
Harken/Lexi - grumpy pupper

Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. [23:25] <strikingBelladonna> ===START===
  2. [23:25] <abrasiveCaliginist> After you, Sai
  3. [23:26] * strikingBelladonna began espering abrasiveCaliginist
  4. [23:26] <strikingBelladonna> Greetings, Harken.
  5. [23:26] <strikingBelladonna> I'd like to speak with you, about what I've done.
  6. [23:27] <abrasiveCaliginist> Hm? The whole, "yeah I've been messing with him the whole time" thing?
  7. [23:28] <strikingBelladonna> Yes, that.
  8. [23:29] <abrasiveCaliginist> I'm going to start by saying that I had no idea you felt that way, and that everything makes sense now.
  9. [23:29] <abrasiveCaliginist> I'm going to add that that may very likely be the third time I've said that of you in two logs.
  10. [23:31] <abrasiveCaliginist> Listen, Lexi, I'm... I was pretty angry about it at first. I guess now I'm just tired and disappointed.
  11. [23:32] <strikingBelladonna> I'm sorry.
  12. [23:32] <strikingBelladonna> I can't think of a more elegant way to phrase it, or segue into a way to admit it without being abrupt, I screwed up, and I'm sorry.
  13. [23:33] <abrasiveCaliginist> Yeah, I know: what else can you really say? What else can you really do? I've been there before. I understand.
  14. [23:34] <abrasiveCaliginist> I can't say I fully forgive you or trust you anymore. I want to say "Them's the breaks, cully", but all the times I've wronged people, wanted to take it back, apologized to hardened hearts... It doesn't feel right to just shove you away.
  15. [23:35] <abrasiveCaliginist> So, for all intents and purposes, consider the hatchet buried. Just... Not *too* far underground. You understand, right?
  16. [23:35] <strikingBelladonna> No, I don't understand, how are you being this understanding?
  17. [23:36] <abrasiveCaliginist> What? I just am. Do you not believe me?
  18. [23:36] <strikingBelladonna> No, I do, and it pisses me off.
  19. [23:36] <abrasiveCaliginist> I can understand that mistrust.
  20. [23:37] <abrasiveCaliginist> Does it now? That's rich. The number of times over that I'd kill-have killed-for that understanding... Ha ha haaaaah...
  21. [23:37] <abrasiveCaliginist> Ugh, I'm in bad shape right now. Sorry for that.
  22. [23:38] <strikingBelladonna> Not my fault, I hope?
  23. [23:38] <abrasiveCaliginist> Not your fault, no. Just exhausted. The city takes a toll on you.
  24. [23:38] <abrasiveCaliginist> You already know the story, I'm sure.
  25. [23:39] <strikingBelladonna> You mentioned that before, the specters and the way it shifts.
  26. [23:39] <abrasiveCaliginist> I did. Those phenomena only get more...intense as your emotions intensify and spiral out of control.
  27. [23:40] <strikingBelladonna> I guess I deserve that.
  28. [23:40] <abrasiveCaliginist> Deserve what?
  29. [23:41] <strikingBelladonna> The jab.
  30. [23:41] <abrasiveCaliginist> The suffering is mine. When you've killed people, we can talk about putting you in the city for a week.
  31. [23:41] <abrasiveCaliginist> It was my decision to stay, Sai Lexi.
  32. [23:42] <abrasiveCaliginist> And you weren't the only thing I was upset about either.
  33. [23:42] <strikingBelladonna> Oh, I suppose I shouldn't be trying to read to much into what you're saying.
  34. [23:42] <strikingBelladonna> ((too* dammit))
  35. [23:43] <strikingBelladonna> Anyways, why did you stay, if the city was only becoming worse for you?
  36. [23:43] <abrasiveCaliginist> I found a birthright and chased it to that tower.
  37. [23:44] <abrasiveCaliginist> Sadly, it skipped the Highlights for Wigglers magazines.
  38. [23:44] <abrasiveCaliginist> I'll probably go back, if only because it's an empty place to practice my marksmanship without attracting attention.
  39. [23:45] <strikingBelladonna> To the city?
  40. [23:45] <abrasiveCaliginist> Yes.
  41. [23:45] <abrasiveCaliginist> The alternative is doing it out here with murderdeer and bounty hunters about.
  42. [23:46] <abrasiveCaliginist> So I'm going to plink at some rocks a while.
  43. [23:46] <strikingBelladonna> Are you sure that's a good idea? It sounds as though exposure to the city at all is dangerous.
  44. [23:46] <abrasiveCaliginist> I have the candles, and I've taken time off. All will be well.
  45. [23:47] <abrasiveCaliginist> Don't be concerned for my safety. I am strong, even if I do sound like a crywiggler at times.
  46. [23:48] <strikingBelladonna> Alright, if you wish to stride freely into a haunted city, then on your own head be it, though I distinctly remember you reaching out to me for comfort from the city's horrors.
