
First day of school.

Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. >You are Blueberry.
  2. >Everyone favorite, or less favorite bat filly.
  3. >What would you know, none of your business.
  4. >Regardless, today is the first day of school, fall has begun, and well, it's time to meet up with your old friends.
  5. >Knowing your status last year, it's unlikely a lot has changed.
  6. >Yet. You will see about that. Of course, before going to school, you must get prepared.
  7. >And so you would, getting your lazy butt off the bed, and making sure you got what's needed.
  8. >Wouldn't need books the first day, but you would need some things.
  9. >A paper, and a pencil, to write down the necessary things, of course!
  10. >You'd stash those things away in your saddlebags, and place them upon your back.
  11. >Okay..should be enough!
  12. >You'd trot off towards the bathroom, to brush your mane, and clean your teeth, after being throughfully satisfied with how you look like you'd like to.
  13. >Or, well closest it was gonna get to "perfection." hehe.
  14. >You'd walk toward the front door, and exist the house, basking in the sunny day.
  15. >Which was a good thing, given that it was that time of the year.
  16. >You'd set sail, erm set foot towards the school, rather slowly, but, you were gonna get there.
  17. >That, and you did tend to walk with Sandstone, so it could take a while for him to come, of course.
  18. >'d move at the speed of a snail, waiting for a couple of moments, until he'd finally show up on the horizon, not even looking all fancy as you did.
  19. >Maybe you should of wore some lingerie, or maybe not, where did that thought come from.
  20. >You'd likely get kicked out for wearing such things to school!
  21. >Regardless, you'd greet your little lover, by doing the mandatory, poking his snootle.
  22. >To which you'd get a very expected reaction, a scrunchie, followed by a hoof pressed onto your snoot.
  23. >You'd giggle, and start talking, you know, verbally, and not just in a very cute way specific to foals. Eheh.
  24. >"Righto. Let's get moving?"
  25. "Yup. Don't wanna be late."
  26. >And, with a simple word exchange, you'd get moving, trotting off happily towards the school.
  27. >Much faster than you did initially, because, well, now you did take a good chunk of time you had spare.
  28. >Hmh. Either case, you'd arrive in time and clearly enough, before a lot of pones.
  29. >Eh, maybe you were rushing too fast, you'd trot over to the park, the little oddly sand-colored colt right next to you.
  30. >You'd sit down on the bench, plopping your butt down on the wood, and resting your hooves over your legs, well, hind hooves, accurately.
  31. "Haha, guess the rush wasn't all that necessary, eh Blue?"
  32. >You'd nod, well now..he certainly wasn't wrong.
  33. >You'd yawn softly, not out of tiredness, but rather, out of boredom
  34. >"Well, ye..I typically get here just in time, not a second early or a second late!"
  35. >You'd exclaim, lying, but, not like he had to know that. You didn't go to the same class together--just same school--.
  36. >And, long so before you were dating, notably enough.
  37. "Hm, I see. Well, I suppose we could sit here and wait a few minutes, it's not long till the first class, like, twenty minutes?", he'd ask with a confused look, before looking at his watch and confirming.
  38. "Yeah, positive it's 20 minutes."
  39. >"Well, that's quite the time."
  40. >He'd blink, looking at you all silly.
  41. "Twenty minutes? You're pretty crazy, it's nothing. An hour is long."
  42. >You'd scrunch. "Am nawt!" "I'm just like, super impatient."
  43. >He'd nod at this, tilting his head.
  44. "And, super cute." He'd add up, short and simple.
  45. >And, surely enough, with all the small talk you two had, the time would pass rather quickly.
  46. >And, well, the small talk being mostly you delivering hoof pressings to his snootle, and he doing the same.
  47. >Surely, it wasn't unhealthy, it was cute seeing his nose get all wrinkly, hehe.
  48. >You'd stand up, stretching your wings, and your legs, of course, that was quite mandatory.
  49. >Because, like every other foal, you liked running around and stuff, and..having sex.
  50. >Okay, maybe the latter wasn't what every foal liked doing, might of been just you, who could really tell, though.
  51. >You'd greet your friends, who didn't seem to notice you got here significantly earlier at all.
  52. >That's for the best, really. You'd kiss your little lover on the cheek, and part ways as the school bell rang.
  53. >You'd trot off with your friends, who had quite a few questions for you, the group of girls you hung out were quite..chatty.
  54. "Soo, who's that little fella, we've seen you around with him."
  55. >One of the foals would, speak, and rather soon after, another one of the girls would lean over with a smile on her face, whispering in your ear.
  56. "Yeah, have you..done things with him already? He seems awfully awkward."
  57. >You'd keep your cool, and keep walking at the same tempo as rest of your group, you were inside the hallway now, just waiting for your teacher in front of the classroom
  58. >Which did tend to take quite a while, you always thought teachers were just extra lazy.
  59. >Or maybe they had boring adults things to do like drink coffee, or prepare papers, or whatever.
  60. >Clearly you've never paid too much attention to such things, after all, ti was none of your business, you were a foal, not an adult.
