
The Pantheon: Fall

Mar 31st, 2012
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  2. >You are Anonymous, the god so easily forgotten
  3. >Your form is not of this world, and looks of one born of Chaos, which repulses your sisters, but your mother does not care
  4. >And you look upon the world with great concern
  5. >You have felt the presence of Chaos taint the world, and your sisters have not yet noticed
  6. >They have been to busy with their own races, trying to battle for dominance and favor from their mother
  7. >Yet only you have noticed the taint of Chaos spread throughout the world
  8. >Each year, you feel it's energy seep into the world, and you fight it as best you can
  9. >But soon, your power runs thin, and Chaos erupts across the world
  10. >And the epicenter of it all, where an avatar of Chaos has descended, was the source of it all
  11. >You had to act fast, as this avatar was powerful, and cruel
  14. >You could not stop this avatar on your own, so you turned to your sisters for help
  15. >Aquamenta was willing to help, seeing her beloved seaponies poisoned and sickened by the foul rain that came from the Chaos tainted clouds
  16. >Gaia was ever stubborn, but you showed her how Chaos ripped the land asunder, tearing down her mountains and twisting her forests into mockeries of botany, and she agreed to help you
  17. >Tempesta was outraged at how the avatar befouled the weather, making it rain dairy products and snow crystallized marshmallow, and she was easy to recruit
  18. >Mana saw how the magic of the world was corrupted and how her unicorns were powerless to stop the avatar, and she desired vengeance upon the avatar, for no creature could be more powerful than her
  19. >You then turned to Faust, the one who could truly defeat the avatar and restore order to the world
  20. >The five of you pooled together your resources, and bequeathed unto the alicorns of the sun and moon the Elements of Harmony, and the avatar was sealed up, his taint upon the world vanishing before your eyes
  21. >However, the damage was done, and you looked upon the world with sorrow
  24. >The avatar had done much damage to the world
  25. >Many of Gaia's mountains were in ruins, her forests a shadow of their former glory
  26. >Aquamentas race had not been very resillient from the start, and their number had dwindled significantly
  27. >Aquamenta became humbled by this experience, and withdrew from her sisters, focusing upon her race with the same love you did with your followers
  28. >Faust was drained from the experience, and fell into a deep slumber
  29. >Perhaps she poured all of her power into the artifacts, or perhaps because many alicorns were slain by the avatars animalistic hands
  30. >You could not say
  31. >However, the world was in a state of harmony now, the artifacts ushering a golden age, one with little disease and famine, and no war
  32. >Conflicts still arose, but not on the scale that you saw in the early years
  33. >After that experience, many people believed life was precious, and lived it to the fullest, which helped you regain your power
  34. >However, your teachings and scripture became lost when the avatar arrived, while your sisters remained
  35. >And with their power growing much faster than yours, holy wars not being fought in their name, and mother asleep, they could enact their plan of destroying you
  36. >They could not garner the support of Aquamenta, so they had to wait until they were sure their power was strong enough
  37. >You watched the world continue in this golden age, ignorant to the intent of your kin
  40. >You watched many events unfold
  41. >Many great migrations of all sorts of species, many holidays celebrated across the world, many events passed before you
  42. >How you wished to descend and parcitipate!
  43. >Your power was not great enough, however. You envied your sisters and how freely they could go too and from the mortal world
  44. >You watched and waited, your power plateauing after a while
  45. >You were forgotten to the ponies, but your presence was still felt whenever a pony enjoyed a sunset, or found a precious thing.
  46. >You observed some interesting events. A pattern, as it were.
  47. >The alicorn of the moon, spurned by jealousy, was corrupted by Chaos and almost brought about night eternal, but was banished by her sister with the elements
  48. >You would have empathized, should you have known your own sisters intents
  49. >She was a brilliant alicorn, but something happened when she used the elements on her sister
  50. >Her power seemed to drop, and she was severed from the elements
  51. >Was this because of heartbreak? Sorrow? Remorse?
  52. >You could not say
  53. >You could tell she was a very clever pony, as for the next 1000 years, she sought out a group of ponies that practically personified the Elements
  54. >And when the alicorn of the moon returned to bring about darkness eternal, the ponies did something amazing
  55. >A sixth element was cratered from their friendship, and you felt your power surge exponentially
  56. >Your sisters closed in upon you, ready to strike you down. . .
