
Asscobra Goes to the Gym

Sep 24th, 2015
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  1. >be me
  2. >be cobecore
  3. >be 5'6, 240lbs
  4. >be working out at the gym
  5. >gotta get my life together
  6. >sitting behind the treadmills on the butterfly machine thing watching fat girl ass jiggle in tight yoga pants
  7. >start getting a boner
  8. >the one day i wore my gym shorts instead of my cargo shorts
  9. >try and bend it down to hide it
  10. >suddenly realize one of the girls is watching me
  11. >"Tyrone! This little shit was staring at my ass and now he's touching his dick right behind me!"
  12. >Tyrone and his boys come up to me
  13. >after they laugh at my shirt (it's a button up with a print of kirino, my waifu, on the front) they drag me out back
  14. >"Lil' bitch boy, think you can check out my girl's thick BBDub ass? That shit's all mine lil' nigga, you fucked up"
  15. >apologize profusely and tell him he won't ever see me at the gym again
  16. >they start beating the shit out of me
  17. >try to cast greater heal
  18. >i didn't gem mp5
  19. >mfw
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