypony, gryphon, Saddle Arabian, zebra, and camel had heard of N'Galu.
  277. >He was one of the most feared raiders in all the Badlands.
  278. >The zebra didn't have the biggest number of followers, but the ones he did have were fanatically devoted to him.
  279. "Yah, I've heard of him."
  280. >You really hope this conversation isn't going where you think it's going.
  281. >"Well, lately he's stepped up his activities on the Spice Road. I need to stop him, but I can't get close to him. That's where you come in."
  282. >Aaaand this conversation is definitely headed towards where you feared it would.
  283. >"I'm not asking you to capture or kill him. Nothing like that. You'd never be able to do it any way. No, what I need is recon. You find out where N'Galu is hold up and I can convince Corporal Sunstepper to 'forget' what happened to his dear wife."
  284. >He stops and turns to you. "What do you say?"
  286. A. I'll have to think about that. (stall for time so maybe you can escape)
  287. B. Just recon huh? Ok, I'll do it.
  288. C. No deal. I'll take my chances before the magistrate.
  290. B. was chosen
  292. "So, I get in, find their hidey hole and bring you the info. And you make this whole thing go away?"
  293. >"That's about the size of it."
  294. >Ohhhh, this is a bad idea. But...
  295. "Alright, I'll do it."
  296. >"Splendid!" You hear keys jingling in the lock and the door squeaks open.
  297. >"Now you should know that if for some reason you take off and don't report back, well, I'll have every garrison between here and Canterlot looking for you. Understand?"
  298. "Sure, perfectly."
  299. >The commander leads you to a store room.
  300. >He lights a lamp and pulls out some papers.
  301. >"N'Galu has been hitting caravans here as of late."
  302. >He points on a map to a point south of Ft. Lucky where the Spice Road just starts to approach the Long River.
  303. >"They hit the caravans and then disappear east."
  304. "East? That's getting into dragon territory. You don't think..."
  305. >"I don't know. That's what you're going to have to find out."
  306. >He puts your saddle bag on the table.
  307. >"Normally I would give you some sort of official 'bona fides' to show that you are working for the crown. But in this case having those would just get you killed if they where found."
  308. >He blows out the lamp.
  309. >"Nope, the best I can do is give a week's grace on your arrest warrant. Get me what I want and I'll make it go away all together."
  310. >He escorts you under the cover of darkness to the front gate of the fort.
  311. >"Good luck." He gives you that unpleasant grin from earlier.
  312. >You walk out the gate. Free, but not free.
  313. >You head back to your room at the inn and crash on your bed.
  314. >Now you have to figure out how to proceed.
  316. A. Head east towards where the raiding is taking place.
  317. B. Head northeast to your Tribal lands and hope that your tribe will grant you refuge.
  318. C. Head south into Saddle Arabia and possibly further.
  319. D. Head north and try to make it to the sea. (will take longer than a week.)
  321. A. was chosen
  323. >As tempting as it is to run, you know that Celestia's hoof has a long reach.
  324. >You don't want to live out the rest of your days as a criminal, so you decide to go along with this whole crazy plan and find N'Galu.
  325. >With that decided you roll over and get some sleep.
  326. >...
  327. >You wake a few hours before sun up and gather your gear.
  328. >After squaring your bill with the hotel proprietor you head for the southern road.
  329. >N'Galu is NOT someone you want to tangle with.
  330. >That and if it is true that he is hiding out in dragon territory then things are bound to get hot.
  331. >Both figuratively and literally.
  332. >But you've been in tight jams before.
  333. >And as you find yourself in the camp grounds south of Ft. Lucky you think that you might have struck on a plan.
  335. End part one.
  338. >You are Ebin Battuta; a bat pony and bounty hunter.
  339. >After your latest job you got in trouble with the wife of an Equestrian officer.
  340. >(Don’t judge, she was cute and you didn’t know that she was married.)
  341. >After a daring escape you were finally captured and thrown in the stockade.
  342. >The commander of Ft. Lucky then came to you with two choices.
