
Fluttershy's Assertiveness Adventure: Unrelated One-Shot

Dec 28th, 2012
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  1. Fluttershy's Assertiveness Adventure: Unrelated One-Shot
  3. Some anon made a thread with this question:
  4. "In an attempt to be more assertive,Fluttershy decides to go on an adventure.
  5. However she doesn't know what kind of adventure she would go on so she kindly asks you.
  6. Fluttershy will trust you completely,even when your proposal seems a bit... weird.
  8. What do?"
  10. So I typed this shit up [spoiler]somewhat angering the readers due to my slow typing speed[/spoiler], it's somewhat PiE.
  12. >you're sitting at home
  13. >listening to new Arsis album
  14. >knocking at door
  15. >who the fuck, you're not expecting company
  16. >answer door
  17. >it's Fluttershy
  18. >wonder if you ate something that was too passed date
  19. >consider suing local pizza shop
  20. "Hi Anon... Um... I was... umm... Just in the area and..."
  21. >you don't really care anymore
  22. >who gives a fuck if she's real or not
  23. >fuck yeah, you're not asleep and there's a poni!
  24. "Come in, come in"
  25. >you kinda cut her off but it is cold outside
  26. >she pretty much has a pile of snow on top of her head
  27. >you brush it off and grab a towel from the nearby washroom
  28. >brushie brushie brushie
  29. "Fluttershy, why are you here? Is there anything wrong?" you ask
  30. "Not really... I umm... I can go if you want... If you're busy I'll just come back later..." she replies quietly, looking at the floor
  31. >hnnnngggg
  32. >you smile through the chest pains brought on by excessive cuteness
  33. "It's fine, I'm happy to meet you actually... Why did you come to me?"
  34. "I umm... Kinda want to learn to be more assertive and Twilight said she had a spell that would send me on a trip where I would meet a creature that would help me learn about myself... Or something..." she says
  35. >damn
  36. "It was part of her advanced training program with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna..." she finishes
  37. >pretty impressive
  38. "So I'm supposed to help you become more assertive? How?" you ask
  39. >she thinks for a second
  40. "I think we need to go on an adventure, Anon. An adventure to find my assertive side!"
  41. >you don't even know how to begin to feel about seeing a pony from a cartoon in real life
  42. >you know even less about how to feel that there's a pony asking you on a soul-seeking adventure
  43. "That's... Interesting..." you reply
  44. >insane or not, real or not, you're going to enjoy this
  45. >this is your first fucking honest to god hallucination or surreal experience and by all that is fucking right in the world you're going to make the best of it
  46. >she smiles
  47. >you are wondering about one thing though
  48. "Fluttershy... I can explain how I know you but how do you know me, like my name and all..." you ask
  49. >she steps back, looking uncertain
  50. "Well... Ummm... I don't really understand it myself... I remember that Twilight said something about her being able to see into your world... She said she chose you for the person you were deep down... I think..." she says
  51. >welp
  52. "So magic?"
  53. "Umm... I guess..." she meekly replies
  54. >fucking wizards
  55. >good enough for you
  56. "So you want to go on an adventure with me to become more assertive, if I understand everything correctly..." you say, thinking out loud
  57. >her head dips down, she looks like you're about to hit her
  58. "Oh I knew this was a bad idea... I'll just go..." she starts
  59. >it's like she assumed that she's upset you or something
  60. >you kneel to be face to face with the yellow quiet
  61. >suppressing more hnnng, you try to appease her anxiety
  62. "Please don't go... Flutteryshy, you've come to the right person" you say
  63. >her eyes become wide
  64. "So you'll help me?" she says
  65. >her massive eyes fill with hope
  66. "Yes"
  67. >she flutters up with joy, actually [i]fucking flying[/i]
  68. "BUT!" you say
  69. >as if struck by lightning, she freezes in mid-air and lands square on her hooves, stiff as a board
  70. "I'll need something from you. I'll need a promise. I need you to tell me you're dedicated, that you won't quit even if it's difficult." you declare
  71. >her little chest puff up
  72. "Anon, I'm ready for anything! Twilight warned me and told me that I might not be ready for what may come but I promise that I won't quit. I'll do everything it takes!" she says, beaming determination
  73. >you extend your fist, looking her right in the eyes
  74. >she hoof bumps it
  75. "It's a promise."