  61. >"Girls! One by one. Don't jump me like I jump him~", you'd reply in a sultry tone, smirking.
  62. >You weren't the "most popular" kid around, but you had a reputation, and that was good enough for you.
  63. >They'd giggle in unison as you'd speak that, the rest of the class didn't interact with you and your group, for the most part.
  64. >Unless it came down to exams, you were always willing to help, and others were willing to help you out if you needed such a thing, and you did.
  65. >"Mh, but, yes. I've..slept with him. But I wouldn't wanna get into too many details now."
  66. >"It's always good to keep some mystery, hehe.", you'd chuckle lightly.
  67. >They'd giggle once again, patting your shoulder.
  68. "Hmh, yeah, he's pretty cute. How did you two meet?", the oldest in your group asked.
  69. >And, really, she wasn't that much older than you, or rest of the girl. Likely a year.
  70. >Enough to be noticed, nonetheless.
  71. >"Hmh..well, that's quite a long story, I suppose I could say it on the break period."
  72. >You'd say with a giggle. Which only seemed to make them more curious!"
  73. "Oh, come on, tell us now! Totally can't wait to hear how did you meet a cute fella like him."
  74. >You'd tilt your head, breaking in under pressure.
  75. >"Alright, alright, fine! But, you must listen, I'm not gonna listen because she's gonna start rubbing herself off.", you'd say with a smirk, pointing to the girl sitting next to you, the one with green mane, pink fur, and quite remarkable eyes.
  76. >Two-colored irises, brown and green. It was actually quite beautiful.
  77. >She'd blush at your comment, hiding her face in her mane.
  78. "I totally wouldn't!"
  79. >The rest of the party would giggle, but brush it off.
  80. "Well, go on Blue, tell us!"
  81. >And, well, you would, slowly.
  82. >"Fine, well, it was estrus season, and I'm gonna take it you little sluts know what's that~", you'd speak, grinning, but going on as they'd giggle. Expected reaction, hehe.
  83. >"Mh, and well, you know how that typically goes, thing is, he was more or less the only dude alone out there, which was weird, since you'd think some foal would want him."
  84. >"After all, he's pretty cute, and well, you saw him today~ Minee~" You'd put the emphasis on the last part, getting just a bit dreamy! It was taking a surprisingly long time for the teacher to come here.
  85. >Which was quite odd, you were used to the classes beginning in time, for the most part. Mhm.
  86. "Go on, we're listening!", one of the girls would speak, noticing you were distracted.
  87. >"Right right, sorry, anyhow, I got up to him, and well, asked what he's doin' alone, mind you, I had some control over myself."
  88. >"Keyword some, t-the need to make love is quite intense, and given it was my first time experiencing such a thing..well, you can guess how bad it was."
  89. >"So, yeah, talked a bit with him, spent some time sharing our life story, kissing, and well. The rest is history.", you'd smirk, ending it at that.
  90. >To which you'd get a reaction you were expecting. Typical for a bunch of sloots~
  91. "H-Hey, you can't cut it out here! Tell us how was it, what did you two do and stuff.", they'd speak, one of the girls even visibly blushing.
  92. >Adorable.
  93. >"Haha, oh sorry sweethearts, I'm gonna have to cut ya off here, I'll end it someday.", you'd state simply, noting that your math teacher was just coming around.
  94. >They'd frown, but nod, not giving you much bother.
  95. >"Besides, I have a certain colt to bug during the break period~" You'd say with a wink, entering the classroom.
  96. >You'd trot up to your seat, and well, sit down, patiently waiting for the class to end, while making notes and such, you were paying attention!
  97. >Even if it was boring you, not like you had much of an option, education was mandatory.
  98. >That, and, despite how boring it was, you didn't wanna stay a dumb batty, best have some smarts in that little head of yours.
  99. >The whole class went along awfully silently, which was kinda odd for your class, they weren't typically the silent bunch.
  100. >Not that they were all too loud, but probably a not noiser than the up-classed snobs up there in canterlot.
  101. >Or so you thought, you were a bat, not a unicorn, or something.
  102. >After painful 45 minutes of writing things and listening to your teacher, it was finally over.
  103. >And so you'd exit the classroom, heading off your way, instead with your friends like you typically did, searching for him.
  104. >After a short while you would indeed bump into the one you were searching for. Bump as in, literally bump heads with. Oof.
  105. "Blue!", he'd exclaim, clearly surprised, or annoyed, it was hard to tell.
  106. >"What?", you'd ask in a completely innocent tone, rubbing your forehead a bit. It did hurt a slight bit.
  107. "Aren't you supposed to be waiting in front of the classroom till teacher comes?"
  108. >You'd snort, giggling. "Are you kidding me, that's what little foals do, do I look like a little foal?"
  109. "Most certainly!", he'd exclaim, bapping your snoot.
  110. >"Hey..."
  111. >"F-fine, anyways, if you wanna do some stuff /after/ school, that would be like, cool."
  112. >He'd nod. "Alright, you little filly with hyper-driven sex drive.
  113. >You'd blush, and boop him!
  114. >"Hey hey..easy now, it ain't like that."
