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NeilGM Bible

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May 24th, 2015
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  1. NeilGM's Personal Accounts: Steroids & How I Use
  4. Well I have not been a moderator now for a short while at and in this period I have been wondering the best way I can contribute to other bodybuilders and other people who are interested in getting involved in bodybuilding. I have in the past thrown my self at sometimes more topics than I can undertake and have failed to complete sections/threads of information I have intended to do for one reason or another. I have decided that the best way I can share what I know and believe to be right is to pass on my personal experiences with different parts of bodybuilding in different threads a build a sort of series that I intend to keep ongoing on different topics which will be in the suitable sections of the forum. As I learn new things my self I will share these thoughts through this series. So to start this off I am going to talk about AAS and some other compounds I use with them and discuss how they effect me personally. I hope that this series will become a point of reference or interest to the members who are on this forum a bit like how the Bible Index has done and still does and serve to help these people as well as reassure them. With some luck they may even become stickied by the crew along with the articles I intend to write that will come after this. I do enjoy this forum, it I think it is very unique with how open and honest it is as in my eyes this is what sets it apart from the rest. Ok lets get started...
  7. Individual Compounds: Testosterone
  10. For me Testosterone is the number one over all mass builder. What I mean about this is mg for mg this compound will put more weight on me that any other compound when the dose is used in the effective range. The actual quality of the weight is not very good in general but this needs to be used periodically in increased doses for me to add size.
  12. Most of the year I use little Testosterone, sometimes I use none at all. The small amounts when I do use are simply for aggression and sexual function, however these two effects seem to gradually decrease in their potency the longer I am using the compound when used at lower doses. When I first begin to use after a period of none use I will be very sexually active and very aggressive in the gym however after a few months particularly the sexual function will decrease often to a point where I will need a helping hand in the bedroom from time to time unless I am using medium to higher doses and then it never is a problem. Reason for this I am not sure but have had minor sexual function problems for quite some years now which I speculate are down to varying things I have done in the past but not the actual use of steroids.
  14. My Testosterone ester of preference to use is enanthate which I use most of the time and shortly followed my propionate. The reason I use enanthate is simple, it works out the best value for money and I use less volume when injecting as higher mg per ml solutions can be utilised painlessly. The actual noticeable differences are very small between this and propionate however the main difference is the the water held between the skin (bloat) is very slightly less with the propionate and it is more potent mg for mg due to the shorter ester. The shorter ester comes in to play when blasting test as you can quickly reduce excess bloat from over dosing as when you reduce the water drops quicker however the enanthate is only a few days longer. I do not like testosterone blends, they can be good value for money but there is no extra benefit in my experience to all the fancy esters as far as keeping your blood levels stable (as many people believe these products do so more than conventional esters), you still need frequent injects to actually ensure stability. All the other esters in my experience either cause too much bloat or simply are not as good value for money.
  16. Dosages I play with depend what I am doing. For function and aggression I stay around the 200mg a week mark and just do two injects a week. Again 3-4 would be better but it does the job at this and does not cause me any problems. Dosages of 300mg a week and above cause me to bloat heavily. My arms will thicken but my veins will blur and my chest and abdominal region will take on allot of water despite me being lean. I can correct this to a point with the additional use of Masteron Propionate, but to give you an idea I would have to run my Masteron at around 750-800mg a week to hold off bloat from 400mg of Testosterone enanthate and there are limits to how far I can take this. At 400mg a week I would make good gains in the terms of thickness without the Masteron but with that compound there holding off the water it would be more steady. Trenbolone to a point helps regulate the water better when using testosterone but no where nearly as effective as Masteron, however when these 3 are combined you can produce a good look. The carbohydrates need to be watched and so does the sodium intake with anything above 200mg a week and even at this dosage I will bloat more than if no testosterone is present.
  18. Testosterone does have a mild effect on fat burning for me and over the months of consistent use you will see a decrease in fat especially when used in conjunction with other compounds, this is a good reason to keep the compound in the body prolonged periods in conjunction with other products. It does stimulate my appetite mildly more so that when not used and this is true to the dosage, the more I take the more hungry I will be however it is a very minor hunger when compared to other compounds.
  20. Testosterone does have it's place and it does contribute significantly to my growth even at low level, but the fact it makes me look like complete shit very easily is the reason I limit it's use to low doses. When I have blasted this compound and ate freely the actual overall gains have been very big but as I have said before the quality was not that good. This is not how I like to grow personally and I limit the increasing doses to sticking points usually as I always hate how I look even just after week or two into doing this. Overall not a nice compound for me but its low level use has benefits over not using at all. This concludes my thoughts on Testosterone.
  23. Individual Compounds: Trenbolone
  26. Simply put, my favourite compound! Trebolone (Aka Tren) allows me to burn fat and build muscle at the same time with a reasonable diet. It allows me to consume more and gives me a look that no other compound brings. It is a very potent quality mass builder when stacked with certain other compounds and the number one steroid for removing and keeping the fat off. Its effects on water displacement (from skin to muscle) are very quick and come about in days and improve daily over the weeks.
  28. I use this compound most of the year. The doses have varied greatly but I find it very effective in the 600mg-1000mg weekly range. It is even more effective beyond these dosages and I have run over 2g a week of this stuff but find the returns diminish quickly after around 1100-1200mg a week. The compound never seems to wear off and even if there is a slight dip in its effectiveness a very short brake from it and it starts to fire at full strength again. In the last 13-14 months I have had roughly 6 weeks without this compound in the blood. The main reason I use Tren nowadays is to grow lean whilst keeping the granite look it brings, especially the increased vascularity, however when I started to train again after a long lay off I used it to get me in shape. I currently sit around 6-7% BF and maintain it much more easily with this compound. It makes me more aggressive in the gym, even when I am tired at times and allows me to be allot more focused than any other compound I have used.
  30. My preference is the acetate ester, I find it more potent and more effective than the enanthate ester. It costs more to do it with the shorter ester than the long one but I wouldn't change it. I like to shoot it at night before bed, I wake up sharper than if I do it in the morning time. Every day (ED) does produce a slightly better effect than every other day (EOD) but the high volume of oil when coupled with other compounds can be problematic for me after many months so EOD I have found to work nearly as well and be much more comfortable. When I do a split dose which is morning and night I look better through the day than when just done on an evening. I like to do EOD 1/3 in the morning and 2/3rds before to bed to look even sharper, the actual noticeable difference is small but it is there. I always try to pin it in my quads or delts and use slin pins to do this.
  32. Calorie consumption from no Tren to 600mg of Tren a week is around 600kcals more. After this it increases in deminishing returns but I would say 300mg ED allows me to eat as much as 1100-1300kcal more (maybe more) than if I was not running this compound. With T3 then at around 75mg ED then it would probably be 1800-2000kcals. Over long periods of use Tren will chip away at your skin and make it thinner (reduced fat).
  35. The visual effects I have are hardening of the muscles, more veins and over the months more appear. The lines get more detailed and the skin takes on a more tighter look to it. The muscles get more fibrous and pronounced. The look is improved significantly with Masteron and Equipoise and when Androl is used then I take on a very full but lean look. Nandrolone when used with this also gives me a very full look but a not quite as sharp, however it allows me to grow quicker. Mass is slow but quality with this compound (when stacked) which is how I like to grow. My muscles are always very hard and dense and I just do not look as good when I do not have it in the blood. It makes me look 30-40% better every time. My face always stays slim and pronounced which makes me look younger with this compound along as I do not put Dianabol or Testosterone too high (if I use them).
  37. Other effects are increased strength, ability to train more intense, significant increases in my appetite and the ability to use these resources better and a general increased well being when on, this is probably more physiological from looking better than anything else. Makes me sexually more aggressive and a little shorter tempered at higher doses (1g a week and above) but again this is something that was worse when I first used and now has seemed to drop off considerably.
  39. The sides I have are increased oil production on the skin and hair, two showers a day sorts that out and anti dandruff shampoo which contains salic acid left to soak on my head 10-15 minutes a day before a shower really helps in preventing any scalp spots/lumps. I also sweat allot in the night with doses of 500mg EW and above when combined with T3 and/or Epherdrine, without these it can be higer. The more I use the more I sweat and more oily my skin gets, however in day sweating after large meals and walking etc only happens at higher doses, with the more I use the worse it gets, starting around 900mg EW (depending what is being run with it). I have to wear talcum powder when doing higher doses as I will sweat that much my legs and ass cheeks will become chapped, especially in the summer months. When my body fat percentage (BF %) was higher I would sweat allot more, now I am leaner the sweating is much less. Even at 10% I would sweat considerably more than at 6-7%. Darker urine will be present with Tren and more so with higher doses, however all I do is drink enough fluids to ensure my urine is pale to white. For the first few months it did effect my cardiovascular ability and it does very mildly now but only time I really notice it is when the dose is increased, but after a while my body adapts and I seem to be fine. I have had very mild anxiety at 300mg ED but only when very stressed or after a very active day at work which would take longer to relax than usual. I believe in building up the dosage from 50-75mg EOD for a new starter to ease your way onto it and avoid excessive problems with the compound until you find yourself with it.
  41. A very good compound that given time will work well for anyone who can tolerate it. The better your condition to start with the faster its pronounced effects are evident however it is not some wonder drug that will turn a fatso into bodybuilder in weeks. You have to be very consistent with its use and your diet to reap its more finer rewards from what I have experienced and it needs to be run with in my experience two other compounds or more to get the best from it. I often use 5-6.