  76. >you stand up and start thinking hard
  77. >Fluttershy needed more than assertiveness
  78. >it wasn't just that
  79. >you always saw her as missing something
  80. >lack of assertiveness was a symptom, but not the ailment
  81. >you needed to do something special to help her become the p0ny she wants to be, the p0ny should be
  82. >without turning her into a mean cunt, anyways
  83. >you had some thinking to do
  84. "Before we go off, I think I have some things to prepare. It may take a day or something, is that a problem?" you ask
  85. >she shakes her head
  86. "Twilight... Umm... told me that I could come back whenever I wanted by saying the magic words three times..." she replies
  87. >you get her some refreshments while you start planning
  88. >you begin gathering stuff for your... "adventure" while plotting what you wanted to accomplish with this journey
  89. >you soon realize that you'll probably be the one that will have the most difficult time
  90. >you'll be the one that will probably suffer far more than what she will go through
  91. >the next morning, you feel ready
  92. >you have all your gear and supplies
  93. >you're still on holiday for a week so you have the time to do this
  94. >you put everything in the car; camping gear mostly, food, water, survival equipment, rifle, ammo
  95. >the usual
  96. >you have her sit next to you in the car
  97. >tinted windows are useful
  98. >she asks why you're starting the adventure off in some form of chariot and not just by foot
  99. >you just tell her that you will both require seclusion, and your car can get you both to an isolated location much faster
  100. >the drive is long and quiet
  101. >Fluttershy ends up falling asleep
  102. >it's nighttime when you get to the beginning of your adventure
  103. >you get out of the car, parking it where it won't be swallowed by snow
  104. "Wake up Fluttershy, we begin now." you say
  105. "Shouldn't we... Set up camp or something? It's nighttime..."
  106. >you have a GPS, maps, compass so you won't get lost
  107. "No. I'll tell you when we set up camp. Right now, we move out."
  108. >you start loading her up with gear and you both walk out into the freezing darkness
  109. "A.. Anon...? Anoon?" she stutters
  110. >not from cold; she is well covered up
  111. "Anon... Are these woods safe? It feels like Everfree Forest out here... But worse... I'm scared..." she squeaks
  112. >you take a deep breath
  113. "Keep moving, but stay close."
  114. >her lips quiver
  115. "But Anon... I'm... I'm sca-
  116. >she slows down, eyes darting at every little noise in the woods
  117. "I said KEEP MOVING"
  118. >you push her forwards
  119. >she looks back at you, confused and afraid
  120. >you know your limits
  121. >you've done this kind of thing before
  122. >survival in the woods was your childhood passion
  123. >but this was a bit different
  124. >you had a purpose right now, and it would bring you both on a dangerous path
  125. >Fluttershy is almost in a panic all night
  126. >you both trek through the dense woods, trudging through a good foot of snow for hours and hours
  127. >you're getting tired
  128. >Fluttershy's breath is getting ragged
  129. >the sun finally starts lighting the woods up over the faint moonlight that was coming through the leafless trees during the night
  130. >Fluttershy visibly relaxes
  131. >you enter a clearing
  132. "We'll put the tent up here. Here's some water."
  133. >you are hurting inside
  134. >Fluttershy's confused, worried and scared face is hard to deal with but you needed to do this right if it was going to work
  135. >you don't let her sit down, you both just drink and start putting the tent up
  136. >you start cutting down some trees with a khukuri and you have her drag the trees back to camp
  137. >you can see her straining with all her might
  138. >you cut the dry, dead trees but you always leave them whole so that they're very hard to move
  139. >only when they're back to camp where you cut them into firewood
  140. >Fluttershy is a mess
  141. >eyes red, breathing hard
  142. >when you are satisfied with the amount of wood gathered, you start a fire and you melt some snow, preparing the first meal in over 24 hours of hard work
  143. >she hasn't spoken since
  144. >this is only the beginning
  145. >you both eat, her eyes still trained on you
  146. >you set your alarm to wake you up in four hours as the sun begins to go down
  147. >you make the most of it, falling asleep quickly
  148. >during the short night, you remember Fluttershy bumping in to your sleeping bag
  149. >she did not sleep as much as you did when your alarm goes off
  150. >you stretch
  151. >she's sleeping
  152. >fucking Twilight owes you one for this
  153. >you breathe in
  155. >the pegasus gets ups in a panicked stupor
  156. "GET UP GET UP GET UP" you continue
  157. >she's up faster than a cock in a clop thread
  159. >her eyes fill with tears
  161. >her mouth opens
  163. >she freezes, horrified, eyes full of tears
  165. >she just shakes in fear, stuck on the spot as you yell at the very top of your lungs right at her
  167. "y-ye-
  169. "sir yes sir?"