  47. [23:49] <abrasiveCaliginist> Hm. Forgive me if that doesn't feel like much of an option anymore; I was an unwanted solicitor, and I shan't continue contacting you if such is still the case.
  48. [23:50] <abrasiveCaliginist> I've much to do, related to the city or not, with an increasing sense of urgency. Do you feel it, too?
  49. [23:50] <strikingBelladonna> Feel what?
  50. [23:50] <abrasiveCaliginist> That urgency.
  51. [23:51] <abrasiveCaliginist> That feeling pushing you forward. Do you feel it? Or is that just fatigue and blood loss talking? Who can tell anymore.
  52. [23:51] <strikingBelladonna> Blood loss?
  53. [23:52] == GETITINNANA [] has joined #RPGStuck_Khesed
  54. [23:52] == mode/#RPGStuck_Khesed [+o GETITINNANA] by Spock
  55. [23:52] <abrasiveCaliginist> It's not much blood loss. Well, less than usual. There is nothing to be concerned about. It's not important anyway. What of you? What will you do now?
  56. [23:52] <strikingBelladonna> What do you mean?
  57. [23:53] <abrasiveCaliginist> You've apologized. I've forgiven you. What's your next step?
  58. [23:53] <abrasiveCaliginist> If you wish to leave, such is your right.
  59. [23:54] <abrasiveCaliginist> I'm here to listen if you need an ear. Just... Don't ask for an eye. Ha ha haaaaah.
  60. [23:55] <strikingBelladonna> I don't think I'm quite understanding your meaning, Harken, leave what? Next step in what?
  61. [23:55] <abrasiveCaliginist> Ah. When I say "leave", I mean "cut contact with me". Part ways. Cut ties.
  62. [23:56] <strikingBelladonna> Oh.
  63. [23:56] <strikingBelladonna> If I wanted to cut contact with you, I wouldn't have apologized.
  64. [23:57] <abrasiveCaliginist> I see.
  65. [23:58] <strikingBelladonna> Sorry, I'm still learning to use these genuine muscles, you may need to bear with me while I occasionally misphrase certain things.
  66. [23:58] <abrasiveCaliginist> Hm. That's fine. Is apologizing a new thing for you?
  67. [23:59] <strikingBelladonna> All of this is.
  68. [00:00] <strikingBelladonna> But, still, I apologized to you out of a wish to not cut contact between the two of us. You're better than I thought.
  69. [00:02] <abrasiveCaliginist> It's okay. Really. I'm not as angry as I was six hours ago. I just... Got mad that I'd been lead on. The goofy part was that you told me it was so, a very long time ago, and is believed myself above such treatment.
  70. [00:02] <abrasiveCaliginist> All is well, however.
  71. [00:03] <abrasiveCaliginist> Anger isn't good for you. It's why I'm such a bad kismesis (fun though a good kismessitude can be): I've got a bad temper.
  72. [00:03] <abrasiveCaliginist> I can't stand being insulted, or mocked for things. I especially don't enjoy being heckled about my past, or embarrassing things I've done in the presence of others.
  73. [00:04] <abrasiveCaliginist> Constantly being mocked by Innana for ONE THING! She's a broken record, I say!
  74. [00:04] <strikingBelladonna> But, I did most of that too?
  75. [00:04] <abrasiveCaliginist> But I digress.
  76. [00:04] <abrasiveCaliginist> It doesn't matter anymore, Lexi.
  77. [00:05] <strikingBelladonna> No, I mean, you were not angry with me for it, you got all cute and flustered.
  78. [00:06] <abrasiveCaliginist> Well, you didn't do the whole "hive invasion" and "unwanted physical contact" things
  79. [00:07] <abrasiveCaliginist> So you have that in your favor. Good job. Ha ha haaaaah
  80. [00:07] <strikingBelladonna> You should go to sleep, Harken.
  81. [00:08] <abrasiveCaliginist> I should. Do you need anything?
  82. [00:08] <strikingBelladonna> Don't worry about it, we can speak after you've gotten the rest that you so obviously need.
  83. [00:09] <abrasiveCaliginist> Haha, Vera was right: I'm not very "abrasive" at all, huh?
  84. [00:09] == abrasiveCaliginist has changed nick to grumpyPuppy
  85. [00:09] <grumpyPuppy> This handle definitely suits me better.
  86. [00:09] <grumpyPuppy> Ha ha haaaah
  87. [00:09] <strikingBelladonna> One moment while I screenshot this for posterity...
  88. [00:10] <strikingBelladonna> Now, I believe it is really high past time for you to go to sleep, Harken.
  89. [00:10] <grumpyPuppy> Good night, Lexi.
  90. [00:10] <grumpyPuppy> Knock 'em dead, cully.
  91. [00:10] <strikingBelladonna> Good night, grumpy puppy.
  92. [00:11] * strikingBelladonna has ceased espering grumpyPuppy
  93. [00:11] <strikingBelladonna> ===END===
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