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Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. FBI: We are under intense pressure not to indict Hillary and have been given gag orders. We have enough information to bring down the entire government and its structure, the people don't realize how big the situation really is.
  2. Her indictment depends on how much is revealed about the other people involved, and there are a lot of those people. Hillary herself should be indicted for treason of every kind, plus multiple violations of the Constitution and the Espionage Act.
  3. The real story is the Clinton Foundation, not Hillary's e-mail server. We have the server from Benghazi, and from it have found data on the Foundation. We realized it was much worse than we previously thought. The e-mails are a tiny fraction of it and pale in comparison to what's going on at the Foundation.
  7. Q: The entire Clinton Foundation is involved?
  9. FBI: Yes. Hillary had SAP (Special Access Program) level information on her server. If this information becomes public, it will cause an uprising, possibly foreign declarations of war. She sold everything, weapons, favors, intelligence and people.
  10. From Saudi Arabia visiting and donating to the Foundation, to the Russian Uranium Deal, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Israel lobby, AIPAC, the list goes on.
  11. The government could be exposed on every level, who pays who, who buys what or who, as there is a deep underworld where human trafficking runs rampant, especially with pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein and all of his friends, including Bill Clinton.
  12. The sex rings exist in all governments, pedophilia primarily in the British Parliament and Saudia Arabia, which is why the Clintons love their donations, they get paid not just in money, but in children.
  16. Q: How important is Hillary Clinton in all of this?
  18. FBI: The problem is with the Foundation. It's a giant web of connections and money laundering implicating several hundreds of high level 'elites'.
  19. The entire government is essentially guilty of treason. Hillary is a just a piece, although a big one.
  20. Her close friend and confidant Sid Blumenthal is still trying to get dirt on Trump and find a strategy against him.
  24. Q: Can you elaborate on the SAP's?
  26. FBI: A Special Access Program is an intelligence program even more classified than "top-secret". Such programs are held on closed servers in secret locations and the only way to get one is if you are specifically part of the program, have a "need to know" basis and physically go to the secret location, passing through several layers of security.
  27. Such programs can contain, for example, the operations and locations of intelligence operatives or missile silo locations.
  28. The Secretary of State can have access, but it is only granted on a need to know basis, which Hillary did not have during her tenure.
  29. Hillary had Special Access Programs, she had no authority to have any of them, as merely possessing them makes her guilty of treason, but somebody leaked them to her and she then sold them to donors from overseas.
  33. Q: Are you worried for your life?
  35. FBI: Yes, I fear for my life. My superiors have the priviledge of being in the spotlight, so at least their disappearance would beg for questions. And people do tend to disappear around the Clintons. There are over 103 deaths on the Clinton body count.
  36. I could be silenced or killed for leaking anything. Some other places have tried to leak the data on the case before but we censor them in time.
  40. Q: What does Obama have to do with this and how true are the rumors about his birth, life and religion?
  42. FBI: Obama could be impeached over the information we have. He's loosely tied to the Foundation but way more closely tied to its donors. He's trying to have Clinton's case postponed until 2018.
  43. He is an atheist who chooses to associate himself with the Muslim Brotherhood and loves Islam. Stephen Coughlin's book, while not fully correct, mentions some points on this.
  44. His connections, namely his mother's association to communists in the 1960's, would make him uneligible for hire in any intelligence agency.
  45. His real father is communist Frank Marshall Davis, not Barack Obama Sr.
  46. Michelle Obama is not a transgender man.
  50. Q: What is FBI director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch's role in all of this?
  52. FBI:Comey is trying to stall because he doesn't want to face the Clintons and the rest of Washington D. C. If the full extent of the case is brought to light, we will just be one agency against the entire government and the special interests. Comey will most likely resign in any case. There's a reason we're being so quiet, we want to keep our jobs. If we act, it may be effective, but then we would be facing the entire federal government.
  53. Lynch is trying to save herself. She has also donated to the Foundation and has many ties to the people involved. Remember that Bill Clinton appointed her and that even if she is good, she didn't get the job simply by being good. When they met recently, Bill most likely told her to give more attention to the e-mails rather than the Foundation.
  54. She has an idea of just how big the case is, but if she gets any more info she will have to either prosecute or recuse herself, because if too much information is given it would violate national security laws.
