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- from zad1testy import runtests
- from copy import copy
- from math import inf
- def BFS(G, start,finish):
- from queue import Queue
- n = len(G)
- visited = [0 for i in range(n)]
- distance=[inf for i in range(n)]
- parent=[-1 for i in range(n)]
- distance[start]=0
- #parent[start]=start
- q = Queue()
- q.put([start,0,start])
- while not q.empty():
- u,weight,comingfrom = q.get()
- if weight>0:
- if visited[u]==0:
- q.put([u,weight-1,comingfrom])
- else:
- visited[u]=1
- parent[u]=comingfrom
- distance[u]=distance[comingfrom]+G[comingfrom][u]
- for i in range(n):
- if G[u][i]!=None and visited[i] == 0:
- q.put([i,G[u][i],u])
- visited[u] = 2
- #return distance
- return min(distance[finish],distance[n//3+finish],distance[2*(n//3)+finish])
- def islands(G, A, B):
- # tu prosze wpisac wlasna implementacje
- n=len(G)
- #podział każdego wierzchołka na 3
- #i dodatkowo wierzchołek [3*n] ma krawędzie o wadze 0 do różnych startów
- Graph=[[None for i in range(3*n+1)] for j in range(3*n+1)]
- # 0<= k <=n-1
- #0*n +k - przybyłem na wyspę mostem
- #1*n +k - przybyłem na wyspę promem
- #2*n +k - przybyłem na wyspę samolotem
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(n):
- x=G[i][j]
- if x==1:
- Graph[n+i][j]=x
- Graph[2*n+i][j]=x
- elif x==5:
- Graph[i][n+j]=x
- Graph[2*n+i][n+j]=x
- elif x==8:
- Graph[i][2*n+j]=x
- Graph[n+i][2*n+j]=x
- #ze startu możemy iść gdziekolwiek
- Graph[3*n][A]=0
- Graph[3*n][n+A]=0
- Graph[3*n][2*n+A]=0
- Graph[3*n][3*n]=0 #potrzebne do poprawnego działania
- """
- for i in range(3*n):
- x=G[A][i%n]
- Graph[A][i]=x
- Graph[n+A][i]=x
- Graph[2*n+A][i]=x
- """ #^ stary pomysł
- res=BFS(Graph, 3*n,B)
- #print(res[0:n])
- #print(res[n:2*n])
- #print(res[2*n:3*n])
- if res<inf:
- return res
- else:
- return None
- runtests( islands )
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