  115. "You know it is, Blue.", and with that, he'd lightly push you aside, leaving. Leaving you alone!
  116. >Eh..not much you could of done at this point. You'd head back to the class just in time as it rang, and well, spend the time studying, again.
  117. >Not that there was much to say about that, this was a typically activity you do anyways.
  118. >Well, more or less. Maybe you were slacking off as well? Shh, no one had to hear about that part.
  119. >And, thankfully for you, classes didn't last as long as they usually do, and so, you would be over soon enough, waving goodbye to your friends and leaving.
  120. >Once outside, you'd look around for Sandstone, not to jump his bones, or anything, but, well to walk home together, talk, that sorta thing.
  121. >Seems like you'd get your wish fulfilled soon enough, as he'd appear just around the corner.
  122. >Much like a ghost. Hah! Ahem.
  123. "Ready to go home?", he'd ask, looking at you.
  124. >You'd nod, and trot closer to him, starting to walk away as you'd get next to him.
  125. >And, surely enough, he'd keep up right after ya.
  126. >"Certainly. How was your day at school?"
  127. "Lame, to be honest, boring. Anyways. You wanted to do stuff."
  128. >He'd speak, and stop in front of you.
  129. "What were those things, Blueberry."
  130. >"Uhm..well, just talk about our day, and. And, us, I suppose.
  131. >"Stuff we could do together." You'd speak, stopping in your tracks, eliciting a surprised look from Sandstone.
  132. " aren't gonna ask me to make love to you?"
  133. >You'd nod. "Not todaaay..I mean, I was in the mood earlier but.."
  134. >"Just not feeling it."
  135. >He'd blink, but nod. "Fair in my book. But, you're acting a bit odd. Let's go over to my place, we can continue talking there."
  136. >You'd nod, agreeing, and starting to follow him, several short minutes later you'd arrive to his home, and shortly after, to his room.
  137. "Alright Blue. Speak. What is it."
  138. >"Well, school has been quite tiring and..I-I'm afraid some of my friends might want to steal you away from me.."
  139. >"I-I saw the way they look at you..", you'd speak, expressing your dissatisfaction with those things.
  140. >He'd just blink, staring at you dumbly. W-what, you had a very serious issue!
  141. "Stop being stupid. You know, I'd never leave you, honestly, with your libido, I'd be thinking you'd do such a thing.", he'd huff, turning things around, not good for you, course..
  142. >"Uhm..s-sorry, I was stupid for even thinking such a thing.", you'd sigh, well, suppose it was that way.
  143. >That and you were trying super hard to damage control right now, not trying to stir more shit up, or even get a fight, uh oh.
  144. >He'd not, seemingly not getting any more agitated over this. Phew.
  145. "Good, you'd be wise to remember that, silly foal."
  146. >"Alright, I-I will, sorry, once again."
  147. >He'd nod, and, keep going now. Small things were always gonna happen, tiny fights you got into. Hmh..
  148. >"Well, we have a long school year ahead of us, ya know."
  149. >He'd smirk, but keep up.
  150. "You're speaking like that's a bad thing."
  151. >"Well, it /might/ be.", you'd speak with emphasis on might. You didn't like studying much at all!
  152. >Was a lot more fun just playing around and being a messy lil' thing.
  153. "Don't be like that, school teaches us stuff we'll need in life, even if you think we won't."
  154. >"Well, I certainly won't need all that complex math, will you?"
  155. "Probably not.", he'd answer briefly, and simply. "But it never hurts to know."
  156. >You'd nod, agreeing with him on that one. Good to know, yes, but mandatory. Not really.
  157. >Soon enough, you'd come upon a crossroads, and, that was the place you'd usually split at.
  158. >"Okay. Well, see you tomorrow. I might have an idea on what to do." "And, don't worry, it doesn't include me being lewd."
  159. >You'd stop, rubbing your chin for a moment, then turning to him, and following up with a; "Well, not too lewd, anyways."
  160. "Ha. Alright, but your ideas generally end up in lewd things, whenever that's for better or worse, ya silly.", he'd say, and before you could react, place a quick kiss on your lips. Before you'd know, he'd be happily trotting away to what appeared to be home.
  161. >His, home, of course.
  162. >You'd shrug, and head off on your own way. The idea you had was nothing spectacular, just spending some time hanging out, and. Maybe spying on certain ponies.
  163. >Assuming he'd like that, anyways. Lot of questions you had to ask. But, you certainly had someone in mind to spy. A certain foal, that always did..suspicious activities.
  164. >You'd arrive home in a time not too unusual for yourself, of course, you didn't get any homework today, but, you might tomorrow.
  165. >And, that's gonna suck, but, eh, you'll live, or try not to die while writing it.
  166. >You would exchange the pleasantries with your mom, such as what you did, not going into too much detail, and head off into your room afterwards.
  167. >You spent the rest of the evening alternating between watching TV, and lazing around. Truthfully, there wasn't that much to do for you, lest you got told to do your chores. Which wasn't that often, thankfully.
  168. >Well, you had something to do tomorrow, for sure, that was gonna be fun, hopefully, yis!
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