  170. "I DIDN'T HEAR YOU"
  171. "Siir... yes sirr"
  173. "Sir no sir?"
  175. "Sir yes sir" she says, a little louder
  177. >your heart breaks as you see her face contort in a mix of horror and confusion
  178. >but you keep screaming at her
  180. >you are on her heels as she drags a log that weighs as much as she does in the thick snow
  181. >you bellow in her ears about how slow she is
  182. >every lap around the camp, you ask her to answer you again
  183. >if she was in a pitiful state before, she's on the verge of collapse now
  184. >the morning wears on, but it isn't even noon
  185. >you're getting tired just following her around, yelling your lungs out
  186. >finally
  187. "SIR YES SIR" she cries
  188. >it was more the loudness you get simply from breathing hard and sobbing more than a proper answer
  189. >but it was loud enough
  191. >you yell at her to drink water, eat some cold leftovers and take a ten minute break
  192. >her eyes are red, tear stained
  193. >she's still breathing hard
  194. >she's looking at you blankly
  195. >she has no idea what is going on or why this is happening
  196. >you are not a happy camper
  197. >you are goddamn miserable
  198. >what needs to happen is that you must break her completely to rebuild her how she wants to be
  199. >she needs to hit rock bottom before she can see the sunlight up top
  200. >two days pass
  201. >four hours of sleep
  202. >bitter cold
  203. >almost no food
  204. >you isolate her, you treat her like shit
  205. >you are on her ass 24/7, dragging her through the dirt
  206. >she finally drops on the third day
  207. >eyes blank
  208. >you take the log off her back
  209. >she's cold, fur is wet with perspiration
  210. >unfocused, limp
  211. >it's probably the saddest thing you've seen
  212. >you bellow once more for her to get up and pick up the log
  213. >she's fallen more than once today and yesterday, but she always got up
  214. >this time, she tries to move and passes out
  215. >you pick her up
  216. >as if she were your own daughter, you run a dry, warm towel to clean her mane and fur
  217. >you wrap her in a sleeping bag by the fire
  218. >she wakes up
  219. >she starts looking around
  220. >you're across from her, making fresh food
  221. >she panics, utter fear on her face, fighting against the sleeping bag, trying to get up
  222. "Stop. Eat."
  223. "SIR YES SIR" she hoarsely tries to yell out
  224. >good effort
  225. >kinda sounded like stepping on a cat though
  226. >she eats, staring at you
  227. >your heart sinks again
  228. >she hates you
  229. >she loathes you
  230. >she hates your fucking guts and she's afraid
  231. >she doesn't even know why you're doing this
  232. >she just knows you suck
  233. >to her, right now, you are a monster that will work her to death for no reason but his own amusement
  234. >you can feel her hate every fiber of your being
  235. >her eyes bore into you painfully
  236. >the next morning, with the sun still well below the horizon, she wakes up as you do
  238. "SIR YES SIR"
  240. "SIR YES SIR"
  241. >every reply is louder
  242. >every reply is more and more spiteful
  243. >she's forging herself, burning hate and anger, tempered by determination and discipline
  244. >you've been in the woods for almost 5 days
  245. >you order her to start a ruck march as usual before the sun goes down
  250. "MMH GOOD"
  251. "MMH GOOD"
  252. "FEELS GOOD"
  253. "FEELS GOOD"
  254. "REAL GOO-
  255. >you trot behind her and you feel your boot sweep right off some hard ice
  257. >your speed carries you towards a steep edge
  258. >you go over, seeing Fluttershy turn to look back
  259. >you grab madly at anything as the steep descent will soon go from steep to negative
  260. >as in falling
  261. >as in oh shit that is far down
  262. >you scamper, grabbing wildly at useless little shoots and soft snow
  263. >your eyes find Fluttershy
  264. >she's standing where she was, just looking at you
  265. >emotionless, coldly staring as you get closer to the cliff edge
  266. >you go over
  268. >the world goes black
  269. >you think you're conscious
  270. >it's hard to say
  271. >maybe you're dead
  272. >you bite your tongue
  273. >okay, bit of pain
  274. >assessment?
