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Jul 28th, 2014
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  1. Story so far:
  2. -Pjotr wakes up in a dark forest after a tractor accident on the farm
  3. -Trapsing through the forest he finds a red and white tractor which he proceeds to dissasemble taking a few bits and pieces including one of the main weels
  4. -Rolling the wheel along the path he reaches a fork in the road wherein he decides to climb the hill
  5. -After stopping for a lunch of meat dowsed in vodka he gets very drunk and accidently pushes the tyre down the hill
  6. -The tyre reaches great speeds and deadly momentum
  7. -Chasing the tyre to the base of the hill Pjotr finds an unconscious rainbow dash
  8. -Prodding her with his rifle it accidently misfires after a failes suicide attempt instantly killing her
  9. -He cuts off some of hear meat and continues on
  10. -Arriving in ponyville he urinates in a fountain featuring princess celestia mistaking it for a public urinal
  11. -There is a fray with the guards and mayor mare, ending in one dead guard and Pjotr in a royal prison
  12. -After negociation with Princess Celestia Pjotr misses his death sentence and is allowed to stay in equestria after spending two weeks cleaning latrines
  13. -Pjotr is given temporary residence in a pub in Ponyville where he meets the barkeep Inebriation
  14. -Inebriation teaches Pjotr a few basic pony customs and they talked at length about human vs pony alcohol
  15. -During his two weeks Pjotr tried to convert the local workers coming in for a drink to adopt a communist mindset and overthrow the monarchy
  16. -It was a huge failure
  17. -Following his two weeks, Pjotr found a more permanent residence on the Apple families farm in a small shack out the back of a field
  18. -Pjotr spent months working wages for Applejack and repairing/ revamping the shack
  19. -He is now a permanent resident of ponyville
  20. -Applejack has given Pjotr a day off in thanks for his hard work on the farm
  21. -On his day off, he decided to cook a few rainbowdash steaks but was nearly caught by Applejack (taboo to eat meat in Equestria)
  22. -His predicament was avoided by performing a helicopter dick causing AJ to run away after giving him a fruit (Apple) basket gift
  23. -To apologies Pjotr danced a traditional slavic dance while shouti CHIKI BRIKI
  24. -Appeasing Applejack, Pjotr went into town where he met an ex traveller pony that seems to have come in contact with some interdimensional Nazi technology
  25. -This pony didn't want to talk about his travels but his happy to sell Pjotr anything he happened to pick up
  26. -Pjotr selects a TT-33 and runs back to the farm to test it out
  27. -Deciding to practice on the CMC clubhouse Pjotr accidently shoots somepony inside
  28. -Upon investigation he is told it's Scootaloo by the still living Applebloom and Sweetie Belle
  29. -After telling the two remaining CMC members not to squeel, Pjotr takes off back to his home
  30. -Arriving he hides the gun and contemplates teh situation
  31. -Shortly after the run back, Applejack turns up and is promptly told by Applejack that he has shot and killed Scootaloo
  32. -Applejack busts through his door and demands to be told if the claim is true
  33. -Pjotr confesses to murdering Scootaloo but tries to explain that she is in another place now
  34. -He explains how he came to Equestria and suggests that maybe Scootaloo is where he came from
  35. -Applejack calls bullshit and asks Pjotr to pack his things in preperation to leave the farm
  36. -That night, Applebloom approaches Pjotr, asking him to take her to find Scootaloo
  37. -Pjotr agree's and the pair set off the next day
  38. -After a few hours wait for the antique store to open Pjotr teaches Applebloom how to play checkers before buying her breakfasy and gathering a few food supplies
  39. -The antiques pony agree's to help Pjotr if he will do a hit on Rainbow Dash
  40. -Pjotr explains how she is already kill
  41. -Antiques pony reveals to them the machine that pulled him to earth (Die Glocke)
  42. -Pjotr and Applebloom hop inside and are transported to earth
  44. Your name is Pjotr and you are a russian veteran of the second world war. After years of fighting on the Eastern front against a bitter enemy and an equally bitter environment you settle down to farm grain in the great rolling hills of russia. After being involved in a tractor accident while moving a bear carcass, you wake up in a dark forest.
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