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Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. 20:59:18 <GrossT> game over
  2. 20:59:24 <Rewzilla> :)
  3. 20:59:28 <freefirex> GG
  4. 20:59:32 <root4days> _____ _____ _ _
  5. 20:59:33 <root4days> | __ \ / ____| | | |
  6. 20:59:33 <root4days> | | | | (___ | | | |
  7. 20:59:33 <root4days> | | | |\___ \| | | |
  8. 20:59:33 <root4days> | |__| |____) | |__| |
  9. 20:59:33 <root4days> |_____/|_____/ \____/
  10. 20:59:35 <root4days>
  11. 20:59:36 <OhYou_> fail
  12. 20:59:37 <root4days>
  13. 20:59:47 <root4days> _____ _____ _ _
  14. 20:59:47 <root4days> | __ \ / ____| | | |
  15. 20:59:47 <root4days> | | | | (___ | | | |
  16. 20:59:47 -> bahaviland has joined #threatspace
  17. 20:59:49 <root4days> | | | |\___ \| | | |
  18. 20:59:51 <root4days> | |__| |____) | |__| |
  19. 20:59:52 -> J2TheROC has joined #threatspace
  20. 20:59:53 <root4days> |_____/|_____/ \____/
  21. 20:59:57 <root4days>
  22. 20:59:59 * OhYou_ reports for flood
  23. 20:59:59 <root4days>
  24. 21:00:21 <- Rewzilla has left #threatspace ["Leaving"]
  25. 21:00:29 -> Rewzilla has joined #threatspace
  26. 21:00:36 <ipp> congratz root4days Rewzilla and whomever else is on DSU
  27. 21:00:43 <freefirex> Thanks :)
  28. 21:00:46 <J2TheROC> yep
  29. 21:00:50 <GrossT> :D
  30. 21:00:52 <ipp> I tried to do my best
  31. 21:00:54 <ipp> to prevent that
  32. 21:00:58 <Rewzilla> haha
  33. 21:01:00 -> m4dh4tt3rs_minio has joined #threatspace
  34. 21:01:01 <Rewzilla> gg all
  35. 21:01:05 <ipp> gg
  36. 21:01:08 <xonec> gg
  37. 21:01:11 <m4dh4tt3rs_minio> Good Game Everyone
  38. 21:01:17 <root4days> gg
  39. 21:01:25 <J2TheROC> gg
  40. 21:02:45 <OhYou_> alright, now lets all share answers
  41. 21:02:59 <bahaviland> I got
  42. 21:03:01 <bahaviland> for 2+2
  43. 21:03:01 <bahaviland> 4
  44. 21:03:18 <freefirex> dang I got 5
  45. 21:03:30 <root4days> i got 22
  46. 21:03:32 <bahaviland> Check for hemorrhoids with a small mirror
  47. 21:03:40 <J2TheROC> oh that was a + i thought it was x
  48. 21:03:48 <Rewzilla> bahaviland how did you get that???
  49. 21:04:15 <bahaviland> I asked a psychic
  50. 21:04:29 <bahaviland> she read my palm
  51. 21:04:45 <- bahaviland has left #threatspace ["Leaving"]
  52. 21:04:58 <Rewzilla> ohhhhh of course i should have thought of that ><
  53. 21:05:04 <- root4days has left #threatspace ["Leaving"]
  54. 21:05:04 <- freefirex has left #threatspace
  55. 21:08:14 <xonec> what was the theme for passwords 1
  56. 21:08:48 <Rewzilla> high-collision-algos
  57. 21:08:55 <xonec> i noticed half were WOW related
  58. 21:11:02 <xonec> Lol as soon as i used rockyou to try to crack them, i saw the collision rate
  59. 21:11:09 <ipp> World of Warcraft xonec
  60. 21:11:24 <xonec> ipp: All of them?
  61. 21:11:25 <ipp> I created a script to crawl wow wiki, extract text of all the links
  62. 21:11:31 <ipp> all but root
  63. 21:12:25 <xonec> Dude! i crawl most of the wiki too, but only got half
  64. 21:12:51 <ipp> did you extract the text in links
  65. 21:12:55 <ipp> because there were spaces
  66. 21:12:59 <ipp> so if you just did words
  67. 21:13:02 <ipp> you wouldn't get it
  68. 21:13:13 <xonec> what was root?