  275. >hypothermia, too cold to feel cold
  276. >this is pretty bad
  277. >you didn't expect to even survive, so there's that
  278. >you try to move
  279. >breathing is hard
  280. >snow everywhere
  281. >you're eye-deep in the powdery stuff
  282. >you manage to move your arm
  283. >you clear some snow from your head, you can see and breathe now
  284. >it's dark, you can't feel much, moving is hard
  285. >the sun has gone down but you can see a little bit
  286. >you manage to get your other arm moving
  287. >you pat around, trying to get some purchase on something
  288. >you find something hard in the darkness
  289. >you can't move one of your legs but you manage to pull yourself mostly from the packed snow
  290. >with enough of your torso out of the powder, you groggily take your backpack off, ripping open some heating pads and sticking them in your jacket
  291. >you use your pack to extricate yourself some more
  292. >right leg moves
  293. >left leg doesn't
  294. >left leg looks fucked
  295. >you pat around for bleeding
  296. >hard to tell, but as far as you can see there is no external bleeding
  297. >you light a flare and try to warm yourself up
  298. >you crawl to a spot where you aren't swimming in powder snow
  299. >you open all the heating pads
  300. >you stick them in your boots, your mitts, rest in your jacket
  301. >you start crawling back towards the camp site, fighting with everything you have to stay awake
  302. >moving does warm you up, but you think you're in shock
  303. >you keep moving
  304. >you drag yourself, flare helping you get your bearings
  305. >it takes more than an hour, but you finally see the campsite in the moonlight
  306. >you rip open a new flare, throwing it in a small woodpile
  307. >you get a bottle of lighter fluid from your pack and get the fire going
  308. >cutting the snowpant open, you think you now see what a dislocated hip joint is like
  309. >ankle is badly sprained too
  310. >great
  311. >at least you aren't bleeding internally
  312. >something worries you more
  313. >no Fluttershy
  314. >the pain rolls in as you warm up
  315. >fuuuuuck
  316. >you painfully change into some dry clothing, you layer up and very slowly put on another pair of pants over the snowpants to hold them together
  317. >you splint the whole leg
  318. >it'll have to do for now
  319. >you can kinda skip around on your good leg
  320. >taking out a spotlight and some extra batteries, the rifle, first aid kit, water and power bars, you start looking at the snow tracks
  321. >you hobble around and find a set of lone hoofprints
  322. >you always followed her, but this set is only hooves
  323. >you follow them
  324. >slow and painful going
  325. >the tracks just vanish after a while
  326. >fucking pegasus
  327. >you stay on course, yelling out
  328. >you fire the rifle once every minute
  329. >you hope she'll go towards the noise and not away from it
  330. >you stop to breathe and rest your leg that's completely torturing you
  331. >hearing noises in the distance, you freeze
  332. >you hear a high pitched scream
  333. "Fluttershy!"
  334. >you hobble on your only leg like crazy, getting caught in branches
  335. >you feel thorns ripping your skin
  336. >fuck scratches
  337. >fuck this leg
  338. >you drag yourself towards the noises, lamp frantically illuminating the woods
  339. >movement
  341. >nothing
  342. >you keep moving, muscles burning
  343. >you're starting to feel pain in your good leg from exertion that's as painful as your fucked up one
  344. >you hear more noises, but it's hard to tell where they're coming from
  345. >some where you're headed
  346. >some... behind you?