  44. Individual Compounds: Nandrolone
  47. Nandrolone is a very potent mass builder. I have found that quality of the mass and the rate of which it occurs is effected greatly by what it is cycled with. It can be a lean or very wet mass builder, when I have used with with compounds such as Dianabol or Testosterone, certainly more so when these doses are moderate to higher then the water retention is very high, however when used with Trenbolone & Masteron it can produce some very nice steady gains.
  49. In my younger years I used allot of Nandrolones, predominantly the detonate ester. I actually fell out with them and it is more of recent times that I have decided to reintroduce them. The reason I fell out with them is although the basic "Sust & Deca" style stacks pile mass on me, even at low combined doses of 600mg! But I did not like the look it give me to say the least! What I have learned was how I was eating and the ratio of Testosterone was the culprit for this, Nandrolone just seems to magnify the effects of Testosterone when used together by double, including the bloat.
  50. Now I know that if I use moderate amounts of Nandrolone with compounds such as Trenbolone and Masteron then I can grow lean quicker than what I can with other simular compounds with this sort extra fullness in the muscle. Testosterone when combined with this is what presents me an issue.
  52. The variety I prefare is NPP because it gets in out of there faster and seems to have less water in the skin but this is not as noticeable when you are lean. I like deconate and un-deconate as I can shoot just 2-3 times a week at higher concentrations per ml which means less volume and needle frequency. With NPP I shoot it EOD. The differences between the esters when in stable use are very small and really it is used for me for getting bigger so I will except some water during this process. I will be reintroducing this variaty and other esters more often from now as I have started to get where I felt I needed to be after a few years off steroids and being big. Up till this point it wasn't really what I needed, however now it I about growing more lean mass so alternating Equipoise with Nandrolone periodically is going to be used to carry on growing lean and steady whilst giving me a brake from each of them. Occasionally I will combine the two if I want a more full look to the look Equipoise with Trenbolone & Masteron gives me. This will be used for extended brakes from my beloved Androl when trying to get through sticking points and rest from its sinful attributes.
  54. Because for such a long time I have not used higher dosages I only play currently around the 350-500mg mark with other compound combined. As the months develop this will likely rise at a steady rate to around 1000mg, possibly more. It is and always will be used at a dosage in combination with other compounds that produces lean growth. The days of the ?D.Bol, Sust & Deca? fish bowl look are gone for me as it just makes me look terrible.
  56. When using I need to keep some Testosterone in there but always go low as possible to prevent the bloat as it just comes over night after a few days if I get it wrong. The 100mg is used of Test just to prevent complete limp dick and limit the length of the courses. I still need to play around and figure the best ratio out as my body is not as it was when I used to play regularly with this compound but I am guessing 500mg to 150mg of Testosterone should be about right for me nowadays. Again as with Testosterone ,Masteron is the key player in manipulating any skin bloat as the doses increase.
  58. Nandrolone basically fills my muscles up like a balloon.. it can do even more so than what Androl does but it has more spill over so it doesn?t make me look as good. The muscles take on a more pumped look and not as separated than what the Androl gives, but this is great for my chest as this is not my strongest point and it does fill it out noticeably better. It also makes my abs look a little more washy if the carbs spill over as it is not as lenient as Androl, but when the carbs are right it really pushes out the muscles.
  60. It gives me a very good recovery time and helped allot with my joint issues when I was younger as I used to do lots on fighting and weight training (too much). This is not currently and issue so I do not really have the need it for either of these issues, simply the mass it brings. It gives me no noticeable ill effects other than more bloat than usual if used in certain ways.
  62. A good compound when I use it the way it suits me best and I would say the most effective lean mass builder when used in that way and third to Dianabol for overall mass when used as a wet bulker with Testosterone. I have yet to find my feet with it again as I have not used it much for many years because of our falling out, all though I know it is needed now to push the higher numbers of lean growth without the use of Insulin.
  65. Individual Compounds: Equipoise
  68. Equipoise is like the icing on a cake for an already good physique. It will add a mild but dense pop to the muscles, especially the shoulders whilst squaring everything off and increasing vascularity. It also is a mild but effective mass builder.
  70. Basically my take on this compound is don not use unless your lean, as you wont see it and think it is not working. When I am lean it just squares my muscles off more but pushes them out without the water fullness look. Very unique look and very nice also. The reason I also advise lean as well is because if you not got your diet in order (steady and controlled) this can make you eat like a horse, so you need self control. I have a huge appetite but when you combine this I am not joking I could eat a horse. Last night I polished off a 4 course meal and could of ate it twice if it was not for the self control. Was a good meal by the way, but I want you to get my point on it. Other than this I would not know it was in the blood other than the look it gives me, it feels very mild on the system, if it is or not I do not know, but I like this compound allot. You can use it whilst getting lean but unless you can see lines then I find it hard to see what it does for you and you tend to pass it off as shit when it is actually far from it and as for fat burning well I would say it has little effect at best.
  72. Doseage wise 400mg was effective for me as starting dose back in the early days but was hardly noticeable. 600mg better but the same, real magic happens in the 900-1400mg range, after this really it very diminishing returns. I like 1000-1200mg and stack it with something like Androl if I want more out of it mass wise. I only ever played with the traditional horse ester (un-deconate), cannot comment on the other esters. As far as injections go it works at 2 injects a week but 3 is better and because of the long ester always front load. Front load makes it full effect in 7 days. So lets say I going to run 900mg of this, 300mg Mon, Tue and Wed, what I would do is say I would start Thu, Fri, Say and shoot 600mg ED and then into the normal routine on the Monday. Now I will run this anything from 8-15 weeks, usually 10-12 then swap with Nandrolone or if I wasn't using Androl with it, replace it with Androl. Stacking it with Trenbolone and Masteron with no test will have you looking hard as nails, even with low test you will look very sharp, maybe better if you get the ratio right as the test can give it that pop effect more.
  74. A bulk with Equipoise can be disappointing in terms of gains if you are not knowing what to expect, however what I have noticed is every pound you gain will be lean solid mass when you run it with compounds that compliment lean growth and don't over eat. There also will be no to very little water to shift with this in the blood so long as you are lean and don't eat high sodium. It can be hard to spill over with this used in combination with compounds mentioned above, I recently noticed this and would advise anyone who suffers easy spill over from carbs to try running this at around 1gr (build up to it obviously) and see if it helps them with it. I spill over quite easily and this really helps. I wouldn?t say it allows me to burn much more calories but it does something with my water retention when combined with Masteron that nothing else does, not even Trenbolone.
  76. Equipoise just adds that extra class to a physique and slowly enhances it and I have never known anyone to grow like crazy on it but it is forth favourite compound and is with me for many months of the year.
  79. Individual Compounds: Androl
  82. I really love this stuff. The best way to describe it for me is it is like attaching a tire pump to my muscles and pumping away. It also makes the veins very pronounced when lean and gives that illusion of muscles being much bigger but whilst my weight changes very little!
  84. This compound does make me bloated unless I am 8% or under, the leaner I get the better it works, however I have used it in the past when higher than this as when I stack it with Masteron and some low Testosterone it really has helped me control my hunger which is great when you have those 4-5 weeks of hard dieting to move chunk, however you go put Trenbolone or Equipoise in there and that effect is not really noticeable. The feeling it gives me is that I feel fuller quicker.
  86. The look it gives up to now is unique to me, I have not found anything that does what it does to me. It pushes out the muscles well and when used with Equipoise, Tren & Masteron, really produces some impressive gains in size (clean size), whilst staying lean and with little water in the skin. It seems to work in synergy with the Equipoise and adds extra volume to the hard pop look. It just makes me look much better than without it.
  88. Dosages I tend to use are 100mg ED and 150mg EOD, I take this dose all in one go in the morning when I wake up. It will be effective up to 200mg ED but I notice very little with the more I take. 100mg ED would be when using it with something like Equipoise or Nandrolone. 150mg ED would be used when it was not being used with these compounds and on it's own with Trenbolone and Masteron and some low Testosterone. I am a big believer that any beginner to this compound should build up from 50mg ED. As for periods on, I like to incorporate 2-3 weeks brakes regular with this compound, mostly for organ recovery and for the blood pressure to come down as it does rise it. I will be using Nandrolone more this coming year as a replacement for it to have longer periods off from it.
  90. I find its effectiveness for growth does taper off after a few weeks, but if you use it cosmetically with Equipoise you can make some good gains size wise in the terms of lean bulking and stay looking good. This is not a compound I would want to run with a wet cycle as the spill over would just be too high if I coupled this with high Testosterone and some Nandrolone. The big difference between this and Nandrolone is density in the volume and you still have all the grain in the muscles and better separation where Nandrolone seems to smooth them off more and give the water filled look.
  92. Sides, well it is an oral so plenty of water, limit the drinking and expect rises in blood pressure, but other than a few minor head aches when I first used the compound after many years off, nothing noticeable really. That is what the build up of dosage is for, to give your body time to adapt. I am going to start doing more checks on my organs this year and monitor things more closely as speculating your health and what is actually going on can be two different things.
  94. I really have a hard time taking out this compound along with the Trenbolone, the look changes quickly and often not for the better. One thing I would say I have noticed is if you are lean and cut with this in the blood and you remove and have suitable amounts of Trenbolone, Masteron & EQ in there you will look like a blue print with lines everywhere, you will just be smaller, especially your side profile as it really adds thickness to you.
  97. Individual Compounds: Masteron
  100. Masteron to me has 3 functions. It is used to prevent nasty oestrogen related side effects such as Gyno. It is used (oestrogen related) to flush out excess water from between the skin and the muscle. It is also use for fat removal and fat prevention.
