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Nov 8th, 2016
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  1. Caterpie: It’s easy to catch, and it grows quickly, making it one of the top recommendations for novice Pokémon Trainers.
  2. Metapod: Its shell is hard, but it’s still just a bug shell. It’s been known to break, so intense battles with it should be avoided.
  3. Butterfree: When attacked by other Pokémon, it defends itself by scattering its poisonous scales and fluttering its wings.
  4. Rattata: With their strong capacity for survival, they can live in dirty places without concern. Left unchecked, their numbers multiply rapidly.
  5. Rattata(Alolan): When the sun goes down, it becomes active. It runs around town on a chase for good food for the boss of its nest—Raticate.
  6. Raticate: Its disposition is far more violent than its looks would suggest. Don’t let your hand get too close to its face, as it could bite your hand clean off.
  7. Raticate(Alolan):This gourmet Pokémon is particular about the taste and freshness of its food. Restaurants where Raticate live have a good reputation.
  8. Spearow: Farmers whose fields are troubled by bug Pokémon appreciate Spearow for its vigorous appetite and look after it.
  9. Fearow: Drawings of a Pokémon resembling Fearow can be seen in murals from deep in ancient history.
  10. Pikachu: It’s in its nature to store electricity. It feels stressed now and then if it’s unable to fully discharge the electricity.
  11. Pikachu(OS Hat): This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  12. Pikachu(AG Hat): This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  13. Pikachu(DP Hat):This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  14. Pikachu(BW Hat): This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  15. Pikachu(XY Hat): This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  16. Pikachu(SM Hat): This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
  17. Raichu: It becomes aggressive when it has electricity stored up. At such times, even its Trainer has to take care to avoid being attacked.
  18. Raichu(Alolan): It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it.
  19. Sandshrew: It usually makes its home in deserts and arid zones, where rain does not fall. It digs holes to catch Bug-type Pokémon.
  20. Sandshrew(Alolan): An ancient tradition of Alolan festivals, still carried on to this day, is a competition to slide Sandshrew across ice as far as one can.
  21. Sandslash: It uses its claws to climb trees and then curls its body into a spiny ball, ready to drop onto any prey that appears.
  22. Sandslash(Alolan): This Pokémon’s steel spikes are sheathed in ice. Stabs from these spikes cause deep wounds and severe frostbite as well.
  23. Clefairy: On nights with a full moon, they gather together and dance. The surrounding area is enveloped in an abnormal magnetic field.
  24. Clefable: According to tradition, people who see a pair of Clefable skipping by can look forward to a happy marriage.
  25. Vulpix: From its mouth spew flames that seem to resemble the spirits of the deceased. Some people mistakenly think this fire is a ghost.
  26. Vulpix(Alolan): In hot weather, this Pokémon makes ice shards with its six tails and sprays them around to cool itself off.
  27. Ninetales: Said to live for a thousand years, this Pokémon uses its supernatural abilities to manipulate fire. It can burn its prey to a crisp as it pleases.
  28. Ninetales(Alolan): Possessing a calm demeanor, this Pokémon was revered as a deity incarnate before it was identified as a regional variant of Ninetales.
  29. Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff possess a vocal range that exceeds 12 octaves, but each individual’s singing skill depends on its own effort.
  30. Wigglytuff: As it inhales, it expands...and expands...and expands. Wigglytuff compete to see which one can inflate itself the most.
  31. Zubat: When exposed to sunlight, they suffer burns. The frequency of their ultrasonic waves can differ slightly from colony to colony.
  32. Golbat: Sometimes they drink so much blood, they can’t fly anymore. Then they fall to the ground and become food for other Pokémon.
  33. Paras: Mushrooms called tochukaso sprout from its back. They can be dried and powdered to make a medicine used to extend life.
  34. Parasect: It scatters toxic spores from its mushroom cap. Once harvested, these spores can be steeped and boiled down to prepare herbal medicines.
  35. Diglett: Many farmers cherish and nurture Diglett because its droppings enrich the soil it lives in.
  36. Diglett(Alolan): Its golden hairs function as sensors. It pokes them out of its burrow to monitor its surroundings.
  37. Dugtrio: Despite the closeness between this Pokémon and farmers and other people, no one has ever seen the parts of it concealed underground.
  38. Dugtrio(Alolan):These Pokémon are cherished in the Alola region, where they are thought to be feminine deities of the land incarnate.
  39. Meowth: It loves shiny things. It often fights with Murkrow over prey they’re both trying to catch.
  40. Meowth(Alolan): When its delicate pride is wounded, or when the gold coin on its forehead is dirtied, it flies into a hysterical rage.
  41. Persian: It has a high opinion of itself, although not to the same extent as the Alolan Persian. It’s quite difficult to make friends with this Pokémon.
  42. Persian(Alolan): It looks down on everyone other than itself. Its preferred tactics are sucker punches and blindside attacks.
  43. Psyduck: This Pokémon is troubled by constant headaches. The more pain it’s in, the more powerful its psychokinesis becomes.
  44. Golduck: It swims along the banks of lakes and catches fish Pokémon. It takes them to the shore and quietly eats them up.
  45. Mankey: Its raging tires it out and causes it to fall asleep, but the anger resonating in its dreams causes it to wake up—which infuriates it all over again.
  46. Primeape: Some researchers theorize that Primeape remains angry even when inside a Poké Ball.
  47. Growlithe: It looks cute, but when you approach another Trainer’s Growlithe, it will bark at you and bite.
  48. Arcanine: The fire burning inside its body serves as the energy to fuel it as it runs great distances. It appears in many legends.