  347. >then your lamp reaches into the darkness and two bright lights shine back
  348. >eyes
  349. >noises around you
  350. >more eyes
  351. >too many eyes
  352. >you lean against a tree, holding the spotlight in one hand and bracing it against a nearby tree, rifle shouldered
  353. >you support the foreend with your left arm that's supported by the tree
  354. >somewhat solid shooting platform
  355. "FLUTTERSHY?"
  356. >you hear wings
  357. "Fluttershy? Are you out there?"
  358. >snow crunches and you tilt the spotlight away from the darkness, pointing it at the sound
  359. >Fluttershy folds her wings back against her body after the deft landing
  360. "Well well well. If it isn't Anon." says Fluttershy, smiling coldly
  361. "Fluttershy, we have to get out of here..."
  362. "What? You aren't going to yell at me or call me maggot anymore? You had your fun, didn't you? I should have left a couple days ago.... I wanted to leave now, but I'd rather see you suffer at the moment" she says
  363. >you hear more noises
  364. >almost in a panic, you twitch the spotlight everywhere at every little noise
  365. "Not so tough now, hunh?" she says
  366. "We're not alone! Stay close..." you plead
  367. "Or what, you'll yell at me some more? Well you know what? I've had it. I'm done with our promise."
  368. >Fluttershy turns and starts walking away, nose high up
  369. >she spits at the ground towards you, saying
  370. "Goodbye, Anon. Good riddance too. There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no pl-
  371. >jump on one leg and tackle her before she finishes
  372. "Get off me! Get off me yo-
  373. >you know what's coming
  374. *crunch*
  375. >your scream echoes through the woods
  376. >she freezes as get off her
  377. >well not exactly
  378. >you're pulled off her as a wolf has bit down on your splinted leg and is dragging you off her
  379. >your first instinct is to smack the thing as hard as you can
  380. >you just want the pain to stop
  381. >it's unimaginable
  383. >the 7 pound firearm cracks down on the wolf's face and it releases you
  384. >the pain cuts just enough for you to regain the ability of thought and actually realize that you are doing it wrong
  385. >it shakes its head and snarls, preparing for another attack
  386. >you shoot the fucker
  387. >your trusty old .358 Winchester thunders out and a 250gr nosler partition punches a new asshole into the beast
  388. "AAAAAUghughh... Fuck... Fluttershy? Fluttershy?"
  389. >you look around, finding her a few feet away behind you, backing up against a tree
  390. "Leave, Fluttershy! Go back to Equestria! FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE" you cry at her
  391. >the moon peeks from behind the clouds and you see the many pairs of eyes in the dark
  392. >she finally sees them too
  393. >seemingly frozen, she just blankly stares at you
  394. "Finish your magic words! Just get out of here..."
  395. >you are on your ass, trying to get a bead between the many pairs of glowing eyes
  396. >they keep shifting around, moving closer and closer
  397. >you grab the light and shine it at the closest pair
  398. BANG
  399. >WORK DA BOLT
  400. "Fluttershy! Snap out of it! Just go!"
  401. >she seems to wake up
  402. >she looks at the dead wolf, at your leg, at you
  403. "Why?" she asks
  404. BANG
  405. >last round
  406. "Is this really a good time to have this conversation?" you blurt out, panic setting in
  407. >her face just contorts
  408. >tears just pour from her eyes
  409. "Why, Anon?"
  410. >you set your sights on the nearest wolf
  411. BANG
  412. >the only sounds in the woods are the barely perceptible dance of the wolves and Fluttershy crying
  413. "Because I loved you, Shy"
  414. >the only thing you see is a set of snapping teeth race out towards you from the darkness
  415. >you raise your arms and feel Fluttershy against your back
  416. >the next thing you know, you're alone in a flowery field
  417. >you're bleeding everywhere, still covered in snow, your snow suit all ripped up
  418. >empty rifle still raised in your arms
  419. >no Fluttershy
  420. >you frantically look around
  421. "Fuck fuck fuck!"
  422. >swearing doesn't help
  423. >still no Fluttershy
  424. >it's warm, the air smells nice, the sun is bright and high in the sky
  425. >this is...
  426. >Equestria?
  427. >you see buildings
  428. >P0nyville?