  102. The dose I use all depends on what I am trying to do and what I am running along side it. I have to admit I over use Masteron and really I need to look at periodically removing and dropping my doses for periods as well. Generally nowadays I stay on 600mg EW spread over x3 days a week equally. This dose kills my sides, holds off plenty of water between the skin and helps prevent fat along with everything else. The main reason for this dose is water control and sides. I can drop it lower but with the amounts I currently run and what I am runnning I need 400-500mg and above to prevent lumps forming under my nipples but I look better at 600mg. Up to around 1500mg of gear I usually need little to no Masteron for sides such as sore nipples etc.
  104. Water control is more in relation to what I run with it. More compounds that put water in the wrong places (aka in the skin) then the more I will need in ratio to this, the less I run then the less I will need. It really that simple, but generally I found no need to go over 600mg EW unless I needed to burn off allot of fat, come in very dry or running Testosterone moderately or above (depending on the cycle). In this case of getting dry a short run of 1000mg EW will do it as I not carrying excess weight. As for fat, well I am aiming to keep within 8% all times now so this hopefully will not be required in future but as for fat removal I like to match it with my Trenbolone 1:1 up to 1000mg EW, if the Trenbolone has gone any higher than this then the Masteron stays the same. When I want to come in like a blue print and very dry it is very simple; Trenbolone high, Masteron High, EQ Moderate and that is it. Androl can be used also but I am talking extra dry here, for me to keep shredded and dry looking on Androl I need to come down to around 5% and pull out the water with lots of EPH and a strict diet. Hard to maintain, can only keep that look 2 days then I either start to go flat or start to take water back between the skin so generally I don't bother as I not competing or anything but at least I know how to do it. I can cycle carbs and keep protein high and keep around this point if I wanted for longer periods with a touch more water but that is about as good as it gets. It is amazing the difference 4-5lb of water makes to the detail on your physique.
  106. Masteron does seem to slow growth gains a little when in the excess of 300mg EW. Reason for this is unknown, but I like to grow solid so this is not a worry for me just yet.
  108. I have never had any problems as of yet with Masteron, it has only seemed to prevent nasty issues up to now which is good. I like this compound allot, it isn't good for mass, even it holds you back a bit when your running like I am, however it really polishes the look of your physique and if you crave a year round of big and conditioned it is very good for that.
  111. Individual Compounds: T3
  114. A very interesting compound is Cytomel (T3).. People often specify this solely as a fat burner of which it is very good at but I believe that it does more and has the ability to aid in growth..
  116. I am not going to go on about the science with this drug as quite frankly much of science is speculative and no one knows 100%. What is know is that increased levels of T3 in the blood means an increase in which the body can utilise energy, including stored energy (fat). So in one way we are making out bodies more efficient. Now I am no scientist but I said to my self several months back when I started to play around with this compound differently to what I had done in the past, that if I had higher T3 levels and consumed enough calories and enough AAS then I should have more energy being utilised which my body could utilise in growing muscle than if I did not have such high levels. So I did an experiment on myself. I tried playing around with 100-150mcg of T3 ED in one dose and also a split dose with allot of Trenbolone, some low Testosterone and some Masteron and a little Ipamorelin (which was for another part of this experiment that I will elaborate on my views at a later date). Now the idea was technically I should be able to grow lean and consume allot of calories and therefore grow leaner quicker as I would not be getting as fat because of the T3. Well it worked and it worked bloody well, the only problem was I could not keep it up past 6 weeks. I built up to 150mcg and after about 2-3 weeks of running it I would keep going very light headed, would get sick easily and couldn?t even train some days as I would nearly pass out in the gym. I reduced the dose to 100mcg and this worked for a bit longer but then the symptoms returned again so I had to pull the drug out all together for a few weeks and then reintroduce it at 75mcg which is fine for me. A split dose brought on the sickness quicker than a singular dose, but eventually I ended up sick at those doseages. I strongly advise that you do not try this! I was very bad one day I had to have a taxi take me home because I could not walk back from the shop I had walked to and my partner was worried as I went white as a ghost. I had to eat sugar by the ton most days just to feel ok when the sides set in, often I would eat 2 litres of ice cream a day! I would feel ok until the sugar had gone through my system then start feeling sick again. The funny thing was the few weeks until the sides set in I felt like superman and was running at 200%!
  118. The sides where just too much to bare, high Trenbolone (300mg ED) coupled with the T3 and everything else was too much for my system, but I had proven my theory to be right, so now I incorporate T3 into bulking for this purpose at a steady 75mcg ED. I take this all in one dose when I first get up. What I have noticed is it keeps me lean whilst bulking and the skin very thin. It does nothing to stop water, but it is very potent at keeping off the fat and I have noticed any bloat from over spill goes quickly when you cut carbs down as my body seems to be working faster at using up energy . It would be a lie for me to say that I have noticed dramatic changes in muscle mass in this period since I brought it to a more reasonable level, but never the less this compound is there ED to try to enhance things.
  120. I would say as GH15 does that is is a personal thing! If you have skinny genes then there is no reason in my eyes for you to take this, high anabolics should be your best friend for growth and strong androgens should easily do the job if you have a modest response to them in getting you in good shape unless you do have adverse effects. If you are average to chunky or in need to get that last little bit of fat down for a show etc then I would say this drug can do you wonders!
  122. My personal dose is 75mcg. The effect of 50mcg makes very little difference to what my body would do naturally so I don't bother playing around here unless I was winding down/up. On the other hand some people find 50mcg works wonders for them so like anything the dosage is personal.
  124. In the past I used to do the traditional build up the dose from 25mcg to 100mcg and increase the dose ever 4-5 days and pyramid back down and brake for a month I will still pyramid up a dose coming onto the compound and going off but I will run it much longer than 4-5 weeks. I found that the 4-5 weeks you was off you would have to reduce your calories or you would gain some weight and I not a fan of yo-yo'ing my hormones about like that any more. I have been on for several months now which has served me well. I am due a brake which I will probably take up some time soon.
  126. T3 stacks very well with Clenbuterol, very, very well! Eph works with it great also. You can shift allot of weight playing with these 3 compounds together. You can alternate the Ephedrine every 2-3 weeks with the Clenbuterol and keep the T3 consistent which works wonders as your body just can't seem to adapt to the chemicals swapping and changing which keeps the fat burning level high. You can also keep Ephedrine and T3 constant and pulse in Clenbuterol 2-3 weeks at a time then out for 2 weeks and repeat. This works well also, keeps you dryer as the Ephedrine is in there all the time. Just don't over do it, this is how fellas who got a weak heart go about giving them selves a heart attack and then find out they not got a good heart. Stimulants can be tough on the system so limit the use when doing something like this.. I know these I have suggested are used and abused by many fitness guys and girls who want to stay in shape year round. Again I would always advise someone new with these compounds who wanted to do something like this to start at low doses with one of these and increase, then add in another compound at a low dose and increase etc. Give your system time to soak it up, use it and feel for it, last thing you want to do is throw a ton of Clenbuterol down the hatch with Ephedrine and T3 and then spend all day in bed having panic attacks in bed because you can't stop shaking and sweating or even worse!
  128. On a final note, I want to repeat myself here, do not fuck about with this hormone it can land you 6ft under if you abuse it. Listen to your body and if you start to feel sick or like I did then reduce your dose! Do not jump straight on this drug if you are fat.. teach yourself to get to 10-11% without it, then you can play with this drug. Many people use this to compensate for eating like shit to lose weight. Sort your mind and your discipline out before you play with this or similar drugs.
  131. Individual Compounds: Ephedrine
  134. Ephedrine has had 3 main functions for me throughout the years of use. Increased fat burning/removal, water removal (mild diuretic) and appetite suppression.
  136. Back a few years ago when this substance was legal in my country I used to actually take tablet form ephedrine and turn them into T5 fat burners (Ephedrine, Caffeine & Aspirin) and make a good few Great British Pounds doing so! I lived with a friend who owned a gym, we had several friends who owned gyms and beauticians etc and when it got to January you could not make these things fast enough, the women go crazy for them when they are planning their summer holidays and all the gym boys love them. Now when I made mine I never added the aspirin because it is tough on the liver, especially for guys who are on orals and/or drinking and in my eyes serves no improvement to the formula.. The trick to make a good T5 is to get your caffeine 250+mg per 20mg of Ephedrine, I actually used to make mine 30-35mg to nearly 600mg caffeine in a big capsule. These would blow your head off and you never, ever could take more than two at a time and the effects would last for hours! I never got used to them, they would make you sweat like crazy and shed the pounds of fat and water as they killed your appetite dead and pumped out excess water. The big down side to this is you felt like you was on amphetamine for hours upon end. For some unknown reason when ephedrine is combined with caffeine (in sufficient amounts) then the body turns into into a strong stimulant in your own body. Next to amphetamine they worked better than anything I have every taken at making you burn fat, shed water and kill appetite. Nowadays I do not like to feel drugged up/wired like narcotics like this make you feel. This also not good for your heart, health or mind, your blood pressure goes through the roof and your heart beating like a drum in your head and it makes you scatty (unable to focus) as hell 60mg of Ephedrine taken like over the course of the day works far better than 150mg of Ephedrine on its own, but as I said it is not a free ride and I would strongly advise you avoid this for your health and mind more than anything.