  49. Poliwag: It’s still not very good at walking. Its Trainers should train this Pokémon to walk every day.
  50. Poliwhirl: It marches over the land in search of bug Pokémon to eat. Then it takes them underwater so it can dine on them where it’s safe.
  51. Poliwrath: Its percentage of body fat is nearly zero. Its body is entirely muscle, which makes it heavy and forces its swimming prowess to develop.
  52. Abra: It can teleport itself to safety while it’s asleep, but when it wakes, it doesn’t know where it is, so it panics.
  53. Kadabra: Kadabra’s presence infests televisions and monitors with creepy shadows that bring bad luck.
  54. Alakazam: Its brain cells continue to increase in number until its death. The older the Alakazam, the larger its head.
  55. Alakazam(Mega): Its hidden psychic power has been unleashed. A glance at someone gives it knowledge of the course of that person’s life, from birth to death.
  56. Machop: With its superhuman strength, it’s able to throw a hundred people all at the same time. Its strength comes from lifting Graveler every day.
  57. Machoke: It willingly assists with hard labor because it knows the work is good training for its muscles.
  58. Machamp: It can lift heavy loads with the greatest of ease. It can even heft dump trucks. But its clumsy fingers prevent it from doing any precision work.
  59. Tentacool: It drifts in shallow seas, such as the areas near beaches. If you get bitten or stabbed by its toxic tentacles, rush to the hospital.
  60. Tentacruel: Although these Pokémon are rare, when a large outbreak of them occurs, all fish Pokémon disappear from the surrounding sea.
  61. Geodude: There are plenty of them to be found along any road. A scholar with too much free time once counted a hundred of them along a single route.
  62. Geodude(Alolan): If you accidentally step on a Geodude sleeping on the ground, you’ll hear a crunching sound and feel a shock ripple through your entire body.
  63. Graveler: This slow-footed Pokémon moves by curling up and rolling instead of walking. With enough momentum, its speed can exceed 60 mph.
  64. Graveler(Alolan): They eat rocks and often get into a scrap over them. The shock of Graveler smashing together causes a flash of light and a booming noise.
  65. Golem: Once a year, this Pokémon molts, and its shed shell returns to the soil. This process creates enriched soil, so farmers collect the shells.
  66. Golem(Alolan): Because it can’t fire boulders at a rapid pace, it’s been known to seize nearby Geodude and fire them from its back.
  67. Slowpoke: Alolan home cooking involves drying Slowpoke tails and then simmering them into a salty stew.
  68. Slowbro: Whenever Shellder bites down hard on its tail, it gives Slowbro a flash of inspiration...which it forgets a moment later.
  69. Slowbro(Mega): When bathed in the energy of Mega Evolution, Shellder converts into impregnable armor. There is virtually no change in Slowpoke.
  70. Magnemite: It sends out electromagnetic waves, which let it float through the air. Touching it while it’s eating electricity will give you a full-body shock.
  71. Magneton: It has about three times the electrical power of Magnemite. For some reason, outbreaks of this Pokémon happen when lots of sunspots appear.
  72. Grimer: It was born from sludge transformed by exposure to X-rays from the moon. When its internal load of germs decreases, it dies.
  73. Grimer(Alolan): The crystals on Grimer’s body are lumps of toxins. If one falls off, lethal poisons leak out.
  74. Muk: After recent environmental improvements, this Pokémon is now hardly seen at all. People speculate that it may go extinct at some point.
  75. Muk(Alolan): While it’s unexpectedly quiet and friendly, if it’s not fed any trash for a while, it will smash its Trainer’s furnishings and eat up the fragments.
  76. Shellder: This Pokémon’s tongue is always hanging out. It uses its tongue with great dexterity to dig up sand from the seabed in its search for food.
  77. Cloyster: Excavation of the tombs of ancient hunting tribes has turned up many spears tipped with spikes that had fallen off this Pokémon’s shell.
  78. Gastly: Although Gastly is barely visible, when it’s near, a faint sweet smell lingers.
  79. Haunter: It fears the light and revels in the dark. It may be on the verge of extinction in cities that stay brightly lit at night.
  80. Gengar: It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it was once human itself, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans.
  81. Gengar(Mega): The energy of Mega Evolution awakened it. It sinks into another dimension, where it keeps a patient watch for its chance to attack.
  82. Drowzee: It finds really fun dreams tasty. When it makes friends with people, it may show them the most delicious dreams it’s ever eaten.
  83. Hypno: As a matter of course, it makes anyone it meets fall asleep and has a taste of their dreams. Anyone having a good dream, it carries off.
  84. Exeggcute: Six of them together form a full-fledged Pokémon. It’s often hunted by Crabrawler, but uses psychokinesis to drive it off.
  85. Exeggutor: When the time comes, one of its three heads falls off. Before long, the fallen head grows into an Exeggcute.
  86. Exeggutor(Alolan): As it grew taller and taller, it outgrew its reliance on psychic powers, while within it awakened the power of the sleeping dragon.
  87. Cubone: The skull it wears on its head is that of its dead mother. According to some, it will evolve when it comes to terms with the pain of her death.
  88. Marowak: This Pokémon is out for vengeance on its natural enemy, Mandibuzz. It throws bones like boomerangs to try to take it down.