  429. >fuck being surprised and all that shit
  430. >you have a Twilight to find
  431. >you have a Fluttershy to yell at
  432. >dragging yourself towards the town, you see Big Mac
  433. >you thank all the Princesses
  434. "MAC, HELP!"
  435. >he perks up and gallops over
  436. "Big Mac... No time to explain. Take me to Twilight right the fuck yesterday"
  437. "Eeeyup"
  438. >he looks confused as fuck but you just get on your one leg and hoist yourself on his back with the last of your strength
  439. >the large pony manages to move at an impressive speed even if you're half passed out on top of him
  440. >you see him heading towards the P0nyville hospital
  441. "To Twilight, Mac! Straight to Twilight or I'll beat the direction into your face"
  442. "Eeeyup" he replies, this time actually heading towards the magical pone
  443. >you fall off Big Mac as he stops in front of the Treebrary
  444. >you crawl and raise yourself to your knees
  445. >your vision is narrowing
  446. >you pound on the door
  447. >your arms are too heavy so you start hitting the door with your head
  448. >this wakes you up a little
  449. >purplesmart opens the door
  450. >you're on your knees, head to head with the unicorn
  451. >you grab her by the neck
  452. "Send me back"
  453. >your vision narrows again
  454. "Send... mee... bacckk"
  455. >when you open your eyes, you're on a white bed
  456. >it's a little small
  457. >it's pretty comfy
  458. >reminds you of your own bed
  459. >you'd be in your own bed if Flutte-
  460. "FLUTTERSHY!" you yell
  461. >you scamper off the bed
  462. >wearing really weirdly shaped and uncomfortable hospital gown
  463. >you just fail at standing up and smack the floor hard
  464. "OOOhf"
  465. >oh god pain
  466. >your leg is swollen, mostly in a cast, bloody bandages near the ankle
  467. >your stuff is piled up neatly in the corner
  468. >as neat as torn up, bloody snow gear can be
  469. >you throw the coat on and what's left of the snow pants
  470. >Twilight bursts into the room
  471. >you're on her like a fucking junkie in a cocaine factory
  472. >you see her go "OH SHIT" but you're already lifting her off the ground by the throat
  473. "Send me back to Fluttershy" you growl through grit teeth
  474. >horror painted across her face
  475. >she hoofs you in the nose, you lose your balance
  476. >you both crumple to the floor
  477. "Coughh... Cough... Anon, I need my mouth for this spell"
  478. >you smack yourself in the forehead
  479. "Do it now, then!" you growl
  480. "You're not going anywhere in your condition, anyway..." she replies, rubbing her throat
  481. >you start breathing faster
  482. "We don't have time! Fluttershy's in danger, you need to send me back" you cry out, crawling towards the bookponi
  483. >she holds you at bay with magic
  484. "GAAAHhh FUCK! Will you listen to me?" you say, swearing and fighting against her magic
  485. "Anon... Anon, you've been out for three days..." says Twilight
  486. >you go limp
  487. "No... No you're fucking lying... No..." you mumble
  488. >she nods
  489. "Three days? There's still a chance, please, you just have to let me go... Maybe I can still save her..."
  490. >you know what this is
  491. >it's called denial
  492. >you sit against the foot of the bed and hang your head
  493. "Just give me a chance... Maybe there's still time..." you say, eyes filling with tears
  494. >Twilight looks at you, eyes darting
  495. "Anon, just what happened? Why now? Fluttershy left P0nyville years ago... We thought she was lost to all of us...
  496. >you start crying when you wat
  497. >years
  498. >years?
  499. "It's been years?"
  500. >Twilight's face is pained
  501. "She left eight years ago... We lost hope... We sent a search party but after they never gave us news, we thought it was too risky to send more p0nies out there... We thought something had gone wrong..."
  502. >eight years?
  503. >Twilight's face suddenly lights up like a Christmas tree
  504. "Anon! Fluttershy might still be okay!" says Twilight
  505. >just what
  506. "I think I understand now! We still have time to save her, Anon!" beams Twilight
  507. >you just look at her blankly
  508. "Hold on, I've never done this with two people" says Twilight
  509. >cold wind smacks you hard and you're thrown into darkness
  511. >oh shit, Fluttershy!
