
OC WIP - Amber

Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. Name: Amber
  2. Age: Unknown
  3. Gender: Appears F
  4. Classification: Robot
  5. Occupation: Researcher, Adventurer
  6. Height: 5’7”
  7. Weight: 346 Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Red
  9. Hair: Blonde
  10. Appearance:
  11. Amber is tall, and has a slim figure resembling that of a young woman. Her face is round, with blonde hair in what seems to be a bob cut, lighter highlights on the tips of her hair. Her face is human-like, to make her appear more human, and has a dark skin tone, with deep red eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. The rest of her body, however, is purely mechanical, made of dark grey metal. Some parts of her body, most of which are under the darker plates, are made of a lighter metal, though this lighter metal also makes up small shoulder pads, as well as heels on her feet, and a pair of headphones on her head. These headphones are actually Amber’s Reader, and they have a glowing yellow ring on the ear pieces. A similar yellow glow can be seen in lines across her body, which regularly flows across them, as they are the visible process of Life Force flowing through her body. Blade-like wings, made of blue energy, are visible on her back.
  13. Powers and Abilities:
  14. - Perfect Student
  15. Amber is designed to collect hyper-accurate information, and is equipped with tools that allow it to gather & make use of information swiftly. Amber is equipped with a device called the Reader, which through supernatural technology, is able to perfectly pick up gestures and words spoken, allowing Amber to quickly learn a language, copy the motions needed for a code or security device, and perfectly recreate any form of martial arts. Special abilities, such as magic or psionics, can also be replicated, for not only can she perfectly copy a user’s gestures or spoken words, but she can also sense exactly what kind of ability it is, as well as determine the user’s source of power. In this way, Amber can then recreate these powers, even if they come from a deity – after all, Amber has her own god, and thus she can call on them for power (see notes).
  16. However, there are limits to her abilities. Amber is unable to copy someone’s passive or natural abilities, such as regeneration, or racial traits. She also cannot copy abilities specific to a user – for example, she cannot copy a character-specific super mode. Amber also cannot summon unique summons, such as a deity, of which only one exists. However, in their place, Amber can summon an energy being called “Deep Blue” to take their place (see Equipment).
  18. - Deep Blue
  19. Deep Blue is a weapon made of liquid metal, and is intended to serve as her tool for when she copies a weapon-based fighting style (see Equipment). Typically, Deep Blue will appear as a common broadsword when used in battle, though she can still make use of its ability to morph. Deep Blue’s abilities by default, alongside more basic sword techniques, are as follow:
  20. ~ Ultramarine – Transforming Deep Blue into a gun, Amber fires a volley of blue beam projectiles. Deals Puncture damage.
  21. ~ Celeste – Swinging Deep Blue in whatever form it’s in, Amber creates a wide wave projectile. Deals Slash damage.
  22. ~ Cerulean Heart – Turning Deep Blue into a lance, Amber lunges towards her opponent. When she connects, she is free to go into any ability she has learned, though her default stuff is limited to a knock-back blast from turning Deep Blue into a shotgun, or a launcher by turning Deep Blue into a boxing glove. The lance deals Puncture damage, while both finishers deal Impact damage.
  23. ~ Spinning Sapphire – Transforming Deep Blue into a big hammer, Amber spins her weapon around her about three times, creating a vortex of Life Force around her as she does so. Enemies hit are knocked back by the attack, and Amber can move around during the move. Deals Impact damage.
  24. ~ Cobalt Breaker – Transforming Deep Blue into a large greatsword, Amber performs an uppercutting attack. Deals Slash damage, and knocks away aerial foes, while launching grounded foes.
  25. ~ True Blue – Amber’s ult. Charging Deep Blue with Life Force for a turn, she transforms it into a staff & slams the ground, covering the surrounding area for 10 meters around her in a brilliant blue color. This will deal Spirit-based damage to all enemies within it for 5 turns, and also give a 1-star boost to Amber’s Strength, Projection, and Toughness while within this area.
  27. - Deep Purple
  28. A being made of purple Life Force, who Amber can summon as needed, and is intended to serve as a replacement in regards to abilities that use assistance of some kind (see Equipment). Deep Purple can be summoned to fight alongside Amber as an ally, as it is capable of fighting on its own, and though it can be of great assistance, Deep Purple has its limits. Deep Purple can only take three separate hits – when he is hit once, he quickly dissipates in order to avoid further punishment, and he’ll re-appear near Amber, unable to continue attacking for that turn. When he is hit all three times, Deep Purple cannot be summoned for five turns, during which he must recover. This means losing a big help on Amber’s end, while also potentially disrupting the use of a copied ability which requires assistance to work fully. However, Deep Purple cannot be hit by physical or mental attacks, which helps to project him greatly.