  58. Q: Is the Department of Justice protecting Hillary?
  60. FBI: The Department is just looking to save itself. Most of them, from donors to its Board of Directors, are also involved in the Clinton Foundation.
  61. We have no power to prosecute, we just hand over the data to the Department for them to prosecute. We cannot even hand them all of the data because of its sensitivity, most of which will lead into several other cases of corruption.
  62. Lynch's statement on how she will follow the FBI's recommendation on whether or not to prosecute doesn't mean much. We only give them the data and further instructions, they decide how to act.
  63. If we do recommend, we'd be handing over documents involving the entire government in treason at the highest levels, as well as details about the Special Access Programs which would crush national security.
  64. If we do not recommend, it will look like a cover-up. Trump would use this in his favor.
  65. We have also considered giving an Attorney General of a right-wing state enough information and have them indict Hillary.
  69. Q: What are the chances of an indictment before the election?
  71. FBI: I would say none, but since the Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch meeting, it may be more likely because the public knows something is up. There is more pressure to continue the investigation.
  72. Our hands are tied, for now we are just trying to carefully sift through the mud, but this may get buried until Trump is elected. We could make a recommendation at any time, but there are just too many political layers at play.
  73. Bernie Sanders is only staying in the presidential race because he hopes Clinton will be indicted or forced to drop out before the election.
  74. It's impossible to say when we will act, but rest assured nobody is clean, not even Trump.
  78. Q: Can you elaborate on Trump?
  80. FBI: Trump has donated to the Clinton Foundation, although for fairly innocuous things such as building permits. He is smart and covers his tracks well. If someone really wanted to get to him, he could be brought up on bribery charges, but those wouldn't stand in court.
  81. We all support Trump here at the Bureau, he's not a Clinton plant as some believe, he hates the Clintons. He's a good candidate, if not perfect. There are rumors that Chris Christie will be his Attorney General and Michael Flynn his Vice-President. If he's elected, he will clean up D. C. and our job will be much easier. Hillary will most likely be going to prison.
  82. Trump has a lot of good people advising him and leaking information to him.
  83. His campaign's use of "confirmation bias" is phenomenal, and perception does shape reality. Everything he does is straight out of a PsyOps textbook.
  84. Hillary is very thin-skinned and hates that Trump gets great ratings and makes the media profitable, making sure they keep covering him.
  85. Hillary and her special interests are rigging the election, so it is incredible that Trump managed to get as far as he did.
  89. Q: What is the state of Bill Clinton's health and will Hillary use that to her advantage?
  91. FBI: Bill will most likely die within a year of natural causes, which may slightly help Hillary's numbers.
  95. Q: What's the degree of involvement from other nations?
  97. FBI: Pretty much everyone is involved, since the US has operations all around the world.
  98. Several countries possess some of the data on the case, as they were hacked from Clinton's server. Trump has some files as well, and plans to discreetly leak them.
  99. Russia hacked the server and we estimate they will leak all of what they have, which is enough to take her down, since Clinton is hostile to them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the United States. They are waiting to see how the election plays out and what the Department of Justice does, and may use it as a deterrent against a possible war.
  100. Mexico is actively trying to undermine the US.
  101. If a civil war breaks out, foreign powers, most likely Russia and China, will almost certainly immediately intervene, prolonging the conflict. They would want to make sure the US is friendly with them.
  105. Q: What is the mainstream media's role on all of this?
  107. FBI: The mainstream media has it all wrong. They are trying to distract people by putting the focus on the e-mails instead of the Foundation.
  108. Dinesh D'Souza's anti-Hillary documentary may have an effect on public opinion, but he doesn't really know anything about Hillary.
  109. Jerome Corsi, although not fully accurate, is one of the few who is putting the pieces together.
  110. Alex Jones is a "useful idiot" rather than a disinformation agent as some speculate, and he does believe in what he says.
  114. Q: What possible outcomes will there be of this?
  116. FBI: There are three options: We could turn over everything to the Department of Justice, make a public recommendation, have the truth come out and everyone realize how much the US meddles in foreign affairs and how much foreign money influences our government, starting both a civil and international war.
  117. We could carefully pick our data to only implicate the people already in the public eye, making sure the whole system doesn't crash, which is the option we're currently pursuing.
  118. We could do nothing and proceed to observe the political climate.
  119. The way we create strategy is by running multiple "simulations" at the same time, assessing the realistic probabilities of a scenario, and acting accordingly. If one plan fails, we enact another.