  512. "Anon! I'll get us there!" yells Twilight
  513. >there's a flash of purple light and you see Fluttershy surrounded by wolves
  514. >you limp towards the noises
  515. >The wolves are surrounding her cowering, huddled form
  516. >one of them is ready to pounce
  517. >this made even less sense than usual but you felt like a million bucks just seeing her in one piece
  518. >you were also stricken with horror; a large, grisly looking wolf lunged forward, teeth bared
  519. >Twilight just picks you up with magic and starts galloping towards Fluttershy
  520. >she sets you down next to the wolf nearest to the pegasus
  521. >for a second you're like
  522. >"What the fuck, Twilight"
  523. >but then the wolf turns to you and it gives Twilight a second to fucking blast the thing with a huge magical bolt
  524. >it scampers off, fur burnt clean off
  525. >Twilight starts firing at the wolves, finally scattering them
  526. >you wrap your arms around Fluttershy
  527. "Fluttershy!" clamors Twilight
  528. "Twilight?"
  529. >you let the yellow one go as Twi hugs her friend
  530. "Shy, we thought you were gone for good... We sent p0nies to find you but they haven't come back... Probably 'cause they've only been looking for a few days..." says Twilight
  531. >Fluttershy looks confused
  532. "Twilight, I've only been gone for a few days, why did you think I was gone for good?"
  533. >Twilight looks up at the night sky
  534. "It's time... Our times are different. I figured it out when Anon told me that. Time in P0nyville flows faster than time in this place. It's daytime in P0nyville... Probably nighttime by now."
  535. >goddamn Twilight, sending Fluttershy in without checking the clocks
  536. "That means we should probably head back to P0nyville soon..." says Fluttershy
  537. >Twilight nods
  538. "Can I come too?" you ask
  539. >Twilight's horn glows
  540. "This is sure to get me a good grade with Celestia's advances lessons..."
  542. Good end.
  544. Epilogue:
  546. >the nice thing about Equestria is that you can spend weeks of vacation at a time on your lunch hour
  547. >you know that to everyone else, you'll eventually age faster and die young
  548. >but your life is full like absolutely nothing you could imagine
  549. >with your leg fixed up, you walk to Fluttershy's cottage
  550. "Hi Anon!" she beams in a clear tone
  551. >she may have hated you during her adventure like nothing else on the planet, but she found her strength during that time
  552. >she found courage and confidence she didn't know she had
  553. >she had almost couldn't forgive herself just like you felt like you couldn't forgive yourself for being such a dickbag towards her and mostly for getting her in so much danger
  554. >but she understood, and she said you could both call it even
  555. "Any plans for the day, Shy?"
  556. "Nope! Umm.. I mean yes, actually"
  557. >you're worried
  558. >that somewhat sounded like old Fluttershy
  559. "My plans for the day... Well I think we need to talk."
  560. >uh oh
  561. >relapse?
  562. >is she losing her assertiveness?
  563. >you sit with her under a tree, in the shade
  564. >it had become a favorite spot for you two
  565. "Well you've been such a good friend, Anon... Even if all those things happened and even if you were that hard on me, I'm glad it happened" she says
  566. >it always lifted a weight off your shoulder when she said that she didn't hold your actions against you
  567. >you saw where this was going though
  568. >you were a good friend
  569. >great
  570. >just a friend
  571. "Fluttershy, if it's about what I said when you sent me back to Equestria... If you're trying to let me off easy... I understand. I mean you're a p0ny, I'm a human..."
  572. >Fluttershy tilts her head to the side
  573. "Anon, I'm trying to tell you that you that I love you too"
  574. >you look to the side
  575. >like she loves the rest of her friends
  576. >you just look down
  577. "Anon, you stupid maggot!" she groans in exasperation
  578. >she pushes you over and kisses you
  579. >after a sweet, passionate embrace, she lifts her head and opens her eyes
  580. >her hair, now brushed back from her face, swung around in front of her eye
  581. >you brush it aside, the soft mane caressing your fingers
  582. >you look at her and say
  583. "Well, at least you're assertive now"
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