  138. Now ephedrine taken solo is very different for me, it removes the water and fat far more gradually from the body but without the nasty feeling. It has a mild appetite suppressant effect on the body that usually bottoms out on me within 2 weeks. This effect is very useful when switching from a bulking diet to reduced carbs as it helps you deal with the hunger, which always the first few weeks are the worst until you adjust. When I wish to use Ephedrine for this purpose t I take 40mg with a cup of coffee first thing but with my meal and then 20mg each time with a coffee (usually 2-3 times) for the first few weeks of dieting until the effect wears off, this helps me feel full from my meals and stops me over eating and get in the right habits for a lower calorie/carb diet. Coffee does give you a mild steady dose of caffeine which aids in its effect but it is nothing like powdered/processed caffeine in it's effects in my opinion. If you are sensitive to coffee then just take your time, small cups to start, and always start low with the dosage of the substance until you learn how your body responds if you are new to it. Avoid doses after 5-6pm to be on the safe side so you can sleep ok. I am a heavy sleeper so not really a problem for me but when running Trenbolone an other strong drugs that effect your body it can make sleeping harder.
  140. When I have used it in the past from fat burning then I have found it is best to be modest and consistent and give it time to do its job. Many people think the compound wears off when they feel their appetite to start to come back and their body temperature settles. In my experience I found this not to be true, it does slow down in its efforts but for fat removal you need to be consistent and patient. A modest dose of 40-60mg a day (spread evenly) with T3, Trenbolone & Masteron over the weeks/months gets my fat to 6% easily without starving yourself. You still need to go hungry but I can easily eat 2800kcals and lose fat like this. The time taken is all about how much fat you had in the first place and how your current diet is. It is not a magic fix for those overeating but it will allow you to have a deficit whilst still eating 4-5 half decent meals a day. I generally don't take it with coffee etc when using it like this, maybe the odd one, just a 20mg dose with a meal and no doses after 5-6pm as previously stated.
  142. Now for keeping water reduced, lets say I was on holiday or through the summer months, then I would take it the same as stated above with a good dose of Masteron with my other compounds. For really getting dry when lean what I do is reduce wet compounds an increase Masteron and Ephedrine gradually until all the wet is out. The Ephedrine will start at 40mg a day split over the day in 2 doses and then I will add extra 20mg doses steadily (evenly spread out) until the effect is achieved which is usually around the 120-150mg ED mark which means I would be taking a dose every 2-3 hours up till 5-6pm. This dose may need to go higher, just depends what your cycling, if I am using compounds to try keep full there will always be some additional water from these in the skin so more may be required. Diet is very important here also, the drugs won't do it by them self, sodium needs to be low and carbs need to be cycled for me to bring out the best look.
  144. Side effects are very rare, with higher doses maybe a mild headache if I have not drank enough fluids and also my blood pressure goes up a little. When it is combined with Androl, T3 and other compounds it can cause the pressure to go up further.
  146. Not something in my eyes to be run year round as there is no need to run this whilst bulking unless you was doing a lean fill out with Androl from a very lean phase and wanted to keep water down for what ever reason or maybe use a dose of 40-60mg for a lean, lean bulk/transition, but general bulking including general lean bulking I would say keep it out as it serves no benefit in my eyes.
  148. Great compound when used correctly, truly shows the power of plants!
  151. Individual Compounds: Clenbuterol
  154. It has one purpose in my eyes and that is to remove fat. It is very effective and doing so but needs to be cycled in and out to keep up it's effectiveness as the effects quickly diminish and increasing dosages are required as the body seems quickly to resist its actions.
  156. I don't use Clenbuterol nowadays, not because I do not like it or anything negative but because I can't do my job when on as it makes my hands shake too much which causes me problems! Also because I keep lower body fat levels there would be no reason for me to use this unless I wanted to push 4-5% as I am 6% without it at the moment and I have no need to be any less than this because it interferes with my plans.
  158. For me Clenbuterol is best used 2 weeks on, 1 week off and occasional 2-3 weeks off. I start the dose at 20-40mcg and increase 20mcg every 2-4 days, idea is to keep the tremors in my hands and a hot feeling. No shakes, no hot feeling no effect in my experience. I have a high resistance to allot of drugs so many people would be fine for 3-4 weeks but for me I bottom out quickly on this. I have tried alternate days with increasing dosages.. works and takes longer to bottom out but I always opted for the above method.
  160. Stacking this with T3 works very nicely. As I have already mentioned, alternating 2-3 weeks Clenbuterol with Ephedrine works wonders for fat loss but it is not something that should be abused in my eyes.
  162. Sides are obvious, it makes me shake and sweat, can give me the odd mild head aches.
  164. That is about it really guys, nothing fancy, does the job.
  167. Individual Compounds: Dianabol
  170. This is in my opinion the top muscle building steroid. For me this makes me develop muscle quicker than any other singular compound out there. When stacked with Nandrolone and Testosterone it can produce very dramatic results, however when used like this the quality is poor. On its own the quality is better than Testosterone but still very wet which is one of the reasons I am not a massive fan of using it at the moment, however this drug is potent.
  172. When I take Dianabol I spilt the dosage up throughout the day, usually over 3 doses because of it's very short half life. In the early days it was very effective at low doses, but now I am getting older, bigger and less responsive the dosage would need to be higher. I have not run it in a few years now so I cannot comment on current doses, but 50-100mg ED produced very good mass gains with enough calories, but as previously state allot of this was water and water between the skin. I probably could run it better nowadays as I know more about my body and how to best combat issues but still I am not in a rush to take.
  174. My future plans in regards to this compound are when I get stuck at a weight/size is to use it to take it to the next level, as like with Testosterone I respond in terms of size very well to this compound so I think I will have to accept the negatives when I reach this stage, but for now I am ok. I am a bit of a perfectionist with my physique and often think I look terrible when most fellas are very impressed. If I have just a blur on my abs I feel fat, allot to do with it is my chest, as it is not a strong point for thickness, a layer of fat or water can make me look allot more smooth/bloated than someone who has big drooping pecs.
  176. This was the very first steroid I used when I was 17 years only, started 15-20mg ED and increased by 5mg after 2-3 weeks and gained 14lbs in a 6 week cycle of which I kept when I came off, I actually remember looking better when I came off funnily enough.. The miracles of youth ey! I was only 140lbs when I started (no real base; young and stupid I know) but this with Testosterone and Nandrolone cycled on/off got me to a bloofy 220lbs in under 2 years.. Nothing impressive to look at but made a huge increase in mass and was the basis of my first understandings and Dianabol was a huge part of that in the early days. '
  178. Some fellas I know looked very good on this compound but the all shared the same trait; skinny genes. What I mean by this is they all naturally had very thin skin (lean) and struggled to gain fat, it would fill them out very nicely and give just a little water in the skin which would even compliment their day to day look by giving them a nice full look. I envy these guys, they might have a hard time gaining weight but when they do they look very good.
  180. Again not so much I can elaborate on in my modern use of hormones as it is an old friend I not seen in a while. I will update this section in the future when I reintroduce this compound and give my modern take on it.
  183. Sample Cycles I Use & Their Effects
  186. Now let?s give some sample stacks I like to use and how I play with them to achieve different results/effects. Often a change in dosage of a particular compound is enough to change the effect dramatically. Diet is also important, sodium, calories and carbs are going to play a huge role in your look over a period however this is something I will cover in a different section in more detail.. I will cover lightly what I would be doing with my diet in varying cycles to maximise what I am trying to achieve. All these cycles below are without the use of Growth Hormone or other peptides, the use of additional compounds is going to magnify certain effects depending on what you?re taking. I believe in these cycles and they are what I use 90% or more of the time. The other 10% is when I am trying to remove these compounds to give my body a break from these substances and what is used depends on where I am and what I am trying to achieve during this break and playing around with other compounds.
  188. Before I go into stacks I want to reinforce the fact that doses are individual so I don't want anyone to be hasty in increasing their doses to match mine. 900mg of a specific compound may cause and effect for me that you need only 600mg or even you may need more, it is all down to your response and how much mass your carrying. I also want to point out that I have a history of high tolerance to many varying drugs and compounds, not just AAS, so people who are more sensitive or who do not yet know themselves should always start as low as possible and build upwards slowly. Advanced users who know their bodies have often had many years of use and this reflects their dosage along with their overall size. The most important factor in my experience when stacking compounds is the ratio in which these compounds are used to one another. This dictates the effect and look what they give, this ratio usually is very similar between people from what I have seen and this is what I want people to pay more attention to over my individual doses I have specified.
  190. Ok the cycles I currently use will be in order of how I would usually go about using and I will structure them in a fashion if I was about to start from the point of aiming to get lean then grow lean.
  193. Cycle 1: Getting Lean (6% ish)
  195. Equipoise: 1200-1500mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  196. Trenbolone: 1000-1200mg EW (ED to EOD shots)
  197. Masteron: 700mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  198. T3: 75mcg (taken AM when wake up)
  199. Epherdrine: 60-80mg first 2 weeks then reduce down to 40-60mg ED taken 2-3 times a day
  201. Testostorone is sometimes used, depends on my feel of it and look.. If I am using Testostorone I usually use enanthate, sometimes propionate at it usually will be in the 100-200mg range. Sometimes I will opt for no Equipoise and higher Trenbolone with Testostorone in the same range, the look is not as good but I would opt for this if I had been using Equipoise for a long period prior to doing this cycle.
  203. The reason Ephedrine is used higher at the beginning is to help with the hunger issues and to help drive excess water out quicker at the start before reducing back down to the effective 40-60mg range I like to use for fat burning.