  29. Deep Purple’s abilities are as follow:
  30. ~ Highway Star – Deep Purple rapidly punches in front of it, hitting enemies with Impact damage. Can stop all projectiles that don’t pierce, even if they’re beams.
  31. ~ Stormbringer – Deep Purple pulls back its arms, and fires a large indigo beam. Deals Spirit-based damage, and pierces foes. Takes a turn to recover.
  32. ~ Smoke on the Water – Deep Purple disappears into a purple smoke, protecting it from all damage for a turn. Cannot be re-used for two turns afterwards.
  33. ~ Chasing Shadows – Deep Purple pulls Amber to its location immediately. Deep Purple may not act for the rest of the turn, though Amber is free to act as she wants if she did nothing prior to Deep Purple pulling her. This can be used to go through walls, but it will only work within 15 meters of Amber.
  35. - Mechanical Physiology
  36. Amber is a hyper-advanced robot, born of a mechanical world. Because of this, she has physiology which protects her from both physical & mental status conditions, making them ineffective on her. Naturally capable of flight, Amber is also skilled in the manipulation of Life Force, and is capable of drawing it from her surroundings to fill her personal supply, or if needed, drain it from a living being. Amber also possesses a mind, and though due to its mechanical nature she can’t fall for mental status changes, it does make her vulnerable to psychic attacks, while also providing a way for her to perform copied psychic techniques.
  38. Stats:
  39. -Strength: ***
  40. -Projection: ***
  41. -Toughness: ***
  42. -Attack Type: Slash, Impact, Puncture, Spirit [others vary with powers copied]
  43. -Resistances: None
  44. -Endurance: ***** (Amber)/*** (Deep Blue)
  45. -Stamina: ***** (Amber)/*** (Deep Blue)
  46. -Speed: ***
  48. Standard Equipment:
  49. ~ Deep Blue
  50. A weapon made of liquid metal, Deep Blue is colored a dark blue. Disguised as a band on Amber’s wrist, it normally takes the form of a sword in combat. Deep Blue can change shape, allowing it to change its shape and thus properties, granting her a variety of attacks to use, as well as allowing her to perfectly imitate a weapon-based fighting style or weapon techniques as well.
  51. ~ Deep Purple
  52. An energy being, which Amber can summon in the place of unique summons. This energy being is made of purple life force, with a form that changes to resemble who it’s copying, though when regularly summoned it resembles the form of a very muscular man, with long spiky hair that constantly moves as though it were waves of water, yellow eyes, and a dark purple strap across it’s chest, as well as two spikes on each of its shoulders, the waist down just fading out quickly & disappearing. It will also take on the form of an assistant, such as a summoned monster, when Amber copies such a power, although it will only be able to perform them with its own stats.
  53. ~ Reader
  54. A special device, which is supposedly disguised as a pair of headphones. The Reader allows Amber to read the properties of an action, allowing her to perfectly recreate every detail of the move, including what type of attack it is (magical, mental, etc.) and what it is using as an energy source, if applicable. Amber can then recreate these moves, with her personal store of Life Force as fuel.
  55. ~ Energy Tanks
  56. Hidden tanks of Life Force, which are stored within her body. These tanks are used to help fuel her copied abilities, and can be refilled by drawing further Life Force from the environment (or other beings). There is enough Life Force within these tanks that Amber should have no fear of actually running out of Life Force, save especially long battles.
  58. NOTES:
  59. ~ Amber serves a techno-god called the Cosmic Librarian. This god created Amber as one of their servants, specifically as a researcher unit to collect data. This is important, as not only is this the being Amber is in servitude to, but the Cosmic Librarian also serves as a deity for Amber to call upon, meaning even if a copied power requires drawing power from a deity, Amber can recreate it.
  60. ~ Ignoring the use of buffs/debuffs, Amber can never surpass the strength of the original user for abilities – only match or fall under. Should Amber’s base stat for that ability be higher than the original user’s, her performance will match the original’s users. The same is true of Deep Purple.
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