  343. >Either face “justice” for trying to have your way with an officer’s wife, or do an off the job books for the Crown.
  344. >You’ve never had much respect for the crown, but you didn’t have much choice.
  345. >Now, you have one week to find the hideout of one of the most feared raider in all the Badlands; the zebra warlord N’Galu.
  346. >The only intel that Ft. Lucky’s commander had for you is that N’Galu is hitting caravans on the Spice Road between Ft. Lucky and Mare-akesh and then retreating to the east.
  347. >This is troubling because the hills to the east lead up into mountains controlled by dragons.
  348. >If N’Galu has formed some sort of alliance with those scaly beasts…
  349. >Well, best not to think about it now as you have more pressing concerns.
  350. >If you are not back at Ft. Lucky in one week then a warrant for your arrest goes up in every garrison between here and Canterlot.
  351. >Fortunately, the hills around Mt. Firemane are not that far off; only about a day and a half as the bat flys.
  352. >The problem is that territory is vast.
  353. >There is no way you are going to find N’Galu by yourself.
  354. >No. Your only hope is to lure him out, then follow him back to his hide-out.
  355. >And the only thing that is going to lure him out is the promise of plunder.
  356. >You need a stalking horse.
  357. >South of Ft. Lucky are the grounds where the caravans traditionally camp whenever they come under the shadow of that Equestrian garrison.
  358. >After some checking around you find out that there are only two caravans headed south.
  359. >One is led by the Saddle Arabian Motaz al-Rasahid.
  360. >You don’t know him or anything about him, but you speak Saddle Arabian and know the customs so he might be easier to win over.
  361. >The second company is headed by a gryphon named Gomez.
  362. >Gryphons can be… difficult.
  363. >But they are usually well armed.
  364. >Now you just have to find out who will have you as a companion and who you want to travel with.
  366. A. Approach the Saddle Arabian’s caravan first.
  367. B. Approach the gryphon’s camp first.
  369. A. was chosen
  371. >It’s still a good hour before dawn so you make a good amount of noise as you approach so that their sentries won’t be alarmed.
  372. >Sure enough, the lone camel on guard calls out as you approach.
  373. >You answer in Saddle Arabian that you wish to speak to the master of the caravan.
  374. >The camel gives you a funny look, squinting into the darkness.
  375. >He calls one of his fellows over.
  376. >This being is a Saddle Arabian.
  377. >Not particularly tall, but still several hooves taller than you.
  378. >“You wish to speak with our leader?” he asks in Arabian.
  379. “That’s right,” you respond in his tongue. “I need to make my way south and would like to join your caravan.”
  380. >He squints at you closely then jerk his head in surprise.
  381. >“You are a bat!”
  382. “Yes, I am a bat pony. I do not mean to offend.”
  383. >He shakes his head. “No, no. I just… you speak our language. I thought you were from the south.”
  384. >“Come he says, I will take you to Motaz.”
  385. >As you wander through the camp you take stock of their defenses.
  386. >They are definitely a merchant caravan, but you see a number of Arabians and Camels with weapons strapped to their flanks.
  387. >Your guide leads you to the central tent.
  388. >There, a graying Saddle Arabian with a full beard is issuing orders to a subordinate by lamp light.
  389. >Your guide whispers in his master’s ear and the horse that you assume is Motaz al-Rashid approaches you.
  390. You bow your head and, in Arabian, utter, “Peace be upon you and your company.”
  391. >The gray beard nods in return.
  392. >He takes a good look at you.
  393. >In a voice that is neither hostile nor welcoming he asks, ”Now then son of bats, where are you headed and why do you wish to travel with my caravan?”
  395. A. Tell him the whole truth.
  396. B. Tell him part of the truth.
  397. C. Make up a story.
  399. B. was chosen
  401. “Sir, I am headed to the lake country by Mare-akesh. I am loath to travel on my own and seek a company.”
  402. >“And why our company?” he asks with a hint of suspicion.
  403. “In truth, I am not yet decided on this caravan. There is also another band headed south besides your own.”