  89. Marowak(Alolan): Its custom is to mourn its lost companions. Mounds of dirt by the side of the road mark the graves of the Marowak.
  90. Chansey: Not only are these Pokémon fast runners, they’re also few in number, so anyone who finds one must be lucky indeed.
  91. Kangaskhan: The child in its pouch leaves home after roughly three years. That is the only time the mother is heard to cry wildly.
  92. Kangaskhan(Alolan): Thanks to Mega Evolution, its child grows. But as the child is good only at fighting and nothing else, its mother feels uneasy about its future.
  93. Goldeen: Spellbound by the length of its horn and the beauty of its fins, many strange Trainers raise Goldeen and nothing but Goldeen.
  94. Seaking: Trainers who are crazy for Seaking are divided into horn enthusiasts and fin enthusiasts. The two groups do not get along well.
  95. Staryu: This Pokémon gets nibbled on by Lumineon and others. Thanks to its red core, it regenerates fast, so it’s unconcerned by their snack attacks.
  96. Starmie: Its unusual body shape, reminiscent of abstract art, led local people to spread rumors that this Pokémon may be an invader from outer space.
  97. Scyther: While young, they live together deep in the mountains, training themselves in how to fight with their scythes and move at high speeds.
  98. Electabuzz: Electricity leaks from it in amounts far greater than the amount of electricity it eats.
  99. Magmar: When angered, it spouts brilliant fire from all over its body. It doesn’t calm down until its opponent has burned to ash.
  100. Pinsir: One solid blow from its horns is enough to split apart a large tree. Its greatest rival in Alola is Vikavolt.
  101. Pinsir(Alolan): Bathed in the energy of Mega Evolution, its wings become unusually developed. It flies at speeds of approximately 30 mph.
  102. Tauros: Although it’s known to be a fierce Pokémon, Tauros in the Alola region are said to possess a measure of calmness.
  103. Magikarp: Its reckless leaps make it easy pickings for predators. On the bright side, many Pokémon enjoy longer life spans, thanks to Magikarp.
  104. Gyarados: There are people who swear that any place Gyarados appears is fated for destruction.
  105. Gyarados(Mega): It jets water from the orifices on its sides, streaking above the water surface at supersonic speed.
  106. Lapras: These Pokémon were once near extinction due to poaching. Following protective regulations, there is now an overabundance of them.
  107. Ditto: With its astonishing capacity for metamorphosis, it can get along with anything. It does not get along well with its fellow Ditto.
  108. Eevee: Current studies show it can evolve into an incredible eight different species of Pokémon.
  109. Vaporeon: Blending in with the water and erasing all signs of its presence, it patiently waits for its prey, fish Pokémon.
  110. Jolteon: When its fur stands on end, that’s a sign it’s about to give off a jolt of electricity. Take care, as sometimes lightning strikes next to it, too.
  111. Flareon: Its average body temperature is between 1,300 and 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. In its internal flame sac, temperatures reach 3,000 degrees.
  112. Porygon: It can convert its body into digital data, which enables it to enter cyberspace.
  113. Aerodactyl: In ancient times, it ruled the skies. A widely accepted theory is that it went extinct due to a large meteor impact.
  114. Aerodactyl(Mega): When it Mega Evolves, it becomes more vicious than ever before. Some say that’s because its excess of power is causing it pain.
  115. Snorlax: It eats nearly 900 pounds of food every day. It starts nodding off while eating—and continues to eat even while it’s asleep.
  116. Dratini: After a 10-hour struggle, a fisherman was able to pull one up and confirm its existence.
  117. Dragonair: From time immemorial, it has been venerated by agricultural peoples as an entity able to control the weather.
  118. Dragonite: Incur the wrath of this normally calm Pokémon at your peril, because it will smash everything to smithereens before it’s satisfied.
  120. Ledyba: They communicate with one another using bodily fluids that give off odors. When they’re angry, their odor smells sour.
  121. Ledian: In battle, it throws punches with all four arms. The power of each individual blow is piddly, so it aims to win by quantity rather than quality.
  122. Spinarak: Some fishermen weave its sturdy thread into nets to catch fish Pokémon.
  123. Ariados: It spins thread from both its rear and its mouth. Then it wraps its prey up in thread and sips their bodily fluids at its leisure.
  124. Crobat: Silent and swift in its four-winged flight, it bites down on its prey before they realize what’s happening. In a heartbeat, it drains their blood.
  125. Chinchou: It lives in the depths beyond the reach of sunlight. It flashes lights on its antennae to communicate with others of its kind.
  126. Lanturn: This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver an electrical attack.
  127. Pichu: Despite this Pokémon’s cute appearance, those who want to live with one should prepare to be on the receiving end of its electric jolts.
  128. Cleffa: Because of its silhouette, it’s believed to be a star reborn. For some reason, it loves Minior.
  129. Igglybuff: It moves by bouncing along. As it moves a lot, it sweats, and its body gives off a sweet aroma.
  130. Sudowoodo: Apparently, the larger the green parts of this Pokémon, the more collectors value it. It’s a particular favorite among elderly people.
  131. Politoed: It’s the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear.
  132. Espeon: It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb grows dull and dark.
  133. Umbreon: With its black fur, it blends into the darkness. It bides its time, and when prey appears, this Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it.
  134. Murkrow: Seen as a symbol of bad luck, it’s generally disliked. Yet it gives presents—objects that sparkle or shine—to Trainers it’s close to.
  135. Slowking: This Pokémon is so famed for its intellect that a proverb still persists in some regions: “When in doubt, ask Slowking.”
