
PKMN TRPG ideas - trainer style

Dec 24th, 2016
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  1. After far too many "how do we fix PTU" discussions, I have determined that the only way to fix PTU is to simply start over and make another Pokemon TRPG entirely. In this paste, I will address the issue of training style.
  3. In PTU, there are several training style classes. The problem is, they're pretty much essential, but the game doesn't really make you take one, and in fact you may be unable to take any due to not meeting the prerequisites (PTU really loves its prerequisites). Also, the options for training style are, in my opinion, rather unappealing in general. I do like the idea of training styles, however, so in my own version of a Pokemon TRPG, I would make it simply be a core part of the trainer, decided during character creation (with possibility of changing it later at cost and/or with a logical reason for why your character'sstyle may change). Here are a few examples:
  5. Cheerleading: by cheering and jumping around while your Pokemon battle, you can give them encouragement. This could provide bonuses during battle and increase EXP gain, but require something like athletics or charisma checks or whatever.
  7. Companion: you don't warm up to Pokemon fast, but when you've built a bond with one, it lasts a lifetime. Perhaps this style could slow Pokemon growth at first, but increase it over time. Perhaps your Pokemon could even get jealous if you catch too many other Pokemon. Perhaps this idea would be too wonky and complicated to implement.
  9. Collection: you don't like to train Pokemon, you just like to catch new ones that are about as powerful as what you need to face next. Perhaps this one could have newly-caught Pokemon grow fast but then slow down hardcore, maybe with the exception of their Starter.
  11. Grooming: you like to keep your Pokemon clean and healthy, and in return your Pokemon don't disappoint you. By investing some time into keeping your Pokemon in top condition, you can gain bonuses for your Pokemon's growth rate or their stats in the next battle, but they wear off soon after the roughhousing begins.
  13. And that's all I can think of at the moment.
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