
Pinkie's Ride- AiE (Kissing)

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. >PP: "C'mon Anon, its right over here!"
  2. "Alright Pinkie I'm coming!" you say with a smile on your face
  3. >Pinkie Pie...
  4. >Pinkie Pie changed everything for you in Equestria
  5. >Nobody had ever seen a pony in ponyville, you just sorta arrived
  6. >Everyone was afraid of you, they called you awful things
  7. >Except for Pinkie Pie
  8. >She ran up to you the second she saw you and encapsulated you in the tightest hug that she could possibly provide
  9. >Because of her, and her excellent social relationships, she was able to organize parties and get togethers that eventually made you friends with nearly every pony in Ponyville
  10. >For all you know, at this point, you could've been doing cheap labor for some random pony at the market
  11. >She was just... amazing
  12. "Thanks for taking me along Pinkie."
  13. >PP: "Of COURSE Anon! I just remember how you told me that you haven't been to the carnival since you were a kid and I just thought to myself 'OH MY GOODNESS' WE NEED TO GE-"
  14. "Pinkie? How about we just get on a ride okay?"
  15. >PP: "Sure thing, nonny!"
  16. >She turns around, notioning for you to follow her, as she looks through the crowds of happy ponies to try to find a ride that suited her standards
  17. >You also get a view of that cotton candy ass as she walks in front of you
  18. >For a pony that ate as much cake and pastries as she did, it was surprising that she turned out to be the sexiest looking mare that you have ever seen
  19. >Beautiful personality, beautiful body, what more could you ask for?
  21. "Haha okay! I'm right here Pinkie."
  22. >You look up at the giant circle that towered above you
  23. >The ferris wheel
  24. "Um, pinkie, are you sure that this is the ride that you want to, well, you know, ride?"
  25. >PP: "Well duh Anon! Why else would I trot over here?"
  26. "Yah, but... nevermind"
  27. >That's when it hits you
  28. >You don't think she has a very special somepony
  30. >You get on line with Pinkie in front of you
  31. >You place your hand on the cold metal railings that set up the lines in the carnival
  32. >All that was going through your mind was the old rumors about going to the top of the ferris wheel and kissing or whatever
  33. >Man, you mean, Pinkie Pie was nice but there was no way she could actually want to do that with you right?
  34. >You look over to Pinkie Pie to notice that she was already looking at you
  35. >She quickly turns her head back forward in the hopes that you didn't notice where her eyes were
  36. >You could see that past that pure pink that existed on her coat, a little spot of red appeared on both sides of her face
  37. >She was blushing
  38. >That was so cute
  39. >You want to hug her
  40. >And maybe even, well, kiss her
  41. >?: "Alright next two riders step up!"
  42. >Oh, its the ticket guy
  43. >You and Pinkie both hand him 4 tickets each, the price to get on the ride
  44. >He throws the tickets in a bag, and then presses a button which opens the safety bar in front of the seat
  45. "Thanks, man"
  46. >PP: "Alright Anon, ladies first!"
  47. >She notions you to get on first
  48. >You do, late to realize the joke
  49. >The crowd chuckling behind you reminded you about the joke the little comedian you were riding with said
  50. >You give her a look before smiling back
  51. >You both sit down, genuinely excited for the fun that was about to happen
  52. >You just hoped that she wanted to have the same fun as you
  53. >The safety bar closes on the seat, locking you two in place
  54. >With the press of a button, he sends the ferris wheel into motion
  55. >You both are smiling together as you start to move forward then upward
  56. >Shit its chilly though
  57. >Winter wasn't rough in Ponyville, but the cold still was a little bothersome
  58. >PP: "Uh, um... hey Anon?"
  59. >She has a worried look on her face
  60. "What is it Pinkie?"
  61. >PP: "I, I'm cold, hehe"
  62. "Oh do you want me t-"
  63. >PP: "Do you think you could put you arm around me, you know, to keep me warm? Please?"
  65. >Oh geez Anon
  66. >She wants you to hold her
  67. >The pink pony sitting to you right wants you to put your arm around her
  68. >How? You've never even made physical contact with a girl back on Earth before
  69. >Do you apply a large amount of pressure?
  70. >Where do you put your hand?