  136. Misdreavus: If you hear a sobbing sound emanating from a vacant room, it’s undoubtedly a bit of mischief from Misdreavus.
  137. Snubbull: Its growls make its opponents uneasy. This laid-back Pokémon tends to sleep half the day.
  138. Granbull: More timid than Snubbull, this Pokémon is doted on by young people amused at the contrast between its looks and its attitude.
  139. Scizor: Once it has identified an enemy, this Pokémon smashes it mercilessly with pincers hard as steel.
  140. Scizor(Mega): Due to the effects of Mega Evolution, its pincers have taken on a more diabolical form, ripping anything they pinch to shreds.
  141. Sneasel: It uses its claws to poke holes in eggs so it can slurp out the insides. Breeders consider it a scourge and will drive it away or eradicate it.
  142. Corsola: Pursued by Mareanie for the branches on its head, this Pokémon will sometimes snap its own branches off as a diversion while it escapes.
  143. Delibird: It has a generous habit of sharing its food with people and Pokémon, so it’s always scrounging around for more food.
  144. Skarmory: Its metal body is sturdy, but it does rust rather easily. So on rainy days, this Pokémon prefers to stay put in its nest.
  145. Porygon2: Porygon was updated to a new version in readiness for planetary development. But that dream remains unrealized as yet.
  146. Smearlge: It draws symbols all over the place to mark its territory. In towns with many Smeargle, the walls are covered in graffiti.
  147. Elekid: This Pokémon is constantly fighting with Togedemaru that try to steal its electricity. It’s a pretty even match.
  148. Magby: A famous potter lives with a Magby. Apparently its soft flames produce fine works.
  149. Miltank: Most people raise it for its milk, but it’s quite tough and strong, so it’s also well suited for battle.
  150. Blissey: Its fluffy fur coat acts as a sensor, enabling it to read the feelings of people and Pokémon.
  152. Wingull: Fishermen keep an eye out for Wingull in the sky, because wherever they’re circling, the ocean is sure to be teeming with fish Pokémon.
  153. Pelipper: Gathering food is the work of young males. They store food in their capacious beaks and carry it back to others waiting in the nest.
  154. Surskit: When this Pokémon senses danger, a sweet fluid oozes from the tip of its head. The taste of it disgusts bird Pokémon.
  155. Masquerain: Its wings and antennae don’t cope well with moisture. After a rain, it faces sunward to dry off.
  156. Makuhita: Their daily routine consists of training together first thing in the morning, eating and napping in the afternoon, and then more training afterward.
  157. Hariyama: They love to compare their freakish strength— strength enough to send a truck flying with a single slap.
  158. Noepass: It uses powerful magnetism to drag its prey toward it. It’s also been known to pull in metal, which it collects and uses to protect itself.
  159. Sableye: This Pokémon is feared. When its gemstone eyes begin to glow with a sinister shine, it’s believed that Sableye will steal people’s spirits away.
  160. Sableye(Mega): Supporting a giant heavy jewel, it can’t change direction very nimbly and is vulnerable to attack from behind.
  161. Carvanha: If they scent the faintest trace of blood, they rush to attack en masse. When alone, they’re rather cowardly.
  162. Sharpedo: It has a sad history. In the past, its dorsal fin was a treasured foodstuff, so this Pokémon became a victim of overfishing.
  163. Sharpedo(Mega): As a consequence of Mega Evolution, its combative instincts exploded. The yellow marks it bears are scars from a long history of battles.
  164. Wailmer: It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of Wishiwashi every day.
  165. Wailord: Its immense size is the reason for its popularity. Wailord watching is a favorite sightseeing activity in various parts of the world.
  166. Torkoal: If the fire burning within its shell goes out, it will die. Those who wish to raise one in their home must always keep something flammable at hand.
  167. Spinda: Each and every Spinda has a slightly different configuration of spots. There are collectors who enjoy the tiny differences in their spot patterns.
  168. Trapinch: As it digs through the sand, its giant jaws crush any rocks that obstruct its path. It builds a funnel-shaped nest.
  169. Vibrava: To help make its wings grow, it dissolves quantities of prey in its digestive juices and guzzles them down every day.
  170. Flygon: This Pokémon hides in the heart of sandstorms it creates and seldom appears where people can see it.
  171. Barboach: Its slippery body is hard to grasp, so much so that there are festivals where people compete to see how many they can catch barehanded.
  172. Whiscash: Sighting Whiscash leaping from the water is believed to herald an earthquake.
  173. Feebas: Although unattractive and unpopular, this Pokémon’s marvelous vitality has made it a subject of research.
  174. Milotic: It lives at the bottom of clear lakes. In times of war, it shows itself, which soothes people’s minds and hearts.
  175. Castform: Its form changes on its own, due to its cells’ sensitive reactions to temperature and humidity.
  176. Castform(Sun): This is Castform’s form when basking in fair weather. Its body is warm and toasty.
  177. Castform(Rain): This is Castform’s form during a downpour of rain. Its body retains moisture and gets slippery.
  178. Castform(Hail): This is Castform’s form when caught in a hailstorm. Its cold skin is as smooth as ice.
  179. Absol: Although it’s said to bring disaster, in actuality, this Pokémon possesses a calm disposition and warns people of any crises that loom.
  180. Absol(Mega): As the energy of Mega Evolution fills it, its fur bristles. What you see on its back are not true wings, and this Pokémon isn’t able to fly.
