
uruure info

Jun 12th, 2015
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  1. Your name is URUURE OBIVEN and today is NOT YOUR WRIGGLING DAY. It is, however, your MOIRAIL'S, and albeit against custom, as you are 7.4 sweeps and thus far past the age you would be expected to be this SILLY, you have prepared him a GIFT. This GIFT is entirely UNIMPORTANT, but you don't know that.
  3. You don't know a lot of things, in fact. This is ENTIRELY NOT YOUR FAULT, and yet at the same time, COMPLETELY YOUR FAULT. Your eyes are cursed with REDDENED VISION, giving them a MAROON TINT, despite you not being an ADULT yet. This is seemingly a fairly MINOR MUTATION, but you DISAGREE, very AGGRESSIVELY at that. Living your life only being able to see in HUES OF BLOOD AND MUD takes a TOLL on a person's patience, and it renders you UNABLE TO READ MOST THINGS without getting SO ANGERED by the red that you toss things across your HIVE. It was SWEEPS before you knew a WORD of ENGLISH OR WRITTEN ALTERNIAN.
  5. There is ONE THING you can read without DIFFICULTY, however. Your hive, a MOSTLY CRUMBLING RUIN IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCK-ALL NOWHERE, is adorned inside and out with HIEROGLYPHS written in the BLACKEST OF INKS that your eyes can perceive no colour in them; unlike MOST OTHER THINGS. This is how you learnt of COLOURS, and WHY YOU ARE SO UPSET AT RED, instead of just THINKING THAT RED IS ALL THERE IS. You learnt your kind has blood of every colour imaginable, leaving you wondering what colour your OWN BLOOD is.
  7. The GLYPHS taught you everything you KNOW, and among that, they told you DANGER IS COMING, and that YOU WILL BE THE LAST ONE STANDING. For sweeps, you MISUNDERSTOOD. You thought that you were the only one alive now, and that you were a PROPHESIED HERO who was DESTINED TO SAVE YOUR RACE. This was disproven upon meeting ELATUS, leaving you wondering if you were TRULY THE ONE MEANT TO READ THESE PROPHECIES, since YOU is a rather BROAD TERM.
  9. Which it is, but not in the way you THINK.
  11. Your interests include ART, which you are HORRENDOUS at, ROUGHHOUSING and GENERAL TOMFOOLERY, SLEEPING, and PLAYING GAMES OF ALL KINDS. You are currently awaiting the DELIVERY of a CERTAIN GAME, along with a NEW HUSKTOP OPTIMIZED FOR PLAYING GAMES. Your current COMPUTER is a HORRENDOUSLY SLOW PIECE OF SHIT, and if this game is anything like the what it was HYPED UP TO BE, your husktop will probably SHIT ITSELF AND EXPLODE trying to run it. Them's the breaks when you've had NO CONNECTION TO SOCIETY WHATSOEVER for so long.
  13. Your trolltag is aurochsRampage and you. type in a slow. almost stuttering. way. so that you. can calm yourself. between every few words from. looking at. all. the. red.
  15. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. and now for the stuff that wasnt covered up there. warning this is pretty messy because i'm pretty tired rn
  19. Official Wonky Timeline (tm); chosen by aurochs lusus, who took him to his hive on his own / grew up learning hieroglyphs / attempted blinding himself on several occasions, failed because he couldn't keep his eyes open long enough / met elatus when he was 5 sweeps, established moiraillegiance soon after / met the other trolls of his session / got to know them, developed flushed interest in nidiru / began game sometime later, as soon as eyes met with land he was immediately sent into a tantrum / played game, developed plan to rid himself of his vision once and for all / gloated about tinted sight to ???, while antagonizing ??? until they were ready to rip what they thought was most precious to him once and for all / after careful planning, allowed himself to be captured and blinded / made his escape to meet with nidiru, currently grimbark / established matespritship with nidiru after she was released from grimbarkness / remained blind and happy until killed, achieving god tier which repaired his vision and unfortunately brought the red back / was totally emo about that for a very short while until his dancestor corrected his vision so that he could see in every colour / was gay forever, the end
  21. Personality/extra info; childish and naive, incredibly stubborn, easily angered, unprejudiced (he sees every colour as a variation of red and brown he is physically incapable of discriminating based on blood), occasionally rather clever despite normally being extremely dense, a fast learner though only if you're teaching him in person, laid-back and friendly when he's not throwing temper tantrums, generally very cheery when talking to nidiru/after blinding himself/after having his vision manipulated
  23. God Tier; Prince of Light (see that's why the whole blinding himself thing is so relevant here)
  25. Land; Land of Alarms and Flags (BECAUSE LANDS ARE MEANT TO CHALLENGE YOU AND HE'S A BULL... am i driving the bull stuff into the ground with "hatred of red and red fabricy things that taunt him"? probably)
  27. Humanstuck Info; Cis male, Indian, has perfect vision; no colourblindness, since the way he healed that would be hard to do with no fancy god tier stuff going on.
  29. Body type; Chubby, tall and muscular. Basically just a big squishy bara baby.
  31. Height; 8'0 (comparison to quadmates/closest friends: nidiru is 6'3 [<3], sisisi is 5'3 [bff], elatus is 6'2 [<>], and codata and borela are both 5'0 [<3< and friend, respectively])
  33. Likes; Cows, rats and other rodents, the colour green, chalk (for its texture), drawing, playing dress up (bows in his hair are his favourite thing ever), having his head/hair/neck/stomach stroked (because he's just. hes a fucking puppy-bull thats what he i s), aliens, comic books (after being able to read without YELLING FOREVER), specifically the lime skittles, skirts, most children's TV shows, pranks (especially when executed with sisisi), most things 10 year old boys like
  35. Dislikes; Cerris and thus snakes, the colour red, being touched without permission, wearing things around his neck, being bossed around or even told what to do if he knows/thinks he knows what he's doing
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