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Sep 26th, 2013
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  1. Number of Processors: 8
  2. Processor Type: Intel Pentium
  3. Windows OS: Windows 2000
  4. Version 6.0001
  5. Build Number 7601
  6. Service Pack 1
  8. Current Memory Load: 16
  9. Total Physical Memory: -1 bytes
  10. Available Physical Memory: -1 bytes
  11. Total Virtual Memory: 2147352576 bytes
  12. Available Virtual Memory: 1749504000 bytes
  13. EAX=0D56197C EBX=00000000 ECX=FFFFFFFF EDX=0D561980 ESI=0D2DAFE0
  14. EDI=0D2E8200 EBP=0018FFEC ESP=0018FFDC EIP=774F9F45 FLG=00010286
  15. CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  16. EAX=0D56197C EBX=00000000 ECX=FFFFFFFF EDX=0D561980 ESI=0D2DAFE0
  17. EDI=0D2E8200 EBP=0018FFEC ESP=0018FFDC EIP=774F9F45 FLG=00010286
  18. CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  19. 0023:004D3BFF LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cMeshEntity::UpdateLogic()+1711 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\meshentity.cpp, line 0600
  20. 0023:004AD950 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cWorld::Update()+0144 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\world.cpp, line 0208+0035 byte(s)
  21. 0023:004A1A05 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cScene::PostUpdate()+0037 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\scene\scene.cpp, line 0252+0013 byte(s)
  22. 0023:004C12C4 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::iUpdateable::RunMessage()+0084 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\include\engine\updateable.h, line 0074
  23. 0023:004C1576 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cUpdater::RunMessage()+0038 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\engine\updater.cpp, line 0067+0014 byte(s)
  24. 0023:00496628 LevelEditor.exe, hpl::cEngine::Run()+0264 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\engine\engine.cpp, line 0418
  25. 0023:0048A96F LevelEditor.exe, hplMain()+0207 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\tools\editors\leveleditor\leveleditormain.cpp, line 0038
  26. 0023:004ABF3D LevelEditor.exe, WinMain()+0029 byte(s), d:\hpl_2\core\sources\impl\lowlevelsystemsdl.cpp, line 0052+0029 byte(s)
  27. 0023:0058D4B9 LevelEditor.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+0389 byte(s), f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\crtexe.c, line 0390+0027 byte(s)
  28. 0023:756B336A kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()+0018 byte(s)
  29. 0023:774F9F72 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+0099 byte(s)
  30. 0023:774F9F45 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()+0054 byte(s)
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