

Aug 16th, 2013
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  1. [22:39:18] <Roget> so yo you wanted Elif and Loren to have a thing yes?
  2. [22:39:20] <lurkd> hi
  3. [22:39:21] <Gara> Yes
  4. [22:39:36] <lurkd> I brought it up initially.
  5. [22:39:45] <Roget> So yeah that is cool
  6. [22:39:49] <Roget> on a few conditions
  7. [22:40:11] <Roget> 1. You gotta keep it PG-13. I think snow said, don't go further than Eriko and Ralph do in IC
  8. [22:40:31] <lurkd> That's the idea.
  9. [22:40:44] <Roget> in PM's do whatever, as long as the references to those events are kept quiet and you keep logs for gm's to see so we know what is going on
  10. [22:40:52] <Roget> you can censor logs as long as we know whats up in them
  11. [22:41:02] <Gara> Right.
  12. [22:41:10] <Roget> Also, we don't want things getting fetishistic
  13. [22:41:32] <Roget> this has been a problem, especially in the early days of FR... there was a lot of pm smut. Please keep it tasteful and such.
  14. [22:41:49] <Roget> All that seem reasonable so far?
  15. [22:41:57] <Gara> Why do you want logs?
  16. [22:42:31] <lurkd> I'm fine. The intent is not to take things in /that/ direction in the first place.
  17. [22:42:57] <Roget> So that we know what the characters are doing. Again, you can censor them, and we only need 'em if we request it
  18. [22:43:03] <Roget> you don't need to like, submit logs every time
  19. [22:43:06] <Roget> that would be crazy
  20. [22:43:08] <Gara> Alright.
  21. [22:43:19] <Roget> That seem reasonable?
  22. [22:43:50] <lurkd> Yeah, just don't let others hold this over our heads.
  23. [22:44:01] <Gara> ^
  24. [22:44:12] <Roget> I don't plan on trying to backseat rp for you with all this
  25. [22:44:40] <Roget> both of you are responsible, I am sure you can exercise good taste and not make it bad
  26. [22:44:51] <lurkd> Kay, just pass on to the other GM's to put a little trust that we can keep this clean and tasteful.
  27. [22:45:03] <Roget> I just need to be thorough
  28. [22:45:06] <Roget> y'know?
  29. [22:45:10] <lurkd> I know.
  30. [22:45:18] <Roget> When a dog bites you, you're careful when ya stick the arm back in
  31. [22:45:35] <lurkd> You and your dog metaphors.
  32. [22:45:43] <Gara> Roget x Dog
  33. [22:45:50] <Gara> Right, understood.
  34. [22:46:07] <Roget> Yeah, and one other factor you don't really control
  35. [22:46:20] <Roget> if other people take the opportunity to be fetishistic and weird
  36. [22:46:31] <Roget> we'd need to stop it for the sake of the general maturity level
  37. [22:46:46] <lurkd> I can dig it.
  38. [22:46:56] <Gara> Stop it on their side, or on ours?
  39. [22:46:56] <Roget> Which I HOPE will not happen
  40. [22:47:10] <Roget> depends on the situation and how it deteriorates
  41. [22:47:14] <Gara> Alright.
  42. [22:47:22] <Roget> I sincerely hope we are mature enough to handle homosexual ladies
  43. [22:47:39] <Roget> if we can do the guys.... I mean, I'd be very disappointed if that happens
  44. [22:47:53] <lurkd> ^ that
  45. [22:47:57] <Gara> Yeah, like, Fish and Steve is fine.
  46. [22:48:10] <Roget> Exactly
  47. [22:48:21] <Roget> Some people just get... weird with lesbian stuff
  48. [22:48:27] <Gara> Why shouldn't Elif and Loren.
  49. [22:48:32] <lurkd> I think we are all on the same page here.
  50. [22:48:44] <Gara> Yeah, think so. That all?
  51. [22:48:54] <Roget> Alright so guidelines summarized just so we are 100% clear and I can say I was 1000% clear
  52. [22:49:41] <Roget> one: needs to be done well, not shitty and fetishy
  53. [22:49:58] <Roget> two: if other people start acting up fetishistic then it needs to stop, because the general maturity of the community can apparently only handle homosexual male relationships
  54. [22:50:10] <lurkd> Wouldn't have it any other way.
  55. [22:50:15] <Alivi> Which is sad...
  56. [22:50:24] <Roget> three: I don't wanna see this devolve into using FR for personal stuff, I want to see it done for the sake of the relationship
  57. [22:50:39] <Roget> Alivi I think I covered the points we agreed on in the gm channel pretty well?
  58. [22:50:45] <Alivi> Yep
  59. [22:50:57] <Roget> cool beans
  60. [22:51:03] <Alivi> Basically keep it clean and all. It will be nice to see another PC couple that isnt Eriko and Ralph
  61. [22:51:09] <Alivi> heck
  62. [22:51:14] <Alivi> now Eriko can have double dates
  63. [22:51:25] <Roget> any questions/concerns/additional affirmations that people not handling lesbians is fucking sad
  64. [22:51:27] <Alivi> she will be happy
  65. [22:51:32] <Roget> Alivi lol
  66. [22:51:54] <Alivi> Well honestly it isnt just lesibians
  67. [22:52:01] <lurkd> I'm good.
  68. [22:52:06] <Alivi> we had issues with People handling cute asian girls and not fetishing them too
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