  181. Snorunt: It can only survive in cold areas. It bounces happily around, even in environments as cold as -150 degrees Fahrenheit.
  182. Glalie: Its prey is instantaneously frozen stiff by the cold air it exhales from its huge mouth. While they’re in that frozen state, it gobbles them up.
  183. Glalie(Mega): It envelops prey in its mouth, freezing them instantly. But its jaw is dislocated, so it’s unable to eat them.
  184. Relicanth: It was fortuitously discovered during a deep sea expedition. Its teeth have atrophied, so it now survives on microscopic organisms it sucks up.
  185. Luvdisc: Loving couples have a soft spot for this Pokémon, so honeymoon hotels often release this Pokémon into their pools.
  186. Bagon: With its steel-hard stone head, it headbutts indiscriminately. This is because of the stress it feels at being unable to fly.
  187. Shelgon: They lurk deep within caves—motionless, neither eating nor drinking. Why they don’t die is not known.
  188. Salamence: It flies around on its wings, which have grown in at last. In its happiness, it gushes hot flames, burning up the fields it passes over.
  189. Salamence(Mega): Mega Evolution fuels its brutality, and it may even turn on the Trainer who raised it. It’s been dubbed “the blood-soaked crescent.”
  190. Beldum: With magnetic traction, it pulls its opponents in close. When they’re in range, it slashes them with its rear claws.
  191. Metang: It adores magnetic minerals, so it pursues Nosepass at speeds exceeding 60 mph.
  192. Metagross: A linkage of two Metang, this Pokémon can perform any calculation in a flash by utilizing parallel processing in its four brains.
  193. Metagross(Mega): Mega Evolution stimulated its brain. It emerged as a ruthless Pokémon that will clutch at any means of ensuring its victories.
  195. Cranidos: In rock layers where Cranidos fossils are found, the fossilized trunks of trees snapped in two are also often found.
  196. Rampardos: Records exist of a revived fossil that evolved into Rampardos. It proceeded to escape and then destroy a skyscraper with a headbutt.
  197. Shieldon: This Pokémon lived in primeval jungles. Few enemies would have been willing to square off against its heavily armored face, so it’s thought.
  198. Bastiodon: It lived in the same environments as Rampardos. Their fossils have been found together— seemingly from after they’d fought to the finish.
  199. Shellos: Purple mucus sticks to the hands of anyone who touches it. Take care, as the substance is troublesome to wash off.
  200. Shellos(East): The difference in color from one Shellos to another seems to be a result of their diet. No large changes can be seen in their capabilities.
  201. Gastrodon: Plankton, invisible to the naked eye, is its main food source. It comes onto the land periodically, but the reason for this is not known.
  202. Gastrodon(East): Experiments are being conducted to discover what happens when a Gastrodon is raised in a location other than the sea where it was born.
  203. Drifloon: If for some reason its body bursts, its soul spills out with a screaming sound.
  204. Drifblim: Even while under careful observation, large flocks of Drifblim flying at dusk will inexplicably disappear from view.
  205. Mismagius: Mismagius have been known to cast spells to make people fall in love, so some people search for this Pokémon as if their life depended on it.
  206. Honchkrow: If its Murkrow cronies fail to catch food for it, or if it feels they have betrayed it, it will hunt them down wherever they are and punish them.
  207. Bonsly: From its eyes, it can expel excess moisture from its body. This liquid is similar in composition to human sweat.
  208. Happiny: It’s too small to lay eggs yet. As a surrogate, it searches out round white stones.
  209. Gible: It skulks in caves, and when prey or an enemy passes by, it leaps out and chomps them. The force of its attack sometimes chips its teeth.
  210. Gabite: Shiny objects are its passion. It can be found in its cave, scarcely moving, its gaze fixed on the jewels it’s amassed or Carbink it has caught.
  211. Garchomp: The protuberances on its head serve as sensors. It can even detect distant prey.
  212. Garchomp(Mega): Its vaunted wings become scythes, sending it mad with rage. It swings its scythes wildly and slices the ground to pieces.
  213. Munchlax: When it finds something that looks like it might be edible, it goes right ahead and swallows it whole. That’s why it gets fatter day by day.
  214. Riolu: It’s tough enough to run right through the night, and it’s also a hard worker, but it’s still just a youngster.
  215. Lucario: They can detect the species of a living being— and its emotions—from over half a mile away. They control auras and hunt their prey in packs.
  216. Lucario(Mega): It readies itself to face its enemies by focusing its mental energies. Its fighting style can be summed up in a single word: heartless.
  217. Finneon: Its double tail fins propel its energetic jumps. When it breaks the surface of the sea, Wingull swoop down to grab it on the fly.
  218. Lumineon: This deep-sea Pokémon lives at the bottom of the sea. Its fins haul it over the seabed in search of its favorite food—Starmie.
  219. Weavile: They dwell in cold places. This Pokémon’s main food source in Alola is Vulpix and Sandshrew, which they carefully divide among their group.
  220. Magnezone: As it zooms through the sky, this Pokémon seems to be receiving signals of unknown origin, while transmitting signals of unknown purpose.
  221. Electivire: When it gets excited, it thumps its chest. With every thud, thunder roars and electric sparks shower all around.
  222. Magmortar: From its arm, it launches fireballs hotter than 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Its arm starts to melt when it fires a whole barrage.
  223. Leafeon: The younger they are, the more they smell like fresh grass. With age, their fragrance takes on the odor of fallen leaves.