  57. >But Mana detected the new element of Magic, and claimed it as her own, which spurned an argument with the rest of them
  58. >Their plans were delayed for a moment longer, and you could look upon the world as the golden age persisted
  61. >You watched the six ponies who weilded the elements closely, reveling in their friendship and the shenanigans they got into
  62. >You took an especial liking to the white and purple unicorn, Rarity
  63. >Perhaps because her name was associated with your aspect, or perhaps because she sought to bring out rare qualities in people and things
  64. >You could not say
  65. >However, you felt a familiar presence within the world, one of Chaos
  66. >You looked upon where the avatar was sealed, and saw the seal was breaking
  67. >You attention enraptured, your sisters moved in to strike you down
  68. >You watched as the wielders were corrupted and became the anathema to their elements, and you lost hope
  69. >But you saw how the clever alicorn of the sun kindled hope and inspiration within the wielder of magic, and soon, the avatar was sealed for a second time
  70. >When it was all said and done, you could feel the presence of your sisters, and turned to face them
  71. >They all looked at you with bloodlust and hatred, their weapons drawn
  72. >Gaia's spires of rock floated around her, Mana's body crackled with raw energy, and Tempesta's wings flared out, her feathers as sharp and solid as the finest sword
  73. >This was the end, and you knew it
  74. >So you decided to spite them with one final act before you died
  77. >You gathered up your stored energy, and floated above the world
  78. >With a divine surge, you sought out creatures who looked like you, your consciousness going through the Chaos that spanned the multiverse
  79. >You came upon a planet that was green and blue, not unlike yours, and was inhabited with thousands of creatures who resembled you, minus the horns and wings and body of stone
  80. >You cast a spell upon the world, which would draw some of the creatures with your temperance into Equestria
  81. >You could not say when, how, or who would be affected, but you were certain to protect them from your sisters influence once they were there
  82. >You snapped back to your body, your scarlet hair turning a ghostly white, and your batlike wings shriveling to an even smaller size, your body becoming riddled with cracks, which revealed a neon orange body within
  83. >Your sisters were shocked, seeing what you had done, and you smiled with glee at their reaction
  84. >And you spoke to them, 'You may no longer see my form here, but I have found creatures like me, and you will not be able to harm them. You must forever look upon creatures of my form, the form you despise so greatly!'
  87. >You laughed as your body descended to the world, seeing your sisters behind you, trying to exact vengeance on your dying form
  88. >But you crumbled to dust before they could harm you, your essence reduced to naught but a single, glowing orange gemstone
  89. >Your sisters were infuriated, but with your loss, they had to find an excuse for your absence for Faust, and they turned upon each other as to who would shoulder the blame
  90. >And for a while, you closed your eyes upon the world, finally in the world of the mortals, but unable to interact in any way
  91. >Hopefully the creatures chosen would act in your steed, and would learn the magic of friendship
  92. >And so, everything was darkness, like in the beginning.
  95. >However, even dead gods can dream
  96. >You dreamt of a world, in which your sisters shared your form
  97. >A world in which you shared your sisters form
  98. >A world in which mother never fell within her deep slumber
  99. >You looked upon these worlds, sorrow overtaking you as you saw what could have been
  100. >You were absorbed in your dream, however, that you did not notice the followers you had acquired
  101. >A group of Neighbet pony monks had acquired the gemstone that was you, and said they could feel an understanding on what truly mattered to them, the precious things that they took joy in but had forgotten
  102. >And thus, a temple was built around you, a religion formed around you
  103. >Your body was considered a source of great power, and was fought over by many groups
  104. >Your temple was one day destroyed, and your followers abandoned it, but not your ideals
  105. >You felt content, knowing that the idea of precious things was not dead yet
  106. >Perhaps, then, you could feel at peace, knowing that your ideals persisted even if your form did not
  107. >You wondered if the creatures you had summoned were there yet, if they had made it
  108. >You could not say
  109. >Perhaps now, you could rest, your body forgotten but your presence maintained
  111. >For a while, the ruins were peaceful
  112. >But one day, you could feel a presence
  113. >A yellow Pegasus with a monochromatic grey mane, and a passion for exploring.
  114. >'Finally! The main altar of the Gem of Temperance! This shall be critical for my report on Neighbet culture!'
  115. >You could feel your body move. Perhaps your story was not yet over.
  116. >You could not say
  117. END
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