
>decide to win a game, pick PL

Nov 14th, 2014
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  1. I don't understand why I still fucking play this game, honestly. So many fucking retarded assholes, I fucking swear.
  3. >decide to win a game, pick PL
  4. >game decides to crash on me, restart, asshole team doesn't pause for me
  5. >laned with kotl against abbadon and techies
  6. >kotl never fucking comes with me to kill abbadon
  7. >doesn't ward to stop techies mines
  8. >enigma never ganks from the jungle to support his carry
  9. >enigma buys a fucking midas because he thinks he can carry
  10. >kotl with a fucking mjolnir instead of wards
  11. >useless as shit ET and earth spirit
  12. >enigma thinks silencer ult goes through bkb
  13. >he doesn't realize you can just bkb before he silences and get the full black hole off
  14. >still doesn't build a bkb, never gets a black hole off
  15. >team doesn't buy me the time or space I need to carry
  17. I need to fucking take a break from this forced 50% win garbage. This is absolute horseshit how I get paired with shitty 3k players in 3k bracket when I know I'm at least a 5k player.
  19. Does anyone know any reliable MMR boosters? I think I might buy a boost to 6k...
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