  224. Glaceon: It freezes its fur into icicles, spiky and sharp, and tackles its prey.
  225. Porygon-Z: Its program was modified to facilitate extra-dimensional activities, but that led to noticeably strange behavior.
  226. Probopass: The main body controls three mobile units called Mini-Noses, which it maneuvers to catch prey.
  227. Froslass: The soul of a woman lost on a snowy mountain possessed an icicle, becoming this Pokémon. The food it most relishes is the souls of men.
  229. Lillipup: The long fur surrounding its face functions as radar, enabling it to probe the condition of its battle opponents.
  230. Herdier: This Pokémon obeys its master’s orders faithfully. However, it refuses to listen to anything said by a person it doesn’t respect.
  231. Stoutland: With this wise Pokémon, there could be no concern that it would ever attack people. Some parents even trust it to babysit.
  232. Roggenrola: The hexagonal cavity is its ear. It walks in the direction of sounds it hears, but if the sounds cease, it panics and topples over.
  233. Boldore: It explores caves in search of underground water. It’s not comfortable around water, so this Pokémon takes great care in lapping it up.
  234. Gigalith: Known for its hefty horsepower, this Pokémon is a popular partner for construction workers.
  235. Cottonee: Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy— altogether top quality.
  236. Whimsicott: This Pokémon appears, riding upon the wind. But if the wind gusts up, it’ll blow the cotton on this Pokémon’s head clean off.
  237. Petilil: By pruning the leaves on its head with regularity, this Pokémon can be grown into a fine plump shape.
  238. Lilligant: As soon as it finds a male to be its partner, the beautiful flower on its head darkens, droops, and withers away.
  239. Sandile: It conceals itself in the sand and chomps down on the legs of any prey that unwarily walk over it. Its favorite food is Trapinch.
  240. Krokorok: Thanks to the special membrane covering its eyes, it can see its surroundings clearly, even in the middle of the night.
  241. Krookodile: After clamping down with its powerful jaws, it twists its body around to rip its prey in half.
  242. Tirtouga: Reputed to be the ancestor of most turtle Pokémon, it lived in warm seas approximately a hundred million years ago.
  243. Carracosta: Active both on land and in the sea, this Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the water to finish it off.
  244. Archen: To all appearances flightless, it was able to glide down from tall treetops to snag its prey.
  245. Archeops: They hunted in flocks. When one Archeops had the prey cornered, another would swoop on it.
  246. Trubbish: It gorges on trash until its stomach is full. Then it belches toxic gas. An unlucky whiff of gas will put a person in the hospital.
  247. Garbador: For a time, their numbers increased explosively in Alola. Since the arrival of Grimer, their population has decreased dramatically.
  248. Vanillite: It feels pleasantly cool when embraced. This Pokémon is treasured by households in warm regions.
  249. Vanillish: This Pokémon has existed since the Ice Age. It controls particles of ice, freezes its opponents, and then shatters them with a headbutt.
  250. Vanilluxe: Even if it loses one of its heads, it can live relatively problem-free. It makes snow clouds inside its body.
  251. Emolga: It grills berries and bug Pokémon with electric shocks and makes a meal of them. It usually nests in the holes gouged in trees by Pikipek.
  252. Alomomola: They float upon the open sea. Many water Pokémon gather in the area around Alomomola.
  253. Rufflet: With its sharp claws, this Pokémon pierces its prey, and then it pecks at them. Although it also consumes berries, it’s a carnivore at heart.
  254. Braviary: It’s thought that people disturbed their habitats in the past, so Braviary banded together to fight back.
  255. Vullaby: It can’t fly yet and must wait until its wings have developed more. Since it’s still at a playful age, it hops around friskily.
  256. Mandibuzz: It circles in the sky, keeping a keen eye out for Pokémon in a weakened state. Its choicest food is Cubone.
  258. Fletchling: When it’s excited, its temperature can double, spiking hormone production in its body.
  259. Fletchinder: It will not tolerate other Fletchinder entering its territory, which has a radius of several miles.
  260. Talonflame: It zooms directly at its prey at flight speeds of close to 310 mph, while fiery embers scatter from gaps in its feathers.
  261. Pancham: There’s no point to the leaf in its mouth, aside from an effort to look cool. It’s mischievous, so it’s not well suited to inexperienced Trainers.
  262. Pangoro: From the slight twitches of its bamboo leaf, it deduces its opponent’s movements. It’s eager to tussle but kindhearted toward its companions.
  263. Sylveon: When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.
  264. Carbink: Although this Pokémon is not especially rare, its glittering, jewel-draped body draws attention from people.
  265. Goomy: Its source of protection is its slimy, germ-laden mucous membrane. Anyone who touches it needs some thorough hand-washing.
  266. Sliggoo: This Pokémon’s mucous can dissolve anything. Toothless, it sprays mucous on its prey. Once they’re nicely dissolved, it slurps them up.
  267. Goodra: It gets picked on because it’s meek. But then, whoever teased it gets to feel the full force of its horns and a good swatting from its thick tail.
  268. Klefki: It inserts its horn into chinks in metal, absorbing metal ions. For some reason, it collects keys.
  269. Phantump: According to legend, medicine to cure any illness can be made by plucking the green leaves on its head, brewing them, and boiling down the liquid.
  270. Trevenant: Through its roots, it exerts control over other trees. A deadly curse falls upon anyone cutting down trees in forests where Trevenant dwell.