  69. 21:13:27 <OhYou_> ncl format probably
  70. 21:13:35 <OhYou_> aint nobody got time for that
  71. 21:13:39 <ipp> NCL-####-UUUU according to someone else, i hadn't got it
  72. 21:13:39 <ipp> i did UUUU-####
  73. 21:13:40 <xonec> Yeah i took spaces into account
  74. 21:14:08 <OhYou_> speakign of ncl format, Dat wireless 4
  75. 21:15:02 <OhYou_> that must have been painful for people without gpus
  76. 21:16:06 <Rewzilla> something I've learned form ncl-games is that password cracking is almost always less about gpu power and more about clever dictionaries
  77. 21:16:24 <OhYou_> so from what I've heard, NCL is going to be releasing the answers to all these shortly?
  78. 21:16:36 <OhYou_> except for wifi 4
  79. 21:16:49 -> nix_xin has joined #threatspace
  80. 21:17:10 <OhYou_> my ears still hurt from my 290x going for like 2 hours
  81. 21:17:10 <xonec> How about web exploits?
  82. 21:17:21 <xonec> lol ^
  83. 21:17:47 <nix_xin> Yeah, how about those web servers?
  84. 21:18:04 <nix_xin> Web 1 , Web 2 specifically?
  85. 21:18:04 <OhYou_> Yea web servers
  86. 21:18:49 <xonec> the web server with drupal installed looked pretty beat up
  87. 21:19:15 <nix_xin> HAHAHA !! Luckily I got in just in time to get flag1
  88. 21:19:26 <nix_xin> Someone screwed it up bad
  89. 21:20:17 <xonec> i think some people used their ncl login credentials to create accounts on one of those web servers.
  90. 21:20:32 <ipp> Web 2 -
  91. 21:20:38 <ipp> Web 1 - Write a captcha analyzer
  92. 21:20:55 <nix_xin> Ahh!
  93. 21:20:58 <ipp> and get it correct 10,000 times in a row
  94. 21:21:05 <GrossT> and don
  95. 21:21:13 <GrossT> *go over 10000
  96. 21:21:19 <ipp> I stopped it at 9,999
  97. 21:21:27 <ipp> took the loop out
  98. 21:21:30 <ipp> and ran it again haha
  99. 21:21:30 <OhYou_> and then mistype the 10000
  100. 21:21:34 <GrossT> ^that
  101. 21:21:39 <m4dh4tt3rs_minio> lol
  102. 21:21:41 <xonec> ipp: how do you write a captcha analyzer?
  103. 21:21:44 <xonec> Lol
  104. 21:21:56 <ipp>
  105. 21:22:02 <ipp> redid a little of that code
  106. 21:22:10 <ipp> used mechanize to simulate the web
  107. 21:22:32 <nix_xin> Ahhh!
  108. 21:22:33 <xonec> interesting
  109. 21:22:37 <nix_xin> very!
  110. 21:22:46 <OhYou_> I tried outsourcing it to china but they kept getting it wrong
  111. 21:22:58 <ipp> I'll try to get around to cleaning my code
  112. 21:23:02 <ipp> and create a github
  113. 21:23:29 <xonec> man, this ncl folks are raising the bar every time. GG
  114. 21:23:37 <ipp> If I don't have something by the end of the month, ping me and i'll let you read my horrible code
  115. 21:23:46 <OhYou_> so the intended way of solving that was to type out the captchas 10,000 times
  116. 21:24:24 <ipp> and don't mess up
  117. 21:24:25 <OhYou_> couldnt they have at least used cookies to keep track of how manty you did?
  118. 21:24:28 <ipp> because it rests to 0
  119. 21:24:28 <xonec> more or less write your own ocr for captchas
  120. 21:24:38 <nix_xin> I used JMeter to hit the captcha page 10, crapped out eventually
  121. 21:24:44 <OhYou_> so that you know, could change it?
  122. 21:25:15 <OhYou_> are the images complete random?
  123. 21:25:25 <ipp> on the captcha?
  124. 21:25:27 <ipp> it seemed so
  125. 21:25:30 <ipp> and they are case sensitive
  126. 21:25:34 <OhYou_> thats evil
  127. 21:26:10 <OhYou_> I mean, if they used standard captchas, I could have probably blew through it in an hour
  128. 21:26:25 <ipp> eh? this one was realyl simple
  129. 21:26:27 <ipp> no overlap
  130. 21:26:43 <OhYou_> I mean standard as in easy for humans
  131. 21:26:49 <ipp> oh haha
  132. 21:27:41 <nix_xin> Ok, so what was up eith Web2
  133. 21:27:50 <ipp> I linked it, it was a mongo db
  134. 21:28:06 <ipp> and you could do like username[$ne]=1&password[$ne]=1
  135. 21:28:11 <ipp> do do a select * basically
  136. 21:28:16 <GrossT> wait it wasn't postgres, like the image??? :P
  137. 21:28:21 <OhYou_> did you get what sql server was running on that stupid victim in ne5?