  205. This stack will get me lean and veiny but the carbs need to be cycled otherwise I will go flat very quickly.. Protein is higher than usual at this point to use for energy in place of carbs. I start off with 2, sometimes 3 very light meals a day (500kcal and under each) with one more substantial meal and nothing to eat after 1800-1900 and then gradually build the diet back up. Controversial I know but I will cover this in more detail when I get round to writing this part of my accounts. Sodium is not added and processed foods are avoided 90% of the time. No processed sugars are consumed except for a little Nesquick each day and my sugars come from fruits, honey and whatever are naturally in the foods I eat. Calories are usually around 2800-3000kcal once built back up from the low point which is usually around 2200kcals to start. Please note the length of this cycle is dictated by how you structure your diet and how much fat your carrying. For me this phase is 3-6 weeks, I currently aim to keep it no more than 4 weeks, ever!
  207. Now if I wanted to get lower than 6% and as dry as reasonably possible, maybe I want to look great for a few days at the beach etc, then what I will do is reduce the EQ to around the 600mg EW mark and replace the reduced amount with equal amounts of Masteron whilst at the same time increasing my Epherdrine dosage 20mg at a time (spaced evenly) and tweak my diet so the foods are very low sodium and tweak the carbs. Sometimes I would take the EQ altogether and blast Masteron but generally although very lean I will go too flat and the look is better with some EQ. Androl can be used in place of EQ, you hold more water but look allot more full which is often desired as the average fella looks like shit anyway, so when your taking the top off around the pool looking full and ripped a little water don't matter anyway. 100-150mg ED of Androl first thing is used here. EQ is a smaller tighter version in place of using Androl.
  210. Cycle 2: The lean fill out phase
  213. Equipoise: 1100-1200mg (3-4 shots a week)
  214. Trenbolone: 600-900mg EW (EOD usually)
  215. Masteron: 700mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  216. Androl: 700-1200mg EW (All taken in the AM)
  217. T3: 75mcg (All taken in the AM)
  219. Again Testostorone is used if I feel like using it, all about how I feel. Ok we going to drop the Trenbolone down here to allow a little more room for the other compounds to work. The Trenbolone is kept in to keep a good look and keep the fat off whilst bulking. T3 compliments the lean bulk very well for me and I believe it can help with growth as covered in the individual compound section. The EQ is kept around the mark stated and the Androl starts at 100mg ED and is worked upwards to usually 150mg ED, more can be used when certain peptides/growth hormones are used, but generally for lean bulking without any of these it will always be under 200mg ED. This phase goes for as long as I feel happy doing so and still making gains, but a good time to work to would be 8-10 weeks.
  221. The diet is built up steadily but initially I will take it up 200-300kcals from the end of the getting lean phase. Carbs are still cycled to prevent excess bloating and I usually eat 2 meals a week of what the hell I want to but still like to avoid processed sugars and added sodium. Calories would be around the 3500-3700kcal mark ED, however the occasional fast is thrown if I relaxed too much or just was looking generally bloated. It is easy to confuse bloat with not having enough carbs as when the muscles deplete you can look bloofy! I will cover this in future also. The idea is to grow the muscles with gaining the minimal amount of fat, so the idea here is to keep 7% and under.
  224. Cycle 3: Lean Bulking
  226. Trenbolone: 600-900mg EW (EOD usually)
  227. Masteron: 700mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  228. Nandralone: 400-1000mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  229. Testostorone: 150-250mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  230. T3: 75mcg (All taken in the AM)
  232. Sometimes I will use a combination of EQ and Nandrolone if I want to keep a sharper look. Usually 600-800mg EQ to 300-400mg Nandralone, however Nandralone is better for mass and fullness and also depends how long I been on EQ. Generally use is limited to 15 weeks or less with EQ or Nandrolone as I like to swap compounds in and out for the benefit of muscle growth and I would alternate between the 2 or use in combination as stated above. Generally I would go off feel with the above and also depending on the time of year, holidays/breaks etc would all be considered, 10-12 weeks would be a good basis to work to for a time period.
  234. Diet would be the same as the precious cycle. I may have to adjust the carbs slightly but that would be it. The idea here is to keep under 9%, the less the better, ideally 7% but this is very hard to do, especially when you seem to stick as the best thing I have noticed to do here is go and have a few lax days and eat what you want to eat without going crazy. If you?re like me and hold water like a fish bowl your going to bloat, that just how it is, that doesn?t mean you?re getting fat though! I will talk about bloat and fat in the future also.
  237. Cycle 4: The purge
  239. Firstly this is done when I feel like I need to do it, not at this specific point, I have added this here as an example of an ideal time for me to reduce my dosage slightly and the main aim is to have a break from the Trenbolone and also the next time I will be doing this I will be removing the Masteron as well. I would try to avoid using orals during this phase but it is not always possible to do so, the idea is just to use a combination of compounds that are not tough as tough on the system and to let any lumps and bumps from all the pinning to go away. I will try to keep it to 2-3 injections a week at this point so stronger solutions are prefared. The dose varies in accordance to my needs, it is hardly a "cruise" but I would say around 1.5grams is employed at this point if I was using anabolics, if using just Testostorone I would bite the bullet and run at 400-500mg EW. Time frames vary but currently I have kept this point to 4-6weeks, maybe in future I will need longer, we will see. Compounds depend on what I want to play with, time of year, my current look etc. I never usually like this part because I am an addict, but from time to time its best to do this.
  242. Cycle 5: Tren Blast
  244. Trenbolone: 1500+mg EW (EOD usually)
  245. Masteron: 400-500mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  246. Testostorone: 250-500mg EW (3-4 shots a week)
  248. Very simple just eat your socks off and keep taking that Trenbolone and Testostorone up. I will bloof from the test and will gain a tough of fat as I tend to just eat what the hell I want. This period is for sanity and breaking sticking points. Again I would not always add this at this point and gauge my body but this is an ideal when I would add it. I tend to go lax a few weeks every year where I eat cakes, sweets and generally what the hell I want. This a good time to do this blast but sometimes I just eat my socks off for a week or two mid-way into a lean bulk then fall back into routine just depends on the time of year mostly.. Ideally I would be basting the above and eating like a horse.
  251. And So Forth..
  253. From this point onwards I would fall back into the phase I felt I needed to do, if I gained a little too much chunk (9-10%) then I would back into getting lean, if I was still looking good (7-8%) then just back into lean filling out/bulking etc until I needed to go to the getting lean phase (holidays, fat gain etc). The doses traditionally have gone up (was not always this much) but these doses are the upper limits of effectiveness without adding peptides/growth hormones into the mix, excessive use of AAS without the the right goodies in the mix will just translate to bloof and little in extra in the terms of gains.
  255. From time to time I also like to play with other compounds, more just out of interest or boredom. During this point I like to experiment and from time to time I find something a little special. I have not by all means covered everything I have taken or done in these few cycles, but generally this is how I like to stack up my goodies. Like anyone else I like to throw controversial things in the mix from time to time and make changes by replacing a mentioned compound with something else.
  259. To come gradually over the up and coming days:
  261. My view on long term use of the above compounds
  263. Will add other compounds and my views once the above has been concluded.
  268. Keto = No function for me.
  270. Ok for no HGH fellas:
  272. I think many take the wrong approach with Tren.. It is get fucking lean first. What this means is you need a defecit in calories so you hit your fat stores. Cycle carbs during this process and this will stop your body down regulation (metabolism dropping off). 40-60mg Eph everyday, Tren Ace dosed effectively for you but really going to be 600-800mg EW for most people, as little wet compound as possible to keep you full.. better using EQ, Androl or Nand if it don't shoot your sexual function too much and a touch of masteron for AI control if required. T3 50-75mcg speeds up the whole lot much quicker and makes you more efficient; if your already lean then this section does not apply. Do this until you are lean.
  274. Right your lean. What this means is you got to bed with abs, you have striations in your chest, shoulders, calfs, forarms and detail in your legs. This is lean. Now you change your diet to HIGH carbs, LOW fat, MODERATE PROTEIN (150-250gr protein; I think 150-200 is plenty, but for those who are sceptical I give you 250) and eat more that you need each day (in terms of overal calories). You keep Tren, Masteron and T3 in and in and now its time to add ANABOLICS which will keep water in your muscles and allow you to grow more effeciently, BUT the Tren stops the conversion of carbs into fat and the T3 ensures that the minimum fat is gained through diet. Now the only way you can get fat here is by consuming TOO MUCH FAT in conjunction with your carbs etc as your body will use the carbs as its primary source and store the fat or if you have too much ESTROGEN in the system which promotes fat storage, so if you go using compounds in excess that convert easily to estogen like TEST & D.BOL unless you have the skinny trait (very low body fat naturally) you will gain more overall mass but gain MORE fat and body fat goes up quicker. So if we use ANABOLICS here like EQ, ANDROL, NAND then with enough Tren in the blood, AI from Masteron to prevent excess estrogen and T3 stable at 50-75mcg we can now FEAST on carbs and GROW LEAN for much longer. As long as you have the correct ratios it is possible. I will give an example of a starting point to work to if your new to this and adjust to your response:
  276. 600mg EW Tren ACE (ED or EOD shots)
  277. 200mg EW Mast P (EOD to E3D shots)
  278. 50mg ED Androl (First thing AM)
  279. 600mg EW EQ (EOD to E3D shots)
  281. Now you will take on some water from eating higher carbs but you will not get fat if done correctly! You can manipulate your bloat and keep it reduced by CARB cyling, now it dont have to be anything fancy to start, you start off, give it a few weeks then tweak it until you find what works best for you! If your getting fat it is because your eating too much fat or your estrogen is out of whack. Increase your Masteron for AI control, the more Tren you use the more you can get away with and the better then end result, BUT DO NO go straight to 100mph from 0 if you dont know what the fuck you are doing.