  271. 2x Zygarde: It’s thought to be monitoring the ecosystem. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it.
  272. 2x Zygarde(10%): This is Zygarde’s form when about 10% of its cells have been gathered. It runs across the land at speeds greater than 60 mph.
  273. Zygarde(Complete): This is Zygarde’s 100% form. It has enough power to overwhelm even Xerneas or Yveltal.
  275. Rowlet: Silently it glides, drawing near its targets. Before they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks.
  276. Dartrix: It throws sharp feathers called blade quills at enemies or prey. It seldom misses.
  277. Decidueye: Although basically cool and cautious, when it’s caught by surprise, it’s seized by panic.
  278. Litten: It doesn’t allow its emotions to be easily seen. Earning its trust takes time. It prefers solitude.
  279. Torracat: It boasts powerful front legs. With a single punch, it can bend an iron bar right over.
  280. Incineroar: After hurling ferocious punches and flinging furious kicks, it finishes opponents off by spewing fire from around its navel.
  281. Popplio: This Pokémon can control water bubbles. It practices diligently so it can learn to make big bubbles.
  282. Brionne: It cares deeply for its companions. When its Trainer is feeling down, it performs a cheery dance to try and help.
  283. Primarina: Its singing voice is its chief weapon in battle. This Pokémon’s Trainer must prioritize the daily maintenance of its throat at all costs.
  284. Pikipek: This Pokémon feeds on berries, whose leftover seeds become the ammunition for the attacks it fires off from its mouth.
  285. Trumbeak: By bending its beak, it can produce a variety of calls and brand itself a noisy nuisance for its neighbors.
  286. Toucannon: Within its beak, its internal gas ignites, explosively launching seeds with enough power to pulverize boulders.
  287. Yungoos: It wanders around in a never-ending search for food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and falls asleep on the spot.
  288. Gumshoos: It adores having Rattata and Raticate for dinner, but as it’s diurnal, it never encounters them. This Pokémon boasts incredible patience.
  289. Grubbin: They often gather near places frequented by electric Pokémon in order to avoid being attacked by bird Pokémon.
  290. Charjabug: From the food it digests, it generates electricity, and it stores this energy in its electric sac.
  291. Vikavolt: It produces electricity via an electrical organ in its abdomen. It overwhelms bird Pokémon with shocking beams of electrical energy.
  292. Crabrawler: It punches so much, its pincers often come off from overuse, but they grow back quickly. What little meat they contain is rich and delicious.
  293. Crabominable: It just throws punches indiscriminately. In times of desperation, it can lop off its own pincers and fire them like rockets.
  294. Oricorio: This Oricorio has sipped red nectar. Its passionate dance moves cause its enemies to combust in both body and mind.
  295. Oricorio(Pom-Pom)It creates an electric charge by rubbing its feathers together. It dances over to its enemies and delivers shocking electrical punches.
  296. Oricorio(Pa'u): This Oricorio has sipped pink nectar. Its enemies’ hearts melt at the sight of its gently swaying hips.
  297. Oricorio(Sensu): It summons the dead with its dreamy dancing. From their malice, it draws power with which to curse its enemies.
  298. Cutiefly: Myriads of Cutiefly flutter above the heads of people who have auras resembling those of flowers.
  299. Ribombee: Some of Ribombee’s pollen puffs are highly nutritious. They are sometimes sold as supplements.
  300. Rockruff: This Pokémon has lived with people since times long ago. It can sense when its Trainer is in the dumps and will stick close by its Trainer’s side.
  301. Lycanroc: When properly raised from a young age, it will become a trustworthy partner that will absolutely never betray its Trainer.
  302. Lycanroc(Midnight): It goads its enemies into attacking, withstands the hits, and in return, delivers a headbutt, crushing their bones with its rocky mane.
  303. Wishiwashi: It’s awfully weak and notably tasty, so everyone is always out to get it. As it happens, anyone trying to bully it receives a painful lesson.
  304. Wishiwashi(School): At their appearance, even Gyarados will flee. When they team up to use Water Gun, its power exceeds that of Hydro Pump.
  305. Mareanie: It’s found crawling on beaches and seafloors. The coral that grows on Corsola’s head is as good as a five-star banquet to this Pokémon.
  306. Toxapex: Those attacked by Toxapex’s poison will suffer intense pain for three days and three nights. Post-recovery, there will be some aftereffects.
  307. Mudbray: It has a stubborn, individualistic disposition. Eating dirt, making mud, and playing in the mire all form part of its daily routine.
  308. Mudsdale: Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.
  309. Dewpider: When it comes across enemies or potential prey, this Pokémon smashes its water-bubble-covered head into them.
  310. Araquanid: Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares for others. If it finds vulnerable, weak Pokémon, it protectively brings them into its water bubble.
  311. Fomantis: They give off a sweet and refreshing scent. Cutiefly often gather near the tall grass where Fomantis are hiding.
  312. Lurantis: It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.
  313. Morelull: As it drowses the day away, it nourishes itself by sucking from tree roots. It wakens at the fall of night, wandering off in search of a new tree.
  314. Shiinotic: It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness. When its prey succumb to sleep, this Pokémon feeds on them by sucking in their energy.
  315. Salandit: Volcanoes or dry, craggy places are its home. It emanates a sweet-smelling poisonous gas that attracts bug Pokémon, then attacks them.
  316. Salazzle: Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can be diluted to use in the production of luscious perfumes.
