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a guest
Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. command /setwarp <text>:
  2. permission: warp.create
  3. trigger:
  4. set {warp.%argument%} to location of the player
  5. message "&8» &7Warp &6{warp.%argument%} &7zostal ustawiony."
  7. command /warp <text>:
  8. trigger:
  9. set {_location} to the player's location
  10. set {_delay} to 7
  11. send "&8» &cTeleportacja nastapi za &65 sekund&7!" to the player
  12. send "&8» &cJesli sie poruszysz teleportacja zostanie przerwana!" to the player
  13. while {_delay} is greater than 0:
  14. if distance between {_location} and the player's location is less than 0.1:
  15. subtract 1 from {_delay}
  16. wait 1 second
  17. else:
  18. send "&8» &cTeleportacja anulowana." to the player
  19. exit
  20. if distance between {_location} and the player's location is less than 0.1:
  21. teleport the player to {warp.%argument%} # Use whatever location you want instead of spawn
  22. send "&8» &cZostales przeteleportowany!" to the player
  23. else:
  24. send "&8» &cTeleportacja anulowana." to the player
  26. command /warps:
  27. trigger:
  28. send "&8&m---------------------------------------"
  29. send " &8» &6Lista teleportow:"
  30. send " &8* &7enchant&6, &7kowadla&6, &7stoniarki"
  31. send "&8&m---------------------------------------"
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