
Deadmeat Chronicles: The Victory of Snuggle Wuggle

Oct 21st, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon fluffy unicorn with a light green mane.
  2. >You are running.
  3. >The wind blows through your fluff, you mane is waving with your strides.
  4. >You are in a good mood.
  5. >You snuck in before Snuggle Wuggle and took the recently beaten smarty’s area.
  6. >You have new food stores and more fluffies to harvest food.
  7. >Your area is clean and it seems all enemy fluffies are gone.
  8. >Here lately you have been happier and perkier, you have made several play days.
  9. >You come to the end of the hedge row and sniff the air.
  10. >The fresh breeze fills your lungs.
  11. >You lay on your back and roll letting the sun hit your fluff.
  12. >The cool breeze and the warm sun make you feel invigorated.
  13. >You could run several times more.
  14. >You stand up again looking out over the grassy areas with the wind to your back.
  15. >It seems all conflict has stopped.
  16. >You feel you can relax.
  17. >You sniff the air again.
  18. >It smells so fresh, so clean, so… pretty.
  19. >You turn to run back to your hidey hole and stop in your tracks.
  20. >Coming out of the hedges is Snuggle Wuggle.
  21. >She walks in front of you and lays down.
  22. >She glances up at you smiling.
  23. >She seems to look radiant, but you know she’s a bad fluffy so you puff your cheeks.
  24. >”Go way! Yoo bad meanie fwuffy!”
  25. >She stands up and saunters up to you.
  26. >You lower your horn.
  27. >She walks up to it and sniffs it, then slides her face down the side of it.
  28. >She noses your cheeks and nuzzles your ear.
  29. >She softly whispers, “Snuggle Wuggle wan munsta speshul huggies.”
  30. >You stagger back, “Nuu! Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo mean Deadmeat! Yoo… smeww pwetty…”
  31. >You shake your head trying to keep it clear.
  32. >She looks shocked, “Nuu yoo haf gif Snuggle Wuggle Speshul huggie… Snuggle Wuggle wait fo dis!”
  33. >She stomps in frustration scowling at you.
  34. >”Nuu, you meanie fwuffy!”
  35. >She turns and presents herself to you wagging her tail.
  36. >”But yoo stwong fwuffy, stwong fwuffy gif gud emfs!”
  37. >Her sent is starting to cloud your head, she glances over her shoulder at you smiling with her features softened.
  38. >You start to feel a stirring in your pee pee place and start to move forward.
  39. >A small smile crosses your face, but then you remember all the times she sent her owchie friends at you.
  40. >”Nuu!” You back up, “Yoo twy gif Deadmeat owchies! Deadmeat nuu speshul huggie mean fwuffy!”
  41. >She turns and faces you again, this time with anger on her face.
  42. >”Why dum dum smawty nuu gif smawty speshul hugs!?”
  43. >She starts to puff in frustration, “All fwuffy wan gif Snuggle Wuggle speshul huggies!”
  44. >You try to walk away but for some reason want to look at her more.
  45. >She thinks for a minute then runs at you.
  46. >You get in a defensive stance.
  47. >She ignores it and runs beside you sticking her head under you and starts to sniff.
  48. >”*sniff* *sniff*…. Snuggle Wuggle tink she smeww wots boy fwuffies…”
  49. >You jump back indignant, “Deadmeat nuu gif speshul huggies boy fwuffy!”
  50. >Snuggle Wuggle sits down and looks at you, “Den yoo nuu able gif speshul huggies! Munsta Smawty haf weak pee pee pwace!”
  51. >You stomp and give her a raspberry, “Yoo meanie fwuffy! Meanie meanie meanie meanie! Deadmeat haf stwong pee pee pwace!”
  52. >She runs back to you and sticks her head under your belly again and points acussingly at your pee pee place.
  53. >“Yoo bad pee pee pwace! Yoo weak pee pee pwace! Musta fwuffy nee be giwl fwuffy!”
  54. >You jump back and sit down covering your pee pee place, “Weave Deadmeat wone! Haf gud pee pee pwace!”
  55. >She glares at you, “Snuggle Wuggle teww efewy fwuffy yoo have weak pee pee pwace!”
  56. >She turns to run off, you chase her down and tackle her.
  57. >”Nuu! Bad fwuffy nuu teww dat on Deadmeat! Deadmeat haf stwong pee pee pwace!”
  58. >She rolls on her belly and starts to try and crawl away, “Yoo gif boy speshul huggies! Yoo nuu stwong fwuffy!”
  59. >Anger is taking you over as you grab he sides hard and nip at her ears, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo mean Deameat!”
  60. >She is kicking and bucking under you, you have to grab her harder.
  61. >She is mean and bad, she makes you mad, she infuriates you just being here and she makes fun of you.
  62. >She is a bad fluffy, you push her down her tail wiggling on your belly.
  63. >”Weak fwuffy wet Snuggle Wuggle go! Snuggle Wuggle dunno munsta had weak nuu gud pee pee pwace!”
  64. >”NNnnnNnNNNN! NNNNNNNnNnnNN!! You bad!”
  65. >You grab her and pull her back.
  66. >Her pee pee place starts to rub yours.
  67. >”Bad fwuffy! NNnnNnnNN! NNNNNNNnnNNNNF!”
  68. >Deadmeat nuu weak…. Enf!… show bad… enf! Fwuffy…. Enf enf!”
  69. >”Am stwong! Enf enf enf enf” you can no longer hold back, her sent and the situation over run your mind.
  70. >”Enf! Enf! Enf! Deadmeat haf Enf! Enf! Enf! Stwong enf enf enf! Gif gud enfs Enf! Enf! Enf!”
  71. >The feeling comes on you strong.
  72. >You grab her tight pulling her close as the good feel takes over your body.