  71. >Not really sure exactly how to hold her, you just decide to limply lay your forearm on her right shoulder
  72. >Pinkie giggles at the way you were holding her
  73. >You blush from embarrassment, luckily its cold so it looks like your face is just red from the winter
  74. >PP: "Oh Anon, you're going to need to, um, hold me TIGHTER. To keep me warm of course... hehe"
  75. >You do as she says
  76. >To apply a more tight hold, you move your hand to her right shoulder so that you could press her body up to your own
  77. >PP: "Ahhh Anon, much better!"
  78. >She looks deep into your eyes
  79. >You stare into hers as well as she opens he mouth to say something
  80. >All that comes out is a cute little whisper
  81. >PP: "Thanks"
  82. >You feel on top of the world right now
  83. >Fucking Anon lady killer extraordinaire
  84. >Cant le handle le your le #swag
  85. >So far your luck has been good, why not try to push it?
  86. >You continue to look at her
  87. "Hey Pinkie? I just wanted to know if you had a very special somepony, just curious you know."
  88. >PP: "Oh yah that."
  89. >She looks out toward the horizon
  90. >You look at all the white trees, the houses with white roofs, all that beautiful white
  91. >You guys are about halfway up the ride
  92. >PP: "Well..."
  93. >She looks like she's struggling to find words to convey what she wants to say
  94. >PP: "Well, I've never really been like that with anypony, I guess."
  95. >She looks a little sad
  96. >Aww, she sad, look what you did Anon
  97. >Oh you know how to make it up to her
  98. >Tell her about why you don't have one
  99. >You look back at her, eyes glum, ears drooping
  100. "I don't have on either Pinkie."
  101. "Besides you, there's no other pony that I feel safe sharing my feelings with."
  102. "I just. I feel safe with you"
  103. >She looks like she's tearing up
  105. >It's a really nice moment
  106. >You meant everything you just told her
  107. >Pinkie Pie, you could talk to her, you could tell her how you felt, and she would always know what to do
  108. >You clearly knew at the moment, you want her to be your special somepony
  109. >Do it Anon
  110. >Fire the question
  111. "Uh, Pinkie?"
  112. >Her eyes meet yours, you have her full attention, the first for a pony like her who bounces off the walls
  113. >She smiles a little
  114. >PP: "Y-Yah Anon?"
  115. >Here goes nothing
  116. >You hold her just a bit closer
  117. "Would you..."
  118. >Her face shows happiness
  119. "Like to be.."
  120. >She gives you the bedroom eyes
  121. >She licks her lips
  122. >PP: "Come here"
  123. >You didn't need to finish the question for her to know what you were going to say
  124. >She puts both her hooves behind the back of your head
  125. >She pulls your head closer
  126. >She tilts her head, and draws you in
  127. >Before you knew it, you were kissing the pink mare next to you
  128. >You take your free left hand and put it behind her head
  129. >You both pulled each others' heads closer, afraid that if you were to let go, one might fly away
  130. >At first, you both exchange cute, inexperienced contact with your lips
  131. >You decide you want more, and open up her lips with your tongue
  132. >You enter her mouth with your tongue as she moans into you
  133. >Your tongues touch, it immediately revives hers
  134. >In between your lips, your tongues swirl in a dance of ecstasy
  135. >She breaks it off for a second
  136. >PP: "Anon! Look!"
  137. >She points it toward the horizon below you two
  138. >You were both on the top seat on the ferris wheel
  139. >You felt like you were on top of the world, and in a physical sense you really were
  141. >As you look out toward the breathtaking view, you realize that you are in bliss
  142. >You look back to Pinkie, she's already looking at you, only this time, she doesn't turn her head away out of embarrassment
  143. "I love you so much Pinkie."
  144. >Pinkie just smiles and draws you in for another kiss
  145. >You feel yourself going down, so you continue to kiss until you realize you are at a height where people can see
  146. >That moment eventually and unfortunately came
  147. >You break it off
  148. >Pinkie looks at you again
  149. >PP: "Yes Anon, I'll be your very special somepony."
  150. >You sigh as the safety bar lifts up when you reach the bottom
  151. >You both step out, and you take Pinkie's hoof in your hand
  152. >You walk off the ride, proud for your accomplishment, when you run into Twilight
  153. >TS: "Would you like to explain what this is all about"
  154. >Twilight has a smirk on her face
  155. "Well, you see, um..."
  156. >PP: "LOOOONG story!"
  157. >She gained her super hyper energy back just like that
  158. >Wow, and now she was all yours
  159. >You smiled to yourself while looking over to Pinkie, thinking about the fun future you two would have together
  160. "Oh yah. It was a LOOOONG story."
  161. End.
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