

Sep 22nd, 2015
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  1. Presence and observation are the same thing. To flow with a central presence, but to be able to flow with life, we must first understand it. To understand life we ​​must be observant, everything that happens inside and outside us.
  3. Most seem to think that only certain people are naturally observant, but the only difference between people is that we have blocked this ability to varying degrees. We are all fragments of the infinite consciousness, and our only task is to observe. We are observers.
  5. In order to build a strong presence as required momentum, which means that we as often as possible to examine our presence. We do this by simply watching, neither more nor less. The more, the better. There are no limits to how often we can be aware of our presence, because that's the whole point of observation. We retain and reinforce it by repeating it as often as possible. We should never conclude that we are sufficiently present, but always assume the opposite. There is always more to perceive, and sharpness of perception always goes to reinforce.
  7. Nothing is less important to note, but all that appears in our field of attention should be treated with the same approach. Until Pain is included, then the acceptance of the impression should be unconditional, that is neutral and without values ​​or definitions.
  9. The observation will not feel stressful or tense in any way, but as a form of relaxation. We are not looking for something to observe, but we let it get to us. The observation is general, and does not target any particular impressions, or mind. It is more like a form of openness. Each impression is perceived should be accepted in full, and that's the way we float by. This also means that we do not delay us here at some of the impressions, but always capable of perceiving new.
  11. Recovery is central to maintaining momentum in presence. We will inevitably lose concentration for different reasons. Then it is important to as quickly as possible, return to the observation, in order to minimize the possible reduction of momentum. To accept that we lost presence, is part of being present.
  13. To observe is to activate. What we observe is affected in a positive way. This is because the observation with an accepting attitude drop resistance, which always has a positive impact.
  15. Let go of life, instead of holding it down. Dare watching, instead of doing.
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