Guest User


a guest
Aug 3rd, 2011
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text 2.83 KB | None | 0 0
  1. adam@adam-laptop:~/m1_adam/snapshots/2011-07-13/for-rc3$ sudo ./ 00 32
  2. [sudo] password for adam:
  3. 28+0 records in
  4. 28+0 records out
  5. 224 bytes (224 B) copied, 0.00536996 s, 41.7 kB/s
  6. 9197+1 records in
  7. 9197+1 records out
  8. 73580 bytes (74 kB) copied, 0.0483281 s, 1.5 MB/s
  9. CRC32 (BIOSMAC/bios.0032.bin): 1d39d89d
  10. Connected to libftdi driver.
  11. IR length: 6
  12. Chain length: 1
  13. Device Id: 00110100000000001000000010010011 (0x34008093)
  14. Manufacturer: Xilinx (0x093)
  15. Part(0): xc6slx45 (0x4008)
  16. Stepping: 3
  17. Filename: /usr/local/share/urjtag/xilinx/xc6slx45/xc6slx45
  18. Bitstream information:
  19. Design: system-routed.ncd;UserID=0xFFFFFFFF
  20. Part name: 6slx45fgg484
  21. Date: 2011/02/24
  22. Time: 22:33:26
  23. Bitstream length: 1484404
  24. # ==========================================
  25. # the results of log stoped at above line
  26. # then will popped up messages below after turned off power
  27. # adam notes
  28. # ==========================================
  29. Error: (null):0 (null)() no error: ; command 'initbus fjmem opcode=000010'
  30. Setting TCK frequency to 6000000 Hz
  31. Error: cmd_detectflash.c:52 cmd_detectflash_run() illegal state: Bus missing; command 'detectflash 0'
  32. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x000000 ../standby.fpg noverify'
  33. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x0A0000 ../soc-rescue.fpg noverify'
  34. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x240000 ../splash-rescue.raw noverify'
  35. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x2E0000 ../flickernoise.fbi noverify'
  36. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x6E0000 ../soc.fpg noverify'
  37. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x860000 ../bios.bin noverify'
  38. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x880000 ../splash.raw noverify'
  39. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x920000 ../flickernoise.fbi noverify'
  40. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0x220000 BIOSMAC/bios.0032.bin noverify'
  41. Error: cmd_eraseflash.c:57 cmd_eraseflash_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'eraseflash 0xD20000 151'
  42. Error: cmd_flashmem.c:60 cmd_flashmem_run() illegal state: Bus driver missing; command 'flashmem 0xD20000 data.flash5.bin noverify'
  43. -------------------------------------------------------------
  44. Your m1 was successfully reflashed. To boot the new software,
  45. Please now press the middle button of your Milkymist One.
  46. -------------------------------------------------------------
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