  123. Q: Who would we be going to war against?
  125. FBI: Hillary wants to go to war with Russia and then possibly China because her donors have already paid for it. The EU and NATO are also heavily pushing for this war because of Soros. They are seen as a threat for being too white and nationalistic. All Putin really wants is to have Ukraine back, instill a good business climate and be left alone.
  126. We might be fighting the countries that declare war on us since all of our secret operations on their soil would be exposed. If we were to fight a war it would be in the plains of Africa.
  130. Q: Is Obama just trying to have his own Vice-President elected while indicting Hillary at the same time?
  132. FBI: It's possible. Obama and Hillary hate each other. Hillary hates all black people and Obama hates reckless people, and Hillary is a reckless idiot who doesn't care about the details, all she wants is to have someone else do everything for her while she gets the money. Richard Nixon wasn't nearly as reckless as she is.
  136. Q: What do you think about the rise of black supremacy groups and social-justice groups in America?
  138. FBI: Black Lives Matter is a corrupt organization paid for by Soros. Actor Jesse Williams has his statements fed to him and may be a major figure in creating racial division.
  139. Unfortunately, black people in America are generally more impulsive, but can be integrated in a healthy way, not by force. African-American economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell knows this and made a note of how blacks were integrating well into society before the 'welfare state' began. At this point deporting unintegrated blacks wouldn't be bad.
  140. Social-justice groups are an attempt to demoralize the population into hating anyone who is a clearly defined race as opposed to mixed race, and also to defy authority. All liberalism comes from low self-esteem. You can watch KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov's interviews to get a better understanding of these subversion techniques.
  144. Q: What do you think about Brexit and the nationalist movement worldwide?
  146. FBI: It's a global trend, but Brexit won't make the UK leave the EU. Even then, there are deals being made to keep the UK within the system even if they were to be officially "out" of the EU. The new "conservatives" are just as pro-EU as the liberals. This is why Farrage, a genuine conservative, was barred from negotiating with the EU.
  150. Q: What do you think about the current gun control situation?
  152. FBI: It's time to buy a gun and consider war a possibility.
  153. We are on the brink of a civil war and Soros, the Clintons and the rest of the Democratic gang are trying to pass stricter gun laws as they are afraid of a revolution.
  154. The Orlando attack was an inside job from the CIA, the agency is actually huge and has many branches.
  158. Q: What is George Soros and the jewish elite's role in all of this?
  160. FBI: Soros is at the heart of everything, he's the puppeteer. The Ukraine civil war, the Russia-Ukraine border, the South China Sea, the Phillipines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Africa, and anywhere NATO is is all his doing. He practically owns Tavistock, which owns the government. He funds, influences and instructs every layer of the US government, right down to the tax code.
  161. Though Soros does always profit from these conflicts around the globe, his interests are ideological. He and his gang believe they are the answer to "world peace" and want to create a global government where all people will breed, eliminating race and allowing them to be ruled by a racially pure Jewish race, which he thinks will eliminate all world conflict.. Todd Huizinga's book The New Totalitarian Temptation details their mindset very well. The ideas for a "greater Israel" and white genocide are also included in the Clinton Foundation leaks.
  162. He and the rest of the jewish elite want multiculturalism all around the globe, except for Israel. This desire is born out of a fear of what could have happened during World War II. The death toll, even if massive, was exaggerated, and the "Holocaust" as known in History is not supported by the population records, but it did psychologically brutalize the jews.
  163. Soros himself was a nazi collaborator. He is basically a nazi, except he wants Jews as the supreme race instead of Aryans. Loxism is very real among his mostly jewish group.
  164. The refugee crisis was orchestrated by the jewish elite to get cheap labor and eliminate whites. Europe is experiencing a cultural backlash, which, unless Islam is strongly and firmly expelled from Europe, will result in european whites fleeing to the US.
  165. The September 11th attacks were perpetrated by Mossad and paid for by Saudi Arabia. Israel and the Saudis may possibly turn on the United States, but nobody really likes Israel.
  166. JFK was assassinated for going against the jewish banking elite.
  170. FBI: The average age of an empire is 250 years. America's right on time. If there's anything I can leave you with, it's to tell you to focus on the Clinton Foundation.
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