  283. Now diet let me explain this to you high carbs low fat and moderate protein with some "cycling"... VERY FUCKIN EASY and no it does not mean eat rice all day. I will give and example of a very simple diet plan that anyone who can use a microwave and cook some meat can do.. If you can actually cook and be more creative by all means feel free and go for it just remember HIGH carbs, LOW fat, MODERATE protein EVERY MEAL (odd meal low protein don't hurt as long as your eating regulary)
  285. Protein Sources:
  287. Whole Eggs (Scrambled with Skimmed/Semi Skimmed Milk, very lightly fried in the pan etc)
  288. Egg Whites
  289. Protein Powder (Milk or Egg)
  290. Chicken
  291. Fish
  292. Lean Beef
  293. Cottage Cheese
  296. Day 1 (Sweet day):
  298. You wake up AM and with your desired protein source you have yourself some SUGAR PUFF cereal (70-80gr with Skimmed or Semi Skimmed Milk) and an apple.
  300. A few hours later you have yourself soming like oats with water and a nice dosing of honey or sugar so it tastes sweet with a source of protein.
  302. A few hours later you make yourself a nice chicken/beef sandwhich and throw a few oven cooked chips/fries that are not full of oil if you need some bulk to it. To flavour you sandwhich you season you chicken with some of that mixed blend of herbs seasoning from the supermarket and use a nice squirty sauce that is LOW in fat so Ketchup, Salsa, Jamacian Sauce etc, feel free to dunk your chips in ketchup
  304. Again a few hours later you go pull out 2 pieces of bread, cover them in jam and waffle that down the hatch
  306. Should be around your dinner time now so eating something that is cooked with veggies, say some beef, lean pork, chicken etc, veggies, potatoes that sort of stuff would be better for you in terms of health but if your a lazy arse feel free to eat something simple that sticks to the high carb, moderate protein, low fat and throw in a banana or something.
  308. Before bed again eat some Sugar puff cereal or some musli with fruits, some like to do a shake, thats fine, make sure you get carbs in before bed and some protein, about 50-60 grams of carbs 30ish protein.
  311. Day 2 & 3 (Less sweets):
  314. So you get your ass out of bed you have some cereal, musli or some toast etc with some protein, just go easy on the butter etc if you have toast. Throw in an apple
  316. Next meal you have some rice, barley, cous cous, potatoes, low fat oven chips/fries etc with some meat and veggies fine also
  318. Next meal you have yourself a sandwhich, some chips if needed
  320. Next meal you do something like meal 2
  322. Same again here
  324. Before bed you eat yourself some musli and some protein
  327. Thats it and you repeat. Do not stuff yourself each meal, eat until you are full but not gut busting and make sure your portions reflect how much calories you need to grow, you don't eat enough you dont grow, SIMPLES!
  328. Your cycling comes mostly from sweet days as you will eat more as simple sugars take up less volume and more importantly your cycling the TYPES of carbs. Each less sweet day is slightly different as the bread you use is slightly bigger/smaller, you eat a few more or less chips/fries etc etc.
  330. Now all you do is periodically take your your AAS and creep the dosages and change the ANABOLICS you use every 8-15 weeks. You may gain a very small amount of fat after long periods of bulking, just go back to getting lean the doses of Tren will be higher if your bulking doses have gone up (which they should of several times). You get that little bit of fat off by a small defecit for a few weeks and when it time to look ding dang do you put the carbs back up whilst going high on the TREN, what ever Masteron is needed to push out the water and bingo bango you look good, play with your EQ or Androl here to bring out the best pop look you can wothout putting excess water in the skin.
  332. This will serve you to 190-210lbs for the 5,10 fella at 6-7% who is on the younger side, older guys may struggle getting these sort of figures here without GH. GH/IGF is your friend from this point onwards.
  334. Begginner cycles should be under 250mg EW and singular compounds used as Wes stated. Once the compounds understood another should be used and tried.
  336. Beginner Compounds (Run by self)
  338. Test P, E, C or Sust 200-250mg EW
  339. D.Bol 20mg ED
  340. Anavar 40mg ED (Bit too weak under this dose)
  342. Once played with and understood, the above at the doseage of one of the Tests or D.Bol should be stacked with ONE of following
  344. Nandralone (NPP, Deca etc) 200mg EW
  345. EQ 400mg EW
  347. Play with the combinations and dosage ratio but keep your compounds under 600mg EW.
  349. Please note Anavar is not the best on your system at higher doses in terms of lipids, but it is mild hormone wise and is a good starting point to see the difference between d.bol and test in terms of the look it brings.
  351. With a few play around cycles then you can start to play with other compounds and add from above to form other cycles. From this point onwards I would kee away from Anavar unless going for a show as it harsh on the lipids like Winnie when going about 50mg ED, some people it harsh on at lower doses! Other compounds with starting doses below
  353. Androl 50mg ED
  354. Tren Ace 50mg EOD
  355. Mast P 150mg EW
  357. As for the "other" hormones about, well these above you are all you really need in terms of AAS. By all means play around etc but all the above are all thats needed IMO, just play around with different esters (NPP instead of Deca etc) and try different ratios until you find what works.
  366. Cycle Advice To A Less Experienced Person
  369. You have read about what I do, but I do appreciate that there are allot of fellas on this forum who are still new to the game and reading what I take can be misleading and confusing. This advice is not for a complete newbie, this is for an average guy who has played around with a few individual compounds and stacks and now wants to start along his path towards becoming a bodybuilder who wants to get off on the right foot with his hormones. Please remember this will not be the best for everyone, it is aimed at your average fella, so it will suit allot of guys and give them a good start. You need to be in a position where you are committed to your hormone use and the tasks at hand before doing this as it will require regular use of hormones and allot of self-learning. I will aim to get you off to the best start possible and then you will be on your own from this point onwards. I have kept it as simple as possible, greater detail can be taken from the rest of my articles into the actual compounds and thoughts behind it. Ok let?s get this started; I will touch on some important points.
  372. Get Lean First:
  374. You must understand that the first part of this requires you to teach yourself how to go about losing body fat and getting lean. I not going to advise diet, cardio or training methods to encourage this, you need to figure this out for yourself and learn how to do it, the important thing is in this time you learn what is required to get the job done, in time you will find better ways of doing it, drugs that can help etc, but for now you need to stop relying on just the drugs and for those who have bad diets you will have to put some effort into improving them and maintaining this motion. The fact is the drugs at this level can only do so much, I promise you 95% of you will not look good if you don?t put some work in with your lifestyle and general eating habits if they were poor in the first place. If you need a body fat guide, look in the GH15 Hall Of Fame section of the forum and read what GH15 has gave you in his BF guide. This is what you do:
  377. Over 10% BF
  379. 600-700mg Tren Ace EW (ED to EOD shots)
  380. 150-200mg Test P/E EW (3 shots EW)
  383. 10%-8% BF
  385. 600-700mg Tren Ace EW (ED to EOD shots)
  386. 150-200mg Test P/E EW (3 shots EW)
  387. 150mg Mast P EW (3 Shots EW)
  390. 8% And Under BF
  392. 600-700mg Tren Ace EW (ED to EOD shots)
  393. 150-200mg Test P/E EW (3 shots EW)
  394. 150mg Mast P EW (3 Shots EW)
  395. 40-80mg Eph ED (Spread evenly up to 1800)
  396. If you struggling with the fat at this point and your doing your best T3 50mcg ED also
  399. If you have not used Tren Ace before then start at 100mg EOD and work upwards SLOWLY. You may be able to do this on a lower dose than what I have specified but this will be right for most fellas. Some will need more, some less, all about response, but I do not want anyone to exceed the doses given unless they have exerted all other options, this includes busting your ass. Too many are happy to wang up the dose to make up for their poor diets or laziness, that shit don?t fly here, you get your self in order and push hard.
  401. Now you do this until around 6%, don?t matter if you skinny, or holding some water (which really you shouldn?t be but some may). If you?re looking soft in the skin increase the Masteron 50mg EW at time until it eases off). It is important to keep the oestrogen low to keep off fat and bloat, Masteron does this beautifully. Oestrogen makes you soft, hold onto fat and generally look shit. As you advance you will learn more that works for you, what to keep in to stay full when cutting and what works best for you. There is no point trying to keep full when you have no size to you and there is no point over complicating this part of the process, you must learn to get lean period if you want to look like a bodybuilder and the best time is to do it early days as you grow best when lean and look better whilst doing so.
  404. Lean Growth:
  406. At this point you should now have your abs through, some good detailing and look lean. When you look like this for several days in a row then it is time to go to lean bulking procedure. Again it is down to you to figure out your diet, but just remember small adjustments at a time when increasing your calories or reducing your expenditure to encourage growth. Ok this is what to do next when you are ready to lean growth:
  409. Keep the current doses that you have in place but remove the Eph.
  410. Add EQ/Bold 600mg EW
  411. If you needed to use T3 in the above process, keep it in for the time being.
  414. Now if for whatever reason you cannot use EQ use a Nandrolone instead but start the dose at 400mg regardless of ester. Always opt for EQ if you can it will result in a better look during this period. You will need to increase calories, I strongly advise that you use low as fat as possible, moderate protein and the rest from carb sources (including some sugars), build it up SLOWLY, don?t jump from 2500kcals to 4000kcals over night. Expect to take on some bloat, this is part of the game, how much you take on it diet and oestrogen related. You can control this better through cycling which I have spoke about, in my Nutrition part of the Personal Account Series along with the link to how I described best to grow lean without HGH.
