
Penny - Robophilia is a crime

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. >He was sick
  2. >That was what his therapist said
  3. >It was just a fetish, and he needed to find other outlets
  4. >Especially after they caught him about to break into that old abandoned pizza restaurant
  5. >Arrested and thrown in the back of a van
  6. >Awkward questions about why he had condoms and lube in bag when all he claimed to be doing was robbing the place
  7. >Confessing that he was a robophile, that was even more embarassing
  8. >In the end, he'd gotten off with little more than a warning and mandatory psych evaluation
  9. >"Find a more passive outlet for your obsession" said his psychiatrist
  10. >Yeah, right
  11. >He quietly vaulted the chain fence, nervously glancing around for any police officers
  12. >Walked up to a window and shunted it open, slowly sliding it upwards and slinking inside
  13. >It was dark, cold and damp
  14. >The three months of closure had not been kind on this place
  15. >Small patches of moss grew here and there, spurred by the rain dripping in through damaged ceiling tiles
  16. >Signs of animal infestation littered the ground, along with old food and drink containers
  17. >Please let them be fine, he thought to himself
  18. >Carefully tiptoeing into the main room, he sighted something
  19. >An old Penguin animatronic
  20. >Fuck yes
  21. >He walked around it, checking it out
  22. >From the chassis, it was clearly female
  23. >Not that that mattered to him, anything was fine
  24. >The small coin slot in the front of its chest was rusty and scratched
  25. >He grinned and rubbed at the front of his crotch
  26. >This was why he wanted to break into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
  27. >With a grunt, he hefted the penguin down to its knees
  28. >Heart thumping as he undid his pants, pulling his hardening member out
  29. >He grabbed the robot's head, and lined up his cock
  30. >As he started to push it past the penguin's beak, a robotic hand grabbed his back and forced it in
  31. >Black, torrid sludge spewed past his dick, covering the front of his legs
  32. >The pain began instantly
  33. >He screamed as the sludge melted it's way through his skin, his dissolving member tearing off
  34. >The robot rose, white pin point eyes and screaming metallic voice aimed towards him
  35. >"Y-Y-YOU S-SICK FUCK"
  36. >He was grabbed again, his lips forced against the robots beak, more of the corrosive black goo spewing into his mouth
  37. >His throat burnt as the machine gripped him in a twisted french kiss, vision growing black as he melted from the inside out
  38. >Legs burning to the bone
  39. >Lungs filled with acid
  40. >Brain melting
  41. >Eyes black
  42. >Lifesigns gone
  43. >The robotic penguin returned back to the stage, only stopping to tip her hat at the pile of slowly-melting gore on the tiled floor
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