
YGO FM female%

Dec 30th, 2016
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  1. This is a challenge speedrunning category of Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories. The goal is complete the game as fast as possible using these two restrictions:
  2. 1. No monsters with a base Attack or Defense above 2100 may be played
  3. 2. Megamorph cannot be played
  5. The fastest way to beat the game with these restrictions is to use a female deck. Female monsters with 1800-2100 are very easy to obtain and/or fuse, and more importantly, the equip magic cards that work on them are easy to obtain. So despite the massive disadvantage in power, this route should be able to beat the game in one sitting.
  7. The reason for these restrictions, rather than the conventional "no Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon" label, is that the optimal way to beat the game without THTD is to grind for Meteor B. Dragon and/or Megamorph. This means farming the same 1-2 people for hours until you have multiple copies of these cards. My restrictions add diversity to farming and should make the Final 6 more interesting. Enjoy!
  9. BTW, if I get a good deck for the conventional THTD route, I'll run that instead. Those decks are too rare to throw away.
  11. -------------
  13. -------------
  15. Good monsters:
  17. - Mystical Sand (2100/1700, Mercury/Saturn ... beats BEWD at +1 and BEUD at +4 ... takes DE and BP ... SA Labyrinth or SA/BCD Heishin 1)
  18. YAMI
  19. - Dark Elf (2000/800, Mercury/Jupiter ... ties BEWD at +1 and BEUD at +4 ... takes DE and BP ... not winnable)
  20. - Mystical Elf (800/2000, Sun/Jupiter ... walls stuff, especially in Yami ... takes Book ... Simon/Mai/Keith/Bakura/Secmeton/Atenza/Meadow (easiest from Mai/Bakura/Meadow))
  21. - Gemini Elf (1900/900, Sun/Uranus ... beats B. Skull at +2, MBD at +3, GG at +3 and THTD at +1 ... takes Book ... SA/BCD Heishin 1)
  22. SOGEN
  23. - Empress Judge (2100/1700, Uranus/Venus ... beats THTD at +1 ... takes Book ... SA/BCD Heishin 1)
  24. - Warrior of Tradition (1900/1700, Mercury/Mars ... beats PUGM at +3 ... takes DE and BP ... SA/BCD Mountain or Meadow)
  25. FOREST
  26. - Rose Spectre of Dunn (2000/1800, Moon/Jupiter ... takes DE and BP ... SA Forest/Anubisius or SA/BCD Heishin 1)
  27. - Queen of Autumn Leaves (1800/1500. Jupiter/Moon ... takes Book ... SA Anubisius/Kepura or SA/BCD Secmeton/Forest)
  28. NONE
  29. - Dark Witch (1800/1700, Sun/Neptune ... beats B. Skull at +2, MBD at +3 and GG at +3 ... takes BP and Book ... SA Secmeton/Kepura)
  30. - Gyakutenno Megami (1800/2000, Sun/Neptune ... same as above + ties Metalzoa at +1 ... takes Book ... SA Secmeton/Martis/Kepura or SA/BCD Heishin 1)
  32. Good fusion material:
  34. - Ancient Elf (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Bakura)
  35. - Angelwitch (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Villager 3/Rex/Bakura/Secmeton/Desert/Martis)
  36. - Arlownay (Queen ... SA/BCD Villager 3/Seto 1/Rex/Weevil/Forest/Anubisius/Desert/Martis)
  37. - Beautiful Headhuntress (Dark Elf ... SA Villager 1 or SA/BCD Mountain)
  38. - Dancing Elf (Dark Elf, Dark Witch ... SA/BCD Teana 1/Villager 1/Bakura/Teana 2 (extremely high chance on both Teanas))
  39. - Eldeen (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Isis)
  40. - Goddess with the Third Eye (Dark Witch ... SA Villager 2/Villager 3 or SA/BCD Weevil/Bakura/Secmeton/Anubisius/Labyrinth)
  41. - Hibikime (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Isis)
  42. - Key Mace (Dark Witch ... SA/BCD Simon/Villager 1/Bakura/Mountain)
  43. - Lunar Queen Elzaim (Dark Witch ... SA/BCD Villager 3/Bakura/Secmeton/Martis)
  44. - Muse-A (Dark Witch ... SA/BCD Villager 2/Villager 3)
  45. - Nemuriko (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Heishin 1/Rex/Shadi/Bakura/Ocean/Secmeton/Desert/Martis)
  46. - Succubus Knight (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Isis/Kaiba)
  47. - Vishwar Randi (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Rex/Shadi/Ocean/Desert/Martis)
  48. - Witch of the Black Forest (Dark Elf ... not winnable)
  49. ELVES
  50. - Wing Egg Elf (Dark Elf ... SA/BCD Villager 3/Rex/Bakura/Secmeton/Desert/Martis)
  51. STONES
  52. - Giant Soldier of Stone (SA Secmeton/Meadow or SA/BCD Heishin 1/Kepura/Labyrinth)
  53. - Destroyer Golem (SA/BCD Isis/Kaiba)
  54. - Morphing Jar (SA/BCD Villager 2/Villager 3/Seto 1/Shadi/Ocean/Forest/Labyrinth)