  416. So you carry on the above for several weeks (5-6) and then remove the T3 if you wish to take it out, if you prepare to keep it in that is your choice. You keep going and gradually take up your EQ dose to 900mg when then gains stop, If you chose Nand then go up to 600mg EW. Don?t be hasty, you?re not going to pile on lots of mass, it will be steady unless you?re getting fat after the initial water gain. I would expect around 10 weeks before any dose increase, more if your still gaining steadily and a further 8-10 weeks from the dose increase before you do anything else. Now from this point onwards its down for you to progress, you should have made some decent gains by this point. What I would suggest is playing with your Test doses more and increase them to push your gains and see how you respond, if you bloof easily then best using anabolic. Feel free to take out EQ, swap it for a Nand or visa versa and even play with Androl as long as you remain lean. Play around with this part of the stack and the test to keep the gains coming whilst keeping the Tren the same and then later down the line play with the Tren dosing and try other compounds until you find what works for you. Don?t forget to use Masteron in varying doses to hold off oestrogen related sides such as bloat and fat gain and remember SLOW SMALL ADJUSTMENTS at a time, nothing hasty and do not let yourself go above 10% BF, ideally stay under 9%.
  418. Good luck fellas, hope this helps..
  420. Hello buddy,
  422. T3 does help in bulking terms, not from an ability to throw pounds of mass on but from the ability to increase how my body utilizes the nutrition I feed it, which when stacked correctly with the suitable hormones its mass to be gained at an increased rate, however like anything it does stagnate after periods and it is easy to keep on using it and think that you are going to start piling on fat if you don't.
  424. Where most people go wrong is with there own insulin/glucose system (when they within the limits). Try to imagine it this way.. I eat complex carbs to bulk all day every day, I have low blood glucose levels as a result.. I make gains and then I hit a point where I can't grow. I increase my dose but little changes, so this is not the answer. So instead I start to gradually build up how many sugars I consume, so I start to eat more cereals, breads, jams and less complex sources. Firstly I fill out very nicely and then after a while I start to spill.. This is where most people go wrong, they don't want the spill over and cut back on the sugars etc.. The trick is to keep I keep eating and eating and eating gradually introducing more carbs and sugars. I begin to thicken out more and more (as long as my drug protocol is correct) but do look bloated. Now as long as the correct hormones are used I do not get fat. This carrys on for several weeks to a few months and then the gains seem to halt. I look no where near as good but I have put some big gains on the scales. Now whats happened inside is that your body has become less sensitive to all he sugars in your diet (increased glucose levels usually). T3 will extend this period as it will keep the internal engine at a more consistent rate but you still cant get around the insulin sensitivity issue, in theory the T3 will slow down this process as you will process the nutrients better ASLONG as your eating enough food. The T3 keeps the fat levels down but will not stop the bloat, Tren is very important if just using AAS as it stops the excess carbs being turned into fat (or atleast heavily reduces it), you will notice as the carbs are 700-1000 or more you will sweat allot in the night as your using the excess through the night for energy and its been given off as heat aslong as your taking enough tren to hold off that much of a carb onslaught. This period will be 8-12 weeks usually, it can be longer but the gains will slow and you will have to take on high bloat. You can increase the time period also from cleaning up your carbs for a week then going back to more sugars, tricks the body enough to push it a bit further.
  426. Now what happens still eat the same amount of carbs and gradually reduce the sugars and use more complex sources like rice, potatoes etc and the physique starts to harden out day by day. You take the T3 OUT but continue to harden up over the weeks I add move complex sources in to replace some of the potatoes, rice etc with salads, greens etc and guess what.. I get harder and harder with the same amount of carbs coming in. I may use a little sugar after training or first thing int he morning if I go flat..I cycle carbs as well during this process so the body does not adapt and what happens inside is your glucose levels begin to drop. Your body has been used to soaking in lots of sugars for energy for many weeks and now can't so you drop all the water from glycogen first then the fat comes off quicker as the engine is still running at a higher rate, the cycling slows down the "revving down" process. Eventually you hit a point where you start to stall as the body adapts and THIS is where you want to add you T3, Eph Clen etc. This will kick the engine up a notch and bring you in very lean. The rest is water manipulation towards the end bring out the dry look, so this is where Masteron, Eph, Androl, Low Test comes into play in varying doses etc. At the end you would maintain the look until you was ready to grow through cycling carbs with the consistent drug protocol
  429. Diet is ALWAYS high carb, moderate protein and as little fat as possible when going this route.
  432. So to give you and idea of what your stack would look like which would be effective:
  435. Step 1 (8-12) weeks, maybe longer if you chose (gradual increase of carbs and sugars with protein base fixed)
  437. Tren 75-100mg ED
  438. Masteron 200mg EW
  439. Test 200-300mg EW
  440. EQ/Nand 900mg/600mg EW
  441. Some d.bol or androl if you was already a big fella and was pushing it harder.
  442. T3 50mcg ED
  444. Weeks 13-18 (diet starts cleaning up gradually, protein base fixed)
  446. Tren 100mg ED
  447. Masteron 300mg EW
  448. Test 300mg EW
  449. EQ/Nand 600mg/400mg EW
  451. Weeks 19-24 (diet tight but starts getting tighter, more greens, less complex carbs, maybe increase in protein for hunger)
  453. Tren 150mg ED
  454. Masteron 500mg EW
  455. Test P 200mg EW
  456. T3 75-100mg ED
  457. Eph starting 40mg-60mg and increasing
  459. Weeks 25-27 then carried on to maintain. (diet spot on for you, sometimes fats increased slightly and carbs reduced, just depends on whats needed to bring out your best and maintain it)
  461. Tren 150mg ED
  462. Masteron 500-100mg EW to dry out
  463. Androl 75-200mg ED to fill out
  464. Eph realistically would be 80-120mg ED tso keep dry
  465. Some people throw in anavar etc and if it was a show diuretic.
  468. Please note dose is individual down to response, lifestyle, diet and many other issues but the main points to notice are Tren is based on sensitivity to it, some need 75mg, some need 150mg. When bulking its just enough to process the amount of carbs you need to grow without getting fat but without too much. The body can only process so much gear and the more of your alloted space is used for tren the less you can use for the other stuff without getting too much estrogen etc. Of course you will be able to use more over the years. Your still going to bloat, if your not your not eating enough carbs. This is how you put the weight on, excess carbs, tren holds off fat, test, eq, nand etc got what it needs to do its job. The nand/ew test dose is key to where you are, you will use less if you are not as developed, more if you a long time user and developed.
  471. Then when you start to clean up the carbs your reducing the wet compounds and increasing the strong androgens a little and letting them do their work (shift the water) and move any small amount of fat you may have gained with the fat burners.. obviously the leaner you was in the first place and as long as you kept the fat intake as low as you can then the shorter period you will need to use the fat burners. We still keep some wet stuff in as you can still make gains and keep full.
  473. The next two stages just about bringing it all in and coming in lean and dry but without the weight dropping too much, you will lose water weight and a touch of fat only and the scales will be up from when you started as long as you do not starve yourself and do all this ridiculous calorie cutting you see. The greens are calorie neutral so this is how you reduce your calories without reducing them if you get me. Its done gradually as required only.
  475. From here I would have a break from your tren and lean bulk for a good few weeks without any tren, use higher masteron if you worried about fat gain. If you want to break from using masteron some AI for a few weeks will do when the tren back in. Same diet, obviously rotate bulking compounds. Androl high with some EQ here would work very well whilst your already on it before putting test back in etc.
  478. Thanks Sector,
  480. Saved me from writing all that out again lol.
  482. Ok so Mastiff you need to jump in at part 3 but use your doses not mine, not sectors ect and do not add the T3 or EPh in until around the 7-8% mark. This was an EXAMPLE of dosing, please remember dosing is individual to where you currently sit in terms of size, experience, current dosing and along with your response. The T3 if you not used before start at 25-50mcg a day. Eph start 40mg and work upwards slowly (spread evenly over the day and not after 1700-1800hrs).
  484. If you a TRUE 12% then I would expect 8-10 weeks as long as your diet is worked well over the period. You could do it in less if your body lets you and you know yourself, however don't be hasty because you over did it and I am telling you it can be done in less, plan 8-10 weeks with the diet gradually phasing over from more sweets to more complex then phase in some greens etc as required. When your lean, maintain as in section 4 until you are ready to grow and then follow this process in full until you understand it and have the feel for it and completed it once successfully from start to finish, then feel free to play around with more time off tren and with other compounds etc
  486. As for IF, well its something you can use every so often to help move fat quickly. Notice how I say USE and not ABUSE. It is important to feed well after (not over feed, but to fall back into routine quickly) with IF. If your cycling then you shouldn't really need to do this as you have your low days on a cycle anyhow which are testing. IF does what a cycle does really, its just more dramatic in terms of it can move a good chunk of fat in a short space of time if you do it when your metabolism is high and not in the pits.. Its just "shock theropy" for your body, so when your body is used to regular feeds coming in you don't for a day and the body still needs its energy so it hits its own reserves hard as the internal engine is still revving away. Next day you throw the food back in, which keeps the engine going and not running at a snails pace. You do it every so often so it don't hit your metabolism so hard, so the idea really is you eating maintenance calories normally, a 4-5 fasts a month and you lost a good few pounds.