  73. >Spasms go from your back hoof to your head, sparklies shoot from your horn.
  74. >It is the most intense feel you have had.
  75. >As your mind clears you can feel Snuggle Wuggle shaking under you.
  76. >Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open.
  77. >Her wings flaps at her sides and her hooves are digging slightly at the ground.
  78. >After a moment she calms and opens her eyes, “…. Snuggle Wuggle win….”
  79. >You back off her but your legs are weak and you stumble and lay on your side.
  80. >She rolls on her back with a big smile on her face.
  81. >She stretches and rolls happily.
  82. >She sits up and looks at you, “Yoo join Snuggle Wuggle herd. Yoo be main owchie fwen.”
  83. >You are still huffing, “Deadmeat nuu wan join… why yoo nuu join Deadmeat?”
  84. >She turns and looks over the grassy area in deep thought.
  85. >”How wong dumm dum munsta smawty be hewe?”
  86. >”Deadmmeat nuu munsta!” you huff at her.
  87. >After some thought you say, “When fwuffy face munsta weave Deadmeat at dis pwace.”
  88. >Snuggle wuggle points to the sky, “When yewwow baww go up den down, most fwuffy foget…”
  89. >”When yewwow ball do again… mo fwuffy foget… when yewwow baww do it again…”
  90. >She looks at you, “Aww fwuffy foget. Yoo onwy fwuffy wike Snuggle Wuggle.”
  91. >”When ask udder fwuffy, dey been hewe forever.”
  92. >”Snuggle Wuggle no hewe forever, Snuggle Wuggle had daddeh.”
  93. >”One day herd came and took Snuggle Wuggle, daddeh nuu see…”
  94. >She looks at you with pain in her eyes, “Nefer see daddeh again.”
  95. >”Snuggle Wuggle pwetty fwuffy, smawty make Snuggle Wuggle speshul fwen.”
  96. >”Snuggle Wuggle haf babbeh but smawty gif biggest owchie.”
  97. >”Smawty say he stwong fwuffy, smawty afwaid babbeh gwow up stwong. Make him smawty no mo.”
  98. >She lays down looking at nothing in particular, “Snuggle Wuggle know fwuffy wan gif her speshul huggie.”
  99. >”Smawty go sweep… Snuggle Wuggle start gif speshul huggie to udder stwong fwuffy…”
  100. >”Wots of stwong fwuffy… when Snuggle Wuggle get enough stwong fwuffy…”
  101. >She looks at you with hate in her eye, “Smawty get biggest owchie!”
  102. >”Herd wost wif out smawty, Snuggle Wuggle use speshul huggies to become smawty.”
  103. >”Snuggle Wuggle no wan be made speshul fwen no mo! Snuggle Wuggle take efewy ting!”
  104. >”Snuggle Wuggle take efewy ting but den yoo show up.”
  105. >”Yoo stop Snuggle Wuggle, gif owchies and hewt udder fwuffy.”
  106. >She continues her stare down of you.
  107. >”But yoo dum dum fwuffy, yoo gif Snuggle Wuggle stwong babbeh!”
  108. >You get a shocked look on your face.
  109. >”Snuggle Wuggle wuv daddeh, do anyting fo daddeh… daddeh wuv Snuggle Wuggle.”
  110. >She stares off into space as if seeing the answers of the universe.
  111. >“Snuggle Wuggle wub babbeh! Be gud to babbeh! Stwong babbeh do what Snuggle Wuggle wan!”
  112. >”When babeh big and stwong enough!” She looks away, “Make dem gif yoo biggest owchie!”
  113. >You jump up shocked at what she is saying, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Nuu make babbeh hewt daddeh!”
  114. >She look sback at you with a cold stare, “Snuggle Wuggle do too much to gif up. Snuggle Wuggle take efewy ting!”
  115. >She starts to walk to you again.
  116. >You start to puff your cheeks and she ignores you and hugs your neck.
  117. >”Yoo dum dum fwuffy… yoo gud fwuffy… gud fwuffy get biggest owchie or be made bye bye…”
  118. >She lets you go and starts to walk away, “Yoo gif Snuggle Wuggle stwong babbeh, be gud momma.”
  119. >”Deadmeat be gud daddeh! Yoo gif Deadmeat babbeh!
  120. >She turns and sneers at you, ”Babbeh bewong Snuggle Wuggle! Yoo wost!”
  121. >She sees the hurt and confusion on your face and backs down, she turns and continues walking.
  122. >”Snuggle Wuggle weave munsta awone… But babbeh Snugle Wuggle babbeh... “
  123. >She stops not turning around, “De onwy smawties weft are Snuggle Wuggle and dum dum.”
  124. >She walks into the hedges, “Rest are bye bye or biggest owchie.”
  125. >”Deadmeat wan be babbeh daddeh!”
  126. >There is no answer.
  127. >She disappears leaving you stunned and feeling numb.
  128. >You run into the bushes but she has gone down wind.
  129. >It is as if she vanished in thin air.
  130. >You don’t see her or smell her.
  131. >”Yoo bad fwuffy! Gif Deadmeat babbeh!”
  132. >You are shouting to the wind.
  133. >You lower your head and walk back out of the bushes.
  134. >You leave the bushes and start to walk back to your area.
  135. >Roseberry is walking the bush line.
  136. >Roseberry runs up to you, “Yay! Wosebewwy fin munsta smawty! Munsta smawty pway!”
  137. >She tries to tickle tackle you but bounces off with an umf.
  138. >She giggles a bit and stands up running and hugging you.
  139. >You look at Roseberry, “How wong fwuffy been wif Deadmeat?”
  140. >She giggles at you, “Siwwy munsta smawty! Wosebewwy been wif munsta smawty foeveh!”
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