  55. - Muka Muka (SA/BCD Simon/Jono 1/Villager 2/Villager 3/Jono 2/Meadow)
  56. - Haniwa (SA/BCD Simon/Jono 1/Villager 2/Villager 3/Seto 1/Heishin 1/Jono 2/Forest/Labyrinth)
  57. - Pot the Trick (SA/BCD Simon/Jono 1/Villager 1/Villager 2/Villager 3/Jono 2/Mountain)
  58. - Ancient Jar (SA/BCD Simon/Teana 1/Villager 1/Villager 2/Villager 3/Teana 2/Mountain (extremely high chance on both Teanas))
  60. Useful equips:
  61. - Malevolent Nuzzler (A-TEC Villager 2/Villager 3/Heishin 1/Mai/Isis/Mage Soldier/Atenza/Martis/Labyrinth)
  62. - Elf's Light (SA Villager 1/Mai, BCD Villager 1/Mai/Isis or A-TEC Villager 1/Mai/Isis/Mountain/Atenza)
  63. - Silver Bow and Arrow (BCD Mai or A-TEC Teana 1/Villager 1/Mai/Bakura/Teana 2/Secmeton/Mountain/Atenza)
  64. - Electro-whip (BCD Mai or A-TEC Villager 2/Mai/Pegasus/Isis/Atenza/Labyrinth)
  65. - Cyber Shield (A-TEC Villager 3/Mai/Isis/Atenza)
  66. - Dark Energy (BCD Mage Soldier or A-TEC Kaiba/Mage Soldier/Martis/Kepura)
  67. - Black Pendant (BCD Bakura or A-TEC Jono 1/Villager 1/Bakura/Isis/Jono 2/Secmeton/Mountain)
  69. Sand D-Elf G-Elf M-Elf D-Wit Queen Succ B-Head A-Elf Hibik W-Mag
  70. Malevolent X X X X X X X X X X X
  71. Elf's Light X X X X X X X X X X
  72. Silver B&A X X X X X X X X
  73. Electro-whip X X X X X X X X X X X
  74. Cyber Shield X X X X X X X X X X X
  75. Dark Energy X X X X
  76. Black Pendant X X X X
  77. Book of SA X X X X X X
  79. Farming ideas:
  80. - SA Villager 1 (Farm 1/star chips/Dancing Elf/equip/trap)
  81. - BCD Mai (equips)
  82. - A-TEC Mai (equips if deck sucks)
  83. - BCD Bakura (better females/Dancing Elf/Wing Egg Elf/equip/trap)
  84. - BCD Isis (better females/Wasteland/equip/WSR-trap)
  85. - A-TEC Isis (better females/Wasteland/equips/WSR)
  86. - A-TEC Kaiba (equips/WSR/Crush Card/DCJ)
  88. Discarded farming ideas:
  89. - SA Teana 1 (mostly for chips; probably avoid if farming Bakura, since he can give Dancing Elf)
  90. - SA/BCD Villager 3 (Yami, females and stones)
  91. - SA/BCD Duel Master K (same as above, and might be able to give him a weak deck)
  92. - SA/BCD Keith (probably not; some females, but mostly for really high chance at field)
  93. - A-TEC Pegasus (mainly for monster removal, but also has 2 equip chances)
  94. - A-TEC Mage Soldier (good option if you need Yami; also potentially necessary for WSR; possibly do without trap, since he gives so many)
  97. Villager 1 S/A POW 20.8 12 234 148 16 0 0 16 0
  98. Mai BCD POW 6.7 112 26
  99. Bakura SA POW 22.0 50 400 0 0 0 0 0 0
  100. Bakura BCD POW 23.9 0 410 0 48* 0 0 32 0
  101. Isis BCD POW 26.1 10 398 30 32 32 32 0 0
  102. Mai A-TEC 12.9 0 0 0 232 0 0 N/A 32
  103. Isis A-TEC 26.0 10 190 30 232 32 36 N/A 2
  104. Kaiba A-TEC 17.6 12 36 36 96 0 84 N/A 96
  106. *Counts Book of Secret Arts as 1/2
  108. Rough route:
  109. - Reset for female equip and ideally Raigeki/usable field
  110. - Farm SA Villager 1 until you're maxed on a lot of females/stones
  111. > Do not leave just because deck is good; you need tons of star chips
  112. > Buy females and stones
  113. > Buy Wing Egg Elf
  114. - Farm Mai BCD until deck has a few equips (switch to A-TEC if trap)
  115. - If no trap/low on females+elves, farm Bakura and Isis BCDs
  116. - If trap: Farm Isis and Kaiba A-TECs
  117. > If 5+ equips, consider 10 fusions or 0 effective attacks
  118. - Buy Dark Elf, Gemini Elf and Wasteland and/or Yami
  119. - Move on when you have 6-8 equips and 3-5 monster removal cards
  120. - Deck should look like:
  121. > 1 Dark Elf
  122. > 1 Gemini Elf
  123. > 3 Dancing Elf
  124. > 3 Wing Egg Elf
  125. > 10-13 other females
  126. > 7-9 stones
  127. > 2-3 field spells
  128. > 7-8 equips
  129. > 2-3 WSR
  130. > 1-2 misc. monster removal
  131. > 1 Raigeki
  132. - Consider the following campaign A-TECs:
  133. > Kaiba (always)
  134. > Mage Soldier (usually)
  135. > Atenza (always, if you can safely win)
  136. > Secmeton (usually, if you can safely win)
  137. > Martis (usually, if you can safely win)
  138. > Labyrinth Mage (only if convenient)
  139. > Seto 2 (usually, if you can safely win)
  140. > Kepura (always, if you can safely win)
  141. - Strategy for Final 6:
  142. > Sebek: 1-2 equips
  143. > Neku: 1-2 equips
  144. > Heishin: Monster removal until easy mode, 2-3 equips
  145. > Seto: Monster removal until easy mode, 2-3 equips
  146. > DarkNite: Whatever works
  147. > Nitemare: Hope for WSR, maybe monster removal until easy mode, 2-3 equips
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