  488. Look lets say you can eat 3500kcals every day, you gain no fat and you make no gains in the gym, so we would consider this a maintenance amount. Now lets say tomorrow you decide you want to lose weight and you cut your calories to 3000kcals. For period of time the body will start to consume it's self for energy to make up for the loss of inbound energy (food). Now the body is smart, it knows if it does this for a sustained period it will die..this is not good for the body as the body only cares about one thing and that is to survive. So what does the body do? Well through various mechanisms fully unknown to man (mostly speculative) the body down regulates and learns to maintain on 3000kcals, should this be through decreased thyroid production, less absorption through the digestion system or by the body slowing down its internal processes, what ever it is, we don't really know but my best bet is that its a combination of all these plus more. Lots of proof this exisits because how many people do this, lose a bit of weight and then stall? MILLIONS! So what happens then, you drop you calories again and again to keep trying to move the fat and you make some progress but depending on how much fat you had in the first place then unless you pretty lean you hit a brick wall where your weak, getting sick all the time, you feel hungry all the time, you get cravings and all sorts of other shit. Your body wants you to eat and to play funky games with you mind and most people eventually crush to the torture from their own bodies.. I am not saying you can't lose weight this way, you can but for most it doesn't get them where they would expect.
  490. So whats the secret in bodybuilding? DRUGS. You use the right drugs in the right dosages at the right time whilst gradually making improvements to some of what you eat in the form of more whole sum foods. Now if you got enough of the right drugs/hormones than the diet is really not a factor you will just get lean anyway.. As GH15 says and he is always right, the hard work is only the latter part of the prep, i.e it is the last 4 weeks or so of diet you clean up what your eating to bring the skin thin and get the water out so you look shredded. For most fellas though because your not swimming in the same levels of drugs some attention to diet is required. This does not mean you eat boiled chicken with spinach all day, not at all. What it means is you cut back on those kiddie cereals you been munching all day whilst your growth phase and eat some oats instead, it means you reduce your bread in-take reasonably and go with some potatoes and rice instead.. You get me? Effectively you eat more whole foods, less processed and that's about it up to the latter weeks and you gradually improve things as required over the weeks not just flip things on it's head all in one day. Its only the last few weeks when going hard you replace some potatoes with greens/salads or with protein sourcesif you got that last layer you need to move or you throw in the cardio to use up more calories instead (in addition other than for general fitness, hobbies and other cardio reasons of course). Effectively the cleaner your food the less calories it gives out so although your consuming the same or very similar calories your body is expending allot more digesting these foods such as greens, salads, sweet potatoes etc that it does when you eat you eat processed foods and sugars as these pass through digestion very easily.
  492. So if it's all about drugs what do I need to do? You take the drugs that in layman's terms increase your metabolism or utilization of stored energy and gradually build them in as the weeks go by. Remember the body adapts (regulates down) so why throw it all in at the beginning, would be stupid, sure you have a mega metabolism for a few weeks but then bang, you stall unless you was lean to start with and then really you often would not need as much "extras" to get in shape anyhow. So you put in stuff like tren, low mast and test and give it a chance to do it's thing as after all Trens going to increase your calorie consumption plus it has other traits that are beneficial to what you are doing. After this then its a good idea to start cycling carbs to keep the body guessing and slowing down its "down regulation" in terms of calorie Globalge. Next stiep add in some T3 as the body seems to want to slow down its "metabolism" and bang your back up to speed again, then few weeks later when it starts to slow we put in some Eph/Clen, boom there it goes again and then towards the end take the Tren up as required, increase the mast and you get lean.. Getting shredded pretty much you do what you need to do to come in but you don't starve yourself, so maybe you up your T3, you go higher with the Eph/Clen etc, you just get it done. You find what works and you use it.
  494. The longer the road (ie the more fat you hold) the longer you have to sustain a defecit which is harder as you got to keep fighting the bodys will to stoy you taking away it's energy stores. Yes you can keep pushing doses but you can also do refeeds for several days after several weeks of dieting to trick the body into a false sense of security, you can add in some sporadic high intensity cardio, you can do all sorts.. The idea is simple, keep the calories similar, a slight reduction from growth to what would be considered maintenance is fine at the start but the rest you add the drugs in and let them do the work whilst giving them a helping hand when required. Just be consistent, avoid blowing your diet and just give it time, the fatter you are the longer the time will be obviously.
  496. Hello 5antom,
  498. Glad the thread is proving useful to you. I have very little experience with Primo so I am not best to advise you on it's use specifically however I will make some considerations to you and my thoughts on what you have advised.
  500. Firstly I can't see you not gaining with a cycle like this, you have some very potent compounds in there which will facilitate your growth. I have always opted for EQ and Nand over primo simply on cost and back when I started to use hormones and throughout little people used primo in this way, it was only when I came to GB before this forum began I started to see it used in such a manor. From what I have read and I can gather it is a great compound so by all means use it.
  502. Lets talk about the water side of things. Really the main to contributors to water in the terms of bloof are estrogen and carbs, if you can keep these in check you can make modest gains to a point with AAS alone.. Generally younger blood fairs much better and makes better gains, most likely do to natrually high HGH and other mechanisms working in their prime, however in my experience with AAS alone at some point you hit a brick wall in terms of lean gains and often have to really bash the calories and bloof up to keep the gains coming, which often come very slowly, have their limits and often make you look pants in the mean time. As long as your not at this point then you can make steady gains without taking on excessive water.. Good examples of what I mean is go check out Wolf.'s & Son of Aces transformations threads, you will see how they are having to embrace modest amounts of water (from a lean base) to keep things moving with the AAS's.
  504. Best way to keep water under control during a growth phase is to do a very basic carb cycle and use simple carbs at certain times like morning and after training. Little adjustments are made and are done to keep it under control. Nothing too excessive, your aiming to grow, but if you start to bloof too much just ease back a day or so on the carbs (not calories, eat more proteins and a little more fat if needed) to keep if from getting OTT. You will most likely find you will get into a routine with what days you ease back on (hence basic carb cycle). It takes a little practice but once you get it then you will find it much easyier to do in the future if you do not know already.
  506. Best way to avoid estrogen is not take too much gear, use what you need.. After this if you are a little prone then you could pop in 25 ED 50mg EOD Mast or use an AI. You can use a combination of both which is very effective but you need to ensure you are not eradicating your estrogen, you want to find a nice balance. Best way is to start with the bare minimum of your chosen compound(s) give it a week or so and tweak as required. Unless very prone (Gyno etc) then you will most likely find you only need a touch of it.
  508. The real shit look comes from when you have a combo of both.. Until you learn yourself it is easy to mistake one for the other so best way to find out is do one thing at a time..Check its a diet issue first with tweaks to that, then add in small amounts of AI until you crack it (if required). If you got it right you will have enough water to help facilitate growth whilst not looking like a bloof ball. I will make a point however than generally more water that is embraced (so long as your not getting fat whilst doing so) the better gains you seem to make. Water moves quickly, fat doesn't.. Avoid gaining fat, any gain should be to a minimal or you will have to spend long times getting rid of if and this minimizes on "growth" time.
  510. As for fat, this is a personal thing.. Some people can't get fat no matter what, others get fat easily. If you are prone to getting fat easily, then without using peptides/HGH etc then a small dosing of tren can make a huge difference. If you do not get fat easily then do not worry about the tren for now.
  512. As for your cycle, really I would not waste your time with the Anavar.. You would be better using Masteron in place as it is much milder on the body (lipids etc) and is more effective, plus it helps the water. Also using the Anavar here in this method would not really bring you much benefit. The goal here is to grow.. you can start to move the water after 16 weeks and maximise on the time growing.
  514. I would do something like this:
  516. 1-8
  518. Primo 600mg EW
  519. Sust 525mg EW
  520. Mast 150mg EW
  522. 8-16
  524. Primo 600mg EW
  525. Sust 525mg EW
  526. Mast 150mg EW
  527. D.Bol 50mg ED
  528. (Possibly some AI here if required)
  530. After 16 (Reduce water qucikly) I would go something like this (tweak to your needs obviously)
  532. I would use EQ 600mg EW (Primo fine if you know how it works on you but I not too sure so I say EQ because I know how this work)
  533. Sust 200-250mg EW
  534. Mast 300mg EW
  535. Tren 500mg EW
  537. You change look very quickly here as long as you did not get fat and only had water. Obviously make it your own and as said I am only guessing with the primo, but I hope you can see what is being down with me restructuring in terms of water and how this will help the gains come with everything else in place.
  539. If you water prone I would use less test (150-200mg EW at most) and more anabolics like EQ, Nand etc as this will help.
  541. If you still cant get the look right (current look) with your tren/mast then try this instead..
  543. Every 36hrs
  545. 150mg Tren Ace
  546. 75mg Mast P
  547. 25mg Test E/P
  549. Small dosing of AI every morning.
  551. The 36hrs allows for better water control in my experience, the test should be enough to keep you full and functioning and the Masteron combined with a touch of AI works wonders if you hold estro water. The rest is diet. GH15 give me the idea a while back about the Tren every 36hours,,
  553. I actually running something similar to this now along with some other goodies in a trial/error test to build try build an intermediate stack for people that is linear in it's use that should be easy to apply, affordable and effective that hopefully will be effective for most people so they can apply it and not have too many variables. This why I not updated the section, I want to get it spot on for people (at least the first part) before I release it and add to it. Again it's not aimed at the beginner but more the fella who got foundation and wants to take it up a notch.
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