  138. 21:28:26 <ipp> Nope
  139. 21:28:36 <ipp> If you sent an invalid char i forget which, you got an error message
  140. 21:28:36 <nix_xin> How did you know it was mongo db?
  141. 21:28:43 <xonec> Yeah^
  142. 21:28:55 <nix_xin> From the error?
  143. 21:29:00 <xonec> ipp: how did you know?
  144. 21:29:04 <GrossT> try other sql injections until you get an error
  145. 21:29:08 <GrossT> google error
  146. 21:29:09 <GrossT> done
  147. 21:29:10 <ipp> yea it said mongo
  148. 21:29:10 <ipp> in the error
  149. 21:29:10 <ipp> and gave the query essentially
  150. 21:29:37 <nix_xin> Dang..I ran sqlmap on it a few times and no glory....
  151. 21:30:11 <nix_xin> Keep trying harder next time....check!
  152. 21:30:14 <GrossT> prolly need:
  153. 21:30:25 <ipp>
  154. 21:30:27 <ipp> ^error message
  155. 21:30:48 <OhYou_> well...
  156. 21:30:59 <nix_xin> DANG !
  157. 21:31:11 <xonec> dude!
  158. 21:31:12 <nix_xin> Thanks for that man ...
  159. 21:31:43 <ipp>[$ne]=1&password[$ne]=1
  160. 21:31:44 <ipp> ^Exploit
  161. 21:32:13 <OhYou_> I love how the key was the same on crypto 9.4 and 9.5 btw lol
  162. 21:32:43 <GrossT> you don't even need the =1 part
  163. 21:33:08 <ipp> ah til
  164. 21:33:21 <ipp> Anything else i can help with?
  165. 21:33:45 <nix_xin> Yes, the server with the file....
  166. 21:33:52 <ipp> It was Reverse Engineering
  167. 21:34:04 <ipp> needed to dumpa bin off port 1234
  168. 21:34:13 <nix_xin> I scanned it, found nothing....nikto'd it, found nothing,
  169. 21:34:28 <nix_xin> Ahhhhh!
  170. 21:34:32 <nix_xin> nice!
  171. 21:34:35 <ipp> open up in debugger (i used EDB)
  172. 21:34:41 <ipp> examine memory, then crc32-b what it came with and do a few other things
  173. 21:34:47 <ipp> i don't fully remember off hte top of my head
  174. 21:34:54 <ipp> it was similiar to exploits 4-6
  175. 21:35:09 <ipp> except the termination character of input was NUL versus EOT
  176. 21:35:30 <OhYou_> so were we suppost to get a shell on one fo the web ones?
  177. 21:35:34 <nix_xin> nice....will do
  178. 21:35:45 <ipp> If you don't have RE experience, i twill be difficult
  179. 21:35:58 <nix_xin> RE and regular expressions
  180. 21:36:00 <ipp> no
  181. 21:36:03 <ipp> Reverse Engineering
  182. 21:36:09 <nix_xin> oh!
  183. 21:36:12 -> Vital_ has joined #threatspace
  184. 21:36:16 <ipp> You open it up in a debugger
  185. 21:36:20 <ipp> step threw the statements
  186. 21:36:36 <nix_xin> gotcha!
  187. 21:36:40 <ipp> for instance exploit 4 or 5, had a string that it was adding 2F to which is a ROT cipher
  188. 21:37:02 <ipp> if you input like abc123 it becomes easy to see it do the ROT in memory
  189. 21:37:07 <ipp> because it stays sequential
  190. 21:37:40 <ipp> or if you just know some "ROTX Words" you can input them
  191. 21:37:48 <ipp> like ln ares is a ROT word
  192. 21:37:54 <ipp> which looks semi legitimate
  193. 21:37:54 <OhYou_> so what the hell was the brainwallet password... past the season: part
  194. 21:38:00 <ipp> idk
  195. 21:38:08 <ipp> probably NCL format
  196. 21:38:19 <ipp> wasn't enough points for me to crack it
  197. 21:38:28 <ipp> and Rewzilla got the $
  198. 21:38:32 <OhYou_> yea
  199. 21:38:52 <OhYou_> Rewzilla what are you going to spend your $0.14 on?
  200. 21:39:04 <GrossT> silkroad 3.0
  201. 21:39:31 <OhYou_> you can buy 0.00003 oz of fake drugs with that
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