  404. >“Paaugh!” he scoffs. “They are gryphons! Surely you don’t mean to travel with those fish eaters!”
  405. >You chuckle at his joke.
  406. >Not that you find it funny, but it’s generally a good idea to laugh at the jokes of those calling the shots.
  407. “Well, sir. The thing is, my purse is light. I have sharp eyes and know how to fight. I was hoping that I could hire myself to either your band or the gryphons. My passage in exchange for my blades?”
  408. >Motaz gestures at his followers.
  409. >“We have many here who can lift a sword. Why do you think we would need you?”
  411. A. Say that there are always dangers on the road.
  412. B. Bring up N’Galu.
  414. B. was chosen
  416. “I have been at Ft. Lucky as of late and there is a lot of talk about the bandit N’Galu and-“
  417. >“N’GALU!!” an incensed Motaz spits.
  418. >“You bring up that striped devil! He is a curse on all of us who travel the sands!”
  419. >Then he looks at you with wary eyes.
  420. >“How do I know that you are not one of his spies, eh? Come to feel us out and then leave markers on the trail for your master.”
  421. >The caravan leader stares at you with razor sharp intensity.
  422. >Obviously you have struck a nerve.
  423. >You’ve got to convince this old horse that you are not one of N’Galu’s ponies or not only will he kick you out, he may tell the other caravans of his suspicions.
  424. >He might even try to off you himself.
  426. A. Tell him the full truth.
  427. B. Swear an oath that you are not one of N’Galu’s followers.
  428. C. Ask him what you can do to prove that you do not belong to N’Galu
  430. C. was chosen
  432. “Sir.” you reply, “I don’t know why you would think this of me, but I am not one of N’Galu’s ponies!”
  433. >”Humph,” he scoffs. “I do not know you. How can I trust you?”
  434. >You know it’s risky but you decide on a course of action.
  435. “I will place myself in your hooves, sir. Ask of me what you will and I will do it to show that I am not being false with you.”
  436. >With that bold declaration the old horse’s gaze softens.
  437. >”Hm, you are brave to offer that much, bat.” He thinks for a moment. “Very well, since you put yourself in my hooves, I give you a choice.”
  438. >You are familiar with nomad custom.
  439. >In order to test you Motaz will give you some kind of trial or challenge.
  440. >If you can pass it then you will be golden.
  441. >If not, well, it doesn’t look like he has any fliers in his company so you’re going to have to make a quick break for it.
  442. “Now, son of bats, I will give you a choice. The idol? Or the flame?”
  444. A. The Idol
  445. B. The Flame
  447. B. was chosen
  449. >You think you might know what the “flame” refers to so you look up at Motaz.
  450. “I choose the flame.”
  451. >”Ah, you wish to prove that your tongue does not lie. Moussa! Bring Fez. Fetch me the things for testing the truthfulness of a tongue.”
  452. >The other horse trots off.
  453. >By this time a number of the males in the caravan have gathered around.
  454. >All the commotion surely attracted them.
  455. >By the time Moussa and a camel (Fez you presume) return you are completely hemmed in.
  456. >The Arabian and the camel haul a small charcoal brazier between them.
  457. >They set it down and Moussa hoofs his boss a small metal implement.
  458. >”Son of bats, do you know the trial for a lying tongue?”
  459. >You actually do know this one as it is a pretty common challenge for those who are accused of bearing false witness.
  460. “Yes sir. You will heat that metal spoon. When it is hot you will hold it against my tongue. If I am burned then I am a liar. If my tongue is whole then I speak the truth.
  461. >He nods in agreement then nods again to your side.
  462. >Instantly, two of the camels standing next to you reach out and grab you by the barrel, pinning your wings and front legs.
  463. >You struggle for a moment but you aren’t going to escape these two bruisers.
  464. >You watch in a kind of fatalistic fascination as Motaz heats the spoon over the red hot coals.
  465. >When he is satisfied, he starts to walk towards you.
  466. >”Now, open your mouth and we shall see if you speak the truth.”
  468. To be continued…
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