  317. Stufful: A touch from anyone except a known friend sends it into a surging frenzy. It’s an incredibly dangerous Pokémon.
  318. Bewear: This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.
  319. Bounsweet: Although it’s too sugary for human consumption, Bounsweet’s sweat can be watered down into a juice with just the right amount of sweetness.
  320. Steenee: This Pokémon is always bouncing around energetically. Other Pokémon are attracted by its lively appearance and pleasant aroma.
  321. Tsareena: A Pokémon known for the beauty of its well-shaped legs, it sometimes appears as a mascot in advertisements for beauty salons.
  322. Comfey: Baths prepared with the flowers from its vine have a relaxing effect, so this Pokémon is a hit with many people.
  323. Oranguru: Deep in the jungle, high in the lofty canopy, this Pokémon abides. On rare occasions, it shows up at the beach to match wits with Slowking.
  324. Passimian: They battle with hard berries for weapons. Their techniques are passed from the boss to the group, generation upon generation.
  325. Wimpod: Its habitat varies from beaches to seabeds. A natural scavenger, it will gleefully chow down on anything edible, no matter how rotten.
  326. Golisopod: It battles skillfully with its six arms, but spends most of its time peacefully meditating in caves deep beneath the sea.
  327. Sandygast: It takes control of anyone who puts a hand in its mouth. And so it adds to the accumulation of its sand-mound body.
  328. Palossand: Buried beneath the castle are masses of dried-up bones from those whose vitality it has drained.
  329. Pyukumuku: These Pokémon line the beaches. The sticky mucous that covers their bodies can be used to soothe sunburned skin. How convenient!
  330. Type: Null: Due to the danger that this synthetic Pokémon may go on a rampage, it wears a control mask to restrain its power.
  331. Silvally: Although its name was Type: Null at first, the boy who evolved it into this form gave it the name by which it is now known.
  332. 17x Silvally([Respective Memory]): Upon awakening, its RKS System is activated. By employing specific memories, this Pokémon can adapt its type to confound its enemies.
  333. Minior: Strong impacts can knock it out of its shell. This Pokémon was born from mutated nanoparticles.
  334. 7x Minior([Corresponding Core]):If its core stays exposed, it will soon die off. It’s possible that it may survive if it’s put into a Poké Ball quickly enough.
  335. Komala: The log it holds was given to it by its parents at birth. It has also been known to cling to the arm of a friendly Trainer.
  336. Turtonator: It gushes fire and poisonous gases from its nostrils. Its dung is an explosive substance and can be put to various uses.
  337. Togedemaru: The long hairs on its back act as lightning rods. The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac.
  338. Mimikyu: A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get closer to people and other Pokémon.
  339. Mimikyu(Broken): If its neck is broken or its rag torn during an attack, it works through the night to patch it.
  340. Bruxish: It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even Shellder’s shell is no match for it.
  341. Drampa: This Pokémon is friendly to people and loves children most of all. It comes from deep in the mountains to play with children it likes in town.
  342. Dhelmise: The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became reborn as this Pokémon. It maintains itself with new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed.
  343. Jangmo-o: They live in mountains where no trace of humans can be detected. Jangmo-o grow little by little as they battle one another.
  344. Hakamo-o: It sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous basis. The scales become harder and sharper each time they’re regrown.
  345. Kommo-o: Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities.
  346. Tapu Koko: It confuses its enemies by flying too quickly for the eye to follow. It has a hair-trigger temper but forgets what made it angry an instant later.
  347. Tapu Lele: As it flutters about, it scatters its strangely glowing scales. Touching them is said to restore good health on the spot.
  348. Tapu Bulu: The guardian deity of Ula’ula is a lazy Pokémon. It commands plants to immobilize its foes and then deals them a savage blow with its horns.
  349. Tapu Fini: The guardian deity of Poni, it can control water. People say it can create pure water that will wash away any uncleanness.
  350. Cosmog: In ages past, it was called the child of the stars. It’s said to be a Pokémon from another world, but no specific details are known.
  351. Cosmoem: There’s something accumulating around the black core within its hard shell. People think this Pokémon may come from another world.
  352. Solgaleo: This Pokémon is said to be a male evolution of Cosmog. At the activation of its third eye, it departs for another world.
  353. Lunala: Said to live in another world, this Pokémon devours light, drawing the moonless dark veil of night over the brightness of day.
  354. Nihilego: One of the Ultra Beasts. It’s unclear whether or not this Pokémon is sentient, but sometimes it can be observed behaving like a young girl.
  355. Buzzwole: A mysterious life-form called an Ultra Beast. Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a single punch.
  356. Pheromosa: One of the Ultra Beasts. It refuses to touch anything, perhaps because it senses some uncleanness in this world.
  357. Xurkitree: It appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. It raided a power plant, so people think it energizes itself with electricity.
  358. Celesteela: One kind of Ultra Beast. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms.
  359. Kartana: One of the Ultra Beast life-forms, it was observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of its blade.
  360. Guzzlord: A dangerous Ultra Beast, it appears to be eating constantly, but for some reason its droppings have never been found.
  361. Necrozma: Light is apparently the source of its energy. It has an extraordinarily vicious disposition and is constantly firing off laser beams.
  362. Magearna: Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.
  363. Magearna(Painted): This gorgeous Magearna looks as it did at the time of its invention. Its luxurious decoration pleased the king’s daughter.
  364. Marshadow: It lurks in the shadows of others, copying their movements and powers. This Pokémon is craven and cowering.
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